You’re playing Aphelios WRONG, here’s why.. - Daynean Rotation Guide

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if you've ever watched any videos about aelas or played them yourself you're probably somewhat familiar with this rotation it's generally seen as a standard rotation and it's the one everybody keeps recommending now I'm about to tell you something real crazy it's bad I've been using a different rotation for like 2 years that looks something like this it's not very different but this simple change is going to make an insane difference to how you play aelas Let's get into it first up how do we even get to this rotation again if you've ever played aelas ear game is not going to look that different to what you're usually doing we start off the game with red green we get rid of red first then we get green purple and we drop green to get purple blue now this is where things change instead of dropping purple first as you would with the standard rotation we drop blue first this is where some people will probably scream at me and ask me why would you do that purple white is the worst combo first off it's worth it second of all let's look at how we get rid of the weapons when we get to blue purple the key is to to use up your ammo about equally for both weapons you don't want to use up all of infernum and end up with purple white with like 35 ammo left on grab them if you manage your ammo correctly you can get rid of blue and purple at about the same time so that you go straight into red whites real quick though I know people love to hate on purple white but if you do manage your ammo correctly it can actually be used as a great setup you can rout to engage getting rid of gravitum and go straight into the fight with red whites I try to do this a lot in my games because I feel it's sometimes actually stronger than fighting with red white right away also if your opponent te on purple white they might think you messed up and you can use that to bait them into fight with you only to whip out red white and kill them anyway once we're on red whites we get rid of red again just like with the standard rotation and we have successfully acquired the blue green rotation now this is where things get fun once you get rid of crescendum you get the blue green combo the main reason why we want to use this rotation but first we have to understand what makes the Synergy between these two so powerful the key lies within infernum Q's interaction with c ium as we know when you hit an enemy Champion with infernum Q they get attacked with your offhand weapon right after most players are used to seeing this interaction with gravitum crescendum or Sim when they use standard rotation however with calium there's a bit more to it when you hit an enemy with infernum Q they get attacked with calibrium from your offhand on top of that because of how calibrium works when it is used as your offhand it also leaves a Mark that fil is can proc to Auto the enemy again so that means Ailers can use a simple and instantaneous combo such as Auto attack into infer C to deal four instances of damage from a single ability let's compare this to what the standard rotation would look like at this point if we had graum instead of infernum right now we could use Auto attack into gravitum Q into Cal q and Mar Brock not bad the thing is that in this case we already had to use both weapons abilities if you look back at the blue green rotation if you use infernum Q like mentioned it does everything the other two weapons do combined and we still have an entire other ability to play around but it gets better because of how calium interacts as an offhand it takes a certain amount of time for the offhand Auto attack projectile to fly in the air to reach its Target now this gets a bit complicated here but bear with me during that window aelia's actual Auto attack cool down has already reset from when you autoed before infernum que it is possible during this window to squeeze in another Auto attack onto the enemy while the calium offand auto attack is still flying through the air to it start Target what that means essentially is that aelius is able to Auto attack twice at the same time when this interaction is happening that would be five instances of damage while playing around one ability obviously this doesn't happen every time you use infernum Q with calium there are two somewhat correlated factors the simple one is this you need enough attack speed you don't need a vast amount but from my experience if the second requirement which I'll get into in a second isn't met you need at least Berserker Graves Kraken Slayer or storm Riser and some points in your W the reason why there's no fixed amount you need is because of the second Factor the distance between you and your target enemy when you're using ferum Q on an enemy they can do one of three things they can stay exactly where they are they can get closer to you or they can get further away from you so let's look at case number one if they stay exactly where they are all it comes down to is your attack speed simple if they get closer to to you you will most likely never be able to squeeze the fifth out attack into the combo that is because when the enemy is coming closer to you it results in the Calum offand Auto attack having a shorter air time between you and your target so it will hit before your attack speed timers reset you would need like insane amounts of attack speed here to be able to proc the fifth Auto it's just very unlikely now for the most interesting case when the enemy is moving away from you after you landed your infernum queue everything becomes a little wonky this is where you're most likely to be able to squeeze in the fifth Auto attack while the calibrum offhand Auto attack is still flying through the air because the distance between you and the enemy is obviously getting larger the reason why this can be a bit weird is because if the enemy has enough movement speed or your attack speed is too low they can sometimes move far enough away to the point you can't reach them at all this can be helped though by swapping to calium right after infernum Q for the extra bit of range to potentially squeeze in the fifth Auto while they're moving away okay that's a lot but there's still more let's look at some other advantages blue green