Is it Time to Leave the Country? Interview with Robert Kiyosaki

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here's robert kiyosaki hello hello robert kiyosaki adventure ready to share the good news and bad news about money and we have good news and bad news today um question is is it is it time for you to run i mean when you go to the serengeti you see the wildebeest migrating all over the serengeti plains and in america today was americans migrating out of new york and san francisco and portland and seattle and they're all moving in chicago and they're all migrating to safer cities but the question is for those who are citizens of one country because we're an international broadcaster the time for you to consider migrating to another country another residence or having a dual passport comment well i think this is a fascinating subject because there is a huge migration out of the big cities um even phoenix even though phoenix is a big city we're getting a lot of people coming in i drove by a u-haul dealership uh yesterday and it was packed with u-hauls meaning people are moving in and people are moving to all the small towns all over all over so there is an exodus and now the question is do we want to exit the u.s um i think people you know think this is the greatest country in the world and as we know because we travel all over the world there's a lot of great countries around the world and i don't know we have a great guest and he's going to he's going to explain it step by step on what that means well today our guest is uh andrew henderson he's a managing partner of nomad capitalist which helps people go offshore in other words migrate keep their wealth and enjoy global freedom it's going to be um after nearly a dozen years and visiting and living in 100 plus countries mr henderson has become an expert on the growing field of global citizenship and i and i love enjoy global freedom because that's our concern of course is what's happening today with covet and all of this that more and more of our freedoms and liberties are going to be taken away um and that's that's that's our number one concern so this is a really great show and timely show so angela's not going to say which country is a resident of we're not going to ask we're not going to ask and i'll ask him what he concerned about so i want to know what he's concerned about but i mean kim and i have traveled the world for 30 years now and uh i've never really considered leaving this country and so for the first time we're thinking about it and not only leaving the country but getting our dinero out of this country because it looks like confiscation is coming in so andrew welcome to the rich dad radio welcome andrew great to be with you thank you would you explain how in the world you became a nomad capitalist and what are the pros and cons and that kind of stuff well i got a great permission slip at a very young age i had a father who saw the things that you're talking about he looked at this stuff back in the mid 90s and he said listen you don't have to stay here i grew up in cleveland ohio which if you're from the united states you know that the answer to that is i'm sorry to hear that so we were never tethered we never felt we had to stay there and he said listen especially if you're going to be in business because i was interested in business starting about 12 years old he said listen you should go where you're treated best you don't have to stay here in the city this state even in the country and he was looking at places like new zealand long before anyone was talking about it and so i started some businesses in the united states i guess some of them did all right and um never entirely felt happy never entirely felt free the social dynamics for me weren't entirely there in the united states and i was paying a lot of taxes and i said listen there's got to be a better way to do this i was doing things on you know voip phones back in the day i'd be calling people it'd be sending emails it could be done from anywhere why am i living in the u.s why am i paying these taxes and i started this process of traveling self-discovery i started noticing uh differences you know why is this bank paying higher interest why is this real estate market performing differently why are things over here more safe why are these people different and i realize that every country has something that they're best at uh very you know no country is number one at everything let alone perhaps anything and i said well why am i pulling all my resources under the control of one government which is broke and why don't i live overseas and i'm a resident of a couple different countries i'm in malaysia right now but you know certainly it's uh it's different a lot of people don't understand it but it gives you a lot more freedom and you get to choose the places for your banking for your investing for your real estate for your passport for every dating whatever it may be where am i treated the best and i don't think most of us can say that if we're honest about any one country that's correct you know kim and i traveled to australia a lot and we always thought maybe someday we'd move there but they shut down the whole country yeah you look at that draconian legal systems where do you move to so and andrew you said you talk about banking taxes quality of life you're not saying one country you're saying operate out of many many countries find what treats you best in all these different areas is that right yeah i think that's what's changed in perhaps my lifetime where it used to be all right what is the place and i think people still have that mindset i would say choose from the buffet so i would live in malaysia for example this is one of many places you can go where they're pretty open to people coming and immigrating here if you have a little bit of money but in the banks i think are fine but you're next to singapore it's one of the world's great wealth havens so bank there if you have precious metals maybe you want to store them there uh i've been an investor in real estate in cambodia for example