HTML and CSS Tutorial for 2021 - COMPLETE Crash Course!

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have you been in the dark when it comes to html and css well i'm gonna show you exactly how to create this fully responsive design that works in a browser in your tablets and your phones here in this crash course [Music] hello everybody what's up gary simon here so it's the beginning of 2021 and i like to do refresher crash courses uh in various topics and html css and basically front-end development is one of them that i like to do so just a couple weeks ago i showed you all how to create this design here using adobe experience design in a crash course that i made pretty nice modern looking design has a mobile version and so that's what i'm going to do in this video we're going to make this a reality in the browser and make it work and i'll show you one more time i and we're going to make it function by writing html and css i in a little bit of javascript just to make that little mobile menu work and it's going to be fully responsive or in other words it's going to work on multiple devices no matter what the device size is it's going to look and work and function great all right so a couple things i want to mention before we start who is this crash course for well if you're a beginner and you just want kind of like a quick look at what front-end development is which is the writing of html css and javascript i this will be for you but i have to say it is a crash course i'm packing so much information here sometimes it's intermediate to advanced level concepts that there's no way if you're an absolute beginner that by the end of watching this you're going to be able to just do this on your own without looking up google or whatever you're going to your head's going to be spinning but if you pay close attention you should walk away with a pretty decent understanding of how all this stuff works and that's my goal so of course if you're intermediate you could also probably take away even more from this course because you're going to have that foundational experience first but nonetheless i am going to do my best to explain all the basic concepts as much as possible as it pertains to html css in that tiny little bit of javascript so without that but that said one more thing i do want to show you is if you're interested in ui ux design go to my site right now it's not ready yet so you have to enter your email to be notified but it might be ready depending on when you're watching this alright so with that said make sure to subscribe if you enjoy this and let's get started up but wait one second you're about to watch my crash course on front end development now if you're really interested in learning front-end development in a robust environment then you should definitely check out the sponsor of this video they've recently launched their front-end development career path which is a collection of courses that cover html css javascript react and much much more as you see it's over 75 hours of awesome content there are hundreds of interactive coding challenges and it's all geared towards helping you go from beginner to someone that's hireable as a front-end developer so check out the first link in the description below to get 50 off all right so when it comes to front-end development the very first thing that you need before you write any code is going to be a place to write your code or a piece of software and that is referred to as a code editor all right so there are many different code editors but the one that's been most popular in my experience for the last four or five years or so is visual studio code does this mean that you have to use it no if there's something else like sublime text or something else that you've been using and you're more comfortable with that go right ahead but visual studio code is what i'm going to be using it's free and i it's it's very robust it's easy to use as well so that's what we're going to use so if you want to download that you haven't yet just go to this is from microsoft like i said it's free and just download it and install it it also has a mac os version as well all right and so once you get that installed go ahead and run it and when you run it you're going to see something like this basically um what we want is we want to start a new project um so i've created a folder already in fact i if we go right here to view and we come down to a terminal you'll see right here we have like a code area it's like basically where um you're currently currently at in terms of your folders um so if you want to make like a new project folder for this don't type that command just wait a second um go ahead and just type in mkdir that means make directory or directory is another name for a folder and then just name it something like 20 21 front end like that and then hit enter and that gave me that error because i already created that folder but assuming it doesn't exist for you as well it'll let you it'll automatically create it and then after creating it you type cd 2021 front end now we can close this and then you can go to open folder and then just choose 2021 front end you may have to navigate to your folder depending on where you're at in your your current machine um and then when you do that just hit select folder and then it'll be this blank area so right here i'll just do a real quick and extremely quick overview of the user interface here with visual studio code over here you have you're basically like a sidebar navigation where we have what's called the explorer and when you click on it it kind of collapses this area right here which is referred to as the explorer right here we're not going to be running and debugging anything you can search for files and folders like that you have what's called source control again we're not going to be messing with that at all and then we also have plugins and we're going to install two different plugins here um the live sas compiler so if you search for that just type live sas compiler and then click on it there will be an install button right here i already have it installed so install that and then also live server as well we'll install that too and then um when you install these uh it'll automatically restart uh visual studio code so then you're gonna find uh in a second you're you're gonna find the actual code editor when we create files so we want to create a file right here we're going to click on this little new file button and we're going to name it index.html all right so whenever you're working with html files you give it a name and then dot html hit enter and after creating that you'll see we have this little icon and then it creates this little document right here with this blinking cursor and all the code lines this is where you write your html exciting stuff now before we write anything we're going to also create a folder all right so in this folder we're going to name it css do we have to create a css folder no but it's nice to have your files organized and so we're going to create inside of here with once this is selected another file and then we're going to name that i think i'll just name this main dot s-c-s-s now you're probably wondering why not write it as main.css well that's a great question you can if you just want to write what's called strict css you can just put main.css right here if you wish but i'm going to use something called sas which is css with a few different super powers and i'll explain that in a second but that's why we installed the live sas compiler plugin so i'm going to right click rename this to s c s s all right and then we're going to click right here after you have that live sas compiler installed watch sas all right it's going to bring up the terminal area or the output area rather we can just hide this for now now when we did that it created these two other files you can ignore the dot map file but we could see that there's also a main.css file all right and it's empty basically this is just a comment i and so what it's doing is when we start to write css a little bit later on in this course it's going to take everything we write here and it's going to basically compile it down into regular css you'll see the difference when we get to the css portion so hopefully i'm not confusing you too much but you should understand once we get to that point in time all right so we go back to our index.html um we're also going to right click on the index.html file open with live server and that's the live server plugin that we installed so this won't be there if you didn't install it so now it's opened up your browser all right you see we have this big blank page it may say cool and 5500 forward slash your index.html um so this is what your site will look like when it's in the browser now one thing that's awesome about this live server plugin is every time you make an adjustment or an update in your code and hit save like control s it will reflect that automatically automatically refresh the browser for you so because we're going to get started with with what's called mobile first css mobile first design we're going to take our browser and squish it into the you know into almost what looks like to be a really large uh really tall phone all right so that's why i'm pushing this all the way over to the right side of my browser um we're also going to yeah as you can see live reloads not possible without a body or a head tag don't worry about that we'll fix that in a second so i'm going to go ahead and take this over here our visual studio code window and then put it right next to there so now we have both of these in view so that we can see what we're doing all right so that little error or the little message that just showed up it can't work without a body or a head tag well what does that mean well before explain we're going to hit shift now this is only going to work in visual studio code by the way so hopefully you're using you're using visual studio code this is what's called an emmet abbreviation uh when you hit exclamation point enter it's going to create like this big code snippet and it's going to output a bunch of these lines of html and that just helps you if you want to try to move quickly it helps you get all that quick boilerplate html out of the way because this is all stuff that's standard that you see in every html document um so it's just a real fast way to get started and there's a lot of other abbreviations as they're called that allowed you write html quicker and i'll show you what those are as well i don't want to jump ahead of myself too much this is a crash course i but i do want to show you some quick ways of doing things so if you're looking at this code right here and by the way let's go ahead and hit save now is our live server working it is not working so test two there we go so you may have to refresh after you've put in the html and the head and all that stuff so now every time you uh you actually save something or do something and hit save it automatically shows up here in the browser so that's live reloading all right so i'm going to spend a little bit of time just talking about the structure of html and what all this stuff is um so in general you have a few different your your html document is structured in a certain way and they're all structured in the same way you have what's called the doctype right here html always leave that there you don't ever edit that or adjust that we also have what's called the html tag now notice how there's a there's some there's two different types of tags or a tag is basically or an element is opened up i with this little greater than or less than sign and then greater greater than sign you have a closing tag and then a self-closing tag so a self-closing tag would be something like this where it says made a charset equals utf hyphen 8. if you don't understand what that is don't worry you don't even need to really at this point but notice how there's no closing tag a closing tag would be where it opens up but then a little while later you see the same thing it says title here and then this one says title but has a slash in front it in front of it that's closing the tag but you have some content inside of it um right here it would be the opposite this is a self-closing tag there's nothing embedded in it it's just one line and that's it well when it comes to the html on line two which is generally where you see the html tag this is a closing tag it's not self-closing because we see html opened up here and then we also see it closed down here all right so we have all this stuff in the middle so really we wanted to you can indent those in which is gives you a visual cue about kind of the hierarchical structure of your html tags and which are parents in which our children or siblings like right here like these would be child elements of this parent element all right so you always have an html tag you don't ever have to think about that tag especially if you hit that emit abbreviation exclamation point hit enter all this stuff i generally don't ever touch unless we're talking about the title because the title is what shows up right here notice how it says document it says document here if you hover over it in your browser well if i type in the 2021 front end developer crash course it's going to update that up here as well and so that's what people will see in their browser title in their browser window for that given tab um another thing we're going to want to add is a new element right here and it has to be within the head tag somewhere okay so the head tag has several different meta tags all right this right here we can just ignore these meta tags you don't really ever have to to adjust them there's also some other ones you may want to add as well like the meta description as it's called and this kind of gives like browsers like google the just