The 'STOP SIGN' Strategy That CHANGES The Way YOU Play!

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if you followed skill capped at all then you will know of a certain person who works with us called hector it's no secret that our resident challenger player hector is one of the most unique players in solo queue he not only consistently plays phil to top 50 challenger every season but he has mechanics so questionable it gives even the most iron of iron players hope that they can one day grow up and be just like hector a big brain challenger even if his fingers seem to have aged in dog ears today we sent hector to commentate games at around platinum elo to show us how he completely obliterates players of similar skill that you're likely to face with a simple rule he always follows in league of legends that you will not have heard of before the stop sign rule okay well if you drive then you've heard of this rule but why on earth are we talking about it in a league of legends guide well by far one of the biggest roadblocks preventing players from climbing is autopiloting what do we mean by this by definition autopiloting is to act without conscious thought and usually occurs when doing something you've done many times before so hands up if you've ever hit a minion before in just a few games you'll get hundreds of cs if you play a few games a day for a week you'll get thousands of cs it's safe to say that interacting with waves in general is a task everyone has done many times before making it a serious hotspot for autopiloting let's take a quick look at an example here we have hector on kale vs garen garen wants to keep the wave neutral so he can go for extended trades let's find out if he's using his brain or if he's on autopilot okay so let's see what he does okay he's already made a mistake when he auto attacked the wave that makes no sense so if he wants to play aggressive how does he do that well he keeps the wave in the middle of the lane so he can actually fight me right by hitting the wave more than he needs to he's just pushing the wave into me quicker garen's mistake was not imagining a stop sign before he decided to hit the wave if he had stopped to think should i hit the wave here garen himself could have prompted conscious thought allowing himself to identify that hitting the wave obviously doesn't follow his game plan in driving people have driven for thousands of hours and absolutely everyone is guilty of autopiloting when driving just like hitting minion waves thankfully with driving there's a lot of guidance in the form of signs on the road that prompt conscious thought to keep you safe the most notable of these signs is of course the stop sign the stop sign instructs the driver to bring the car to a complete stop with that stop they can then gather information from their surroundings in order to make the best possible decision for when they should continue driving stop signs are strategically placed in hot spots where extreme caution is required in league there's no such system you need to identify these hotspots yourself and self-enforce the process of stopping looking and thinking let's see how hector implements the stop sign rule into his own play and you can also participate in this process as we go along to get you practicing for the real thing so buckle up oh and by the way we just created a brand new custom course specifically for this strategy at it's there you can unlock an additional eight site exclusive guides where our skill cap challenger experts hector and mcbaze walk you through exactly how to implement this stop sign strategy in solo queue find out more along with the discount code at the end of this guide now back to the video here hector's on jax versus another garen much like how you would have an end destination in mind on the road you should also have an idea for how you think your top lane matchup should play out even if it's just a very basic match-up plan as this will allow you to come up with a plan for how you want to manage the minion waves let's listen in i just want extended trades right like if a fight starts around here i mean i can just chase the garen down and just out value him with lethal tempo and my passive like he cannot match the damage that i'm doing with that but if the ways around here i can't really hit garen that much to summarize hector always wants to make sure that the wave is far out in the lane so he can chase garen down right knowing that will make it much easier to make later decisions let's watch what happens as lane starts garen actively forces a fight onto him sadly for garen this is one of the big game losing mistakes lower elo players make they simply don't think about the matchup and what the other player wants to do garen is literally giving hector exactly what he wants an extended trade without flash hector has no way to immediately kill garen so his enemy gets a small amount of respite before jax gets level 2 to get q unfortunately for garen he couldn't regenerate enough health during that small time window and he's completely forced out of lane this time it should go without saying that hector has got a massive lead now and just needs to make moves to guarantee his lead and this is the type of hotspot you need to keep in mind for when you need to stop there are certain moments that you should almost always stop to think about what you're doing before you make a mistake some examples of hot spots would be things like when you're warding and decide where you need vision the most or after a recall to decide what lane you should go to or as you hit a tower to decide how long you'll actually hit it for or in this case anytime you force your opponent out of lane you should have time to stop and look to think about how to proceed since you don't