Getting Laid vs. Getting Married: a Business Lesson

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hey guys my name is Andrew Henderson no mad capitalist calm and the author of this book no mad capitalist on Amazon this may be one of the most controversial videos that I've ever made no doubt people are gonna have strong opinions on both sides but I wanted to talk about something that's in the book that I've received a lot of feedback on we wanted to share with you a meeting I had with a friend in a in a previous client the other day in which we discussed getting married versus getting laid I promise I'm gonna bring this back to the offshore Nomad capitalists lifestyle that you are used to getting from me I'm not so many becoming a dating coach I'm not becoming a preaching moralizer I'm not here to do any of that but I do want to draw a distinction between what I've learned over the last 11 years what I've learned from having 80,000 people come and fill out an application to get my help in the last almost three years now and it all started with a lot of comments we've been getting from women about this book 87% of our audience here on YouTube is men but we have some very vocal women who were interested in our topic and specifically people have been writing me women on Instagram on YouTube and through our help desk saying Andrew we love chapter 5 you know you should talk more about this human side love children and relationships so I wanted to address that I recently did it get engaged but I have lived like I think all of us have in the time of being single the time of wanting something more casual in some of wanting to be more serious I think like the average person I have gone back and forth at various times in my life and there's been times my life when I just wanted to be alone and and not to seek anybody out but I want to tie this into the off for a lifestyle because I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and I brought back a conversation to him that I had at a conference five years ago I generally don't go to conferences these days but five years ago is just starting Nomad calculus I went to one and I was talking to a rather testosterone rich group of young guys and they were talking about businesses that they saw about teaching men how to be successful with women in my advice I sold a few businesses and run a few businesses in the United States and I had left the country permanently and I was saying well in my opinion if you're gonna run a business I don't care what your lifestyle is but if you're going to choose a business helping people get married is a lot better as a business than helping people get laid now you know I like to practice what I preach I like to live I think that the best way to run a business especially like where you know what you're the face is to live what you talk about and to be experienced and to guide others that way but you know what if you want to run a business teaching you know helping men get married but you want to be you know on the other side that's fine but from a business point of view it's better to help people get married and I said you know here's why the people who want to get married are invested at the higher level they're more serious they're more likely to be genuine in terms of that relationship and that's think they're more serious as people but in terms of the your interaction with them at a business they're more serious because they want that specific thing it's one thing over here to say hey I get laid every once in awhile and you can get argue you know you can argue oh it's everyday it's every week in three months okay fine it's another thing to say I want to be married well you either are you're not it's a binary decision and so if I'm running a business I want to help people get married because there's a much greater investment I recently watched a video an old news video where one of these matchmaking services you've seen in the in-flight magazine charges up to a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to help men meet their future wife and people pay it now the average person would watch that and say that's ridiculous so that's a scam but the guys who have ten million dollars don't care they drive a $300,000 car and they pay 150 thousand dollars to outsource their dating life into to find a wife on the other side no one's paying a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to have someone help them you know have a one-night stand or a string of one-night stands and so here's how I look at this in terms of the offshore Nomad capital lifestyle I'm not gonna make a judgment on which camp you should be in that's not my job and ultimately you should do what feels best for you whatever is consensual is fine with me but let me take the avatars that are traditionally seen I understand there are guys who are going out there and having all kinds of flings who are more enlightened but the average bass people of one way of getting laid versus getting married the people who want to get married or investors a much higher level because they want a high level deliverable and so what I see in this marketplace of offshore stuff is two camps you have probably a majority of people who are saying sell me the 915 dollar offshore company and I'll figure out how to do it from here because I'm James Bond and I can figure out any how to drive any boat plane train or airplane and then you have a smaller came of people who are saying well hold on like I want to I'm gonna get somewhere I want to get a specific deliverable a specific feeling like being married people say well if I'm married yes there's some downsides but you know I have someone who's always there for me I have loved it people who want to get married are running towards something they're running towards the idea of whether you think it's right or not they're running towards specific feeling specific things that they want in their life and there's this smaller camp of people who come into