little description that shows up underneath the link which is and the link by the way is it gets this from the title right here and there's also made a keywords and that's good for search engine optimization and stuff like that but right now we're not going to add those tags but you also see the title tag of course you need to have a title and then we also if we want to use some css and we want to have that css in a different file we can type in link and here again is an abbreviation so we don't have to type all this stuff manually to enter and here we go now it says link rel equals stylesheet and then href equals blank all right so it automatically puts the cursor there for us for that abbreviation and we're going to reference the path i'm going to hit ctrl b to get that sidebar out the path of our css file which happens to be css folder forward slash main.css we don't want to reference the sas file because our sas is only for writing code we we can only use dot css right here all right so i know right now you're probably still confused a lot about what's happening but don't worry another general uh structure of html are so we talked about the html elements or the html tags you also talk about the what are these things like you can see inside of the the actual elements there are these things that equal and then you know values those are called attributes all right so a lot of different html tags have attributes that you can use all right some are specific to that tag and some you can use you know in in different areas for instance if you wanted to create what's called a hyperlink you know like a little underlying piece of text that's sometimes blue that people can click on or tap or whatever with their finger to go to a different page that would look like this for instance for instance if i hit a we could see an href is there as well as here so it all depends on which html element you're using and which tags or attributes that accompany them and that would be a great way or area for me to show you this right here this basically is like i think of it as the bible or the dictionary of html all right so if we go if you go to this url right here and we type in a we'll see the tag right here tells you it defines a hyperlink it shows you what it looks like and it has a definition and usage it has tips and notes and it has all the attributes that we were just talking about that it can accept as you can see there's a lot most of these you're not going to use in everyday hyperlinks or you know an everyday a tags right here but it does tell you and this is an excellent resource that shows you examples of it and how to use it and this is it has it for you know these are all html elements look how many there are again in most projects or a single project you're not going to use most of these in fact i've never used whatever this is bdi i don't know what that is just to be honest so when you see all this stuff right now you're going through this crash course don't get overwhelmed i it is a crash course so it has that that that side effect because we're moving fast um but just understand a lot of this stuff you're never going to use and you're not going to need to use it and you you'll see that going forward all right so that w w 3 schools reference you know in google of course type in you know if you type in whatever you're having problems with those are going to be invaluable resources uh going forward okay so um let's go ahead and get rid of this now you have your head right here and generally you're not sitting there coding inside of your head uh your head tags uh you're coding and you're working within the body right here this is where all of your html writing really much pretty much like 95 percent of it resides this is where we're going to be putting all of our information um notice before when i was just typing like i was hitting the keys and i hit save it showed up right there so this is the whole body section another thing i want to show you i'm using google chrome firefox is an acceptable browser as well to use hit ctrl shift i on your keyboard and this little thing is going to show up over here and these are the uh the developer tools that we have we click on elements you're going to see kind of like a weird representation of what's happening over here in a code editor and we can see we have our html laying up there then we have our head and we can expand this stuff down and look at it and if we click right here we can see the body tag all right so the body tag has this information and as going forward you see how this will be a helpful tool maybe maybe not right now but i wanted to show you how to access it at least um and so as well um just another thing to point out i all of our css that we're going to be writing will be able to access right here as well and there's some cool things that we can do that we'll get to all right i know we haven't done much talking but that's all of the overview that i'm going to do in terms of just describing stuff that's here right now let's actually get into the process of writing html and like i said pretty much all happens within this body section here so when you're when you're uh working on a project hopefully and more often than not you're going to have a mock-up or a prototype of some sort that will help guide your decisions when you're writing your html and your css and so adobe xd right here this is a ui design ui ux prototyping design tool if you didn't catch in the beginning i have the whole tutorial about how exactly i designed this right here here's the mobile version although that's offset that should be in the center there we go and then here over here is the desktop version so these two things will help guide me when it comes to the css and the html portion now we're going to start i'm going to move this off here we're going to start by default working on the mobile version of the site when it comes to the css when you when it comes to writing your html it doesn't really matter that much i which one you look at because it's all pretty much going to be the same although i would probably let me back that up i would advocate when you're writing your html which is the first step the css comes after that i look at the full desktop version because usually the desktop version will contain everything that you need i in terms of your elements that you need to account for in the html process so having said that let's take a look at this right here so when you're writing your html you work from top down all right so the top of this this layout and by the way the layout's pretty long the first thing we see and the first thing that's usual you know the typical thing you see is the navbar section or the header you usually have a logo you have a navigation menu of some sort so that's what we have so when it comes to writing your html you have to think about you have to think about things in terms of blocks like for instance the very first thing that we see in the upper left corner is we have this white big sort of bar that goes up there right correct so we have to create an html element and that will allow us to define that when we get to the css portion so i how do we do that you know what tag would we use remember all those tags we saw well there's something called semantic html and we're going to get to that in a second but for now we're just going to use a div tag now a div tag is something you're going to use a ton unlike some of those other ones i a div tag basically allows you to structure physically structure your layout um and so the way we do that and i'll just write it by hand without using emmett here and for this first demonstration we open it up div that's the html element name and then we type in a class now that's another entirely new concept if you're brand new to html class equals and of course class is an attribute so class 8 goals and we're going to give it some sort of name that's relevant based on what's happening i'm going to call it nav bar all right now when we close it automatically the code editor will add a closing tag because this is not a self-closing tag we're going to hit enter and then we're going to put some stuff inside of it so what is a class all right so what is the class element basically i i should be getting the w3 schools representation of it but basically in a nutshell it just allows us to take this name right here and when we get to the css portion we'll be able to reference this name right here as a selector as it's called so to put in even simpler terms we're giving this html element a name so that we can in the future when you get to the css we can style it with the css okay so when we hit save nothing happens because a a div element nothing renders in the browser if there's nothing inside of it for it to show so you can see class navbar and it's up there it's just hidden there's nothing in it all right so let's go back here all right so now we have a block that will allow us to structure that little white bar up top right so what comes next here well you would say the logo and you would be right but they were going to put another block inside of that block because we're going to have and you don't have to do this by the way we're going to have a block right here inside of this overall block because once when the browser gets large enough we want to kind of be able to we want to have a way to keep that nav bar confined to the center and you'll see what i mean more specifically going forward about that so we're going to put another one in this time instead of writing div class we're just going to put in period a period is short for a class so this is an emmet abbreviation so we're going to put period container hit enter look at that it wrote all that stuff for us so that we don't have to do it so inside of there so now we have one element that's nested inside of another element and then we're gonna have another element nested side in this one there's once we get in here then we can put that logo the logo's right here all right all right so this is just a a what's called a word mark style logo which is in the field of identity design like designing logos it's called a word mark because there's no symbol and it's just achievable through text so normally you might have a graphic file that you'll have to put into your html code through an image tag or perhaps a different one but this one we can achieve just through html alone because it's just text right so what we're going to do is we're going to make it we want it clickable because usually on a logo on a website i it's a standard pattern for people to take their mouse or their fingers if they're on mobile or tablet and click on the logo in order to get to the home page so that means there's an action that's usually put on to a logo and in that case we're going to use an a hyperlink or an a tag so we hit a and then we see href so that's like i i showed you earlier this mean this is where you can put in like uh another page like we can put in index.html because that'll bring you to the home page that's pretty much what you would want to do anyway you can also put in other website addresses like http slash i don't know why yahoo came first to me but we can also see this is a closing tag and there's something in the center we can put which is what's called the anchor text again if all this stuff is confusing just go to w3schools and search for the a tag and you can see all the stuff that you know that you can do with it so go to yahoo this is the anchor text hit save look how it showed up it's real tiny if i hit my control my mouse scroll wheel i can kind of zoom up here in the in the browser so you can see it if we go here guess what we're going to okay so we don't have we don't need this to go anywhere so we can either just put an index.html or a hash sign right here which means it's not going to go anywhere so now we click on nothing's going to happen all right so inside of here we're going to put the i think it's called remember that right am i am i right or am i wrong yes so we hit save it says remember that now notice it looks nothing like this right here and that's because we haven't got to the css portion now notice how it says remember that but remember that is that that part is blue right so if we want to make that part blue we have to wrap this in another special tag so that we can reference that in css and the tag for something like that that's pretty generic just for doing something like that it's called a span tag so span we we we open that up what am i doing i'm messing my uh i have sausage fingers over here we're gonna take span and then just put that in there now if we hit save nothing changes it but in css we will be able to colorize that to that special blue color all right so now we have that what is next in our design and we're looking top down left to right next up is this little section it's a little menu and we have two of them as you can see so in order to create a navigation this is where we use one of those semantic tags all right so if i basically semantic means you should use the appropriate tag based on what is occurring you know contextually in that area of your html because you could completely style this stuff using div tags but it makes more sense to use these special tags in areas that make sense so for instance nav we type nav and hit enter we're going to open this whole area up and define this area as an important navigation on our website so inside of here we're going to have our two different where is it at are two different navigations we have one that's kind of center over here this is like the important stuff and then we have a contact and then we have what's called a call to action here we're going to style those using two different navigations and when it comes to html there's different types of navigations there's an unordered list and