Grill JUICY Pollo Asado Al Carbon w/ These 2 Tips | Mexican Grilled Chicken Recipe

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today we're grilling Pollo Asado boyo Asado is one of mine and Terry's all-time favorite food to eat we cook some every week as a matter of fact I don't know anyone who doesn't love a perfectly cooked boyosado in this video we're going to show you how most restaurants cook it and my favorite way to cook it in the backyard we're going to spatchcock two birds one with and one without the backbone and we're also going to split one bird in half which is the traditional Texas style Pollo Asado now here's a pro tip the secret to perfect cooking is fire control especially in open fire cooking and the second Pro tip always use a meat thermometer for perfect juicy chicken don't listen to those keyboard haters that say they don't need a meat thermometer for perfect cooking the reason they're typing is because they're still chewing they're overcooked dried out chicken as long as you have a good recipe good cooking technique and fire your family and your friends will love your barbecue now let's get fired up and Grill some Pollo Asado the way we traditionally do it here in South Texas we'll take a whole chicken we'll split it right down the middle now I usually do it with a big knife like this and what I usually do is I split it right along the backbone and then I split the other side of the backbone and I'll usually split the backbone we'll put it in a Ziploc bag and make some chicken stock or chicken broth out of that another thing I like to do is trim the excess skin like this front part when you're grilling chicken over open fire like we're going to show you guys today too much grease is going to create more fire fire is good it creates heat but if you have too much grease you're going to get a color on your chicken from too much oil burning off in the fire most of these chicken have a Big Blob of fat right here I like to trim that off as well and you just scrape it off like that see that's about a whole tablespoon of fat right there get rid of that there's a little bone sticking out here I believe it's the wishbone I like to go in here and trim that off too so now we have two good looking chicken halves one of them has the Keel bone what they call the Keel bone still here this is generally going to be a little bit juicier than this one that does not have the protection of the Keel boom but generally if you cook it right it's still going to be very juicy and very moist they say the chicken's ready when you can twist the drumstick all the way around and it comes loose but I'm going to tell you in order for that to work you have to have that fire at the perfect temperature every if it's different so 300 in years may not be the same 300 as mine 250 is in my opinion probably the ideal temperature if you're cooking at 300 plus that chicken is going to be way done long before you can twist this leg now there's a couple of different ways you can spatchcock a chicken okay you can use a knife and just cut the backbone out you got to mark it on both sides you can use your knife if you have a good sharp knife you can just cut right down the middle just like that now if you'd rather you can also use the scissors like these right here now if you're going to smoke your chickens whether it's low and slow or at a hot temperature if you're not over direct fire you can leave that fat on there and it will help add a little flavor and a little moisture to the chicken in my opinion people like to split that right there just a little bit just to flatten this chicken out some people like to remove the Keel bone completely out of the chicken I do not I like to leave it on that little extra cartilage there will protect the chicken and you'll have a more moist bird in my opinion this is probably the most traditional way that most people know as a spatchcock chicken now here's another way that I see very common particularly more toward the west coast where they will split the chicken in half I'm going to use the scissors this time just for the sake of example I'm a Knife Guy okay split the chicken in half press it down again get rid of any excess fat friend this is another way to spatchcock chicken leaving the backbone in so you're really not leaving anything out except some of that excess fat but once again you see here once I'd have the Keel bone the other side does not generally if you cook it at the right temperature the whole bird is going to be pretty nice and pretty moist all right we're going to do another one just like that for me maybe it's because I've done this so much it's just so much easier with a knife mark it first go down through the breast until you hit the Keel bone give it a nice pop like that and you're done if I have a little excess Cube on here like here I do like to cut that off it does allow the chicken to lay down a little bit flatter so just to put these two style of birds side by side one spatchcocked bird has a backbone in it and the other does not I very rarely use veggie oil for anything I would much rather prefer to use olive oil to healthier for you and I like the taste and so we're going to use this as a little bit of a binder we're going to use the American Pit Master Company wow just a nice healthy little Shake doesn't need to be super heavy just a nice little coat like that Pat it down a little bit let's do the other side now if you season a little more generously on the skin you will definitely penetrate with the salt in the rub and add some really great flavor to those chickens make sure you get under the wings those need a little rub too for a little added color and a little more wow it's just plain old smoked paprika okay we've got these done and we have some more chickens to season here and I'm going to use OG on these two chicken halves we're going to put some of this salt pepper garlic that's all we have on here we have our chickens all seasoned up we are ready to go to the grill we're gonna start with lump charcoal we're going to throw a few chunks of wood today I'm going to have some pecan wood and probably a little bit of Mesquite also all right we're going to start with these two spatchcock birds bone side down right here we're gonna put the other spatchcock chicken right here and our two chicken hash back here in the back there we go that sure sounds good that Sizzle is music to my ears let's cook some boyo Asado one of their secrets to getting some beautiful boy Asado without burning it is as you all know the flippity flip when you have too much fire or when the fire is really hot you do have to flip several times to get the beautiful color you're looking at here on both sides of the boy asado you also need to be able to read your fire if you can see right here it's not quite as much color or Char over on the front side of this chicken so a little bit later we're going to actually rotate it 180 degrees on the next flip so that way we get even cooking all the way across on the entire Bridge we're going to go ahead and flip this one too oh there you go and generally when you're cooking for Asados this style it's going to be a hot and fast cook these should be done in about 35 or 40 minutes if it was 10 minutes when we did the first flip also on the bottom I rotated them 180 degrees a minute ago we had a little too much fire which happened when you're doing open fire you got to start with a little extra when you have a really hot fire you have to do the flippity flip sometimes you got to move stuff around because it's too hot started with a really