Heidi Chakos: Crypto Life in Portugal, Expatriation, and the Future of DeFi

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she's one of the top educators and influencers in the crypto space helping hundreds of thousands of people get started with bitcoin she gave up her us citizenship left the united states and moved to portugal in search of a more free life now she's sharing her latest thoughts on defy gold versus bitcoin and what's next to the crypto market heidi is the blockchain chick and she joins us for the full hour [Music] heidi welcome to the show hey andrew thanks for having me how is life as a non-us citizen it is better than ever [Laughter] um yeah pretty much the more time goes on the more things develop um the more solidified i am in that decision to cut ties for sure what did you think of the election did you follow it not really um i knew there was going to be some kind of a you know drama with the validity of votes and you know obviously both sides are pretty heated but yeah i was delightfully um uninformed with the intricacies of uh of that election so that's that's in my opinion that's why i renounced because really i wanted to detach myself from that and um yeah so happy to do so is is that one of the benefits that now you don't even you don't have to pay attention yeah uh i i mean obviously you know what happens in the us can kind of ripple out have a ripple effect into you know other parts of the world but for me and my interest in you know stress relief and detaching from the us i'm i'm happy to not have that directly tied to my own citizenship and you know the the policies of whoever is voted into office isn't necessarily going to be applying to me anymore so that's a good thing for me for people who are behind who are staying behind in the u.s what do you think joe biden means i've said perhaps there's no difference other than your taxes go up maybe some freedoms go away what are you telling people in the crypto space who are in the u.s is this going to become worse for them oh absolutely i mean that's kind of the trend that i was able to see very early on and that kind of set me on that trajectory to eventually renounce my u.s citizenship specifically for my involvement in cryptocurrencies um in an effort to pursue a more free way to participate in the cryptocurrency ecosystem you know there is decentralized options that allow really anyone to participate but um if you can you know if you can't cut yourself off from the u.s um with joe biden you know there's there's taxes of course and and more regulations going to happen but i'm not completely convinced it matters what what president is in office for that to happen i think it's just a general trend that's going to be played out no matter who's in office no matter what party they're in that's just my opinion and again that's that's what really fueled my interest in renouncing that whole system altogether i don't have very much hope for any one politician to save the world or anything like that but there's definitely a power struggle happening between you know the powerhouse that is or was the us dollar and now what we're seeing with bitcoin and these other cryptocurrencies that are being developed uh it's a threat and it's a disruptive technology and obviously uh the entity that's on the uh the other end of that disruption is obviously not going to be wanting to can be very conducive for uh its development and that's what we're seeing play out in the us there's some pros and cons for that you know there's some efforts being made on a more grassroots level um with uh in um on state levels really trying to be as friendly as they can with cryptocurrencies in the us but in general i don't i don't see a very bright outlook i think that this is actually a huge chance for other countries that uh are hungry really for um a growing ecosystem a growing economy that they can facilitate with cryptocurrencies and uh it'll be interesting to see that develop what are some of the countries that you see getting into that game uh well obviously um you know we have uh switzerland or uh portugal could be we'll see what happens with that you know that's where i live currently and the tax authority twice has come out saying that they won't tax uh crypto to crypto and or crypto uh profits for an individual um if it's you know if you're a business accepting crypto as a form of payment that might be a different issue um but uh other maybe estonia um a lot of these i think smaller countries again that are you know there's there's a difference really between um being crypto friendly right is could be taken one of two ways some of these countries that kind of have no regulations whatsoever are seen as crypto friendly kind of like the wild west of crypto you can kind of do whatever you want and hope that the regulations that if they are eventually put in place they'll work with what has been developed so far or there is these countries that kind of have a more uh strict or more defined outlook of of how they want crypto to be developed how it's going to be taxed obviously the tax situation is going to influence who's going to set up their business where and who's going to really try to build out that platform in that particular country um yeah who knows we'll see it's still very early on and there's still a lot of gray area but we'll see basically what do you make of people that i hear from and i'm sure you hear from that say the united states is the only stand of freedom and if it falls you'll see all these other small countries go right