that's done very well and it's been very recession proof over the last 25 years or so i wouldn't live in cambodia nor would i live in singapore so i'm kind of in the middle for living but i'm taking advantage of the stability of places to store assets for example as well as the the growth potential of markets that are up and coming um and so yeah i think choose from the buffet so let me ask you this what are some of the mistakes that people make you know i mean you don't want to you know take your passport around and then violate all kinds of laws so some of the mistakes that people make when they're migrating what's funny my wife and i were watching this spy show again and it's funny to watch all the things that are inaccurate about people with their numbered swiss bank accounts and they're taking 10 million dollars in cash just from a reuben bank and that's not really how it works and so we're not talking about hiding money we're not talking about you know hiding anything from the irs this is more about showing and telling than it is about hiding stuff that's the old school way to do it it doesn't really work anymore you've got laws like fatca crs all kinds of things so if you're an american it is more difficult because you are always taxed no matter where you live as a us citizen if you just go and live as a u.s citizen in malaysia they're still going to tax you now you can get some exemptions you can set up a foreign corporation that's zero tax you can pay yourself a salary you can defer some retain you know you can do some things to dramatically reduce your taxes but you're still in the u.s tax net whereas anybody else for the most part can simply leave their country and then go to some other country that treats them better so it's a bit more difficult for americans and what i see is people don't often put the holistic pieces together where they get advice from a guy on hong kong on setting up their company in hong kong but then nothing is compliant on the u.s side where they move overseas and they open a bank account and they don't realize they've got to file a form with the treasury every year saying here's where my money is you're allowed to have bank accounts but you need to report you know where the bank accounts are and so you've got the asset protection but you're not hiding your money and i think people need to understand that's what this is about is the legality well right now with the economy so bad all over the world there's a lot of countries selling passports and then um you know because it's a way of generating revenue like kim and i were talking we're talking to george gammon a great guy you know but he doesn't live in america he lives someplace else and he was talking about saint louis st lucia or saint lucia you can just you can basically buy a passport there where where tell me andrew what are some of the places to consider in terms of living quality yeah i mean so i'm a i'm a proud saint lucian citizen they're one of five countries in the caribbean that's decided we're a small country we'd like to raise revenue the big high tax countries have come in and run out our offshore financial centers that was how the uk wanted us to make money when we became independent now they don't like it anymore so we need some other way to bring in revenue and build housing and do things for our people and so i'm very proud of that but i think that what i would look at those kind of passports at is some way to give yourself diversification from a country that's going to leave you alone so if you're a u.s citizen they're regulating every aspect of your life until you decide you're no longer going to be a us citizen and so i think a lot of people like the idea you don't have to give up your citizenship and most people don't but if you want to take it all away being a saint lucian gives you a lot more freedom because they don't really chase you down all over the world and so i wouldn't necessarily live in saint lucia what i would say is be a st lucian be whatever your citizenship is and then go and find places so i've been a big fan of malaysia i've been a big fan um of you know parts of mexico i've been a big fan of places in eastern europe like montenegro i've got a home the country of georgia i think it's very interesting a little different if you're an american but great food great wine so i mean there's something for everybody obviously some people like monaco that's pretty old school right but i think there's a lot of up-and-coming places that are what i call the hidden gems malaysia probably being a great one it's kind of like the united states of asia with all the good parts and not the bad parts for the most part and i think very adaptable if you speak english and you just want that normal kind of american life so there's many places to go but again i would separate the citizenship from where you actually live okay another question i have is you have a passport and there's something places won't let americans especially today with the pandemic can't fly here you can't fly there but we have a friend who has an italian passport and she flew to amsterdam or something but she was into the eu and then she flew back on a us passport right are those some of the advantages of a multiplicity of passports well generally speaking you have to enter and leave your own country on that passport right so if you're an american you're there as an american right you can't like uh commit a crime and then claim i'm also french or something and go to the french embassy i mean you're an american they treat you like that so you need to enter and leave on those passports but sure i mean if you know if you have two countries where you're allowed to get into i mean i think that's been the best situation to have right now in some countries permanent residence has been pretty equal or even temporary residents but you know tourists are kind of the last on the list so i think having whether it's a passport or a residence i have a number of each and it's been very helpful where i can go certain places and they they need to let me in and so um you