there's an ordered list that we can use we're going to use an unordered list an ordered list would put little numbers next to each item we don't need numbers next to our navigation items so we're going to use unordered list short is ul again if you want to learn more go to w3schools type in ul you'll see how you know through the examples and all that stuff and how it all works in an unordered list you open up the ul tags and inside of them we put each of our list items this is a list item that's a list item that's a list item this right here is a if i take uh this right here you'll see this is our unordered list right here which contains all three of those we're gonna have another unordered list over here with two list items over there so our list item is defined by typing ally and then because we want ours to be clickable these are going to be links that take people to different areas of the site that's a navigation we put in an a tag as well inside of there and we're not going to have it go anywhere so we're just going to use that hash sign and then we're going to put in the anchor text right here home all right so if we save this we can now see this little bullet point and it says home now real quick in visual studio code you can replicate lines of code by holding shift alt down arrow key and we'll do that twice so there's a lot of ways to really save yourself time when you're writing html when working within visual studio code the next one is going to be features and then this one is going to be called pricing so now if we save we'll see all three show up of course they're butt ugly so don't worry when we get to the css portion we're going to make that all look better all right now we also need a way if we come back over here to our document notice how this one's bold these ones aren't well this one's bold because this is the homepage we're designing and it's a visual indicator telling people that this is the page that you're currently at well we have to have a way to um communicate that to the css in order to make it bold so we'll add a class just like we did before and we'll just call this current as in the current page nothing changes here though because this is all just for css purpose in css when we get to this portion we'll be able to reference this current class and then make this right here bold okay so next up we're going to copy all the five of those lines with ctrl c and then hit ctrl v on your keyboard to paste underneath it now this is an area where we also want to add i forgot to add a class on this unordered list so this is going to be class primary hyphen nav and then this one as well would be class we'll call this one secondary nav and the reason i'm adding a class onto each one of these is because we need a way to differentiate between the two of these and adding a class is one such way to do that so now we've basically given this its own label called primary nav and then secondary nav and the reason we need to be able to differentiate between two of those is because this one's stuck over here and then this one's going to be right aligned over here and we again we do that through i css so let's go ahead and modify the stuff in here because it's changed so this one right here has to be contact and we don't need this class of current because that one won't ever be bold and then we also have go premium which is that call to action we'll go ahead and get rid of this third one and then we're gonna we're going to give this one a class because it's a really specially designed button so we're going to call it go premium hyphen cta and we'll hit save because that that design it's this button right here so we have a lot of css work to make it go from this you know blank boring link to this link all right there's a couple other things that we also need to account for in our html when it concerns this navigation when it's on a mobile view or a tablet or whatever you have what's called a hamburger menu notice we don't see these links anymore why because we don't have the physical space the horizontal space to put them all it would be cluttered that's why you have this little menu and so when you tap on it it it presents that navigation in a different way um so we need to account for this element all right so that means this is a graphic file that you can once selected go to export export selected we want to choose svg for this case svg is a scalable vector graphic it's a typographic where it never loses quality if you take a real small like jpg image or a photograph and then you try to scale it up real large you'll see pixelation it'll look blurry and you know whatever um that's not what we want for this element because it was created within a design application um and so then we can export this into a folder where we're going to be able to access and reference from both our html and our css so if i hit change here i'm going to go back to my code folders we're going to go into one we're working in we're going to create a new file or a new folder rather called you could call assets or images i'm going to call this one images and hit select folder and then export now we go back to our code editor hit ctrl b we'll see we have this images folder that we just created with this name right here if i right click and rename that we're just going to name that here to menu.svg all right now svg is actually a code-based uh graphics format right here so that's something to get into the future but adobe experience design which is that app that i keep switching back to that he used to design the user interface i it will it will automatically create this code for you based on the graphics that you create in that app adobe illustrator and other vector applications work the same way at least the ones that allow you to export svg files okay so we need to put in an html element that accounts for showing that just on mobile that little hamburger menu and we're going to put it right here just outside of the navigation i tag and so this is an image so we use an image tag like that img hit enter and the source is you know wherever that image resides in your project folder structure so in our case it's inside of an images folder forward slash then we put the name menu.svg now when it comes to images you should always use the alt attribute or specify it rather and basically it's just a short description of what this thing is and this is good for accessibility meaning people who have screen readers who have like vision issues or impairment issues they'll be able to actually navigate around it will tell them what this is because clearly they can't see this graphic correct correct all right so this we're just going to put in open navigation all right okay so now we also want to add a class on to this one i and we're going to call this mobile hyphen menu and then we're going to save it additionally we have another one another element or an attribute that you haven't used yet and it's called the id id equals we're gonna call this one mobile hyphen cta now the id class is useful when you get to javascript now we've talked about html a little bit we really haven't talked about css but you have another one that and when all three of these things work together you call javascript um because let me describe what's happening so because i was when somebody on mobile needs to click on this in order to access the menu we have to have some sort of intelligent coding that tells the css or tells the browser rather i to apply a css class to attach a class that will toggle and show our navigation or these menu items right here in order to do that you can't do that strictly with just html so we're going to use something called javascript to do that and the way we reference it or we find it or one of the ways at least is by giving it an id and an id is i one of those elements or is attributes that cannot be used more than once on in your document so this mobile hyphen cta should not ever be used on another element that has the same thing when it comes to classes you can actually apply the same class for instance i like mobile menu we could put this right here so the class attribute accepts multiple class names uh and we'll get into that as well so so we have uh that element done we also are going to need another element that we're going to put right here just above the first primary nav and that's going to be a little x icon because when that no mobile navigation opens up it's going to have a little exit sign for people to close that navigation and so if i come back over here you'll see i had this little x right here it's actually hard to see because it's white but the navigation that we come out i didn't design for it in this application so you don't see it it's going to be this little nav drawer that comes out like this and overlays on top of the screen and it's going to be like this dark blue and then this will be like right around here um at this point i'm not going to bother exporting any further graphics because i already did that i'm simply going to export though or i'm going to import those all into the existing images folder now i will have um the zip file that you can download that has all this stuff ready for you as well all right so now you can see all the images um that we're going to be using in order to pull off this project right here all right so next up like i mentioned we have to put in that reference um again it's exit.svg and again that's going to be another image tag all right so for that we're going to have an image the source is going to be images forward slash x dot svg it's also going to have an id in class as well so let me hit ctrl b to get rid of that sidebar we're going to paste that in here so again they can't have the same id that's for certain so this is going to be mobile hyphen exit because it's an exit button and that's what i'm choosing to name it our class is going to be mobile menu exit all right and then our alt we'll just put close navigation great all right and that is all that is it that's everything that we need for our navigation so you can see we have it looks like a complete mess and it is at this point it's supposed to look like a complete mess uh because we haven't applied any css but this is what raw html looks like it's horrible all right so next up notice all these closing div tags that we've ended up with well that's what happens very quickly when you're writing html so next up we're going to come outside of all these closing tags notice all these these lines that point to each other well this is just a visual indicator showing you where this opening tags closing tag is associated so we can see this one right here is the closing tag for our navbar and that basically contains all this stuff all right we're going to come outside of that now and the reason we're doing that is because we can see if we go back over here everything over here was self-contained into this section so now we have this big section right here and we have two columns like one right here and then another one right here so that's that's a block and then that's a block and each of them have stuff inside of them right so let's get to that so when it comes to i certain parts of your design it makes sense to use another tag that is mandate called section so this is just a section of content all right we're also going to give this because we're going to have multiple sections a class so that we can reference it specifically called hero this is this area over here in ui design is typically typically called the hero section it's what's i'm just underneath the navigation traditionally and it's what usually i will be the first thing um that a person will see because it usually has big text like a big headline a sub headline a call to action button of some sort an illustration a photograph or whatever so it's a really important part of your design um inside of here again we're gonna have another one of those annoying uh container tags because we need a way to have a block uh that goes right here um and it's the same one the container tag it's a div element you'll see how it works but we have to add that first before we can then add these inside of it so we're going to put our container and then inside of here we're going to create that first block for the left column so i'm just going to call this hyphen left call for column and then we're going to put in that sub headline all right so we're going to use a paragraph for that a paragraph tag all right and it's also going to have a class inside of it called sub head and that way it means subheading that way we can reference it and style it with css it's knitty and and whenever you want to put an ampersand sign you can't just put the ampersand you have to put ampersand amp and semicolon i know it's very weird it's strange but that's just how it renders it so when we hit save we can see it shows up there and it just sews the ampersand notice how it's also styled very differently and it's it's title case and not all uppercase we can make it all uppercase when we get to the css portion and make it gray and all that next up is the headline and we use that through what's called an h1 tag or a heading tag so there's six heading tags and the most important ones are the lowest numbers so the most important headline tag is the h1 and that's where usually you put inside of the hero section you know the big the big old uh headline that you want a task app that doesn't stink save that all right we can see notice how it's naturally bigger the browser knows and we can style that you know make it our own size however we wish inside of here we're also going to have a a class of hero hyphen cta all right and we're inside of here and the reason i'm putting that class here or that div is because right here we have two elements side by side this button and then this button so we're gonna have a parent