this is why mum left

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juicy juice what are you doing i'm gonna do a cannonball no darn it's dangerous get down one juicy two three did you see that wow i wanna do that no smashing you can't if you slip and hurt yourself you are going to do some damage and it's too expensive to take you to the hospital again oh my god smashing get down get down you're going to hurt yourself oh my god just to call an ambulance call an ambulance he's going to hurt himself smashing get down from there don't do it get down right now mister i'm gonna do a swan dive because i'm grateful oh no no i'm smashing jesse called the ambulance call the ambulance just i told you this wasn't a smart idea oh my god every time you do something he wants to copy you you should know that he okay i can't feel my neck before this video starts i want to say a big thanks to dragon city for sponsoring this video dragon city is free to play it's available on android ios windows and amazon i'm really excited to announce that they've put my own dragon in the game you can feed him you can train him and then you can take him to battle there's three ways that you can get the mully dragon the first way you can get him is you can purchase him in game using gems purchasing is available up until august 2nd the second way you can obtain him is through breeding this is also available until august 2nd and the third way you can get him is by playing the maze event island this is available from july 25th until july 29th all you have to do is collect maze coins you can do this by feeding the dragon battling with the dragon and collecting gold with the dragon then all you have to do is move the dragon to the end of the maze once you finish the path and complete the maze you get to keep him so if you want special access to him click the link in description and download the game today there are also hundreds of dragons that you can collect which then you can breed together to get new ones so click the link in the description right now to download the game and get your money dragon and get ready to have some crazy adventures in dragon city now with that being said enjoy the video it's goofy grape voice what are you doing we're watching cartoons it's goofy grape goofy grape no no more goofy grape i don't want to watch this anymore no more goofy grapes what have you done juicy watch goofy grave we've been watching it for eight hours it doesn't matter oh my god where is he smashing smashing what are you are you okay mate you want to watch your goofy grape come on i wanna watch gooby guy but come on come on then come on let's do it on my cable let him watch his shows juicy we've been watching it all day it doesn't matter look doesn't matter goopy grapes still the funniest molly wait wait wait wait wait we can sort this out we can sort this out we can sort this out are we going to buy another tv no i can't afford that i'm sorry you cost a lot to look after if you haven't noticed you're a bit different to juicy you take a lot more to maintain what do you mean i eat more paint so i get more calcium that's why my bones are so strong look how strong my neck is i think the pain's giving you a little a little bit more than just calcium all right all right enough enough enough okay juicy you let him watch his show okay and then you can watch your show right come on boys come on mm-hmm i'll turn it on for you i'll turn it on for you smashing duty great to be great there you go gooby grape goofy great he's gonna be great i love goofy great look at his funny hat molly can i have a hat like that who's this [ __ ] get off my telly wait goofy great booby grape he's been watching the same episode of goofy grape for three years i can't do this [ __ ] there's only one episode of goofy grape that was ever released and it's all he's ever watched i can't [ __ ] take it he's so smart goofy great oh my god smashing that's enough that's enough stop no more goofy great no more come on we're gonna have some lunch now come on just one more episode can i just watch one more episode there only is one episode yeah but it's so good i need some pressure i need some pressure i'm gonna [ __ ] pop dude i'm gonna lose it you need to be more chewy like goofy grape i just need to let it out i just need to let it out just give me a moment just give me a moment what are you doing juicy i just need a minute goofy grape goofy grape okay all right he's going to watch it again juicy there's nothing i can do about it he's actually juicy look he's he loves it molly i'm gonna do something you should have done the day he was born oh put that down no i'm taking him out no i'm taking him out you'll be great funny face scooby grape gooey smashing oh you've come towards goofy great with me doofy stop watching goofy grape baby smashing smashing smashing you all right look what you've done look what you've done to him juicy smash smashing come here come here smashing come here he won't hurt you come on come on come on mate my legs don't work come on smash come on juicy stop giving him the finger he's sensitive oh i farted oh my god okay how old are you stop stop can't you just get along you're some brothers you're the brothers this is why mum left juicy no don't point at him don't point at him he did nothing he's just watching his cartoons in the morning have you even done your chores have you even done your chores while you're watching cartoons anyway actually because i did my chores i pooed in the toilet not in the sink okay well that's good work high five high five little man you're making progress yeah you see juicy you just don't like me because i don't have a cool neck like him no i do no it's not about favoritism look listen boys come here come come in come in i know it's been hard since mum left all right she just walked out on us i don't know why maybe it was because of my chronic alcohol addiction or the fact that smashing wouldn't stop [ __ ] on the floor or juicy it was probably that one time that you know remember when she was breastfeeding you that one time and you bit a nipple so hard that they ripped off it's probably that anyway you guys are brothers you have to stop fighting all right you're tearing this family apart especially you smashing just because of the way you look it's your fault you shouldn't have been doing so many drugs when you're [ __ ] mummy no [Music] i let me get this straight you little [ __ ] [ __ ] i wasn't the one doing drugs okay you guys are twins but