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mm-hmm all right let's show them what we got there oh you guys want to see what we got yeah yeah oh wait wait until you guys see this where are we going all right come on come on everybody this is big time here we go you guys want to see it what is it what is it what is it three two one [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] what's up what is up everybody welcome to another video so to start it off today I wanted to let's just do it like this walk with me and talk with me I do have my indoor sandals on but the only thing is the ground's so Frozen now that I'm not going to get mud on them and I need to take this bag of goodies back to the shed because I'm getting the garage more and more hooked up to the point where the garage is going to be actually a legitimate Production Studio for our YouTube channel which brings me directly to the point that I wanted to make this morning before we go on our grand Adventure to Philadelphia to the most epic costume store we know of in the area yes I could literally just put it down right now for now on the ground people are getting uh I don't want to say the wrong idea but that's exactly what it is it's it's a very few amount of comments that are geared towards this kind of way of thinking as opposed to how many comments are literally just in complete support and love of everything that we put out our family unit me Sammy and Finley are very well loved and we actually have like thousands of people who support us for us and for everything that we do and for living our life the way that we do it's easy to overlook all the good and if we didn't care so much about our YouTube channel it would be easy to overlook all the comments including the negative but the thing of it is this isn't just a YouTube channel for entertainment and it isn't just a YouTube channel to generate money although both of those things are part of it our channel is based off of us and our life experiences things that we do so we're not out there to try and put out a video to get the most views possible we're also not out there to try and make a video just for the sake of entertainment only we're making these videos actually for ourselves as well as for the viewer you the person who's watching or the people who are watching and to spread a message of Hope positivity inspiration and to get people to understand that you're powerful in and of yourself without anything else without your job without people that either a support you or don't support you without anything else you You Being Human Being Alive being here in this realm of existence at this time without anything else attached at all to that you're powerful you're beautiful and you have meaning and your life has meaning and the things that you love and are passionate about have meaning and that's the main main goal of our Channel and also for us to grow the things that I believed three years ago or five years ago or for that matter 12 or 15 years ago or even 20 years ago 24 years ago when I started making videos on a high eight tape aren't the things that I believe today and that's good that's a good thing so if I said something in a previous video and I and it sounds like I maybe am contradicting it in a video today the reality of it is I might be because I've grown and I grow every day and so does our family and so should you but my point is this channel is about us sharing our lives and this is our platform so if a video might seem like you know I heard people complaining that this is a commercial but yeah it might be a promotion or it might be a collaboration or a review with a company but it's also part of our journey and I don't feel guilty about being paid to show a product in a video because that's what helps us put a roof of our our daughter's head now it's more important than just me now it's the whole family so I'm not I don't I'm not ashamed of that at all that is how you run a business and the reason that so many companies reach out to us I think is because that our our videos are backed by a message they're not just backed by a monetary gain although we do make money off YouTube I'm not trying to say we don't but the reality is we're here to share our journey and to hopefully grow spiritually and to grow our business financially and to give back so all of that wrapped up into one package it's hard to do and it's hard to maintain doing the reality of it is we got to where we are today which isn't you know that far there's many many many many other people in this same town that make more money than us and might love their job I don't know and might love their career I don't know but the reality of it is so we're not at the Pinnacle of success or anything like that but I'm saying to get to where we have gotten from where we were is because of our hard work it's because of our message and it's because deep down we are good people um and I know that so uh it's hard for people to understand I guess it would be like don't confuse confidence with being arrogant because we have a right to be confident I've I've together with Sammy for five years straight have put out at least three lengthy well-edited produced videos every week if you think it's it like if you think that that's an easy task to do I welcome anyone on here to try it because it's literally so hard to continue to make content all the time to continue to have a positive attitude especially when there's these negative like troll I mean I have to just feel bad for him because okay it's one thing to go on to somebody's Channel watch a video not like that video and just be like this isn't for me turn off