Elementor vs Divi | Which Is The Best Page Builder For WordPress?

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What is up people. My name is Ferdy and in this  video I will compare Elementor and Elementor Pro   with Divi I think Elementor Pro and Divi are the  best page builders in the world for WordPress,   I notice the Brizy theme as Gutenberg, both are  becoming better and better. But I still think   at this moment Elementor and Divi are the best  ones. And in this video, I will compare them with   each other on a lot of different subjects. Let  me show you on which subjects subjects are word.   And then we can start this video actually  is already started. So let's continue.   We will talk about the interface of both page  rulers, the elements in the modules they contain.   Of course, we'll talk about the pricing. We will  talk about features that the other page builder   doesn't have about pre made templates about the  theme builder of Elementor Pro and Divi. We'll   talk about the support of both page builders about  the community and about third party plugins. In   the description of this video is timestamps. So if  you want to go to a certain part in the tutorial,   you can click on the timestamp go directly to  the parts. The first thing that we will start   with is the interface of elemental and interface  of Divi. We'll compare that with each other. And   I will show you how we can navigate through the  page rulers. And that is what I will show you   right now. So let's start with Elementor page  builder. What you see over here is our page,   we can scroll down to see all this stuff.  And here at the left, we can adjust   things. So over here we see an overview  with a lot of elements, we can add an image,   text editor, button video, login area  slides, all those things can be dragged   over here like that. While we've done that, we  can adjust all the settings also here at the left.   So I can click over here. And then I see the  heading, I can click over here. And then I see   the button and here I can change the content of  the button, I can say click here, I can change the   link to different page, I can align the button to  the right and to the left. So this has everything   to do with the content, then the second step  has everything to do with the styling. So if   I want to change the colour of the button, I  can click over here I can change the colour   make the text green, bring it back. And if I want  to go to all the elements, I click over here.   So I can scroll down. I can drag an image  over here. And then I can adjust the content.   I can adjust the styling.   So let's say look at the structure of  the page. Well, it's the same as Divi,   over here we have a section you see a small blue  line over here around this area. In that section,   we have columns. And when I hover over here, I  see the surroundings of the column, the border,   and also via sort our two columns. And in those  columns, we can have elements. So this is a   heading element. This is a countdown element. This  is another heading element. So this is structure   sections intersections, you can have columns in  those columns, you can have elements, and I can   also say I want to have three columns. So I can  click on the plus now three columns, or monzi. I   can duplicate a column, so I have two columns. And  I can switch it with this one, Command Z, Command   Z. And in that way, we can create beautiful pages.  Let me get rid of it. Let me get rid of this.   If I scroll down, I see this colour purple. I  click over here it is an image box. If I want   to change this colour, I can go to the Stell to  the CSS filters, and I can change it you if I want   to this colour and now if I want this  to be applied on all those places,   I say right mouse click, copy over here, Shift  Command V, click Shift Command V, Shift Command V   or right mouse click paste style and then you  see the shortcut for PC if you're on a PC,   so that's how it can work and then I  see this colour, I can go to the cell.   Change this colour to the primary colour.  Right mouse click Copy and then again, base it or right mouse click paste Estelle.   So that is Elementor. Let's talk about Divi over  here with a page made with the Divi theme. And   as I said before, it's the same structure as  with Elementor. So over here, we have a section   in the section we can have multiple columns within  the Divi theme they call that arose right now we   have only one row. And in those rows, we can have  modules with elemental you call them elements with   Divi you call them modules, but they're the same.  So I click over here, and now I can click here.   And then I see this area this area is the same  thing as you see over We're here with Elementor.   But this area has more functions, I can drag  it to the left, stick it to the left. And then   also over here, I can change the content. Let's  make this eight gay, and they see it over here,   we can change a link. So we can link this  to a page, we can change the background,   we can go to design and there we can  change the text style, the Heading style,   the sizing spacing border, a lot of things over  here. So it's actually quite the same only with   Divi, you can make it look like this and drag  it to the right. So if you're working over here,   you can drag it to the right, if you're working  at the right, you can drag it to the left. If   you want to add something you cannot drag it  over here, but you click on the plus over here.   And I can scroll to everything Divi has to offer.  It has slightly less modules than Elementor.   But you can do amazing things  with all those beautiful modules.   So let's talk about some differences between  Elementor and the Divi theme. For instance,   if I want to make this a little bit  smaller, I can click over here, I can   decrease depending what Elementor I cannot  do that. So if I want to decrease this,   I need to click over here. And then I can change  the height like that. So with Divi that can be   handy if you scroll through the website, okay,  I'll to add a little a little bit more space.   