The 5 WORST MACRO MISTAKES You MUST AVOID! - League of Legends

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do you ever feel like no matter what you do in a game of League the outcome is just simply out of your control for every good play you make it seems like your teammates just set you back to square one by making a bad play immediately after or maybe sometimes you find yourself being taken hostage by your team into taking a fight that you didn't actually want to fight it feels like you have no choice in how to play the game once people group around objectives and you just end up doing whatever macro play your team wants to do but what if I told you that you can control the outcome of 90 of your games during this grouping phase including your teammates hold on doesn't this contradict everything we just talked about well it's a lot easier to control your teammates than you'd think but before we teach you how to control your solo queue Griefers into making the correct macro plays we have to actually teach you the correct decision making logic so you don't end up becoming the griefer yourself and chances are there's five things that you're doing wrong in your games right now that is costing you precious time in LP but don't worry because after this guide not only will you fix those mistakes they'll actually become your strengths that farm free LP for you on your climb often the main reason players get stuck at a rank is simply because they aren't even aware of the concepts that you're about to learn so just imagine seeing results not from endlessly grinding game after game but because you actually play smarter well that's exactly what our subscription service is designed to do radically accelerate your progress in League of Legends we have exclusive courses covering Advanced tactics and strategies you've never even heard of live commentaries where a challenger player teaches you how to escape the exact rank you're stuck in and one-on-one coaching we've got all the tools to supercharge your improvement the best part our service is completely risk-free to try as you're kept safe with rank up insurance if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill capped then you get your money back no questions asked so click the link in the description below to start improving fast and get the rank you've always wanted alright now let's get into the first mistake you should fix Baron throws Baron can be an LP graveyard but at the same time it can be your golden ticket to Victory and fortunately for you we're about to teach you you how to avoid Baron throws altogether and instead Farm free LP by abusing this objective there are two main rules to Baron takes number advantage and vision control in order to avoid throwing at Baron you should never let your team Pull It win one the number of players alive for both teams are even or worse and two the enemy has vision of the area if your team randomly pulls Baron without any real advantages you're almost guaranteed to throw the game away because the enemy jungler has the chance to steal and baron itself deals damage to your team making the fight a 5v6 at best if you ever see your team about to pull Baron under these conditions you have to Danger ping them off pings are the most reliable way to control your fate on the rift and combining them with the macro knowledge we're about to teach you throughout this guide is the formula for freelo but there is a correct way and a wrong way to use pings if you only ping once or twice chances are your teammates won't notice or they'll simply ignore it however here's the trick if you ping up to the limit of six times you can basically mind control your teammates into doing what you want them to do and here's actually the advanced trick make sure that you don't go past six pings every five seconds if you try to Ping that seventh time it'll actually be locked out of pinging for 10 seconds worst case your teammates might not listen at all and into anyways but in 90 of your cases your pings will have an effect and save you a lot of LP in the long run so try your best to control your teammates if you see them about to pull an INT Baron for the next huge macro mistake you're making will be going in the opposite direction that is you don't pull Baron enough when it's actually free the easiest way to know when Baron is free is by looking at death timers to show you what we're talking about we'll be looking at an emerald ELO game where fights broke out across the map in the top side grave solo kills Ari and this lets him counter jungle freely meanwhile in the mid lane graves's team was able to three for two in a winning team fight freeing Caitlyn up to shove Tower and collect more CS seems great right Caitlyn almost takes the tower and Graves comes out two camps worth of XP and gold ahead well actually all five members of the red team are hard trolling right now what they should be doing is calling for Baron and anyone can do this even the dead members using pings to control your teammates like we mentioned earlier in this guide hold on though why exactly is Baron free right now well you're about to learn the secret formula for guarantee Barons the first factor is that the enemy juggler is dead this is honestly a requirement in solo queue I would never trust my jungler to Smite for his life so our advice to you is to only pull when the enemy jungler is dead or too far to contest the second factor is numbers Advantage if you have at least two more members alive than the enemies for more than 20 seconds by the time you start Baron then it is free to take it's key though to factor in travel time the very earliest that the red team can call Baron is at 26 minutes and 40 seconds and it takes 10 seconds to then reach the baron pit meaning that the enemy death timers would be around 20 to 30 seconds