element that will allow us to create that sort of two column layout then inside of there we have the big call to action we're going to use an a with a class so if i put a period class or or not class but the class name like primary cta for call-to-action then it creates all this html for me so that's an emmet abbreviation thing and it's not going to go anywhere uh this particular link all right so we're just going to give it the hash sign and then our class name or the anchor text rather is going to be try for free so now we can see it if we save it we're going to hit shift alt down on the arrow in the keyboard just to replicate that line and this one class is going to be watch video cta and this time we're going to open it up because we're going to have a line here with an image element because the image is going to be for this element right here hopefully that makes sense all right so the image location for that uh is of course it's in images forward slash watch.svg the alt is going to be the text you know this is watch a video and then watch a video for the actual anchor text right here so right there looks really ugly but don't worry like i said many times so far we'll make it better in css so that's all the uh that's not all the html yet we still have uh let's see here our illustration this big thing over here this is an svg graphic itself which is in the images folder so we have left call by by the way notice these little vertical lines that's kind of there to let you know where the closing tag of these elements are so this closing tag is right there all right so um just outside of that left column we're going to put an image tag all right and the source is going to be images illustration.svg we need to reference it and style it with css later on so we're going to call this hero hyphen image and then our alt is going to be just like illustration or something like that now we're done all this section content right here is responsible for all this right here next up we have our another section so we're going to use the section tag again to define the beginning of this right here so let's do that section it's going to have its own class of features section we're going to have that same container class inside of it then we're going to have an unordered list which is responsible for all this right here this is an unordered list notice there's little um check mark graphics next to them we don't have to use i we don't have to use to create markup for that in html in order to show those we can do that in css and i'll show you that later so list item and here's a tip if you have like a bunch of these list items just hit shift alt down after you do the first one leave it empty hit your down arrow key for as many times as you need it and then you can just start specifying all the type on my reference mod i already have this code typed out so it's right here and if you want to paste those two you can go to the code pen link in the youtube description and just grab the code from there and then also finally we do have an image a photograph of a person holding a phone and i'll show you that in a second so holding phone.jpg the alt is going to be man holding phone and that's all we need for now notice how large this is don't worry we'll fix that um when the time comes so you may be wondering how are we going to define like this little block right here in this little graphic we're going to do that solely through css and i'll show you how when we get to the css section next section is this little testimonial section right there so again that's going to be another section and the class is testimonials hyphen section all right and inside of here again we're going to do the container you'll see how important the container is later even if you're confused as to why we're adding it unordered list again those three cards we can create and define as unordered list item this is list item this is the list item and so is that so we're going to have uh list item open that up we're gonna have the first there's three different things inside of each one there's a a person and then there's the quote and then there's their name so the person image source is images person.jpg that's one of the files that we have alt it's just i'm just going to say person you can probably put their name if you knew it block quote is a a tag that makes sense if you're you have a quote of some sort so for this one i'm just going to put in and paste off the side of my screen some lorem ipsum filler text which is just latin it's just some an industry standard for front-end developers and ui designers to use if they don't have the copy the real copy yet the ad copy and then we're going to have a another tag you haven't used site and we're just going to put jane doe and that's basically who said the quote now we're going to take all those five lines copy them ctrl c come down underneath it ctrl v and then hit enter control v now we have three of them and the images are really huge and we'll fix that with css don't worry and then finally we have one more section and that is our contact section which resides down here there's two columns we have some form elements we have labels a form element a label form element and then a submit button and then we have a in this column a google maps view and we'll get that embedded as well and then we'll be finished with the html process so section with a class of contact section and then our container this is the one we're adding all the time contact left so we don't have when it comes to the div tag and abbreviations you don't have to put div and then like contact all right wait yeah contact left because div tag is used so much you can just put in period contact left hit enter and it knows it'll be a div so that's just a quick tip all right so we have our title of contact we're going to use an h2 element not uh an h1 this time because it's like a heading um we're gonna have a form right here now when it comes to the form tag you don't have to really use it it depends on the technology that's used to communicate the data that's inputted into the form but we're just going to leave it there and use it anyways it has no styling associated with it so you can't see it in the browser so now next up is the name and we're going to use a label element and notice this a 4 attribute so we're going to put name because this is the name you can name it whatever you want by the way and we have to put name right there so we'll see right there we have contact and it says name right there i'll describe what the four is in a second we're going to put an input type as text because it's a text field that somebody types into we're also going to give it an id of name and a class of or a name of name rather name is an attribute that you would use to communicate whatever is inputted with a server but that's not our job so anyways um for name id name so if whatever four is bound to has to be bound to the id of whichever element you want this label to be associated with so the reason we do that is because we click right here on the the name element it will automatically highlight and allow you to type into this text field right here um if you change this to like name two guess what it doesn't happen so those two need to be bound to each other with using the same value outside of that we're also going to put the second one we only have two i should have put in an email because usually you have your name your email that a way for them to contact you but you know i forgot anyways you would just cut you know copy this and up update those values of social you know accordingly let me show you just real quick how you would do that if you wanted to you just copy those two paste them email you would change this to email change that to email and change that to email all right so now we have an email oh and by the way there's a type of email an email field and when you do that and if you enter in like a wrong email uh type uh it will provide form value validation like saying that you didn't structure your email address correctly like you didn't use an at siren or something but anyhow because i didn't include it in my design i'm not going to include it here um we do have the final element which is a text area because it's a big type of text field it's unlike this one because it has multiple multi multi lines and such so we still use a label for is going to be message name is message and then we type in text area the name is going to be message id will be messaged because it has to be bound to the four value and that's it you can also actually type stuff between the tags of text area and it'll show up right in the middle but i don't want that to happen right there there's also something called the placeholder value so if we on our input field if we type placeholder your name you'll see it shows like this little dimmed out your name thing and then once you click in it and start typing it goes away for this context this use case you don't need that because name is obvious it's like it's obvious how to enter that information all right so you can do the same thing by the way with the text area you can put a placeholder value there finally we need our button send message all right so to do that we don't use a a link you could depending on the technology it's used to communicate the information but we can put input type is going to be submit all right and then we put class because we're gonna need to style this send message not second what am i thinking send message cta value equals send message why do i type in second i keep on typing second instead of send i don't know second send message rather save and there it is there's a send message but nothing happens except it just kind of submits to itself um but yeah that is it and then finally we have the the uh the map so for our map i'm gonna put the map let's see right here right after this contact left right here and we're gonna have a contact right and we're going to embed a google map in there so if i get up a new browser go to we're gonna go to bev beverly hills 90210 the old school showed that's how old i am although i never watched it i'll be honest maybe i watched it a few times okay no i'm a die-hard fan i watch it every night um we're going to we're going to click on share and then embed a map and then copy this or copy html right there once we're done with that we can paste it right there and then guess what we save it and uh it works automatically isn't that cool so it's an iframe which means it allows you to embed a web page another web page into your webpage it's very crazy um and then now that's it that is all of our html believe it or not i i it's actually a lot um but now we're going to make all this good looking during the css whoa that guy's like right in my face during the css portion all right so now it's time for the css but i'm looking over here in our xd document so when it comes to writing css um the the way that pretty much all css pros do is through what's called mobile first css this means that all the css rewrite we want to make sure it looks good on a mobile design or a mobile form at first so that's why we're going to be looking at the mobile design for this the reason you do mobile first and not desktop first is because mobile first is generally more simple i designed for mobile first is you know it doesn't include as much like look at this section here we don't have the photograph we don't have this stuff this stuff so our css will tend to be smaller in size um and then we use what's called media queries which we'll get we'll get into and i will explain and those media queries will allow us based on certain widths or viewport widths to define all this extra special stuff all right so let's go ahead and get started making this ugly thing over here look like this it's magic almost no it's not magic okay so let's get ctrl b we're going to click on our sas file here and we're going to ctrl b again to close that out and notice this little icon up here we can split this editor this means that on left we can see our cs or our html if we want to and then on the right we can have our css now normally i would do that um some people actually have small has multiple monitors and they'll do you know ones there on one monitor and the other ones on the other monitor but this is a way to do it within a single monitor because when you're writing css you're kind of always referring back to your html markup because that kind of guides your decisions over here in terms of your what are called selectors um i'm not going to do that though because i have everything enlarged up and it's just i don't have a lot of space to work with so i will manually i will be manually clicking back and forth up top going back and forth like that all right so when it comes to your css the first element that you can style and you don't have to like style it at the first time or i'll show you what i mean is the body tag um so the body tag is where you define like the background of the website so if it doesn't body we can give it a background color and there is a specific background color that i'm using that isn't white by default it's white in html in the browser as you can see but this is kind of like a gray a very light gray so i'm going to click over here copy this hex color code all right that's called a hex value and we're going to say background and then colon and then paste that in and then hit a semicolon and hit save now you can see it's that that color we could in visual studio code if you hover over that value then we gives us this color picker and so notice the hex value all those crazy numbers is how i we're able to communicate the color to the browser so if we say this is red guess what hit save it changes it to red and makes it look really ugly um so let's go back ctrl z there we go it's f2 f2 f2 and so this is what