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all right good morning everybody what is up the sun is in my eyeballs so I gotta go over here in the shade Ben doesn't like it either Finn's got her beanie on look at her all right so as you guys know guys and girls as you may know if you've been watching our channel for a while we've done all types of different jobs throughout the years but this might be the best job yet we got hired by Santa himself to scoop up all the Christmas trees that everyone's throwing out to the street take them back to the North Pole and burn them for all the toy building so we are officially the North Pole tree pickup company let's go Bean are you ready she's looking at that tree like hmm that's too big Maybe but I want to bring butt being you ready for this all right here we go biggest mission of the year so far we're going to be cruising around and picking up every single Christmas tree that we see at the curb let's see if there's any down the street oh yeah baby [Music] I see trees I see millions and millions of trees let's get on it gotta get the trees gotta get the trees get him get all the trees these mother [Applause] fake and don't listen to women in the workplace no I did it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign North Pole tree collector's vehicle right here this is empty right now but by the end of it the trees are going to be stacked so high above here that you're not even going to be able to believe it's true all right all right word from the big man at the North Pole our quota today is 50 trees do you think we can do it 50 trees easy easy that's what you say all right let's go about to trash pick every single Christmas tree in this entire town I see one already do we get it yeah first Christmas tree all right 50s are quota we gotta make it all right all right good Old Saint Nick here we go tree number one bam it's gonna be a crazy squeeze in the back of there two more trees right here all right get it tree number two ah gotta get the trees gotta get the trees get him get all the trees all right that's number three yeah we'll fill this quite an easy today baby we're gonna fill this quarter easy today baby all right well if we can't fit all 50 we're gonna have to make another round Santa if he wants 50. he's gonna get 50. all right here we go another tree another tree put on the brakes here we go number four ah I feel like the Grinch whoville's presents well he did take some he took a tree right yeah but he stole Before Christmas we're taking it after you know is that a tree that is a freaking Christmas tree baby all right we're on it on the brakes from the brakes backing up to it she wasn't wanting to back up to it she wanted me to run around and grab this tree like a little foreign nice one there boys gotta inspect this here looks like a great ape pine tree let's get it throw it in the back all right we got it it's filling up quick though we're gonna need a bigger boot all right we got another one this is a big dog too look at this this is a dream ah might not meet quoted today because these are stacking up here they are here's our uh arch nemesis the city workers they're taking our trees yeah Sam he waved at you like this one still has tinsels on it pass right that's a bush right here let's go get get it get it wow wow that is a beautiful Fraser Fern this is gonna be good on Sandy's fireplace oh my gosh it's heavy back to the real ones oh we gotta inspect this yeah 4.5 I gotta inspect this further these mothers these ah is it real it's fake no they didn't how disrespectful this is what you got to watch out for when you're out here fake trees I just said that to you but go figure men don't listen to women in the workplace [Music] really what's going down here we keep our Christmas tree every year after Christmas and then we burn it in the backyard and it was such a nice fire that we decided to go and collect all the trees we could find and just have Christmas tree Fires for the next month and this is uh designer crew neck that we made with supplies from Forman Mills and Walmart so that's a nice uh if anybody wants one next year just let us know in the comments down below would you buy one of these I would have but you did not everybody so I want to get iron on we'll see how long is tree tree don't pull over don't don't literally almost give me a heart attack this one's kind of Ratty uh-oh we're filling up here we're filling up here we're filling up so might just get this last one and go back home regroup because I get the Drone shot here it is here we go all right come on come get the tree what are you doing foreign specimen got it it's the only one she touched all day all right throw your tree no I get it all right go go go make the perfect the perfect uh picture obviously it's like the iron-on patch that I wanted to get for these it's like a little red truck with a Christmas tree coming out the back there's a white truck with a Christmas tree coming out the back yeah all right get the cones let's go next one go [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] good morning in the garage we're heading to Philadelphia today to the studio again to do more pictures for our website but other than that we've been selling clothes for a long time and it's just such a crazy way to Market a brand is to do so in such a Grassroots way where basically we are the only people doing everything when it comes to the brand coming up with the designs getting them designed getting them printed ordering all the shirts ordering all the hats setting up the photo shoots taking all the photos uploading