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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] voting time people choose most popular most likely to succeed and most photogenic and yes you can vote for me in all three categories look at mandy she is shameless can you imagine if she gets voted most photogenic she'll be on page three the first face everyone sees when opening their yearbooks that would be a total disaster which is why everyone has to vote for me hi i'm clover i'm running for most photogenic and remember a vote for clover is a vote against mandy [Music] this isn't quite the ocean view i was expecting when i was invited on this luxury cruise yeah and where's my jacuzzi suite this is no cruise it's a rotten scam no not a rotten scam it's an evil plan terence terrance darling welcome all to my new headquarters from here we will vanquish jerry and the spies once and for all nice digs if you're a sardine i can't make the scene i got a boogie fine off with you then as for the rest of you i'll return you all to the cold clammy whoop jail cells from whence i sprung you splendid now allow me to introduce myrna b's bottom welcome to the league aiming to menace and overthrow spies you realize that spells lamos it's too late to change it now i've already printed all the stationery and t-shirts and key fobs and we're keeping the name now down to business who has a plan to take out the spies [Music] come on work with me here people ideas anyone hmm i know will replace their entire wardrobe with inflatable clothes that three little twits will float off into space [Laughter] [Music] next okay i got it i got it we implant micro speakers into their heads then blast them around the clock with muzak it'll draw them nuts it seems less is an appropriate name for you after all wait a second i've got it that's right vote clover for most photogenic remember everybody counts so why not vote twice or you look as bad as mandy i know campaigning is brutal on the complexion which is why for my page 3 photo i am going to fab photography they've got a hairstylist makeup artist fashion coordinator a roman therapist we get the idea to prepare i'm going straight home to unblock my pores you mean you don't have a date tonight campaigning is tough on a girl's social life too what about you too what's your excuse i can't believe it when's the last time we were all batting zero don't look now but i think we just hit a triple [Music] oh i think i'm seeing triple hi i'm clover and you guys are totally new here uh aren't you we just started today i'm skylar these are my brothers tyler and wyler we just moved down from canada went to wellesley high in calgary oh you're so far from home oh maybe we can show you around town later on that'd be great guess we'll see you girls around eh [Music] oh i can't believe it a canadian hottie for each of us maybe our luck is changing for the better hello super spies oh killer wheels jer it's the new coast cycle 9000 whoops first nuclear-powered motorcycle or at least it will be when it's finished [Applause] spies i have some disturbing news terence has escaped [Music] escaped sounds like you let him get away on you jer and curiously four other arch villains have flown the coop as well do you think there's a connection knowing my crazy brother we can't rule it out who knows what they're up to so you'd best stay on your guard and for your protection here are your gadgets a head for cover hoverboard an ultra sensitive hearing microphone communicator itty bitty mini bombs and finally a brand new gadget the reverse polarizing hair clip it can reverse electrical flow in any [Music] and now super spies gadgets are all well and good but i hope you've been keeping your new super agent martial art skills up to snuff we sure have great the right ambiance [Music] [Music] oh i'm late i've got to meet skyler at the museum ah yes your all-important social lives well don't forget super agents watch your backs [Music] you can just feel the dualistic quality of muted colors matched with the sharp angular curves representing a humanity struggle for peace in an increasingly dangerous world [Music] vander floops is definitely my favorite sculptor mine too [Music] that's quite a manly grip check it out you look amazing do you really think so you'll definitely win most photogenic now hey let's get our picture taken so we can document our cuteness smile where are you going tyler tyler [Music] i hope he doesn't have a commitment problem [Music] where's wyler the game's already started let me go [Music] why am i so tired got it how did he do that [Music] hey hey alex wyler where have you been let's get inside go beverly high hang him it was just totally attacked by someone in the sewer he got this goo all over me bummer come on let's grab some seeds what happened to your shirt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] kudos my dear mother your three plasmatics are working splendidly i mean he was totally weird and the way skyler's hand glowed was really strange guys why so negative we have boyfriends who are all equally hot we should be bonding but clover i thought you said tyler flipped out just from a flash bulb so he doesn't like bright lights i'll just buy him a cute pair of shades problem solved [Music] oh saved by the groove this new mall is way cool great place to catch a major sugar rush and boy do i need it how come we're all so white hot guys usually make us feel great maybe it's because they're a little too hot skyler had one major fever or maybe it was that goop on my leg my hex powder says it has a major negative charge wow if it isn't the trio of terror so clover how's your campaign going for most photogenic thanks to this i'm gonna win big time fab photo they did my picture too they're the best in the biz they might even be able to make you look halfway decent you got your headshot done there why don't you let me turn that in for you after all i am on the yearbook staff and you're on the yearbook staff may the hottest hottie win there go my chances come on we've gotta focus here i think something's freaky about skyler tyler and wyler freaky but tyler's my soul mates well before you exchange friendship rings let's see if we can find out more about them they said they went to wellesley high in calgary right that's weird they didn't go there nobody goes there there is no wealthy high in calgary i say we go to their place and get the lowdown on them you guys have a lot to learn about trust [Music] this is their floor [Music] oh okay major deja vu vibe going on here it's like we just snuck into our own house still believe tyler's normal i guess not unless he really is my soul mate and he decorated his room as a shrine to me [Music] okay this is beyond freaky this was just like my room it's even got my kaleidoscopic carpet what's with these weird [Music] what's tubes a secret door [Music] it's like they're recharging or something so they're robots i don't think that's electricity it's like they're recharging with the energy they stole from us what is that stuff hey that's just like the gunk that creep got on my leg oh guys sorry boys [Music] that's my signature super spy move where'd he learn that tyler just did a rabbit punch smackdown on me he's not supposed to know that move oh oh they've got our rooms they've got our moves they're not only draining our energy they're taking our entire lives from us i know we should blaze out of here but i can barely move [Music] all i wanted was a soul meat these things are draining our energy even more what's with them wait a minute that completely drained them of their energy i'm picking up something with my ultra sensitive earring microphone communicator they're getting commands from someone it sounds like myrna bees bottom our nutty ex-nanny who tried to marry jerry now that the spies are done for i want you to infiltrate whoop headquarters and destroy jerry once and for all where are they going to get jerry we've got to stop them but how we're losing energy by the second wait a minute you're so right alex that hair clip totally doesn't work for her no it's the reverse polarizing hair clip we can use it to reverse the energy flow in these tubes great thinking alex almost there got it [Music] i feel like i just had a double espresso mocha i guess that'll have to do let's go [Music] my sensors register tension in your upper back so i switch to whispering pines [Music] [Applause] what stop right there how did you learn the triple flip sandwich kick these super agent moves totally rock you seem oddly familiar wait what are you doing [Music] get ready for like a major header chair no you'll expose us to the nuclear fuel okay fun's over drop him boys now next time sam please just say let him go here fellas let's totally take cover no it will break the glass [Music] i don't know how much longer i can hold up so sweet not so fast i may be old but i'm limber don't you realize you only radiate yourself as well like so what of course they're plasma based robots radiation doesn't affect them but intense light does right gladys let's boogie down with some disco fever you got it get them into the deep freezer [Music] you're not coming out until you've cooled off good work super spies now we must wait they're getting a transmission again gladys amplify the signal i said attack my plasmatic trio smooth move bees bottom got any more bright ideas is that tim's scam they failed me and you failed me they're all working together looks like they really are out to get us you see it's important you all stay on guard speaking of important i've got to find out if i want most photogenic huh [Music] well clover the votes have been counted time to see who truly is most photogenic and i have a feeling it's going to be me gee that would be a big shocker considering