along with it i mean i think that's kind of a it's kind of a very you have your blinders on really there's far more countries that are free in many different ways that are more free than the us in many different ways um so really what i i kind of view the us as like this big uh kind of inflexible object really and really when you have these smaller countries with smaller governments um smaller means of enforcing regulations or things it it can be a lot more flexible kind of like a david and goliath situation so um i i don't think that there's going to be a lot of countries that go down with the us maybe it depends obviously on their debt their debt situation with the us dollar and and bonds and maybe their ties uh investment wise to the us but again at on an individual level but also on a you know enterprise level with businesses and also on like government level with countries the more you can detach from these fiat government systems and can benefit from these apolitical independent peer-to-peer systems like bitcoin it's going to be a safe haven for many different aspects of of life for people around the world so you think if someone is looking because there's a lot of defeatism in my mind out there about the whole world is going to pot everything's going to get a fall apart you're not going to have anywhere to go you don't subscribe to that no um i think that that uh there is a free market there's a semblance of a free market globally and there's always going to be a hunger for wanting to provide a surface that is needed and it's this kind of similarity that we're seeing in the crypto space as well is you know all these regulations that are being put on certain centralized exchanges more so limiting who can access cryptocurrencies we're seeing that specifically a lot with us citizens also canadian citizens um to to a certain extent um but so as much effort is being put to kind of constrict that part of it it's also uh ironically incentivizing the development and growth of these decentralized platforms that will help people help service those people that are still looking for a way to interact freely and you know that's kind of like a fractal situation around the world as well is like if you see one system kind of failing people those people still exist and they have interests that are falling outside of what is possible for them and if there's someone that is advantageous enough to see that and provide a service whether it's a country or a company or whatever they're going to benefit from that it sounds like you're saying you believe in capitalism you live in the free market there will always be someone to step up and fill the demand absolutely i hope that's always the case uh because you know i i mean what what other kind of a world is there and that's something that we've seen that's why cryptocurrencies exist in the first place that's why they've become so popular and i mean if you ever need an example of a free market look at what these companies like microstrategy now tesla and like what other there's really actually not that many like publicly traded companies that are putting their reserve assets into bitcoin um there are hundreds of thousands more that have the potential to do that option obviously uh but that's what we're seeing we're seeing people put their money in places that are going to benefit the most and and they're going to go with the option that's best for them i know that's that's your uh your catchphrase it's a great one for your channel is go where you're treated best and cryptocurrency offers kind of the same concept but in a borderless kind of way um and yeah absolutely money talks and bs walks so there's always going to be hopefully some semblance of a free market that way capital was always going to go where it's treated best people should always go with their treated best and uh i think they'll always be somewhere to go what do you make of you know because i work with people who obviously are are fully into crypto some people who it's a big part of their portfolio and some people who just entirely still don't get it what do you say to the person who says you know i have 20 million dollars i'm in the rental real estate game and or i'm in the ecommerce game and i just don't get why this should be part of the portfolio how do these corporate uh entities that are putting it on the balance sheet how does that change the game versus a couple years ago i mean when you're looking at these these businesses that are putting hundreds of millions of dollars into something specifically to protect themselves from the incoming inflation that is really inevitable to hit um that is a huge use case for bitcoin and you know over the years of bitcoin over the past 10 years the narrative of it has changed several times from it being you know digital money to it being you know just used for illicit activities to it being i just a disruptive technology for money now it's really coming into fruition it being kind of a safe haven um and a store of value that's a new narrative for bitcoin really coming to fruition this year and um these companies that are using it for that like we're saying we were talking before about you know the free market um they're gonna benefit from that massively actually um but for someone who doesn't quite get it yet you know inflation is going to hit no matter what that's something we've all experienced uh if ever i mean if you ever had a savings account you know you'll know what's up um and it's it's really interesting with bitcoin is that it initially you