How To Build A Website in 20 Minutes (Wordpress Tutorial 2021)

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everyone my name is Nate and in this tutorial I'll be showing you step by step how to build a professional-looking website now what's great about this is that you don't have to be a web developer or know how to code in order to be able to build a professional-looking website in a very quick amount of time so this will be a more condensed tutorial but if you're looking for those hour long or two hour long WordPress tutorials we will be releasing those later in the coming weeks but this is going to be a condensed most important parts of building a website to get you from where you are now without a site to getting you to a fully built out site as fast as possible so follow along I'll leave some in the show notes down below as well as some different time stamps so let's get started here but if you're new here make sure you hit that subscribe button so you don't miss more videos like this so let me take you to my computer and let's get started with this alright so for this tutorial we'll be using a website called Hostgator which is a hosting service that you need to host your website on and you certainly go off to use Hostgator but it is the one that we're gonna be using for this video so if you want to follow along I'll leave a link down in the description below but we can just click on get started here and you can start for as low as two dollars and 75 cents per month we do have some other reviews on some different hosting services if you want to go through and kind of sort through them and find the one that might be the best fit for you but let's just click get started here and then we're gonna see three different options for hosting our website so at the lowest tier we have the hatchling plan which we can get for as low as two dollars and seventy-five cents per month and then we also have the baby plan and the business plan as well for this tutorial I'll just be using the cheapest option here which is the hatchling plan for two dollars and seventy five cents per month but you probably will notice that there will be some upsells along the way and this is where we're at right now which is going through the process of choosing our domain choosing our hosting plan signing up with certain information that we need and then deciding on how long of a plan we're looking for so for choosing a domain here as I'm highlighting up top here you can see Hostgator com that is the domain that we are on right now Hostgator domain is Hostgator com sometimes you'll see like McDonald's com that's a domain so you need to find your domain if you already own one you can just click over here on I already own this domain but if you need to register a new one we can just type in here and let's find a domain let's say for this let's say nate o'brien is going to be our domain that we will use for this new website that we're creating so I'll see if it's available it looks like it is available as a primary domain so that's pretty great to see and then we also it looks like they're running this special offer at the moment which is giving us that free one-year domain registration on select annual plans so we are getting a nice discount there we're getting that that free domain for a year Hostgator it runs a number of different promotions depending on the time in the year at the moment so you know maybe you'll see something different maybe you won't see this free domain for the first year but it might be running some other promos as well and I'll try to keep those updated down below in the description under this video if I find any that come along now we want to look right here at domain privacy domain privacy protection is very important in my personal opinion although I think many people would agree with that I would highly suggest you try to make sure that this box is checked so it's going to save you a lot of headache you're gonna have way less spam coming at you from every direction if you don't have this privacy protection it's just going to create a mess for you now I will know that some countries outside of the United States don't have this as an option so if you find yourself not seeing that box don't worry about it some countries just don't allow you to have that let's go down here and let's look at the hosting plans that are available so as I said earlier we're gonna go to the hatchling plan right this is the cheapest option if you want to just kind of go out guns blazing right away and try to fire up a big website you can go with the bait the baby or the business plan but you know before this tutorial we'll keep it simple go to the hatchling plan and you know what let's say we let's just go for 12 months actually instead of a 36 months it's going to be cheaper up front although per month when you average it out over the years it's going to be more expensive to go with the shorter period of time like the 12 month but maybe I don't want to sync tons of money into it right away I just want to sync may be enough for the website for one year instead of three years so let's go with that for this and then we're just gonna have to enter in our username and our security pin that we're going to create so once I did that then we're going to enter in and we're billing information I think this is pretty straightforward so let's just kind of keep moving on to the fourth section here alright so now we are at section number four which is adding additional services now I'll be honest with you I don't think all of these are necessary some of them are actually pretty nice like the professional email is actually pretty nice but not everybody wants all of these right maybe I don't want to say like essentials maybe I mean you know what let's just knock with a professional email for now and let's say I don't want the site back up either these are all going to be upsells that they're gonna try to hit you with the SSL certificate I think is very important they do have a free one but I just wanted to spend a little bit more money on this but it's gonna be three dollars and 33 cents a month for that so you know they are hitting you with those upsells some of them are worth it but hey if you're just starting your website