I achieved PERFECTION in Papa's Scooperia

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are you serious Leed please for the past half year or so I've been job hopping at every Papa's location in hopes of obtaining what I consider to be the Pinnacle of all achievements in the papa verse the perfect day that means 100% perfection in scooping speed baking time topping placement and you got to do all that with zero margin for error as fast as you can or you get dinged for wait time there's a job open at Papa's sco Aria beneath a dingy Metro station and what I would call the butthole of our nation's capital and I feel like I'm a perfect fit for the job so here I am following up one of my favorite videos I've ever put together on easily the most complete meaningful well-made Masterpiece of a game I've ever played with another one of these Papa [ __ ] posts that I know within my heart will somehow obliterate the last video in terms of view count but that's neither here nor there hope you enjoy the Perfection grind cuz I sure as hell didn't this game is a th000 DB all right audio balancing is going to be an absolute War we're just going to name him the doctor like like like doctor J Julia serving oh this is like Tik Tock EB boy we're going to do this we're going to do the EB boy here oh yeah just make him look like an Amish guy that's good okay he smells like cheit I feel like he would smell like dust if you ask this guy uh to tell you about his family he'll start listing animals 9 8 is really generous compared to like how that looks chocolatey nutus yes plutus yep fire that [ __ ] over there and it's cooking time okay okay um I think I've got a beat on your your residence where you live still a newbie hey how about you suck my balls mini game it's fashion flambe Bing Bong easy game easy game easy game that's right I agree kind of likes Pizza strawberry poster doorbell done okay no quality of life upgrades on this one like the like Auto milk that kind of thing it's literally just boosters and alarms D God damn at least his outfit's better than this one me chocolate chip a chocolate cookie with chocolate chips is pretty stupid though and I do think you're stupid for ordering that oh he's shooting the gum hell yeah that'll be $30 whatever 99 in the order 99 in the build no worries man man look at how nice okay this one looks really good I feel like this is the closest we've ever come to a perfect we did get 100 on the build we got 99 on the bacon 99 on the dough which is just kind of baffling stuff all around three cookies uh take your business elsewhere you look like a [ __ ] mushroom with that hat I'm going to step on you and go Wahoo and pump my arm in the air this is so unfair what you're doing average Food Service experience yeah are you guys still open yeah only for for about 15 minutes great party of seven yeah on the same plate on the same plate on the on the on the same plate yeah me and my wine moms are going to have like my wine mom friends are going to have a wine night cool can you do that at noon instead of 8:00 p.m. at this establishment that closes at 8:00 p.m. and then they're there until midnight slowly drinking wine until they're all wasted and they tip $8 dude this looks good that looks good man W first of the day and just like that I'm awake janana voted by chat as uh worst themed name in a landslide Victory oh is it banana is is she going to do banana okay this is where you lose me like a chocolate chip cookie dough but with peanuts instead of chocolate chips I always knew you were creep and a weirdo but not in like the Cool Radio Headway Rico long time no see my friend is that tar motor oil flavor you're going to make me wait [Music] forever that one flash of red for a millisecond is going to lock me out of a perfect score that's I think the most unfair part of this game okay banana dude that is a whole banana oh it's just on the side not bad not half bad oh a special recipe holy holy holy Smuckers Jam two cookies really Mak me work for it huh a whole banana on the side yeah dude just go eat a banana wow I suck ass at this one okay two this uh cookie has been just ass blasted in the furnace I put it in a kiln like a clay pot and tar flavored I really don't know though sorry Rico it's it's going to taste like ash lot went wrong on that one good Lord she is baked wow yeah this is the um this is I thought this was a CH chol cookie well isn't that just a damn shame I didn't put him on the same plate is a fun fact and Crystal is going to go ahead and order like my whole stock it's all right this is always how these games go we have these this one like catastrophe day where we don't have any upgrades yet and we're learning what's what salted caramel square and it's all about 5T to the right big poly uh baked to all hell but besides that whatever 98 whatever okay is there truly no coming back from accidentally putting them on different plates I think so and that's really really really uh cruel that it does that give her everything she asked for except like the whole second cookie what do we think the other cookie is going to get burnt but I'm really focusing on Ivy here no wow they got fried I didn't put them on the same plate water up almost three stars on the day I think the banana saved it I think you're right all right we learned from our mistakes they have the G to call that camouflage that's a cow I mean it works with the outfit it is a SC it's cream it's a great Point toffee [Music] chunks yes I've been sitting here twiddling my thumbs like where are the toffee chunks Man Hank can I interest you in some toffee chunks and caramel apple gum and nothing else it's aab but I I love Hank yeah that's kind of where I'm at so like aab aab see like that's so unfair do you see that it keeps doing that I'm going to lose a perfect day to that and it's going