know if you're an eu citizen like italy or france or spain or whatever then you've got a great benefit and you know what's cool about those by the way is you can go through your parents grandparents sometimes even great grandparents and you can go back through your family tree and possibly get one of those for not a lot of money just basically the embassy fees yeah i looked into that because my grandparents are from sweden um both of them but sweden does not participate in that or i don't know if it's the us side or the swedish side yeah the swedish side if your parents are swedish but i think that's about as far as they go so like ireland italy poland is a little bit more difficult hungary we're doing estonia for someone now croatia so a lot of them do it but but some of them don't go too far back and you do these services andrew because there's a lot of rules and there's a lot of regulations and you know as you said earlier we don't want to we don't want to find out we've made a huge mistake once we've already made hate the change well what we do is i mean i've experienced doing this and so i've learned things the hard way i've built up a network by traveling around i mean to me this is not theory this is how i live and so what we do is we do the international tax planning banking financial stuff we do the residence and citizenship and then we do potentially there's some investments that you want to make so let's say you want to get a residence permit somewhere you want to get a passport you know how do you invest to get that and then we put under 110 basically so you're not talking to seven different people because if you're an american you're right if you open a bank account in malaysia to get the residence permit and you don't report that to the u.s you're going to be in trouble so i think it's important that you look at the whole picture and if again i keep mentioning u.s citizens having a special burden do you buy your property when you're in malaysia do you own your property or do your ranch i do buy like control i like decorating at like a certain environment and uh i do buy you know do you buy do you buy um investment property as well all over the world i have an investment property you know the challenge i have right now with this whole pandemic situation is uh you know i'm looking at maybe i shouldn't rent that property i should just keep it in case i get stuck in that place you know i guess i'm flying through turkey or something i'm looking at some property in turkey i think there's some great deals and i think people think it's really a disaster and i think maybe it'll be all right in the long term but um you know so i'm looking at that and saying i should rent it but you know maybe i'm flying from somewhere to somewhere i'm going through turkey and there's a problem because people can't travel and at least i have a place to stay so i have done investment properties but i like having a collection of places to live around the world and i'll tell you if you're looking for an escape plan i've got a lot of people this year who are calling about that more than ever i think having like a psychologically comfortable place where you can go it's one thing of a passport but if you've got a home somewhere and you know it's one flight away i think you're gonna be more motivated knowing that you know what the house looks like you know what the towels are you know like you feel comfortable there i think that if you don't have that you might be more reticent to leave because so many people you hear this they say i'll leave when it gets bad enough and how many decades have we been hearing that and it gets worse and worse and worse and worse yeah and i i think too you know for for americans um like for europeans for australians asians they're they're used to traveling to other countries so often in the us we're not so many of us don't even have a passport um but what about the mindset of you know it's like covet everybody's so afraid they don't go outside well once you go outside you find out oh it's not so bad i'm not gonna die but with the us to go to another to say oh i'm gonna get residency someplace else it's like almost like against the rules or the law or whatever well there is that and again i mean the media doesn't do any great service because uh especially in the u.s i mean people just think you know again i watch these shows and you see the silliest comparisons i've got a lot of people who are working for me in serbia we have great people in serbia and it's less expensive and they're getting paid a lot more than all their friends but every time i watch one of these shows it's like oh the serbian villains right you go to serbia these people you know they wouldn't hurt a fly so i mean i think it's interesting uh i think that you need to dip your toe in and i think one thing i've said is go and open a bank account somewhere go to a country like georgia or an armenia or in ecuador where you can get an account as a non-resident with very little money and just watch and just look and just see what happens with it and six months later when your money's still there maybe you go to the atm you take out some money you use the debit card you just inch closer to feeling that this is okay and then you file the what's called the f bar and the us on your tab you know alongside your taxes and and okay i'm doing this legally and everyone knows what's going on i think that you can kind of dip your toe into this if you're not comfortable and and feel more comfortable over time we'll come back we'll be talking more to our guest is andrew henderson he's talking about being a nomad capitalist it's very interesting exciting times because i've never thought about it before seriously but the more screwy it gets here in america the more it becomes a consideration so we're not just talking about america i think the idea of being a normal capitalist today because of the way technology and the cell phones and banking works why not so we come back we're talking more to andrew henderson barbara kiyosaki rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money