know bitcoin is kind of seeing as like the ultimate savings account maybe as a store of value obviously um and what we're seeing really be developed in cryptocurrency is this d5 space decentralized finance and that's really still new and very risky a lot of nuances with that but the whole concept of this passive form of income for those who are in you know the renting space or something big i mean if you're just comparing purchasing cryptocurrencies to purchasing property the liquidity of cryptocurrencies and the time it takes to buy that is light years ahead of real estate obviously there's some um time uh um advantage to having to having property obviously the legitimacy of that is time tested but with cryptocurrencies there's there's a a stark difference between that experience in my opinion of investing so um if you're yeah i i i don't see it as being a negative to get any kind of exposure to cryptocurrencies even at these prices um if especially if you're looking at it at a long-term perspective of you know why cryptocurrencies would exist what kind of technology and systems they're disrupting and kind of just the whole trend of of where the world is going technological like in technology um i mean cryptocurrencies fit right in um so i think it's worth exploring for sure what do you make of d5 some a lot of people say oh there's really no risk at all you're saying you feel like it's it's nascent and there's still some risk if the person who is in property the person who is holding a stock portfolio you know what is the argument to them to to get into defy d5 is definitely risky and in my personal opinion of course is not financial advice whatsoever but if you are like new to cryptocurrencies if you don't already have a solid position in what i consider to be like solid crypto currencies to be in let's say bitcoin um if you don't have that and you just want to dive into d5 that for me is very risky because first of all there's kind of uh two schools of thought or two ways to interact with defy one is with lending which is great um but there are some custodianship issues with that that i i take issue with um the whole beauty of cryptocurrencies is that you can do this all on a very personal uh responsible way that no one there's no third parties involved with storing your coins it's all um yeah very very you're very capable of doing this and with lending specifically with bitcoin or with um any cryptocurrency that isn't specifically designed to uh provide a passive income uh you you're gonna have to basically give your bitcoin to a third party that third party is then lending out to um other people and you know they're getting a piece of the pie and then they're going to give you a certain percentage back that's i mean that's that's basically what any bank is doing now um so the risk there is that you know you're having to trust that third-party platform to give your money back that's a risk obviously um the other you know the much more innovative and new development of d5 are things like liquidity providing um where i would i don't want to get into it too much i can get kind of technical but things like smart contracts if you've been paying attention to the news of cryptocurrencies at all the past year year and a half defy this whole space of d fight has exploded but with that has come a lot of hacks and it's not really hacks really technically it's like really intelligent people have read the code of these smart contracts and they've found loopholes and they've taken advantage of those loopholes and the people who are participating directly on that platform have lost money there's different ways to play the defy game whether you're like uh participating in that platform and actually earning a passive income from the way that it's designed or you're just purchasing the coin that is representing that platform like for example uniswap is a very popular decentralized exchange that's been kind of going on about this also there's curve and balancer are these kind of famous ones you can also like in a in a uh conservative way you can you know get exposure these platforms just by you know purchasing and holding the coins that are representing those platforms like uniswap balancer and and curve their tokens basically um but yeah in my opinion like it's it's a very promising develop in cryptocurrency this defy space but it is super super risky um for those who are jumping in and definitely for someone who's new to cryptocurrency i would encourage you to at least get a first exposure to a much more secure cryptocurrency like bitcoin maybe ethereum we'll see how those go um and then from there kind of branch out that's that's my own kind of philosophy and how i've been participating in cryptocurrency um at least and you've said dollar cost average your way in you're saying now do it into more not necessarily stable coins but well-known coins yeah yeah um uh you can dollar cost average yeah exactly into um especially during during a a very volatile market like we're seeing here you know this bull runs been happening for a few months now um for those like i met every day with people who are asking am i too late um you know is bitcoin going to go to is this the top of the market that's why i'm always preaching about the long-term perspective who knows what's going to happen with the price in the short term it is very volatile if you're looking at it in like a day-to-day or week-to-week kind of graph but if you're looking at it from you know a decade it's doing very well and it's been the best performing