to be really frustrating cuz that already locks you out of a perfect score I don't want to sound like I'm whining but that is literally stupid like I hadn't even moved it yet it was just because of the like drag animation it plays if you if you let go of Click too high above the thing and then it'll start cracking your your speed too early like before you have control over the scooper I've got time nope mindfulness that was as perfect as a drizzle gets that is literally the definition of a perfect drizzle perfect score again just wait time we're getting the the the baby boy almost just vomited all over he desk um we're getting the techniques Jesus dude I'm trying not to throw up right now [Music] leit leit some sorry [ __ ] named their kid leit I regret to inform you that leit is going to grow up and have a thing for leit like you can just tell by looking at him dude we've gotten perfect on all three toppings this is great progress we're getting low scores on on waiting but that's totally fine wow this would be a perfect day if we if we had the white weight weight all squared away the weight score strawberry not going to do the yellow babber today I'm not going to do it no more yellow babber all right and that's a promise that was my New Year's resolution um is was that like a Quantum did I just did I just prove String Theory I did like the same thing I did over here like exactly didn't really notice at all it's just a glitch perfect okay yeah cuz it didn't it didn't show up on the score either time to hire some help he's a little too excited he just wants [Music] to um make some friends she's so coquet what is that gr's home and Penny's here purple [Music] burple I'm a pretty I'm a pretty big fan of purple burple I can't Li he's registered yeah he's like at the DMV here's Gro take taking orders yeah um I need two cookies okay register organ donor wow what a sweetie Bing Bong that should be a perfect score calling my shots and everything I feel like every ice cream shop has like a flavor that's just named after like a color or a concept that's for the kids like they'll have one that's called like Superman it's like what's in it it's blue give me another one I deserve it yellow yeah um how about you say yellow to a morg after I kill you gonna get 10% on the weight score 99 on the bit is pretty brutal I kind of miss the music of Wingeria the title screen theme of Wingeria was the worst of all of them but the like song that plays when you're cooking up the wings is actually banging like they had like a major seven chord in there which I thought papas would literally never have so Quinn's going to order every ice cream I've ever had which is perfect cuz I it's probably ready to go right now that's burning as we speak while Quin tells tells me she wants a cherry one at a time chocolate syrup I cannot keep doing that in good conscience I cannot keep doing that I can't I can't I can't I can't I blew it of course it's burnt this is the worst a I oh I didn't but yeah burnt to hell it's very preppy in here is it as preppy as you imagined there are 226 fixs under the papa tag on AO3 uh I want to put a knife into my face and then twist it round like a Ring Around The Rosy game Amy Amy you slay me Amy how is that off the Dome too I'm never heard that before awesome janana and Edna now yo you two timeing [ __ ] I cannot believe it Edna gets around Amy that's perfect that's literally perfect yeah oh we have another chance of the special we've got a Crush Rico's order talk about mindfulness top rated F explicit is Papa Lou reader oh so it's like a POV thing I've had my friends at school explain like every facet of fanfiction culture to me so many times just can't keep up with it all fanfiction is a part of the internet that I've never even like graced upon at all like I was just never on any of the websites where it's a big thing I was never part of any of the fandoms for anything really any like I would have like there were a lot of things that I enjoyed that certainly would be that kind of fandom but I was just never active on fandoms cuz when I really liked something I would just watch it a lot and love it I would never go online it probably took a little long yeah and we did Miss 1% on the build somehow not sure how cuz it looks pretty good we're going to serve this up we're going to wait for things to bake and then we're going to take that order give me the special order we 1% off on the bake that's pretty cruel whippa is awesome whippa is literally awesome oh my God whippa is so cool the turtleneck with the chain is great it's exhausting aiming for Perfection because human beings in are not perfect and striving per for Perfection is a Fickle thing to do God damn it there's an account on A3 named THM and they have one one Boy Meets World fiction and five Mash oh [ __ ] five Mash fix I don't even know what like but both of those things are names I've heard a million times but I haven't consumed either of those franchises I don't know anything about either of them damn it seven of the papalou fixs are tagged with graphic depictions of violence papalou scooperia held up a gunpoint yeah is it like an armed robber that was pretty fire of me oh my god wow hottest hand in the west banana man okay banana man put me in the spin cycle one and a half times tips it's a oh God it's a three Scoopy dup though I hate that [ __ ] so much I'm have to relearn how to play this one it's been so long and we only played it for like one sitting a newspaper stand for anybody who wants to read the news how are you enjoying your purple burple Sunday surprise they hit the Pentagon I still haven't gotten any wallpapers or floorings which kind of makes me want to quit the game forever all right here you go peanut butter chocolate great wind separate chocolate ice cream make the morning time epic oh [ __ ] chocolate shavings yeah it's going to take some bit to like Reem how the hell to even do this one Hugo I know the wh cream isn't very good what about the rest of it okay all right L cream triangulating your location done found you wow you have really pretty eyes it would be a shame if something happened to them peanut butter with yum and yums um that's a reference to the Banana Split card game for those of you who never owned the Banana Split card game there's this card game it's it's pretty simple it's kind of for babies it's called Banana Split I got it at a book fair in second grade and it became one of my favorite games of all time and I still play with my friends see this feels really good if we get a perfect score in this I'm going to feel really good cuz that feels really good not even close um for shit's sake for shit's sake is all I have to say about that that doesn't we missed one peanut which means I think I should just kill myself that's kind of how these games go one miss peanut means you aren't really worthy of Life are you that's fine lose on points in the order cuz everything takes an hour and a half uh damn it my mouth shaked cuz I couldn't stop laughing that's such a shame why did I make that noise dude I'm scooping ice God damn it I'm scooping ice cream I'm not lifting a kettle bell I keep burning the cookies no this takes forever dude this one is the most arduous one easily of the ones we played in terms of how long each order takes to actually oh there's the glitch again takes to actually put together every sprinkle you eat uh an angel gets its wings they say that have you ever heard anyone say that all right I'm clocking out I don't care what you have to say about your cookies being over baked I'm clocking out we do not get 100% build on a single freaking one I didn't even level up I'm still a burple buddy I'm an incumbent candidate for burple buddy yeah of an alarm yep we'll get to hello every pony holy [ __ ] I uh watched an episode of My Little Pony for the first time on Saturday maybe maybe Sunday I can't remember what day it was one point over the weekend I was just kind of I don't know nothing to do me my roommates were just kind of sitting on the couch TV on looking for something to watch on YouTube and one of my roommates came across uh My Little Pony uh and was like oh my God I forgot about My Little Pony I don't get it man and before you say you're not the target audience it's for kids I agree it's a show for little kids however like obviously I'm not dunking on anyone who enjoys it it's just one of those things where it's like normally when I see a kid show I'm just like okay I mean I'm not target audience who cares that's fine but like I I every time I watched it all I can think about is brownies and if you if you're watching this right now and you're a brownie do whatever you want it doesn't matter to me I don't care what you you're into as long as you're not being weird to other people who cares literally who cares I can support you being into something but also give my opinion of what is there what is there to Grapple on to with this show besides like if you're really little being like I love horses and uh I don't know friendship everybody's nice to each other and they're all friends [ __ ] no I think I can do it I think I can like The Little Engine That Could which by the way [ __ ] it's a train it's not built to do that it can't just say I can it'll just die what do you think the Titanic was like no I can handle this that one is not an alarm I'm a dumbass I'm pissed is that good do you like that big Polly no I'm getting 99 on aage everything all right JoJo thanks for the migraine man oh my God is this is this like fun for you do you also have like an ant farm at home so you can watch them Scurry around and fright do you drip vinegar into it to see how they respond psychopath that looks really good this looks perfect to me are you [ __ ] kidding me D are you actually serious what did I do differently there with the bake suck my ass dude he just didn't want to give out a perfect what a dick it's like my ninth grade English teacher who for the record I do like the one thing she did that really irked me was that I my friend and I both got a 96 on our essays but the rubric was we we got perfect score and then we asked we like looked around the class to see that glitch is so stupid we looked around the class to see if um anybody else got a 96 and no we were the two highest grades in the class we were really confused so we went up to her and we're like hey we got a perfect on the rubric and the highest grades in the class uh why is it a 96 and not a 100 and she did that pretentious ass [ __ ] of saying because Perfection is impossible and no one wrote a perfect a truly perfect paper no one can write a truly perfect paper shut the [ __ ] up I'm trying to get a good GPA so I can get into a cool College just tell me that just say it's impossible to be perfect but I gave you 100 cuz you did exactly what you were asked and did a great job this is a great fit by the way dude this is like any convention yeah like if you have a doctorate and want everyone to call you Doctor that's fine you worked hard for your doctorate you've earned it but like she was especially insufferable about it and would do the the monologue you know the one literally every time a students slipped up and even immediately corrected themselves uh Miss sorry doctor she immediately be like all right everyone I did not spend blah blah blah I forgot the shoes blah blah years getting my so you could call me misses I know I'm sorry it's cuz every other teacher I have starts with Misses and I I corrected myself and apologized even and you're going to rinse me in front of the class you do every time a kid did that off we go it's spring yay I've never known how do you pronounce