and you want to keep it super simple you can certainly just not have any of those and still get by with a professional-looking website now we're getting down here to a section number five which is entering in a coupon code so we actually got a coupon code for you guys at central media you don't have to use it but if you enter it you'll notice that you'll end up saving about sixty dollars for that so you know it's kind of a win-win sometimes Hostgator will give us a commission when we get people to sign up for it a lot of different companies will try to get us to do this but we genuinely do like Hostgator and you know it is a win-win for everyone so if you want enter the code you certainly can but don't feel pressured to in any way I mean I make these videos because we enjoy making them but it also does help support the channel so once we've entered in all that all of that information we'll see that our total cost comes out to about one hundred and twenty two dollars but you know what let's say we want to make this cheaper let's actually get rid of this SSL certificate and see how low that price is going to be and now it's getting about eighty dollars for a 12 month plan for a website so this is what this is about six dollars and 67 cents per month I don't know if they I did that math right in my head but I'm pretty sure I did so for six dollars and 67 cents per month we can have a professional-looking website hosted with Hostgator on the internet live for pretty cheap I mean what this is the price of maybe a cheeseburger maybe a Big Mac I don't know maybe you get the two four five whopper at Burger King I'm not sure what you're into but either way it's it's pretty inexpensive to have a website on the internet for $80 for an entire year and you're probably gonna see these flight prices fluctuate if you go through this process and you see that your number is higher or lower don't fret about this there's just a lot of different situations where these can be different prices but it should be somewhere in the range of what we're looking at here so just click this box once you obviously read their Terms of Service and the cancellation policy and the privacy policy I would suggest reading that over once you do that then you can just click on checkout now so let me do that and then let's go into the important part of this which is actually building the website here alright so here we are on the next page that they throw us into and the payment has been completed and it's gonna take a little bit of time to set up your account so don't worry if this takes more than a few minutes sometimes I've seen this take a little bit longer up to 30 minutes so it looks like they're building our Hostgator account at the moment if you wanted to take a break now you know you go get a cup of coffee or something come back to it and then you're gonna get ready to build out your site now here we are loaded actually pretty quickly and now we are on Hostgator is a dashboard here so what we're actually going to do is we're gonna end up clicking over on Marketplace over on the left but definitely get familiar with the dashboard here so let's actually just click on view your dashboard here and this is our dashboard we're gonna see different options here you know we can add the SSL I'll show you how to do that in a different video but let's click up here on marketplace because now we're gonna actually install WordPress which is going to be how we're going to build our site WordPress is totally free once you already paid for Hostgator you're not gonna have to worry about paying for WordPress it's open source and so we're gonna go through this process here click on site builder and CMS and then from here we're going to click on WordPress which as you can see like I said is free ok so now that we're at this point this is where we are going to be installing WordPress so WordPress is by far the best option for building a website in my opinion there's plenty of other ways to do it as well but if you're using Hostgator I think it's really matches really well with something like WordPress so let's just click on Nadel Brian website here right so we hit the drop down click click that note in Natal Brian website now let's go and click on next ok so now that we've done that we're going to just fill in some information here right so our blog title the admin user first name last name admin email in this situation here this is actually where we are creating our WordPress account so make sure that you do remember this information it's going to be pretty important to do this let's say blog title is NATO website admin user it's going to be let's just say NATO first name mate and last name O'Brien and then we're going to have to add my email as well and then we're going to click on install I'll make sure you be there Terms of Service as well of course which is important step in the process here and then we're gonna click on install WordPress okay so let's just do this now okay and then this is actually going to take you a little bit of time as well so don't worry of course if it takes a little bit longer but now it looks like it came up relatively quickly and I actually skip for about two minutes here to wait for it to load you're gonna see you a username and your password these are going to be important these are your installation details make sure that you write these down maybe just take a picture of it or something you can change these later but this is how you're actually going to be able to log into WordPress so you have your username which is NATO which is my username and then they gave me this big long password that I'm going to save maybe I'll copy and paste it and then I will go to login now we can just click on login if we want to but let me actually just copy this here and there's copied to my clipboard and then I'm gonna click on login this takes us to our WordPress login here okay so entering that information that they just gave you on the previous page so my username is NATO I'll paste my password here alright okay so this part seems to be pretty straightforward and then you know what let's just have it remember me for now and then I'll click on login all right so no I don't want them to save that that email does look