Are Caribbean Citizenships Respected?

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if you're looking for a second citizenship and you want the process to be fast and easy so that you can accomplish your goals without wasting a lot of time then you've probably come across citizenship by investment citizenship by investment allows you to make a donation or some kind of investment in the country the most common are in the Caribbean where a number of countries will make you a citizen in a matter of months but what I consistently see from some folks is asking the question our Caribbean citizenships respected if I get this second Passport am I going to have problems I'm gonna tell you what you need to know in this presentation [Music] hey guys I'm Andrew Henderson and here at nomad competence we help 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs get their second passport and really create an entire holistic offshore strategy to go where you're treated best you could use that for lower taxes more freedom more opportunities better investments you can learn more at Nomad capitalist dot-com and what I want to talk about today is something that seems to come up every once in a while when it comes to Caribbean citizenships now if you've seen some of my videos here you've heard me talk about how for me second citizenship is either a plan a something you're using immediately either you want to give up your current citizenship to improve your financial position you want to get a new citizenship to improve your travel privileges you can do more business maybe there's new investment opportunities fewer regulations something you're gonna do immediately Plan B is an insurance policy something you're holding on to now either category of folks could go out and get a Caribbean citizenship by investment just satisfy this was talking to a guy the other day he's got about 15 million dollars he says I don't want to mess around managing real estate or doing this or that or waiting for years get me my second Passport I'm putting in the safe I'm gonna know I'm protected and that I can act accordingly don't need $100,000 or $150,000 find me the best deal okay that's a plan B he's not gonna use that the person who's gonna use their second citizenship obviously has a need to get it faster you know if you if getting a second passport means you can save on tax you don't want to delay the process you know every day is costing money and what I do see though is especially among folks who are considering expatriate in from their current country ie giving up their US citizenship and replacing it with another one of these passports they're concerned that if they become Dominican or Saint Lucian as I am or Antigua Saint Kitts Ian or Grenadian that they're gonna have problems when they travel that they're not gonna be respected by their business partners that there's just gonna be less respect okay and you know one of the things we talk about here at nomad capitalists is how in my opinion the world is really flattening out you know I talked to a gentleman who was an attorney in the United States who's in his mid-60s and this is what I was expecting the US and he said you know I think that having a US passport it's a very valuable thing in the world and well I think that was true you know back in the 1970s 1980s I don't know that it's so true today I think that people see citizenships on a much more flattened viewpoint these days if you're American cool British cool if you're Dominican that's also cool and I can tell you you know I've gone and opened numerous different bank accounts with what we call TRB passports including a st. Lucian Passport no one's ever given me a weird look now if your second passport is from Afghanistan or from Kyrgyzstan or something they might give you a weird look depending on where you're going but these Caribbean passports I think bankers either view them as neutral or they view them as okay we know the deal right you're a wealthy person this is either your replacement passport or to plan B I've never had an issue in buying any real estate where anybody cares I've never had any issues where anybody cares because I think that in most of the world these passports and really most passports are viewed as neutral now again you know if you have some passport where people have this perception and some parts the world that's Russian in other parts of the world it could be a Middle Eastern or African passport right there are certain passports that either everywhere or in certain parts of the world they they have a certain they said if alarm bells right you know if you're Iranian that's gonna cause you a lot of issues no matter what you do so don't become Iranian but the Caribbeans countries are very neutral no one has a beef with Saint Lucia and they're not really in any kind of turf war they're not coming in bombing anybody st. Lucian's aren't known for committing all kinds of financial crime it's really just pretty neutral and so really the only people that I think you should be concerned about are gonna be in the government okay and so will out here sometimes is Andrew st. kitts and nevis it's the longest-running citizenship by investment program I don't want that one Dominica I heard something on a news report somewhere about them because they've been around for a long time also I don't want that one either here's the deal okay I've traveled all around the world and I've used numerous different passports you know I've had a worse passport that I've used then the Caribbean programs I've never really had anyone raise an eye I've been asked I think once or maybe twice where is this country and that was not on a Caribbean passport but never any problems there are gonna be a couple countries that may look at you differently and those are what I call the wealthy judgmental countries you can also call them what I call the Kuna countries see you in a Canada the United States New Zealand in Australia now these countries despite telling you how non-judgmental they are they're not racist they'll everybody we're all equal blah blah blah yeah if you try and get a visa to go to Australia as a Dominican I don't think that they're necessarily going to deny you a visa as long as you otherwise qualify for a visa ie you're not a criminal and all that are they going to give you the once-over maybe so if you need to go to one of those countries then you may look at getting another passport on top of that sometimes what I'll do is I'll get someone the quick passport immediately and then we'll work towards a better passport a year three years five years from now right whether it's by descent by investment by naturalization whatever the case may be fast-track naturalization you may have you know two passports building your passport portfolio having the belt-and-suspenders as some people call it and so it may be that if you are only Dominican or only st. Lucian for a while that you aren't going to be a little bit limited in your travel until you get another passport that expands those travel options now I think most of the Caribbean passports these days are pretty good for travel again what I often tell people is get to tier VIII passports you're still not going to be getting visa-free travel to those four countries but you'll be received pretty well everywhere else I have not had a single issue and I've helped people get all these different Caribbean passports I have one of them myself no one at a border outside of those countries in my experience has asked any questions about Dominica now you know if you're in the system for something then maybe they'll bother you anyway but I can tell you I mean there's there's one country in Europe that I've gone to I went there as an American it's my US passport and you try and get in and they ask you a million different questions you're there for half an hour the process was actually easier when I went back as a