this is it holy or is it Holly or is it something else see this is good I like when they get creative with the festivals this is awesome I think it said like Holly okay I will trust you Spencer minnow official okay sorry I looked into this afterward and the authentic pronunciation at least anglicized is actually much closer to Holy it's going to be pronounced wrong for the whole video please direct all rage and hatred to Spencer who told me the wrong thing I hope this is a mistake that they never live down I'm kidding of course Spencer I really appreciate you hope you're having a good day and also brushing up on your vernacular and if I get rinsed for this it's your ass on the line I would trust Mindy with my drink at a party yeah she seems cool spiced ice creams and cakes are my favorite thing in the world a pumpkin pie spice ice cream might be my favorite kind of ice cream this is so simple by the way this is an unbelievable breath of fresh air Mindy holy [ __ ] bendy favorite character in the game for your order your CL CL that's it Joy please give me a different recipe that's not as complicated as the Neapolitan it kicks my ass bro how is your shift at Pizza world oh [ __ ] that dude did you see that the like first millisecond I started rolling the ice cream when there was a flash of red that was literally like unavoidable something that I used to do that I thought was really funny that I stopped doing because no one else thought it was really funny is saying respectively um in situation where uh it does not apply even remotely what are you going to do uh after class I'd be like probably just like lie down for a while and then work on my homework respectively it's not funny but I really like doing it for a while suck my balls youo what did I do different literally what was done wrong you turd it's like I saw this Tik Tok of this dude talking about how he adds as the crow flies to any measurement which I think is really funny yeah what what is the burple what in nature is a burple are these ethically sourced burples I'm awesome lot of flavors in here peanut butter peanuts peanuts again ignore that it's a lot of different flavors in here three of them are peanut okay so embarrassed I just saw a bunch of different things going on popping off today a little dude we've gotten three perfects out of four should have been four I really really don't know what was wrong with my second ice cream damn it I thought we could take the order I didn't know moose was going to order something 5 hours long yep that's that's yeah that's burnt that's burnt is what that is God [ __ ] peanut butter with chocolate chips peanuts what is that tweet that was like I can't remember it was like in the stripped Club straight up jorking it and by it well let's just say my penuts hope you choke [ __ ] your name's your child moose I don't know son of a [ __ ] at least we got a star customer I don't know I'm just trying to like moose wasn't there what was the other dude there was some dude I can't remember if it was in the wing one or in uh scooperia who had just the most wild name I keep forgetting that I even played the one the thing is I didn't play enough to like really make a video out of it but but I I got a perfect day and it was funny so I would kind of would like to I probably will anyway [ __ ] stain God what was that dude's name it was this weird like kid who had the most wild name I had ever oh was leit I forgot about leit I think leit was was Wingery unfortunately I can't tell if moose is a beautiful Butch lesbian or just some guy how come moose is only beautiful if they're a Butch lesbian I can't moose just be a beautiful guy wow peanut poster poster is so generous peanut posted note I'll get a big booster I don't care okay whatever I'm abely torch this cookie Amy and Hugo are sharing a couple cookies I mean it looks like a nice little um oh my God we did it yeah that's true I do like to imagine that everybody is dating everybody and it's this incredibly messy Perfect Day by the way perfect day coming up D you're going to get in the way of my perfect day aren't you like you always do looks very nice looks very [Music] nice if anybody wants to I don't know read the stars and tell me what went wrong this one is so perfect that's the best one I've ever made I don't get it man I really do not you better not have a long order oh my God I think this is good though this is like bakeria level of of um technical difficulty all right well we tank these last two but it's fine whatever imagine actually ordering this in words in real life like we have pictures in this game imagine ordering something like this in words Neato a fleece pullover that's not getting worn it's going to collect dust and then burn and die like we all will I kind of own Rico's chili works it's kind of like my place of business Mr onion Mr onion oh Jesus almost threw up okay I guess I'll change to chocaholic cuz it's like way easier okie pokey who started naming ice cream flavors after Concepts like obviously you can do samples but I'd like to preferably know what I'm in for you ready for my controversial take everyone get ready I think gelato is one of the most overrated Foods in existence at least for me it's definitely it's not that I feel like it's the same as ice cream CU it's definitely different but I I just I think I prefer ice cream it's I think gato is a little too heavy for me I usually feel sick when I'm eating it so now I just like if we if I have an option to either go to like a nice gelato place or go to like Cold Stone I go to Cold Stone cuz gelato is like it's too heavy it makes me sick perfect day coming up just trying to make my own fun Perfect Day perfect day we we're getting a lot more consistent this is 3 days in a row where we've been like a reasonably close to a perfect day just all the chocolate [ __ ] which does not sound fun by the way if that's the kind of thing you would order while here that is disgraceful the fact that you would with all these cool like opportunities for flavor combination the fact that your pick would be three chocolate dough cookies with chocolate chips in them three scoops of chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup and chocolate shaving I don't care if those people who's like I love chocolate chocolate chocolate death by chocolate this is not fun for your taste buds never mind commentary time what is going on what am I doing truly what am I doing like what is different about that strawberry ice cre is underrated huge aggree it's my favorite flavor you sometimes I have like a mix of favorite flavors my my Mount Rushmore is um strawberry mint chip and um like pumpkin spice like pumpkin pie spice that's my Mount Rushmore of ice cream plus like Thomas Jefferson that's literally like if if you look up like if you Google Search perfect syrup drizzle and look at how my Peanut's perfectly aligned with the this is like the perfect ice cream if this doesn't get a perfect score god like has abandoned us and I know he's been gone for a while if this isn't a perfect score okay it's leit this is this is a huge moment oh and that timing was perfect oh leat [Music] leat the Pete makes Rudy cry by better run 4,000 on devian Art there's so much fan art of leit this is awesome Total Drama label the Troublesome coconut guy Fierce cops someone someone says he's so [ __ ] ugly TCH flagged it for bullying I kind of want to change my Minecraft skin to leit a little bit would you guys support if I change all right it's it's literally 15 minutes okay we need to stop sorry guys I'm wasting everybody's time that one's not going to be perfect cuz there was a little bit of spillage but that's okay how about that how about instead of these little Mr Peanut posters I put up like a a tablet of Commandments you shall not be a dick bag every time you order your ice cream I'm trying my best why can't you be nicer to me rule number two um wday are wacky Wednesdays show up wearing fun colors rule number three trespassers will be shot on site that is so stupid let me just say that is so dumb this is really really wearing on me Mitch's mess let's go let's spot some hidden objects as I say every time I'm really bad at these a small onion crate a loot Lake God has a plan for me if you can believe it 11 seconds left we did a good job on that one new walls and they're the ugliest things I think anyone's ever made I don't know how this didn't come out of the factory without uh the producers getting like guilt like seeing seeing this wallpaper ship out and being like Oh my god boss we can't do it we can't actually send this to people he was like prophets profits profits or some stupid [ __ ] bosses would say lot late fortnite balls and then a separate message that's just says G is this a first date for you to please please tell me I'm I'm eager to hear why did the little uh order card on the right just get super compressed all of a sudden what if I like nope it just is that way now okay well the order card is very compressed now seemingly permanently purple burple more like purple burp me nurse me it's been a tough week okay all right Perfect Day incoming Perfect Day loading that is literally if this isn't perfect I am dumbfounded okay okay oh my God Joy with special order holy [ __ ] didn't you bring the last one too God you got a whole little bag of tricks don't you they should call you uh Miss Miss bagatrix Joy white Chas boom [Music] boom it happens it happens it's all good it's all right we just need more practice today is just not my day it seemed like it might be for a little bit but it's actually crazy how emotionally exhausting like people always talk about how like striving for Perfection is unhealthy it is actually crazy how much truth that there is it is so exhausting to like aim for like a Flawless performance in something yeah yeah I'm starting to get it down I'm starting to get it down y'all that's three perfects out of four wow imagine if we we we perverted that fourth one and and everything was writing on this order how tense would it be in the live chat right now crazy tense I wouldn't be talking right now I would absolutely not be talking that is perfect what a shocker oh that would have been devastating cuz that was literally perfect yeah there's a lot of onionfest stuff that implies that onionfest is approaching Mindy you two time and [ __ ] what happened to Rhonda it's the wrong ice cream can I um just not are you going to make me how cruel is that I'd rather tank the weight score than serve someone what they didn't order is a fact about me [Music] forgot that was an option oh now it's Rhonda what the [ __ ] Mindy can you also can you also timeline hop I thought that was only me that could do that I switched timelines she was in that other timeline where I caught her cheating so she was like all right you're holding me accountable and then and then adjusted that is crazy [Music] [Music] I got to stop doing this who are you sitting with I think this is the soonest oh my God Mindy did she just make a hinge and was like yep yep yep yep yep yep yep bro Mindy is a cheer she cheast this is like the soonest that the second order has ever come after the first order which leads me to believe that this is going to be our first day with seven customers rather than six literally so perfect that is literally so perfect Skyler okay okay okay perfect day Perfect Day Perfect Day Perfect Day Perfect Day Perfect Day perfect day I being one of Min side [ __ ] have more respect for yourself crumpley Mindy two dude those took the exact same same path that is like what how a robot this is a task of Papa gabri that's literally perfect three for three rectomy no no