correct for now of course you can go back and you can change all of this information later if you would like to but this year is our WordPress dashboard something to keep in mind is that if you want to get to your WordPress dashboard and you don't have to go through Hostgator every time you can go up here and if you just type in your domain and then forward slash WP dash admin just how it looks here this is going to take you to your wordpress login right so if you're trying to get back to this page that we're at right now just type in your domain and then the forward slash WP dash admin to get to that okay so let me just X on to these some of these things here that are cluttering up my WordPress dashboard I just don't like having all this clutter here and then we can see - here it says that our site is currently displaying a coming soon page so once you're ready to launch your site we can click here so let me click here and automatically now our site is live which means that if we go to natal Bryan web site calm it's it's going to be our web site so let me actually minimize this I already went to it to just kind of check up on it but yeah if we refresh here this is our website right our website is live on the internet you can go to it right now if you've been following along in this tutorial we go to natal Brian website comm and this is our website it looks pretty janky it doesn't look very good right I mean honestly it looks terrible but we have to start somewhere right so it's pretty cool I mean this is a live website on the internet that anybody can access and you've already gotten this far there's but there's a couple things that I think are really important if you want to make this look like if they're a professional website in a relatively short period of time so what I'm gonna do now is we're actually gonna go over and we are going to click on appearance okay so let's actually hover over appearance and then click on themes and then we'll add a new theme right here okay and from here we can browse a number of themes that are available on WordPress that are free themes to use so let me just kind of scroll through here you know I like Alette oh I've used it before we can go through and we can find ones that maybe we think would be a nice theme so let's let's actually just search for one that I've used quite often which is Astra Astra is one of the most popular WordPress themes it is free they have a pro version but it is free so let me click on install and once it installs then we're gonna have to actually click activate and it should be pretty quick so let's click activate now okay and now it has been activated which means that actually let's go back and let's visit our site and let's see how it's looking so minimize this go back to NATO Brian website calm let's hit the refresh button and see how it looks we're gonna be doing this quite a bit just to kind of like see our progress and look how it changed right there right so this is the Astra theme it's already starting to look a little bit better I mean it still doesn't look like a very good website but we're starting to get there right this is the Astra theme so let's go back here and let's start to touch up this website a little bit more so now what I think what we're gonna do is let's actually go and let's start to add some different pages here if you want to so look so right here we just have the sample page right but let's add some more let's add maybe a blogs or a contact or something else along here up at the top so that we can kind of create this navigation Center for our website alright so let's go back and let's click on pages okay so we click on pages and we're gonna see a couple of pages that have already been create for us with hostgator it looks like they already like installed WP forms which you know for now I don't want that I do find it to be a decent plugin but for now just gonna trash it and then sample pages well I'm gonna trash that one too I just don't want that right now to clutter up my wordpress dashboard the privacy policy that is an important step in most websites but we're not going to touch on that right now you can fill that out well maybe talk about that in separate videos okay so let's go up and let's hover over new and then let's click on page okay so we're creating a new page and the first one I think we're gonna need a home page we're gonna need a blog we're gonna be a contact page let's wait for this to load here and then I'll start creating some of these pages okay so let's exit this right here just trying to get through some navigation and for this you know let's just make a blog page right because maybe NATO Brian website is gonna be primarily a blog click publish click publish again it's gonna update it okay and now let's go back let's go click on the WordPress logo here we're gonna go back and then we're gonna add another page here so click add new and now let's add another one okay so let's say products products is going to be one of our other pages click publish click publish again it's gonna update click back on the WordPress logo rinse and repeat right and maybe do this for as many new pages as you want to create for that navigation bar up top if you're creating a post that can be different I'll show you how to do that as well if you're creating like blog posts that's not going to be a page so for this let's say contact gonna be pretty important straightforward page here so we'll publish that and then we'll go back here so I think that's probably good we probably should add a home page as well but let's just kind of brush over that right now okay so now let's check up on this website again click refresh and now we can see boom in the upper right corner we have blog contact and products so we're getting somewhere right I mean the NATO website still looks terrible but we're getting there in about 10 minutes so far we've already gotten this far so now what I want to do here is we're actually going to go and hover over plugins here and we're going to add a new plugin but let's just click on plugins to see what we have for now but let's go up here let's click add new and these are going to be some pretty important plugins the first one is going to be Elementor this is going to essentially it