What Do You REALLY Want in Life?

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hey guys i'm andrew henderson from nomadic capitalist nomads capitalist calm coming to you from Astana Kazakhstan and this is one of those videos where I want to share with you not more information not the latest tax reduction strategy not the latest way to get a passport but I want to share with you something that I think is a lot more important and that is the deep work that I've done over the last eleven years since being nomadic on one question and this is potentially the one question that almost everyone I see fail to implement their Nomad capitalist plan everyone who gives up everyone who becomes weak everyone who abandons their dreams they never asked themselves this question I try and get people that I'm helping to ask themself this question and we try and really dig in in a deep level so I want to ask you this question I want to talk about how it what I've learned about it how I came about it and give you some examples and that question is this what is it you want out of life that's a bit metaphysical perhaps but I think it's important and so the deep work that I've learned over the eleven years when I started trying to figure this Nomad capitalist stuff out eleven years ago I did not have nearly the self-awareness that I have now I think we all gain it as we get older but I've really focused in the latter part of that time on gaining a lot of self-awareness and improving my mindset eleven years ago I wasn't really asking myself that there was just this kind of emotional thing of anger against the us of desire to see the world probably something to do with women in there honestly just kind of surface level stuff right nothing that was really examined too closely and so what I've learned just very briefly over the last eleven years is is being in different cultures whether it's George and Malaysia the US the UK Australia Thailand I mean any culture I've learned that every culture has their own version of BS their own version of dishonesty and lying to themselves as a people and you may see it a little bit when you visit not much when you start to live there and spend some time you see it more and more is why I've tried to dig in in a lot of different places and really spend extended periods of time when you start doing business start doing deals start exchanging money at higher higher levels that's when it really bubbles to the surface and you see what the local BS is in each culture and what I found is that most of us go through life lying to ourselves about a lot of things including what it is that we want and this may seem really simple you may think you have it all figured out that's what I thought 11 years ago I felt that I had everything figured out nobody was smarter than I was nobody could tell me or suggest anything else and over the last 11 years I've gained this self-awareness so I'll give you an example of why this really matters so I recently got engaged and you know we're doing the preparations for the wedding and I suppose like a lot of women my fiancee says you know I'd like to you know be my best shape for my wedding dress now she's in pretty good shape now she's gone to the gym she eats well she's fine but she says hey you know let's just you know let's just be the best I can be and so what does she do five days six days a week she's waking up she's going to the gym an hour two hours three hours a day and she's working out and she's seen results she got a trainer seeing results we talked to other videos about the power of having a trainer she did that so she comes home one day she's looking good and I said you know what I think I want to go to the gym - I want to look good you know I got a no I'm not in bad shape I don't think but I go a little you know little of handle let's let's just be in my best shape so what do I do I wake up in the morning I check the financial times I checked my currencies I talked to people around the world I'm looking at stuff for business maybe at the end of the day I do ten push-ups on the living room floor have I been to the gym no have I called a trainer no I did go to a trainer last year for a while and it was very helpful but have I done that since I said I want to go to the Train for the wedding I want to go to the gym now I haven't been at the gym why I hang out I do a few push-ups in the living room do I really want to go to the gym do I really want to be in the best shape no not really and and this is just an example of the white lies that we tell ourselves I've been fortunate to accumulate friends and mentors over the years who say hey if you want something you do it what you do is what you want when people come to me and say hey Andra I want a second Passport great what are you doing about it well I've been reading blogs and I've been you know doing this and that oh yeah how long has it been it's been like a year okay well you know I just talked to this guy over here a year ago and he just got his second passport right so do you really want it well you know you can't and people get defensive and so I think it's really important to ask yourself what it is that you want I remember having I knew a guy a while ago he would say people would always come up to me and say you know you're traveling and over all these different countries all are in the world you say you know I want to do what you do if you've traveled you probably had people say that to you how do you do it I want to join you that sounds like a dream job okay buy a plane ticket buy a plane to me how much does that cost less than a thousand bucks maybe in some places a heck of a lot less buy a plane ticket try it you know put the toe in the water first steps first well now you know saying here's what I've learned from traveling all around the world every culture has their own BS every culture for the most part has the same BS of when someone gets called on the they're not wanting to do something that they claim they want to do but they really don't by their actions no no but you don't understand it's complicated nothing's complicated if you want to do something you'll do it I remember having a mentor who said Andrew you know if you spend as much time on learning a language or on you know doing whatever that you do on your business and on your finances is it you'd be unstoppable you'd speak 20 languages but in reality yeah as much as I think that it'd be cool to speak a language you know I speak some of a couple other languages I can get around but I think to myself wow how cool to be to be fluent like to be really you know like a native I don't do it and so here's what I think this affects you in your offshore plan and when it comes to living the nomadic capitalist lifestyle is everything you do as a trade-off okay tomorrow evening here in Kazakhstan morning