asset to invest in the past decades so that speaks for itself um but also um going back to you know this whole d5 space and earning a passive income with cryptocurrency there's that lending aspect to it but there's also what we call staking which is uh established by specific cryptocurrencies that were developed to kind of incentivize people to hold their coins in a very specific specific way it's been um synonymized with kind of like dividends for holding a stack i i guess that's the best kind of uh representation of it it's not exactly what's happening but um you can definitely earn what five to ten percent maybe fifteen percent a year on these coins if you're just holding in a wallet some of them are compounding which is great and very easy some of them are more technical but anyway if you're using these passive incomes um this through staking that's a very easy way to also dollar cost average into um maybe a more secure cryptocurrency maybe a cryptocurrency you've had your eye on you want to get into um and you don't want to necessarily dip into your cash reserves because you need that to live or for other reasons um you can kind of use your income within crypto to diversify or solidify your positions within uh your crypto investments where do you fall on the on the scale of uh you should have all your money in crypto versus you can have some even if it's performing to a lesser extent or the returns are worse or you know it's you know less profit potential where do you fall in that spectrum of put everything you have in it versus maybe hold some other assets i mean personally i i'm much more into crypto than anything else more recently i've been investing in different properties i'm always sure to have enough cash on hand to live what i need to for like a year or so so i have some some kind of safe havens outside of crypto it's i think it's smart to diversify your investments also precious metals obviously uh so yeah i mean if obviously it's like a spider's web right you want to have as many points of support as you can um cryptocurrency for me is it's like that's a go-to um if i'm looking at investing in anything i'm first looking at cryptocurrency just because that's what i'm immersed in that's what i know best and that's what i'm very comfortable in investing in because again i'm very focused on learning about what this uh whole space is disrupting and the direction that it's going what do you make of peter schiff who seems to be almost a punching bag it seems for some in the crypto community who comes out and says you know you should buy gold crypto is not going to last buy gold buy gold uh you've seen some dips in in bitcoin recently from the from the of the all-time highs you've seen some dips in gold as well what do you make of this bitcoin versus gold debate um i heard a quick a good quote i'm not sure if it was from michael saylor it might have been but someone was said basically you know gold was a really good idea for centuries until bitcoin came around or until cryptocurrencies were invented um because just the simple fact that bitcoin at least specifically is the hardest asset that has ever been created um there is a known set supply you know exactly the emission of coins you know everyone it's public information no one can fiddle with it no one can mess with the with the supply of it or do paper uh bitcoin really uh there's some debate there a little bit about derivatives of bitcoin but for the most part bitcoin is in my opinion absolutely the step uh the step up from gold um you know if there's ever there's and then there's always a scenario where like what if what if the grid goes down which what if the internet crashes if you live in texas might be pretty useful there you might want to shave some off or whatever but like you also better know how to how to grow some food and get some fresh water because you're gonna have far more uh pressing issues than like you know what the price of bitcoin is gonna be but you know in all reality that scenario playing out is pretty far-fetched in my opinion um so also with peter schiff i mean he's got his own bank you know he's got a lot of conflict of interest there but i think it's lucky for him that his son has invested in bitcoin that'd be that his son might be the best hide you've ever had in his life [Laughter] what do you for for folks you mentioned restrictions in the u.s and you're saying now canada's hopping on board i happen to think you'll see more countries at least try and have restrictions i mean people say oh nigeria tried and they failed uh you know people are still buying more than ever you know there's a difference between nigeria and the united states or canada what what is the current reality for americans and for anyone else who's perhaps restricted from some of these markets yeah i mean for the us at least it's like you know they they have this kind of fear structure right of like the irs and like you know the big brother effect everyone's watching you um and maybe that that can be relevant but um the reality is that there's these centralized exchanges that are scared enough of you know the power of the us that they're succumbing to the regulations whether or not those regulations are actual help helpful in in you know their efforts to whatever they're trying to do uh but really the whole beauty of the cryptocurrency space is that it's meant to be decentralized and there's these certain centralized exchanges you know they're very popular maybe like coinbase gemini uh binance.us they have a certain use case for