our guest is andrew henderson we're talking about uh being a nomad capitalist and the idea you don't have a first passport you start with that but maybe a second passport for those who already have the first one we can listen to the rich set radio program anywhere anytime on itunes android and youtube and please leave a comment whenever listen to it and all of our programs are archived at richdad they archive them because we're an education company only we don't sell or recommend investments and we're definitely not recommending you get another passport and run unless you want to but anyway uh the reason we archive this is so you can listen to this program again because you'll learn more the second time pick up new things but more importantly your friends family member and business associates who think it might be a good time to relocate or get another business someplace else in the world this is your program go to and listen to this program one more time and andrew is he's also the author of the book nomad capitalists and it's a book that discusses the the all the concepts oh there it is hold that up again andrew hold that book up again nomad capitalists that discuss is all about global citizenship and and i love andrew what you call your five magic words go where you're treated best i i love that so to robert's point you know some people in in their country wherever they live don't even have their own passport is that the first step well i think so and it's funny i sold a property uh i had two properties in montenegro i sold one of them and we were trying to do everything through power of attorney and they got we took us i mean a long time to sell the property because he was trying to renew his u.s passport but conveniently right they said we're not issuing any u.s passports for a while and it took us i mean many months to get his new u.s passport to get the passport number to make the power of attorney to do the sale so i mean if you can't even travel out of your own country yeah i mean that's number one um and then i would say you know number one ask yourself what am i willing to do you know do i want to save on taxes if you're willing to live overseas for a majority of the year if you're willing to move to puerto rico if you're an american you can dramatically you know cut your taxes by anywhere from 70 to 90 percent uh potentially even to 100 in some limited circumstances um you know do i want to move my money do i feel comfortable with my money i saw a report uh in the uh the great recession the last one uh the u.s bank's 40th safest in the world i don't know how many could be was named 39 other countries that are that we think would be safer right and so i think it's just going through and saying what do i feel uncomfortable about um but i mean certainly if you don't have a passport you're kind of stuck [Laughter] so when you talk about tax advantages what what should people be looking for i mean what are the questions to be asking well i think i know i mean by the way i mean i love watching your channel on social media and there's really some great gems every day for for business owners i think people should be business owners and that's a great way to go offshore because you can incorporate the business offshore particularly if you're doing something um where it's knowledge based if it's selling digital products if it's selling advice whatever more a little bit more complicated but doable with like a physical product you can run that overseas you can hire people overseas you know less liability it's more affordable to do you can grow the business faster and you can actually reduce your taxes because you're offshore now again if you're an american there's certain things to consider but you can exempt for example 107 or 8 000 a year in salary and so if you've got a business partner or spouse you can double that potentially you know then you can dramatically reduce your tax on everything above that and so it gives you a lot more money to put back into your business it's harder to do that if you're as an american if you're an employee so i've got a friend who works in dubai he makes you know seven-figure salary he gets the first 107 for free and he pays on the rest because he's not a business owner and as a us citizen they tax your worldwide income even though dubai does not so it to me it's the case if people should start businesses and if you have a business you're a perfect candidate to go live in a tax friendly place like in malaysia and um you know save on in your home countryside that's amazing my most important question is where can i go i don't have to wear a stupid mask that's that bugs me so much you know the most one of the most open parts of the world right now and i'm going to be going there next month is in the balkans so i think serbia is open to everybody turkey's open i think montenegro is largely open north macedonia albania pretty much reopened including i think most of those to americans uh and you know i talked to people who work for me in some of those countries armenia is open and these are very interesting countries that people don't think about i mean montenegro beautiful place for example and i'm hearing from these from people who work for me and they're saying it's business as usual now i mean here in malaysia uh it's business as usual everything's open um but people are wearing masks and i think i don't think it's a requirement but people just do uh but if you go to go to eastern europe it seems they're just uh on with the show so what does it what does it take to let's say move to turkey passport i don't know if i want to live in turkey i mean turkey's not the most tax friendly place if you're living there full-time you can get a residence permit i believe by buying any property you want and they've got i mean istanbul if you're looking for like cheap apartments 50 grand you can find we find stuff around toxin square for a really really cheap but they do have actually a citizenship by investment program if you if you put half a million dollars in the bank for example or if you