st. Lucian and so that wasn't an issue of the passport that's just an issue of that country likes to ask people a lot of questions it's just how they do things and I think that the challenges if you're from the West you're used to no one asking you any questions it's been interesting kind of psychological study that our team is done when we when we look at you know people from the West we imagine that things are always gonna be available we have this mentality of I'm the consumer I have money I'm a rich guy someone will always want to take my money as if a country is gonna be bowled over by your hundred thousand dollars that's gonna be they're gonna we shook on our citizenship program but John has a hundred thousand dollars all right open it back up we're that desperate bring in the hundred grand John you know these programs they go up in price sometimes they close down they become suspended and and I think in the West we think hey there's always going to be supply they're always going to take my money we like to throw our weight around that's how consumerism works in the West right there's plenty of supply there's always supply that hasn't always been the case because prices of these investment programs they do tend to go up outside of the Caribbean at least what we also do is we also don't like being asked any questions we're used to going to Chase Bank or you know Barclays Bank or you know A&Z or whatever in our local countries and we just deposit money we never get has to sing a question so when you have an offshore bank account or when you travel to a country with a passport that's you know not a US passport for example and they ask you hey what's the purpose of your visit that's pretty standard fare right now I do think some countries are starting to ask even Americans and other Westerners those questions hey what are you doing here right I had an American friend who was recently going to Ireland and he says they had a number of questions you know what's what's the purpose of your visit that's increasingly becoming common for everyone but I think that a lot of us for many years have not had to deal with that and so therefore we fear being asked one question or three questions what I found is at the border most countries don't care they really don't care I remember coming to Malaysia once the woman seeing the passport of the country's passport before she literally opened up her binder uh-huh uh-huh all right this one's 30 days stamp here you go have a nice day she just wanted to follow the rules it needed a visa she wanted to let you in but you don't a visa here you go and I think that you know some of us we live in this Western mentality bubble where we don't wanna be asked any questions we think everything's always gonna be available and we think people are always gonna judge us it's not how it works in most of the world okay now obviously if you're looking to go to the United States and you're either giving up your US citizenship or you're someone from a TRC passport or to your B passport country you don't have access to the US now and you never did then there's a certain passport strategy that you're gonna need to take that's not going to be the Caribbean there are other ways to get into the United States without being a citizen of a tra country but you know the question is you know is going to the United States and Australia the be-all and end-all is it worth hundreds of thousands of dollars of extra investment or extra donation is it worth a lot of extra effort you know that's a question you've got to answer for yourself but our Caribbean citizenships disrespected the answer to that really is no I think in some cases a banker for example might prefer to see a st. Lucian passport precisely because they realize there's no drama associated with it so what you're wealthy you made an investment you got a passport what I really see is when it comes to the world most people don't care and when you're doing business most people aren't gonna really judge you by your nationality I've used different passports as I've traveled around the world and what's interesting is people will say oh but you're not from this country what's your nationality I said my nationality is this country of the passport oh no what they mean is your ethnicity if you are an American for example giving up your US citizenship and you doing business around the world they're still gonna think of you as an American they are not going to treat you the way they would treat a saint Ellucian and who he knows that they probably probably done business with any saint Lucian's right but you know people are going to treat you the way that they you know they see you and I can tell you that you know having gone to the UAE for example I've told the story before but I've gone into the UAE and you know there's a Pakistani guy or a Bangladeshi guy in front of me and they're maybe giving him a hard time and then I come up hey man how's it going right they don't really care what the passport is they care of this guy looks like he's from the West so I don't think that being from a Caribbean country really makes a difference in terms of travel to really almost anywhere in the world I don't think it makes a difference in terms of business don't think it makes a difference in terms of banking or investing and potentially makes it easier because some Western passports are becoming radioactive to certain banks and certain investment projects I've had banks around the world in the last year tell me now I did then one Americans some of them don't want Australians some of them don't want British citizens Western countries are increasingly passing new laws passing new regulations new taxes they're doing all kinds of new things that makes them for neutral countries the kinds that you want to bank and invest in and do business in it's making them less and less attractive and they are increasingly pushing back from some of these country citizens so to me in a sense for many different purposes being a citizen of a Caribbean country or some other neutral country its unaffiliated it doesn't have the EU making rules for it you know isn't going to war with people isn't imposing all kinds of new you know restrictions that could be actually more attractive and so I think that you know from experience that's what I feel I understand that if you have lived in this Western mindset for your entire life nothing wrong with that I totally get it but I don't want that to guide your decisions I don't wait to go and spend hundreds of thousands of extra dollars you don't have to to speak to a mindset that perhaps isn't reality and so for that reason I would say that if a Caribbean citizenship works for you you wouldn't avoid it for those reasons how can nomad capitalists help you four ways number one subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomadic capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomadic was planned number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and I you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference Nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a birding issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to Nomad capless calm and click on become a client
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 79,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, citizenship by investment, second citizenship, second passport, dual citizenship, give up us citizenship, caribbean citizenship by investment, caribbean citizenship, save taxes, caribbean passport, dominica passport, investment program, barclays bank, offshore bank account, citizenship by investment 2020, st lucia passport, investment strategy, wealth creation strategies, expatriation usa, cbi, st lucia citizenship by investment, st kitts and nevis passport
Id: VsqH0RIwsAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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