I didn't say that ah it's like but holes dude come on I was a little bit too I'm playing scared usually I drizzle a lot more Brave than that okay okay okay okay okay four for four all right final two orders [Music] feels good I don't understand it I need to get on a call with one of the developers of this game and say how the the [ __ ] do you sleep with yourself at night how do you sleep with yourself at night the one bright side of of this day is that Edna's ice cream taught me that I can go really slow in that drizzle and it won't matter both of those felt perfect the last two both felt perfect and both gave me 99s which is really [Music] confusing I hope all of these creatures have families every single one this is our last chance for this stream Trisha loves tangerin [Music] I think I forgot something yeah okay I get it y'all Jesus I noticed that I got a 75% wrong wrong wrong why this is a good one to end on cuz this has been [ __ ] Jesus rlin oh my God there's no extra credit you don't have to fill the order sheet oh my god dude I should never have done a last day they smelled that hey let's make this kid never want to play this game again how about I'm going to have to call the paramedics on rlin this is like the last thing like if I'm actually working this and someone comes in right when I'm about to close and orders this it's like dude now I going have to stay after to tend to the paramedics go [ __ ] rot radlin go dry up and rot I hope I find you under the tracks tomorrow different different countries say different things in their own dialect and it's whatever like I never going to get torn up if if a French person goes to McDonald's and he's like McDonald it's like go for it dude I don't care say however you want to say it doesn't matter to me I'm going to say holy I'm sure it's wrong technically but people informed me so if you're upset Tak it up with with the with them people informed me that of the angelized pronunciations ho is closer uh I got a hot tip Cletus should not be in public if you show Cletus an LED screen he'll kill over and die you see how on this ice cream cream scoop or on the on the cookie scoop you have that bar at the bottom that flashes yellow or red if you didn't do it at the right speed and that's kind of your ruler for like if you did it right uh the ice creams don't have that and there were a lot of moments in the last stream where I got 99s and was just befuddled uh and and some folks have informed me that while it was sometimes on me for topping it's also often because I did the ice cream too fast slightly and just couldn't tell because there's no indicator like there is for the for the cookie uh and there is a visual CU so I'm I'm on that now so I I'll never make that mistake again at least not unintentionally I mean at least not without knowing obviously any mistake is inherently unintentional there's no bar that tells you you're going too fast but there is a visual cue and that is that the ice cream SE is filling up the scoop fully occasionally it was not quite filling it up last time and that's where my 99 came from I have a good feeling about this stream that's true if there's anybody who I don't want to make an enemy out of uh that's coming to my store it's Cletus he's going to run over my my uh place of work with a tractor weight score hasn't really been an issue for us for a while it's more about the baking and the topping so I'm going to be a little patient Prudence has a Golden Ticket fetus will dump manure on your door what do you think Skyler perfect day on the first day of the stream would change [Music] lives that really hurt actually that hurts man that's okay it's only the first day oh that that like sound I made was involuntary that's actually just what it felt like yeah it's okay it's okay like you stepped on a be I did not for starters oh I just [ __ ] myself AIDS flavored what is purple purple I asked this every stream but I'm just so curious I would like someone to recreate purple burple like is like Ube or like grape or does it just not have a flavor it looks like a little smile guys it looks like a little smile if you if you if you look closely 99 on the bake yeah they are so brutal with the baking welcome to Fast Freddy fart hole something another that's one of my favorite Tik toks oh my God is Fast Freddy fart hole something another oh my God we Fast Freddy fart hole something another it's like clearly someone was like asking their dad to say something for a Tik Tok this is a diabolical order by the way peanut butter dough with durian inside and then cookies and cream ice cream with chocolate strawberry pistachios and spice and mint and mint topping that's insane that looks perfect I got to that's so ugly I'm going to put it on probably wow okay that getting a perfect on that order has taught me something really important about how this game scores unlike Freezeria it does not really penalize you for not making it all the way to the edge for even coverage but it always does for going over so we should actually tend inward I'm used to freezer where you've got to like really ride that line but on this one I don't think you do I miss my therapy appointment well what's on your mind um pineapple that's not oh [ __ ] um there's actually a lot going on this one what kind of shoes were they were they green shoes I think they were green shoes I think they were green shoes okay it's not a pineapple I got a large comet table it's rare it's a rare item so how about that what do you think okay I got a lot of Windows okay Kayla in your order is so simple so elegant I like Kayla what's the lore here I'm making cookies for the people ask me for cookie and ice creams and then I make it for them and give it to them Cletus uh bagged Edna which is crazy Cletus is swinging above his weight a little bit I think Edna is um in