The Best Wordpress Page Builders Compared 2020 - Brizy, Elementor, Divi Compared!đŸ”„

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what is that party people my name is Daryl and today this video I'm gonna give you all a complete walkthrough uh some of the most popular page builders for WordPress now today in this video I'm gonna actually show you how some of these page builders visually work to help you decide what is the best page builder for you and I'm also gonna give you my personal opinion between the builders what I think is good what I think is bad and remember all of the links for all of these builders are in the description below but without further ado let's go ahead and talk about our first page builder now first up is the Brizzy page blur now this is one of the newest page blurs for WordPress it also has a free and a pro version as well so right here I'll just say alright let's start building the page and this page where comes with a large selection of blocks unlike any other page though they're on this entire list so it is pretty stunning to see that they offer such a large selection of blocks and they're very well designed they also come with the images as well so for instance right here I'll just say alright I want to add this section in right here I'll click on this block and it's gonna go and add in that section alright let's add in another block and on the left side right here we have different categories so right here we have features we have contact and gallery call to action text etc now the reason why I like this page allure so much is because these blocks are beautifully designed and it's very easy for a complete beginner to kind of build their website and you can pass it off as a very professional-looking website they also do have layouts as well so they also do have fully made templates as well in the pro version so here you can see they have at least 27 of them and again they're really nicely designed so let's go back over here to blocks so these are some blocks right here now this also comes in a dark scheme as well and they also have another kit so they have a kit number two and also kit number one so here I'll just say all right so I want to add this in right here and then all right cool we have this and here I'll click on add a new block and then right here I'll go back over here and select something like this and keep going so on and so forth so you can see here how you can rapidly build your website with the breezy page builder also for those of you who want a custom header and footer you can go ahead and go and add that in as well so right here I'll go on over to header and they have different headers that you can add to your website and they also have footers as well so in that regard this page builder is very easy for complete beginners and the UX is also really really really simple as well so for example right here if you want to go ahead and adjust anything you can go ahead and do that with any sort of module or any I don't know I don't know what you want to call modules or elements or whatever so you can see here how you can easily adjust anything that you want and even page we were like elements or don't even have these features yet so Brizzy does have a lot of features that even Elementor does not have such as the Brizzy cloud they do have the unsplash integration coming they do have a lot of other pro features that other page users don't have yet now if you are a advanced person and you want something like a theme builder this paper does not have the theme builder yet so if you want something in that regard Brizzy doesn't offer it just yet but if you're like the average person just wanting to build a website i think this is the perfect page builder for you because the UX is actually very easy it's smooth and it's very easy to change things also for those of you who like those really cool shape dividers this page will it has shape dividers as well let's go on over to this section right here under more settings you should probably move this to somewhere a little bit more easier to to see so let's just say for instance you like those shape dividers this page blur has this and these are actually in the free version as well so here you can kind of decide to you know add certain stuff or whatever they also have a very unique way of modifying your website so for example if you want to go ahead and reorder blocks you can just go ahead and say alright I want to move this right here this right here this right here this right here and this is a very fast page builder it's very quick and also for those of you can get some inspiration and ideas for your website and their pro version they have this current style which will basically kind of change things it'll change the font and the color depending on what kind of site you're building so for example right here to have chubbie they have samurai and this is actually gonna extend to your entire website so it's not just gonna change it for one section it's gonna change it to the to your entire section so I really do like that feature now let's take a look at their pricing right here so it is a free page builder and a lot of these features that you get a lot of features that I've showed you actually are in the free version some are in the pro version like for example this thing I just showed you right here with the current selling that is a pro feature but their pricing is actually pretty competitive and for those of you who are looking for a theme builder and a commerce builder this theme will eventually I'm sorry this page builder will eventually release it so they do have the $49 for 3 sites they do have the $99 for unlimited websites which is a hundred dollars cheaper than Elementor and they also do have a lifetime plan now this is going to be a limited time option so at the time of making this video they do offer a lifetime but I don't know if they're going to offer that forever they've told people that they're going to have this only for a limited time offer for early adopters so for those of you who really want to grab this now at the time why right now just get it out of the way also if you want to go ahead and see some of their pro versions or their pro features there go to pro and we'll go ahead and scroll down right here and they let you know what they're working on in fact this company actually has really good support you know one of the times they're their server went down and people were panicking and one of the CMOS came out and just as hey guys you know we messed up we're working on it etc