buy quarter million dollars in real estate you get a citizenship instantly uh so that's pretty cool i mean you buy an apartment at istanbul the lira is in the tank uh you can get a decent deal i'm looking at some of the deals a couple hours ago and you get a citizenship now is that the citizenship for you i don't know i mean for americans it's kind of weird you know being turkish for some people but you know you buy a property they give you a citizenship and you can rent it you can do whatever i'm looking for it is for gateways in other words yeah that friend of yours who was italian she could fly into europe but as an american you can't fly into europe so more is access i want the passport for access to different parts of the world that's what i'm asking oh wow yeah i mean turkey you all i mean i again i think that uh you know for being a st lucian or or being some a lot of these you know lesser known passports they're on the green list um and so i think it's uh uh i think a lot of passports right now are better than the us passport can you go and get one i actually have people calling me saying i want to become saint lucian so that i or saint kitsian or antiguan so that i can do exactly that i'll be on the green list yeah you can fly from let's say saint kitts to europe or saint asia i guess depending on how you do it you don't even have to go to sync hits i mean i think that that's kind of been the weird thing throughout all of this is um you know i have a friend who who does invest spending in thailand and cambodia and he says all they care about is your passport he says i haven't been to the united states in so long but all they care about is the passport you could be a st lucian who was in the united states and they're like no they'll let you in but if you you know so so let me ask this question again which passport from a different country will give me the most access to the world that's what i want to know oh right now well and that's a good question i guess uh i i don't entirely know other than i think that um you know i have a lot of friends in georgia and i think they've got a pretty good passport right now for like getting into europe they're on the green list so i think that's maybe a good one i don't know what's the number one i mean the japanese pass but the german passport these are great so i guess those are probably still pretty well respected but i think you're seeing more countries uh put on naughty lists that are the big ones so uh i think japan is on some naughty list so i think it changes by the day so if i have a saint lucia passport i can fly from phoenix and have access to all of europe on my saint lucia passport yeah i guess it depends on the policies if they let you come from the u.s maybe you need to go somewhere else first maybe you don't but uh yeah st lucia is a lot more countries open to them right now so you would just go was it taking a japanese passport you look japanese i do japanese is a really tough one and we had actually a guy get it it was kind of really complicated and it was through ancestry and his parents and all that and uh i guess if you go and live there they've got a terrible tax regime but if you go and live there and you learn the language and you renounce all of your other citizenships i guess you can become japanese but it's really a tough one it's really a tough one and and andrew um when you talk about like giving up your citizenship because you've given up your citizenship um what's the number maybe the mindset or the thing yeah the ramifications that's a better word well i guess if if you give it up and then you go and tell people on you know the rich dad and all the other great shows i mean you know maybe maybe the ramification is uh when you go and ask to come back in they don't like you so much uh but for everybody else i mean i feel people who have renounced they're british they're new zealand their whatever some in some cases we help them get those passports through their family and they come back no problems i mean the ramifications are you get to live your life you're not filming tax returns anymore you're not subject to the rules you can pretty much do what you want and so um um you know i think it's the i mean listen you know if you're if people who come they love their families they can't imagine their families i mean my family comes we spent last christmas they came to mexico city and they had a great time and i don't think 10 years ago they would have been open to mexico city but they trust now that i know what i'm talking about in terms of where to go and we were perfectly safe we had a great time and i mean if you have to really think outside the box and you have to realize there's a lot of countries out there maybe you can go back to the u.s maybe you can't but nobody else really cares too much i think people are afraid that like you know again malaysia is going to look at them poorly nobody cares i mean i went to the uk for example as a saint lucian and they asked some questions they tend to ask a lot of questions at the uk when you go in and they asked me about the whole story and i think he pretty much put put it together but it's not his problem it's not his business and so uh they say great you know do we think you're going to leave within 180 days yes come on in we don't care if you're american or not so i think it's a total mindset shift of understanding that you know most people are pretty agnostic to all this stuff how many how many passports do you have active i think four i'm working on a couple i've kind of become a bit of a collector i suppose and and the reason for having multiple passports is it just gives you more flexibility or is it or in case you get stuck yeah i mean a certain point it becomes fun i suppose um you know i mean yeah i think it's it's more flexibility it's certainly more travel i mean you have some passports which are more aligned with the east and so maybe you can go to russia with one passport um other passports are more aligned with the west and so you can go there and so you put them together you get you know great uh