The Biggest Waste of Time in My Life

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I think one of the secrets to my success is not only being self reflective but being rather hyper vigilant in proactive about the people that I deal with and the companies that I deal with I'm constantly looking and saying you know why didn't that work or why didn't that work and so I've recently been amalgamating some of the challenges and I found one big thing that really jumped out at me that I wanted to share with you that you can avoid to get a lot better results in your Nomad capitalist life I'm gonna tell you that one thing right now [Music] hi I'm Andrew Henderson here's the one thing the one thing that constantly bothers me in people and institutions in the level of service in everything here it is the corporate world the word corporate is a word that I never wanted to be a part of since I was 11 or 12 years old I wanted to be in business before that I wanted to be an author I never had the goal to go and be you know a CEO or to to work in that corporate world and so what I've found fascinating having reflected on this in recent years is just how difficult it is for me and I think for a lot of Nomad capitalist minded people to deal with anything corporate let me give you some examples because it's a lot broader reaching than you might think I spent a lot of time over the last many years travelling around the world and as they've become more and more comfortable and as I've become more attuned with myself and what I need I said you know I'm gonna stay in nice hotels and I decided to hook up with one of the hotel chains in my case it was SPG and then Marriott and I stayed in their hotels and it was funny because I found myself enjoying the hotels enjoying the decor I love being surrounded by comfortable comfortable atmosphere and art on the walls I like having things well decorated and their hotels offer that but I constantly found something lacking I constantly found myself being a little bit anxious and it finally hit me after years of doing as it finally hit me these hotels are corporate these are hotels where all the staff are trained in a corporate environment okay what is corporate corporate is everyone's always trying to cover their own but corporate is we speak in platitudes and buzzwords corporate is we're trying to climb the ladder okay those are things that as an entrepreneur as someone with a global mindset I don't understand that I never grown up with my my my father was in business for himself I've pretty much always been in business from Martin for myself I never was around that and so there was no way for me to look at and be like oh this is like what the people in the cubicle were doing when I worked at that insurance company at 25 years old I had never had that but what I found out now is whether it's a hotel whether it's a bank whether it's anything the more corporate something is the more there's that corporate hierarchy that corporate structure that corporate mindset the more at odds it's gonna be with my nomadic capitalist lifestyle now I'm not opposed to you know businesses having policies and that's not what I'm trying to say obviously here at nomad capitalists we have policies we don't just take anyone who comes we have certain standards but we try and do it with an entrepreneurial mindset of trying to help people of trying to keep things light weight right I mean I interact with everyone who works here at nomad capitalists all the time we don't have managers upon managers of my managers and what I try and tell our team and what I really emphasize is if you make a mistake admit it admit failures I think that admitting failure is a great way to move forward it's almost like when you go to an a a meeting and you've got to say I'm Andrew I'm an alcoholic I'm not really an alcoholic but you know like when you go and admit like here's a problem that I have you know what I made a mistake but I found so much in the corporate world is this it's backstabbing no no that's his fault and and and there's never any progress because people just continue to just sit in that mind of of self-preservation rather than growth rather than improvement and so one of the interesting things that I found you know visiting all these hotels is you know you check into the hotel and they say hey do you want us to bring you some tea to your room I said that'd be great and then they forget and you saw hey did you forget my tea oh yeah we're very sorry okay sure and we can all be forgiving but in the course of a one-week stay when they make 18 different stakes eventually you get kind of angry and you're like why don't you guys get it together excuse me sir we apologized like every apology we reset and we have to go back to the you know the beginning and I guess what I what I've learned is I when I asked the messiahís myself who who enjoys this who enjoys nothing working quite as it's supposed to and it dawned on me know if you're the Marriot you know if you're the Marriot chain of hotels you appeal a lot to people who are road warriors from the corporate world okay and if you're an entrepreneur you're probably not going to feel as comfortable there as you would in a more boutique hotel I know some people like Airbnb Zoar apartments or that kind of thing took me a while it took me longer than it should have to figure this out bank - the same way what's one of the reasons why I like banks like the banks in Georgia or Armenia why of course a bank is corporate banks are the ultimate in corporate in fact I would almost rather deal in many cases with a government than with a bank okay but when you find the good banks that yes they're corporate but they they somewhat ice like that and keep it away from you and you just deal with the fun parts and you just get what you need that's why I like those banks a lot more than banks but it's like you know very regimented and very unapologetic so I think that this is something important to keep in mind but I'd love for you to do is leave a comment with your ideas below because this is for this is kind of a new idea you know a lot of times I come on here and I say here's how to get your residence permit this is something that I have been thinking about for some time and I thought would be interesting for the nomadic capitalist audience and so I'd like to hear your comments on certain you know institutions or types of companies that you've dealt with where this is a problem perhaps you've seen this perhaps perhaps yours more than I am and you picked up in this a lot earlier but I think that my new perspective when I'm looking to source a vendor for something when I'm looking to you know find a company whether it's for hotels for for whatever also I'm looking to hire someone is how corporate is this organization or how corporate is this person if what is corporate mind is and they want to come and work for me they're going to fail because I I recognize and I reward people who admit mistakes I recognize people who are a little bit undiplomatic and who just say it like it is and we just cut out all the buzz words all the gobbly all the nonsense it drives me crazy let's just get to the bottom line let's just get to the results and that's to me is the big difference if you're an entrepreneur you are the antithesis of the corporate world because the corporate world by the very word and all the hierarchy involved is not results oriented yes corporations want to make profit but within the organization are these cogs in a wheel where there's lots you know it's like we're all over the place rather than straight line to profits great line to results and this is something that I would seriously consider that if you're doing hiring if you're looking for vendors or even as I said if you're just traveling or or living your life you look at things through the lens of how corporate is this I think you'll have a lot of success and you'll save yourself a lot of headaches doing that hi I'm Andrew Henderson from Nomad capitalist I wrote this book which you can find on Amazon to distill a lot of the stuff we talked about in these videos and a lot of the stuff I've learned over the last decade plus traveling all around the world teaching you about how to legally reduce your taxes build your personal freedom and create wealth faster definitely get a copy of this book if you want to learn more now if you want to watch more videos make sure you subscribe to our Channel and make sure you click the notifications bill so you never miss one of our new videos with more tips on how to go where you're treated best and if you're already a six or seven figure entrepreneur and you'd like to put these strategies in place for yourself go to Nomad capitalist calm and learn about how I can help you
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 61,798
Rating: 4.9041362 out of 5
Keywords: corporate america, corporate america is toxic, corporate social responsibility, entrepreneur mindset, entrepreneur motivation, entrepreneur routines, corporate mindset, corporate world, corporate america stress, entrepreneur, entrepreneur lifestyle, corporatism vs capitalism, corporatism not capitalism, career, eric thomas
Id: PdgItFFB6fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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