so they do have really good communication with their their customers you can go ahead and join their Facebook group I see them posting in there all the time so again if you're looking for a free option up good or slash upgrade the Pro Brizzy I definitely recommend I think this page builder is revolutionary I think when this if this page what continues on the road of development it is gonna be one of the best free page builders out there so make sure to check out the Brizzy page builder next up is the Divi theme and the Divi theme currently right now is the number one most sold WordPress theme in the world it is a very popular theme and I think it's known for its visual builder it's known for the drag-and-drop experience and personally I think that this is one of the best drag-and-drop Havers for WordPress in my personal opinion but I will give some cons about this page builder in just a bit so for example right here you want to adjust something you can just say I want this over there I want to go and move stuff around it is very fluid in fact this is probably one of the most fluid builders out there and when I say fluid I mean that it's very easy to adjust anything that you want and if you are a complete beginner and you want to learn WordPress I think Divi is actually one of the better alternatives for you to use because it's so simple to use and I think that I find that most people who are learning WordPress find that this is one of the easier alternatives so for example right here let's just say here I'll just go ahead and say you know what I'm going to add a new section right here I'll click on a regular section how many rows I'll say I want three rows and then you're giving this little box right here and I'll just go ahead and add in a blurb right here and then I'll add in another blurb right here and then we'll add in another blurb right here like that and then you can always go ahead and just change this to something like hey what's up you know and then you can always go right here and then simply go and add an image and then you can always adjust whatever you want so it's a very fluid page Buller and it doesn't really have that big of a learning curve not unless you're going to use their theme builder or some of their more advanced options now this theme has jam-packed features in it and it's really impossible for me to go over every feature and a quick review but if you're learning WordPress and you want to kind of find a visual page feel that you feel is easy for you I feel that DV is actually one of the easiest peelers to learn now I'm gonna make the claim that this is actually one of the best theme but it's for WordPress out there period there is no better theme boy than this and let me explain why so this is actually the only visual theme builder on the market so there are other theme builders like Elementor has one but this right here is visual you can just see what you're doing it's very easy to understand if I were a complete beginner I can learn how to use a theme both are very fast by watching one of my videos and you can see here how you're like alright I have a this right here on my about Us page I have a special custom header footer so if you're looking for something with a theme builder I really recommend Divi and also if you don't know what a theme builder is I have a full tutorial on it in the description below it's more for people who want a lot of customization for their websites now let's take a look at their their layouts right here so they do offer around 1036 total layouts and that is probably more than any other company on this entire list now I will say something about their layouts I do feel that they are getting more and repetitive I feel that a lot of these layouts are starting to look very similar and some of these layouts can be just downright ugly okay I don't mean to smash them the guys that elegant these with somebody's layouts I'm just like I I'm just not a fan of some of them and I just think some of them aren't practical but then again these are free layouts for you so we really can't complain about stuff that's free personally I just think some of these allowances aren't really suitable but I'm sure there is you know I'm sure you there's a reason to use some of these layouts like for example this one right here I think it's just too artsy it's too fancy for a lek trician in electricians more for like a hands-on guy right and I feel like a lot of these layouts they're too elegant they're too flap I know other to fashion II and I just think that if they are gonna make Laos they should kind of consider where's the bank one I saw the bank when that was this one I just really didn't understand and all the divi bank I mean just looking at this right here I don't really think this look this looks like a bank like like does this look like a bank I just think this is too much for layout but then again these are free layout and they do have quite a bit so if you're looking for free layoffs they do have a lot of really nice ones there's just some that I was just not a big fan of but then again they're free layouts now let's talk about their pricing their pricing is the best on this entire list they have $89 per year or two hundred and forty nine dollars for lifetime forever and you also get unlimited updates unlimited websites and you also get access to the bloom the monarch and then you get Divis younger sister you get extra which I hope they I haven't used it that much but I have a tutorial on it but I haven't used it like two years but it's a great the plugins are great blooming monarch are actually one of the most well known plugins out there for WordPress so the pricing you simply cannot beat so if you're gonna ask you know do you recommend Debbie I highly recommend Divi whether you are a developer whether you are a complete beginner it does have some shortcomings like it can be laggy and glitchy at times but personally I really haven't had that big of an issue with it but I have heard people say that oh yeah sometimes it's slow but then again everyone has different plugins they have different images so we don't really know but then again Divi is actually one of my favorites so go ahead and check them out next is the elements or page color and this is actually another free page with our for WordPress it also has a pro version now this right here is actually one of WordPress's most installed free page builders and the reason why it has so many active installs is because first off it's a free page roller and it has any drag-and-drop builder so it's really