The Blind Spot - Bishop T.D. Jakes [August 18, 2019]

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[Music] get your Bibles and stand to your feet as we go to the Book of Jonah chapter 4 the Book of Jonah chapter 4 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's just sinking down in there the promises of God are ye and a man [Applause] I have to compress it bus my younger son and I were talking about where the messages where dumbass sermons come from and course he come from God that they're often inspired by different things mostly generally from my reading of the Word of God and my own devotionals certain things leap out that are for me and certain things to relief out that are for me and you and and then the sermon begins to bill he asked me which comes first the subject or the text I said often the text demands the subject so this was one of those messages that impart is is born out of a multiplicity of things and I want you to pray with me today because I need I need to do some weaving I need to weave the times that we're living in today they the headlines that we're reading today uh we we canceled our services on Saturday under threat of there were supposed there were rumored or white supremacist attack coming into the area in the abundance of caution I didn't think that choir rehearsal was worth the risk as a pastor and a leader any time I think you might be in harm's way I would rather shut it all down and be safe than to compromise your safety but that also indicates the times that we're living in as it turns out so far we have not had any major incident in our local area but other areas as we can have the truth of the matter is we're living at a time that you think twice before you go into Walmart yeah a car backfire than you you leap under your table the truth is you drive through certain neighborhoods and you're a little uncomfortable you lock the door hatred and malice sweeping the country not just our country around the world around the world like we have never seen it before and hatred germinates out of the heart you cannot legislate love [Applause] there are some bills that need to be passed don't get me wrong there's AB legislation that needs to be done but you cannot legislate love hatred is easily seen when you're victimized by it but it's often hidden when you possess it [Applause] I'm gonna say that again cuz I want to get it hatred is easily detected when you're victimized by it but it is it is hard to detect when you have it I heard I heard a therapist say this and it really stuck out to me she said we're much better at inflicting pain than we are tolerating it we find ways of justifying however we feel and thereby we are exempt from conviction because we've given ourselves permission because of something that happened to us at one time or another that gives us right and that's something common to men so just think about that we're going to go into the fourth chapter of the Book of Jonah and we're gonna begin reading at verse 1 yeah I'm going somewhere we're gonna begin reading at verse 1 and I'm gonna do something I hardly ever do I'm gonna read the whole chapter but it's not that long and some of y'all have read your Bible all week anyway but to Jonah this suckin this seemed very wrong I'm reading it in the NIV and he became angry he prayed to the Lord isn't this what I said Lord when I was still at home that is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God slow to anger and abounding in love a God who religious from sending calamity slow to anger abounding in love a God who relents from sending calamity in other words I knew you were too nice now Lord take away my life for it is better for me to die than to live but the Lord replied is it right for you to be angry is it right for you to be angry Jonah had gone out and sat down at a place east of the city there he made himself a shelter sat in the shade and waited to see what would happen to the city then the Lord God provided a leafy plan and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort and Jonah was very happy about the plant but at dawn the next day God provided a worm first he provided a plant then he provided a worm which chewed the plan so that it withered when the Sun rose God providing a scorching east wind and the Sun blazed on Jonah's head so that he grew faint he wanted to die and said it would be better for me to die than to live but God said to Jonah is it right for you to be angry about the plan it is he said and I'm so angry I wish I were dead but the Lord said you have been concerned about this plan though you did my attendant or make it grow it sprang up overnight and died overnight and should I not have concern for the great city of nineveh in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left and also many animals am I wrong Jonah am I wrong this morning with the help of the Holy Spirit I have entitled this message the blind spot let's pray father God in the name of Jesus I approach the throne with humility recognizing that our God did beseech you there is no other there has never been a God before you and there will never be a God after you you alone are God and beside you there is no other speak in this house Great God that you are I thank you in advance for what you're about to do hand your way in this place open up the doors of utterance clear your throat and speak in this building if I don't hear from you then my coming is in vain but if you manifest yourself your people will be blessed I think that advance for what you're going to do in the name of Jesus we pray amen you may be seated in the presence of God so what had happened was the whole time I've lived in Dallas I lived in downtown Dallas for about nine or ten years or no wrestles have I lived on the outskirts of Arlington actually in Fort Worth I don't go yeah