The Best Grilled Chicken I've Ever Made - Jamaican Jerk Chicken | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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Has Sam done a video on how he maintains such a clean grill? I admire how clean it is each episode and would like to know what he does prior to shooting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ua_hobbes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lolwardski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

YES! He did one of my recipe suggestions <3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snakes_have_legs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you!!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bunnybudman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I made this last night. It was amazing!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/06fg2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
well it has more ingredients than we normally like to use this jerk chicken delivers a ton more flavor than almost anything today you're gonna really dig this and when I say flavor I really mean flavor because there are so many aspects so many different ingredients that that that come from all corners of the disc kitchen to make this happen they're sweet they're sour there's spicy habaneros there's there's everything but we start by just throwing everything into the blender first start with four green onions or scallions if you're from the east coast chopped up but you know not pulverized yet because the blender will do that then we're gonna add fresh ginger and lots of fresh garlic the spicy part today will be these habanero peppers so let's learn something heat food heat pepper heat specifically is measured on a scale referred to as the Scoville scale a jalapeno for example it's gorgeous beautiful jalapeno measures 2500 to 8,000 on the Scoville scale at its hottest the hell opinions about 8,000 conversely this little innocent-looking cherubic fellow this ranges not between 2500 and 8000 but between 100,000 and 350,000 Scoville units so a ton harder than the jalapeno and people think jalapenos are hot oh no this little guy this little innocent child right here that's the wine so we're gonna use two of them in here today like this I'll take off the little stems I'll give them a quick chop careful now that they're in my fingers I probably do not want to rub my eyes these in and then the rest of our stuff follows while you're here max we can do this so for our sweet we've got about a quarter cup of brown sugar or other spices include allspice about a teaspoon and even though we have fresh ginger we're going with the more traditional dry ginger about a teaspoon same amount of time dried of course some cinnamon of course a big pinch of kosher salt and then our liquids we've got lime juice we've got lemon juice we've got a little Wurster Shire for that little acity kick give you about a tablespoon quarter of a cup of neutral oil I've forgot to throw in about a half of a yellow onion diced up and then we're gonna give it about a quarter cup of water and we blend the lid goes on and contact now needless to say you want this mixed really really well because what you don't want is a giant bite of habanero when you're eating this when you're comfortable where it is you pull off the lid and there it is pretty innocent looking but just filled with flavor literally filled with flavor get it in our chicken so before we add the marinade to our chicken legs our drumsticks lovely little fellows I want to do this I want to take my knife and make just a few cuts that the marinade is gonna find its way into as they sit so we'll take this once we cut them drop them in the bag continue along this is just really making like more surface area that the marinade gets to work its magic on get that beautiful and then we'll add our marinade like this before I seal the bag just let me wash my hand slip the seal get most of the air oats gonna sit off and then do this and yes I know ice at the bag on the cutting board where I cut the chicken and we're gonna be fun when everybody's covered this goes into the fridge for at least a couple hours and then we grill so I'm just getting a keep back a little extra for brushing on while it's grilling the rest of this will go into another bag of chicken that I've prepared you don't need to see that but you will see me once this is ready in a couple hours and after a few hours of marinating and then I took these outs a half an hour ago because I don't like to cook them ice-cold ready for the grill let's make some jerk chicken legs and down they go that's the sizzle you want folks no question that means all the right things are gonna happen and you're gonna try and confine them to one side that's the hot side because at some point I'm going to move them over to the not hot side to finish cooking all the way through the smell I mean honestly you get like everything right here the garlic the ginger the allspice this is gonna be fantastic your goal at this point is getting good color on them not letting them burn keeping them moving once they start to develop some grill marks and turn them and turn them again then turn them again we keep these guys moving they'll cook evenly they'll stay tender and juicy and perfect this is not the time to rush this is the time for you to stay here pay attention to the chicken so get a cocktail spark up a fatty whatever your thing is just hang out take your time let the magic happen because I promise you will be rewarded let's have a look that that little color that's nice they're gonna be gorgeous by the time we're done but we don't have to rush it so