the boys go to the gulag

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yeah warden uh yep is there any other guards around here any other new recruits is this it no it's not just you three you actually have another recruit it's phil hi phil oh is he is he okay yeah no he loves it here ain't that right phil yeah i can't take this no more attention all right new recruits welcome to the gulag here we got the most dangerous and the most sh p youtubers in the world all right our job is to make sure they stay in line and mainly in their cages y'all got that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sure we are going to go on a very simple mission right now we're just making our rounds all right we're all gonna go make sure everyone's good and this will be your first task are you ready oh you're ready yeah yeah but yeah all right i'm ready uh that's uh um i love your enthusiasm we're just we're just checking who's this guy oh that's tony yeah no terrible accident yeah he's supposed to be he's supposed to give me a sandwich like 10 minutes ago it was 15. uh was he a new recruit was yeah now he's dead all right boys making us excuse me tony oh by the way uh just to warn you uh be careful on round number 13. why is what does that mean all right gentlemen here's number 13. well get back get back get back i need to see the distance give some distance all right what is he doing hey what you doing in there number 13 doing okay see all these lines on the other the the little lines everywhere that's uh that's how many times i've jerked off wow that's awesome oh that's really important today what oh okay i think he's adding another one today everyone come to he just knocked it while he was looking at him bingo all right that was that was third number 13. you thought he was bad just wait until you see number 14. what's what's wrong with 14. oh oh god oh my god where did he get a gun what the [ __ ] did you say to me little [ __ ] jesus christ oh my gosh who was that well that was ninja he just got killed again damn that mixer deal really went down the drain didn't it all right i'm familiar with this one boys this is number 15. and this guy's uh been looked up for something pretty serious yeah i've heard about him they say he's the worst of the worst this this guy here is locked up for doing uh terrible puns number 15. what does that say welcome to the jewel lag ah yeah that's offensive that's can we get away my jokes oh god jesus keep getting those knives i don't mean to blow this out of proportion okay everyone just move on okay that's a live house enough my reviews are about to explode oh [ __ ] well the two out of the three prisoners on our patrol are dead it's actually pretty good you're sorry you guys had to see that pun making guy but his number his number the blank space check it out what the hell who's this this man's been doing math for years some advanced stuff yeah yeah prisoner what some pretty advanced stuff what a what are you trying to work out there pal i don't know i don't understand the numbers so i've tried starting to use letters it's making it worse it's not getting any easier oh okay okay that's it all right hey well this place is really stop 17 17. wait who's in here oh yeah we call him the photographer he's 17. how's it going mate good good yeah i'm just looking at my my pictures okay when you tell us a little bit about your photos mate okay no one's ever no one's ever asked that before wow okay um so this is me and my friends before school right uh-huh yeah this is my favorite russian boy band what's the name uh just like oh yeah yeah you have you guys heard of them nah they're pretty they're not bad oh oh oh this one this one this is my dog fluffy oh okay uh narrator this what's this guy doing in here like he seems relatively normal everyone else is like crazy this is pretty and this one this one this is what i dressed up as ronald mcdonald smoked pcp and ate my neighbor's kid there it is otherwise known as rock and roll what's the deal with this guy dude what's up oh hell yeah dude rock and roll yeah what's wrong with him dude he was a rock and roll legend back in the 80s but freak accident happened and now he just can't stop rocking please somebody kill me they're stuck like this please me help me out on the back wall get on the back oh nice please you just keep dropping it you don't know what it's like every time i try to wipe my fingers just put me down yeah hey kitchen yeah it's the warden yeah tell them we got some extra beef patties coming in today roger that okay okay jesus christ oh my god oh my god this place is [ __ ] mental dude yeah warden uh yeah is there any other guards around here well anyone at all any other new recruits is this it no it's not just you three you actually have another recruit it's phil oh there it hi phil oh is he is he is he okay yeah no he loves it here ain't that right phil yeah i can't take this [ __ ] no more how long was that guy working here for a whole day i can't wait for my lunch break burgers are going to be good all right all right that was this is all right everything's [ __ ] number 23 what are you doing what's this guy in for well what do you see he's a serial offender serial killer like just some cereal that you put milk on worse this man is a serial [ __ ] i did it again wouldn't oh god damn it 23. it's the burgers all right take take your [ __ ] down to the gulag and get it washed off all right literally and i'll do it tomorrow as well oh why is there green parts in here i'm a complicated individual in the workings of my lower intestine are an enigma [Laughter] oh god it's the brony oh my god look him directly in the eyes okay that's i can't okay all right boys next one i think number 27 is next 26 died in a grease fire yesterday uh what's uh stupid this guy's just washing his hands seems like a pretty regular kind of oh yeah no he used to work here yeah we just like [ __ ] with him he scared a clown so we put that picture on the wall okay hey guys what watch this watch this hey 27 huh buy you what's wrong with him why is he doing that oh no he's just terrified of clowns a clown stomped on his nut sack when he was like like 17 years old turn it to dust get back get back number nine number nine get back get back on yourself hey hey what's his problem what's going on he never listens he disobeys me at every turn he keeps saying the same thing no you're begging yourself get back at yourself get straighter you stay right there what's this guy in here for what's what the hell's wrong with me seems kind of funny a little bit disagreeable well if you look on the side it says he has a sickness nope nope nope nope nope is that why he's written it all these times nope oh yes do you mean nope nope what's your name nope is that literally all he says it's just no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait literally always says nope nope watch this hey uh hey buddy nope big fat [ __ ] [ __ ] says nope right nope guys guys seriously don't antagonize no nope is your penis big nope all right we're already down the rabbit hole hey nope are those knee pads not just for blowing guys nope hey uh if you say no you [ __ ] the bed nope oh is he waiting all right okay well i mean that's pretty much it uh that was the tour made our rounds pretty good day only what was it like like like eight people died yeah it's pretty good pretty good yeah yeah it's actually lower yeah that's a good point but yeah but uh i i did uh after making the rounds i kind of found something out here uh there are four of you uh we have two chairs oh so i thought of the best way to handle it yeah easy uh easy way to figure this out uh you gotta fight to the death in the gulag welcome to the two three four five six six six to the sixth actual world gulag uh how many people are like games trying to do this out all four of us dude i just came in for a job dude i'm just looking for a summer job josh look at the summer job applications i won't let you down josh i don't give a [ __ ] another one let you down we're gonna be working that off together come up juicy all right at the sound of my we ha you shall you shall go against each other in a knife fight to the death on your marks dude this is like more aggressive recruiting than google gets it we are he's pulling out he's i'm the american in his resume i'll do anything i'll do anything you want please just drop the gun drop the gun but molly used sad tears you are the winner please come up you are being hired yes i can pay rent this week this is now round two of the selections job interview yeah who will win you'll draw your knives at the sound of my cougar scream three two one wow all right oh no what's wrong i don't have a knife only have the old nut snippers oh hold on oh god there he is poor smashing paws help all right molly's just tossed down on the knife jesus christ just throw that at my face dude tell me where he is boys tell me where he is this is a fair job lubrication bully okay [Applause] all right i don't want to win [Music] you
Channel: JoshDub
Views: 6,001,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, joshdub, virtual reality, vr gaming, funny moments, vr funny moments, best vr moments, memes, comedy, funny, mully, juicy, your narrator, narrator, juicyfruitsnacks, eddie, eddie vr, the boys, the boys vr, pavlov
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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