Elementor Vs WPBakery - Which Is Better For YOU?

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as a wordpress user you already know that this thing comes to you as a shell you kind of have to fill it out and make it what you want it to be because at the beginning it really is just built as a blog site but it can do so much more than that woocommerce is great on there your email integrations everything that you want to do is on wordpress as this premiere builder one of the most important things that you need to decide on when you first get your wordpress installation is which website builder am i going to use sorry but gutenberg is just not good enough and there are a bunch of different options out there but today i'm going to talk about two premier options elementor and wp bakery and i'm going to compare them for you based on their price the page setup ease how easy it is to build the page the templates that they have and their integrations my name is trent cannelly i'm a marketing strategist and on this channel i talk about all the things that you can do to improve your business through marketing sales and analytics so that sounds good to you and you're excited make sure you like this video comment and let me know which one of these things you're leaning toward after this video is over or during it or if you're thinking about something totally different let me know that as well i would love to know subscribe to this channel if you're into it and let's get started all right let's talk about price so wp bakery costs 45 one time for one site for life you can switch the license between sites if you want to but each site is one license and you don't really get to go beyond that so if you have 200 sites it's 45 times 200 sites so that can be good or bad but the good thing about it is that it's a one-time payment and never again elementor has more of a tiered version so they have a free-for-life version and then they have a 45 a year for one site 99 a year for three sites or 199 dollars a year for a thousand sites that's quite a big jump between three and a thousand but it's interesting that they have a free for life version so because they have free wp bakery does not have a free version and wp bakery has a one-time payment and never again option versus elementor having to pay every single year there are good and bad things for both so i'm going to give them both a point here because it's kind of a wash and by the way from this point forward the comparison is going to be looking at elementor pro versus wp bakery because wp bakery is 100 pay with no free possibility so it makes sense to look at elementor pro to see what the maximum possibility is between pro and wp bakery so page setup what are we looking for here with page setup we want to know how easy is it to get the basics down so to get the block set up appropriately to get rid of junk like the page title as a header on your wordpress page all that sort of stuff you want to be able to tweak very easily and if we look at wp bakery we can see that there's a front end and a back end editor and each of them do different things so you have to toggle between them to for instance on the back end editor organize placements and blocks and move columns and rows around all that sort of stuff while on the front end you do images and cta buttons and text and all that sort of stuff and so having to go between those two editors isn't hard it's a button click but it's still a pain to go to one to correct the placement and then to go to the other to correct the images and maybe something is going to misalign in between those two which isn't really that great i really don't like that at all it's also not very easy to edit certain things so for instance the header you can't do that inside the wp bakery ecosystem you have to go outside of wp bakery to the regular appearances tab to make those edits which is really kind of a shame it seems like it should be a lot easier than that and then the final thing i want to point out here is to preview a page is really not very straightforward if you want to see exactly how it looks then you can't really do that in the preview because it does look more or less what it's going to look like but they want you to believe that that front end editor is exactly the same and that's just not true the only way to see exactly how it's going to look in wp bakery is to make it live which is not a great user experience because then the users are going to see a half-baked page we really don't want them to see anything that's half-baked like that we want them to see the live experience the minute that it's ready and so i don't really love wp bakery for that and then with elementor everything is in the sidebar page titles column spacing fonts text colors all that sort of stuff it's all in the same place so you don't need to fish around toggle between different styles all that sort of stuff to be able to make those edits you just do it in one place at one time it's also very easy to switch from say editing your page to editing your menu it's just a one button click you go from one to the other and it's almost like toggling between them which is really nice and simple so you don't need to fish around for the best place to make those edits you need to just do it right in there to make the look and feel conform to the rest of your page the preview is also extremely easy on this you don't need to hope that it looks good when it goes live there's a preview button you click on that it'll open a temporary page and you can see how your page is going to look in real time rather than just living on a hope and a prayer it's super simple so i have to give this point to elementor there is just no way that i can give this to wp bakery it's way too clunky for me to be convinced that it's worth it next we're going to look at page building so you want to understand here not only how easy it is to add images and text and all that sort of stuff you want to know are there styling options and are those styling options very simple and easy to use do you need to understand css to make this builder work for you do you need to understand html to make it work at its peak performance yes or no if you do need to understand that code it's less of a good thing because it's causing more work and more education from you rather than more plug and play and let's go make some more money okay so that's what we're looking at here so wp bakery's styling options are pretty limited if you have something specific in mind that you want to do you have to understand technically how to make that happen for the most part let's just take a text block as a good example so if you want to you can add bold centered italics text