hot fire I don't cook like this all the time but I do know how to run a fire and I am smart enough also to know that I need a dual zone temperature section and that's why I chose to cook on this big Javelin pit because I can move my chickens over it's still very hot here I can feel the heat but it's not as hot as right over the cold over here so I flipped these two I'm going to flip this one one more time we want nice even cooking you want to grab it from the side there otherwise it might fall apart on you there we go all right now what we'll do in a little bit we're going to swap like this as well that way everything Cooks nice and even we'll give it about 10 more minutes here and we'll be back to do another flip and a rotation as well I'm adding some of these Pro pit Char logs because these light up pretty quick they burn a long time they add a great flavor they're made out of Mesquite and they don't create a lot of smoke or any kind of off flavor either all right now it's been about 25 minutes and our fire has tamed way down so we can continue to get the meat over here closer to the fire another great way to manipulate Pollos Asados because they'll have a tendency to fall apart is with one of these restaurant style spatulas you just flip it just like that just like that all right definitely still have a lot of fire there pretty hot I'm going to move these over here for just a little while and I'm going to flip this one too that way now if you have a perfect perfect fire you can leave stuff on they're a lot longer maybe flip it once or twice only but we're sitting at about 58 60 degrees right now we're cooking on an open pit so there's cold air coming in like this trying to cool the meat off from the top while we have heat on the bottom the only way you're going to get things done is to flip them a few times in a situation like this when you have an open fire pit like this that fire burns out quick even if it is lump charcoal it's gone pretty quick and that's why I'm adding these car logs a little at a time all right we got still got some pretty good heat here so I'm going to flip these chickens right here you can see where it's really sizzling and cooking we're going to rotate this one and flip it and whoa whoa that was a save all right friend you all know that I like Perfection when it comes to cooking Meats so we have our trusty thermapen and we're checking this bird right here we're looking at 167 163 on that side that smoke 157 this one's not quite there this one's done so we're going to go ahead and pull this chicken out we're going to go ahead and pull the others in about five to ten minutes so we'll see you guys back inside we have our Pollo Asado dun dun what you want to do is cook it the way you like whatever works better for you that's the way you want to do it all right now we did have one little blowout on this one we cut the backbone out so sometimes there's nothing to hold this leg in place you know you have a very tiny little connection of bone and cartilage here that one fell off this one was ready to come off too the only thing holding it was the skin as you can see there see how that's starting to want to come apart too that's a perfectly cooked bird my friends a lot of your restaurants will use a Cleaver like this and they'll go ahead and split it in half and cut it like that and like that might even cut the breast in half like like that that's just one way you can do it that's moist you can see it's steaming hot it's dripping with juices that's a good chicken Fringe I also like to cut the thigh right here basically you can get eight pieces out of one whole chicken four per side so we need to cut this brush right here right along this way the fried chicken place to do it usually you get the wing along with some of the breasts I don't know I can't stand this anymore I have to give it a taste skin and all right some good bird all right now this is the one that had the backbone cut out of it you want to just go ahead and split the breasts in half put the breast in half here and as you can see this thing's super moist also now another way you can slice the breast a lot of times what I like to do is take the wing off I'll slice the breast lengthwise like this so you have some nice good slices you can put on a sandwich and a taco anywhere you want to add some moist look at that that's super super moist all right [Music] I got a Bundy today so I'm not dancing too much this is the traditional South Texas boy or Silo it's a whole half a chicken got a nice pretty Char underneath pretty color on the outside now this is the one that we seasoned with OG I like to take the wing off myself and leave the drum on there I like to separate here when you go by Pollo Asado at a local place here in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas they actually serve you the whole half a chicken like that some places will cut it up for you like that so you can do it that way there's the breast with three pieces there's a drumstick and a thigh and as I said earlier you can always cut the tie into all right my friend we have our plate served this is the way we would normally serve it at our house or for a catering a little bit of rice and beans chicken wing chicken bread a little piece of chicken thigh and a drumstick all right let's take a bite of this breast this looks really good it's super moist too very very juicy very moist Wowzer super delicious not too hot maybe it is you're going to see me start to sweat at first I thought it wasn't hot but it was hotter than I thought a little bit of beans a little bit of rice most excellent that Savannah is hot it burned all the way up and all the ways right here that's good stuff time to cool it off mmm my favorite piece we're gonna put a little bit of rice and beans in here we're gonna take a little piece of chicken from this thigh here we're going to put that in there again and all it's all protein man a little bit of salsa temada that's a little bit um we had a really good time cooking these Pollo Asados for you guys showing you the two types of spatchcock and the way we traditionally do it here in South Texas we sure hope all you my friends enjoyed this video thank you for all the nice comments thank you for all the shares we really appreciate each and every one of you guys if you're interested in APC wow you can get it at along with the OG OG a straight up salt pepper garlic remember if you want to up your barbecue game go to thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed it we'll see you at the next one keep the smoke light make it work and boom make it a wild kind of day boom let's clean this Grill up really good it's disinfected with a little bit of onion and when you're done cleaning the grill you just toss it in the fire we have two different styles of patched we have two different styles of of spatchcocked chicken um Peter Piper do that again that's perfect
Channel: ArnieTex
Views: 335,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, barbecue, barbeque, grill, grilled, grilling, chicken, grilled chicken, how to grill chicken, pollo, pollo asado, how to grill, pollo asado recipe, como hacer pollo asado, receta pollo asado, pollo asado al carbon, pollo asado a las brasas, pollo loco, grilled chicken recipe, mexican grilled chicken, mexican meat market, red grilled chicken, como hacer pollo asado al carbon, chicken asado, mexican pollo asado, spatchcock chicken, grilled spatchcock chicken, spatchcock, texas
Id: OdPYHq3j8Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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