not hard to learn now compared to some other builders this might have a learning curve but personally I am a big fan of Elementor so this site right here is completely built with the Elementor and for example right here if you just want to go and add something and click on this come plus click on these three sections and then you'll go ahead and click on a section and then just go ahead and drag in some elements like this so ultimately it's a very easy learning experience and I have a lot of tutorials on Elementor I think that it's it's an easy page over to learn there are some good things about this page builder and also there are some bad things about this page builder now I think this page below is actually pretty quick I do feel that it's a very stable page builder I've always I've always liked Elementor but the UX is not as good as Brizzy or TV so if you're branding to WordPress and you want to learn how to make websites this can have it somewhat of a learning curve so for example they don't have they don't really have the margin and padding feature so you can't adjust the height so what you got to do is you gotta go over here advanced and click and click and click like that so it is a little old-school I will say that you know the Buicks is a little old-school and I don't know why you know this page has been around for three years and the company's been just so focused on pushing out features I think they've kind of forgot about the basics of just saying look guys how's the UX experience that the features are good but we got the features but how is the actual user experience here and I show this some one of my friends and he actually had a lot of problems trying to build his website and because he used to use Davie then he switched to Elementor and he's like guys like it's he's like I feel like it's more stable but I don't feel like it's easier and that's my honest opinion - I do feel this page builder is actually a little bit more faster than times a divvy but I feel that the learning experience just they need some work there they do also have a large amount of templates free to use as well so for example right here I'll go to this little template and then you also have blocks as well similar - Brizzy but I gotta be honest these blocks they're just they're just they're just they're just you know compared to Brizzy I'm like why would I use these blocks when I can use Brizzy blog so I don't really feel these box are useful at all and they also have the oh well let's just pretend they didn't happen here I'll go to my pages and they do have some templates for you to use now I do like their pro ones so their pro ones I'm actually very happy that elements are started to push out these pro ones because before they're there they're they're out there Pro temp le'ts we're just like one page just templates and they were useless you know like they weren't really good at all like like for example I think they have some old-school ones were here like this one right here you know these right here they're just useless because they're only one page but now they have now they're actually pushing out every single month these like five six page templates which I think are really good because elegant themes already have like the five six page template for like a certain category so Elementor is now pushing it out so we have to give them full props for that that's amazing they do also have some they have some free ones but I feel that these free templates there they can be used for inspiration but then again these are only one page templates so there's not really much you can do with them not unless you're going to build a site around that first initial design which is kind of difficult also I'm not a fan of the blocks as well you can already tell I mean these just I just don't feel that these are inspirational they're not vibrant they're not colorful they're just black and white like okay no but then again this page builder has the most features than any other page Buller that I'm gonna talk about so they have a theme builder they have a commerce builder they have a they just they just put out a lot of features in fact you have to go to their YouTube channel and just kind of you know look at all the themes their features they push out now you're gonna ask me you know should I use this page builder absolutely I think this is a great page builder I think Davian elements are now can do the same exact thing so now kind of determines what UX you like better you know what page will do you like better cuz they can both do the same thing now because before Davie was limited now they released a theme builder and I am kind of against the theme builder for Elementor as well so right here we'll go to templates and we'll go to the theme builder and I just feel that this theme bowler is just a little dated I feel that's I mean this is the theme builder so for example this right here is controlling my footer and then if you want to go ahead and click on add new you'll click on add new and then go ahead and select a certain header you have to give it a name and then right here you'll create a templates for a header now again if you don't know what a theme builder is it basically controls your header and footer for virtually any part of your website you can also add basically you can recreate pages from scratch we can recreate custom post type ages you can redesign archive pages as well so in this particular case I feel that Divi actually is a little bit more better than Elementor for our theme builder goes because I just feel that this is just very limited for a beginner and if I show this to a complete beginner they're not gonna know what to do they're gonna say what's this in fact before I had to actually write the theme builder conditions down because I didn't if there are so many conditions I had I was like well I don't know what to do so in that regard I think that the theme Buller for Davey is better but they both serve the same exact purpose so they're both the same thing and that's just my personal opinion so if you're gonna ask me you know what I use elements are sure absolutely but unfortunately they do also have not the best pricing model they don't have a limited option and I'm not really sure why so what they do is they have the 189 plan but that you have to pay every single year so unlike the other page builders this page alert does not have a lifetime plan so you're gonna have to pay in every single year now personally what do I think about that I think $20 a year is nothing I really don't think it's