giving them plenty of time to DPS Baron and if you're wondering why you need at least two more members alive rather than just one it's because you wouldn't really have a numbers Advantage if you only had one player up remember Baron deals damage so temporarily you should count it as part of the enemy team so once you know that you'll have at least 20 seconds to freehit Baron and a plus two numbers Advantage including the enemy jungler Baron will almost always be the optimal objective if your team is healthy enough to not base and choosing this objective over any other objective is so important Baron gives 1500 gold and about half a level for each player not to mention the siege buff that will let you take more towers and camps in the long run so the next time you find yourself in a situation where you just won a team fight ask yourself these two questions is the enemy jungler dead or unable to Smite and do you have a two or more numbers Advantage if the answers to both of those questions are yes then the baron is takeable and you should spam ping your team to take it most of the time they'll listen but if they take too long to move or they instead play for weaker objectives it's fine to just move on to the next plate instead of forcing it another slightly more complicated way to secure free Barons is through map positioning even without death timers in this Challenger game that's exactly what happens and we're actually going to be teaching you how to easily recognize this in your own game to start both teams can test a vision around Baron with even numbers they both end up clearing pinks around mid so neither team has vision of that brush which will be important later on both teams know randomly pulling Baron will be an INT so instead they fight over smaller objectives in this Skirmish kha'zix's team is able to pull out of bond and Retreat towards Baron knowing that they already cleared Vision in that area another reason they make this decision is because moves downwards pathing gives away that blue team isn't thinking about Baron right now because of this Baron is able to be bursted down before the other team can even make it to Baron the key here is that if you ever find that the enemy jungler and at least one other enemy is bot side while Baron is up and your whole team is around Baron you can burst it down for free before they can even get there this is the exact same concept as the death timers from earlier but instead of the enemies being dead they're just too far away to do anything in this game kindred's team was actually close enough to contest when kha'zix and the others just started rotating to Baron but the deciding factor here is vision control remember those pings that got cleared earlier because of that kindred's team had no clue kha'zix's team was going to rush Baron until it was too late this Vision bought an extra six seconds of time and since Kindred was halfway across the map from Baron there was no possible way she would have made it there in time in general it will take about 15 seconds to travel halfway across the map and the vision control Advantage allowed kha'zix's team to get away with a baron Heist using that 20 second timer rule so now you have two ways to secure free Barons using the 20 second death timer roll and map positioning to accomplish the same effect using these two tricks to always secure free Barons will make games so much easier and save you a lot of stress from coin flipping fights now for the next mistake you're making that's costing you that sweet LP we're going to be visiting the bot River you probably guessed it this time it's all going to be about Dragon this objective is one of the biggest baits in League of Legends and the fact of the matter is you don't need to fight dragon dragon matters a lot more in Pro play but in solo queue playing for individual leads such as minions or Tower plates is far better for consistently climbing in an even game state in fact even Challenger players will get baited by this oversized lizard as you're about to see in this game the red team made an extremely good play by picking Cassiopeia while Tarik had Rift Herald meanwhile in mid Victor ends his life away in a 1v3 but this doesn't matter your teammates will end there's nothing you can do after it happens however this game state is still really good for Senna and Tom kinch Cassiopeia is dead Jace is too low to rotate and Rel and Kane are about 15 seconds away from bot making it a 2v0 rift Siege situation in this scenario they should be getting away with four plates which needless to say is extremely good for their Lane however the mistake comes when they rotate up to to Dragon instead of just committing to the tower this is literally the worst thing you can do with a lead Returns on Dragon are nothing compared to playing for kills plates or farming not to mention dragon is extremely risky if the enemy is actually around a contest and knows that you're doing it if the enemy jungler is there it's basically a 50 50 and whether you win this might or lose it there's so much more that you could have been doing with your time whenever you play solo queue you should always prioritize Farm kills and plates in that order Dragon should be the absolute last option heck even recalling would be a better play Yes you heard me right recalling is more aggressive than pulling Drake imagine a world where Cena Tom kench for some reason didn't feel like taking the plates but also didn't rotate to Dragon if they had recalled instead of fighting dragon they'd be able to spend their gold lead cashing in on about a combined 2.5 k gold this would then let them have spikes over their Lane opponents which could lead to more kills and plates down the line and they could hard carry mid to late game the bottom line is fighting Drake is almost never good unless you're