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hello we're just checking out some yard sales today so I'll let you watch me check them out and I'll jump in a little bit later something cool happens yeah I got I have three now I'm down to one again good morning how are you he's the one how's it going no real questions yet I'm gonna grab this real quick though this is cool you ever watch this no no is it cool I don't know Houdini is it two dollars one hour one dollar okay yes thank you thank you good morning how's it going how much on your watch is that a curiosity how much do you want for all of them would you sell them all at one one shot hey man how's it going what's going on no pressure [Applause] bucks exactly what I was thinking the speaker for sale too does that works the speaker worked there um no I was trying to get it to work for myself oh there you go cool looking good I'm sorry oh you're good you're welcome thank you so much I've seen this before oh boy I saw them somewhere else and I knew I don't want to say it loud right now stuff with this one hey how's it going man how much are you going for those uh Chessmen guys up there uh last guy I told him to take all of them for five piece so it came out to like 75 but I said I'll do 50. 50. yeah I've selling them for like 30 online yeah there I had like a few regular guys that were buying them like consistently and they kept messaging me and saying hey uh you know do you have any filled ones and apparently this stuff is really good really yeah I've seen him a few times I'm like I want this all right yeah same do you have the the king and queen ones too or is it just just like Rooks and just the pawns and uh what else I think there's like a off person oh my God I solved like all of them like the fish shop or no I sold the rocks I had castles I sold those I bet yeah those ones seem to go at uh you said five each though I'll probably grab two off you oh my God I got the light fish out yeah I'll grab it from you I'll just get it from you the case is cool too like right they're cool they are I was kind of upset because when I bought them I bought them off of a guy and I thought they were like a complete set but I didn't really look at them I was like oh I got a good price for them and take them all you didn't get it at a yard sale did you yeah I think I might have been there with you and you got these why are you there yeah he's got like the garage that's crazy man and he said he had a bunch of storage yeah yeah yeah a couple stores and stuff that's wild that's so crazy I'm gonna buy two of them off you because I was mad I didn't get them last time that's great that's awesome that's funny as my name is Tom by the way I'm Joe nice thanks man nice to meet you you got a shop or anything no no just almost to eBay yeah same and my girlfriend she does uh Facebook Marketplace and uh offer up oh awesome yeah I like offer up she likes it it I feel like she gets more more play on Facebook Marketplace but still it's you meet not with random people that scares me man I don't like her going by herself so usually like I'll be like wait for me to get out of work and I'll come with you yeah you know and it's on their time not your time right exactly sure well anyone's fine like whichever other one well we got the light Pawn we got the dark pawn and they got another Bishop oh and there's a light this might be a late night right here the nights are pretty cool I saw that one oh yeah that's sweet I'll take that one that's cool thanks man nice to meet you nice to meet you John man see you around I'm sure so super nice guy there here's a screenshot of a video of those same ones that I uh missed out on but yeah super cool guy I'm glad I was able to track it down but that's just wild to me I ran into him today not today much on your uh belt here sounds good how much did you look for those uh Vans shoes over there uh the ones that are under the table over here oh the Vans yeah you have two pair of Vans here do you know what price you wanted or no I don't really care thank you so much thank you so much hello hello I'm not sure for these signs here hours a piece cool are they new they're Indian they're not it's when my husband was getting into Indian like those from Harley to Indian and Harley nice I'll probably grab the one keep it looking okay there you go 2 million thank you gracias appreciate it all right so here's everything I got for the week a lot of this is from the Goodwill bins but those footjoys there I see that style all the time and I want to see if they sell I got some Dockers moccasins next to that and I got a bunch of Nikes those Nikes uh actually had a issue with them so I tossed them right there those ones already have a bid on them they're like crossfit shoes Nike Nike those little uh kids Nikes there they sold for 20. these ones I'm showing you now are the toss uh the bottom was coming apart I didn't realize it was a store which is fine not that big of a deal uh more Nikes got the Nike cleats because it's getting to be football season already and something going on with the camera there got those shoes seven dollars for both they go for like 20 25 online so I listed them for those blow molds got for a dollar each going for like 20 to 30 as a set like Indiana motorcycle 20 bucks Big Win of the day I already showed you is about 350 for those watches uh Houdini tape going for like 10 uh I can't find anything on that belt so I listed it for 20 I think it's like a horse riding belt espresso maker here from a regular Goodwill for like five bucks going for 70 online listed it for 45. those two like you said they're going for about 30 online one was broken the other one I kind of want for Nostalgia but you saw in the other video I missed out so uh I had to go ahead and pick that up it probably did really well on this other one um I think he was the guy was selling them for like five bucks and he choose flipping it for 30. so he's trying to make his money back uh this bag here is cool it's got like wheels on the bottom it's already sold already for me it's got like uh yeah see that there's the wheels there I think it was 15 or 20 it sold for it was nice and clean and Goodwill is small so I just bought those I had to throw these out there's another hole in the bottom of one of those I didn't want to sell that um got those for myself I'm gonna put those in the wall if you've seen my where I film that there's another one on the wall uh disc golf uh look out for these 15 or 20 each uh those video Nows I paid too much for I'm not gonna make a whole lot on those but I used it to test the other uh video now just that I did accidentally buy it's just part of a lot uh some magnets for the wall that are kind of dirty words and then we got Patches for Girl Scouts I like the karate one it's like 20. well then we got the dry erase calendar people like that it was sealed at the Goodwill bins and I like to buy anything sealed there so it's easy to lift and some guy came up to me and gave me a bunch of shoes that he couldn't find a pair to these are yeezy's quotations I think that they're fake though just for perspective if I had the other pair of that I was able to find it and it was real it would have been like 250 to 300 for this which is crazy it just didn't feel real and the stitching was off yeah but overall pretty solid day all right and last but not least we got this Fender rock band guitars so awesome day um yeah appreciate it thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: SoLucky Online
Views: 592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast, harrytornado, harrythetornado, russia, putin, biden, trump, flipping, reselling, gargaesales
Id: ramZmO8TGW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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