the offshore world who say I want to pay a lot less of taxes I want to do so legally I'd like to get a second passport and I want to create this lifestyle you know here's what happens here's the next step once I save all those taxes what's that's gonna mean it's gonna mean a higher lifestyle for me for my family it's gonna mean potentially greater savings for the future I've been in both camps and I think that one is certainly more long-term thinking one is more you're just invested at a higher level and so when people come to Nome and capitalists we've gotten over 80,000 application and about two and a half years and when we go through and look at this we notice some interesting patterns people who are just starting out people who are in this kind of you know temporary you know quick-hit mindset will come will say you know what I'm not as concerned about being illegal just give me the company and as long as no one finds out I'll be okay there is that kind of mindset there are people who think hey I'm smarter I'm smarter than the government don't worry you know they won't figure it out that's their approach the longer term approaches Andrew you know what it's gonna cost me more to set it up properly it may be a little bit more complicated but I realize that it's gonna be complicated one way or the other but I want to get it done properly and then I want to stop worrying about it right at the end of the day if you ask people you know why did you get married there's a lot of people it's just like oh the single life I got so sick and tired of it I'm always chasing people no one returns my calls it's a prize when you're over here in this world where you're getting the $900 offshore a company I made a video about my experiment buying a cheap offshore company and how bad it was and how I just got no further - what my goal would have been if you're over here I can promise you there's always gonna be problems it's always gonna be one thing after the next it's gonna be the girl who goes out with you and then vanishes it's gonna be the person who you think is interesting and then the next day something happens what I like is to take the longer-term view of this offshore stuff and invest more upfront not $150,000 for most business owners but to invest like that guy who pays the matchmaker 150 grand because he says you know what I want everything that comes with is too literal I want everything that comes with having a wife I want all of it and I'm gonna run towards that see the people over here the people who are looking for the long-term solution in the offshore world are running towards what are they gonna do with the tax savings they're running towards the generational wealth they're running towards all those benefits and I've always said don't run away from something run towards something don't run away from the u.s. run towards you want always the best advice and so what I find the people who are over in this camp people who just want the quick hit it's yeah you know I feel like a sucker paying all these taxes and I want to be smarter than everybody else I know this firsthand but it was interesting I I was this 10 years ago and that's why I've done some of the things that I've told you over the years including you know shouting at the guy who for $15,000 was going to solve a problem that by telling him he was overpriced I ended up paying more than that in in taxes and like the next couple of months but if you're in the quick hit camp what I've seen is there's this great desire to be like I don't want to be an idiot because I'm smarter than people it's almost there's something very interesting about it where it's not I want to take that hundred thousand dollars that I'm gonna save every year and put it back into my business because potentially a lot of people is like I said a lot of people who are over in this camp have just started out they just started their business six months ago or a year ago I remember being that guy when taxes are theoretical you've never even sent a check into the government yet but yet you hate the idea of it it's a lot worse I can promise you it's a lot worse when you're actually sending the checks in and so the people who are in the quick hit quick hit category in the you in the offshore world are the people who not all the time what I'm trying to kind of share what I've learned over 82,000 people is the ones who are willing to cut corners the ones who are eventually gonna have problems and they're the guys who as I've talked about in another video that the guys who messaged me Andrew my bank account is closing me down my bank doesn't want my account in some fly speck island anymore I have a company in some tiny island and my good bank doesn't want me to have it that's what's gonna happen so there are perks to both listening you know I mean I think every guy can always say oh you know they can romantic eyes the single life if they're married and they think back at all the positive things yes this side this quick kick camp it can be easier to set up it's also easier to get into trouble it's also easier to have problems it's also easier to get stuck it's also easier to have your bank account closed it's also easier to be audited it's also easier that you didn't do something properly so it was too easy and I'm going to tell you as I never am I'm never here to tell you what you should do but I want to share my personal experience over 11 years and my personal experience having seen tens of thousands of people who come and they share I'm over in this camp because I realized I want to do things properly and what I realized not so many years ago with nomad capitalists was that I was always hiring the best lawyers I was paying good accountants I was overpaying for services that's been my philosophy or for a while and I realized it would be disingenuous of me to offer some kind of low-priced you know thousand dollars get your company set up and then figured out yourself service if I drove a car it wouldn't be a