that channel and go on to something that you like it's another thing for somebody to disagree with things that I say which I'm open to that I don't care because not everybody's gonna think the same way as me and honestly I wish and I hope that nobody would think exactly the same way as me because being unique is what drives everything in this world and being yourself and being you in all your glory and all your family we're gonna get to that too the failings part and the the negative part um we're working up to a really really big video that is going to expose a lot um but I I don't want to get into that right now because that's not what this is about but my point is I challenge anybody if they think what we do is easy in any way to do it for five years straight while having a kid and all the other stresses of Life go ahead try it but I'm not trying to Pat myself on the back either I'm just saying that the reason it's easy for us and for me to continue is because of our passion and we're not going to let the passion die out because somebody doesn't agree with our videos or somebody doesn't agree with me you know promoting this scooter in a video if that's what we're doing that day and that's the video that we're making that day it's part of our journey and yeah I never thought that we would be a promotional Channel and literally I only wanted to review the electric skateboards because that was the probably the first review big review that we ever did is because I love skateboarding and I love electric skateboards so and then it just snowballed and like when a company messages me and says we're going to give you uh you know 1800 1700 scooter to try out all you got to do is make a video of course the adventure of spirit inside of me is going to jump on that opportunity [Music] and then jump on the next opportunity but what I'm saying is don't take first off don't compare our YouTube channel to other YouTube channels because we're not the same and don't take our kindness for weakness because Sammy's probably the strongest person I've ever met she's literally the exact opposite of week yeah we could sit here and stoop down to the level of other people who have a problem with our Channel or our way of life but we're not going to we're going to lift ourselves up and we're going to stay with you the positive view or the positive Fowler of our adventures and we're going to continue to do we're going to continue to live our life as it unfolds in front of us and film every moment so that's the plan from here on out I also wanted to say new schedule coming we're probably going to start dropping two videos a week with maybe an extra um shorter less uh produced video but two videos a week I think this is the best way to do it with Finn it's just so hard to put out so much content that we're gonna do one Wednesday night would you guys rather have the video come out at 5 p.m or 6 p.m 6 p.m has been working the best I think over the years so we're probably going to do Wednesday night at 6 p.m and Sunday night at 6 p.m um if these times like are super cool with you guys please let us know in the comments um but today I've ranted for too long I've gone too long this is like a 10 minute video already which is absolutely insane we're gonna go to the masquerade store so without further Ado let's go family adventure and we're going to be picking out well I'll just let Sammy explain that let's go I'm explaining what we're about to do and what we are about to do is go to costume store in Philadelphia and um there's a cat colony that's in the same like vicinity as that store kind of it's behind the Goodwill and we're gonna feed the cats we haven't been there in a hot minute so we're gonna bring Finn and show her the colony stays in Wawa tomorrow gotta have the app then you have that I know I saved 15 a gallon 15 cents a gallon last time we got gases from using the app cha-ching yeah and I'm getting car sick so that's a new thing that has never really happened before unless I'm on my phone a lot in the passenger seat I've got car seat every time that I've ever driven in a car when I wasn't the driver maybe that's why I don't know it's weird because we've driven over an hour since after I had been so I don't know hear it though I'm not really liking it so thank you foreign [Music] here we are at the Wawa we made it to the Wawa that's on Route 42 right before basically Philadelphia and we're cruise and we're living it so Sammy just went back into the Wawa even though I already got our food and everything because we don't have any hand sanitizer and it is flu season out here so we don't want to really just like I touch like the stuff and the doors and we've just been out touching different things and we want to clean our hands off before we eat as should everybody before they eat [Music] um I'll show you guys what we got to eat once she gets back in here though drugstore brand I don't it's like they didn't have oh they literally just called themselves drugstore brand because then people would trust them like oh this must be what the drugstore uses but really it has nothing to do with it they're quality guaranteed car sickness brat syndrome who you no B she started to cry just because we stopped yeah being doesn't like it when you stop moving she wants to keep going I wanted to share what we've got for snacking oh yeah we can eat did they not give us the sour cream huh yeah they did they did oh it's in your pocket chichi I got this for me though I don't know why I got this I guess because what should I do eat my bagel first or my other I'm not even gonna touch the bagel actually check this out though not the best thing ever