just increase it like that. It's a nice  function. I don't mind going to element or   clicking somewhere else. When I change the  padding, I'd rather use the pixel perfect   way. So I would like to say, a margin of 10  pixels, or 40. But if you just want to see   how it looks when you change some things, you  can do that in Divi and it's a nice function.   But I also like about Divi, when I want to save  something, I just say Command or Control S right   now here at the right button, I will save it. And  Elementor I cannot do that. If I say command S   it doesn't save. But what I can do, I can click  over here, it's always visible. So no matter where   I am, I can click over here and I see when it's  not updated. It's blue. So right now it's updated.   So when I click over here, and I'm bringing  it to the right, now I know I can update it.   What I like about Elementor I click on this I  look at this, now is the perfect result of the   website. I think okay, this a little bit big. So  I scroll up, I click over here, I go to the style.   And I change the width to something like this.  I click on update, and without refreshing the   space look at this, it automatically will be  refreshed. It's what I really like with Divi.   You can say command S, which I like. But if you  want to see the result, you need to hold Command   or Control and then click over here. Okay, this is  when I expect my baby daughter in Ada days. So I   have a little bit more time to make tutorials.  Imagine she will be born two days later.   I check this, I can say command S bots. But  I need to do now I need to go to this page.   And I need to refresh it Command  R or f5 on the Windows computer   before the changes will be applied. So if you're  working a lot, and you want to see how things   look. It's really nice that here with Elementor,  you can see the results immediately. And if you   want to have another shortcut, just say Ctrl  tap, and then go to a new tab in your window.   What I can do over here if I have a really big  page, and I want to drag a few things around,   so I want to drag this area on top over here and  I can do that, I can click over here, I go to   navigator. There I have an overview of everything  I have my website. So if I click over here,   I go to this area. And if I want to have this area  above testimonials, I can just drag it over here.   I really like it. And if he has also something  like that, you can click over here and if you   don't see that, click on those three dots. Click  over here you see the wireframe of the website.   And I also see everything there is in the  website. So if you want to drag something around,   just like that, then you go over here again. Now see this area on top, but I sometimes don't  like about the Divi theme is that things can   be a little bit clunky and have the right if  it's the right word, it's a little bit slow,   even though I have a really fast  computer, and what element or that is   less the case. So if I decide to bring this to  the top, it happens like that. And when Divi I   click over here and it takes a while before  I go there. So it's a little bit slower.   Something like this. I need to scroll really  hard in order to get to the top. I release it.   I go over here again And it takes a while before  that happens. But it seems that Elementor is a   little bit faster I want to talk about element  I'm primarily talking about Elementor Pro.   Okay, let's talk about elements, also known as  modules in Elementor. They are called elements   in Divi. They're called modules. Let's talk  about those. So let's talk about elements,   also known as modules. With the free version of  Elementor. There are then different elements over   here. And we don't talk about the pro version  at this moment, then there are even more   an image box star rating, image carousel,  all those over here. A total of 31 different   elements for the free version of Elementor. But  when you have the free version of elemental,   you definitely should check out essential  add ons. When you instal essential add   ons to your free version of Elementor, you  will have a total of 78 different elements,   countdown, event calendar, fancy text,  Facebook feed all those things for free   78 different elements. Let's talk about Divi.  If I scroll down, click on the plus regular   one row, you have 38 different elements.  But that's not entirely true. Because   over here, when we click on the plus, we also have  these. So total of 47 different modules. These   are all for full width areas. And if we click on  the plus over here, accordion audio par counter,   contact form. Portfolio boasts slider pricing  tables, a lot of beautiful modules, and you can   configure all those modules so you can create  really comprehensive websites. So let's talk   about Elementor Pro without essential add ons.  You have a total of 58 modules, you can use   also price lists flip box call to action, media  carousel, testimonial, carousel countdown,   a lot of different elements. And also here you  can adjust them also when you drag something   over here. You have different options over here,  you can style everything. And another way give   everything a certain look a few that is in line  with our branding. So when you have elements pro   a of the essential add ons, they have more than  100 different modules that you can use in order   to create beautiful websites. If you'd like to see  tutorials about every single element within Divi   and Elementor, let me know in the comments, if  there are a lot of people that want it and I can   make those really important subject, let's talk  about pricing. So in order to see the pricing   of Elementor, you can go to 30, or that's comm  forward slash Elementor. This isn't affiliate   link, you don't pay more, but I get a commission.  So thank you for that. They can go to pricing. And there see a lot of plans. Let me start with  the free version, which you don't see here.   There is a free version of Elementor, which is  amazing. I have tutorials about it, you can create   amazing website using free version of Elementor  a free theme, and then additional adults.   