anything I think every page builder should charge triple the prices in my opinion I'm not really complaining about the price I think 200 dollars a year is cheap because these paid weathers have so much developments they take years to make and for $200 for a year it's nothing especially if you're selling these websites for 5 to 10 grand so that's is my personal opinion I think every page below should charge more money but then again that's my personal opinion but if you are the average consumer that's broke and you're on a budgets the pricing for Elementor can be a little pricey because they have no lifetime option but purse I think this is a great page builder so go ahead and give elementary tried they have a free and a pro version available so you can go ahead and try it risk-free and I definitely recommend this builder to use next up is the avada theme now the avada theme is actually wordpress is second most sold WordPress theme in the world now I do have some things to say about this theme but let's just go ahead and just give you an example of how to use the fusion builder that's what they call the page allure fusion builder now Avadh has been around for quite some time but they recently just introduced their front and editor so now that I've kind of joined their ranks with the front end editors I'm going to be doing a review on it now this theme is actually not that bad but it does have someone of a learning curve personally I am NOT a fan of this builder but they do have a very large user base the company actually has a very large Facebook group etc now let's just say first you want to go ahead and change something so let me go ahead and just scroll down right here there's a shortcode right there maybe I forgot to activate something so right here you know you could put something like hey Daryl and then here you can go ahead and change stuff like if you want to do that here I'll just say I want to go ahead and move this and we can drag it below that etc maybe right here I'll go ahead and edit this and say I want to go ahead and move this over to the left so they do have this alignment right here and I'll push it to the left now I'll be honest this page builder is not as intuitive as Brizzy it's not as easy to learn as Elementor or DB it does have somewhat of a learning curve and I think that this is basically for people who just like this kind of building experience now this company's been around for quite some time so I was kind of expecting them to build the front-end editor a long time ago but you know that's they'd recently just made it so that's what you get you know so let's say for instance you want to build a new page or a new elements I should say here I'll click on add a new elements and then just say alright I want to add something like a flip box and then there you go there's your flip box and then on the left side right here you can kind of go ahead and edit stuff you can change whatever you want right here they recently introduced dynamic content as well so for those of you who use dynamic content a lot on your websites they have that here you can kind of design everything etc now if you want to go and add a new section I'll have to do over here is on this plus icon up here and then you'll go ahead and add in a new column right there like this right here now personally I think they should probably move that around because you can even see it's kind of cut off so it's a little hard to see yah click on atom elements and then uh let's just say for instance I want to add in something like a let's see we'll add in something like a flip box right flip box like this right here add it in and then we can add it something right here like text your text etc and then you'll go ahead and put it in and right here whatever you want etc so I do think this page builder is a little limited I think that it does have some work to do in order to catch up with today's page boilers I don't think it's a bad page builder I just think that there's better options for you to use personally if you're gonna ask me you know Haider oh I just started with WordPress which I use this page builder personally I'm just gonna say not yet um until they introduce a little bit more features but they do have a very large audience so they might actually give me some dislikes for saying this about this video but I mean just based off what I've showed you before with Brizzy I mean using this it's like going back in time right but it really depends on preference it depends on what you like the company is known for having a stable builder we'll give them that but personally I think I do think that there are better options out there then Avada but of audas known to be number one but I do think it's number one because a lot of people come to the website and they don't know what to buy so they just buy whatever's number one and that's how it stays up there and they're stuck with this this theme but it's it's them it definitely needs some work but then again it is not a bad builder and we have to really commend them for actually even making your friend and friend an editor because they didn't have a friend an editor like two months ago so they've recently just introduced it so if you want try out Avada I'm a neutral audits I'm not gonna say it's terrible I'm not gonna say it's the best I'm gonna say yeah if you like the experience go for it you know they do have a builder if I'm in the Builder they have some templates the pricing is also not the best so for example if you want to go ahead and buy this right here you have to pay you off to pay $60 and that's only good for one so if you want it for multiple domains you have to purchase it again and again and again and again and again and so it can be somewhat very expensive and I'm not really a big fan of themed forces pricing model but then again if your clients paying for it who the hell cares charge whatever you want set cetera have a good time you guys want drinks etc so that's my review about Avada it's up to you I'm neutral about this I really I would not recommend it I'm not gonna say it's terrible but I'm just gonna look the other way and all right you want it go ahead and get it get it next up is the beaver builder plug-in and and this is actually one of the first plugins to introduce the theme builder for WordPress which allows you to design your custom post type pages and also your archive pages etc as well and to be honest I'm a little disappointed in this page builder this paddler has been around for the longest these guys have been off for the longest time