all the photos creating the site creating the other site creating the YouTube making the Youtube video um there's just a lot that goes into it that I think is overlooked and everybody else obviously other people who have had brands or worked on Brands know that it it's a lot of work so what I did today is I basically put one of each shirt in this just so we can put them on a rack and I put a rack in the car so that we're gonna be able to take pictures of our other merchandise as well I'm going to be loading up the crow cream nacho cheese machine too so we can take pictures of the hats but I'll show you guys more as we go through the day but this is how you Market your own company not saying this is a blueprint for anyone but this is the only way we've ever known how to do it and this is the only way that we've ever done it and so far it's been successful so all right so this is one of our displays that I came up with it came out of a skating skating rink hey it has the nacho cheese thing on here the light worked last time we used it and all I did was put this Crow cream sticker on here that sticker on there and then I fill it up with hats well I cleaned it really well even now it might still look a little weird but I filled it up with the crow cream hats um or whatever kind of merchandise you want and then you can display it in a cooler way so that's the idea and yeah this is bought from like I said the skating rink for 10 bucks I believe so you can find really cool stuff out in there flea markets estate sales you know to Market your brand you can use other items that you find and that's how I think mixing like old vintage stuff with new merchandise I don't know I think that's cool anyway [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] today we are here once again in Northeast Philadelphia at the studio so if you look above me where all those windows are so that's where the studio is it's a top floor of this whole building so this area I don't know it's kind of off the beaten path you'd never really come here unless you had a reason to but here's the building this whole brick building so it's the whole top floor of that it's pretty big up there and super legit they have a bunch of sets set up I'm going to show you guys everything but the people across the street have a whole bunch of cats so I really like that I was wishing for this spot right here we could almost fit our car in here but not quite I might be able to if I really pushed it but I'm going to put everything up here first and then we'll see about that but here it is the studio so I've shown you guys this before this might not be new for a lot of people but this is the reservoir Philadelphia location owned by our friend Kurt and here it is today something a little bit different they have all these sheets on the windows so it's not as as bright in here that I might take down some of them maybe these couple so we can get some light in here we'll say oh yeah take down those get some light here it is here's the crew what's the crew doing today getting ready for a good day shooting pictures let her sleep I sleep for a little bit this is the main backdrop area that we're gonna use today to shoot the board and also some other photos for the clothing brand so let's bring down the white that's what we should have used I think last time all right so these just these pry curtains have to come down so we're going to use the thing longer thing longer just to pull it off of here maybe not the best idea ever but I don't know how else I would get up that far just be careful because those are um yeah yeah it is perfect perfect the thing longer did it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right what's up everybody today we are here at the reservoir studio in Philadelphia and we wanted to show you guys something super cool we got the Leanne portable photo printer this thing is a complete dream the Pearl K100 that's the name of it but basically it's just like our other land printers except you can bring it anywhere and print on the spot check this out we're about to take an epic picture of Sandy J and FIB with this crazy backdrop right and then I'm just gonna print the picture out right here right on the spot with bar Leanne printer check it out it's going down all right I'll set the GoPro up all right we 've got an iPhone to take the picture and then just print it right from there let's do this burglar thank you as well as the picture of Sammy and Finley I'm going to do one of myself right here and print it out with the land printer so this looks pretty cool yes beam yes so beans are really really really good photos you see them she's known to be a professional photographer Finley just got this shot I gotta print it right now have to print it right now okay all right this is how simple this printer is so I turned it on I went on to my phone connected it to the printer went to the Leanne app picked which photo I wanted to print clicked on it and then you got to check the little box at the bottom and then it just is printing it right now insane right wow epic quality perfect going to print the one of Sammy and Finley so you go to the Leanne app open it up where there's like a picture area like I just did hit it and then select more photos bam select that one done go back hit it again go to the photo check the box at the bottom and then off to the printer let's see is it printing is it printing it looks like it is on the spot no cords no nothing no mess we out here that Leanne portable printer you can't get that quality anywhere else baby it's coming out yeah come check it out this looks