yeah yes I do and I go to the grocery store people say what are you doing in here I said shopping I want some chicken hey hey I didn't know you were down here I mean I don't go up in North Dallas too often I don't go up in North Dallas too but those dollars that's driving around a lot of things change while highways coming in a lot of exits a lot of detours a lot of quick changes and you get up there trying to get on/off for 6:35 and get on the toll road and everything is all twisted up and you kind of have to know which lane to get in before you get in in you know and that ways is stuff sometime to talk to slow it tell you to turn and there's no turn there you know or they have an update I don't know maybe in my ways it's got a learning deficiency but some kind of where I ended up and I had to kind of move over to the right lane quickly because I was about to miss my exit and and I looked in my rearview mirror and I didn't see anybody I looked in my mirror to the left and I didn't see anybody and I made a rocket turn and and and and I heard a horn blow and they they call me a name I thought you can't call the bishop a name like that in fact they called me several names in succession and and and and and I took it I took it I didn't you know cuz I have a great intercessory ministry here I didn't you know who they prayed for me so I didn't retaliate what the problem was I had done everything I was supposed to do I looked in my rearview there I looked at my side there but the car was so close up only it was in my it was in my blind spot and when something is in your blind spot you you really don't see it and and and I hate blind spots cuz I want to see everything anybody who knows me knows I will ask you everything sometimes I ask people pushing my wife almost friends that I have the nerve to ask you that I will ask everything if you're doing business with me I'm gonna ask you everything who what when where why how do you know that did you validate then let's bet that dinner I will ask you everything because I want to see every I hate blind spots because blind spots are dangerous if you make a decision with a blind spot it may have repercussions blind spots are dangerous what you don't know can hurt you all of us have heard about what blind spots can do we've seen incidents where where people have busy parents backing out the garage run over children they love because they were in their blind spot the child is crushed up under the vehicle because they're in the blind spot you don't have to be a bad person this what I'm saying to have a blind spot I had I know that that guy was there I wouldn't have crossed over into the lane but he was in my blind spot i won what is in your blind spot because clearly there is something that Jonah doesn't get here they said there's something wrong with Jonah now when I was a young preacher I thought there was just something wrong with Nineveh but that's not true it's not just if there's something wrong within ever though there is something wrong with Nineveh the distraction of what was wrong with Nineveh blinded me to what was wrong with Java because sometimes when you can find somebody that you think to be worse than you you can see it creates a blind spot you're so busy seeing what's wrong with them you don't see what's wrong with you and I was distracted by what was wrong with Nineveh I couldn't see what was wrong with Jonah is a mess he's a mess he gets his Commission to go into Nineveh now Linamar was the greatest city of its time it was the greatest city of his time it was a huge metropolis city full of people unlike any other city of its era it's in northern what we would call northern Iraq now and it was a considerable City at that time called in a Syrian city it was a powerful city and Jonah was in there one man against a metropolis to preach the Word of God to that city one man said to the sea you got to be a bad dude for God to send one person against that many people to preach one message without a microphone without a television without a radio set without Facebook live with to Instagram or Twitter or anything one man just running down the street of holland repaired the odds were against him and one man against the entire city upset the entire city brought everybody down to their knees even down to the king and the king repented King repented passive national decree that there'd be nothing but fasting and praying and religion before God and Jordan got what any preacher would have wanted he he had success that he doesn't seem to be happy about it in the third chapter The Book of Jonah the city is brought to its knees by one man and yet in the fourth chapter the Book of Jonah it opens up with Jonah a head again Jonah is angry in part over his own success which which made me want to spend a minute talking about the fear of success because Jonah is angry in God's face and in essence he said I knew you were a merciful God I knew you were forgiving God I knew if they repented that you would change after the calamity you were going to do with them in other words he said I knew it would work now I admit there's been a couple of times I've been angry with God I hate to say that but it's true there's been a couple of times I have been flat-out angry with God but it is never because I want generally when I win I bake a cake I thought party I light some candles and I celebrate oh yeah how you like never how you liking a Mac Mac I doll of silly dances I don't do in front of people but Jonah is angry because it works he is afraid of winning he said that's why I ran in the first place because I knew if I obeyed you it would work he said that's why I went to Tarshish because I was afraid that if I went there and preached it would work no I couldn't understand going to Tarshish because I was afraid if I appreciate I was going to get