you're on the yearbook stephanol bev high students don't forget to pick up your new yearbook we're happy to announce this year's winner of most photogenic is none other than mandy i did it i won oh all those hours of hard work and riding the judges have finally paid off and clover that's right this year ended in a tie so both girls will share the honors hey i want to share the honors i don't share anything least of all the cup page three of the yearbook congratulations clover you've managed to win the contest and make mandy mad oh no there wasn't enough room on the page so they combined our photos all my cute parts are mixed with your hideous parts [Laughter] congratulations winners welcome to sam study secrets part one if you really wanna do well in school you've gotta master the art of cramming for tests i mean first the supplies books personalized paper pink highlighter and plenty of freshly sharpened number two pencils i like the ones with the fluffy pencil toppers okay now for your attire comfy jammies are crucial foodies optional for snacks i like veggie chips and a nice cup of hot mexican cocoa ready it's time to get to work right after my favorite show passion hospital's over bye [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my oh [Music] five six seven eight hurry up we got a date nine ten eleven something tells me that wasn't part of the routine maybe they should consider working it in it's broken it's broken now your arm your leg my life is ruined how can i feel good if i don't look good yeah how will you survive oh please everyone knows it's what's on the outside that counts [Music] this is all your fault clover you threw off the balance of the pyramid with your cheap hair moves now what am i gonna do for the rest of the semester while my nails growl's back hello all you have to do is get fake nails ugh mandy doesn't do fake why don't you join the bev tv station manny they're looking for on-air talent since they only shoot from the waist up no one will see your hands that is a brilliant idea after all what more do you need to get through life than a pretty face great i'll show you where to sign up tv station david wait stop procrastinating and hurry up girls we're falling as fast as we can excellent you're here yeah just in time to discover that you're a total slob jer this mess is exactly why i summoned you to take inventory of all these gadgets what since when do we have to take inventory we're super spies now plus last time we checked gladys was your assistant i am not an assistant i am a casual lending and distribution interactive system and taking inventory is beneath me it's settled then i'll check back with you later so where should we start i guess with these multi-function charm bracelet heat sensor motion detectors sunglasses and the wind tunnel hair dryer would the heat sensor motion detector sunglasses be filed under h for heat or s for sunglasses how about b for boring hey a video game i knew jer wasn't all work and no play [Music] wow rad video game i think that video game was more like a teleporting gadget alex we better give jared call so we can come pick us up [Music] great landing must have broken our x powders well then i guess there's only one thing we can do walk back to whoop no go shopping huh haven't seen this store before it's a bit euro for beverly hills but if it's the new trend who might argue how can you feel good if you don't look good totally it's what's on the outside that counts where have i heard that before after all what more do you need to get through life than a pretty face is it me or does everyone sound like you can't judge a person by their looks then how can you know who to date tune in tonight for a very special live edition of as the world revolves around mandy mandy wait a sec the bev tv station is closed circuit it can't broadcast this far you mean she has a real tv show life could be cruel yeah cruel to mandy i mean i've heard of the camera adding pounds but years ah girls i don't think we're in beverly hills anymore jerry's gadget wasn't a teleporter it was a time machine you mean we're 15 years in the future 20. who cares about math i just lost my youth boy they're not kidding when they say it goes by fast forget youth we have bigger problems in case you haven't noticed mandy is a mega celebrity we have to get to whoop so jared can transport us back to the past where mandy's just just just mandy and not some super-sized superstar [Music] it won't accept our code rejected as if [Music] way to accessorize this out of a sticky situation clover [Music] weird everything's covered in plastic reminds me of my grandmother's house let's power up gladys you'll know what's going on hmm huh it's just like her to be difficult at a time like this maybe you better do it the old-fashioned way and hotwire her [Applause] [Music] sam clover alex what are you doing here and why do you look so young we found jerry's time machine and well here we are but where's whoop boop shut down years ago shut down as enclosed in a word yes what about in several words jerry was getting old and tired so he had himself cryogenically frozen his plan is to thaw himself in 100 years in hopes that science will have advanced enough to extend his life whoa whoa amazing yeah amazingly gross he looks all pruny clover what it's not like he can hear me hmm gladys you must know how to get us back to the past being jerry's assistant and all i am not an assistant i am a gadget lending and distribution interactive system and operating a time machine is beneath me well what are we supposed to do now hey maybe we can help ourselves now's not the time for new age cliches sammy we need a way back no no no our future selves maybe our 2025 cells can help us that's right there are two of us now gladys what ever happened to us you went into business for yourselves you loved being spies too much to give it up just because jerry retired oh wow we sound so great all right then let's pay ourselves a little visit [Music] check us out we still live together how awesome more like pathetic i mean hello 30 something and still single on second thought maybe we should let ourselves in that looks like us and we don't look like we want to be going wherever that thing is taking us [Music] okay so i haven't worked out for a few days but should i be this winded i am with you i feel like i've been on a shopathon and i don't even have anything to show for it the time travel must be affecting our molecular structure at this rate i don't think we have much time before we deteriorate into nothingness in that case we better look for clues asap oh cute i wonder if i'll mind if i borrow it for myself wow it's like i don't even know myself anymore okay i'm still me awesome now this is something to look forward to i wonder if i still have the same password i am so predictable and so changing that when i get home let's see what files i have emails personal bingo work let's see what the last file was that i worked on mandy clover alex come check this out we have a file on mandy and look at this she went from having one talk show to running mandy media enterprises all in the span of a month she is enterprising i think we think she's more than enterprising she's up to something bad so she must be behind the abduction then never thought i'd say this but it's time to pay mandy a little visit guess a big celeb like her can't have too much security [Music] well she's not shy good morning mandy live with mandy judge mandy mandy90210 hey didn't jumbotron mandy say she was doing a special live show tonight hey good idea we'll sabotage her broadcast or we can look for clues to find out what she's up to yeah okay sam except for the shameless self-obsession it all looks pretty normal to me except i've never seen a camera like this before pretty high-tech stuff [Music] there's a weird pulsing inside the chassis like some sort of transmitter did you hear that there's a room behind this wall oh maybe one of these no how about this one third time's charm [Music] now what is mindy up to with these cheap holographic knockoffs i don't know but that so totally doesn't look like me but it is me i mean i am you hmm we actually traveled through time with your time machine a good try but i don't recall doing that and if you were really me then i'd remember wouldn't i that makes total sense and i can see where you i mean i would think that except no you see the cycle has to start somewhere and we're it so you haven't experienced it yet therefore you can't remember it yet this is so like us to travel through time to save ourselves we're awesome well we sort of got here by accident but now that we're here we'll get us out of this mess totally i mean for one thing i need to know where i got that outfit that's really cute yeah i'm not so sure you can get away with something like that anymore clover i mean you are kind of old trust me you won't feel old when you're actually here says you i'm already feeling it in fact i'm not so sure i'll even make it to 2025. you have to or i won't make it and if i don't make it we won't be able to stop mandy for broadcasting her hypnotizing show into every house across the world so that's what the transmitter is for it's some sort of hypnotic device but we have to stop that show from airing but first we need to get you out of here careful these frames are electrically charged well well well what freak of nature do we have here [Music] your worst nightmare double trouble hardly nothing will stop me from manifying the entire planet man defying don't you mean hypnotizing why earn something when you can just take it and once everyone worships me like they do in mandy hills i'll be the number one celebrity of all time oh [Music] enjoy the show i always thought i was a much better fighter than that sorry the time