The BIGGEST Leviathtan In Subnautica | Subnautica Below Zero - Part 13

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good morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to subnautica outside but i will venture forth because i'm a big brave boy ready to do the business so I made a thumper I don't know what these things really do I don't know if I think they might just attract the ice-worms is that what they're called Jesus this place is this is going crazy right now I can kind of see the Vesper all the way in the distance that's really cool alright so I also change the game I am now playing the wait why don't I have a sprint anymore why is sprint to walk I changed it to the experimental version of the game because I figured that that's way more up-to-date the other one was November 2019 but this one is up to date of May 2020 so technically I'm playing in the future which I always knew I had the capability of doing I also need to take out my snow fox again I want to use this and fly around I think there might be more stuff in this area oh yeah that's so cool I think there might be more stuff in this area that I haven't found or explored and I kind of want to see around what this area has to offer because I do remember finding a cave ages ago that had a skeleton in it and I didn't find that this time so I guess we're going to see let's just do the perimeter of everything we're also trained not to get killed you know that's a good plan I think it's always good when you don't get killed almost didn't immediately maybe not go in the water it's called a snow fox not a water badger whoo hold on there's a hole in the wall here I'm gonna pack this up just in case pack up snow for us yeah I love that you can do that that's really cool all right what's in this hole you even go in can I crouch in this game I thought you could keybindings is there no Crouch what I want in wait maybe I can actually break it no no upgrades for you bad game oh my god I knew it I knew I could break it I'm always breaking it there's nothing in here oh god please tell me I can get out No thank God well we had an adventure here today and I hope you all learned something oh there's a little baby on its own were there too mama hi oh my god I can't pin it ah okay [ __ ] I didn't search this today there's Babies everywhere pick up heat fruit nice crystal research log this case system has a strange temperate environment the cause of temperature or temperate atmosphere is still unknown the cave system is lined with crystal formations investigating these formations may lead to further understanding of this unique environment indeed yes quite then I pick up this one okay it was nice to see you guys little cuties wait maybe I could scan them maybe I should scan them he said snow stalkers a bear like land creature which hunts in packs and can build up remarkable speed over the snow good for you little dude if this looks like a skull it's a giant dinosaur frozen crystals great you gotta love the ones that give you absolutely no information half down your parents aren't even here who let you out like this where are your parents I'm very concerned mama dada alright there has to be more to this area my sniffers can smell it I'm not done here yet I'm going around on my feet because they don't trust the snow folks so Fox is great it's fast but trying to navigate with it it's such a pain in my ass sometimes I keep crashing into things and I want to conserve its power all of this looks the same I can't remember if I've been here or not but I like exploring I think I came in this side once this place is confusing it all looks the same and I don't know where I'm going maybe you should try going up higher again that seemed like I was uncovering some more stuff that way and I want to go back to the ice warm anyway oh the thing is smoking it's bad for your health hello top right what's that that seems like something wait is that just where oh wait that's where I was before right break out the ice worm I can't remember how far away he attacked me from this seems like about it so there is that death down there should I not go that way okay easy does Oh God okay okay okay what's happening wait whoa whoa whoa okay so that's not completely deaths down there but that is where he was okay let's go again God Oh God whoa whoa whoa whoa uh excuse me Donna supper anything like that does is it just pump the ground whoa he attacks it holy [ __ ] that's so cool Jesus is massive okay you keep attacking that I'm gonna go about my day bye this area seems new I am for [ __ ] sake okay this is new I haven't been here definitely new okay I have to scan this [ __ ] sake everything's laggy because that thing is all over the place purple fragments goods nice precursor cabling precursor cable place over okay I needed more thumpers didn't I to do this area pretty sure I did okay there's ladders over there just keep going keep going you're fine don't look back if you look back the fear will consume you well so this looks like it's important looks like a giant witches hat time time time time time time time time time time time time time Oh God Jesus Christ it's scarier knowing that you can't see them until they're