anyone new entering into cryptocurrency offering a fiat on-ramp or off-ramp if you want to fund if you want to buy bitcoin for the first time using your bank account you can obviously do it that way or you know take profits um but the whole thing about cryptocurrency space is that as these restrictions keep kind of blocking people out keep raising the barrier of entry for people uh they're going to be looking for other ways to access cryptocurrencies um and there are plenty of platforms that are actually truly decentralized that allow people to do so and really these regulations aren't like i've heard a lot i have a patreon account and a lot of my members and also on youtube a lot of commenters questioning you know what if i buy a coin on a decentralized exchange as a us citizen and it's not listed on a you know regulated u.s exchange basically the regulations on a centralized exchange is saying that like that exchange they're limiting the number of cryptocurrencies you can access because they're not going to be liable for you purchasing what could be considered a security in the future basically they're covering their own but um and you purchasing a cryptocurrency on a decentralized exchange in a very free way autonomous way is you kind of take that responsibility upon yourself it's not illegal for you to purchase a cryptocurrency uh on a decentralized exchange you're taking that risk basically is all that's happening there um and so it's like it's kind of like holding trying to grip onto a slippery sl uh soap for the the regulators is like the harder they want to grip on the further that soap is going to fly and the more that they try to restrict people the more incentivized those people are to actually participate um in a decentralized platform because really what they're doing is you know they're they're kind of limiting the u.s at least u.s citizens ability to get in early on different cryptocurrencies there is far more risk there but there's a lot of profit to be made as well and all these warnings coming about from janet yellen to bill gates and everyone's saying oh i'm just worried about you know the cryptocurrencies are volatile and people might lose money it is far more likely you're going to make money on cryptocurrencies if you're paying attention and if you're you know kind of doing it your own way if you're not uh getting scammed by people who are saying oh i'll do it for you that's a whole other thing all the uh the spam comments on youtube right all the people who message their guy in youtube or on whatsapp they're horrible they're horrible every day it's almost like a full-time job for me trying to report these people but there's there's this underlying kind of scam going on of cryptocurrency in general where it's like you know they have a secret mining algorithm or they have a secret trading algorithm and if you invest in their platform you have guaranteed profits that is 100 a scam and it's unfortunate there's a lot of people who are maybe desperate maybe greedy maybe are impatient to learn how to do this themselves and uh you know avoid their exposure of those scammers but they do exist and you know they're always going to be there but um yeah as a us i mean i did a video even like last year talking about you know as a us citizen your freedom and cryptocurrency is going to be diminishing and it is unfortunate and they're always going to be playing to it like uh you know it's for your own good we're protecting you but really they're just they're they're not it's always free wrong good right that's always whatever whatever it is it's the different reason but the same story gene simmons he's he's getting in for elon musk and bill gates but gene simmons what do you what do you make of that yeah was it dogecoin it's so funny like dojo itself was kind of created as a joke um but its success is certainly speaking to anyone who ever doubted the strength of a network effect just like a dogecoin um yeah i mean there's people who have you know like oh what do you think of investing in dogecoin or whatever like it's a risk it's not a real thing they're not really trying to build anything new it's just the thing that it's it's kind of like a meme coin it's the it's like the darling of the cryptocurrencies especially for like the ogs uh but it's i mean in also we in 2017 2018 we had like mike tyson you had all these other people in the kardashians whatever all getting into bitcoin and talking about it and stuff so this is kind of the same thing playing out um but they'll learn hopefully i mean i'm not convinced that they're really uh contributing much to the crypto space other than just you know word of mouth and getting the hype up but it's okay it maybe they'll lead them to other cryptocurrencies as well surely some people out there who are saying that they're doing one thing whether it's gamestop or crypto or silver and actually doing another right there's a great video by uh charisma on command talking about this the kind of the network effect uh you are you're living in portugal still you've been in portugal for about a year now how is life in portugal um you know it's okay i think specifically because again i'm in a small town so i use that uh analogy for the us being like a big big kind of intimidating thing and versus little countries that are kind of nimble being in a small town i think helps with these general lockdowns you know you're probably going to know the local police officers are probably going to know you they're not going to be you know too intimidating or you know uh