really have much else going on early on when you force people out of lane the biggest punish you can do is setting up a freeze that way your opponent misses a ton of farm as they slowly make their way back to lane not only is a freeze good for punishing garen here but if you remember it goes along perfectly with hector's matchup goals this lane he wants to wave closer to his side of the lane for extended trades after the all-in notice that instead of autopilot hitting the wave hector moves back and stops to think about what he's going to do he arrives at a very unusual conclusion about this melee minion what do you think he might do or not do in regards to the minion right now i'm actually not going to last at this on purpose and i know that sounds really stupid but if i last hit that those minions agree onto me and i think the wave might not freeze if i do that let's make something clear real quick it isn't a hot spot every single time you hit a minion it's only when doing so would drastically change the status of the wave for example if you converted a freeze into a push or a slow push into a fast push by hitting the wave intentionally missing a last hit is not a decision a lot of players would make and never in a million years could that decision be made when on autopilot but it's all possible when just taking a moment and thinking about what's important hector already knew from the get-go that setting up a freeze is really valuable which allowed him to make this decision after a bit of deliberation this is the equivalent of making a dangerous left turn when you see a car incoming you could take the risk and potentially make the left before it crashes into you or you could just wait and let the car pass before turning likewise there's a chance that walking up to score this last hit wouldn't break the freeze but the risk of that happening wasn't worth it the freeze is so good to extending his lead that giving up a single last hit is fine in the grand scheme of things just take a look at the lane state when garen gets back from basing hector is already a full level ahead with so much extra experience to get it should go without saying that even without shaco's help this lane was already over if this gank hadn't come through he just waits for the wave to crash gets level 4 and fights garen with a two level lead there isn't an emergency break strong enough in the world that would save garen from that disastrous of a start moving on to our second example we've got hector on jace now there's a very important rule that every north american player should follow when playing jace let's listen in i am not the greatest jace i mean i may as well be the living embodiment of najs but i think with good fundamentalists this is just not even going to be like heart this is why hector earns the big livable wage bucks here at skill capped making excuses beforehand about your mechanics on jace is pivotal to prevent yourself from tilting when you inevitably look horrible on the champion as the lane begins hector autos the wave once this is a good habit to build in ranged versus melee matchups during the first wave all three melees will usually die at the same time auto-attacking one of them once makes it so that you won't have to use a spell to score all the last hits as they get low and saving your spell is obviously important so that you can actually harass your melee opponent okay like i said living embodiment of najs ooh my spacing there awful but she's up we'll do everyone a favor and spare you from the million excuses he gives afterwards about why his mechanics are so bad but right after the kill this is a hot spot moment in regards to wave control what would you do here to solidify your lead you'll need to hold that thought while we watch what happens hector has to stop mid-thought as he realizes what he needs to do in this situation so generally on the first wave irelia can you know get her fully stacked passive by hold on let me explain in a second i'm about to do something important here i'm gonna run through the tower tank these minions i should have just let myself die dying is actually faster i trolled dying is better there i don't know why i lift so that was a really great move hector did demonstrating his wave control knowledge that allows him to climb despite awful mechanics the point of this move was to drag the incoming enemy wave to keep it from preventing his own wave from crashing into the tower this allowed him to base with the wave pushing back into him but he actually did this because he messed up his decision making going back of course no one could have predicted what hector chose to do from this moment where we asked you what you would do that's because he was autopiloting trying to commentate and didn't apply the stop sign rule if he had then he wouldn't have needed to use that tactic to correct his mistake after getting kill it's obviously almost always best to either crash the wave or freeze to take a recall to spend your gold and heal up the wave clearly can't be frozen from this position so he needs to crash right this is where you need to stop for a moment and ask yourself how do i make sure i can crash the wave from here literally looking left and right in oncoming traffic here hector could have realized that fast pushing probably doesn't get the wave in on time if you answer that he should instead build a slow push here and wait for the next wave to fast push then well done or if you came up with any other good solution it's better than autopilot fast pushing like he did if he hadn't been quick on his feet the wave would have actually looked like this aurelia could easily get back to lane and pressure from this lane spot despite dying and he could have easily lost his lead thankfully hector watched our advanced