killed or I was afraid that if I appreciate they weren't going to change but he says I was running from success which brings me to some people fail on purpose some people fell on purpose because they have an innate fear of success because with success becomes responsibility with success comes accountability and failure is free it costs nothing it brings sympathy and empathy and attention and dependency and some people fail because they lack the benefits of failure something they they fail out in school not because they're stupid but they're afraid that if they are too successful they'll be excommunicated from their circle of friends so they think stupid for friends that they will never see again anyway [Applause] some people are afraid of winning so they sabotage their marriages because suppose I win so I talked you out of loving me and I talked you out of lucky me because failure is safe for me and I am wondering if we are blaming the devil for things we do to ourselves I'm wondering if we who are spiritual blame the forces of evil are fighting us when in truth we sabotage ourselves and we go to Tarshish rather than Nineveh because if we go to Nineveh we know we will win and suddenly I begin to recognize that the Book of Jonah is not really about little verse in because Nineveh repented quickly that that changes quickly is never your enemy or you don't understand how good that was that was so good it gave me cold chills the battle you win quickly is never your fight for example David killed Goliath Goliath died easily but he had to wrestle with Saul for years always watch out for that that is defeated quickly because that's not really your bad oh I just dropped them I just dropped I just dropped it I just dropped drinking I just dropped smoke I just drop lying I just dropped prostitute whatever you probably clean it's not your fight all of us have that thing that for us is a tremendous battle and I am now understanding why this is the Book of Jonah and not the book of Nineveh because this is not about Nineveh it's about Jonah Jonah is the villain the Evangelist is the villain don't can handle this y'all can't handle this y'all not ready for me today y'all not ready for me because she thought Journal was a hero but Jonah is really the villain Jonah is the one who denied God Jonah is the one who went in the opposite direction from God Jonah is the one who ran away from God Jonah is the one that refuses to change truly is the one who swallowed up in the belly of the fish joel is the one most died of the water Jonah is the one who preached to people he hated Jonah is the one who didn't want real trade and at the end of the chapter Jonah is the one who is still angry with God Nineveh has repented and Jonah is still mad how the hero be the villain because when you write your own story you're always the hero there's not a passion in this room who tells themselves there's a villain that's why easy messages of to preach are about haters because when you start talking about haters everybody starts shouting cuz they don't know that they might be [Applause] how could Jonah be anointed enough one man against an entire city to turn the city upside down but not anointed enough to see himself and it occurs to me that those of us who do the most in the kingdom who are singing the most who do the most who supposedly have the greatest effect could be operating in a blind spot where we are more effective with other people that we are with ourselves my marriage says that approaching men objects may be closer than they appear you might be more wrong than you appear I want to talk about this within the context give me a little time at this is when I'm working on something I coined this term spiritual saturation is worth jotting down spiritual saturation deals with how much of your spirituality has saturated into your behavior because Jonah seems to have a pipeline to God enough to be able to hear from God but his attitude toward the people is suspect some of the most spiritual people can often be the most obnoxious people and it impacts a question how could your a vertical be so strong and your horizontal be so weak your vertical relationship with God I just showed you you were crying in worship you were prostrate in the floor you crushed me out in the parking lot I'm confused how could you walk in such glory and hate your husband I'm just wondering I'm trying to measure at what point is your vertical going to saturate into your horizontal because at whatever point that is then you become a Christian I told you it was gonna be tough if I preach this morning see see the saturation has a lot to do with substance now one thing I want you to understand when I talk about saturation I'm talking about a crucified life I'm talking about your vertical and your horizontal are connected I'm talking about that I can see your love for God by how you love people and yet that doesn't always happen that doesn't always happen the way it's supposed to and sometimes it is just substance there is a text in the Bible I won't pull it up right now but there's a text in the Bible that says the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh you remember that the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh and it always the text made me uncomfortable dr. Jain because I didn't want to admit that God hardened people's hearts but especially with another text says harden not your heart and then it turns around says the Lord hardened the heart of favor and it troubled me I couldn't understand out of it how God would be in the business of hardening hearts and one scholar said this and it never left my mind he said the same son that melts the wax hardens the clay the same son that melts the wax hardens the clay so the problem is not in the son is in the substance of the thing it touches if if