But why don't we talk about Elementor Pro, you can  have one website with Elementor Pro and pay $49   per year, you get 90 plus widgets 300 Plus  templates, then full website template kits. So   10 Complete websites, you get the theme builder  to form Miller, the WooCommerce biller will pop   builder, you get regular updates for a year, and  you get premium support. We'll talk about support   later. So if we take a look at the next two plans,  those three plans are all the same, except for   one thing, the amount of websites. So you can have  the same package for three websites. And this will   cost you $99 per year. And you can have it for  25 websites, which is 199 per year. Then there's   the studio version for 100 Pro websites and the  difference over here that you get access for the   expert network, you can offer your service there  so you can start making websites for clients.   Then there's the VIP sports with live chat, and  can have up to five members from your team that   can get in touch with Elementor. Then there is the  agency plan 1000 websites for $999 per year with   VIP support up to 10 members that can get in touch  with Elementor and also access to the Elementor   expert network. If you decide somehow after a year  to cancel your pro subscription, your website will   remain the same everything will work. The only  thing that will change you will do not get updates   anymore. You do not get the Premier Support, you  get support, but not the Premier Support anymore.   And I'll drag any more pro elements in  the baseball anymore but your website your   Elementor Pro website will stay the same after  you cancel your subscription. And now let's go to   30 Corp that's comm forward slash Divi and if you  use this link, there's also an affiliate link you   don't pay more but through this link you get 20%  off which is a great deal. Here there are only two   plants there's a plant for a yearly access for  $70 per year, you get access to the Divi thing,   the extra theme to the bloom AMone are plugins  I'll talk about plugins later, hundreds of website   back so here are only 10. I know they're making  new ones. But here there are hundreds of websites   back what is the website back a complete website  in the same styling you can import that complete   website into your Divi website. You get product  updates, premium support, unlimited website users,   this is crazy over here for one website for  $49 per year. Over here, you can use them on   limited websites. So a 1000s if you want to or 20  different clients you have for just $70 per year.   And just as with Elementor there's a 30 day money  back guarantee. And also here with Divi there's a   30 day money back guarantee. But there's also the  second plan. And this is crazy, this is crazy,   lifetime access. Look at this a one time payment  of $199. You get access to the Divi thing,   the extra thing, the bloom plugin, Moto plugin.  Also all those amazing options, lifetime updates,   lifetime premium support an unlimited  website user, so you can use your licence on   unlimited websites for the rest of  your life. So if you would make 1000   websites in the next five years, you can all  do that with the same licence of the one time   investment of 199. This is an amazing deal. So  let's talk about 199. If you go to Elementor,   you can invest 199. But you can only access to  25 website instead of unlimited, and you need to   pay this per year. Here you will have it for the  rest of your life. So when it comes to the price,   Divi has a far greater deal for you. I bought  mine I think six years ago or five years ago,   and I still use it to this day on as much  websites as I want. And if I have a friend,   and he wants me to make a website, I can use my  licence. Make a website with Divi with the extra   theme, the bloom plugin, the Molenaar plugin, I  can import a premade website. And I can still ask   questions if I have a problem in my website. And  I get premium support, even while I bought it five   or six years ago. And that is an amazing deal.  So does it make the deal of Elementor a bad deal?   No. $199 per year for having up to 25 websites up  and running. That's also great deal. So the thing   is, this deal was only even better. But I think  when it comes to making pro websites, having an   amazing website for yourself using Elementor Pro  for $49. I think that's a good deal. If you want   to use it for 25 websites, I think 199 is still  a great deal. The only thing is that this deal   is so much better. So now I want to talk about  advantages of one page builder above another one   because Elementor has this functionality  which Divi doesn't have but this Divi. Divi has this element, it doesn't have that. So  I'll talk about that in the next coming minutes.   And they can see what you prefer the most.  And based on that you can decide which way   to go or you buy them both, or you buy nothing  and just enjoy this video, or you like this video,   subscribe for more upcoming WordPress related  tutorials. Well, let's talk about beautiful   functionalities that one has, the other one  doesn't have. So with Elementor, you can create   custom popups. So if I click over here on add  new pop up. I can't call this one oh pop. No,   I pronounced it a little bit weird. I'm sorry for  that. I hope it's funny for you not irritating.   So now I can choose a different pop. It can be  anything. Or I can create something from scratch,   it can be about discount, it can be  about signing up for the newsletter,   it can be about cookies that you need to comply  with that it can be a countdown with a seal.   And when I choose one, I can click on insert  or as I said before, I can start from scratch.   And you can do so many things over here you can  create anything that you can create with Elementor   but then in a pop up with Divi it's a little bit  different. With Divi you can have a pop up as a   standard pop up plugin, it's called Bloom,  and it's quite a standard pop up form that   can slide in or pop up or be on the top of the  website or below or somewhere in the blog post.   There are not so much customization you can do but  it does the job it gets people's email address.   And that's the goal. The only thing is  with Elementor you can create anything   and with the bloom plugin,  it's a little bit limited.   