Kia and I'm sure there's I went out and bought a Bentley there would be people who would say wow what a sucker he spent three hundred thousand dollars for a car but other people who spend three hundred thousand dollars for a car wouldn't say you're a sucker you know so the bottom line is this do you want to be in the quick hit camp where you just set up the offshore company you know better than everybody else or do you want the category where let's just do this properly I want to sit back and relax and I just want the results to come to me and to keep coming over and over and over and over again I have been at one time but if ever I was very young in a quick hit camp because it was it was fearful to spend money that's why I shouted the guy for $15,000 he could have saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next couple of years in my businesses but I didn't I didn't hire him and I had to learn the hard way and so really what it boils down to for me is attitude this is one of the big things we talked a little bit mindset but even deeper than mindset is attitude I've had to learn the hard way that my attitude of being 20 to 23 years old and saying I'm smarter who else is making 210 thousand dollars a year I'm smarter than everybody right I've been that guy was that guy a long time ago and you realize yeah yeah okay you're a punk he's 22 and a lot of people are making more than 200,000 Hector's a guy paying almost 200,000 just to find a wife you know when you met when you're when you're in that camp when you're in that quick-hit camp you think no it's not possible no one's paying 150 grand for that no one's paying for a Bentley you know they are yeah they are and there's an attitude of being open that there's things that you don't know when I go and I try and engage the people on stuff that I am not familiar with I don't really go with my own agenda because I want to know what they have to say they're the expert and so do you think you know better than everybody else do you think that you instead of some cheap company and in this day and age of CRS and FATF and everything else that you're gonna fool everybody and you're gonna slide into the radar and you're gonna be able to get away with you know breaking CFC rules or you know whatever else if so then you're the quake had quick hit category go out watch my video and learn what to avoid when hiring a cheap offshore incorporator and go out and set up your company and kind of shoestring together a plan what I've learned and what I never knew when I was learning this was that there are always people who were paying 150 thousand dollars to get their problems solved at a high level I never knew that because I was too closed-minded the fact that I had all the answers and then I was smarter than everybody and now I realize yeah like we're always learning I may be one of the best people in this area but compared and everything else I'm really not the smartest guy by any means and so which camp do you want to be in to me it is the constant evolving kind of what's the trick what's the tactic what I have to say of the average person who wants to get laid or it's the person who wants the longer-term solution of getting married it applies I think too many things in life and I think it applies very much to your offshore strategy and how committed you are to getting a result that actually works for the long term rather than works for the night if you're new to all this I definitely recommend you get the book on Amazon because it's a real one-on-one intro we don't put together particularly and particular strategies we don't tell you exactly what you should do because everyone is different the same way that the matchmaker isn't setting everyone up with a leggy blonde from Slovenia you know I can't give you the exact plan to do the book but I hope that the book opens most people's eyes to what the possibilities are of living a nomad capitalist lifestyle legal tax reduction dual citizenship you know putting your money all around the world and taking part in going where you're treated best so the book is a good 101 intro to that if you haven't gotten it I think it's it's 269 pages of good info with some specifics if you have been watching for a while and you've maybe been trying to figure this stuff out then I think that I hope I've opened your eyes to the fact that there are two different approaches there's the quick get cheap approach of people just churning out a thousand offshore companies a day you know churning out a thousand bank account openings a day bid secret half the time don't work and then there's a more holistic approach if you're looking for that it's kind of what we talked about at nomad capitalists you should start by checking out more of our advanced strategies at Nomad capitalist calm and we'd be happy to serve you but it's really important to understand what you're trying to get out of this experience as as one of the I remember one of the big guys the information marketing space in the dating world said if you don't define your desired outcome you won't be successful your desired outcome could be getting away it could be a one-night stand your desired outcome could be getting married if you're just going out with a woman and just say Oh do happen you're already screwed so before you go down this offshore journey what is it you want we have other videos where we talk about figuring out what you want and figuring out when you're ready but you have to define that and you have to really define which camper you win that will define your ability to be successful
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 111,162
Rating: 4.728322 out of 5
Keywords: offshore, offshore bank account, tax savings, offshore company, fling, one night stand, casual sex, hook-ups, relationships, marriage, scarcity mindset, abundance mindset, pua, mgtow, pickup artist
Id: 6332B_TRoLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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