a css rule set looks like here's what it consists of let me hit control plus here to make this bigger a few times it is i first we have what's called a selector the selector can be a variety of things it can but primarily it can be three two different things i it can be the name of the html element itself like body div a img nav or it can also be like a class all right so class equals navibar container so that's just called a selector you can also have multiple selectors like separated by comma like body and then maybe something like nav and the reason you might have multiple selectors is because they might be styled with the same exact properties okay so now inside of this we open this up in order to specify our css property so we have this little squiggly brace right here or bracket and then it closes right here at the end you're always going to have that sort of situation when you're working with css or sas then we have the actual property name background is a css property name then after the property name you put a semicolon right here to denote that that's the end of the name and then you also denote that this is the beginning of the associated value so in the case of background we have a hex value right here all right and then you end it with a semicolon and if you want to have multiple properties which we will in this case we put in and a second line the same format property value this will be margin and then as a colon and then the property we're going to put 0 and then we end the statement with the semicolon just like we did up there margin zero by default browsers add a little bit of margin it's called margin it's white space on the edge i'm just gonna i always just remove that and i add my own i just kind of reset it to zero in the body tag and hit save so now notice how it kind of just fell back up there then we're going to have another one we can put font family all right i'm going to use something called poppins now when i save that you can see that the font changed from like that times new roman serif font to this and the reason it worked is because i already have poppins installed on my machine now not everybody has the same font especially if you're using you know a different font as you so i had to download and install that for that use case we're going to go to and poppins is a font that is available here at so if i type in pop-ins here it is we can select a style so like like how many weights do we want to have like there's a lot of different bold you know variations of this font one thing to note the more variations that you have the longer it will take the load because the browser has to or your phone or whatever has to download this information so i can we can just we can stick with like a regular and we can also click on a bold like bold 700 right here so now we click on import and then we copy this right there not sure if you can see that but it's just three lines starting at at import then we paste it up there i'm hitting ctrl minus on my keyboard to get us back down to scale and then we can exit out now this way if you don't have it on installed on your machine you don't need to because guess what your browser will download it based on this information right there all right so next up we're going to start writing out um our core css our yeah css and we have to ask it you have to ask yourself in the same way like when we started writing html we started to look at you know the top of our our design document to guide our decisions for html we're going to do the same thing with css we're going to look over here to see what's happening first and we're going to style those accordingly now it doesn't really matter the order of your css rule sets it doesn't matter at all but it does kind of make sense for organizational purposes to have all your rule sets kind of cascade the way that it's occurring here so we have our navbar class in or a div element and that's in relation to this big white container right here so we're going to reference our class of navbar like this period navbar so that basically means the period means it's a class and navbar is the name so any properties that we open up here when we specify they're going to be specific to this element or any other element that has class of navbar okay so looking at our our code up here we need to get this right here this whole section right here looking like this because we're doing mobile first just the logo and just this little hamburger menu all right so for navbar the first thing we're going to set is the background the background is going to be white so you can enter in multiple different types of there's different ways in order to specify color in css you can do hex values you can do what's rgb rgba hsl there's a lot of different ways i don't want to you know i confuse you too much but you can also write out common color names as well so now you can see it's just this white color and you can see the difference between the shades here so background white and we're going to also have padding so padding is another css value by the way i if we type in css and google we'll see w3 schools there's a whole css section on w3schools as well um tremendously popular site it's 186 largest website in the world so it's it's a very you know popular site and again when it comes to all the css properties of which there are many you can go here and refer to see exactly how they're used okay so same thing with html so we're going to have padding all right so what padding is padding is very similar to margin so margin affects everything outside of that element so when you add margin like in certain values like for instance if i change this to like um 5 m units look how wow it looks like it broke something here there we go look how much by margin it added there or if we change this to two we have a little bit less so it affects everything outside now if we did a padding padding is the opposite of margin because padding affects everything that's on the inside of an element so let me demonstrate this let's put this back to zero and don't worry i'll describe what that m thing unit is in in a little bit but we're going to put here a padding of 1m unit notice how it pushed everything away so padding works on the inside whereas margin works on the outside let me bring up the developer tools control shift i and we're going to click this little button where it says select an element when you hover over it notice when we hover over it it's showing us all this stuff so when we hover over the um the nav bar element right here and it shows you right here it does like a little thing that says div dot nav bar underneath where i'm hovering it's like right by my mouse right now um it shows you this green outline right here that is the padding value and it's on the inside so notice if we hover over here like it's nitty and gritty we have these i borders on the top that are orange and bot and bottom that are orange that's margin and that's default margin that the b that the browser has added onto this element so notice on it's on the outside of the element but this padding is on the inside so that's important to understand that you're going to be using that value those properties of padding and margin big time so that's why i'm spending a little bit of time talking about it so we have that set to 1m unit by the way my browser is brow is is all the way up to um 175 it should be this size right here and so that gives us a little bit of that mark that padding that white space because you re when it comes to ui design you don't want things slapped up against edges and stuff like that this looks bad so that's why we add padding right there all right so now another thing we need to do is to style up this logo this looks nothing like this so let's make it look like that now remember when i was talking about sass and it has some super powers that you can use that you don't you know that regular css can't do well regular css can't nest rule sets inside of each other and but that's what sas allows us to do so let me show you how you do that you just put logo and this works because nav logo is a a child element of navbar so if you look in our html you'll see that we have our nav bar and then we have our logo and by the way we i forgot to add the class class equals logo that way we can reference it so we because that exists in there we can put that rule set right there so the first property value that we're going to use is text decoration we're going to say none this will get rid of the underline when we save it see it just got rid of it let me make this a little bit larger though just so we can all see what's happening next up font weight is going to be bold so you use the font hyphen weight property to specify whether or not something's bold you can put in a numeric value like 700 remember we imported the weight of 400 and 700 right here so we can do the same thing that way we're just going to make this bold we're also going to put in color black so whenever you have um text color color is the property you use to change the color of that text all right and again we can hover over this and make it red and notice visual studio code uses rgb value when you use their little selector to choose colors let's back up there though we're going to make that black and then we're going to make it a little bit larger font size 1.2 em units so remember i talked about m units and i would describe what that is so this is a unit right here em there are different types of units that you can specify on certain css property values there are absolute values and then there are relative values so this is a relative value and it's it is pronounced as m right here and this would be a great use case for showing you if i type in if you're confused about you know what a unit is or property is just go to google type in css and then whatever it is and then we can see in this section css units so it has a whole section on what are called units all right so notice it's talking about i the px which is for a pixel which is absolute right here it's going to show you all the absolute types of units that you can put in you can put cm mm blah blah blah i you can use relative as well notice m is right here it's relative to the font side of the element font size rather you can use ex there's a lot of other ones that you can use but i don't want to you know bore you too much with that but these are all things that you can research even further like if you want to know more about m you know just type cm css m unit and you're going to get a lot of different values that will help you give a better understanding of how all this stuff works so the larger the value number here like four the bigger this becomes all right so next up remember how we had that span element because we need to make this blue we can put span and have another nested rule set and put color and then put the color of that blue color it's not blue it's actually a different shade and if i double click in here we'll get that color code right there and paste it in and there we go now i'm going to introduce you to something that's very cool about css this color shows up multiple times throughout our document it's a part of our what's called the color scheme and this color is here it's here it's in multiple areas what if for instance you guys decide you know whoever you work with on your team that you want to change the primary color of your color scheme maybe you're rebranding well if you put it in here and it's showing up in all these different areas throughout your css well you're going to have to replace those all manually well we can use what's called a custom property in css and it's not just for sas it used to be sas used to have variables and it still does and you can still use them but css natively in the browser didn't have anything like that but it does now and it has for a couple years and they're called custom properties here's how you do it so any type of um property value and prop yeah any type of property value that's reused often throughout your document you can define up here inside a colon root and then you can specify these css properties so the property name is first denoted by having two hyphens or two dashes and then the name of it we're going to call this primary hyphen color and then we put in the value all right so then the way we specify this we put var for variable we open up prep in parentheses sorry i'm talking so much i'm not very fluent right now and then we put dash dash and we reference the name of the variable that we want to use or the property and then we hit save notice we hit save it still works so now if we ever want to change this value we only have to change it in one area of the document up here rather than having to do it in a bunch of different areas if we have it hard coded in in certain areas hopefully that makes sense all right so now we have this area up here looking pretty good um we have an issue where this is a little bit too close it has to be right aligned to the container we also have to get rid of this we're going to hide that by default so to do that we're going to hide that we're going to look at here and notice all of our stuff our navigations are included and nested inside of this nav tag so we're going to come out outside of this nav bar and just put nav and we're going to put display none that hides it look at that so we're getting somewhere exciting stuff so now we're going to take our container now notice we have uh our navbar then we have our container and we're going to reference this container in order to separate this logo from this graphic right here this little hamburger menu needs to be over here so what i'm going to do is say container display flex now notice this says none this says flex um flexbox it's flex is short for flexbox and it's a certain way to structure layouts there's also