on top of you and I can just hear them everywhere a green first aid kit heals 50 a plate to staunch blood flow into sanitized wounds thank you what is this thing all these things whoa big boy big boy whoa Jesus I don't want nothing to do with you I'm going my own way I'm doing my own thing alright I think we're safe from them here famous last words no just have it be e to get on and left click to pack it avoids all of this needless pointless stuff it's in here oh is this an ice warm tunnel Oh Oh your boy should not be in here Oh or maybe I shall I need four of those okay let's back out to the witch's hat area won't go back out there it's also getting night time god damn it I hate night time it's scary and it gets everywhere with huge large open areas like this can you fight them yeah not me God everything [ __ ] knock you off this just do the damage and let me go for [ __ ] sake stop knocking me off my [ __ ] get away from me you [ __ ] oh god oh god I hate this I want to go home okay something nearby cool got it I'm glad that I'm making some sort of progress what the [ __ ] who did that more importantly what did that okay I need to reorient my items a bit more jesus [ __ ] christ I'm in such a panic mode that I don't even know where I'm going I don't know what I'm seeing and it's nighttime which makes it even harder I'm very upset oh god this [ __ ] hole go in there can you turn please I really wish I knew which orientation I was in and what was progress for my snow fox pack that up it's [ __ ] useless to me it doesn't help at all now geez hmm they just launched themselves out of the ground oh they are terrifying I hate this I hate this area Jesus Christ I just want to see cool things and make progress but it's hard to see and I don't know where I'm going and I don't know where I've been [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I needed more thumpers that was emotionally very stressful I lost my snow fox as well my snow fox is all the way over there I mean it gives a nice kind of location marker for where I'm supposed to go but man that was so frustrating and I can't build more thumpers here it's annoying cuz I have to go all the way down and back out all the way back out to my base to try and build more stuff so I just kind of want to stay in this area and I want to explore and I want to see what it has going for it but to build more thumpers I need a ton of batteries and I don't want to go off and get those batteries are a precious resource to me secrets Oh neat this little hill what is this a sweetly room Surikov of larvae I found a PDA it's Jeff's he's been here recently can you upload it are you getting it he was looking for the architect and the idea where he might have gone the matrix son we can focus our scans to the west I'll let you know if we find anything Roger that the West God had glad I have a compass this place is shelter enough for now Vesper still has not recovered I've seen no ships I kind of believe that the architect we awoke was destroyed in the storm there was nothing at the sanctuary but it is out there still I must find it I've plotted a course further west out of zero sector crash the snow fox something's outside damn looking for the architect's eyes little heater that's cute radio snow stalker fur a song yes I'll try you heard ninja I know them cool what is this - can I equip it to keep myself warm or do they smell it and not attack me so confused I might have to leave this area to go get supplies which is annoying I want to keep like pushing forward and making progress but I do need a compass and [ __ ] and I need first aid kits and I need food and water and I need more thumpers apparently can't go anywhere without them nope they still attract you never mind I never thought I would really appreciate being in the deep ocean more than being up on land at least this area I know I can defend myself I can get away from things SiC so you went looking for the architect I don't know what that is but usually architects and stuff like this are pretty cool thank God okay it's not the drowning that's killing me it's the starvation it's not to starvation it's the thirst you know being a person stranded underwater in a place that you hate and have no idea about it's kind of sucky I'm just gonna say that right now all right my goal for now is that I want to build some sort of base at the Arctic area not like a crazy one like this is still gonna be my main base that does everything for me but I ain't I need something further away oh I have a storage here he'll yak but the Power Cell in there stalker fur oh nice this is exactly what I wanted because these thumpers take up so much room and I'm trying to bring items to their [Music] all right I said I'm still missing some stuff my my main issue over there is that I have no source of food oh if I had a grow bed because I've grown my own heat plants I mean I don't have to come far out to get food from these guys but it's just kind of annoying I want to like stay in the glacial Basin and see everything it has to offer and explore around there without having to come in and out all the time I've know I've no sense of sustainability yet I want em over there I have a huge lack