like almost like a school photo type of situation where we could set up a thing here and then have like you come in and get your head shots I mean that is what they have they have better backdrops in this just like a blue background they have like the weird remember the 90s ones that they used to have I mean that it's very nostalgic this looks like a high school photo the way that it right yeah it's like it looks a little bit today all right this is nice it's very nice stove Finn likes it she loves it so Leanne so there it is you heard it here first Leanne portable printer they even have a cat on the front of the box for their marketing campaign so that's a big plus yeah highly approved highly approved and I really like this mint green color look how simple this is once I'm done pictures shooting the picture look I can just put it in here and then we're out let's get out of here let's go print some more pictures in that area over there what's up everybody good morning so we have just arrived at the Berlin flea market [Music] so I just flew the Drone overhead and I'm not gonna lie looking a little dismal here today foreign Ty it's cold and the worst part is this was not a Family Mission I decided to come out here today by myself and I'm happy I did because this would not be that fun for Sammy and Finn let's just be real it's freezing cold out but I'm not going to let that Rain on My Parade there is still about 20 people set up it looks like at least and you never know because of the conditions maybe the pickers didn't come out today and I might come across something very epic I'm here now just parked in the parking lot and I'm about to head out check out the flea market maybe cruise through the inside for a second and I'm bringing you all along with me so let's do it oh yeah winner hit today here in New Jersey this was only possible as as a solo Mission I would never subject anyone except myself to this bitter cold it's not that cold actually but the wind is brutal so I hope I can get good audio out here I'm literally putting on this jacket because it's so cold this jacket though from the Salvation Army for 40 bucks all right let's just get in here get to it other than our local flea market in summers point this is the first place and Sammy sold stuff and actually set up at a flea market about now it's probably four and a half years ago I think which is seems long but it feels not that long like I could remember yesterday pulling up here but I do remember the freezing cold but I also remember the heat at the flea market so there has to be a fine line where it's like the right temperature this is usually all plants in here but obviously in the conditions that we're working with right now there's no plants out they would just die and obviously nobody's buying ice cream because that would just be outrageous let's see what boots are actually going to be at open today here safety gloves always a good thing to buy safety vests and safety jackets I don't need any of them but definitely the best price you're probably going to get anywhere around for that type of stuff it's like the Apocalypse at this flea market today I guess Sunday's probably the best day here so this is somebody's Booth obviously that they sell all this stuff but this looks like when we were in California what Venice Beach looked like literally like this all over the sides of the boardwalk Army fatigues not really set up too much but I guess if you wanted something from there you could dig deeper how much are these ones five yeah and they and the ski mask the pink one right okay all right we got thin and Sammy I don't know if she's gonna necessarily want this but she did mention that she wanted a pink ski mask at one point so or maybe the purple is better uh we're just the regular brown I don't know now this is easier to match with other stuff I'm gonna get this and this okay cold today huh yeah Wendy Wendy is it usually busier on Sunday no dead in the dead in the winter yeah yeah all right well thank you she said no it's not even busy on Sunday so I guess nobody's gonna show up here today it's freezing cold out I ended up not getting the ski mask because the one a couple of them have just like were ripped already in the face so maybe a little bit of a higher quality ski mask would be preferable all right let's see what we got here sewing machine probably works from experience I've found a lot of sewing machines and they usually work big Willis Big Wheels man cave Let's see we got some microphones uh I need a small selection of women's clothes and a portrait of a horse that's an actual photograph it looks like pretty cool this is where you can get good quality good priced work jeans car Hearts jackets tons of different work clothes here we got this area that's been here forever never found anything in here that was actually worth buying personally but I guess it's all the stuff that kind of gets left here maybe not really sure hey yo it's crazy looking here can I say you guys would not have been able to come here honestly I'm like freezing my balls up my butt off out here like actually cold this time look there's like 15 people set up but they're hardly even set up because it's so cold yeah nah there's no flea today I did get I did get Finn something though but you're gonna have to wait till I get back to sit we're gonna go to Target all right so I'll just be out of here in like 15-20 minutes and then I'll head back because like there's no point in staying here I'm just gonna check out what they got and then head back no yeah you're good where's Bean in the living room all right let's