makes WordPress like a drag-and-drop feature for building your website so like if you've seen Squarespace or Wix it reminds me very much of that the element or page builder it is free it does have a free version but it also has a pro version I mean you can see here five plus million active installations it's one of the most popular page builders you can use Elementor or you can use Divi both I find to be very great and the good thing about Elementor is that they have that free version so that is a pretty good benefit there right so where you're going to install it and then wants to go and click on activate to get this element or page builder this is probably most important plug-in that you're gonna see in this video although there will be some other plugins that I do want to show you as well they're gonna throw it into this little thing about welcome to element or let's not just X out of that for now and here we are let's go to pages actually and I just wanna do one more thing before we kind of jump the gun here and that's going to be actually adding a home page which is going to be pretty important I actually just forgot to do that so we're gonna add a home page because we're gonna start building out our home page for the website to make it look like this beautiful website right so let's view the page here just check up on SEL it's looking okay so here's the home page right these are out of order up in the upper right but we'll fix that at some point let's go up here and click customize though because I want to change the layout here I don't like this sidebar I just think it looks like 2012 so let's get rid of that sidebar right so I clicked up on customize and I'm just have to wait for it to load for a second and now let's say that I don't like that sidebar right I can click on sidebar here so let me click on here and let's we can decide if we want no sidebar left sidebar right sidebar let's say no sidebar right I don't want a sidebar and click publish and there we go right so now we don't the sidebar and we can start to mess around with different things as well you know I would suggest going through this and just kind of looking at each one of these right so let's go down to home page settings and we can alter this so our home page displays we want to be a static page instead of just our latest posts so we're gonna click static page so we want our home page to display the home page right this is pretty important and then we want our post page to probably display our blog so let's click down here on post and let's display our blog for the posts page and for the home page we have home this is a pretty important step that some people get caught up on and they don't understand how to organize their website okay so now that we've done this I do suggest like I said just kind of going through and learning about these different things but down here you can see these three different options right here just tablet here's mobile all right so we I just worked on the little phone icon down there this is what your site looks like in mobile okay so you can check that out well a lot of websites are visited on phones these days I know some websites have more traffic from phones than they have from websites or from desktop but just kind of go through this and look through each one of these right look at the header look at global home page settings widgets menus footer right go through and just sort of learn your way around this so that you can find out you know the best settings for yourself for your website we can't go over each and every one because we're trying to keep this video as concise as possible okay so now that we've done that let's actually start to build out this home page because it looks pretty blank right now so let's go back to dashboard here okay and let us actually let's let's start to build a page here okay so we hover over pages let's actually just click on it here and here are our current pages at the moment so let's click on home here let's let's open up the home page so that we can start building that out so let's click on edit and from here you can certainly edit your page just like on WordPress like this like I can just are typing and you'll see this pop up but it's gonna look very newspaper Eve very like 1995 so what we want to do to make it look really nice is click on edit with Elementor up here with this blue button and that's going to load element or page builder which is super cool like I said this is like the most important tool that you're gonna find that you're installing for WordPress and they have this free version we're using the free version for this tutorial so don't feel inclined that you have to upgrade to the pro version although the pro version I think is about fifty dollars a year so it's pretty inexpensive but from here we can just drag and drop things right so let's say that we want to drag and drop a video right let's say we want to drag and we'll just put a video here so right there we just added a video right it was that simple we just literally dragged a video over we can delete it if we want to that was a pretty large video we can add different things as well right so we can go down here go through and start to learn your way around Elementor I think we're actually releasing a tutorial like a one or two hour tutorial showing you how to use Elementor right so we just added a button here you can mess around with it and start to learn about it quite a bit to see how you can build your site as best as possible this is still gonna be kind of a process though of having to go through this right so no I'm just messing about the button here I would suggest checking out that full in-depth Elementor tutorial hopefully we'll have that out sometime this week or next week if you want to really kind of get to a really good understanding of what each and every feature is available with Elementor but this is gonna be probably the easiest way to build out your website but you know while this can be very customizable if we want to go with a quicker route right if we want to go with something that's essentially a template that we can install which is going to be faster than just using Elementor alone I'll show you how to do that okay so let's click up here and let's