of resources for all things I saw some quartz around and I can scan more suffer titanium but I don't have anything like gold and silver and all those kinds of things that I'll need later on if I need to upgrade stuff sorry sorry coming through but I'm just 71 health and this thing already you guys need to move the F out of the way I want to build it further in though cuz if I mean there's no point building it here cuz I'll just respawn at the C truck anyway and C truck has a fabricator and all that stuff in it so I kinda need to get back closer to where my snow Fox is would that even find this I was just exploring around randomly and found that secret little base where Jeff was probably can't even find it again even if I tried but it was somewhere here and they said he was off over west so he went that direction interesting Oh No somebody snow fox is kind of over where I was exploring and that is not West it's just straight north interesting very interesting this is where I went before right to get to the ice worms and then the last time I just went right it turns out right was right snow fox though right now which is really bothering me because I can't hello was the snow Fox really helping at all every time I went anywhere it's just kind of tacked by things and I fell off of it I thought it was supposed to be faster than that that I could actually get away from things also can write thumpers uh be destroyed that's bad oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they put a thumper here didn't they damn it's gone okay well that answers that question I lost my flashlight y-you should put my base here but won't that snow worms just attack it and destroy it but if I just build like a small one can i if I put a hatch to this can I just jump up and get into it honestly perfect this will work this is great I don't need anything crazy I just need something I can I put you on that whatever let's start building out the inside of it with like a fabricator I just need some place that I can come back to and like use resources and dump [ __ ] and stuff like that [ __ ] I don't have quartz titanium or copper for the rest of it damn it this is a ton of limestone and quartz and stuff around here so I can get my I can get my copper titanium and quartz to build stuff but it also means that I have to be here I really like that I also it's forgot to get med kits I'm not prepared at all Jesus okay okay you guys are just [ __ ] all the time [ __ ] hate them I don't know what to do against them I mean I do have my thumpers but I kind of wish they just stayed down forever post my snow fox though and it's daytime now coming into this area which I was sorely lacking last time let me get my repair tool out something I need that why is it so far down does that really go that far now okay okay okay I don't know where the air I don't even know where they're like there are limits of attack hair Jesus baki Christ hi hi hey hey hey throw on it don't want any of it no should've put a face here could I even have god damn it and it would have been perfectly safe this is so scary looking it's no Fox where are you Oh God okay just put that down just put that down and go are you kidding me where do I end up please tell me I just end up like yes that's exactly where I should end up nice this is why I put the bass here god I'm not making any [ __ ] progress this episode third time's the charm oh I can't get any power here didn't think about that part [ __ ] okay well we're gonna have to think a little better I might be able to put just put it at the edge out here though honestly perfect look at that Lance can't build anything into the walls come down okay and now we'll put a little one of these bad boys up top okay climb will you Jesus Christ there you go we love all the power in the world cuz this place is always sunny can I make a fabricator still owe ya I feel like this is all probably very pointless building this here right there's a ton of people at home being like Jack what are you doing you're never even gonna be back here after you completed and you know what you're probably right but I don't want to lose any more [ __ ] I really wish these thumpers lasted longer can I hide under this which directions that even go to get my snow fox there like where's my where's my exit just put that there why not it's thumpin but I feel like it's doing nothing can go way high ooh hello is my snow fox broken did one of them take it and take it underground is it glitched I think it [ __ ] is Oh I'ma be pissed okay interesting very interesting white okay this one kind of works I mean I am playing the experimental version of the game so yes bugs galore ooh another one of these fragments okay well that's good I feel like I've missed so many things in this area oh god it feels like it has so much to offer but I'm too busy avoiding things and getting killed that I can't properly investigated whoa so many diamonds Jesus was this titanium special equipment needed maybe you do get a prostitute eventually normally whenever I play subnautica I get like a sense for where I'm going I get a sense for where stuff is located and my positioning around them this area I have no idea my brain is all