Why You Don't Have Money and What to Do About It: Cardone Zone

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my name's Grant Cardone does the cardones don't every day every day I'm gonna show you how to get money a lot cheaper than me I get yourself in a position to sit in that chair right there are you the solution or do the price yeah well we're talking about what does it take they don't know you and they're not thinking about you they do know you and they're not thinking they forgot you my name is Grant Cardone you are in the car down zone where I wake you up I shake you up punch you in the face but mostly I'm that good [Music] you got a deal [Music] [Music] hey welcome Friday Friday 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Grant Cardone here you are now in the cardones zone where we talk about your career your finances and your money so good to have you here today our numbers 305 eight six five eight six six eight if you want to call and you want to ask a question I'm happy to I'm just gonna give you a prediction right here right now today's about why you don't have money and what to do about it I'll show you exactly what you need to do about it but first you need to know why you don't have money it's not because you don't work by the way you have a job if you're watching the show you have a job many of you have good jobs but why you don't have money okay or you could add why I don't have more money everybody's got some money why don't you have more money and I'm going to share with you today that it's really not your fault why you don't have more money it's because most of the money you do have is not working before I get into that though I want to just give you a prediction I am I'm gonna give you a note Radames is it no true Damas is that the dude's name Johnny Francisco are you guys here yeah Nostradamus okay we are going to have a major capitulation in the stock market it's going to be driven by ETFs and mutual funds it probably will not be before the end of the year it could be early next year because the brokers of the stock market The Wall Street brokers and agents they've already captured their bonuses for the year but they're gonna look soon to start divesting that's a big word for dumping what they have but I want to talk if you're not in the stock market good for you let me tell you that that's not your major problem your major problem is the money that you do have does not work for you this is why people do not create wealth the money that you do have the money that you have earned the money after taxes you are using for the wrong things I have my little shirt on today cash flow is king everybody remembers the old adage cash is king cash is not king cash flow is king all right so let me give you some data that you need to know there's five point as of today five point eight trillion dollar this is in the United States of America five point eight trillion dollars is sitting in home equity this is why you don't have more money number one reason is you have money sitting in home equity you did exactly what your mom and dad said to do buy your house pay it off you did what Dave Ramsey said I I had john maxwell here yesterday I mentioned I mentioned Dave Ramsey and any zico that's a good day today's a good dude I said yeah that's a good dude but but look man he wouldn't have a show if it wasn't for debt and Max was like huh he wouldn't have he he's telling people not to take on dad he's telling people to pay their home down but this is a problem in America today that equity that equity in your house is earning nothing it is dead money okay you know now your receivers in your brain just snapped and said what do I do I got to live somewhere of course you do but you don't need dead money sitting here five point eight trillion dollars is that the fingertips of households across America that money could be working for you homes don't pay you you pay the home okay there's another five trillion some odd dollars they don't exactly know how much is this sitting in cash and bank accounts cash whatever cash is today now you've all heard of all the other problems like ninety two billion dollars worth of credit card debt one point four trillion dollars where they could college a debt those are not the problems though these are the two major problems why'd you don't have money today or should we say why you don't have more money it's because you have money that's not earning money can we show them the graph of today's rates it's super low quality oh it's such a good quality it's such a better quality perfect okay let me see you found that one yeah yeah but you changed it that's not the one I want to see anyway we'll go we'll go with that one okay let me see that will make it bigger Bank of America 0.01 percent compound that as much as you want you can compound that every day it's still not going to be any money you can pound that with a jackhammer okay point zero three percent capital bank one percent that's a savings account their money markets 0.85 and their interest on their checking account where most people have their money is point two Oh Jase Bank 0.01 Citibank 0.04 you ever heard of these banks for the biggest banks in the world HSBC 0.01 0.01 percent interest right so let me just do the math on that because I can't even think with it let's say you have a million dollars this show today is why you don't have more money let's say you have a million dollars a million dollars paying you let's see what Bank is that that is HSBC a major bank or SunTrust you've heard of SunTrust 1 million dollars paying you 0.01 percent okay that means 1 million dollars next year the whole year 1 million dollars it earns Oh 1 percent that's point 0 1 of 1% is that right not 1% yeah that's point O 1 it's not it's not it's not tint it's not point 1 of 1% it's you understand huh ok this is $100 or is that a thousand