but Wawa bagel with cream cheese honestly [Applause] all right let's check out the scene back here all right we made it we made it we are at the noted Beans really excited about it oh it would suck if it was closed right Grinch and Santa Claus see that's the relevance of the Grinch he's almost as good as Santa now wait why are those shoes in that trash can she just pulled like gnarly like leather boots out of that trash can somebody put them in there yeah or they threw them out because they got new ones here that's what I'm not saying maybe he has something going with someone oh bets were off they were praying on their own immigrants stuck wow it's stocked up in here no way no Tony's father earned an honest living while in concrete day in and day out each launched his dad this is the most legit costume store ever [Music] I need to know everything who wouldn't know what and where I need everything trust me I hear what you're saying but I like it's new what you're telling me I'm curious George I happen to pause five and a horse I'm Ready for War I'm coming for throws to turn to a ghost I need to know everything now you'll be surprised at the info you get is by letting them talk so I'm letting them talk gotta keep quiet maneuvering signs to let them and chalk up their body another one body that's just how I go I got some secrets I'm shaking the game so they stay on their toes stay in your lane now to stay on the go I came to play with the pros and not like a rookie so they overlooked me did not double up but get none of their nose none of them cold they just got lucky but never adapted so I'm gonna wonder if it's coming to blows as a teenager Tommy ran with a band of young criminals they call themselves The 107th Street gang yeah I feel right at home right at home and they're just watching gangster documentaries like I do every day what those even are sick this is cool the thing is it's not total either like feel the quality this is so cool wow right up my alley and look look the bean top hat they got it all they got it all yeah look they got it all little baby Bean outfits so scary yeah I don't like that yes I love the I love this here yes remember because I got this here I'll show you guys I didn't I mean I broke it out it's on like my it's in the bedroom but I have this one that I got here and I love it and but they didn't have these the last time again this guy is so gnarly [Music] are you having fun being we are right stop yeah no [Music] it's like I feel like it'd be hard to wear yeah because you'd run into everything this is the Grinch costume though but that's not the one we need I really thought to have a good Grinch costume right I don't think that's the claim now this is just this is just so much better quality and so many more things than any Halloween store near us or costume store no well yeah in the front maybe I'll I'll take a gander through the right-handed the time it was very celebrated wow Quality quality honestly the the zagon studios is good quality like Mrs Claus style but that's not good right I mean is this claw suit is sick I want something more like this material like why stores have to be off all right so here's the girl slash woman so that's pretty nice so 40 bucks compared to that other one was like three something so that's pretty good this is good actually this one's actually probably the best dude the Ruby's one yeah oh look and the Bean Bean nah she don't need it that's actually like legit I think this is the oh yeah next with maseria out of the way Lucasian Luciano moved on maranzano it was up to new Casey to find a way to knock him off going on opposing is a disaffected member of the machinery until we learned that maranzano worried about a possible audit from the IRS Tommy's great strength is an organized criminal was his ability to read people and to find out where he will hold them told his bodyguards in the office at the Grand Central Tower no she doesn't like that she don't like that at all I mean to be Narnia people this is what we really need look at this wait that's like from Slumberland it's the Slumberland jacket guys which by the way that movie was awesome wow and it has armsies no it doesn't really yeah it does I mean it does but not really yeah it does oh because it's too small for you it's for a woman right that is amazing I would get it I want to use this though probably so expensive it's custom this is literally what you just said they actually darn it yeah Slumberland for kids I don't know if this is I think these are just so you can like get to stuff not necessarily to use because like why would you put your arms out of here it doesn't make sense you would always put your arms out there so you can move around that's what they're foreign so I got this costume because the one I wanted does not fit me they only had an extra small so I'm getting this and this one's an extra small but it's like the bigger costume because it's not like a second it's stretchy too right so we have the Mist Santa Claus which was Santa Paula's costume but I can wear that yeah do you need that I think you got the States imagine if you wore this there's no way it's so itchy maybe not though itchy but I have an elf costume that fits me and also I have the oversized Santa costume that I could easily wear so Mr and Mrs Claus and baby claws well they do have a little baby snowman snowman outfits for her because it's so mean to put your baby do you know what I'm saying I mean they're supposed to be long and creepy like they would match this they're just like their whole costume has everything should I look it up yeah should I be happy that I got this costume instead of the