colors all that sort of stuff but that's pretty much it i mean if if you look at it closely enough you're going to notice that it's the gutenberg editor that comes as default for every wordpress install and there's nothing more to it than that and so you have to understand technically how to add the css code or add the html to make that work if you want to add a shadow if you want to add a rounded corner box or anything like that you have to know the css to make that happen which is really kind of a shame and then editing columns and rows is oddly difficult this is something that to me is a bare minimum question can i easily move my text higher up or lower down or to the left or at a row or something like that it's it's possible but it's not easy you have to understand where you are which section inside of a section inside of a section to make that happen and honestly it just shouldn't be that difficult to figure it out with elementor it's pretty rare to find something that you can't do easily hovering background styles color overlays duplicating rows duplicating columns changing opacity rounding corners all of this stuff you can do very easily there's still obviously a small need for css but it's so much less than on wp bakery wp bakery requires just it feels like an enormous amount of css knowledge for something that's supposed to be an easy builder elementor really takes into account all of the needs of a modern designer and puts those into building this page so that it's just so much easier to put things in place it's almost like taking a vector builder like sketch or adobe illustrator and putting it onto your website and just putting those two together it's really kind of nice so i have to give the point to elementor here once again wp bakery is just way too limited way too old i would have to say it just doesn't have what you need here next let's talk about templates so when we're talking about templates what i mean are the templates that come with the builder we're not talking about the theme the theme is at the site level it's at the wordpress level here we're looking at the builder and we want to know what structured elements do these builders come with that just makes it a little bit easier to build your web page out very quickly you want a lot of these because you want to have a lot of choices because not everything is going to fit your website when it comes to wp bakery there are very few templates they're old and they're outdated they're not easy to see when you are looking at them and then when you finally decide on one actually implementing it is difficult they don't show up in your saved templates they're not easy to place where you want them to be placed it's just kind of clunky and a mess when it comes to elementor there's a huge list they include blocks or whole pages anything that you want you can create your own you can save them easily it is truly plug and play and very easy to use elementor is the clear winner in this category because it's just it's up to date it's continuing to stay up to date and it's not clunky and it's very easy to implement all right now let's talk about integration so we want to understand in this section how they work with the rest of the internet your business is not just your website and if it is we need to talk because that is not a good thing you want to be outreaching to as many places as you can and if possible you want as many of the tools that you're using to be talking to each other as possible so that you have that cohesive database that cohesive amount of information so that you can understand where sources are coming from how you're outreaching to people what you're doing in all of these different areas etc so you want to look at all of these little integrations you want to understand if they're working together which makes it very easy for you to integrate with your builder and with your system generally wp bakery has a very large library of integrations and this is as a result of two things one they've been around for a very long time so they've had time to accumulate a lot of integrations and then two they've allowed third-party developers that are not related with wp bakery to create their own integrations which just makes that process a lot faster elementor also allows devs to create their own integrations there just aren't as many of them and the ones that elementor has created are less than the number that the third party devs have created so as a result wp bakery is really just the sound winner here final score elementor wins this no question wp bakery is honestly in need of a massive update it needs an overhaul they have not kept up with it they haven't kept up with current trends and people are leaving it as a result i definitely did elementor is the current front runner so it's probably pretty hard to beat there's lots of other competitors out there now like beaver builder but i would say that even if you put beaver builder up against elementor if i had to guess i can do a video on that later it's probably going to be true that elementor is still going to be pretty hard to beat in an all-around contest right now we'll have to see how that develops in the next few years but right now elementor is the one to beat so basically you should only use wp bakery at this moment if you feel like challenging yourself and learning code on the fly so to me this is a pretty clear choice but please let me know if that helped you to figure out which one of these you want to go with and which one of these you think is going to be the best for you i think it's probably going to be elementor in every case because it's just a little bit easier but if you feel like challenging yourself please let me know that you love challenging yourself in that way for absolutely no reason i would love to know otherwise please let me know what you thought about this by giving me a like subscribe to my channel if you're into it and commenting and letting me know what you thought about this video and i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Trent Kennelly
Views: 9,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elementor, elementor pro, wpbakery, elementor vs. wpbakery, elementor vs wpbakery, elementor v wpbakery, elementor wordpress, elementor page builder, wordpress page builder, elementor vs wp bakery, wp bakery vs elementor, elementor page builder 2020, wp bakery page builder 2020, elementor and wp bakery, elementor wp bakery which is better, should i use elementor or wp bakery, which one wp bakery or elementor, which page builder is best for wordpress, Trent Kennelly
Id: B9WY0EjSU8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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