over the place and I don't know where I am I think that's what's frustrating most of all because they don't know if I'm running in circles or if I'm actually going in the right direction okay last fragments no I scanned four of them temps repaired the precursor key have failed more analysis and construction of a new key is recommended okay precursor key y'all got any more of that precursor tech down here that'd be pretty tight love that [ __ ] super cool looking lease no ice worms are attacking me down here I'm just back out here space is wild hello oh hello oh I'm getting titanium out of them now so that must mean that I have it all wait this is just an ice wormhole exploring in subnautica is a tricky business I will say this area is gorgeous to look at it's just a goddamn pain in the ass to be in and they broke my snow Fox what are these week of creature egg wait can i scan you you what are you an unidentified egg I don't want you I don't want any of this I'm so lost I have no idea where I am it's nighttime I have no bearings whatsoever there's nothing to go on I also hope that my game isn't kind of like broken because I haven't had a an altercation with an ice worm in a while which is great don't get me wrong love it but I I also feel like I might have messed something up I keep getting these signs that like Alan is talking to like this stuff comes up around the screen but I'm not getting any voices this is new I haven't been to this Miscanthus oh I know defragment oh [ __ ] oh I don't have one I need one architect tablet terminal what do I need purple tablet an eye on Cuban two diamonds oh wow look at this place okay I need to come back here finally some progress we're doing it I'm making it work but that's what I mean I hope the game isn't broken that he's supposed to be saying stuff but it's not actually showing up that would be really sad maybe I should roll back to the non-experimental version where am i oh these things like why a cable down there's one down there and it goes up to that and then that goes to that okay just follow that back I'm gonna get attacked by this guy uh he's still after me he's still after me don't do it don't do it wait is this for my bases no don't tell me I was that close to that thing all along oh my god and I went all over the way so just from my base you just go up and go left a little like I spent 14 weeks out from the wilds doing a whole bunch of [ __ ] so annoying so I think please everything shaking constantly yeah there was God the whole thing was pointing the way all along something's going on with my game because it's shaking constantly nothing is showing up there's literally no more ice worms something's broken something definitely broke somebody said there was a cave near here before I head back I want to check is this it I can't remember the exact direction yet they said it was sort of right at the bridge [ __ ] damn it I don't have anything to eat well whoa whether that just make a water sound fluid intake I can do detecting and - classify by the life wound is currently stationary beware of ambush it's vital signs stabilizing Sam good old voice log kappa Maxum doodle yes sir I do not know why I'm bothered with this my new [ __ ] I understand you request you requisitioned your sister a snow fox Hoverbike yes sir your conversations were flagged I've read the transcripts you bent the rules I did what I judged was most profitable for the company you're a good Goodell but not perfect my vice presidents are spotless okay my clean up sir good so she was getting in trouble for that wait there's a Leviathan in here but it's stationary Oh baby okay my sterling carving work description okay so all of this stuff has to be added still a cold suit oh ah that's it the snow stalker for us for oh cool I can make it I can make a little a little Eskimo suit well prawn suit oh holy [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] I thought that was the wall this thing is massive research on creature claw claws evolved to retain traction on the ice god this guy's massive can I have this prawn suit prawns do fragment it's an entire prawn suit oh come on how is that a fragment that was that part one of four fragments get out of here [ __ ] okay let's go up top I want to see his face damn oh my god how did I not see that she was like it's her to miss and I was like but I didn't even see his head holy [ __ ] so that's not like anything the Bisons we've seen before I know I have my character is starving damn this is like when they find Ghidorah in the new Godzilla movie a little boogie holy [ __ ] dude horns possibly used in combat with others of its kind or for forcefully removing snow walls from its path holy [ __ ] that's so cool frozen creatures go lots of room for a brain but it's mostly bone and fat haha fat brain oh it's infected with the kara I know preserved pustules containing the Cara infection highly contagious damn smack this guy is way bigger than any of the other ones sharp teeth for tearing through flesh and bone hell yeah that's so [ __ ] awesome know if you should be up here guys so big wonder we got frozen oh it's awesome wait what foot like Oh [Music] can I scan this I want this little thing wait