the one that I originally wanted because this one will be warmer and it's more like flowy yeah it's the Masquerade it's the masquerade what'd you say [Music] um tuxie in the back about a bean in the front but a bean in the back oh yeah get your baby he looked like Crow yay they got a good setup here though yeah let's check out these babies and see what they do do you want to go see them and I'll get the food going oh yeah oh yeah all right hi baby look at this guy's face hi hi can you throw your snake snacks Oh you mean care see that I'm gonna try not to get in my feelings but it's when the cats look like that I mean he's probably old but he just looks like he's all taken care of over there not that I saw but they definitely feed them yeah look how big they are what should we put it at they might have bowls over there oh there's like a little stone that we can put it on right here flip it in hey hey they got operations down there maybe they don't put food over here maybe they only put food on the other side I'm not trying to walk too far away from the car guys these are terrible I'll just use the cardboard that I have okay I should have brought some of the Christmas pleats but all right all right feeding them up we just gave them we're gonna give them four cups of food hey a black one coming out of the Woodworks you got a big old belly you ain't starving we could do a little trick here while we set the camera for a second is coming out yeah there it is it's so hard to do it right this operation I never saw this before look at this you build this up on purpose so they can go in there smart right here hey we can get the run down or steal my shelter no we have six cats at home so we can't we can't take anymore damn but we don't even live around here but we fed these guys before so we just figured we know they're you know other people feed them you guys take care of them we saw the operation over there yeah but we figured anything else all right you got six new ones from this side are you uh in charge uh you can say that I take off the heat full of do you take donations um I'd rather have the food I'm sorry okay this way just wait well I can tell where it's going well I mean they eat any kind of can any kind of Drive okay where can we put the food though we buy it well I'm there all about three hours out of the day you'd be coming two o'clock in the morning I'll be there what's your name sure Teresa what's up hey found it we'll be back we'll bring some food donations thank you thank you for taking care of me as a kid she has she's got a baby in there she got chickens in there this is trash okay that makes me happy though because now we know all right the suspense is building Pew the most suspenseful music online now there's a lot of suspenseful music online I'm really excited to see these shirts we are about to pick up our new don't know if I want to call it that but this is as close as we can get right now with the funds we have to a clothing line and it's dropping now so we're about to pick up our very own custom designs from think Inc out here in maze Landing these guys are true artists they know what they're doing with screen printing it took them a little bit to get this stuff done but it's finally done and we are about to pick it up and we're stoked very very excited where's it at where is it your destination is about you if you go if you go 20 miles over the speed limit they beat that yeah I'm gonna go over here where's his truck where's the truck they used to have here he must have scrapped it scrap daddy Scrub Daddy no he got rid of it Dean you ready for this you ready to meet some of the cats in there yeah foreign because I know you're gonna worry I was really stressed out dude come on piece of yo it's it's worth for the Peace of Mind you know when it was yeah and it took over a week to get the parts in dude yo you know why because these shirts are so fire that they're breaking the freaking machinery I got something to show you guys come on in look at this you got the chicken no let's we can go around oh we're gonna go around we can we can check them out first because I gotta you know what I mean yeah all right we're all paid up for the shirts but look they just have our stuff on display in here because they like it so much and look at this one more claim here where is it the Ruru shirt do we still have it up here I don't know I'm not seeing it now he took that one home you need me to help you with the bean nah not there anymore close them all right I guess drive around drive around you got this though so they can start loading it you got the bean are you sure all right they're bringing them all out this is literally Gonna Fill this entire car no joke so many shirts no they did it look at this this is Santa's Workshop in here this is beautiful I already know are you guys ready no they didn't oh with the fat outline too feel it this is amazing and it's just Gildan shirt right yep oh man that's the back no way no bro I was willing to take a lesser quality because I knew it was going to be hard to do that yeah it was rough we were worried about that all right so let's actually what size was that one that you just had this one was a large we need to get into the two x's I want one of these we can load these up though yeah yeah they were long sleeves right now I don't even remember because it's been a little bit Yeah I can't remember either now this is actually Perfection boys see that's why you know you gotta go for the quality look at the back it felt really good and then you got your cup on the side there the couple on the side beautiful you can get it that's so nice though is that even real