you know passport potential so um you know it's places you can live it's places they have to let you in uh for me also i'll tell you as a guy who didn't really feel entirely you know like i belonged in the u.s there's kind of a sense with one or two of them uh where it's like ah you know what like maybe this is a place where like i can you know call home uh i was looking at my own passport from my family tree which is from lithuania and it's uh very difficult to get and i've been looking working at it for years but it's like if i were to have that it'd be like you know this is my great grandparents and i feel like this is an identity and so i think there's a there's an emotional side to it there's a there's a there's an asset protection side there's a there's a there's a a plan b kind of side and there's a travel side well kim's and niece they operate out of los angeles and new york city but they live in lisbon they just they just moved to lisbon months ago what's the advantage of that well people love portugal it's really been coming up it's been really a great place a lot of nomads are going i think wealthier people going there we had some of some of the backpackers and then the hipsters and people like that were going but i mean it's a beautiful place you've got good weather they have what's called the non-habitual resident uh tax regime which is not quite as clean for americans it is for everybody else but you can basically go there there's a lot of tax advantages you can work towards a passport if you make an investment in the country you can work towards a passport without even being there which is pretty unique that you know you spend two weeks a year in a european union what i call tra country and five or six years from now you get a passport i think they're even gonna get probably gonna get rid of the language requirement so that's pretty easy if you have anywhere from 280 000 euros on up to to invest but portugal has become a great place to live great tax advantages interesting passport to get and probably one of the more uh laid-back european countries okay so uh how do people get in touch do you offer a service to guide people through this process we offer a really boutique service it's largely you know seven and eight figure entrepreneurs we do what we call a holistic plan so it covers all the bases of taxes and corporations banking and all that resident citizenship tax residence investing i mean everything goes into the pot and we figure out how that works and then we help people actually execute those plans with our network of people that i've developed over these years you know if you're not ready for that i tell people the first place to start is the book because it's you know there's no best place i think everyone's looking for like a best place like what's the number one place for this there's no best place depends on so many factors i mean it literally could be uh you know what kind of business do you have where are your employees i mean there's no one best place but the book which you can get on amazon talks about what's possible it's not possible and your website is right yeah it's i think we've written close to 2 000 blog articles over the years we've got a thousand youtube videos almost uh so we put out a lot of free content and the book i think probably amalgamates that but yeah you can learn more about what we do besides getting nomad capitalist a book what's your final advice for that's great advice the average person who's just considering running for the border well i mean i think you can start with whatever it is that you're comfortable with you don't have to necessarily leave the country you can have bank accounts you can have investments you can have a passport and never even leave your country and i think understanding that again it's a buffet it's a smorgasbord you can pick the things that work for you the other thing i would say is you know how do i push past excuses you can do this as a married you know person i do it you can do this as a family i have clients who do it uh and so i mean everyone not everyone but some people have a reason for here's why i can't do it listen go where you're treated best it's human nature quite frankly to all we want to go where we're treated best and just realize how many of us are going and looking at reviews for the sushi restaurant we're going to tonight and we're being very meticulous about that but we're not really thinking about what would my country get what would my bank get what would my investments get if they were being reviewed and so i think if you look at go where you're treated best and you get rid of the sacred cows i think you'll open up a lot of possibilities okay well andrew again andrew henderson is author of nomad capitalists his website isn't and we thank you for your wealth of information and encouragement and i would say it's very practical realistic advice so thank you too and i said we'll we'll be talking andrew we'll be talking my pleasure to be with you thank you so much thank you thank you for what you're doing how can nomad accomplice help you four ways number one subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomad capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomad capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and i you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to and click on become a client
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 424,423
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Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated the best, second passport, second citizenship, moving overseas, living in Malaysia, moving to malaysia, multiple bank account, Robert kiyosaki, interview, rich dad radio show, st lucia citizenship, moving to montenegro, life abroad, ife in georgia, us passport, citizenship by descent, citizenship by investment, renounce us citizenship, covid19, pandemic2020, living overseas, rich dad channel, wealthy people, cbi, dual citizenship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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