and they haven't really improved the UX design of their page but they're unfortunately and I love the company they're really nice guys it's just I wish they updated their builder more so for example when you want to add something in you'll click on this plus icon and go ahead and just dragging this column like this to whatever whatever section you want to add and now once you've done that you'll go back over here to say I'm done or cancel plus modules and then you'll go ahead and drag in the elements now there is actually an additional plugin which allows you to have a lot of more elements because their light version does not even include a button so if you want to use a button you'll have to upgrade to the pro version so right here I'll go ahead and select the ultimate add-ons and this is safer to someone go ahead and add in a heading right here and then here design is a funny word I'll say that's click up here plus and again we'll go ahead and put in some modules I'll just put in some regular text and then below that you can put in the business some text and then center-aligned it's they even have the old-school classic editor style still and their builder so hopefully they'll go ahead and change that in the near future it looks like my text disappeared that's that's that's too bad here I'll click on plus and then click on modules and then right here I'll select the button like this and go ahead and see if that works and click here and click on save I click on save maybe that's why I disappeared let me try that one more time here y'all go ahead and go to the modules text editor and then here I'll see this is the center text center text text and then there you go oh there we go click on save here I'll Center at first and then click on save ok that was my bad I bet we can't play we can't play them now whenever you want to make changes to something like padding or something like that what you have to do over here is going over to the gear icon and say ok I want to go to advanced and again you want to change the padding for something you have to actually click right here or actually drag like that so you know it's not not the the easiest because other page blurs today they have like the very fluid base where you can kind of drag stuff around push it around etc it is a drag-and-drop builder so you can drag elements around your page builder so for example right here I'll take this dragged it up there I'll take this drag it up there this section I'll go ahead and put it over ok ok no no these are actually the background images here I'll go ahead and say alright I want to go ahead and take this dragged it there and take this and drag it there so personally I don't think it's the most intuitive builder however it's not a bad builder at all in fact it doesn't have short codes as well so if you deactivate this builder it doesn't leave you with short code which some people some people that's an issue with but um it's actually one of the old-school builders it does have a theme builder as well so you can be very customizable with it I just think they need to kind of improve the UX design of it and if they improve the UX for this and they kind of get on par with page builders like Brizzy Davian element or I always say definitely this is within the top three unfortunately they haven't really updated the UX in quite some time however they do have a lot of features like the theme builder so if you're looking for the theme builder and you're tired of like Davy or Elementor you're gonna you can always give the beaver builder a chance now I'm their pricing model is actually not that good either so they do have the $99 a year and that is for unlimited websites they also have the $1.99 for unlimited websites and then they have 399 for unlimited websites and you also get y2 labeling which is old-school because most page builders today already have that's inside of their theme and page well you don't have to pay another two hundred dollars for that so I'm not sure what that's all about they might want to go ahead and change that so that's my personal opinion about beaver builder I think the company is reputable I think the company it's like could've would've should've but they're just not doing it you know and if you go to the YouTube channel it's very barren they don't really post a lot of videos tutorials they're not really active with the community as well but the page weather is not a bad option it does have a learning curve however it does have a theme builder as well so we have to acknowledge that that they have a very dynamic page vellore so go ahead and get be able that beaver builder try personally I would just say if that were me I would probably recommend another page builder I wouldn't get started with this but then again this has a large user base and people are really happy with this page builder next up is the thrive architect page builder now this page builder is more focused on lead conversion like so if you're trying to sell something you want to buy your ebook for 1 to $1.99 and you're driving a Lamborghini and you want to scan people this is the page builder for you this is the good one you know this will actually get a lot of leads and everything so for example right here let's say you want to go ahead and add in a specific section here I'll close this because I don't need that right now I'll click on this plus icon right here and I'll just take this column section and just drag it right here and right here it's saying okay how many columns do you want oh I want three columns so over here I'll click on this and say I want to put some text right here and then you know this is oh here we go here we go here we go so this is the text and then over here I'll click on plus and then button we'll just go ahead and drag that right below its etc so you can see that it's a very simple page builder to learn in fact this page builder is actually very similar to Elementor as far as the UX experience goes it doesn't really have the margin and padding feature so it does require someone have a small learning curve however I think this page will are is pretty decent so if you're looking for a page Buller and you want to focus more on conversion based I feel that this is actually not about page blur at all they do also have a large amount of template as well for you to choose from let's go ahead and take a look at that really quickly right here so right here change the templates and then what you want to do is just say alright I want to go ahead and select the templates and remember these are more based for