see what this guy's got some fake plants actually over there I say this is cool for like a Speak Easy is this an iron the magic iron press half price are better what's up man all right buddy cold day huh yeah terrible how about the plants the little the little pair of plants you got any other fake plants with it just those this is uh this guy's got the electronic cord though okay look at these those are cool things too here's Harley for coming out here in this right yeah and that's 925 I got the real stuff the IRS fund I've got to keep it stocked right it's all dried out today though and I got um if you have children or anybody does karaoke they light up yeah they light up and they're brand new all right then I got luggage stay warm out here pretty neat not bad actually I got some luggage bags already though yeah that's pretty nice I also saw other luggage not bad like a couple things out here but I do have more a few other shoes all right good luck with it hopefully more people show up right what is it you guys paid by like the month for this spot or every every time just today and just leave this stuff here right well I've been throwing Mark Bender for like almost 20 years and I've seen where I was out here to like maybe five people walking through looking on people's stuff that's wrapped that's crazy right yeah no that's hard right and they've had the police up here and all kind of stuff they should put like they should put cameras all over yeah they should yeah because it wouldn't be that hard probably right yeah well they got they have since Columbus bought it now um they have cameras and all that so you can see the whole park you can see everybody out here right now do you think it got better since it got bought by Columbus yeah yeah more people yes a lot better because when Berlin had it like I said people still left and right that's crazy yeah yeah it is crazy and it's like you're gonna steal something that's not worth all that much money yeah somebody's still two rings and they were they had a cross on I was like really are you serious like one lady's like oh show me this another lady she's stealing stuff I'm showing the other lady something it was crazy that yeah that happens I mean one time we brought like a bunch of stuff up to an auction and we and my wife set up all like this jewelry in a case and then we put it like in the case at the auction house and then like when we got the list back it just the whole trade it was not on there so like either someone that worked there or someone that was like just walking around they just took all of it there's always something yeah yeah but they got cameras now out for the whole like it's on video so that's really good so they see everybody coming in and they've been having the police up here and stuff so that's good yeah yeah so it's not as bad as it was yeah but um yeah all right what do we got this guy's looks like he's set up here for the Long Haul let's just be wondering what he actually has in here a little hat here the orders company that's actually probably a really expensive hat made in the USA smells good too that's a true like out on the River fishing hat it looks really really clean but it's a medium so it would be too small for me wow this is next level back here silverware it's an interesting brand name silverware lifestyle never heard of that before you gotta really take a gander though because you never know actually could be back here all right these are not Adidas but for a second I thought they were this is the pick in here though the only problem is if it's still here chances are it's not worth much because there is a lot of people that come out here to find stuff get some sledgehammers though wow look at that the essential apple pie photo hey what's up man how are you all right so I guess the people that have their stands set up permanently they pay by the month or maybe even the year but they just leave their stuff so like you can have your setup set up here and then show up whenever you want and start selling stuff this guy has a trailer that guy's a trailer camper van secret box so that's pretty cool I like that idea I just feel like it does encourage you to hoard stuff here that's not necessarily the best quality instead of bringing fresh good stuff every time but like that guy's living it like you could sleep in there take a nap how's this thing show and tell phono viewer what is that picture sound program wow wild it's looking like a real Booth right here wow look at all this dedication to the the build meaning they brought all this stuff here from wherever look at that gas powered bike that was the the Jimmy Jam before the electric bikes came out look at these weights right here any tool you could want you could get probably here we buy tools I bet you do all right let's say go walk down the main Lane here helmets and we got some Clydesdales over here casted iron who's this some kind of like blowhorn thing this is a cool candle holder thank you do these work any of these they all they don't work they don't work the cameras all of them work all of them work I find that extremely hard to believe I can't even turn this to the camera man there's no way this works but maybe I just don't know that all of these work that was a bold statement to make I'm sure some of them do I do want a high e camera but like the chances of these actually working I don't know probably very slim Pony it's actually pretty well organized considering the amount of actual camera gear here does pretty High like what is that thing sidekick that's a TV but like inside of here is a camera I believe