un uh just ridiculous really so i mean portugal is it's been interesting this past year with the lockdowns and everything and specifically this past month i think it has to do with them kind of being the uh the center stage for the eu they kind of rotate positions and and portugal was their turn to kind of be on the spotlight so they chose to to ramp it up a little bit so we've been on a lockdown for a few weeks now actually which is really unfortunate seeing the local businesses suffer uh yeah it's it's interesting what but what we saw in italy a few months ago was amazing um i don't know if you caught that probably did the restaurant owners you know and the people all came together and they actually like escorted the police officers out of the premises people were eating freely and having life uh like it was before like it used to be so i'm always kind of having my my hopes up that it's gonna be like this but i don't know everyone we talk to is kind of like they think it's going to end one day and it's all just going to magically go away but in in my heart i think we all know it's going to take people kind of uh you know speaking out and explaining the logic of the situation and uh how you know a lot of harm is being done and there's not a logic a lot of logic behind it there's a lot of emotions behind it and i think that's why you know we're at the position that we are now around the world but uh i mean all all things considered being in portugal is pretty pretty nice you know i i live very near the beach so i can get some fresh air the cops aren't too crazy so you can walk on the road without a mask on even though you're supposed to and you know no one's really gonna say anything so all in all you know it's not too bad to be in portugal you you were pretty bullish on it last year has your position changed um really i think it's just gonna depend on like right now it's kind of like teetering on okay well where else could we be where else could i go like okay this isn't it's not ideal obviously it's not like mexico where there's like no covet rules or anything like you have to wear a mask and some you know the restaurants and everything have to be closed that sucks um and i guess it's just wearing on my patients really and uh if there's a better situation out there obviously i'm going to be pursuing it that's been kind of the theme of my life for the past five years uh so i'm we're always keeping our eyes on you know other places to go who's reacting to what who's taking advantage of uh being friendly to tourism and things so um i'm i still enjoy portugal i still you know have a close tight group of friends here uh the food is still amazing so uh in the most part yes i'll say yes at least you're able to live a pretty tax-free lifestyle while you're while you're stuck you're not paying for the privilege yeah i guess would you become since you left the u.s now you're a citizen of of uh you talked about one of the caribbean countries uh would you become a citizen of a country like portugal what do you see the perspective of the eu for crypto uh that's very interesting because also we've had you know christine lagarde coming out saying that she's going to regulate bitcoin and cryptocurrencies which in all honesty whatever someone says that it just screams they have no idea what they're talking about at best what they can do is regulate the fiat on-ramps really the connection between your bank account and a centralized exchange very important because that centralization is a bottleneck that the government can put their pressure on and make them do really whatever they want um so yeah i am on the fence about it i've recently gone into the process for a golden visa and you know once that's been approved we can after five years you have the option to apply for citizenship part of me is is you know with the permanent residency it also it already gives me kind of freedom to travel within europe whenever i want um which is basically you know the benefit of having a citizenship in portugal other than just having another backup passport to have that part to me is kind of alluring um but also looking into other other uh programs like in turkey as well uh so trying to always trying to mix and match the the uh passports that i have to best um facilitate the kind of travel that i want to go to and the place that i want to go to the passport portfolio it's a turkey a lot of people from the us uh very skeptical about turkey you've been out of the u.s what is your opinion about a country like that oh it's a beautiful country and the people are extremely friendly probably the most friendly people i've ever met were in turkey the food is amazing um as a destination for travel for us specifically it's a very convenient kind of spot to be in uh on the you know the eastern side of europe and uh so um yeah and also just the program that they have with the investing in property 250 000 worth i believe that value is also pegged to the us dollar rather than the turkish lira so that's helpful and you can sell it after three years and keep the passport so um it's kind of like you know uh through my process with saint kitts and nevis is you know i did the the citizenship by investment program i didn't opt for the property i just did the donation kind of option and for me that was well worth the investment just to have that passport to be able to let go of the us passport that for me was like i have never regretted that decision so um yeah just kind of now we're now we're advancing on that idea into uh other options and