conversion based so they have a lot of like conversion based templates that are all about like signing up sign up for my ebook do you want to lose weights are you fat are you loser by this know what I mean so they do have a lot of templates for that kind of in that nature okay so here is the templates and it actually took about about a minute to load that's a that's a pause so you can see here how you can actually have someone sign up for your email list and then get started and then right after this it can redirect them to another page etc so again it's more focused on a conversion based now you can build any site you want with this page baller like I just showed you but I believe it's designed for lead conversions etc now unfortunately the pricing model for this page Bowler really sucks so the pricing isn't the best so for example they have $67 for a single license they have $97 for a five pack and then they have $19 per month for their 25 website however you have to pay for that annually so it can be a little expensive now personally you're gonna ask me would you recommend us for the beginner no I'm gonna say if you're a complete beginner with WordPress I would recommend going probably with frizzy or Divi or even Elementor but personally I wouldn't go with this off the back because I think you should have a little bit of WordPress experience now if you're selling something like you wants people to sign up for your ebook or whatever like that then thrive architect is a great page builder it does have a small learning curve so if you are branded to WordPress you might have little problems with it I don't like the pricing model but then again if you're making sales with this page builder and it's converting and that's what it's designed for that's all that matters now if you're gonna ask me about the theme builder they do not have a theme but there yet but I do like the owner you know this company actually has legitimate owner he goes and he gives updates about their page builder and I believe is very similar to Divi themes owner they're very they're genuine about their products they come out they speak a lot about it so I've seen them actually make a lot of his own tutorials and we don't see a lot of companies do that so the owner really makes a lot of his own tutorials which is really cool so again this is more for lead conversion slash selling so if that's your feel that's what you're trying to do thrive architect is perfect for you if you're branded to WordPress I'd probably recommend one of the other free page blurs I talked about or the Divi theme oh I just had a nightmare I just had a nightmare I had to use this page builder forever that was my nightmare now this is one of the most popular page builders for or themeforest and it's actually one of my least favorite and we'll talk about why now when you ever you buy a theme on a Votto market or ThemeForest you're giving this page builder that you're forced to use the problem is this painter is very dated it's very glitchy it's very popular but it actually is on the decline in fact it is no longer it is no longer the number one sold anymore I mean they always sell now around 150 a week so I mean they used to sell like a thousand a week but now this page was on the decline and I think it's just because it's just a rotten page builder but it's my job to talk about this page builder a lot of people use it they love it but I'm just gonna explain to you how to work it and you can let me know what you think so here we go I need a drink I need a I need a drink here all right add elements so we'll just add an elements and here I'll click on row all right and there we go all right now right here or over here I'm sorry you'll click on well how many columns you want in there row so here I'll click on now they use these these these this alien language so you have to look closely and there we go so 3 of 3 update and then you have to close this now when you want to add a new section you click on this right here and I'll click on icon and it looks like ok it's working cool so sweets so this is the front end you know and this is actually known for using the back end but it does have it front end builder so that we have this right here what we'll do is well go ahead and add in another section so right here a text block all right cool that's working on me your save all right so I saved it and then we have to close it so that's basically a quick run on having on how you would use this so right here let's just click on this a Facebook like and then you add in something like that now to be honest just feel that this is a very old-school old style builder it's not user friendly it has no margin and padding feature it's not fluid at all and it is tons it is full of tons of glitches now if you're a visual composer fan I'm sorry but it's just with Elementor with Brizzy with Divi why would you ever use this it's just like why torture yourself with this so let's just go here I'll put in a button right here a button okay good it worked you know I had I made this video last year and it actually like blushed out on me and it was just really really annoying so here I'll just say all right I want to go ahead and take this and I'll just drag it about there all right cool you know so this isn't the the experience you have with this builder now personally I'm just not a fan of this builder it's been around for a long time I think this builder should have focused more on adding features and also making it like easier for the customer to build websites so for example right here I'll click on plus again add a new row and then over okay over here well here we go over here select click on the alien language updates okay there it goes and then here we'll do something else so we'll go ahead and just click on something again like single image and then right here you'd add in your image and then right here I'll click on plus again and add in the call-to-action and maybe I'll go ahead and put the call-to-action somewhere else it looks like it glitched out on me doesn't work oh there it goes it does that a lot actually it's a very slow and and and you get the point so here I'll drag this up there can I drag that can I do it no I cannot do it No all right I can't now all right so this page blur is actually among one of the most popular page builders for ThemeForest I really can't really say anything good about it this page builder is not for $64 unfortunately it is actually on the decline because other page with orders like Elementor came out and I would definitely recommend Elementor