the grid there's also a couple other property values for display that you can use based on your needs so we're going to put display flex and then place content space hyphen between when we do that it moves us over so if you want to learn more about flexbox their entire courses on learning css flexbox and tutorials of course um so i'm not going to get into that because it would just make this extremely long this is a crash course so we have to move along um so now that we have those separated um notice when we hover over with our mouse button usually you wouldn't use this like most people who are on a desktop wouldn't have their screen like this but some might and it's nice to have a little visual indicator that you're hovering over it where your cursor pointer changes to a little hand icon so what we can do is we can say oh and by the way i messed up these two elements should be nested inside the navbar element there we go so now we're going to save okay that makes more sense now so now what we're going to do is we're going to say mobile menu and we're going to put cursor pointer mobile menu is in relation to this class right here that's the menu graphic and that's responsible for this person right there or that guy or that thing that graphic so if we save guess what it changes to a hand all right now let's we basically for mobile have this part done for now next up look how ugly this stuff is that right here looks nothing like here let me get this situated so that we can see both side by side it looks nothing like this right this and this so we got to get that looking much better all right so now let's come back to our sas here we're going to style all of our links a certain way a certain color rather so if i if i for instance where it says watch a video right here this isn't black it's actually kind of like a dark gray so if i wanted to change all the hyperlinks which by default are either blue or this visited color that's like this purple we're going to go ahead and just reference all a elements so we're not going to use a class and we're going to do color and then change it so notice how they all change any link that shows up anywhere else is going to be that color now if i only wanted to change the color of a specific link i would use a class instead as a selector hopefully that makes sense all right next up um we're going to do let's see here we're going to do some other general cleanup work it doesn't necessarily follow the flow of what's happening sequentially here but i like to include some of this stuff like near the top of the document um so we're going to reference all unordered lists remember we used quite a few unordered lists in my design none of them have bullet points though but the default behavior and design and presentation of bullet list of unordered lists in the browser is to add little bullet points next to them so i'm going to get rid of all those by referencing the ul and we put list style type none notice how they all went away i'm also going to get rid of any default margin and padding that has been added on behalf of the browser and we know they've been out of because if we go to control shift i we click on this and we hover over here we can see both padding is added in the green section on the left so there's padding left added and there's also a margin on the top and bottom i'm going to get rid of both of those by default so margin 0 padding 0. so notice how it gets moved right up against the edge of the browser it looks ugly but don't worry we're going to style all this stuff to make it look a lot better also our sections a section appears multiple times section here section there section there and i'm going to add some specific rule sets to that specific properties rather we're going to do padding padding is cool because you can put like five m units and that will affect the padding on the top bottom right and left but if you want to control specifically where it goes like on like if you want to have the top and bottom be a certain value in the left and right be a different value you put five m units on the top and bottom and two units on the right and left you can take it a step further and specify all four so if you wanted like all four to be different you would be you would put top would be five n uh right it works like a clock by the way would be uh eight m units maybe bottom might be 10 m units and then uh left would be like 20 pixels so you can also mix your units but for me it's just gonna be five m units on the top and bottom two m units on the right and left now that two m units on the right and left makes it so that we have white space on the left portion of the browser and now no longer is our content being pushed against on the edge all right also let's get to this part what's different about this compared to this in terms of alignment well this is centered all this text is centered so oops i didn't want to do that let me close that out i got the wrong one there we go so what we'll do is we see which selector we want to use in order to take all this text and make it centered so if i come down here there's our hero section here's our text we could probably say left call make that all centered or we can come up and just choose hero and it'll make everything centered that it can so hero that's a class text align center there it goes look at that we're getting somewhere i'm telling you it's looking a lot better now we need to still work with this because this still does not look like this there's some differences right like this is different and this button is a lot different so let's do that left call because that's a class defined right here and that's that's responsible for all this stuff right here so we have our sub head inside of there so we're going to do subhead and by the way you can do this nesting of sorts and not even specify a property value if you don't want to we can put in text transform uppercase all right because this was transformed to uppercase font weight's going to be bold save it color is going to be gray now we're getting closer letter spacing is going to be 0.3 m units so now look how close that looks to this very very good next up this has to be large or a headline or h1 element right here so we're going to put h1 font size 2.5 m units and how do i know that it's 2.5 i experiment so before i recorded this tutorial i recreated all this already that way you're not sitting sitting there watching me bumble because bumble over my words and my properties and all that stuff because even if somebody who's seasoned with html and css like myself it's it it's not always this easy so nobody wants to sit there watching me trying to figure this out from scratch although i'm sure some that would be a good use case some people will want to see um but just for making this course faster and so that i can focus on teaching rather than other stuff i i did the project beforehand i know some people they don't like that for some reason but trust me everybody does it and there's a reason all right so line height 1.3 because right now the line height between this text is too far we're going to make it a little bit uh squished up and then margin top because it but it does the bro the browser does add default margin to the h1 element we're going to do 1.2 or we're going to put 0.2 m units to get it closer to that sub head see that awesome next up let's dial this button try for free looks nothing like this try for free button right so how do we reference this button well we can come back to our index.html we can find try for free there it is the class is primary cta so we put dot primary cta and this is going to be quite a few properties to achieve this design so the first one is going to be background because we have to make it a blue color just to show you again this is what it looks like right so background is going to be var primary color because it's the same color that we were using so this is the first time we've we've reused this same color so now let me show you the power of the properties custom properties if i change this to green they change in both areas so it makes your life so much easier all right so background we got that set we're going to take color white remember it's text in there we want that to be white so we save it and it changes white as you can see we're going to also do text decoration none that gets rid of the underline we need padding look how tight like there's not a lot of white space inside remember padding is for the inside white space padding is going to be 0.6 m units on the top and bottom in 1.3 m units on the left and right we're also going to do font size we're going to increase the size a bit to 1.4 m units we are also going to put in border radius 5m units so notice how the borders by default i mean the border radius is just a perfect like 90 degree angles we want it to be a pill shaped like this so to do that we put border radius with some large amount and it makes it that you can also put like 0.5 m units and it'll just round it off slightly but the greater this is it'll make this all rounded all right next up after that font weight we're going to make bold and then finally we're going to put display inline block all right so now that's all the properties that we need for this so now what we want to do is we want to style this thing these need to be this icon needs to be down here as shown right here so we go back here this is class watch video cta all right we're going to display block that gets it away we're going to do margin and this is another thing you don't know this is the same thing for padding and margin you could put margin right here and just we only want margin on the top though so we could put one m unit zero zero zero on the right left and bottom that'll work but a better way if you know you only want one direction of margin is put hyphen top or hyphen right left or bottom so now we just put in one m unit same thing with padding by the way all right so if i reset my browser down to back to 100 this is what it looks like all right um we also have an issue there's a lack of white space here between here and here this this little camera icon so we're going to put image because there's an image right here we're going to put margin right 0.5 m units there we go awesome so now we have this graphic right here we need to look more like this it's smaller and it's pushed further away down so the class is hero hyphen image we're going to come out here we're going to put width you can put percentage values which is i you know a relative type unit and then we're going to put in margin top 3m units and there we go much much better so now we compare these these are almost you know these are pretty similar this could be scaled down a little bit more this icon probably a little bit more white space but really this is all quite close in terms of appearance now of course if we drag this out it's going to look strange but don't worry we'll fix that as well and ultimately make the desktop version look like that but let's continue on now we have that section where it has the features right here so we're going to reference our features section we're going to say background and we have to get a background color so i already know what that is it's going to be this value right here we save it and you can see right there now another thing sometimes if you just have classes as selectors classes alone it might be confusing sometimes it can help to put the actual i html element as well so if we put section right there that's in reference to the fact that this is a section with a class of hero so this can help you understand where it's coming from we're also going to change all the text to white because it's such a dark background and we need that contrast all right now we have to work on this features list because it needs to look like this all right so to do that we're going to go ahead and specify ul dot features list so we're going to put so we have like five properties to put we're gonna put margin zero we're going to oh and by the way um definitely make sure you put in let's see here there we are um ul dot the class is features list because i didn't include that initially i just added that off screen um so ul's feature list so margin zero padding left point one m units all right so you can designate top right left bottom for both padding and margin if you just want to specify one um display grid now this part's going to blow your mind in fact you know what i think we're gonna we're gonna wait we're gonna wait for this come back come back to this okay uh that that's a comment you just put two forward slashes uh we're gonna i'm gonna wait for that you'll see what i mean later on so now that's um what we need to do now is space these out further and obviously make it look more like this so we're going to put list item font size 1.1 m units just to make it a little bit larger margin bottom to space them out from each other more 1m unit margin left will be 2 m units and we're moving it over with margin left as you can see from here to there because we need to make room for the check mark the way we can do the check mark is use something new um to you it's called a pseudoselector so we put and before the and is something that's only specific to sas like working in the css scss file um it just basically will transpile into before it'll look like that in your main.css file all right so we put and before content is going to be empty position is absolute making an element uh or a rule set with position absolute is a way to i position an element within the document um and then you can use some other values that you'll see in a second we're going to put width of 20 20 pixels height of 20 pixels and a background image so we can put url we're going to come out of our css folder into the css into the images folder bullet.svg and as you can see if