for us turkey could be definitely one of them i think once you get started uh you know it's it's it's interesting to keep going once you're out of the matrix as it were and once you feel comfortable being out of the u.s you can look at these other places more objectively i think and you can look back and say yeah even though it seems uncomfortable to spend a hundred thousand or 150 000 at the time you look back and you say that was a great decision to secure my ability to operate in the future yeah i mean you really have to always balance you know okay you have your portfolio you have your net worth but like you also have your quality of life and what's the point of having all of that if you're not going to put it to use and and really use it to free yourself as best you can so for me that's always been kind of the the focus the conversation in closing over the last uh couple months you know i've said okay two two bitcoin you get a passport or 2.4 bitcoin and people say you know don't worry soon enough it'll be 0.2 bitcoin or 0.1 or you know whatever what do you say to folks with there's always a wait there's always a you know let me just hang on it'll get cheaper um yeah but also there's a a growing attention to you know this concept of people wanting to leave so there's also at the same time it's going to get more uh more cheap but it's also maybe going to get more difficult with regulations so uh you know if you've got it strike while the iron's hot take it take action when you can and you're gonna from there you can depending on you know what you're doing what you're getting rid of what you're trying to accomplish maybe cutting those ties and making that investment right now will lead you to be able to earn much more in the future and waste much less that's been my experience for the past two years certainly so opportunity cost quality of life like uh yeah uh don't wait forever because then what are you gonna wait like 10 years and then what you're just going to keep waiting so i think some people i mean i think and i had this kind of debate with someone recently but they said you know a lot of people in the crypto area it's about stay and fight and they want to change the system and i said that's fine i think acknowledging that that's what you want to do and that you're really going to go down with the ship because then it seems like eventually he can't do well if it really gets bad that then i'll do well then you're not really staying and going down like you should be willing to fight to the death if that's what if that's your opinion and i'm i'm perfectly non-judgmental towards that but it seems like you should pick one camp or the other i want to go or i'm treated best or i want to stay and change the system and if that means i literally you know something terrible happens to me maybe that's the result of that and that's why i've said i don't want to do that exactly it's it's at some point it's going to come to that you know if your weight long enough you're going to be at that breaking point and if eventually you know you find yourself in that position and you're going to err on the side of the same decision you were faced 10 years earlier then what did you wait for you waited just to have a horrible life to to finally force yourself into that decision or you know be proactive and actually be advantageous uh in being early i think there's a small side i don't know if it's crypto or libertarians but you know as a lifelong libertarian who's been around all those people i think there was certainly a sub segment of folks who if they were happy they'd be the most miserable people in the world [Laughter] they always got to have something to fight for i guess there's plenty there's plenty of things to to eject in in this world that's for sure yeah all right it is crypto tips and they can find you on you're very active on twitter where can we uh connect yeah on twitter you can find me at blockchain chick and also on youtube i have a youtube channel called crypto tips and for those of you who are interested i also offer a paid patreon group offering trade alerts uh access to my own personal portfolio as well as classes that allow you to navigate this whole crypto space like a pro you can find that patreon.com crypto tips it always always a great explanation always a great presentation of what's going on in the crypto space and i think a great tie-in with go where you're treated best heidi is always thank you yeah thank you andrew this is great how can nomad accomplice help you four ways number one subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomad capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomad capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and i you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to nomadcapless.com and click on become a client
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 69,278
Rating: 4.887588 out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, renounce us citizenship, interview, heidi chakos, us election 2020, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, joe biden, living in portugal, living in united states, fiat, crypto investor, crypto investment 2021, inflation, stock market, investing, investing for beginners, defi, save more money, how to become wealthy, precious metals, peter schiff, buy gold, portugal golden visa, turkey citizenship by investment, cbi program, portugal, avoid taxes, cbi
Id: ojR_YGA3jd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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