However with Divi there's an extra theme gold  extra you can watch the video over here Elegant   Themes with comm or slash gallery or go to Elegant  Themes calm and then click on all products extra   magazine theme, you can watch the video if you  want to. Three minutes they will show you what   you can do it if it can scroll down. You can  create a website like this that is focused on   new posts. So you can make a gossip website or a  new website about soccer or about cryptocurrency.   People can reply to things. You can have multiple  authors so you can have a whole team of people or   a group of friends, write about a certain subject  and create a website like this And it is really   easy to build with that the sky is the limit,  because you can just drag and drop a lot of things   and make the website look like you wanted to look.  Also demos you can import with a few clicks. And   if you take a look at the demo, so let's take  a look at this one, you can see the result   of what it can do, I will have a tutorial  about creating a website like this. And it's   called Elegant Themes, I think it looks really  elegant, professional. So that is what you can   create aids. with Elementor Pro, you  can also create something similar,   but it's a little bit harder to do. And another  thing that I really like about Divi let's go to   all products. Let's go to monarch. Over here, you  can have a timer again, you can watch this video,   we can take a look at the live demo, you can have  a social media counter, or let people share things   on your website really easily. So if I click away,  I can share this page on Facebook or on Pinterest,   or somewhere else I can decide where I  want to show this on all these things.   And it's really easy to set up. And to configure  if tutorials about it, you can watch them. So you   can show anywhere in the website. And you also can  have smart calendar so you can show something like   this, and show to all your people that you have so  many Facebook followers, or YouTube subscribers,   etc. There are a lot of different options. It  looks great. And I actually use it on my website   may were Elementor. But I also use this function.  So I really like the Boehner plugin. It's not   with Elementor by the way, that elegant theme  package. So let's talk about Elementor. Again,   what I like about Elementor is that you can  have a dark interface, so I can click over here,   I can go to the user preferences, I can change  the theme or layout to a dark one does not   possible over in the Divi theme at this moment.  But what I really like about the Divi theme,   let me go to Divi four.com. Enable the  visual builder, I can use split testing. So   over here it says we bring your ideas to life.  Click over here, we bring you lots of clients   with a different backgrounds. So again, I click I  see the other one. And then I can see based on how   this looks when people click more on the Learn  More button or get in touch. And when I see the   more people click on those links, using this  layout, I know this one converts better. So then I remove this one. I split this this one and I  changed something again and then that way, I can   optimise everything, so I get more leads and more  sales. And that's what I really like about the   Divi theme. And it's not a possibility yet. But in  Elementor, talking about Elementor what I really   like, I go to all my elements, and I can have an  inner section. So I'm waiting a section already.   And I can have an intersection with two  columns or three columns. And this gives   me so much space to create what I have in mind  with Divi theme. If I want to do the same thing,   I just cannot do that, I can click on the  plus. And I cannot do something. So again,   with Elementor you have more freedom to  create whatever you have in mind, and when   Divi it can be limited sometimes. Let's talk  about pre made templates, complete websites or   single pages or blocks. Let's talk about it right  now. How about we start with Elementor this time,   just like every time, the order doesn't  matter, I'll talk about them both.   I open Elementor. Close this. And if I  click over here below, on this folder, I can   I can import pre made pages. If you go  to the free ones, I don't know if you   can see them. But as long as they're no pro  area, they're free. What I really don't like   maybe this looks nice, but it's only for one  page. But most of the time you have multiple   pages. So if you only have this page, you should  create all the other pages. So what I would prefer   is that there will be complete template backs for  every kind of page. So I don't like this. I don't   like this. I don't like this, but I do like is  this one. So all the same cell in here is the   about page, the Contact page, the gallery page.  What I don't like about Elementor at this moment   is that you need to import all those pages one by  one. And of course there's a way on how to do it.   But it should be better. If you could just import  a complete website with a few clicks. There are   some third party plugins like Astra Black  sea theme gadens that can do that. And with   Elementor it's not yet the case, but I have been  told you see that. When I do this in my videos,   it means I'm gonna say something really  important. I have been told or I've heard that   it will come to element or dead with one click.  You can instal a complete website and adjust the   style to your wishes. So it will come but right  now it's not the case yet. So let's dive right   into it. You can also search based on the new  ones and then you see them all lineup together.   But I think there is room for improvement.  I do like the layouts, not all of them.   But I think they're not that much layouts. If  we take a look at for the corp comm forward   slash Elementor, hit enter and we go to the  pricing page clicking over here, what we see   is there are 10 full website templates, it's  only 10. Well, if we take a look at Divi,   if I hover over New Age, I call this  one templates, or 10 by one not,   maybe that's a beautiful word in this  certain language. Use the Divi Builder.   