in the Americas I'm gonna call my banker and we're going to send the final hundred and seventeen thousand euros to Montenegro for me to purchase a property their new house I'm PI this is the final payment and you know I've gotten pretty comfortable doing that but I can tell you the first time I went and sent money overseas it was uh it was pretty scary I think I sent like five grand or something it's a go whatever doesn't get there you know the first time I hired someone to help me it was scary I told stories about how I really fought people that you know I don't want to pay you I don't want to hire you Oh scary and you know what I've realized you know traveling sometimes I lived in places for example where you know I can't buy stuff I want what I need recently needed like some I needed a certain kind of underwear yes it's like I'm gonna go an Amazon I'm gonna send it to my mailbox in the US and I'm gonna have the mailbox forward to where I'm at and I'll have the you know the lawyers assistant who helps me and they'll go pick it up and if there's a duty or anything I'll pay that you know if it's a tariff great and you know problem solved I can afford it you know right do I really want that stuff you know do I really want um you know any of the other stuff but I want me there's a way to do everything is my point do you really want to do it if your answer is yeah but it's gonna cost me an extra 30 bucks to have all the underwear sent to me well I guess you don't really want it and that's fine but when it comes to the nomadic capitalist stuff to bring it back to that listen if you want legal tax reduction we may in another video I mean it's not about moving your assets anymore it's about moving your ass I'm not saying if to never go back to the US or Australia or wherever you're from but you can't just sit around in Australia and not pay taxes on Australia you can't just be there 365 days a year okay those days are over and are you willing to do that you know is it worth it for you to grow your business or to grow your portfolio or to keep more of your own money to say you know what I'm gonna save a quarter million bucks by spending part of my time over here now people say oh yeah of course it's a great deal I meet people all the time and I'll tell him a story hey this guy he was living over here and all we had to do is make this small tweak and you know and I'll tell him the whole story oh okay he could have stayed $400,000 and when it cost to make $50,000 to put it in play then he would have been set for life Wow that guy that guy doesn't do it he's a real idiot and then they proceeded to make excuses Oh things have changed oh it's complicated oh you don't understand no I'm not saying I'm not trying to push anyone into moving overseas okay the same thing applies when it comes to opening it off for a bank account can be a little scary you know you may have a worry would have what if there's some issue no it's mostly irrational stuff because banks everywhere generally are okay right I mean you don't see every bank in Singapore failing people are doing okay there but maybe it feels a little scary you know when it comes to investing overseas the same thing it's a little scary you know there are there always are trade-offs in life and so the question is you know which trade-offs are you willing to accept what do you want out of life if what you want out of life is to you know live near your parents in Australia or in the US or in Canada wherever you're from and to never leave your parents you know they live in the farm for example or whatever the situation is and you just want to be there living on the same block and you know raise your kids going down the bicycle you know with the grandparent all that if that's what you want then maybe that's more important for you then the tax savings you know if you know feeling comfortable and supporting your country is more important to you than maximizing your investment returns and I guess you'll keep your money in Australia making 1% on a real estate then putting it in say you know Cambodia and making a lot more so I think that where people get kind of hung up is they look at these questions as a judgment as if there's a right or wrong answer sometimes I'll be talking to people will be helping someone out and know they'll they'll they'll kind of act like I'm asking a leading question I don't ask leading questions if I say hey does that feel good to you or hey do you want to do this over here there's no judgement doing what I do if it isn't the requirement but what do you want out of life and what I want you to do is I want you to go deeper than the surface level I want you to go you know below the stuff that I talked about myself doing eleven years ago where I say I don't like the US this is what I want I want to live in Thailand because I hate the US well you can't really run from something that's not what you want you may not want that one thing but that doesn't mean that then by extension you want this other thing you might go to Thailand to be miserable you know if you hate the US maybe the issue is working through that and making that work better not running away so I say run towards something run towards what you want you know if living in Thailand helps facilitate a lifestyle with more freedom and more money and more wealth creation and you know better social life whatever is that you want that's what you should run towards and so I had to go back and kind of recalibrate after I first started you know the negatives into positives I had to go back and recalibrate you know what do I really want to do because there will be times when you're doing this that you're gonna question yourself I don't think there's a single person out there who is living this lifestyle the Nomad capitalist lifestyle that hasn't at some point you know broken down and said maybe I should just go back to where I'm from now I'm not saying you can't go back to where you're from I'm not saying you can you're forbidden to ever go back what I'm saying is I think all of us have have had a moment where we've said we've been frustrated and we've said maybe I should just go back to the US and live there maybe it's worth it my case hey you know what I live a lot more affordably I have more friends I have you know more money over here but hey you know maybe whenever it's usually when I'm when I'm in some Belgian restaurant today I'm paying six euros for a bottle of water for like a bird oh my god maybe I should just go back you know could get a tap water this big for free but you're gonna have those moments most people that I'm helping they will have some moment and so my job as the person helping isn't to tell someone here's what you should do I see my job is to is to do an inventory with someone and figure out what do you really want to do and what can