and inside of here too I think okay so is this a drum set wow Groove percussion wow it's old school I don't know about that he said that all cameras work good so he's very confident that the cameras work good but I just don't know that that's true wow look at this the villain from The Last Action Hero that is just absolutely classic never seen that before these are actually probably antiques though Corbin what does it say serious call B Gordon Brooklyn 64. definitely these are worth some kind of money Brooklyn New York I don't know never sold them myself but look at this Caliente 500 vintage skateboard see this one's vintage that one is not that one is not this is the only one that's old out of all these look at this we got some vintage clothes here what is this body gear major body gear body gear relax surprisingly so epic French toast this is freaking sick foreign fog with the tag on it wow hey they're all new right where'd this come from a store yeah that's crazy right yeah they went out of business how much are these 10 each is this all of them all you got this vintage London Fog I don't think I want that one originally it was how much tell me like this one is a 79.99 they were the ones that this morning about 39.99 so today I got both for 25. all right yeah good deal s this is crazy uh that they're still with the tags because these are very like old at least from maybe the 90s right no I don't think so yeah I'll put it there like nothing no no I'm saying from the store they were sitting there maybe I don't know because I think that style is really far back yeah but it's cool I like it here I need change thank you you had to go in the second pants right I put that too I have something under here as well the money you have nothing yeah I got I got two tanks where is it dude you don't have no fight I don't have it no I have a 50 and a 20. maybe I can get change and come back though and you can hold it for me you know if you got changed here what you go okay I can come back in a minute because I'm gonna go inside and get coffee and then you know what I mean just hold it for me yeah wow this is what I need this is not a shed this is a house wow you're kidding this is so big oh my gosh look at this one garage door the front door and then what's up top a bedroom basically wow this is the next level Game Changer here this takes the shed that we have and makes it look like a joke even though that one's still even really nice that's gnarly I wonder how much is probably like 25 000 for this but it's basically a house I mean that one is a house all right coming inside gonna get some coffee get change for the guy and go back check out the London Fog jackets those are like kids vintage London Fog jackets from so long ago literally so cool I'm gonna get those too and that's it probably see what we got going in here though okay they have like a slight thrift store in here look at this fake Cactus 20 bucks and this one's 15. wow those are actually really cool look at these hats though wow those are so so cool and legit top hats thank you all right I did get coffee so now I can give change to the guy outside I'm about to get out of here I came I saw I wouldn't even say I conquered because there wasn't much to conquer uh yeah but that's it maybe we'll come back here one day when it's actually warm out as a family and it'll probably be more enjoyable but I think I want to go to a couple flea markets that are further away but a lot better like the elephant trunk in Connecticut we went there one time and it was really good I think that might be the next plan is something a little further away but definitely a lot better so we'll see what happens I'm gonna get these sweatshirts and then before I leave though I came back a lot of people don't never get your never come back they never come back I gotta get my change from my other pants where's the where's the bag you got it oh right here all right thank you man have a good day got it [Music] foreign [Music] gifts for Sammy and Finley I got Sammy this really cool bag though uh it wasn't expensive but it's definitely something that she would never have and hardly could find but it would be cool for like an Easter bag I don't know it's just a cheap little like purse type of bag that I thought was really cool it's got that really unique style to it and then I ended up getting the two coats and I got thin these gloves even though they might be too big for her this year maybe next year and this hat which you can probably wear now they're kind of matching but it was fun to check it out I guess the winner is not the time to come here because only really the inside was open the outside was pretty much I mean the guy was basically telling me like we're not open here today which is weird but that's a Saturday at the Berlin mart in the dead of January so we gotta head back home sometimes though it's funner to just get the stuff that I got today over like other stuff that I would be normally looking for because it it's it's very fun to give gifts [Music] foreign
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 31,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tree, pick, up, for, the, north, pole, trash picking, garbage picking, trash, picking, north pole, funny, skit, laughing, laughter, family, husband, wife, drone, flea market, winter, cold, baby, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, Finley magic, new jersey, nj, santa, berlin, farmers market, tag sale, vlog, family vlog, vlogs
Id: SSsz2AYG02k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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