travel is wreaking havoc with our chemistry our energy level is zip and getting worse by the second well if we don't get out soon not only will mandy be the number one global celeb spouting off for shallow mendy isms but we'll be forced to watch it becoming hypnotized ourselves yeah but how do we get out when we can't even touch the glass not without really messing up our hair at the very least [Music] are you thinking what i'm thinking no i think you're thinking what i'm thinking will someone tell me what the sands are thinking the wind tunnel 9000 we can't touch the glass because we'll get shocked but maybe we can melt it without ever touching it okay that was freaky to watch [Music] save yourselves go on without me make that us i'm done too you girls go to whoop and defrost jury so you can get back to the past we'll go after mandy thanks i always knew i could count on myself [Music] welcome to as the world revolves around mandy my guest tonight is me because when you're perfect no one else will do and i'm here to invite you into my coveted world because you too can be just like me sorry show cancelled i'm sure [Music] [Music] say cheese [Music] sorry your 15 minutes are up he's thawing or melting whatever he's doing he better pick up the pace because my knees are seriously buckling here drat i thought i'd wake up in the future not the past you are in the future well sort of i mean we are actually the ones in the future thanks to your time machine and you're technically in the oh oh all i know is we need to get home chair are you saying my time machine worked yes see you're so good at your job you don't even realize it it's a shame you're retired thanks sam but my you're all looking rather peaked we need to put the pedal to the metal chair or else we might not have the strength to travel say no more now where did i put that time machine well since i never actually used it i haven't seen it for decades hello may i suggest you look in the file of unused gadgets of course it's in cold storage file xj923 gladys fetch the machine fetching is beneath me jerry gladys well if you put it that way oh jer it's good to see you up and and thought clover sam alex we stopped the broadcast but we just couldn't let us leave without saying goodbye what about the damage already done oh you know how fickle fans are everyone will be emulating someone else next week right we'll just put her in the holding facility cool new feature jer when'd you put that in i believe i created that in 2010. you know all this spy activity is making me feel quite invigorated 20 years younger in fact i think i'll reopen whoops just because you're back doesn't mean you can start bossing me around jerry just like old times um maybe alex was right we really can't pull that off anymore thanks if you can't be honest with yourself all right girls are you ready [Music] oh my i must say your lack of progress is rather disappointing we'll explain later right now we've got to change the future change the future girls what's going on here less questioning and more helping as in find me a gadget that can make my nails grow back pronto i'm sure i must have something [Music] ah here you are thanks jer you know you look 20 years younger all of a sudden ah [Music] [Music] okay girls time to sell it wow clover do you really think you will be head cheerleader of course she will alex with mandy out of the picture now luckily she'll never get her hands on my super nail enhancing polish [Music] hi mandy you better hurry before you miss your audition i have better things to do than a stupid high school tv show now that i'm back in form after all it's what's on the outside that counts hmm well that's it everything's back to normal shouldn't we be happier than this changing the course of history isn't as simple as it seems let's just hope nothing else comes along to steer mandy or anyone in that direction again hey clover you know you should think about trying out for the tv spot me famous tv celeb do you think they'll broadcast all the way to clover hill no thanks not interested [Music] this is like so exciting i've decided to share my super secret beauty tips just for you oh as you can see the precise combination of powder to shadow to blush to gloss needs to be highly safe guarded but not to worry well like i was saying oh natural for the face is the way to go this season [Music] [Music] [Music] really well you should see the shoes i just got they totally matched the earrings i got last week i could put together the cutest outfit [Music] wake up sleepyhead what's up where's the flyer that should do the trick it's hats off to them all day wear a hat get half off [Music] but it's so early do we have to go right now no i suppose we could wait till later when all the good stuff is picked over [Music] you've got spydale oh [Music] hmm coming to town would love to see you and go down memory lane your ex-band mate tammy remarkable hey jer who's this tammy person we used to be in a band together called double digits i haven't seen her in over 20 years that's 19 longer than i've been around hmm it's been so long i hope she'll recognize me you mean now that you're in your double digits or are you in your triple digits very humorous oh wait there's an attachment [Music] it looks like the tammy i remember only older dear tammy i'd love to see you too where shall we meet [Music] [Music] please tell me you're going to a costume party no better my latest invention the 80 fire has just been tested and it's a smash hit is that so do tell more all it takes is the spin of a dial and a press of a button next stop the groove where it's cyanide spies who knew it could be this easy and fun now if you could only apply your technology to fixing up this place we'd be in perfect shape [Music] come on let's oops go me can i take this silly thing off poor fellow and kiss our savings goodbye forget it you're only heading into the most fabulous shoe store ever that's what you said about the last shoe store trust me this one is fabulous sir [Music] aren't we so lucky to be living in a city that's on the cutting edge of fashion trends [Music] [Applause] [Music] strappy or slingback bow [Music] what do you think's going on maybe ricky mathis is performing a surprise gig at the food court no way let's go for ricky fans these people don't look very happy [Music] what's happening somehow everything and everyone is turning all retro [Music] but how [Music] look it's that guy over there he has no right to do icky things to our beloved mom that is so not a hat [Music] [Music] oh no what oh no right back at you [Music] [Applause] [Music] what were you just saying about being on the cutting edge of fashion i don't remember but right now i'm about to go over the edge this is the most heinous villain we've ever encountered girls i think we better ditch the groove and check in with jerry [Music] mine is yours yours is mine yes i'll love his cosmic face yes i love his cosmic name oh [Music] ladies jerry something really weird just happened at the groove don't tell me your credit card was rejected no see there was this guy we had these two other people and suddenly there was a zap with this giant gun thingy and there was a shiny blue light and everyone was dressed really funny like you you'll have to excuse them ever since they were hit they've been acting a little strange maybe this is just some sort of mall promotion that would be a pretty terrible promotion is it possible you were hit too the only thing i've been hit with is a major case of nostalgia believe it or not this is how we used to dress 20 years ago guess it really didn't matter where you were back then since there was no electricity i'm meeting my old band mate tammy for dinner tonight you were in a band well yes double digits i've never heard of it don't feel bad neither has anyone else what gladys means to say is that it was a little before your time well tough for now mine is jones yours is mine yes i love this cosmic babe okay you guys one minute we're on a shopping spree and the next we're running from a shooting spree don't you think something's up [Laughter] you guys stop it this is serious clover are you looking younger must be my new moisturizer alex you too something's going on here gladys scan the city for any signs of a disruptive male with two evil henchmen in tow calculating coordinates now i've zapped the girls with the 80 fire and you know what that means yes we saw your performance at the groove good work now it's just a matter of time before the spies are history i hate to be the bearer of bad news but you only hit two of them what all right i'm going back out to finish the job girls there seems to be a disturbance at the groove the groove we've got to get over there they can't mess with our favorite hangout let's hit it wait for your gadgets today you'll get the m-ray contact lens the barrett tracking device in baby blue and the laser nail file good luck me me i want the pretty barrette [Music] gotcha [Music] [Music] okay this is severely messed up attacking the groove once was bad enough but attacking it twice is totally jerky where are the smoothie shops they didn't exist in the 80s remember but i'm thirsty and i'm tired girls we don't have time for drinks or naps hey look huh that girl could be mandy's little sister it is mandy nice threads is the thrift shop having its annual clearance sale um when's the last time you looked in a mirror ah i totally need this mirror it takes practically five years off my life you can't have the mirror mandy it's mine but i want it what are these nasty clothes get them off me what happened clover pluck a strand for analysis it's for your own good why is this happening to me now pluck one of your own i don't wanna ow gladys we need to run a check on this asap you got it i've got