another League Kayla this is the cutest dang thing I've ever seen do you agree yeah the answer was yes yes the answer was yes of course I agree it's not that much of a Time loss we've got windows Can Wait Forever like dogs they they've got something to look at outside for enrichment okay chocolate enrichment time with the ice cream enclosure that one blew my mind all right I I can't lie that one did blow my mind that one absolutely blows my mind [ __ ] you Papa's trans Aria is just just Claire's it's just only chocolate like what's the appeal man I give if you like chocolate but this just like looking at this makes me feel ill well like think about like all of these options you can get for like to get some different flavors on your palette and then you can get chocolate cookies three chocolate cookies with chocolate chips in all three of them with three scoops of chocolate ice cream a chocolate syrup drizzle and chocolate shavings that's just not fun even if you like chocolate the only people who get that are the the millennial Facebook moms who want to keep up their appearance of of of of of the [ __ ] they put on their status post where they're like certified chocaholic here use some strawberry that's what I'm saying like some variety of flavor goes a long way death by chocolate yeah you're going to hell Purgatory by chocolate more like BR slap it's not funny brush slap is not from anything in case you think you're missing like an inside joke I just am really tired there's no inside joke there's no joke that wasn't a joke stupid Chocolate Rain I think I made that exact joke in uh bakeria so sorry everybody what do you think D that looks literally perfect okay that would have been crazy if it wasn't I'm going to go ahead and say sorry to anyone out there named D but like d dude really yeah have you all seen the video I think it's Travis Scott falling into this like little Mercy that's one of my favorite like things that old people say as an exclamation It's especially a thing that like baseball announcers do it all the time there's this famous clip of like the white socks home announcers like commentating a game where the white socks were getting just ravaged he's just sounds so tired they you up like seven runs in the inning and the other team like hits another home run he's like and that ball is long gone and that's another three run Mercy some of that sweetened Fresh Cream that's another Tik Tok I've seen it's this dude reciting from memory this clip of this woman cooking like a a some kind of pie I forget which one pean pie I have no idea that won't hurt it though you know what I'm talking about you see where I've messed up that plate and then she takes a bite and like her eyes cross it's so good whoops that won't hurt it though if you do this that's fine geez I have like too many of these I'm such a like grumpy old man like I'm just I'm so fast to get tired of [ __ ] cuz it's like it doesn't hurt anybody and I'm just being needlessly negative but more important is being honest and I got to say the like here let me just put in the chat this [ __ ] where people think something's funny and just like smash the keyboard I got to be real that stuff really gets on my nerves like especially when it's so long like if you're saying something funny and someone's just like it's like don't please stop whoops that won't hurt it though and you see where I messed up that plate I think I know just what'll fix it we're going to cover that up with just a little bit of sweetened Fresh Cream does it look delicious or what wish you were here Michael too bad too bad this is the best part I forgot the cross wonderful going to sit that right there and now let's move home to this dude recited that whole clip like the full length of that all 40 seconds that from memory on a separate video and if you watch it back it's all correct people reciting [ __ ] is the worst oh in a social situation absolutely that stuff uh gets on my nerves when people do it like as a sub subtitute for saying something stimulating or funny is just like reciting like a comedian's set word for word that [ __ ] drives me nanners but when it's like a Tik Tok and it's like this is all you come for and you can scroll past it I think it's pretty funny sometimes if it's just like a movie scene then I don't care but for that that's so specific I'm way into that cuz like how do you get to the point where you've got all that down I have too many experiences with people especially with John meany I think I've talked about this before John meany funny comedian I don't know anything about him person cuz I've never like followed anything he's done um but yeah his sets are funny I've seen Clips yeah it's funny dude whatever the number of times someone will say something that I don't know is in or is related to a John molini set and then somebody will start just reciting John meany that has happened so many times that I just can't help but hate John meany by this point cuz like it's it's the same kind of people who just don't know know when to stop like they'll start saying like oh it's John malany and then they'll just keep going and keep reciting johnan it's like that's those are not your jokes At All by the way like what is even going on it's the same deal with like that's it's the same reason I hate Princess Bride as I've talked about I think that's a common theme with Princess Bride as well and you someone who would start J inter told him to stop they would start over yeah I would never talk them again literally ever not only is this not your joke and you're just reciting something that I've heard before but also you have now fully taken control of the conversation no one else is allowed to talk no one can hear themselves think over you spending the next minute straight reciting a thing from John meany that to be honest is