what else do we have what are those things right okay so then these will be hoods still yeah actually right here and then here's the gray t-shirts those are so nice too involved that's basic tradition that is so nice yeah it is nice and thin I love how it's like thicker than I thought it would be around here it makes it nicer yeah it came out real nice but they were sitting in the cold all right it's going down on my third GoPro battery because it's so cold this I don't know why I would take this off but I do know why look at this look at this boys what size girls I'm going 2x I do three yeah hold it in sizes so yeah you guys are always you guys are always nice with that yeah I appreciate it so look at this though this is high quality the thing is though you guys are cool we've been doing it a long time like it's not about it is about making tons of them but that's not the only thing it's about with you guys and that's one of the reasons we really like it because it's art it is our you can't really get better than this where's my boy no he didn't what's he doing that's your dog he's a little he's very like skittish in the beginning is that your pop Denzel say you're not gonna Foster him you're just gonna keep them didn't I say it was gonna be one day less than one day you guys are gonna fall in love then it's gonna be a game either his name's Dennis though yeah you can let him in there he's a good boy he's so cool then perfect size dog too it was a good temperament he's trying to get snacks foreign how far did he run from him he ran away up into the street up onto someone's porch and I had to get him come on Dennis car you think they tried to take him we're not going in this car you can let him off the leash here no no would that be like a three hours ordeal Dennis welcome to the fam he's like a collared shirt the way you are I know he needs a plaid jacket I'm going to PetSmart right now to get a jacket I'm getting him close look at this leash at least five feet long and leather how old is he they said he was eight that's not true he looks young he jumps up he looked old in the pictures but young in real life like he's too like a one-year-old fresh maybe they have him they say he's older so that I'm more inclined to take him that's not true he can back here if he wants nah he already went how many times once today three times yesterday all right so we got all the merch back to the house this battery's probably gonna die too I don't know why the cold weather so harsh on the GoPro batteries but it is um gonna put the Drone in the air right now and get this drone shot hopefully [Music] [Music] [Music] we want to go [Applause] [Music] all right we just finished shooting up the pictures of uh this stuff down here at this little Beach a little bit rushed because it's just hard to do with a baby obviously everybody who has a kid knows that but I wanted to say I'm wearing a 2X I like my stuff a little bit big I could probably I could probably pull off an XL but I like bigger clothing that's how I feel comfortable just so that you guys see how the 2x would fit me and Sammy has on a 3X obviously she likes it oversized but the sizes are all gilded stinky so if you guys wanted to look at it uh a size chart you can use the Gildan size chart that's that's all I wanted to say just to see what it would be best for you but we're gonna get it one more location and see if we can get some shots there as well foreign [Music] hey Bean okay here's what we're gonna do you want to hear the plan she's like I I can hear that she's about to throw up on me bean bean come on I'll tell her all right so here's what we're gonna do you listening so we're gonna take the car we're gonna pull it into the driveway she likes being like this for some reason and we're gonna open it back and be like okay how crazy it is look at all this gold and then we're gonna show the merch what do you think Bean is that a good idea all right let's do it foreign we forgot what we were doing what are we doing we're gonna show them what are we gonna show on March oh not right now we'll do when we get back she said all right let's go I feel like something from Men In Black when I hold her like this you know what I mean like an alien that has like another alien attached to my stomach or something that's how I would feel I have to get like the cloth what I don't even know what they're called the ones that are not the Buckle ones it's like a uh like a sling yes like or something like that because I feel like those ones are more fluid than the other ones are more like stiff I think we got it Bean Bean do you think we did good on the thumbnail that we just filmed everybody's gonna be so fast to click on the video just because they see the bean they're gonna be like click click click click click like like like like for real for real though check out these bunny slippers I mean it doesn't get much better than this all right so we have officially got all of the shirts back to the house and we actually have the garage set up pretty nicely she's opening it now perfect pretty nice canvas actually we did a lot of work on the garage over the last couple weeks all right it's happened it's happening I told you guys it would this has been in my mind for years and years and finally making some progress yes I was gonna say it's happening but do you like the way it looks it looks way better in here like you can walk you know you can walk you can walk through it and there's stuff all in the way still yeah but no it has to get disrupted before it can get really organized that's the only thing these are all our Christmas decorations for the tree basically so wait yeah I