oh it works can I take this then and send it off in the rocket back up to the base I can't believe I miss this in the last episode we found this thing buried in the glacier gave someone a hell of a fight turns out it was walking around a thousand years ago when it fell through the ice it was infected with the cara bacterium the aggressive disease which wiped out the architects and almost life on the planet are the architects the aliens since the enzyme cure was released 45:46 be the bacterium has all but been eliminated rare specimens like these provide our only life source further research is being conducted on the creature itself I know if you ought to be [ __ ] around with that dude if it's highly contagious also I feel like I'm gonna die here take it out oh my god yes it though I found something in regular below zero well they are the very first draft of it when it came out and I played it there was something like that but they've really improved that Jesus that was so cool the thing was massive that felt bigger than the sea dragon Leviathan hey can I get out please get out go home get to the C truck and let me into it and then we'll be fine okay pack up snow fox let's go let's go oh come on come on come on get it okay at least I'll be able to like store a bunch of [ __ ] abandoned there just in case the game wants to dick me over I might still be able to make it out actually though I also have a heated knife so I can just eat anything that I attack or you know maybe not because it seems like hunger is gonna kill me pretty quick oh come on we're all the regular fish at there's usually a ton of them around here I'm gonna die damn it so close God were you gonna respawn me oh right here it just said you died as well as a loss I think nothing happens Oh beautiful beautiful and now a full health half food and full water that actually worked out that was much better than actually trying to survive it what I need to do now is get an ion cube and make a purple artifact and then I can go back to that area and enter it and get some more information is that sound yeah maybe I shouldn't be on the experimental build I just figured that some of the textures for things are probably a little more complete I think I read that the the spaceship that I went into the crashed one the massive one actually has a texture on it in there in this version all right purple tablet awesome that's gonna be very useful part of me kind of wants to make another one just in case that might have been a mistake but I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it you know I also need to oh my god why are these steps so complicated steps are difficult wait it's actually super fast for me to get over to where that ship is oh and actually I could just bring the car a sample over it's faster to go without the C truck now which is crazy oh wait no what is there I thought the fabricator module was gone this is actually really short okay so with this booster upgrade to this it's faster to get there without the C truck so I'm just going over there on my own YC truck I'll be back I also want to see what this ship looks like with the texture on it and then before I switch back to the other version of the game oh he dokie in you go requested items you go now send that bad boy to the moon yes so cool hell yeah Vespa the samples on route Roger I know it confirmed can you tell me anything about it though I thought it was epic watching it leave but I also kind of want to know what's going on hello Sam Oh God okay that's fine it's just my Clank oh I don't really need those okay this ship is over here somewhere so let's go look at that yeah it's like a full ass ship now last time we looked at this it was just looked like it was all made of rocks damn k7 [Music] so cool it actually looks like a proper wreckage now god that's awesome looking I love that holy [ __ ] where the areas I went into actually oh right there yeah those are way more obvious now [Music] god this is awesome its massive it's like the Aurora what's the name of this ship does it say but I can see that's so cool I love that he's gonna look like TIE fighter wings that was worth it I think damn that's just like the back end of a tube because there's like the engine here and then the whole engine on that site is gone [ __ ] yeah all right Superman's heading home oh I'm getting stuff I'm dropping a depth module what sister is the better sister tripping a depth module damn yes let me go further beyond plus ultra wait where the [ __ ] did you send us oh god there's a lot of the man oh it makes me really uncomfortable but this is where the lily pads are and the glow whales oh and other [ __ ] though everything's carnivorous Oh God I hate the sounds I hate the sounds and how they make me feel [ __ ] look at this place oh hey hi oh god stop you guys are cute I like you because everything else that I hate there oh it's syncing data chip cool this is that just allow me to build it oh I don't be here Oh God the feeties they bounce I'll come here when I feel like my stuff is far more improved wait you just give me a data chip for a thingy I didn't actually get a thingy but yeah what I don't have it I feel like that should not have