it would have hit wax it would have melted it but if it hit clay it would have hardened it have you wonder how we could be so hard-hearted that we have children in cages you wonder why we could be so hard-hearted that we separate mothers and fathers and family you wonder why we could be so hard-hearted that we were driving through a building and kill people we don't even know you wonder why we can be so hard-hearted especially well we learn a process and especially while we say we are Christian you have to conclude that the son must be hit clay I don't believe that all these people are bad people I just think they live in blind spots and nor do I think this is a good idea because the Bible's saying Jesus says you killed the prophets and think you do God's service so there has always been people who lived in the blind spot who thought they were doing God's will and killing God's people that's always been that didn't discard and Charlotte's feel that is discard in your generation all the way back to the days of Jesus people have always killed people in the name of God I want to read this just for a moment first John chapter 4 verse 17 through 21 first year on Church before herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of Jessica because as he is so are we in this war herein is our love made mature love made mature gives us boldness in the Day of Judgment boldness I can come bow in the day of judgment when my love is mature when I start loving you as he would when I start seeing you as he would look as he is so are we in this world give me more come on I feel this thing there is no fear in love you don't have to be afraid of me there's no fear in a perfect love casteth senior because because because fear have told me he that feareth is not made perfect in love my god give me some more we love him because he first loved us i'm a word to say if a man say I love God and haters his brother he is a liar for he that loveth not his brother whom he has seen how can he love God whom he have not God says I reject your love for me until I see your love for them so you can put your hem book down you can stop clapping your hand you can stop waving your hands until you learn how to love people the Bible did says your liar I didn't say it the Bible city and I just wonder are you wax enough to melt [Applause] or clay enough to harden I've seen some hard people in my life I've seen some hard people in my life I've seen some people that shot me even at my age shot me that they could be that hard and they cold and that bent on destroying you you don't even know me and you're trying to kill me you you're trying to kill her you don't even know her and you're trying to kill her how could you be that hard or rather how could you be that clay when the Sun rose on me I melted and I melted while you hardened and have you ever melted while someone hardened and felt the disadvantage of fighting someone hard while you were wax you wanted to be friends you wanted it to work he wanted the relationship to work but but I am waxing you are clay and when the Sun hits us I apologize and you keep getting more angry I just want to know I just want to go are you watch or are you on the one i'm a move on i'm on the one so i want to know about your surfaces and trip or what are you made out of i can tell what you're made out of by what melts you okay and i'm a wrap this up in a minute the other thing i jotted down that i thought was important to remember some sanctuaries are schools for the blind some sanctuaries are schools for the blind Jonas should be a sanctuary he is he is here oh I thought in the story he should be a sanctuary but he's blinded he's blinded by his own ideas he's effective in ministries but he's not effective in changing himself because he's blinded some sanctuaries are schools further but I'd rather be in a gang fight than a church fight I would rather be in watts in a gang fight at 3 o'clock in the morning then the hata engage in it I never will forget my first trip that I've made many to elmina in Ghana and there I was looking at the slave castles and going through the slave councils and fairly trying to feel my ancestors reconnect with my ancestry and looking at the change and looking at the place where the women were raped and where they were hosed off so that they would be clean enough to be raped and then packed up like sardines men in a can and the smell of feces is still in Elmina is still there it's still there today and I was shocked at all of that but what really blew me away is when I came up out of the dungeons and upstairs was a church and I said you mean to tell me that the same people who killed and mutilated and rapes sang hymns and worship and praise God and I stood there staring at the church trying to reconcile how you say that you love God and hate me and then I was reminded that there are churches that hate each other there are denominations that hate each other there are preachers that hate each other I'm talking about places where there should be love but there's hey like maybe your heart should be a sanctuary but is it is your heart a sanctuary or is it hiding a slave dungeon you want me to go ahead like family the contrast between the slavery and the sanctuary is not just an elmina at any time you should be safe and you get violated that sanctuary has made you a slave and the contradiction is amazing and probably should be a place of sanctuary but I know sisters should hate each other I know kids that hate their parents I know parents that hate their kids and some of your hate when your own family comes over because your strengths aware is a school for the blind I know wives that cannot lay in their husband's laps and husbands that cannot lay and the wives laugh though they live together they have lost their sanctuary and it is a school for the