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[Music] [Music] ridge i got one for you today fair today now listen fam i got so i'm going to show you the best way that i think the best way to grill chicken thighs yes sir i got a nice little seasoning for you and i got them to break out those um i got one for you i got 10 pounds of chicken die they're all thighs it's going down and they found i got i got one for you yes sir i'm gonna show you a good the best way i think to grill chicken thighs so without further ado hold on tight i'll be right back okay fam so now before we put the mustard on the chicken okay before we uh marinate it we're gonna go ahead and make our own you know seasoning that go on to the chicken diet i'm telling these gonna be the best grilled chicken thighs i'm telling you this one follow i'm gonna show you how i'm gonna cook it on the grill this is gonna be cooked a little different because they're all thighs you'll see what i'm gonna do i'm gonna cook the skin side down like i said i'm gonna put the skin side down first look off the um direct heat for like 20 25 minutes and then i'm going to slide them over until the direct heat yes sir for another like 10 minutes 10 to 15 minutes let that brown get a little darker then i'm gonna flip it over on the bone side down with the skin up okay on the direct heat for another 10 to 15 minutes okay and then we're going to move them to the side of the grill so they can cool a little bit they're going to be perfect stick with your boy all right so here we go now that for that amount i told y'all i had 10 pounds of chicken i know normally somebody would buy it like like i told you like one um one pack of chicken which used to be like five pounds especially dealing with chicken thighs one pack used to be like five pounds okay but i have 10 pounds all right i got two two fat packs and for that amount this is what i'm gonna need i suggest you use kosher salt it's good only use three tablespoons of kosher salt for ten pounds of chicken thighs yes sir going in now you're gonna need one fourth of a cup one fourth of a cup of black pepper yes sir like it's dominated then no the secret ingredient one tablespoon of celery seed yes sir one tablespoon all right now we're gonna okay now we're gonna do two tablespoons of the garlic and onion powder that's like it's just mixed together if you don't have this particular brand right here from ross the gourmet and that's the lemon pepper that's coming next if you don't have that that's already use your regular garlic and onion powder one tablespoon each so this is two tablespoons of that [Music] and also two tablespoons of lemon pepper yes sir we're going in no i'm not gonna put no cayenne on this one this time right so we're gonna go ahead and mix it up so what we're gonna do is we're going to um we're gonna make the uh we're gonna put the you know what i'm gonna put the mustard on there first and then i'm going to put the seasoning on it and we're going to mix it up real good and then we're going to let it marinate fair we're going to let it marinate for at least an hour all right and while we're doing that we're going to get the grill ready okay we're going to get the grill ready and then about time to get through marinating the grill be ready and look we're gonna put that thing on grill i'm gonna show you how to make the best grilled chicken thighs yes sir stick with your boy yes so as you can see see this is why you don't need any cayenne pepper because you got enough black pepper and lemon pepper in it it's still going to be has a little spicy kick to it but not so much what you just can't enjoy okay so you don't need cayenne pepper for this okay fam so here we go as you can see i got 10 pounds of chicken thighs with the skin on look at that they're nice size and definitely you know i'm gonna put some french's yellow muscle on it yes sir especially for this particular recipe you're gonna need one half a cup one half a cup of french's yellow mustard just gonna dump it on in there and we're gonna go ahead with our clean hands and get it mixed up i'm out of glove fam so you got to roll with it all right get in there and mix it up real good okay make sure every meat has been touched you're going to love it fam one half a cup of french's yellow mustard because you're gonna marinate this chicken now after you put the other seasoning on it for one hour at least at least one hour you can you can marinate this overnight how long you want to but at least for one hour okay all right you wanna mix this up real good okay now we're gonna come with the seasoning yes sir that's our little mixture we're gonna dump it all in there we're gonna hit no hit the sides the edges everywhere we want every piece of meat touched okay we're not gonna we're not gonna stop mixing it we're not gonna stop mixing it until every piece is touched so look at that fam now that's season real now you know i had to put some onions on this also got the marinade we just look i didn't need nothing but a half onion for this because i have the onion and garlic seasoning all over i don't want too many onions i want you to taste this this uh that flavor okay that's my little concoction my water my garlic i got garlic and onion in there mixed with water that's it okay there it is the golden smokey kings with mesquite that's the mesquite okay charcoal that's what i'm gonna use today for this particular see how i got the coals on one side yes sir so we're gonna start off on the left side skin side down okay we're gonna cook it for like 20 25 minutes it's inside down then we're gonna keep it skin side down and slide it over to the direct heat for another 10 to 15 minutes okay then after that we're gonna flip it on the other side still on the direct heat okay and then the whole process took like uh the cooking process only the cooking process took like an hour and a half you gotta make sure that the chicken is done all the way but not burned so as you can see i'm adding the pieces to the left side first okay [Music] we stacking and we packing [Music] put the rest of them onions on it yes sir don't waste nothing now right here i'm showing you you see how i got it in the heat and make sure that on the side of the grill you open the vents that's what i'm doing right now halfway but the top of the grill you keep those vents closed okay then we'll move on from that look at that it's coming on pretty good okay so eventually i'm gonna get ready to slide the chicken over all right make sure you keep that grill from burning that's why you keep your little bottled water on the side i keep my little bottle seasoned water on the side because i don't want the flavor of the meat uh uh when i do put the water on the chicken you don't want it they'll not be seasoning off the meat so you off the meat so you can season it with the same seasoning with water or a little salt so when you when you um squirt the water onto the chicken to keep the fire down you won't unseason the meat you want that meat still to have that flavor on the fam just don't put too much salt in that water you don't need that much but the chicken already seasoned as you can see it's on the other side now all right look at the process it's coming together that's that man right there mama yeah sir mm-hmm i'm not playing with y'all today fam it's a nice little super bowl uh uh um recipe that you can use um and i'm telling you it's it's easy i think it's the best way it's got to be the best way to grill chicken thighs omg mama there goes that man stick with your boy okay fam let's check the results that's it coming oh look at that you put this fire right quick look at that look at that see everything the integrity they're not done yet but look at the integrity of the meat yes sir i spread them out now that direct heat and it just all you do is keep switching you see the ones on the left a little more done than the ones on the right because i just mixed it around that's all you have to do fam ooh we now i'm gonna keep moving them around until you i like what i see in that i know that they are done okay i'm telling it's a process we'll be back with the finished look and the finish plate okay fam so now after an hour and a half later yeah sir let's check these grill check this meat out the chicken thighs i'm telling you you're gonna like the look and you're gonna like the flavor and the taste i think this is the best way to grill chicken thighs yes sir and then especially for the super bowl come on fam omg look at that fam i think they're ready you ready i'm ready all right fam i'm finna let me take these off the grill and i'm gonna show you my finished look and my finished plate so hold down tight i'll be right back and there it is oh look at that fam hey man i hope y'all enjoy this recipe stick with your boy and there's the finished plate yep that's all you need a little potato salad in there too hey man i hope you all enjoy this one i love y'all in life g rich out in your mom [Music]
Channel: G Rich
Views: 32,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #chicken, butthatchicken, grich, chickenking, inyomouff, #superbowl #grill #chicken
Id: -6jFdLCK36s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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