the results go ahead there's a substance present that progresses the age of anything it comes in contact with so the rate that the guy shot is regressing everything it hits and turning the clock back on it so not only do you look younger but your dna is actually younger which means we don't have a lot of time then let's get this creep before it's too late [Music] hmm i'm looking unusually good today [Music] tammy jerry you look amazing as do you hard to believe it's been 20 years shall we those girls have got to be around here somewhere batman's gotta be around here somewhere travel 12 o'clock [Music] welcome to the club come on we gotta find him ew [Music] are you kidding what you can't put the pedal to the metal and you can barely reach the pedal [Music] he could be anywhere he must have slipped into one of these buildings there he is [Music] [Applause] we lost him the emery contact lens should help us find him bingo [Music] so what got you thinking about the band after all these years i was listening to the radio and they were playing some weak pop song i thought i used to do this and i was much better we were quite a team i never realized how much i missed it i feel so rejuvenated can i interest you in starting up the band again i thought you'd never ask how do we get in there come on [Music] well i'm pleased to say progress has been made i know that voice it sounds like our old friend boogie gus i thought we'd heard the last of that next guy turn beverly hills into my own private 80s wonderland he's not alone he must be in cahoots with someone but who and did you really just use the word coats in a couple of hours it'll be like the spies never existed at all come on girls let's prove how much we do exists let's go stop it [Music] don't worry in a few minutes neither you or your pain will exist anymore welcome to my favorite room in the house i like to call it the neon graveyard now with you finally out of the way i can turn the world into my own private 80s wonderland that's what this is about i'm like 10 years old and even i know that idea is lamer than lame yeah who would want to go back to the 80s that was like 100 years ago [Music] things should start to get toasty right around now [Music] i can't stand neon lights to make my headache that's the least of our problems neon heat is generated so fast and furiously that we'll melt if we don't figure a way out of here you were even a brainiac when you were younger our gig at the state fair go-kart track how could i forget the roar of the crowd or was it the roar of the go-karts hmm what is it do you see what i see [Music] hello everyone we're double digits and we're here to sense pop your world mine is yours yours is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] my hair is totally frizzing out and i mean even more than before i need some water before i totally shrivel up that's it water what are you doing cooling things off in here that's better but how do we get down oh that's how okay we better go catch this guy quick or it's gonna be way past my bedtime let's send boogie guts back to the 80s for good [Music] all right all right everybody once again we're double digits and we thank you for coming tonight jerry can you hear me jerry be right back what is it sam i'm in the middle of something very important i think my important is way more important than you're very important gotcha i'll be right there you'll have to excuse me something urgent's come up no prob take your time he's running west on main quick we can catch up huh the last time we left off you were dangling in the neon graveyard if that didn't do you win then this certainly will jerry hey you look amazing thank you but now's not the time for compliments what have we got here boogie gus is trying to zap us into oblivion and then turn the city into his own 80s playground all right then [Music] [Applause] [Music] alex move the dial back to our normal ages sure being 10 has its perks but i've already been there done that that was not cool [Music] i should have known my evil brother at the controls looks like your brother's recruited more of our old friends than we thought i don't know about you but i have got to get out of these clothes [Music] and i thought wearing a sombrero to the groove was the weirdest thing that would happen to me today what are you doing jer just confirming that tammy's interested in starting up our band again i don't know jerry you're a busy man when would you have time to practice i'm a firm believer in making time for the things you love oh she wrote back yes i'm very interested in starting up the band but i don't think you're the right fit but we're a duet yes we were now i'm a solo artist does that make her a single digit don't worry jer you're still part of our group hey guys today i'm going to show you one of the coolest soccer moves i know bouncing the ball on your head all you need to do is set the ball on your head and start off slowly and before you know it you'll be bouncing like a pro then when you've had enough stopping is easy you just uh sort of that would make get it off [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] history will remember this my good citizens the day we finished our dream community the ocean palisades the perfect place to live [Applause] perfect for you maybe oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey but they're not even dry yet clover sorry girls this can't wait you mean you actually found something more important to you than our weekly manny yes my love life the dating thing [Music] alex sam meet the love computer she's gonna find me the perfect guy [Music] uh clover i hate to break it to you but there's no such thing as the perfect guy and even if there was what does the computer know about matchmaking everything clover may i have your love questionnaire your perfect guy has bluey green eyes is strong but gentle artistic but with an advanced grasp of natural and applied science buff but not bulky likes dogs his name starts with a t uh piggy much i am not picky just highly selective now give me that you're wasting valuable dating minutes here elsie the name of your perfect match is no one [Music] no one but you promised to search under every rock on the planet for my perfect guy i did and nada though there was a match on pluto really no just kidding ha ha better luck next time wait come back i demand a refund can you believe the nerve of her she kind of reminds me of gladys come on clover let's go back to the salon you can drown your sorrows in a penny [Music] ah good afternoon girls whoa awesome wheels chair glad you like it because the naplus ultra 3000 is for you no way okay my team crisis is officially over this baby screams guy magnet what's the occasion jer no occasion just a little something to show how much i appreciate you gladys why don't you tell the girls about their new ride oh if i must the mpu-3000 is voice activated and made of titanium alloy it is virtually indestructible and since it has a high power invisibility shield ideal for sucrifuge invisibility shield way cool too bad we'll never use it since pretty much the whole point of our existence is to be seen here is where you can access your gadgets laser nail file suction cup bottom gogo boots multi-function charm bracelets and turbo bungee belts equipped with a stash of high-powered mini bombs excellent actually girls you won't need your arsenal there is no mission you have the weekend off new car time off is anyone thinking what i'm thinking do you girls have a destination in mind uncharted dating territory now let's roll not without me [Music] uh clover i know you're in a hurry to find a date no but do you think you can slow down a little it's not me it's the npu 3000 this thing totally has a mind of its own you just have to be firm with it npu 3000 slow down windshield wipers off truck close look out [Applause] [Music] virtually indestructible i don't think so [Music] hey what happened to the red-haired guy and more importantly where are we maybe this is some kind of 1950s theme park yeah and the theme is uber hottie [Music] are you ladies okay we are now in that case welcome to the ocean palisades a model community unlike anywhere else i'm todd and i'm smitten i mean clover thanks todd i'm sam and that's alex sorry we really did a job on your gate don't worry sam we'll have it fixed in a jiffy [Applause] [Music] wow wish they could fix our ride like that the op has a perfect auto shop that can do it meanwhile would you like a tour of our town [Music] lead the way perfect match i mean todd [Music] don't cry muffy [Music] how interesting [Music] everyone who lives in the op pitches in when anyone's in trouble good job they have white teeth and flawless skin eop is a perfect dentist and a perfect dermatologist okay this is getting ridiculous is there some kind of good samaritan competition going on no op citizens are nice by nature perfectly nice i'm into nice i'm also into perfection i've seen the best for last this is our town square isn't it perfect yeah cool why don't we hit the mall what's a mall you are so hilarious i am wait there really is no mall here how is that possible who needs a dumb mall when we have a romantic clock tower [Music] why don't we go up and check out the view todd go up the clock tower we can't it's a violation why is there something special about it i don't know not all questions have answers hey what's that whatever it is it belongs in the trash littering is forbidden in the op it looks like some kind of microchip with a red hair stuck to it hey didn't that guy we almost hit have red hair yeah you must know this teenager who was running away no one runs away from the op [Music] wait todd where are you going home it's curfew curfew it's like seven o'clock [Music] i'll see you girls tomorrow [Music] [Music] okay who else has the feeling everything here is not as perfect as it seems totally this place is so random and so dark violation i repeat violation something tells me we just overstayed our welcome yep it's definitely time to split split but i haven't even gone on a date with todd yet great all roads lead to nowhere aggressive much you have broken curfew you should be home studying trust me we'd love to go home unfortunately our car broke down oh you mean you're not from the o.p hello beverly hills isn't it obvious in that case we have a visitor center where you can spend the night i think you'll find the accommodations to be perfect [Music] the mirror wasn't kidding these dicks are perfect yeah perfectly creepy check this out perfect lawns and perfect gardens perfect communities like this will be this infomercial is on every and channel on the phone too which fyi makes calling todd totally impossible [Music] no mall no tv no telephone what kind of place is this i think we better call jerry hold on there sammy no need to go all super spy on us yeah just cause we're in freaksville doesn't mean we should spoil our one free weekend exactly from now on i say we only channel good thoughts like how bad it will be to see todd tomorrow i guess you're right just because this place is weird doesn't necessarily mean it's whoop worthy besides we could use some beauties [Music] they could do the opi untold harm in fact they might have already contaminated our children's minds the outsiders will be gone in the morning then everything will be perfectly normal again hmm [Music] [Music] him i don't know but i think it's safe to say the time for channeling good thoughts is officially over it's locked also locked are we guests here are prisoners neither we're spies [Music] hey where'd they go i don't know but they definitely dragged him along here [Music] yeah straight into that perfectly nasty root cellar let's go [Music] i don't want to be controlled anymore i want to have my own thoughts sorry honey but your thoughts are just too dangerous red your rebelliousness and antisocial behavior must be neutralized let me get this straight they don't have a mall but they have an underground laboratory where it looks like they're using red as a human guinea pig hey that's just like the microchip we found maybe it was implanted in him and he took it out somehow well it looks like they're gonna put it back in so they can control them then again maybe they won't okay drop the microchip and planning neutralizer thingy and nobody gets hurt i could smell you were trouble the moment i set eyes on you oh i'm so quaking don't you dare harm a hair on my son's head we are so never gonna live this down we don't allow impudence in the op prepare to be neutralized not so fast missy [Music] oh i feel so so angry deceived violated no perfect geez change sides much alex [Music] wait if we get caught we can't free her you're right we need backup hang tight alex duh like i have a choice [Music] so bottom line your dad's the mastermind behind an evil plot to turn teenagers everywhere into mindless zombies i really hope this doesn't affect our relationship i've always known there was something different about my dad so you'll help us hmm man there are a lot of tunnels underneath this town yeah i guess i don't ever come down here turn right if you never come down here how do you know we should turn right todd [Applause] he has prevented you from contaminating our world with your wild behavior contaminate how some questions don't have answers alex are you okay okay i'm perfect and soon you will be too [Music] any ideas yeah i was wondering if todd maybe had a brother i meant about how we're gonna get out of here oh that consider it done [Music] after this there'll be no more trouble from them ever again [Music] okay we escape the freaky implantation process what now we figure out where the microchips are getting their power from there's gotta be a transmitter around here somewhere [Music] the club tower we need to get there fast the nvu 3000 it's coming to help us we're like run us over and pu 3 000 stop whoa good thing it's not invisible wait that's it if we want the npu to help us all we have to do is tell it what we don't want it to do and it'll listen great idea sammy confusing but great i've got it under control npu 3000 don't go after the adults [Music] does anyone else hear a car hit it right for [Music] so what's the plan we wire the bombs in sequence each one sets the next one off bombs are strictly forbidden in the op [Music] may i have the honors go for it npu 3000 don't head for the tower [Music] okay on the count of three one two now our perfect community [Music] didn't there used to be like a giant clock around here somewhere will 4-1 when you later girls you've eradicated malignant of every sort but uncovering a plot by parents to turn their teenagers into mindless unfeeling zombies that's a new one so you're locking up all the bad moms and dads no that would be a little harsh we're sentencing them to a thousand hours of community service and compulsory parenting classes they were kind of pathetic i mean who would be afraid of their own kids who indeed by the way i haven't seen the npu 3000 anywhere collateral damage where'd you get that thing anyway from a whoop auction of goods confiscated from perpetrators that would explain why it was such a lemon todd whoa what happened to perfect guy i don't know but suddenly i'm over perfection i want someone normal with cute facial hair hey clover you want to hang out sure great my band's having its first practice hey you wouldn't mind carrying some speakers would you nuts i just remembered i have a mani booked later todd over normal already big time so what's up for the rest of the weekend let's go shopping the topic of today's seminar is modern love literacy after all what better way to tell the person you're crushing on how you feel than an amorous email let's start with a salutation dear so-and-so easy enough now all you have to do is tell that special someone exactly how you feel about them just dive right in just let the words flow straight from the heart okay on second thought maybe feelings of love are best expressed face to face with the object of your crush [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] what's going on [Music] oh [Music] was the longest week of my life tell me about it three finals two essays in an oral presentation isn't school it's midterm torture only serious girly bonding can save us now we'll relax with facials move into magazine time then finish with a money marathon hate to rain on the girly parade but it looks like our report cards arrived early but we just barely finished oh have i mentioned i hate technology don't worry al i'm sure we all did fine [Music] i guess all those late nights cramming after missions really paid off mostly a's and b's a c in metal shop only counts if i want to be a blacksmith which fyi i so don't oh [Music] oh f's but how is that possible i've been working so incredibly hard this semester well we have had 23 missions this month alone yeah even chair said we've been ridiculously busy this year but you two did great why is this happening to me alex what are you doing i may be an f student but i know one thing my parents cannot find out about this a lecture from them and i'll be wishing for baddies oh no it's them it's my parents calling from england what do i do what do i do first of all don't panic yeah i mean maybe they're just calling to say hi hey mom hey dad all f's were very disappointed in you young lady very disappointed but but i can explain it's too late your father and i have come to a decision since it's obvious we can't trust you alone in beverly hills anymore what do you mean anymore we've enrolled you in dorsal academy a top boarding school in england where we can keep an eye on you dorsal is known for producing some of the smartest students in the world don't i get a say about this no [Music] alex what is it what did your parents say there i'm my parents are sending me to boarding school in england england [Music] but you can't leave we'll miss you too much i'm gonna miss the way you always have to shower at exactly 7 13 every single morning it's not forever i'll get my grades up and i'll be back in bev hills before you can say hey plus we'll still see each other on missions hmm afternoon ladies okay for ricky i had no idea whoopi worked both ways jerry what are you doing here i just heard the sad news i'm going to miss you alex even though i know joe will be good for you joe who's joe bye jolly old england of course i went to boarding school there and look how brilliantly i turned out not even gonna touch that one uh what's with the suitcase chair oh uh right i'm having my apartment fumigated for dust mites and need a place to stay one might even say i'm desperate one might even say no way it's only temporary you won't even know i'm here all right you can stay but only under certain conditions yeah you can pitch a tent in the garden and the upstairs is a strictly no gear zone capisce [Applause] that must be my ride promise will always forever [Music] bye [Music] [Music] i'm headmaster charleston welcome to dorsal academy alex i'm certain you're going to enjoy your time here maybe if these uniforms weren't so itchy and not only will dorsal boost your grades will enlighten you in ways you can't even imagine cool you're going to be a superior creature any questions uh just one why is it called dorsal academy the school is named after the dorsal fin of our marine neighbors the mighty dolphin a cleverly complex creature known for its superior intellect superior kindness and superior wit wow guess you really love your marine mammals indeed now here's your class schedule a map of the campus