rarely even that funny I I no longer want to be a part of this conversation cuz I can't even hear myself think these Papa streams I'm always so needlessly negative I'm sorry I just get so there's so much downtime I get so comfortable on these Papa streams and I feel like I can tell you guys anything like I'm not saying you're a bad person I'm saying uh shut up up yeah that's probably the prettiest one all right we're starting off strong Maggie is really cute I feel like like this whole generation like growing up on the internet I feel like you have no choice but to be a hater because it's so easy and widely accepted to be a hater online that it's it's just it's hard not to fall into that mindset also it's true that like it's crazy how much even just 2 years worth of streaming has offset a life full of acceptance and love streaming like really has you even if though it's just for 2 years I'm so much less like patient with people which is sad cuz we do have the first two it's always the third Ice [Music] Cream yeah I knew it man5 seconds it took me to remove that cookie and that was enough to ruin it you know now we have the big booster I think we're at the end game point where I think we start to reset I don't know if people think this is cheesy cuz I get to see Maggie again one time my friend said all in or you're not ball in on Discord poker and I lost all my money that's really funny from now on every time I say blah blah blah is something that annoys me uh ignore it fully there are it's over I literally forgot my one tip to myself we got to reset again that's already it's over yeah if I ever say like oh this this dialect thing gets on my nerves um ignore me fully Only Exception is if I say something makes me uncomfortable then please try not to because there's like blah gets on my nerves and then there's BL makes me uncomfortable any um variation of thermy anything that's like thermy thermy thermy wormy that [ __ ] actually makes me feel uncomfortable it's not just annoying it actually makes me feel uncomfortable and I said that in I think it was bakeria and that just caused more people to do it cuz they wanted attention so yeah do not call me thury wormy ever and if you do I want you all to make a promise with each other that you will ignore it and not give it any attention cuz it's clearly a cry for attention I like Maggie and I like Maggie's order Maggie is just great like this is such a cute order I would never get it I don't like chocolate uh ice cream on a chocolate cookie but like it just looks so nice I've seen it all if you think you're being creative you're not I've seen it all if you call me thermometer I will roll my eyes you won't be able to hear that but I will thermodynamic some some long word that starts with therm I will be rolling my eyes silently behind the screen Caleb please the first two are always a lock the first two are always a lock I'm not making as much commentary today cuz I'm so focused this is so embarrassing like in the grand scheme of things this does not matter but it means so much to me okay Mindy oh my God three for three this is unprecedented I think maybe not I feel like we always bungle the the third one trishna I like trishna a lot too the therm hates women crowd is quaking the therm hates women crowd has been silent this stream okay looks perfect oh my God oh my God oh my God I need to take a break cuz my stomach just turned like I just started feeling ill I had to make sure I wasn't going to vomit all leat I'm so embarrassed the Pete was in my dream last night but like not not not him he himself I was in a room with a bunch of kids like what was clearly like a class like field trip kind of vibe it was like a museum of all these different kinds of like rocks or crystals but you could actually like pick them up and touch them on on the ceiling there was what looked like an NBA Scoreboard but instead of like a score it was a chart of all the different rocks and their names and you you know like all the I don't know what they're called all the alien people things in outer Wilds are new after rocks right KN after like rocks and and just various types of minerals so I I had the thought process in my dream of oh I should see if if I recognize any of these Rock names from Outer Wilds that would be cool if like any of the outer Wilds thing people so I was looking through to see if any of them were outou of wilds and one of them was called leit and the dream I was like oh that's where leit goes from like it it didn't even catch me off guard I just saw like leit and was like oh that's why they named that character Le Pete it's cuz there's a rock and then I woke up and I was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with me he's a closer his orders going to be really long there's a chance we would have burned those cookies I actually love that play I just made that's huge how awesome would it be if our perfect day ends with [Music] leit one [Music] left that was so risky there on the edge with the pistachios I don't know why I did [Music] that Le [Music] please thank you we had two rip ones the perfect day save backup now another one another a third um Spirit far when uh somebody died a fourth a fourth a fourth rip one that was so satisfying the fact that it ended with leete after I had a prophetic dream the beat all right we're done we're done we're done we're done we're [Music] done
Channel: Therm
Views: 381,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: therm, therm bakeria, therm papas, therm papas bakeria, papas, papas bakeria, papas games, papa louie, papas bakeria gamepley, papas bakeria perfect day, scooperia, papas scooperia
Id: 3jL10j_r5jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 51sec (3291 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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