actually go back to our WordPress dashboard because what we're gonna do now is we're gonna install a theme and this is going to be a free theme that we can get which is going back to the plugins section here okay so hover over plugins let's add a new plug-in here and this this plug-in that we're gonna be adding is called Envato so Envato also has free versions you don't have to pay for them you'll find that most wordpress plugins have like a free version and they have a paid version and and in a lot of cases you can still use the free version and get away with it right so let's let's activate Envato here and then we'll see it pop up here and I might be skipping around a little bit but let's click over on elements here I'm trying to make this video as concise as possible let's click on elements and let's look at our free template kits that we have okay so from here these are our free templates that we can install and we can essentially just fast track our website to make our website look like this very quickly so we can click install kit here right we can view the kit and this is what we're looking at okay so let's say you know I like these these look really cool so I want to just make this into my home page so we'll go back to pages here and we will go back to edit with Elementor on our home page so we're going back to where we were previously when I was showing you how to use Elementor right so we're on a home page we're going to build this out but now we see this green button here which is the Envato element symbol to where you click on that role will see our installed templates right so we have this cybersecurity template and we can click on View installed kit right and let's say that from here I want I really like this design home 1 home - let's say that I want to insert home - template so I click on it and it starts to import might just take a little bit of time I've pretty slow internet here at the moment so once this loads this is going to essentially our website is going to look like this and we can just start to edit and modify the wording right so boom just there like that our website looks so much more filled out already we can click update and actually what I'll do is I'll go back to Nate O'Brien website calm we'll click refresh this is the live website here right so I just clicked refresh here and now whoa our website looks way different way fancier was just a couple of clicks of a button obviously the wording is not correct I mean the wording just looks completely off this is talking about cyber security of some type and we're talking about Nate O'Brien website which is something totally different but this template allows us to essentially just change words we can change different ideas buttons add pictures change the backgrounds but it gives us something to work with which I find to be so useful especially for beginners and if you're in sort of a time crunch or you just don't really want to have to deal with building a website from scratch we can import these templates and let's say I want to change this instead of whatever that just said and let's just say I want to make the title of Natal Brian write something something right so I can do that super easily by just adding and deleting things from this pre-built template that was free from Envato elements so I'll leave the link down below for envato elements as well you can just access it through your WordPress dashboard already if you'd like to but see we can modify these buttons as well right instead of saying click here maybe wants to say something else we can add a link as well so it's it's really really useful to have these templates let me just change yourself let's say learn more instead of click here you probably do want to change up the templates quite a bit just so that you're not it's kind of like looking like a copy and paste website that other people might be making but yeah this is this is probably the best way to build a website as fast as possible and you can rinse and repeat this process for different pages that you have for your website so we can if we just clicked over on that little thing right there look we can just X out of this all right we can hover over the X X out of that and maybe we don't want those right maybe we don't like this section of the template just X out of that and you kind of see what I'm doing here we can move this one around right so we can drag it below drag it above super simple though drag and drop feature with Elementor it's going to be one of the best features with building a wordpress website with Hostgator okay so start to just get to know this like I said earlier I would suggest checking out that element or tutorial that should be coming out at some point then we can go here we can save it as a template or save it as a draft if we would like to if we don't want to make it live right away we can just do that and be pretty simple to do that right but those are the biggest features from that those are the biggest kind of takeaways from building a website with WordPress using a hostgator Elementor and Vado elements those are the biggest plugins that you can use i would suggest checking out a longer form video will give what kind of like a one or two hour tutorial showing you how to build a website if you want to learn more about all of this we try to keep this as fast as possible if you found value in it I ate all your support don't forget to drop a like subscribe to the channel and do check out the show notes down below for some time stands and some different different information so thanks for watching the video and I'll see everybody in next week's video
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 124,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, santrel media, how to make a website, wordpress tutorial, how to create a website, build a website, make a website, how to build a website, make a website for free, make a website with wordpress, website tutorial, wordpress, build a website 2020, how to make a website 2020, wordpress website, create a website, hostgator, wordpress webiste, make a website for beginners, build a website for beginners, make a website for cheap, make a website fast
Id: oX3lgJoj27g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.