blind can I go deeper with this anytime you have no sanctuary anytime you are connected to somebody who says they love God and yet they don't forgive they don't apologize they never say I'm sorry they never say I'm role they never take it back I doubt you are legitimate Christian [Applause] you see the reason I'm talking to you about this is because there are blind spots where your faith is not your faith is not penetrating certain areas of your life and you don't see it like I didn't see the car and the wreck is really because you have allowed a blind spot it is funny how sometimes you can forgive other people's kids quicker than you can you know some people are nicer to strangers than they are to their own family oh oh sit there are no hits you in a minute some people are nicer to people they do not know then they are they're all companion I'm talking about blind spots I'm talking about you having areas that you won't allow your faith to touch I'm talking about being an awesome example of faith except for I'm talking about blind spots other places that we allow ourselves not to be changed if God measures the saturation of our faith by the way we treat people how deep is yours if God doesn't major faith by how we dance and how we shout and how many scriptures we know and how many times we go to church if God measures the saturation of your faith by how you treat people how deep are you in it and I am using Jonah because Jonah is blowing my mind because Judah is mad with God for being nice he's angry with God for being merciful and he has sabonis to admit it and what makes me upset with him point three is that he has selective amnesia how could you be angry with God for forgiving Nineveh that is not disregard that heard you cry out of the belly of the fish when you were in your mess and did not he pull you up from the bottom of the mountains and give you a second chance after you head totally disobeyed him and anointed you and use you and bless you you don't want me you don't want me to have to save my seat I'm upset with him because he doesn't seem to see he doesn't seem to understand that mercy doesn't end with you [Applause] mercy begins with you and you who have been forgiven the most how dare you hold the grudge how dare you hold the grudge how dare you have the nerve to talk about who you can't stand when you're balanced by His mercy let's take you let's breath you know you should have been dead you know you could've until you see selective amnesia is a strange type of amnesia it's where you remember some things but not others and normally it's like not remembering how to play the piano not remembering how to do something that you used to know how to do selective amnesia but in the for the purpose of this message selective amnesia is forgetting that you needed to be forgiven selective amnesia is there you are sitting up under a hut waiting on God to get me [Applause] and the thing you're angry with God about it's a very thing that you needed God to do for you what I'm asking you to do is to reflect the mercy you have been given what I'm asking me to do is to reflect but mercy I have been given the reason I have to be merciful is because I have received mercy and every time I want to be judgmental I keep remembering something that God did in my life can I get a witness of India and I am trying by the help of God to remove the blind spot between you and your sister I am trying with him of God to remove the blind spot that makes you still angry with your husband ten years later and I'm wondering do you really have the right to hold somebody hostage for being human I'm wondering do you really have the right considering the things you have been through yourself to use your child to beat him up because vengeance and anger and hurt create blind spots where you don't realize that you are damaging children like our nation that realize that we are brewing the next crop of terrorists in these little kids on the border that are going to grow up hating the America they used to love because you've treated them so dramatically that you are creating your next generation of jealous that is the same way that you don't realize that using your children to beat your spouse causes your child to be dysfunctional and just because you're gifted and just because you're anointed and just because you were effective and just because you're successful doesn't mean you're right it doesn't mean you're right just because you made a lot of money doesn't mean you're right just because stock markets are going up doesn't mean you're right you cannot substitute cash for righteousness Jonah had said shots but he was round the truth of the matter is God led a gourd grow up over his head a plant to give him shade from the Sun and the same God who gave him the shade gave him the worm that ate it up that's a whole nother sermon that's a whole other sermon God gave the plant then he gave the worm then he gave the correction he said now you're upset because the shade is gone because God will shade ignorance for a while but sooner or later God will give a worm to take the shade off the ignorance and expose it for what he is I feel like teaching this bar no I'm not fooling me today just because judgment is not executed speedily against the wicked doesn't mean that it won't be executed the same God that sends a plan sends the worm [Applause] and so in the morning he said the plan and then in the night he said the worm and the worm ate the plant and the planet died and Jonah is angry because Jonah loves plants more than people I [Applause] live in a country that would fight you harder over how you treat squirrels then they would how you feel in a country where you can't wear a mink coat anymore [Applause] how can you love whales more than you love people devil is a lie have did you love cats and hate