have the lid for this too in the shed but here's the plant so see how I put this carpeting down this we got from the roller from the skating rink paid 10 bucks for all this so I'm hoping this is like a double sheet so we can put one here and then one right there basically and then a whole tent no whipball concession stand out with the popcorn anybody wants popcorn I do are you the one that's gonna serve it then yes I'll have all the popcorn in the world it's chilly it's literally wind gal worn Gale wind warnings right now and I heard the neighbor's door like bam slam I've been gonna get caught in the wind and they were like yelling about it not good not good we were thinking about going to the park for breakfast not a good idea like halfway at the Block and we're like no we're gonna turn around someone woke up oh no they didn't that's just real don't let her in she'll run outside I mean if you shut the garage again I can't bro keep her in keep her in I know all right she's coming out look at her face wow and three go exactly it's the same garage she actually is stoked about all this space she's all right so this is the plan put all of our shipping in here for everything I tried to do it in the shed out back the nice shed and the internet doesn't reach I'm not going to buy another modem I'm just going to do it in here I want to set up this area as pretty much like a chill space um we're gonna get another couch I think from the Han Bay Company they've been messaging and we've been talking about getting forth about doing another collaboration like the one we did before and then this is where we're gonna hopefully paint see the orange on the wall right there hopefully paint pretty much the whole this side I want to say like from here over orange and put up the other Crow cream thing um eventually this is just a big big work in progress but I've never been this excited about it before because I've never had it this far along before uh so we've kind of transformed our business from I won't say totally because I'm never going to stop picking stuff never ever going to stop wanting to go to flea markets and yard sales and doing like storage units and stuff like that because that's just in my DNA I don't know why I love it so much but we're going to try to minimize the stuff that we have here at our house and if we get new stuff we're either going to try to sell it or just get rid of it as quick as possible because it becomes like a weight on you over time and it's not like stuff that you collect like say this right here doesn't make me feel bad because this is all like stuff that either relates to my childhood or just stuff that you know people have sent us and things that you know this was an award we got stuff like that that doesn't weigh on me that's like the first one of the first things we bought together as a couple even though it's not really of any value monetarily it's still mean something to me so when I categorize it and organize it pretty well it doesn't weigh on me the same way but the stuff that is is just pretty much junk it kind of does it weighs on me so my point is minimize and kind of regroup and see where we can go from here so this key this is like the from the factory I guess so it came with a little edge here on the end you guys can see it it has this white Edge so I'm going to try my best to take off the edge without making it uneven see if that works pretty good enough bro foreign I can't really have this white piece on here so it kind of has to come off foreign [Music] Edge thinking that it was cut straight but it was not so when I measured up half of the distance this one was further up than that side so I'm going to re-cut the edge basically as straight as I you know hopefully can I'll probably just cut off that that really bent part right there and hope that this is a nice Edge so [Music] [Music] foreign so I got this thing stretched long ways across the garage and I'm gonna make this cut now I'm actually gonna make this cut I'm not going to talk about it anymore it's going down now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this general area actually caught that idea I'm going to move the shipping station and everything into that area and then put all the boxes and stuff right here so this big round table and everything on it including this scale and the printer and all that well this is like GoPro stuff is going to be set up for the shipping stuff like a normal shipping setup and then boxes all here so actually I'm about to do that right now so I always have my work cut out for me so not really a big deal just going to get it done [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right nothing is ever to where you really want it to be in life but you take what you can get so the garage is pretty close to being where I want it to be and this is as far along and as nice as it ever been so yeah let me just unload these boxes [Music] all right so this is what the three choices that we got the T-shirt you guys saw him earlier in Gray so in Gray in the t-shirt we have let me check this list really quick gots to look it up on my phone so that's going to be the black long sleeve which has the mug the uh now I'm just drawing a blank the coffee pot pouring into the coffee mug and then the coffee cup on the back side so that's what that looks like and that's a long sleeve black shirt and then the masterpiece is the Brown tried to make it look like coffee like if you spilled your coffee on something this is how I figured it would look and that has the coffee cup on the front and uh coffee pot pouring into the mug on the back and we have those designs in the t-shirt in