and a little history on dorsal you'd better get to class now yes sir [Music] my word she is the perfect candidate one might even say superior [Music] excuse me but i thought this was supposed to be a language class it is language class duh hmm i had no idea european languages were this musical guess we're stuck with the newbie just stand here don't get in the way i'll have you know i won gold for the bedhill swim team team bluefin is the winner three years in a row wow you guys are fast [Music] fish awesome i could use a little taste of home whole fish but where's the sashimi where are the california rolls that settles it this place is officially freaky the only thing freaky around here is you i bet sam clover and jerry are whooping it up right now having a grand old time [Music] use my cashmere sweater as a different i'm sorry oh i wonder if that's alex alex we miss you so much not as much as i miss you these brits are seriously weird you can't even imagine what i've been through today speaking of weird brits jer is seriously getting on our nerves i'm standing right here i just wish we had another mission so we could all hang again i think the guy would know how to use the microwave in the 21st century no we better go talk to you later bye half an hour till my next class hey i still haven't seen my dorm room yet maybe i'll have time for a quick cat nap to recharge wetness levels temperature control echo silencing wow joe sure has some weird water beds um very dry please cool it's just like being back in bev hills maybe england won't be so bad after all dorsal academy was named after the dolphins characteristic dorsal pin yes i'm not allowed to take a nap in the afternoon [Music] i'm sorry girls i i don't know what happened well i do you left a shaving cream warmer on and it set off the sprinklers the entire kitchen is flooded and you've ruined my hair that's alex's distress signal weird there's no answer it's not like alex not to respond you'd better go to england and check it out super spies great idea thought you'd never ask don't forget your gadgets you'll need the ultra sensitive hearing microphone communicators the mini bomb the laser nail file and the brand new cherry flavored bubble protection bubble gum have a safe mission why do uniforms always have to be so uncomfortable and itchy i don't know it must be in the international conspiracy we should have jared look into it come on alex's distress calls coming from the third floor [Music] okay that is officially the weirdest water bed i have ever seen let's just hope it never catches on back across the pond i'm getting mildewy just looking at it alex never goes anywhere without her x powder something is definitely up hey check it out a photo of the school's headmaster let's just say his title is very apropos freaky i say we pay him a visit and find out if he knows what happened to our best friend let's do it looks like we missed him in that case let's move from undercover reconnaissance to full-on spy mission wow headmaster charleston really loves his dolphins and sure he even takes vacation pictures with them clover what did you do what did i do we're like what did that freaky headmaster do do [Music] i think he's turning alex into a dolphin we have to get her out of there stand back clover you're about to get wet for the second time today not so fast we've come to enjoy having alex around you private schools are all the same you just want to change everyone into exact copies of you granted the dolphin things a little weird ah i see you've met my family your family are dolphins crazy much after i fell off my family's yacht when i was 10 dolphins raised me and what do these kind creatures get in return polluted oceans fishing nets and speed boat collisions well not anymore let me guess you're gonna change everyone into half human half dolphins so they'll be more respectful of mother nature yes with my dolphinator how did you know i've been spending so much time around baddies lately i've learned to finish their sentences problem is dolphins are so cute and cuddly it's hard to take your threats seriously we'll see about that get them what's happening it's a bubble net dolphins use them to catch prey and spies just when you think things can't get any stranger lean [Music] great job sammy but how exactly are we gonna get out of here let's call jer maybe he'll have an idea [Music] jerry it's sam what's going on i'm sorry sam i i can barely hear you it must be a bad connection sell it to someone who's buying here you're having an unauthorized party in our house sorry girls i gotta go i can't believe it we're about to be dolphinized and jer just hung up on us huh forget jerry we have bigger problems this bubble's gonna flow now that's what i call thinking outside the box come on we got to get out of here why did you remove me i loved it in there i felt so imperturbable so phlegmatic and perturbable phlegmatic alex are you okay headmaster charleston promised to make me a more illuminated creature i think he succeeded now you only think being a dolphin person is a good thing but trust me your ginormous head is never gonna look good in any hairstyle it's too late to reason with alex let's just grab the dolphinator so we can turn her back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for the alert alex you truly are one of us not for long [Music] shame on you fool me twice how's that singing kind of busy for cliches clover hey whatever happened to best friends forever it's impossible for land dwellers and sea dwellers to be friends i thought dolphins were supposed to be peaceful creatures don't do this sam dolphins are meant to roam free [Music] with what i'm wearing [Music] quick we can hide under the bleachers [Music] hey i've got an idea if i rewire my ultra sensitive earring microphone communicator to record the dolphin calls maybe i can lure everyone into the pool and change the back that is brilliant clover i'm buying you a month of many pedis for this it almost makes up for making me wear the stacky helmet nice and slippery for our incoming guests did you get it oh stop what are you doing clover don't worry alex we know what's best for you judging from your hideous uniforms you can all use a dose of my fashion sense [Music] guess you can take the guy out of dorsal but you can't take the dorsal off the guy you're just lucky i'm back to normal bub guess it's a new normal [Music] how long was i gone for jerry you can run a major spy agency we can't trust you alone in our house for one day you're not leaving here until everything is and spam gladys [Music] i'm just glad to be home even if i do have to go back to england next week good news honey seems there was a mix-up at school the f's didn't belong to you you got a's and b's we're so proud of you does that mean i can stay in bev hills as long as you promise to come and visit us more often [Music] the best friends are back together again oh i'm so happy i'm even gonna let you watch while i get my free mani pedis courtesy of sam oh wait if those grades weren't mine who's the poor sap who got all f's but how is that possible you are grounded for the rest of the year young lady and that means no dates you can't be serious the boys of bev hills will be lost without me somehow i think they'll survive yeah that just means more for us [Music] after a particularly stressful mission it's always important to center yourself and relax with a nice round of yoga okay now let's get started lesson number one the lotus first you put your right leg over your left shoulder like so then you put your left leg over your right shoulder like so then you raise yourself up on your hands lesson number two always do yoga with the best friend sam clover i need you [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] boy i really cracked him up tonight so my adoring public wants an autograph well it'll cost you [Music] [Music] wow i found your lecture on cold fusion to be so interesting mr roberts may i clean those test tubes for you uh thank you sam it's wonderful to see a student so interested in chemistry oh hi sam i guess you were serious when you said you'd hit up mr r for extra credit is it working [Music] oh what a total coincidence that's my favorite movie too i love the part clover is this the guy you said you were majorly crushing on oh he's just as cute as you said he was you know she really really likes you okay i'll leave you two lovebirds alone [Music] way to totally blow it alex you are the absolute worst at keeping a secret what are you guys talking about i'm an expert at keeping secrets hello remember that time we had to cancel a party because you told the neighbors about it or the time you told my english teacher i downloaded my essay from the internet none of those were my fault i can totally keep things to myself i didn't tell sam that you lost her favorite cd did i oops wait you lost my cd i didn't really lose it i just kind of lent it to this guy and oh where's it from oh look at the little big babies welcome super spies how did you like the babies from the woo day cat they were cute but not so cuddly hey new tie jer i love it you always know exactly what to wear well i once was runner-up in the most dapper man in manchester contest but sam didn't you say that jerry's tasting clothes was hideous [Music] so dear what's up oh uh yes well people in the entertainment district are being attacked by a mysterious entity strangely the attacks have only been on performers like singers comedians and magicians whoa tough crowd i want you girls to go there and investigate gladys will supply you with some gadgets to help you on your mission i'm giving you press on fingernail darts low gravity go go boots net throwing mascara and the lipstick microphone camera and a new item red heat throat lozenges how