women what's wrong with you [Applause] I'm not talking about right-wing unless way or the Public Enemy I'm just talking about crazy and got good sense have we lost oh Jesus that you would fight over a plant and yet watch for people to die and God says to Jonah if you could get angry about a plant that you didn't plant you didn't grow and yet you're trying to protect the plant and hoping the people perish I'm just talking about blind spots I'm talking about blind spots because I honestly didn't see the man I'm not talking about good people of evil people right people and wrong people I'm talking about blind spots I wouldn't move my car over there had I seen him I'm a pad all up force it out [Applause] and then he's cussing me like of evil but he was in my blind spot and so this Sunday morning I want to ask you before I take my seat what's in your blind spot who is in Europe who is suffering in your blind spot for the lack of something that you refused to give a mercy that you think you owe who are you to deny someone else mercy now I want to challenge you because you can you can easily shout over this message real easy as long as you don't apply it but if you apply it you ought to be feeling a little bit funny right now because this ought to bring up something in your heart somewhere in your heart somewhere in your heart somewhere where in spite of all that in scriptures you know and in spite of all those charitable causes you give to there's still somebody that's gasping for air because they are cursed to live in your blind spot I could've killed a guy I didn't mean to I just didn't see it right as a close this message this morning there must be a reason why God has me warning you about blind spots and our senses are always feared that there are people in this room literally in this room that are living in your blind spot that you are really angry with that they are as fixating for the lack of your love and attention because you are holding them hostage because they did something that was undeniably wrong but haven't you and there are people in your house and in your life that have to suffer the wrath of your blind spot because maybe your arrogance won't let you melt so the longer you've been around you'd become hard and the same Sun that hardens the clay melts awakes and I'm wondering this morning if God's presence would melt you or are you so good at being hard and your mama was hard and your grandmama was hard and your daddy was hard and your granddaddy was hard and your uncle was hard are you so hard-hearted that you like these 13 year olds who go in these funerals where the other 13 year old has been shot to death in a gang killing and they become about yo at the Cask yo are you crazy are you the Bible says in the last days people would lose natural affections when I was young I thought it meant one thing now that I'm over to lose the ability to melt you 13 and hard what happened to you that you turn to clay and not wax and you have lost natural affections natural compassion I don't want you to dance I don't want you to run I love throw $20 at the altar I'm wondering if God would be gracious enough to me this morning to melt you to melt down the places the blind spots that exist in your life that caused you to sit by in your arrogance and wait for people to crumble because you got your feelings hurt your little feelings hurt you wanna wreck my whole future with your vengeance because I am your passenger because I am your spiritual father and because I have done it myself I wanted to warn you about blind spots there is a reason you are here this morning and yes there are implications in my message about our country and they are intentionally there they are not accidentally there they are not insinuations and if I like I am angry it's cuz I am I'm furious about what is happening to America I'm not talking about our politics I'm talking about our heart I'm talking about our ability to tear about people I'm talking about families destroyed and disrupted while we argue about who's right or who's wrong and talking about trauma inflicted on people who were traumatized I'm talking about evil epithets out of our history that I thought I would see no more and talking about being on the verge of the Holocaust and nobody cares about anything but women polls and elections I'm sick of it I'm sick of it I'm sick of it and I'm sick of it you don't have to be Republican or Democrat or independent to be human to love people that care about people to make sure I'm okay and make sure my kids okay and want me to live and not want me to die somebody wake up [Applause] wake up but if my little voice doesn't reach the nation then God let it please reach you let it find some place in your heart where you have blind spots and that you refuse to have them anymore and let it melt down your stubbornness and the story you tell yourself and make God said worms to eat up your leaves until he stops covering the injustice of your own spirit [Applause] I'm talking about melting up under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and saying I need to change hurt people hurt people hurt people hurt people everybody stand now I know I've been preaching long enough to realize that you don't change anything with one sermon but I'm wondering if anybody melted while I was preaching [Music] [Applause]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 703,283
Rating: 4.8071609 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Blind Spot, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes 2019, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, td jakes commitment, td jakes sermons 2019, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2019 motivation
Id: dsiUA8f044M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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