we save it we can see it but it's broken right background size we're going to put contain so that fixes it being um you know broken out of there because it's containing the image and then margin right will be 0.5 m units and then also we're going to put in left negative 2 m units now it's hidden that's because if we want to position this element this check mark check mark relative to the container that it's sending inside we have to put position relative on its parent and there it is i know that's very confusing it's more of an intermediate to advanced sort of con concept but bear with me so i that is it for that portion now this photograph doesn't exist in the mobile version so we have to get rid of it so all we do is we're going to come out here features section image display none there we've hidden it all right i very cool so next up we're going to worry about the testimonial section which is right here now i'm not going to make these like slide like carousel that's a little bit too advanced we're just going to make three of them like on stacked on top of each other so to do that we'll take a testimonials hype and section background is going to be var primary color and let's let's real quickly get in and fix uh those large graphics those large files i mean the large image that's showing up so inside of here we have image and we're just gonna say width 5m units height 5m units and that really quickly just fix things right now now we can start working within some other stuff so our unordered list i actually forgot we don't need because we already styled and got rid of the bullet points i didn't do that in my reference codes that's why i screwed up so our list items they have a darker background color right here so we say background 0 0 6 bd6 so we can see that background now text align oops center that centers everything including the image padding will be 2m on the top and bottom 1m on the right and left width will be about 80 percent margin was going to be 0 on the top auto on the right having auto on the right and left will allow us to center this element 5 am on the bottom there we go and then we also have a border radius not a order radius a border radius of 1m units and that rounds off our edges right here our image we have some other properties a border of 5 pixels solid you can also have dashed and dots and all that stuff 0 0 6b d6 the one we used above can't see that but you will in a second border radius we want this to be circular 50 that's how you do that border radius 50 and then margin top we want to move it up on top as you can see in a reference it's up here not in the side negative you could put negative values 4.5 m units so we can put margin top margin bottom margin right and margin left now we also have to make our uh our text color white as that completely does not look good so testimonial section we actually have a couple other things that we need to do let's see here color white there we go all right very cool next up is going to be the contact section so our contact section has an h2 element we want to make it a little bit bigger font size 2m units next up we have our labels name and message these need to be stacked like this oops i never did it i never designed for that but they need to be stacked anyhow so we're going to say label display block there you go font size will be a little bit bigger so it enlarges them margin bottom point five m units just to move it away a little bit then we have our input and our text area which is this element and then this element beneath it the part that people type in width is going to be 100 percent and padding will be 0.8 m units on the inside to make it larger margin bottom will be 1 m units to push them away from each other just a little bit border but we don't need to do a border because it's looking decent already border radius will be 0.3 emitters to round the corners oh border in order to fix that issue where it made them real dark border one pixel solid you can also have like dashed and all that um gray that's a new uh that's the way you colorize it obviously if you make this larger you know it'll make it a thicker border also box sizing border hyphen box i notice the width of these right now if we save this it brings them in and when it comes to elements that have margin and padding applied to them when you use like width 100 percent it can make them extend out too far and create horizontal scroll bars and such so that's how you fix that next up our input button right here we need to style that so input type equals submit yes that is one way that you can i choose a selector we could we do have a class and we could just put class like this send message instead of doing this we can just do that but i want to show you other ways to select so what this is is the eight it's the html element with brackets designated only to spec to choose uh attributes of type submit so isn't that cool yes it is background color very variable um primary color so you can see it turns blue on the right color is going to be white font weight will be bold font size will be font size e oh my 1.3 i'm trying to type too fast border is going to be none margin bottom will be 5 m units to push that map away border radius will be 5 m units to make it a pill shaped container display is going to be let's do inline block it's too big and large for me so if we do inline block and then make padding point am units and two m units and then take width and say unset now we have this over here uh it's much smaller oh cursor pointer now it changes to a pointer all right and then finally we're just about done iframe it's really big right now it's creating these horizontal scroll bars for us so let's just take our iframe which is the google embed code with 100 height like we'll do 300 pixels there we go now this is pretty much done for the mobile view except this doesn't work up here like we click it nothing happens right well we need it to show you know our navigation all right so what we're going to do now is start focusing on building out our our nav or our navigation that shows up so to do that temporarily we're going to come up here and see where it says nav display none i'm going to comment that out so now it's going to show it so that we can start styling it the way we want now i don't have it designed here the way i want it you know i don't have the nav bar design so you're just gonna have to trust in my judgment here there's many different ways to design these things so what i'm gonna do is put nav menu btn we're going to say display block all right and then our nav which contains our unordered list our two on our lists because this is a list and this is a list we're going to put position fixed because it's going to sit on top of everything and it's going to come out like to like 66 percent or two-thirds of the browser and just lay on top of there it's going to be a big bar so position fixed when we scroll notice how it stays up on top of here all the time that's what position fix one of the things position position fix does we're also going to put z index 999 a really high value z and x when it you can you can place onto elements that have position absolute or position fixed a really high z index means it's going to sit on top of everything because we want this menu to sit on top of everything next up is going to be width we're going to do 66 percent we're also going to put right zero so it's going to push that whole area over there to the right top is going to also be zero means it's going to be very top of the document background is going to be our dark color that we used for the features section so notice now we can start to see it come to come alive essentially height is going to be 100 viewport height a vh is another one of those relative units it just means the height of the the device of the browser that you're looking at padding 1m unit on the inside next up we're going to take our ul primary nav margin top 5m unit so you're going to see this navigation push down right there all right we're not done yet list item now i realized i don't think i actually had any properties there but we're going to get into the a and we'll say color white text decoration none uh display block we have to put display block on a elements or their your hyperlink elements um if we want to add padding and like margin stuff so padding will be point five end units this will increase uh white space font size will be 1.3 m units to make it larger and then text align will be right all right and then also something that's cool if we hover over these nothing happens sometimes you can change the color on hover and other things put and hover font wait we can make bold that's one thing we can change so watch look at that all right very very very cool all right this over here this button we want to push to the right because it looks so weird left aligned so what we'll do is i that has a class of mobile menu exit float right we'll push it right margin would be like 0.5 m units and then cursor pointer so now we hover like that and that's our mobile navigation that's what that looks like so now we're going to go back up to the top and hide this all right so now we're going to get into something that's very scary for newcomers and that is javascript so javascript i will allow us when somebody clicks this to attach a class onto this what's called a dom element or this element right here or to the nav element rather and allows us to add a css class that will toggle on that display property to show it when it's clicked so we can put script at the very bottom just above the closing body tag and we can put we have to define three different properties here const so it's going to be a constant you can also put let mobile btn usually instead of using hyphens or instead of using hyphens you use camel case so we're going to mobile btn here in javascript equals document dot get element by id mobile hyphen cta this basically allows us to in the future reference the button right here because if we look at it we have the id of mobile cta that's how we get it in javascript now we take off the semicolon we don't have to put const again we can just define a bunch of them like nav google document dot query selector nav so you use getelementbyid for elements that have an id attribute or if you just want to select an element name like div or whatever or label i you can just put the actual element name so instead of get element id it's query selector where there's only one nav so we just choose nav um then one more and that's going to be mobile btn exit that's going to be that white x uh button and it has an idea of mobile exit so now we put the semicolon at the end and we have three different properties or variables that we can now access so we say mobile btn we're going to add an event listener of a click type there's a bunch of different type of event listeners like when mouse hover like when the mouse moves over it or whatever this is a click or when somebody taps it um we open this up into here so this is the first parameter this is an arrow function i'm not going to really bother explaining if you're brand new to javascript but basically what this means is when somebody clicks on that button right here do whatever is inside of these squiggly brackets okay so what what do we want to happen well we want to take our navigation right here which is currently hidden with display none we want to attach a class i that will change it to display block all right so to do that we say nav which is defined right here dot class list dot add because we want to add one menu hyphen btn now menu hyphen btn i believe we don't yet have defined let me see if we do ctrl f to find yeah there it is nav we already defined it display block so that's the purpose javascript is going to add that when this gets clicked so if we hit save click there it is all right so also what happens when somebody clicks this we have to hide it right so let's just copy these three lines and we're going to change this to uh mobile btn exit on click we're going to basically class list remove so we click this it adds it now it removes it look at that how exciting all right so now at this point this is where we're going to get into responsive css design right now this design is not responsive it only works it's only made to work and look good and functional on mobile because look what happens here i mean this does not look good right right and this doesn't make sense so we need to make it responsive all right so we do that through what's called media queries we come right to the bottom here so we have to ask ourselves and this is helpful to have the um the dev tools open control shift i um because when you have those open and you kind of shrink the browser in you can see little i coordinates up there like 545 pixels by 1360 or whatever we're looking at the first value because that's the width value and we have to ask ourselves at what point should the design start to change so at what point if i'm looking at this nav bar we're looking at things top bottom now when it comes to responsive design at what point do we have enough room to show all those menu items up here right so around 768 or something that's a common break point but really for this design that makes sense we have enough room at this size to hide this menu and then just show all those links automatically for like a tablet or a really large phone so we're going to go ahead the way you you you do this is through what's called a media query and here's what it looks like let me just copy and paste it off screen so it says media only screen and minimum width 768 pixels so any rule sets this is where we put our rule sets inside of here so any rule sets in here will only apply if it's basically a 768 pixels and larger so it's really uh dynamic and flexible so the first thing we want to do is hide we want to hide