minion wave guide that teaches this great tip and many others to bring your wave control to the next level anyways back to his efforts look at how the wave has formed when he gets back to lane it's freezing towards him which is obviously ideal uh so right now is not a good time for irelia to roam but it is a good time for me to roam as long as i don't die if i don't die here we're chilling thanks to that prior wave control he makes a move to help out his lee sin and even snipes away the blue buff not much later the enemy hecarim is complaining in all chat about top diff this game which is always the main goal to achieve in any league game after that jace game putting his mechanics in the spotlight hector immediately goes back to another easy right-click champion tryndamere exactly like the two previous games hector literally just all ends his opponent at level 1 and scores a kill instantly we may have to pull a u-turn on this guide and make it about how easy it is to kill everyone at level 1 and elo instead of learning how to manage minion waves especially after what comes next darius teleports back to lane and hector just stands there baiting him with a recall this is actually another hot spot for when you should stop and think about what to do players instinctively want to cancel their opponent's recalls but it can often be beneficial to you to let your opponent base in this case if darius just thought about it for a moment he'd realized that recall was a bait if hector did go through with it he could just freeze the wave and catch up on experience while tryndamere has to walk back to lane the recall would be a massive mistake okay here's that i'm actually gonna level oh my god how unlucky he turned around i just wanted to bait him there and i leveled w just so i could slow him but he turned around exact moment i pressed it which is really annoying just like before he's got a massive lead early into the game but anyone can do that now it's about making sure he keeps it so he can carry the game okay so my warwick is a top side of the map will will will he come to gank i'm just going to set up some deep vision uh while i can oh you're not getting game i mean darius is dead like literally he is dead right now uh if my warwick just came but uh we can probably just be patient of it he'll eventually come right the next step to punishing your opponents is always to think about what their own goals should be and stop to think about things from their perspective in this example we'll be hearing hector's real-time thoughts on what darius should be thinking about and what his mistakes will be as a result from auto piloting so he's getting a few auto attacks on me what he is doing is pointless so whenever he auto attacks me it's fairly pointless he should just be hitting the wave as much as he can to crash it because right now the waves in a horrible spot for him like he's basically coin flipping the entire time that my warwick isn't coming he is actually quite lucky that my warwick is just greeting for these jungle camps normally what darius is doing isn't so bad which is probably why he's autopiloting into doing so but if he just stopped and thought for a moment he'd realize why it's so bad why is the tryndamere that just killed him twice playing passively and keeping a freeze rather than pushing aggressively he also hasn't seen warwick in a while these kinds of thoughts would immediately pop into your head if you just actively thought about the game and i was kind of actually trying to bait him into hitting me because hitting me is kind of pointless as well i just have so much sustain that it just doesn't matter if he hits me a few times same thing i'm just letting him hit me maintaining the wave here i'm baiting him to not hit the wave and now he is dead looking back even if tryndamere didn't know if he could push the wave in or not if he realized that he was under threat of a gank he could at the very least play back into this brush and just try to soak experience at a safe distance instead he just falls further and further behind making the game impossible for himself right from the get-go and if you want to take your laning to the next level then you need our brand new custom course specifically made for this strategy at it's there you can unlock an additional eight site exclusive guides we're our skill cap challenger experts hector and mcbaze walk you through exactly how to implement this stop sign strategy in solo queue that's not all though with our brand new course page it's as simple as clicking top lane then selecting the laning category and just like that you have six courses with over 50 guides breaking down exactly how you can stomp your lane and climb the ladder best part all of this is risk-free with our rank improvement guarantee so what are you waiting for head to and get the rank you've always wanted discount link in the description below alright guys let's quickly recap when you are met with a situation that is likely a hot spot which is typically when you're going to do something that will have an influence over your goals such as when to recall when and where to ward when to freeze push roam always stop for a moment to consciously think about the best possible way you know of to achieve your current goals thanks for watching and we'll see in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 175,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 12, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, league of legends rank up, how to improve in league of legends, league of legends beginner guide, league of legends macro, tips for climbing in league of legends, lol coaching, how to climb
Id: Ojho-D-HTu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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