you do if you've got a spouse who doesn't want to do what you want to do well that that you've got to resolve but what do you really want to do what is most important to you only once we determine that through a process of really diving deeper below the surface below just the superficial negativity and just the little annoyances when we really dig deep into what it is that someone wants then and only then can we hold that person accountable for getting done with every I want there's a difference between a moment of weakness such as you know you're upset and you just say hey I want to go back to the US because you're sad for a moment there's a difference between that and saying you know what here my fundamental core belief so I just want to be in the US for example most people want to live where they're from the reality right as I always say I mean when I ask someone are you comfortable paying as much taxes you are again people think it's a leading question but it's not a leading question because as I say there's 40 million people in California many of them are rich or at least a good number of them are rich and apparently they don't mind paying so apparently it is comfortable you know what's more important to you if you you know we're just so used to that Malibu you know culture you know you're living the beach and you have your friends and all that if that's what's important to you then maybe saving half a million dollars a year by not living there anymore may not work for you that may not be what you really want as much as you might be sick and tired of paying taxes every year you might say guys as ridiculous they're wasting my money okay well but if that's what you you know that's the trade-off that maybe the trade-off now we can talk all we won here at Nomad accomplice but the fact that we're conditioned from a young age to say you know raw USA or you know wherever we're from we're conditioned as human beings to be creatures of habit and to want to stay this whole nomadic thing I mean even going back to you know Marco Polo and all these guys yes it was romantic yes it was adventurous yes it was seemed as exciting but there's a reason you talk about those guys there's reason people even today talk about the nomads because it is the minority most people have decided that the trade off of making higher investment returns having more personal freedom not being held hostage to one government keeping more of their own money you know growing their wealth faster they've said you know what that's great but mom lives down the block so that's number one for me that's what I want and what I think I see in people who come to us at nomad capitalists and people who comment here on YouTube etc is that there's this great desire on a superficial level to you know keep more of your own money that would be easier for me to say yes play to the superficial part and just you know collect as much money as possible from people who want an ebook or something like that on you know how to lower their taxes well what I've discovered over these last eleven years is that there is a very deep emotional behavioral component to all this stuff that if you don't have that part in place the rest of the plan will quite possibly eventually crumble because eventually you're gonna have a moment of weakness and that moment of weakness may come while you're implementing the plan you might freak out you might go to like a bank in another country and someone looks at you along the way the wrong way and you freak out you say I can't do it and that might be the emotional thing that if you're not prepared for it you might just abandon the whole plan so are you really willing to do what it takes to be successful in doing stuff that you've never done before if you're living or if you want to live overseas if you want a bank overseas if you want to do anything overseas that it's all new right it's all brand new stuff it's gonna be uncomfortable and you know the only way to make it comfortable it's just to do it just like anything else you know practice makes perfect if you're in sales you know you know how this works you know anything you know sex right the first time you do it it's kind of weird and uncomfortable you know for the thousandth time you do it it's like oh okay yeah so I sent my 717 thousand euros over a wire I bought a house um I think I think Conchas taken care of it let's hope right you have to build up that comfort and for me it was done by really being honest to myself no BS no nonsense not yeah I want lower taxes it's gotta be like really inside you because if it's not you're gonna find a way at every step to wimp out you're gonna become weak and then you're gonna run around you and become emotional you're gonna flail your hands in the air you're gonna want to give up I know because I've been there and I know because I've seen other people there so when I talk about you know these these deeper mindset ideas I understand that for some people it's not as exciting as watching the thirty-seventh video another Passport but here's the secret if you've watched 37 videos on how to get a second passport and you've done nothing to get a second passport you don't want a second passport I'm happy to get two views I mean every every view of you keep on watching and maybe it's just passing entertainment you know I like to go around and look at random stuff every once in a while it's fun right but if you're lying to yourself and saying one day I'm gonna do it then that's where you're you've got a you've got to satisfy that chasm and to me behavioral and really kind of digging beneath the surface which a lot of us guys don't like to do we like to think we know what all we want to be macho we want to be smart it's tough to dive in and be vulnerable and to really assess what's in there deep down but it's the first step to really getting everything in proper order and some things I really focus on at least behind the scenes in a big way so if this is of interest to you and if you have a comment or if you have an experience I would like to hear about it below leave a comment if you're trying to learn more about this nomad capitalist lifestyle and you like the idea of incorporating this mindset stuff into it definitely click subscribe to our channel so comment subscribe and if you're looking for some more advanced strategies head on over to Nomad capitalist calm we've got a lot of materials they're both on the mindset front and on the strategy front and if you put it all together then you're unstoppable
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 34,979
Rating: 4.9482656 out of 5
Keywords: mindset, Nomad Capitalist, goals, life goals, life hacks, honesty, psychology, self-awareness
Id: Ss0nrLkvbCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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