over this page page builder I really couldn't find a reason to use it what happens is a lot of people see these beautiful templates and they're suckered in to buy this page blur so for example right here I'll go on over to the 7 right here and a lot of people they buy these themes and they look at the demos and thereafter the demos but the problem is it's built with this page builder so using this page mother has a massive learning curve it's also very difficult and it's also unstable so when you see all these beautiful demos like oh I want this on my website but then again you have to realize that you're stuck with this builder when you want to go ahead and build a website so when you're actually looking for themes on and bottom markets you really need to make sure that you understand the builder so ones that I trust on this list and this is actually I'm gonna talk about honorable mentions I've been in the video Avada and flats um in fact flats M is a really good one also massive dynamic and on shine massive dynamic I'd see if it's on this list no it's not on this list is it or there's non shine right there I think massive dynamic is on this list it's just it's just they always change they're uh they always change their their their picture so it's hard to find outs no I don't think they're on the system or that's so sad I think they dropped off let's see here don't worry I'll talk more about them a little bit later but they are definitely a theme to check out so this is the WP bakery or visual composure I don't know which one you want to call it but again it's a page motor so if you do see it I really don't recommend it I couldn't say anything good about it you are new with WordPress I wouldn't recommend it so sorry just stay away from this page Miller I couldn't give this page weather a positive review I'm so sorry next are some honorable mentions so here I'll go ahead and just kind of give you a brief overview of some of these themes and papers that I've been using over the years again all the links to all these page builders are in the description below first off is flats up now flats up is a great ecommerce wordpress theme in fact complete beginners who know nothing about web sites can fully make their e-commerce websites with this theme they have a flat 'some studio which gives you access to a lot of different templates and a lot of libraries etc and I have a full tutorial on flats um and again you can build an e-commerce website or even a business website with this as well the pricing is actually the same as Avada so it's $59 per license and if you want to have it on multiple websites you'll have to pay per website but again I really recommend this theme I think it's really simple to use so if you wanted to build an e-commerce website and maybe even a business websites I recommend flotsam next is keen composer I don't recommend it don't get it guys I gotta be honest I've used this page builder it's it's on its way out the door and if you're using it right now what are you doing what are you doing you know it's it's I hate giving negative reviews but it's like guys just stay with the trends you know but I mean look at this it's a back-end builder and that's this is how you build a website I just I mean I'm not going back to that I'm not going back to the past you know I'm not gonna build a DeLorean and go back to the future and do this I'm not doing it so I don't recommend keen composure whatsoever WP page builder now I really really really wanted to get these guys a positive review because I love their UX I think their u.s. is beautiful I mean you can simply navigate stuff you can drop stuff around I love their columns I love their interface but it is so glitchy and it's so buggy and I really want to give it a positive review but I just couldn't not yes you know so if you're looking for a free page builder yeah you got to go in the gamble here you know you can try it but just know that it's not the best but I love the UX I felt that it was very promising they do have other products so just keep your eye on it maybe in the future they update stuff and they change things and maybe later on it'll be better but I just could not give it a positive review so if you're gonna ask me what I use it I'm gonna say no but use it at your own risk I love the UX I just thought it was really glitchy next is massive dynamic now out of all of the page without talked about on an on a bottom market this is the number one best theme on and bottom market I don't care what anyone says this UX is so easy to learn and I'm very disappointed it has not talked about more so here you can see you get a little preview of it and making this website is super easy their UX interface is so easy to learn a complete beginner can learn how to use WordPress with this page but they're so massive dynamic to me is the most underrated theme on this entire list I love the Builder it's amazing check it it's over on in bottom markets the link is below and tell your friends about it I really I don't know why this team doesn't have more active installs the the UX is amazing it's a beautiful builder I really love it so be sure to check out the massive dynamic next is the on shine theme let's go ahead and scroll up here give you guys a preview the on shine theme now this theme recently introduced a theme builder so if you're interested in that right now it's in current beta but by watching this video in a month or two or three months from now it'll probably be stable etc now the page blur is actually not that bad so here you can kind of see a preview of the page builder now the thing I like most about on shine and massive dynamic is that they have their own builder they're not those other themes like Jupiter where they take the other builders and then they say it's their theme and no disrespect to Jupiter or those other themes that do that but I like the innovation here I mean these companies create their own product and they sell their own product because other companies over on in bottom markets they use other page builders like for example right here one over two or let's go back over here to popular items and I mean right right here the seven theme they're using visual composer right here using visual composer these guys are using Elementor these guys are using a visual composer but companies like a massive dynamic and on shine they actually develop and create their own builder and to me that's just that's worth it's worth buying it's worth checking out so again I highly recommend on shine as well be sure to check it out