do they work well i'm glad you asked time for a little demonstration off to the dojo [Music] the red heat throat lozenge as soon as the lozenge comes into contact with your salivary glands it releases oh dear not now it releases uh thanks for the demo jer i think we get the idea the red heat lozenges are good for melting objects and for clearing one's sinuses okay alex we've got some really juicy gossip but you can't tell anyone don't worry it's safe with me just tell me tell me okay really gladys can't believe it remember you can't tell anyone you have to keep it a secret to regain our trust don't worry it's in the vault [Music] most of the performers are being attacked in this area the latest incident occurred at this club to a magician named the amazing molotov [Applause] excuse me are you the amazing molotov um what's with the outfit you want a crowd laughing with you not at you she's lost her voice so you petted a goat that bit you you fed a giant bag of candy to a baby no no i got it you opened a box and a cat jumped at your face i've got it we'll just get her to write down what happened does it say i'm not sure her handwriting isn't that good besides it's in russian oh this isn't getting us anywhere it's jerry girls there's been reports of a suspicious figure prowling around the concert hall down the street chair what do you know about glass says you know glasses like sunglasses never mind [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sounds like we crashed a concert we're gonna need a better view to find our suspect [Music] [Applause] this is perfect [Applause] i'll say i can't believe i'm at a valet concert isn't he dreamy these will look great in my locker uh we're supposed to be looking for a suspect not starting a fan club wait i think i see him clover cut this morning and start zooming he's either our guy or just some geek waiting to get his accordion sign [Music] [Applause] valet has lost his beautiful voice and worse he looks like a clown come on our suspect is getting away [Music] after him i thought accordions were bad enough but now they steal people's voices too hurry [Music] up [Music] [Music] it's fine really no excuse me okay buddy your recital is over your aim is as bad as your music [Applause] whoa fashion disaster of the century much white paint it must have come from mr accordion i'll send it to woot for analysis oh don't worry you guys look great in fact it'll probably start a new trend at school everyone's going to be doing it in no time well girls i've got something that will help you oh my goodness what happened to you um whatever happened it's uh great what a unique um look it's such stylish uniforms a trend just waiting to happen oh sorry sam i'm all out of crackers but here try these devices they'll help you communicate just type into it and it'll translate your text into words alex says she hates the way the computer force sounds she'd rather use puppets to get her points across what on earth are you doing rather low tech but i suppose that could work too at least now she'll have a hard time telling people secrets i analyze the white paint you sent in it contains traces of dna from a mime who goes by the name of jazz hands so this jazz hands must be the one behind the attacks but why is he stealing people's voices let's find him and ask him [Music] jazz hands last known address is around here i think we should use our hologram projection mood rings to help us fit in [Music] well at least we aren't clowns big for yourself oh but it works for you sammy yeah like whatever [Music] i have a feeling that jazz hands has been here recently where's alex okay the socks were bad enough this is ridiculous well well well what do we have here [Music] what's with the super weak costumes see stuart i told you they were clueless losers what are you two doing together oh i owe it all to alex if she didn't blub about your secret crush i never would have stolen him away from you what are you doing stop it alex you're like totally freaking us out we mean you no harm i always thought you guys were like freaks but this takes the cake sorry clover i could never hang out with somebody with such weird friends thanks alex no you can't have gravel flavored ice cream we're here to find jazz hands home guys over here that's gotta be the place [Music] [Applause] he's showing footage of himself performing [Applause] he's not very good no wonder an accordion playing mime like get a clue and it looks like he's got raging jealousy issues with other performers what what's going on [Music] you know a ballerina that has salt in her eyes you've always dreamed of being a window washer you want to buy a lamp at a flea market [Music] too bad you couldn't just mime your own business hey i thought mimes weren't supposed to talk oh that's just a misconception perpetuated by the man-hating media in fact we are all allowed to talk offstage why would i have a telephone if i didn't talk that would be ridiculous as well as a total waste of money can we get on with this you can't talk to me like that i am the world's greatest mime [Music] i have a diploma from the international mime academy you may not understand the intricate craft of mine but you will respect me this mine means business so i suppose you don't want to talk things through huh no one shall defeat the power of the mind okay this is totally not cool being a mime isn't about being cool it's about the out of body movement subtle gestures non-verbal communication something you'll come to understand that was just the opening act it's time for the star of the show the ultimate mime weapon the invisible box okay anyone else feeling a little claustrophobic ah there's no point in struggling you can't get out ingenious in its simplicity the invisible box is harder than it looks why aren't you doing this i've been shunned by the arts community because they don't understand my genius so i'm going to turn the entire world into a silent one then everyone will realize how difficult my mood is not just anyone can be a mime it's a craft a craft i tell you [Laughter] [Music] i'm not sure how it was possible but now i hate mimes even more i'm suffocating we've got to get out of here before we run out of air i think i know a way out help me rock this box back and forth now we've got to stop jazz hands or everyone in the world will be wearing those same hideous outfits sorry if i were a mime where would i go ew like i'd ever be a mime you are laughed at me well now i'm laughing at you here's this time for our jet pack backpacks come on sam get that white face loser sorry about that ah the critics of my mood never stop like they always say a true artist is never understood during his time [Music] just like your career jazz hands you're going dead so you think but you'll find that we mimes are full of surprises we are silent but violent did he just say silent but violent apprentice minds eliminate them [Applause] [Music] hey check it out i'm miming i deserve that it's time for the fingernail darts [Applause] gladys we need someone to pick up some bad guys i'm sending over some coordinates i won't let you talkies ruin my plan the show's over jazz hands ah mine's out quitters we never stop bringing joy and pleasure to audiences everywhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] this balloon is out of control gee i never would have guessed what's the matter girls not enjoying my performance is that how typical unfortunately you won't be around for the encore mom says tingling [Music] why don't you just give up and let minds rule the world do i really need to answer that we can't keep this up we're going to need a plan [Music] that's have you perfect considered that everyone hates your act because you're not very good that's so untrue but yet your words hurt me what are you doing unhand me here's my review of your latest performance there isn't a cell strong enough to hold me mimes are resilient there's no way you'll stop me alex could we get some quiet time [Music] great job spies jazz hands will have a long time to perfect his craft in our whoop detention center oh thanks gladys it's good to have my voice back luckily we were able to reverse the effects on everyone jazz hands attacked by careful manipulation of his accordion gladys i have to know did you ask out jerry's photocopier yet what are you talking about everyone knows that you have a crush on jerry's photocopier and you don't want jerry to know i think it's really cute alex that was a secret that's it you leave us our choice i didn't mean it it just slipped out just give me one more chance my photocopier oh please there's no time for inter-office romances today's topic is how a smart girl can impress a boy as you know the brain is the major organ of the central nervous system and the control center for all the body's activities the brain is also an important tool that can be used to show that special someone that there is more to you than meets the eye see me it's your new hunky boyfriend vincent vincent me was waiting you call hear phone to me thing call me hey even a smart girl like myself can have a brain freeze every once in a while [Music] [Music] so [Music] lights out hey smalls nice teddy bear don't you know they're not allowed in prison [Music] [Music] who would have thought it would be so easy for a small person to escape from the big house [Music] can you please hurry up and pick something already it's not my fault the fall lineup has too many must-see shows how am i supposed to know which ones i can't live without watching this is so much easier when clover's driving the remote you actually like watching the shopping channel 24 7. [Music] wait a sec if this is an earthquake why is our house the only one shaking if it isn't an earthquake what's going on um clover hey guys what's up