We can build from scratch, or we can choose  a premade layout. Well, if you accidentally   click over here, then you can click on those three  dots, click on the plus. And then you can also use   a premade layout, what you see 213 layout packs a  layout pack is a complete website. Some websites   are big, multiple pages, some are smaller, but you  can see them over here. But I don't like over here   all the time. Things are not loading here. I don't  know why I have fast internet, I have a fast web   hosting provider. These are loading. And these  are not about if you want to see all the results,   all the examples. It's frustrating,  because maybe there's a beautiful layout,   but I'm missing it because I don't see it. So let  me do that again. Click on the plus. It's loading,   loading, loading. And it's not loading. Why by why  I have no ID. But what do you see there are a lot   more pre made layouts. Some are a little over the  top, I think you can create beautiful designs with   Divi, but some are maybe a little bit too much.  But you can adjust them to your wishes. So   you see eight different pages for one website.  So I what I can do, I can go this is the   webpage where the where title, so I can click  over here, I can scroll down and if I like it,   I can use this layout or I can click  on the live demo, then it will import or import I don't know.   Then I can say command S I like this layout.  Again, I like it and I can change the colours.   And if I want to create a new  page, I should say new page.   And I say about page, publish  it. Then I use the Divi Builder I choose a premade layout. I scroll down, now  they are loading somehow Wow, it's miracle.   Then I search for layout, click over here, I  search for the about page. That's it. And I use   this layout and that way I can build up a website  and also here I cannot import a complete website   at once. It should be possible why because there  are few third party plugins that can do that I   save it. So let's go back to Elementor. I have  the Astra theme over here and with Astra theme,   you have the starter templates. So I can  select the page builder I choose Elementor   based on the licence I have the free  licence so if I search for free I can search   for a certain category. But now I can import  all those websites and they are complete.   So over here is even with a shop.  If I click over here, I see those   three pages. Okay, okay. Okay. Let's take a look  at another one LearnDash Academy, four pages.   This 130 pages okay, I can import the  complete website need to fill in a few details   I can skip this and I would start importing  Elementor and all the necessary plugins for this   starter template. I would like to see that  Elementor would come up with the same thing it   would save you a lot of time if you want to start  with a premade website. Okay, I can view the site   so as far I can do it, I think  Elementor should also be able   to do this I go to the About Us  page like that I go to the store.   Everything is created from scratch. I really  like that. So there are more themes to do this   phrase in the Black Sea theme or the cadence  theme. I can go to the starter sites over here.   If I hover over it, I can see is for Gutenberg  breezy Elementor so I can click on import.   Next, choose Elementor next, next, and  instal so now we can view the website   so now this is also created using the free  version of Elementor not the pro version.   But if these guys can do it Elementor  should also be able to do this.   So let's talk about Divi. We can go to 30  corp.com forward slash Divi or go to Divi comm   then we can go to the Divi Divi  marketplace and see third party   plugins, extensions and themes. So if I go to  Divi child themes, I can click over here I can   take a look at the live demo. You see  there are a lot of different header designs   for the designs and I can buy this so that's  really nice. If I want to buy this first you   can take a look at all the pages and  you see it looks really professional. Adjust the information and you're  good to go. We can buy this item   with a ball we paid $25 and I will be redirected  to this page. I can download the product product downloads. Here it is download so now  I can go to my new Divi website over here see   is my with Divi and there's nothing yet so  I go to Appearance Themes. I want to add   this as a child theme. So I click on add new  upload themes. Drag it over here instal now   you see I tried to do a review, but I'm more  tutorial guy so I'll explain everything. I'm   sorry if that's not fun for you. Let me  know and I can make even shorter review.   I activate this theme begin installing the  one click demo import plugin instal. Okay,   return to the dashboard. Okay, then I  can go to Appearance import demo data.   Scroll down import demo data, I can instal a few  plugins. Continue an import. And imagine if you   make a website for a client, you see a beautiful  layout it's $25 or $50. You buy to import it,   you adjust it to their wishes, you can save  yourself a lot of time and at the same time,   help your clients so that's a win win situation.  And as I said before, you can use Divi for   unlimited websites for unlimited clients. So this  is a great way to make money and at the same time   help people by creating beautiful websites.  Okay, the import is complete. This is at site.   Now see all the pages there are over here.  And we can make this look better, of course.   But now we imported this complete page,   not only the page, the complete  website so if I go to the pricing page it looks really beautiful. You can adjust  all the settings and decide which pages   you want to use for your website. So  that's it about premade templates,   both Elementor Pro and Divi have a theme builder.  So you can create a header, custom footer custom   block that place you can customise the whole  website. So let me compare those for you in   the next couple of minutes. So again, we start  with Elementor. And if I look over here, I have a   simple header. I scroll down, it stays on top, so  logo and amend it with something new. That's it.   