next is Dima Phi and themify has been they're like they're like this they've just been like dying and they're they're making their way there they're dragging you know but um this company's been around just as long as beaver builder I think they've been around for a long long time and the fact that they don't even have a hundred thousand customers yet is just depressing the page builder I just couldn't recommend I don't think it's user friendly I do give them some credits for being around for so long and not going out of business but the builder isn't that bad I mean they have around ninety six thousand customers but for being around since like what like 2011 or something like 2008 or something they've been around for a very long time and it's just you know they just don't if people aren't buying it it's like the audience probably doesn't want to use it but then again I don't know I just don't recommend it I don't like the MFI I've used it I don't like the interface but if you want to go ahead and buy it there's a link below you know my dog has to eat to get some Philly Commission's etc next is the oxygen builder now I'm going to talk about this company really quickly and talk to you about why me and other affiliates don't talk about this company and I'm making this video and I'm making a very bold statement but the owner of this company just kind of went on this very big slander Brigade he just kind of attacked a lot of other companies they go in facebook groups and they kind of subliminally put other page builders down and I really really really wanted to work with this guy because this guy is actually living in the same city as me we live like 20 minutes away and have been so cool to go to his house and talk about it but this company has a very bad ethical dilemma with just attacking other companies and page builders in fact even on their website right here burst the competition just take a look right here so right here they have oxygen elements or beaver builder and Dibby and they just give them sad bases I don't know what why they get them sad faces but here they're given Divya sad face all right but why because did he offers lifetime support Davey offers lifetime supports Davy is unlimited and Divya is also GPL and actually a strange thing elements are Pro is not GPL guys you guys might want to change that on your websites but I just don't understand how the company just has this very negative stance which other companies and you know someone like me can go ahead and kind of say my opinion about something but when you're a company and you go and you attack someone or you just kind of say negative things about a company it reflects upon you and your company so I will never this is the first and the last time I will ever talk about this page builder but I've heard it's actually pretty quick you know so to be honest with the bias aside I've heard the page builder is actually pretty quick it is not user friendly whatsoever so if you are a developer only you should use it but if you are someone who's brand new to WordPress I could not recommend it whatsoever you know and that's pretty much it you know I just feel that the company should just work base off not knocking other companies and just say look man we have a good product let's work together here but instead the owner just went on some attacking parade and then they would go on Facebook groups and start kind of I mean people have actually given the the trolls names they call him oxygen employees and I don't know why I don't know why I mean it's like it's like they could have done something so good but the owner just he was so aggressive and just wanted to attack everyone around him and he just he messed up he messed up so myself and other youtubers and other web sites will not talk about them and it's not because I'm an affiliate program I promote free products all the time I I lose money all the time promoting free products but unfortunately I won't recommend a company that has those kind of ethics so they might even come to this video and just like it's and they might tell their friends to come talk trash to me I don't care that's my job yeah that is my job is to and I'm a troll myself you can never told me I never I never get mad so that's just my opinion so again oxygen builder this is the first and the last time I will ever talk about this page bills are on my channel a company with all those kind of ethics not my thing anyways so you guys won't go to my website and check it out you guys can go to my website check it out I have WordPress tips on everything etc I know these are really ugly thumbnails we're working on it we're redesigning the entire site in fact we're recoding everything so again those are my I guess you can say pics and my feedback among WordPress page builders so let me know what you think about what I talked about in this video do you use these page builders do you have good experiences with them do you have bad experiences with them let me know your experience with their supports with features who's the best page builder let's talk about that I personally I'm kind of like torn between Divi Brizzy and elements those are my top three favorite builders I feel that Divi is just bringing such a massive quality of products I feel Brizzy is innovation they're they're really stepping it up I feel Elementor offers the most features but they're just getting lazy and they need to improve their UX and then they can kind of go back on par with breezy and Elementor but I think elementors getting a little bit too comfortable with their UX and they're not really updating it so we'll see what they do in the future they can always change it and we like war we like the battle because then that means better products for everyone right so again my name is Darrell Wilson do you think about this video in the comments below and I will see you guys all later take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 85,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best wordpress page builders, wordpress page builder, wordpress, wordpress theme, wordpress plugin, wordpress page builders, best wordpress page builder, elementor, divi theme, divi, oxygen builder, flatsome theme, elementor wordpress, wpbakery page builder, beaver builder, page builder, darrel wilson, divi 4.0, themify, best free page builder plugin for wordpress, free page builder wordpress, elementor vs divi, best wordpress themes, wordpress themes
Id: eDcGNrc0y5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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