two questions why are you tap dancing and how come you're so bad at it duh i'm trying to find my best talent so i can impress the judges at the pageant pageant hello have you two been locked in fitting rooms for the last two months it's almost time for the annual miss beverly hills pageant and i plan to clean up not dancing like that you won't okay so maybe tap dancing isn't my thing but when i do figure out my talent i'll be the one driving home in my new awesome convertible getting unlimited mani pedis not to mention bragging rights for a full calendar year the pageant's in a couple of days that doesn't give you much time please i've got plenty of time no i don't i have to go sign up by today come on guys you're going to give me moral support and no you don't have a choice [Music] isn't this exciting oh yeah completely exciting yeah and all the excitement i forgot to get excited what color do you think my tiara will be i'm thinking pink nothing says crushing victory like a pink tiara wow clover you've already got it all worked out you bet watch this me you really want me thank you thank you i love you all um maybe you should actually enter the pageant first or better yet don't bother oh hi mandy i thought i smelled something funny i don't know why you girls are even wasting your time when i'm obviously going to win tell you what man i'll be nice when i win i'll let you hold my flowers while i put on my pink victory tiara tell you what clove get ready to eat my sparkling pageant dust i have got an edge on everyone else well yeah me too and my edge will out at your edge any day good one clover sorry girls gotta run before too much of your uncool rubs off on me excuse me oh it is so on so what exactly is this edge you were talking about clover it's obviously not your tap dancing no there's a special new spa treatment called the butymizer that's going to have me looking pageant perfect a spa visit not a bad idea clover maybe i'll join you wow [Music] you're going to love the butamizer it's a total full body makeover [Music] this baby does everything in a single pass nails hair makeup well let's get started already i'd better make my hair smile eyes and attitude bigger because bigger is all that matters when it comes to winning pageants there's 827 spots of beverly hills and mandy shows up here [Music] someone is in my machine this is an outrage i made reservations like hours ago i'm sorry miss we have another spot here [Music] which one is clover in revenge is sweet my little clover [Music] i may be small but let's see how you like being really really tall enjoy the new you clover [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] so how do i look wow clover you look amazing totally we need sunglasses just to look at your smile you are so gonna win the pageant yeah but the only problem is hey it's mandy whoa wow i can't believe it she looks really good wow move over girls your next miss beverly hills just enter the building [Music] mandy showed up at the spot for the same treatment can you believe it what i can't believe is how much bigger mandy's looking since when did mandy become an amazon oh i am so taking these defective shoes back to the store come on ladies this is physical education class so let's get physical [Music] enjoy it it's the last one you'll get [Music] after that one [Music] this was just a warm up for the pageant [Music] hold on a sec jerry spies reports have come in that two girls have gone missing in the beverly hills area here are the files we've assembled on the two girls here are cans of super sticky mega moose neck throwing mascara and a tornado hair dryer hey i just cross referenced the names both girls had signed up to compete in the pageant really that's great less competition maybe we should sit on this case for a while you know until the pageant is over or we could get right on it we'll start by keeping an eye on the other contestants that should be easy enough they all hang out at the groove [Music] alex sam are you there what is it clover a suspect no but check it out huh oh pageant judges love a girl who can juggle she juggles as well as she tap dances hello this is a stakeout clover we're supposed to be inconspicuous hey that was our favorite juice joint they had awesome banana blueberry smoothies she's huge nobody trashes the grooving gets away with it [Music] huh [Music] well she trashed the groove and got away with it but at least we have this let's see whose dna this is we've got a match and it's mandy mandy a 15 foot tall monster come on she's only five eight and four inch heels didn't it seem strange that she was spiking the volleyball today i guess in fact mandy's been acting totally strange ever since the spa treatment are you thinking what i'm thinking spotty i could still use another scout massage right now i mean while we're investigating of course i love the treatment so much i just had to bring my friends i'm so pleased now if you would just step into the machine thanks but we'll take care of it from here we prefer to be alone for our treatments but this was mandy's machine the copycat weird this doesn't look like it belongs here hello girls hey jer we need you to analyze this computer chip for us no problem just plug it into your x powder jerry you're huge i mean we're talking serious fathead thank you clover that is because the tube you found is a maximizer it's designed to make anything bigger including my hologram apparently okay so the chip made mandy bigger but why did it make her meaner well mandy isn't the nicest person in the world maybe he's enlarged her bad attitude as well but who would want a gigantic mandy that doesn't matter right now we need to save those kidnapped girls first i got the wrong machine i guess i'm going to have to do it the old-fashioned way with my alpha x-10 maximizer [Applause] looks clear we'll have them out in a second well this case is all the wrapped up except that mega mandy is still on the loose [Music] ah okay she was bad enough at 15 feet tall but this is just ridiculous ridiculous when i win the she's pageant strong yeah she's totally got man hands oh we're trapped like dolls in a dollhouse how are we gonna get out they'll blast our way out wait i've got a better idea hey mandy where'd you get your hair done the car wash oh i'm sorry what i meant to say was you've got a bigger mustache than my pizza delivery guy nice job i like the part about the mustache well it's hello true remember this oh you grope [Applause] clover are you okay i'm fine but i feel a little funny [Music] wow beverly hills looks really nice from up here look i can see the groove ew copycat is there a single original boat in your body hello it's not like i asked to be turned into a 50-foot tall monster like you just remember no matter how much you want to be like me everyone knows who the most beautiful girl in beverly hills is if you think you're getting that tiara it's already mine will you catty little [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we need to cut smalls down to size already on it [Music] i know heels hurt but that would have been serious and i had a pool party planned for the weekend [Music] [Applause] if we don't get that maximizer off small soon we can kiss our whole neighborhood goodbye i've got something to gum up his plans nice shot sam what can i say i've had years of practice with hair products [Applause] no my maximizer i spent an entire afternoon building that i should be able to reverse this hurry up they just stepped on your bike what [Music] your nails look like you got them at the hardware store uh oops i guess i had the power too high oh look how cute they are they're so tiny can i keep them forget it [Music] obviously someone knew they were gonna lose that pageant and wanted me out of the way you you wouldn't have a chance of winning even if you bribed all the judges excellent work agents i must admit we weren't even aware diminutive smalls had escaped he's just so small and easy to misplace i bet you can't even spell tiara my word how long have those two been at it ever since they met well i'll need to take mandy with me we'll erase her memory of this event and return her home make sure you also erase her memory about the pageant she won't even know she entered what if you even think about messing with my memory there there we won't do anything like that oh well i tried [Applause] [Music] this is it the part of the night where you lose oh really i thought this was the part where i get the tiara and you get the t-shirt that says sore loser on it after long deliberation the judges have made their decision and the winner of the annual beverly hills pageant is gloria [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know it's so not easy being a girl in beverly hills coordinating clothing is like a full-time job it gets worse you might totally love that new top you bought but you can't even think about wearing it more than once a month so you need another system to keep track of what you wore when see i wore this outfit last tuesday so according to this chart i can wear the top again next year wait hold on this skirt goes with this top but i can't wear it with this purse until 2052 okay you know what i'm just going to wear black [Music] you
Channel: Totally Spies!
Views: 2,469,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: totally spies, alex, sam, clover, spies, totally, pink, teen, gadgets, official, tv, full length episode, jerry, villian, hero, girl, girl power, totally spies full episodes, totally spy spy girls, tottaly spies, 🚨TOTALLY SPIES - FULL EPISODES COMPILATION! Season 4, Episode 1-7 🌸
Id: EEJdgp7Dwuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 53sec (9113 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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