happened you like something else should have happened like she actually gave me the depth upgrade because I had the ability to craft a level two and three I just didn't have the materials confusion this is terrifying flying along in the ocean not knowing at all what's in front of you even my lights didn't help you see my base off over in the distance though okay this is better it's better when I can see ground that's better actually you know what let's go all the way around this island [ __ ] don't jump me don't jump me he jumped me ah back to these familiar [ __ ] there's so many of them they should get out and scan one if I can't without everything completely breaking on me she's a jellyfish jellyfish so glad I did that at any time not until I launched it into space we'll find it ah someone's doing something Boyd sent to the wrong lab how why oh I think someone be stealing your samples someone doesn't want the bacterium to be processed I smell [ __ ] Jesus Christ oh god don't do that to me you stupid jellyfish Oh God okay well the ice worms work again go go go go go go Oh [ __ ] hell I'm still on it I'm still on I'm fine I'm fine that actually didn't do anything to us holy [ __ ] oh my god okay we're heading for those stairs so I'm gonna get off this actually pack that bad boy up and go tough very tough toughen the bones toughen the Soul we got it though we're powering through their strong warrior let me go right down here yeah there's the first sign of what we need so if any of you need directions now I can show you I'm gonna go left here because that's less dangerous honestly [ __ ] [ __ ] he's chasing me [ __ ] yeah get up here he can't kill you if you're up high okay never mind don't do this Bob [ __ ] Jesus okay you know what we're probably just gonna get on this you know taken for taking for a ride no no for the love of [ __ ] jesus christ almighty [ __ ] oh okay okay dear bud alright well we leave that there cuz I'll come back out afterwards and get it stick her in nice so much stuff in here Alan you're not gonna say anything maybe he is but I broke the game Crystal's with unknown power okay this looks menacing precursor research placeholder okay so we can't see that stuff yet either wait is that it no I give all the way here just for that are you kidding me I thought this was like a whole base that I could go into an explorer bump bump bump but let it but a lever but it but it but I better let a [ __ ] hell that sucks why why choose one for when you could take any other similitude is practical but where's the fun you mean playing pretend activities sure we cease this once we've completed conditioning what do you do when you're not working we do not make this distinction what about music art expression well beyond such a sensory pleasures then what's the point every life-form I ever met survives for a reason I develop in sharing information to see through another's eyes you think about thoughts it is more like an elusive conceptual elusive nation you're saying you like to daydream system constant weird cool what did I just get wasn't like a blueprint or anything was it our architects skeleton holy [ __ ] the skeletal structure of an architect vessel for stealing at benzene polyaniline okay those are stuff that I had to get last time when I played the game so I think we just need to go down into the further depths to get like rubies and stuff and then we get to areas where we could do more oh man exciting okay I'm glad I got in here and I'm glad I actually made some progress because so much of this episode felt like I was going absolutely nowhere I feel like if miss out on a lot of alan dialogue though because the screen is kind of glitched like that now like he's constantly talking but again they might just not have stuff in place for the game yet it's still a long way off being fully done but I like it a lot so far I like it's actually adding to what the original subnautica storyline was and we're finding more about the aliens now I like that a lot but I'm gonna leave this episode here also when I scan my snow fox that said one of two scanned what thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it don't forget to leave a like on the video I would really appreciate it and also don't forget to subscribe if you want to keep up to date on all the subnautica below-zero goings on but until next time farewell [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh but now I have to get out of here and that's gonna get me killed
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,056,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, subnautica, subnautica below zero, subnautica below zero gameplay, subnautica jacksepticeye, subnautica below zero jacksepticeye, subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, subnautica below zero story, subnautica full release, surivival game, open world, update, subnautica update, below zero, subnautica dlc, subnautica below zero update, jacksepticeye subnautica below zero, subnautica below zero leviathan, subnautica below zero updates, subnautica below zero ice worm
Id: D7djn_0rhN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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