has over green purple we already covered that in order for green purple to do this kind of damage we would need to use both of our abilities but even then while using them you're stuck in a bunch of awkward animations where you can't move and they're quite vulnerable to all sorts of things with the blue green rotation even though there are obviously still wind-ups and animations they're much smoother and easier to play around making it a lot safer to use in my opinion Kraken Slayer is one of if not the best items of the game for FL anyway but I'm not going to get into that on top of all else right now what's important is that with blue green krton can be fully proed with just one use of the combo we went over compared to how it works with the more awward green purple combo next using infernum Q on someone while they're in a creep wave actually ends up empowering the combo even more because of calium as an offhand all the creeps will get marked resulting in all those marks causing even more damage on your main Target once you proc it inferium Q can also be used on targets you don't have or lose vision on like in bushes or people flashing over walls to escape allowing you to finish them off when they thought they could Escape also in case you're sad about losing your longrange route you can still get it as long as you have less than 10 ammo on calium when you que with calium you can then choose which weapon to be your offhand and if you swap correctly you can still get the longrange route if gravitum is your offhand again I can't stress this enough the instantaneousness of this combo is insane I've gotten countless kills because people thought they were safe at like 40 to 50% HP only need to get hit by a basically undodgeable infernum queue followed up with all this damage there's probably even more stuff I'm forgetting right now but I think you get the point the combo is kind of broken all right I promise from now on everything will be a lot less complicated and super easy to follow once you get rid of calium and infer him right after you end up with purple red this combo from what I've seen receives a lot of hate and people seem to think it's kind of weak and has no Synergy at all and honestly I don't really get it early to mid game it's actually a great combo I think the reason why people dislike it is because you end up missing out on red blue which is one of ael's more iconic combos but to be honest especially early on that combo is kind of weak ever since RI nerfed the healing interaction between infernum and serum as an off hand the argument that queing a wave with infernum to gain large amounts of HP back back for example is not really valid anymore either even though it's not the main reason why you want to run this rotation red purple is still a good tool for early game fights and skirmishes I remember several fights versus bruisers that were basically not even allowed to touch me because if you're spacing well with this combo nobody's allowed to come close to you with sever mq applying gravitum slow over and over on top of gravitum having another routs plus if they do you still have severum all to turn things around and grav them to stop them from getting away like I'll admit the combo did take some time to get used to but eventually it grew on me here's the issue eventually once you get a couple of items red and blue actually becomes a pretty strong team fighting to with s mq dealing insane amounts of damage and INF ferum Auto just melting through teams and yes with this rotation you don't really have access to this combo so here's the secret you swap you don't want to keep this rotation the entire game we went over the insane amount of UN dodgeable burst the blue green offers early to late mid game however that burst becomes less and less powerful the longer the game goes on and team fights require a lot more dpsing don't get me wrong if you're playing against a team with five Marksman and mages blue green will be a stronger tool for a longer time in that game however when you're versus two bruisers and two tanks they're not going to care much for the burst you can put out with blue green later on in the game at some point once you have a few items red blue is going to be able to do the same or even more damage as blue green it just takes a while to scale seum especially is not only an essential team fighting weapon later on because of its interaction with crescendum or infernum but because its active ability if you use it well can delete an entire Champion by itself so yes at some point in the game blue green is going to fall off compared to other combos a Fels kit can provide at that point when you get to blue green and drop the ladder instead of dropping infernum next you hold on to it and then drop grab them then you're back at the standard rotation at this point in the game since your two weakest team Fighting Tools are calium and grab them I try to get rid of both of them as fast as possible once I get them and pretty much only play around infernum seum and crescendum depending on the combat situation of course there's situations where you can play around white green however if it doesn't pay off you're going to be stuck on green purple right after which can potentially lose you the game so just be wary of that I know people love white green and it is an incredible powerful combo in late game especially for Baron and Dr taking but once people know how to play around your sentries and higher ELO they're not picking a fight where they have to come into you it can be a bit of a hit or miss combo while severum infernum or crescendum a lot more reliable and flexible in that regard all right that's about it I hope this helps with understanding why I think the blue green rotation is so much better than the standard rotation and hopefully shed some light on what actually makes it so powerful if you have any questions left go ahead and leave a comment down below or maybe check me out on Twitch where I stream almost sometimes life is hard okay anyway like And subscribe if you enjoyed I would appreciate it a lot and good luck on your climb bye
Channel: daynean
Views: 105,982
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Id: jJPbFNRqqXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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