let's let them cook through slowly oh boy Oh yes yes and don't worry we're gonna baste it's coming it's coming you know what I don't like people that are over sharers I'm gonna into the ground though I need to see the human kids on the beach doing like handstands and I mean with that oh look ooh so we continue right now on their sides a little bit just really take your time here folks I cannot stress that enough once they get color all the way around beautifulness will bring them over to this side to finish cooking more like they're in an oven just the ambient temperature of that area the temp down underneath Wow but so I'm telling you here's what I'm seeing I'm seeing this now is ready for a little basting let's go for it it's effing hot man all right so now let's take these guys we're gonna move them onto the not-hot side I mean look there's a little heat under here but it's way down low and take a look at the colors now this this is what you really want now this is American Idol Wow check out fantastique and the smell I live for the smell of beautifully cooking food it makes me so happy look at the colors that are going on so now that we've switched sides literally sides of the grill insides of the chicken now a little bit more of this basting sauce and just let the magic happen uh look I learned to cook chicken from my brother-in-law Bob in Toronto Canada in the winter with this much snow on the ground and the process of N is virtually the same as it is right here behind me you take your time you turn it a lot you be loving with it you don't rush it chicken skin will burn like God and when you see black into chicken you imagine it's ready and you pull it off and guess what most of the time it's not ready it's just it's just stopped just burnt skin that's not what we're doing here we're relaxing we're holding back we're showing a little restraints that's what we're doing and you will as I said you'll be rewarded for your patience for your efforts questions anybody okay let's finish nice see how we're doing oh for goodness sakes how are we doing how are we doing doing amazing is how we're doing whoa baby whoa whoa whoa and look we're aiming for you know like about 160 ish they say it's 165 where you yank chicken and I say if you pull it off at about 160 keep it loosely tented with foil it will get to that final temperature if you pull it off of 165 by the time you're eating it's 170 one or two and then it's overcooked I don't want you to have that okay ready to go one last thing before I pull them off a little kosher salt oh man that's gonna that's just gonna do some really beautiful stuff to the flavors and here we go hi guys oh my if you could smell what I'm smelling right now you'd be like oh holy that is incredible so let's put it down cover it loosely with foil and we leave it for five or ten minutes until we can eat and at the end of that time off we oh come on look I realize it looks like grilled chicken so what's the big deal well the big deal folks is the flavor the big deal is everything this is gonna do for my taste buds and what I like is I like the way nothing is burnt I like the even coloring of everything you know sort of like all the way rent Wow look at that beautiful this is this is what it's all about and why it's because we didn't cook it too hot I need a bite of this damn it's hot might need a fork to help me with this it's wait I wanna oh darn it I just want to hold it for you and you can see how okay wait I can do this there it's still hot as f oh my god the flavor from that little oh the habanero look jerk chicken is known for its spiciness and well let's just find out I'm gonna be honest with you right now literally some of the best I'm gonna be honest with you right now little literally some of the best chicken I've ever made right it's spicy it's too habanero spicy it and I'm feeling the heat here and of the heat here but it's not overwhelming I do not like to be overwhelmed with heat I do not like to take a bite of something and then go for the I do not like to take a bite of something and then go for the next ten minutes to me that's not fun but like a little lingering lovely heat like this cook perfect um okay this is just ridiculously silly it's silly how damn good this is the flavors are just like all over the place so I want you to make this imagine a chicken salad that this that this would make imagine a quesadilla that this would make imagine just picking these damn things up and eating them with some rice look it's from Jamaica like from fried plantains or whatever they have but they got their going on you have to make this and by the way you know what's coming up it's like forth who says it's got to be you know born and raised american-style food it doesn't it's generally just outside food and if I'm not mistaken we're outside and that's a grill and there's what's supposed to happen all right thanks for hanging out I could go on all day but I just want to stand here they have these bites yeah oh my god you're gonna be so happy I swear it
Views: 1,277,982
Rating: 4.9005985 out of 5
Keywords: jerk chicken, best jerk chicken, sam the cooking guy, grilled chicken, best chicken, chicken recipe, best chicken recipe, best grilled chicken, grilled jerk chicken, jamaican jerk chicken, sam the cooking guy chicken, how to jerk chicken, jerk chicken recipes, how to make jerk chicken, how to make jamaican jerk chicken, jerk chicken grill, jamaican jerk chicken recipe, recipe for chicken, recipe of chicken, chicken grilled, chicken grilled recipe, grilled chicken recipes
Id: m5wbKFcLrJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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