this net this little hamburger menu because we don't need it at that point so what we do is say mobile menu and mobile menu exit because we don't need to see the exit button either display none now when i save it we don't see it because we're not at 768 pixels watch this there we go it hides here let's get this back to 100 there we go yeah it actually hides right there exactly as we wanted it so our navbar container we're going to put in just display grid now right now we can't see anything so maybe i need to add a couple of other things so our navbar nav we're going to say display flex now we see it okay now we have some work to do in order to get this fixed up let me drag this in so we can see this so our container is the parent of our nav bar so if we go up here we see diff class container then we see our nav right here and then inside of a nav we have this right here and this right here so we're going to use a display grid and grid template columns i was showing you the wrong thing we're working on our container and we're making it a grid container right now right here and then we have our logo and then our nav so two elements this one's hidden at this this eye media query so display grid we have two columns 180 pixels or so for our logo and then auto means just take up the rest of the space for the rest of it all right so now we end up pushing that over um then we're going to put justify content on unset now that's because up here in our container we had just oh wait place content i think i meant to put place content on set there either way i think we can just get remove it but we'll see all right so now we have our nav we're going to put justify content space hyphen between we're also going to put background none now we can't see anything the position will be unset because it's currently fixed height is going to put set to auto because it's currently 100 viewport height that's why it's all white and then we're going to put width 100 and padding will be zero and now we're going to come out and specify the unordered list inside of them display flex now right now we can't even see what's happening because the text is white so let's take our our links make um color black there we go so our our um our colors right here let me come down here for our links we're going to do font size 1m unit and padding will be 0.1 m unit on the top and bottom in one end unit on a right and left now right now these are not structured uh properly at all now let me see if the fix was this justify content on set okay it wasn't right now they're not uh situated as they should be as shown here because they all need to be looking like this so let me continue on writing with the the the information here or the rule set so we're gonna have ul primary hyphen nav and set the margin to zero there we go now that was the issue it was pushed down because uh it was so up high there okay so now and by the way we can go back and this still works because all the css we're writing now is only for beyond this point all right next up li current a all right oh let me see what i'm doing here yeah the font weight's going to be bold and we're also going to put in li go hyphen premium cta a and we need this go premium button to look like what it does on desktop oops wrong thing i open up my discord right here so we're going to do color it's going to be our variable primary color you can see it's changing up top up here we're going to put border of 3 pixels solid var primary color as well so now we can see what it looks like getting there font weight will be bold border radius will be 5 m units to give it that pill shape and then margin top will be negative 2 0.2 m units that way it's a little bit situated better now what about when we hover it i think it would be cool to make it inverse in terms of uh the background color so in hover background var primary color color will be white so watch this isn't that cool so hopefully you're starting to pick up on stuff so that's the only thing i really want to change on that resolution oh this i do want to change remember i was telling you about the um this real cool css grid uh there's something where it says come back to this this is where we're going to do this right now we have enough room to position these so that they're in two columns or more so the way you do that is by making it a display grid and we add this very special property it's very complex this is definitely a more advanced level thing we make it a display grid then we do grid template columns and we're going to put a repeat function auto fit min max 19 rem units one fractional unit right here so it automatically knows if it doesn't have enough room keep them all in one column if it has enough room maybe do two and then three and then so on very very cool all right next up i we're going to go ahead and focus on the next viewport all right and that's going to be around 1080 pixels so if we go ctrl shift i we drag this out right around 1080 or so we have enough room to split this into two columns like it shows here so let's do that all right so let's go ahead i'm going to copy off screen here's a rule set 1080 pixels remember the other one was above it is 768. our container this is where our container remember we were adding that container element everywhere with the div container width will be 1080 pixels and then the margin will be zero auto that basically will center everything so that and the reason i do this is when we expand look how it's all centered it right at 1080 it stops being fluid and then it just centers so that's a way to have a centered eye container basically and then that's applied all down here too all right so next up our section let's increase the padding the white space through padding 10 n units on the top and bottom and four and a right left right now it's like before this it was set at on our section element five and two so now let's push that down now let's work on this area so we're going to take our hero and the container inside of it we're going to say display flex that gets them situated beside each other justify content is going to be space between all right not much has changed except they are floating left and right we want to text align left because right now it's centered oops that's not working well don't worry we'll get to it i this is supposed to be text align left and i'm not sure why it is not doing that well let's figure it out and do some debugging because that's how i figured it would work let's get back out here all right so this is left call container let's see as you can see we can click on these and you can see all the text align center right here and text line center right here but it's not overriding it so what we could do is we can put in left call as you can see it's right here and it contains all this information text oh my god i'm stupid this happens left now it's gonna make it left i was wondering why wasn't it going left well it's because i made it center i made it like what was i thinking i've been recording far too long okay let's continue on all right what else should change here um the margin of this left column it's it's all messed up so left call we'll say margin 3am units on the top 3m units on the right zero on the bottom five m units on the left so we can move it in a little bit we'll take our h1 element make it larger font size three 3m units and width we'll do 90 percent all right our hero image right here let's come out after this third closing hero hyphen image width will be 30 percent margin right we're going to push it away by 8m units so now it's looking good i like it all right so now our cta right here try for free these this watch a video should be right here and they're wrapped in a parent container of hero cta so let's reference that so for that one let's see here we're going to put hero cta display flex so now it's right there but we need to push it away a little bit so we do primary cta which is the big blue button margin right 1m unit there we go then we have our after that we have our features list right here and at this point in the actual desktop version they're all on top of each other so now we'll take our ul features list we'll display block so now it pushes them all there and we'll say margin left 5 m units and then we're going to take our font size and or our list item rather make the font size 1.4 m units just to make them bigger and before we have to beef up the size of these because they're too small now in relation to the size of the text so width from 30 from 20 pixels to 30. there we go next up i we're going to put in our features i we have this photograph right here and so i think yeah feature section right here so we're going to reference this by feature section img because the image is inside of the feature section so we're going to come out here and put features section position relative because we're going to absolutely position the features section image so or we could just nest the image inside of here by the way so i'm just showing you can do you know things multiple ways display block so that's going to show it now now notice in the design it's positioned over here to the right absolute right is going to be zero width will be like 350 pixels and bottom will be negative 2 m units and there we go all right now at this size uh this viewport resolution we don't have enough space to add in these elements because they would overlap so we're going to do that at a larger viewport in a bit next up is this section here so now we're going to come and specify our testimonials section unordered list display flex that'll float them all next to each other list item margin is going to be zero on the top and bottom one end units on the right and left see that isn't that awesome all right our contact section again we'll do a position relative here and in our container inside of it will be display flex because there's two columns here so now this looks ugly so this iframe is inside of a parent container called contact right position will be absolute right will be zero top will be zero and then we're going to do width about 45 uh height is going to be 100 and then our iframe height also has to be set to 100 percent look at that very awesome so that's it for that media query now next one the final one and guess what we're almost done is to show these two elements which are right here all right so we're going to use the before and after pseudo selector on this section which is feature section so for this one we're gonna have enough room around 1450 pixels so features section we can put and before content is empty position will be absolute width will be about 10 percent height will be we'll just do 20 m units background is going to be var primary color so now if we save this we don't yet see it but don't worry i'm going to get it so we can see it in a second left is going to be 0 and top will be negative 4 m units all right so right now i do not see it so let me make sure that we're doing everything right we'll go ahead and try to ascertain the issue so let's get out our depth tools because i want to show that because this is not supposed to happen oh wait that's why we weren't large enough we we weren't up to 1450. now it's right there okay and then we're going to do the after the after is going to allow us to specify the little um graphics the dots all right so it's going to be pretty similar except for width it's going to be 200 pixels height that'll be 20 m units as well in the background this time is going to be a url we're going to do images dots.svg no repeat because we don't want it to repeat all right there's that for some reason the other thing oh after change that to after there we go and then now we have to position it better so the left is going to be like 4.5 m units and the top will be like 2 m units look at that pretty similar to what we have here all right believe it or not we are actually done let me close this so now we can see what this design looks like and how it's responsive so on a phone it's going to look something like this we're going to get a little bit larger and then around like a tablet it's gonna we're gonna have enough room so we can show all of our navigation items nothing else changes though still looks good one thing that did change was this because we went from all of them being collapsed to two columns then we come out of here and a lot of stuff changes so notice how these are all on top of each other and then they go into one row and then finally we come out here and we have another additional item that shows up just as a graphic and then uh also our navigation this works as well how awesome is that alright so hopefully you enjoyed that i know that was a whirlwind that was so much information on packed in and if you're a beginner you might be discouraged a little bit hopefully not i want to use this as kind of just a bird's eye view a macro level perspective of what the process is of front-end development which is the you know writing of html css and javascript um you're not going to walk away having a lot of confidence just by watching this one video you have to keep trying and have to keep learning different things so with that said if you want to keep learning more and you're interested in this stuff definitely subscribe to my youtube channel here click the bell notification icon i check out my site and i'll see you next time goodbye bye
Channel: DesignCourse
Views: 647,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: html css, html css tutorial, html css 2021, 2021 html css, 2021 html css tutorial, html 2021, css 2021, html tutorial, css tutorial, html tutorial 2021, css tutorial 2021, frontend development, gary simon, designcourse
Id: D-h8L5hgW-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 48sec (8268 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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