for some reason when she had yous all right all the that she was doing absorbed into you yeah you got all of it yeah you got all the yeah you got all the bones you got all the bones it's [ __ ] i wish i had some more bones no the only one who was getting the bone was your mother yeah yeah yeah yeah good one yes it's your mum though that's kind of [ __ ] weird juicy and can't we just get along yeah no stop stop okay listen this is what's gonna happen why don't you guys go outside and play i'm gonna cook us up some burgers and we'll have some lunch together no smashing don't no no no smash it turn it off turn it off juicy turn it off juicy turn it off stop punching the tv do you know what's that costume that's it it's off no more goofy grape no more goofy grape go outside right now go outside juicy oh my god did we not just have a talk about being able to jesse stop back flipping on the couch i've told you a hundred times you're nervous ah do you wanna be grounded again do you i understand why mom left oh i hate you smashing might look different to you juicy but you have anger management issues i can kill you oh my god how dare you use it talk to me like that juicy you need to calm down it's okay okay stop all right relax relax just remember what gooby grape does see gooby grape grape happy see happy juicy he's shaking i think he needs to do a poo no that's lord forgive me lord forgive me for what i'm about to do to this brush oh god they're gonna write about what i'm gonna do to you it's gonna go down in history it's the greatest human travesty i'm gonna be famous oh yeah you're gonna be famous all right in the obituaries that's for [ __ ] sure i'm not a [ __ ] don't no listen all right let's stop i'm gonna cook us up some food and we're gonna have a good day all right okay and then gooby grape later later yes yes you gooby grape gooby grape gooby grape goopy grape goopy grape goopy grape gooby grape goopy grip juicy don't just leave it just leave it all right just i should have aborted him okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i did this you took an l you took a big l on that one we both who wants a burger boys who's hungry i want probably juicy i know how much you love berbers all right well i've got three here can anyone tell me how many we're getting each if i've got three burgers how many are we getting each four no that's wrong [ __ ] four c four that's five he's holding up five oh my god oh look they're nearly done boys they're nearly done excited juicy no smashing stop all right get your plate get your plate get your plate you see you want one here here you go just grip it like that i can't for some reason the scoop doesn't work look oh oh i got it i got it i gotta another one that one had lawn on it i cannot win with you guys you know juicy yours is about to fall off your plate be careful juicy you're gonna eat that yeah whoa you just dropped this burger on the ground you have the plate i'll have you're going to give me a different burger right you won't no no oh my god juicy come here i go i got one left for you yeah yeah i'll get it here ready get your plate ready i'm gonna flick it off for you all right oh i'm gonna catch it look juicy it's down here wait where is it where'd it go it's over here it's over here if for some reason when you flick the burgers they go flying dude i'm sorry is that the burper it's so sad seeing a wasted berber like this i think it's got dog [ __ ] on it why is the world so cruel bully what do you want you gonna eat that now i have a sandwich [Laughter] smashing what are you doing gooby grape it's my favorite episode you've you've watched this episode like five times today already it's the same thing every time smashing it's 16 times today poopy grape koopie grape gooby grape it's orange is the wise boy i love this show goofy gooby grip oh he turned off oh no i guess it's over why don't you go read a book or something in your room i want to watch gooby grape oh my god gooby grape go be great be great okay [ __ ] this [ __ ] where's juicy where's you where's your brother where's juicy i don't know he's not watching gooby grape gooby great oh my god juicy juicy juicy what's wrong mate oh are you drinking oh rolly why are you drinking beer where did you even get this from this was in my stash look at that give me no you can't be drinking you never let me do anything ever you're drunk juicy why have you been drinking what is wrong with you you always spend more time with smashing than me and he ate all my berbers i love them all three they're covered in lawn i'm a throw up no you're not you're not no don't uh i'm a throw up no juicy you've been drinking too much juicy come back you're gonna go to the toilet to throw up juicy what are you doing oh juicy what the [ __ ] oh i don't feel so good pizza i don't remember eating pizza oh my god i'm going to remember eating pizza no he's not smashing no no stomach smashing put that down juicy just throw that up oh that's foul it's disgusting that is gross smashing do you know what would go good with this pizza oh what goofy grape goobies smashing what's wrong why did mum leave um that's that's not even mom dude that's not mom we got that at goodwill for three dollars yeah that was just a piece of art i actually don't even know who this woman is no not mum it's that's not no trust me enough it was mum you'd know if it was mum yeah she had a stomper rack [Laughter] hey the video's over another special thanks to dragon city for sponsoring this video dragon city is free to play and it's available on a lot of platforms it's available on apple android windows and amazon click the link in the description right now to download the game and try to get my dragon in the events or with gems he's green he's green little baby boy you can feed him you can involve him into the bigger green dragon you can basically use him to take over the world it's the best dragon in the whole game just remember to click the link in the description to download dragon city and start playing today and once again thanks to dragon city for sponsoring this video
Channel: Mully
Views: 10,615,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, vr, the boys, the boys vr, vr game, vr gameplay, vr gaming, vr funny moments, vr funny, vr moments, virtual reality, gaming, gaming moments, gaming funny, gaming funny moments, joshdub, mully, mully vr, eddie vr
Id: UJuwdEyDkXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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