If I go to the backend, and I go to templates  below Elementor. I go to the theme Biller,   I go to this area and over here since I have  nothing yet, I can have a customer custom footer,   custom single post single page archive search  results single product single arc of product   archive and 404 page. So if I click on the  header, well I can do now I can import a   layout or I can create something with Elementor  Pro from scratch. I can also make use of   premade blocks. But for now I want to use my own  templates. So I click over here, select the file.   And then I can choose a transparent header  I changed a logo on scroll dot zip open it.   There it is. Now I can insert it over here. Now it  looks a little bit weird. If I click on Publish,   I can decide where I want to display this.  So that's the power of the theme builder. I   can add a condition I can say I want to only  show this on a single page. For instance, the   the front page, save and close. So first, let  me remove this later section deleted. Update.   Let's go back to the homepage. It looks like  this. And if I scroll down, I get this and   then if I to go to a different page, I see normal  header. So that's what you can do over here. And   now if I go over here to the female, or I see my  header over here. And if I click on the headers,   I see it even with an image. And I can change  the condition. So I can also click over here,   add a condition showed on the entire  site. Now if I save it and close it,   and I go to the homepage, as seen on  how page if I go to the get in touch   page, I also see it over here. So  here, I can edit the sticky header.   Or I can click here and go to the  female or I can add a new one, a footer   upload a new one, click over here and select  the footer with sticky call to action. Open insert publish an MSA, I want  to show this on the entire website. Okay, so I can say command II homepage.  Click over here. And now when I scroll down,   it'll look like this. And if I go to a  different page, the shop page for instance.   I also see it here below. So this is what you can   do. Now if I go to a different page  again, I will also see it here below. So again, edit with Elementor.   And then over here, I can go to the female there. If I go to a certain blog  page. So I go to the website,   blog and I go to a blog post. It looks  really normal. What I can do now,   if I want to over here, I can go to  the single post, I can add a template   and I can use a premade  layout. So if I choose this one   my publisher it and I apply it on  the whole website all single posts.   And I go to the website, look at this.   I go to the blog page. Now if I click on  a blog post, this is the layout see that   different cell, same cell different content. I  can also apply this only a certain pages I can   exclude certain pages. So that is what you can  do. And in the end of the day it will look like   this. I go to templates, theme builder.  And then I see an overview over here.   I can rename things, I can go to the  headers. I can rename the header if I   want to. And that way keep it organised. So  let's take a look at Divi I go to the back   end. I go to Divi Theme builder. I personally  like this more, because it's a little bit more   organised, I can add a global header, that means  it will be applied on every single page. So I   click over here, I can edit from the library. I  can go to my saved layouts, says Divi Heather,   I already imported it. Now if I save  the changes, and I go to the website,   this header is on every page.  So if I go to the contact page,   it is there. If I go to branding, if I go to a  blog post, it is on every page in the website.   But there's no footer. So what I can do, I  can add a footer over here and a global footer   added from the library. I save Laos, the footer.  I save it and I refresh the page. And now there   is the footer on every single page, the blog  page or on the about page, the same header. The same footer with this call  to action. But if I click on New,   I can decide where I want to display  this. So I can say on a specific page. The homepage I can create a template. And  now it seems like I made a copy. So nothing   changed. But what I can do, I can click over  here. Disable global. Also here disable global   and now if I adjust it let me say this  first. But if I adjust it over Here   I can click over here, go to the background.   Change those colours, let's say blue. And then  the second one. Also blue, a bit darker. Okay,   save it. Well, that's Ctrl S, I close it. So now  it says a specific page home will have this area.   So the whole website, the contact page will  have this header. But the homepage, I click on   the logo, we'll have this header. And another  way you can adjust every part of the website.   Same goes for this area.  If I decide to change this   the footer, I can remove this area on the  s. And I will see on the whole website   serves as branding, I will have this area call  us but on the homepage, I will not have it.   Because I assigned only this only this  custom footer to the homepage. So if I   click on the plus, I can assign any  layout to any part in the website.   So also here, if I go to the blog  page, I go to this page as men thinks   it looks like this. But if I decide to click  over here, and I go to posts, create a template,   so all posts should have a custom body.  I want to edit to the from the library.   I search for blog, or post. And  if I find a template that I like,   I can import it and then a look a few of this page  will be changed. So with Elementor. And with Divi   you can do the same thing. What I like more about  Elementor. So when you click on New, you go for a   single post, for instance. There are more  layouts that you can choose. What I like about   Divi is is that there is a structure over  here. So it makes a little bit more sense   is the global area. If I want to have another  global header or footer, it's right from the   global area. And that way in that way I see.  Okay, the homepage has a different footer,   and different header. If I only want to have a  different header over here, I can remove this.   If these areas are empty, it means that they will  make use of the global body and the global footer.   