How to make perfect BBQ chicken: cooking on the Char-griller grill. #Charcoal

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it was due to family it should work random welcome back to my channel today we're going to get some chicken leg quarters done on the old trusty dusty charcoal grill you want to see how I've done stick around alright guys first order of business is to get this chicken fat and stuff cleaned up and we're gonna separate I'm not gonna leave them whole I'm gonna break them into legs and thighs we've already washed the chicken off got it cleaned up and now we just need to go ahead and get some of this fed off of here like I said separate oh that's simple to do what you want to do is kind of see where the joint is on your chicken and it's cut right down the center just like that do a couple more that way you can see what we got going on and I'll go ahead and finish up the rest super stuff get all that fat off as much fat as you want I don't mind leaving I don't want to because when you're cooking you know some of that fat it go ahead and just render off it here especially when you're using it your regular charcoal for yourself these are some pretty big quarters as well so once again you just see where that joint is go right now just like that super super simple all right guys let me finish up the rest of these quarters I've got about six more to do and then when I'm done I'll bring you guys back so we can get it seasoned up see you just the same all right guys we're back with the season I thought what we're going to season our chicken up with today some black pepper some regular coarse sea salt and some roasted garlic seasoning from Weber this stuff is real good it has a strong dried garlic content to it it doesn't have a whole lot of salt but you can go pretty head when they gives you a chicken a really nice savory taste to it everyone's gonna put a little bit of zesty Italian dressing in it as well just enough to like a little binder for the chicken not a whole lot of flavor but it does have some peppers and stuff but makes it look pretty when you're cooking y'all know to eat with your eyes first off now we're just gonna go heavy with this uh garlic roasted garlic seasoned roasted garlic and herb rather just mix it on up I really like this stainless steel bowl I got I wound up getting it for free actually from a buddy of mine and this thing is coming in super handy you don't know how much me that can hold until you start stacking meat in it or whatever you're trying to use a for I love this thing you want to season it pretty literally not overdo it look pretty literally so these thick chicken thighs and stuff they can take a lot of seasoning if you don't want to bling it on the impact and use some pretty good-looking up pretty good-sized course and wash that off what then loose that off rub it through make sure all the pieces get coating it real good with the seasoning we're actually gonna let this set up for about 30 minutes or so while we go and get our grill together and get it lit up all right that's it guys we'll see you out there at the grill in just a few minutes check in a minute all right guys you back here at the grill got it all set up now what I've got is kind of little modified indirect cooking I've got charcoal on this side heavy and then it lightens up as it goes down here I like to give keep a couple of holes over here business you chicken cooking real good oh we're gonna start off putting some of the bigger pieces on the cold not going to have more nibble on just to get a little crisp crisp on it yeah I'm gonna shift them over to the indirect side and roll for the rest of the I've also got one little hunk of cherry wood on there just to get those smoke in there with the skin side up you can hear that simple it's good and hot but that's okay like I said we're going to be shifting it over to the indirect side alright guys are they going to finish putting the rest of this chicken on and I'll catch you out here to boogie okay guys were back I've been in roughly about 15 minutes or so and we've don't we wanted to accomplish just get a little char on color not even char but color on the bottom of this chicken then we're going to move it to the indirect side you can see that's what we want it so now we're going to move and let it cook over here for a while and then we'll flip flip it shortly but I just want you guys to see what we were wanting to do there get a little color before we move it it looks good alright guys we'll check back in with you in a little bit all right family back out here check on this chicken and is it looking amazing see that's what happens you can do an indirect cooking you still get that good color and we keep that a hot charcoal here so if we need to go back and crisp up the skin a little bit that's what we'll do then look at it it's been roughly 45 minutes for 50 minutes as we put the chicken off we're not worried about temperature and all that kind of stuff and as far as the UH on the pit we just barbecue just like we did when we were younger when we saw father our grandparents barbecuing they went out here with probes and all kind of stuff they just lit up the barbecue and and cook and that's what we're doing today just backyard barbecue just like we used to your theme is gonna be good now moving this flipping them look bit yep the ones good I'm looking good guys just once you got to get a good look at what we got going on and alone Porter appears just about ready I've had it almost directly over the fire but I had on this rack so but anyhow that's that I'll check back with John a little bit all right guys we're back time to pull this chicken off I just want you to see I moved it to the upper rack back over the coals that way we can it's crisp up that skin a little bit but you see how it's looking look at that beauty fold look how juicy it is that's what you want when you make that chicken that backyard barbecue man and we've achieved what we wanted to achieve sometimes it's good to go back to the basics and take the technology out in this barbecue look at that perfect alright y'all pull it on off take it in the house and let it rest up a little bit and you get make them plates for dinner but let you guys see what it tastes like appreciate you alright guys I'll be back because a piece of that beautiful chicken we just got done making go ahead and give it a bite a chicken just like when you work here delicious season right got a little bit of smoke flavor because we did put that little piece of cherry in there I'm telling you man sometimes as goodness put the technology down go back to the basics and just do some regular backyard barbecue if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you like comment subscribe I appreciate you guys sticking with me though you god bless you into the next time you
Channel: Taylor's Fire & Smoke Cooking
Views: 60,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Cook, Blessed, I love Cooking, BBQ, Chicken leg, chicken thigh, chicken quarter, backyard bbq, grilling, how to bbq, how to cook chicken, backyard bbq grill, backyard bbq ideas, bbq chicken, bbq chicken on the grill, bbq chicken recipe, cheap food, chicken leg piece, chicken leg piece recipe, chicken leg recipes for dinner, chicken legs, chicken quarter leg recipes, chicken quarter recipes for dinner, chicken quarters
Id: cbARoYK5Xec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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