perfectly set up for it or extremely ahead fighting dragon is good if your team has an insane gold lead and vision control in the river at that point the purpose of dragon is to bait your enemies into taking that bad fight rather than the dragon itself and because people overvalue Dragon you can snowball really hard abusing the strategy now the next huge mistake that you need to fix is that you need to stop fighting directly after an objective using the tricks we taught you let's say you were able to secure a free objective this moment right after you take an objective is the easiest timer to end on so many games are thrown because players get overconfident after getting a free dragon or Baron and they just run into the enemies and die fighting immediately after a dragon is basically ending because while you are using resources taking the baron or Dragon the enemy team used that exact time to group and reposition meaning they have the advantage now so the mistake you need to fix is that you have to either stop yourself or your team from running it down immediately after securing that objective like we mentioned earlier the best way to do this is simple it's just through pinging before your teammates start a bad play if you see some of your teammates going towards the enemy's fog of War spam ping them ASAP if that doesn't work well you have two options go with them or prioritize shoving Lanes away from the fight for the first option this can sometimes be okay but it entirely depends on your mechanics which can be a double-edged sword hover your teammates and fish around for a potentially good one-for-one opportunities essentially using your teammates as meat Shields as you can see this choice is a lot more coin flippy compared to the alternative which is playing for resources elsewhere instead of committing to the fight Zaya and Lee sin could have shoved mid and then either shoved top or recall which guarantees individual advantages for them later on by letting them reach their item and level spikes earlier for future fights and when you don't commit to the fight chances are your teammates will try to disengage because they're less confident so your losses will be kept much more to a minimum and finally the last big mistake you're making that's costing you games is that you're probably over staying in low priority areas of the map during the team fighting phase once home guards become active at 14 minutes Champions are able to move around the map quicker meaning more fights are bound to happen and the thing about solo queue is random fighting will happen in every game and every ELO no matter what so the key here is to make sure you're around the fight area when it happens but how can you do that if you don't know where the fight is going to be well chances are most fights will be somewhere around mid and this makes sense because both Baron and dragon are close to Mid meaning that you can contest either objective if the enemy team wants to pull either one now if you're an 80 carry jungler or support player your job is pretty straightforward you should always pass to Mid from base because there's farm for the 80 carry there and camps for the jungler to farm while support secures Vision however if you're a solo laner you're usually on Side Lane duty to pick up the waves and the most common mistake is that players don't know when to leave the side lane creating a numbers disadvantage on the map and this is a common mistake even present in Challenger in this game a Darius without teleport passed straight to bot this decision is wrong for two reasons the first and most important reason is that the bot wave is actually shoving into him this means that Darius has free time before he actually has to go and collect his wave under Tower the second reason is that there are active fights going on while he's passing out of Base remember you want to be around mid for the fights so you can impact the game if Darius instead pass through mid coming out of Base he can either single-handedly win the fights for his team or he can then just go farm side Lanes if it looks like there's no good play just imagine if Darius was at the fight during this Frame chances are you double kill hecarim and Rel and maybe even kill the rest of the enemies in general if Baron is spawning or one team summons Rift Herald there's guarantee lead to be a fight around mid if there's no immediate Baron threat or a Siege then you should be fine to split push but make sure you pass towards mid after shoving your wave instead of going for a tier 2 Tower by making sure you hover mid every time you get a window after shoving you can exponentially increase the chances of winning a fight by creating a numbers Advantage alright now before we wrap it up let's address the elephant in the room the feeling of being stuck at your current rank we all know how frustrating it can be but what if you could take a shortcut to understanding the game on a deeper level gaining ranks faster than you ever thought possible well our subscription service not only offers the highest number of courses available online covering literally everything you could ever want to know about League of Legends but they're also specifically designed to accelerate your improvement as fast as possible so click the link in the description below to unlock the most extensive and effective training resource you'll ever find alright and that is a wrap on this one guys we here at skill capped want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 65,015
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends macro, challenger coaching, how to climb, lol guide, lol macro guide, league of legends rank up, how to improve in league of legends
Id: 1tDGtkciq8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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