So let's talk about the theme builder. A really  important subject is support how is the support   of Elementor? And how is the support of Divi? Let  me tell you upfront that with Elementor, there are   three different levels of support. The first  one is free support for people that use a free   page builder called Elementor. I'm talking about  Elementor. Which are you aware of that so far,   talking about Elementor and Divi Okay, stupid  area at the video, but let's continue give the   free version of Elementor you can have support  for that. You can have the Pro version of   Elementor Elementor Pro, then you have better  support. And then if you have Elementor studio   or agency, then you have really, really great  and quick support. So there are three levels.   Right now I will talk about the support when you  have a question about Elementor Pro related stuff.   So with Elementor, I go to elementor.com I go  to my accounts, you can be logged in or not,   but you can go to the support over  here. Then you can watch tutorials,   go to the community you can also ask your  questions in the community or you go to the   Support Centre. And it is searched a little bit  before you can get in touch with someone from   element and also this can be a little bit of using  like an expert here. I want to find an expert but   his expert the sport or not. This a little bit  complicated for me. So I just want to get in   touch with someone. How can I do that? I need to  go to Phil few things. And if it's not helping,   I have to say I'm a little bit confused. I don't  like it. And I can imagine that because otherwise   if it's so easy for people to get in touch with  Elementor with the support everybody or get in   touch with them and I know there's so many people  working there being full time supporters. Also   because there's a free version so people that  don't pay can go and get help choose support. I'm here to help centre. If you really  cannot find it then you can get in touch   with them send them a message, but they need  to go through a few steps so get pro support   as often Do it something else with.  Okay, let's talk about technical issue.   Okay, it's about how to continue. And  I can give my details what I did at the   latest time. And also the first time I did  it only one time, I sent my email, let me   make it a little bit smaller. I sent my email  November 16, at night, and then two days later,   at noon, I got a message personal message  with the highlights what I could do. So   that's what was the only time I reached out to  support and within two days, they answered me   when it comes to Divi that come by, like when  you're logged in at Divi, sorry, elegant themes.   When you're logged in, you already  see the history of your support.   I can find the answer over here or really simple,  I can send a message. When I send the message,   they reply really quick. So that's what I like.  And also when I was missing, how can I close it,   okay, I go to my accounts, I can go to support, I  can chat with them, it's really easy to find the   support Technical Support Chat with our team.  I can have a local meetup, go to the forums,   browse tutorials, or I want to chat with  the team. So it's really easy to do that   before it was easier, I think to just create  a ticket over here. And then they reach out   to me really quick within 24 hours and  they helped me every time I had to go to   the support a little bit more with Divi than  what Elementor but they were able to help me   so I think the support of Divi is a little bit  better also, because it's easier to find the   support. And you go to the website and the first  thing you can do, click over here and say hey,   I have a question. Can you help me with Elementor  yet search, but they both reply within two days,   which is nice. So how are the communities  around Elementor and Divi? Let's find out.   If we take a look at the community of Elementor  you can go to facebook.com forward slash this   No just kidding, just facebook.com Sorry, often  known, sorry now and then I need to do something   weird. I searched for Elementor and I hit enter.  And then over here I see Elementor 151,000   likes and if you click on it, you see  updates from yesterday and the day before   and the day before and over here you can also go  to the support really easily. So that's a nice if   I search for Elegant Themes and makers of Divi  you see over here 142,000 likes and also here   an update ago, less than an hour ago 13 hours ago  13 hours ago, you see a lot of information that   is displayed over here so you can learn a lot of  things and you can go to the website over here and   if we take a look at YouTube and we searched  for Elementor there's the Elementor YouTube   channel Wow well done Rhino Reno different  pixels Elementor website built for WordPress   you see 400 videos 246,000 subscribers and if  we search for Elegant Themes are way way way   Wait wait wait a minute 30 You see two weeks ago  two weeks ago three weeks ago so let's videos are   less videos. I know Divi has more videos,  but every video is around getting inspired   new updates or tutorials. So you can learn a lot  of things over here a webinar on level up your   design skills. So besides Elementor and being a  page editor, page builder, template, the template   builder website builder, you'll also learn  about designing about storytelling about a   lot so that's interesting and research. We're  elegant things, one of the 52,000 subscribers   a lot more videos it's in my opinion a  little bit broader, like there are more   more more videos about more different subjects  not all the subjects are interesting for all   subscribers I think so I think Elementor  does a better job kicking keep kicking,   keeping it closer to in the same style on the  air. It feels like they're all over the place   with podcasts and things and if you want to suck  everything out what what there is to learn about   different well being and watch all the videos.  I think it's personal preference for me. I like less videos but more in the same style more  on the same subjects. And look at this 12344   videos in 24 hours more than our off  the Durrells every day It can feel like   a little bit overwhelming, but it's up to  them. So that's what I wanted to show you.   