small through 6xl we have the long sleeve shirt and small through 5xl and we have the hooded sweatshirt in small through 5xl I tried to get like bigger bigger sizes but that print shop doesn't really like to do the huge sizes because the machines don't aren't really made for sizes that big um so I apologize for that but we did get t-shirts and 6X I don't want to get like carried away because it's just three t-shirt designs it's not like we're making a whole million dollars here but this is a testament to working towards your goal because five years ago three years ago even two years ago we could have never imagined that we could be ordering multiples of uh shirt design and starting kind of moving our way into actually putting out full lines of clothing which we're going to do in the future the crow cream was like the first big test for that and obviously the graffiti sweatshirt and t-shirt was the first dual design that we did at one time and then the curl cream was the tripler and then this is another tripler and then next time hopefully we're gonna do you know we've been thinking about doing sweatpants for a really long time but never really figured it into the cost but to have all of our bills paid to be developing another product that we're really excited about and then have three t-shirt long sleeve and sweatshirt all designs made all at once it's a big big big deal for us so I want to uh really really put out the fact that if you guys ever wanted to support us that buying our merchandise is the biggest and best way you could ever support us because this is something that we're super passionate about both of us and this is a way that we can make money off of something that we care about we don't have like a patreon we don't have any tip jars or any of that kind of stuff because I feel like that is a weird way for people to donate money I think this is the most Grassroots natural original awesome way we send the shirts out ourselves they're good quality we know where they're printed um we wear them ourselves is not Drop Shipping not Teespring none of that BS I don't like that Drop Shipping stuff at all because you don't really know the quality they're screen printed shirts it is in a way a work of art um so this is it this is the Journey for us so don't want to rant too long but hope you guys enjoyed today's video and like I was saying before the schedule is going to be Wednesday at 6 p.m tonight right now when this dropped and then Sunday at 6 PM will be the next video and hopefully we can keep up with that schedule yeah it's crazy Thanksgiving is here already it's unbelievable and Christmas is coming on its way so Happy Thanksgiving everyone the thing that I'm most thankful about okay I said this to Sammy too because I've become like super emotional since we had Finn which is weird because I'm the dad I shouldn't be emotional but I am and I don't care I cry uh you guys have seen me cry before but I wanted to say okay so probably the four most important days of my whole life I said three but four today I met Sammy the first time we hung out the day we got engaged at the Gazebo in Ocean City the day we got married right here in our home that we love this is like our comfort zone this is our nest and then the day that we had Finn four most important things and the most things that I'm thankful for in my entire life are Sammy and Finley and that's how it should be so what are you guys thankful for leave it in the comments below let us know what's truly the dream also I did want to get into it a lot of people have asked what does it mean coffee before a claim some people thought that I've been in in insurance which some people have bought the shirts because of that which is cool that's pretty funny but it kind of is just at this point it's more of a mantrum what is it called is that how you say it I'm sorry a man Trump is a man 10 for tantrum so I'm sure I've thrown a mantrum before that's not what I meant I meant to say mantra this is a mantra for you know a routine like what's your what's your daily routine what do you do when you wake up what's your coffee before claims what do you do before you go out and make your steak for the day you know make your claim for the day or make you know if you're going out to the flea market and you're going to pick some stuff what do you do before you go that gets you ready to do that so coffee before it claims could be anything it could be tea it could be diet soda it could be water it could be coffee obviously or it could just be something else like yogurt so really Sammy has got me into this routine where she wakes up and she'll take her probiotics and she'll take her fish oil and drink a little drinkable yogurt so that's like her coffee before it claims and then she drinks coffee after that so I've gotten into that routine as well and it doesn't necessarily mean or have to mean coffee only it's kind of like your mantra for the day so just to clear that up for people who might have been wondering coffee before claims
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 54,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: we, filled, up, our, entire, cadillac, with, brand, vlog, mystery, unboxing, unboxed, vlogging, mystery box, cadillac escalade, baby, family, merchandise, costume, christmas, santa, Santa claus, surprise, branding, company, building, entrepreneur, business, owner, business ownere, street wear, screen printing, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, Finley Magic, magic, new jersey, nj, south jersey
Id: 2ltArbWq3VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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