Let's talk about third parties are their additions  to Elementor and Divi and how do they look and   find them. And if I could choose one for both  one edition to Elementor one addition to Divi,   which one would I choose? Let's find out in  the next coming minutes. If I go to plugins add   new and I search for Elementor ECDL enter page  builder and then you see essential add ons   Elementor header a footer bill or premium add ons  for Elementor Elementor kids started templates, oh   boisterous for Elementor and limited elements for  Elementor. So a lot of third party plugin and they   often have a free version, and then they have a  pro version but if you use all the free versions,   you can do quite a few nice things when it comes  to Divi. Keep in mind that Divi is a paid plugin,   there's no free version. So I think there  are more faith plugins over here about opts   for Divi flip cards module for Divi. So pretty  modules, simple Divi shortcodes are also here,   a lot of additions to Divi and if I could  choose only one source for both parties,   it would definitely be for the corp. For slash  Croco block. This is amazing. This is Elementor   free or pro a steroids. Look at the features  or the solutions which you can do. Let's take   this website for instance. This is what you can  make. Or you can import it with a few clicks.   Using Croco block so you can create a beautiful  listing website about real estate also selling   cars renting cars, and all looks really  professional and it's built on top of Elementor   and what I love about Croco block is that there  is a lifetime deal so you can pay seven $50   for one time and then can have access to unlimited  websites. And you can use make use of all the   tools. So if I would go back to Croco block  it are a lot of plugins on top of Elementor so   products, jet engines, jet Smart Filters, booking  reviews, galleries, WooCommerce builders, pop ups,   blocks Style Manager. And it's amazing what  you can do with this I have a lot of tutorials   about it you can find them at Ferdy Corp does  comm and they can go to tutorials Croco block   and I tried to cover everything with tutorials  I have more than 15 hours of tutorials about   Croco block. So when it comes to Divi I would go  for 30 corp.com forward slash Divi life, hit enter   and I would go to All Access Pass. Watch the  video what it does to get Divi child themes, extra   plugins which gives you extra functionalities you  can watch this video if you wanted to see what   is what is all about the 30 minutes you will know  what it is it's just actually living on steroids.   And if the Durrells you can pay $349 And they  have lifetime access also when they add new stuff.   Sure I think Elementor with Croco block is  a great combination and Divi with Divi life   is a great combination. So those are the  two best tools to fit with Elementor and   with Divi and I think that sums it all up.  Okay guys, that's it. I hope you learn a lot   of stuff you know which page builder is the best I  actually use a combination of them I use Elementor   and then I also use a few modules off Divi, to  be honest, my opinion which one do I prefer?   I prefer Elementor Pro and why I think I'm  just used to it I use I use it more often. I   think the pricing is much better for Divi. So  if you are on a budget and you want to start maybe should go with Divi but I personally  prefer Elementor Pro. I love the community. I   love how they're evolving or becoming better and  better. And what I also love about Elementor is   Croco blocks those two combined elemental Pro  on steroids with Croco block. I think that's an   amazing way to make websites. But I also enjoyed  the Divi theme. I think it's like a PC or a Mac,   or a Canon camera or a Nikon camera or a Tesla and  no, Tesla's the only. No, there's no competition.   Okay, that's a stupid example. So, yeah, you know  what I mean? You can use a Windows PC or you can   use a Mac and with both you can do great things  and some people prefer PC. Some people prefer Mac.   There's no right or wrong. For me, I personally  prefer Elementor but what if either things you can   Do you can not do that with Elementor and that's  what I liked because then it keeps competition   alive because they want to be done better than  the other ones so they keep on making better and   eventually, at the end of the day, we are the  winners because they make great tools for us.   We can use them for ourselves or for our clients.  Having said that, I want to thank you for watching   this video feel free to like this video subscribe  for more upcoming tutorials feel free to leave a   comment about your opinion or whatever. Let's have  some great fights in the comments like now if he's   better no Elementor and then more comments go  to my video. The more comments I get the more   YouTube will recognise me and plays me high in  the search results and then people buy things   to my fitted links that make more money and then I  can buy a second house the second house I can rent   it to my friends and they can live nearby and  so let's have a fight in the comment section.   Yeah, I know I will leave this in the video  and I I'm already asking myself why. So let's   keep it with this. Thank you guys for watching. I  never done that before the video. Okay, come on.   Bla bla bla. Bye bye
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 11,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferdy Korpershoek, Wordpress, Elementor, Elementor Pro, Divi, Elegant Themes, divi vs elementor, divi vs elementor 2021, divi vs elementor pro, elementor vs divi, elementor pro vs divi, elementor wordpress, elementor vs divi comparison, best page builders for wordpress, elementor vs divi builder, elementor page builder, divi builder, wordpress page builders, divi builder for wordpress, best wordpress page builder, elementor review, divi 4.0, elementor pro review, divi price
Id: RKq-4bvB9mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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