dollars might be a thousand dollars right 1 million 1 million times it's so small dude I can't even think with it right like it's like it's a thousand dollars I think it's a thousand dollars no 0 1 0 1 yeah it's point 0 0 you're right point zero zero zero one so $100 okay whatever whatever hey it's a hundred as the thousand is nothing right you're earning eight dollars a month to have money in the bank you're like but I thought cash is king cash is trash this money is going down and value the show is why you don't have more money because you're following your mommy and daddy's rules your mommy and daddy's rules were the banks were paying ten and twelve percent in 1986 that's what the a quest fan 10 to 12 percent on your money money would double every 7 years this will take 833 years for that money to double it will never double you you have to live seven lifetimes okay and if you're Catholic you're going to heaven so the money still won't be anything now that's one problem the bigger problem is not cash accounts the bigger problem is the equity in your homes you got money sitting in the equity in your home it earns nothing zero it cannot grow but oh yeah but you justify because you got to have a place to stay now not to mention if you own Facebook four months ago if you had a million dollars worth of Facebook like I got a buddy that's got a million dollars for the Facebook that lost 400 grand okay in three months and it's got it still can drop from there Apple if you bought Apple stock at 225 dollars in too high that stocks a hundred and sixty four bucks today okay that means you lost what what is that sixty one dollars sixty one dollars three percent and you did not receive income while you owned it so where do you go you got money in the stock market it's going down to value it's going to go further you're going to get capitulation in the stock market there's too much money sitting in ETFs there's too much money sitting in mutual funds there's too much money sitting in in in equity and homes and there's too much money sitting in cash accounts and where there's too much okay it will go down in value so when we come back three oh five eight six five eight six six eight we're gonna talk we're gonna talk to you where do I go what do I do I want to have more money today's about why you don't have more money it's because you're doing what your parents did stay with me I was bored I was lazy not doing anything sleeping and not doing what to do don't see my life I want to showcase your success it grows conference free I promise you to tango when I met him my entire life got better she makes people better he's a magnifier [Music] we're so empowering and so expressive and - and I will walk away from this the growth time changed forever I would say to you from all over the world come to the next 10x conference [Music] [Applause] [Music] first root of hustle wholesaling chris is in the interesting real estate space but he's figured out a little niche Evan flipping deals when he calls Hotel and wholesaling I want to show you how to get into real estate without making all the mistakes I have he actually doesn't own the real estate what he does is he buys a contract he basically you don't actually buy the contract you control the console correct visit Chris recom to book a call right now hey welcome back rent car down here you're in the car down zone every Friday 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time me and my staff come to you to get you ready for the weekend today we're talking about why you don't have more money you don't have more money folks because nice not it's not because you don't work it's not because you're not a good person it's not because you overspend it's not because you got too much debt it's not because you don't bust your ass it's because your money doesn't bust its ass your money is lazy if your money was employees you would fire your money okay I mean would you tell you would you tell your money okay here I earned all this money now I'm gonna go invest in something I don't know anything about imagine if I get a million dollars if I get a million dollars and I save a million dollars or I save ten thousand dollars just convert your money to employees these are people do I want these million people to work for me do I want these employees these 10,000 employees to go work for me you guys don't have it working you've got to stay at your house you're like no no I don't want my 10,000 employees to work for me I'm gonna Park it in my house you would never do that but that's what you have you have ten thousand or a thousand ben franklin's basically living at your house doing nothing dying or you put them in the 401k this is a scam of massive proportions right here send the money to the 401k people like hey man your funds ten years that's freaking thirty-five and forty years this is a ridiculous right here you send money every month maybe it's 500 bucks a month every month to go die and you can't even access the money so here's the rules okay number one the the money the extra money should go into something that gives you money you want your money to have babies the Golden Goose is no law no longer good if she doesn't have eggs the only thing that makes the Golden Goose valuable is the fact that the Golden Goose lays eggs lays eggs so if you just study the wealthiest families in the world not just in America in the world over long periods of time look at the Queen the Queen of England this much property and one of the richest families in the world why they get cash flow every month from India from England from Ireland from all over the world while the princes in Saudi Arabia so wealthy because they have constant inflow of money coming from the land that produces the oil the oil comes out of the land and produces cash flow the railroads the railroads back in the day would they do they got all this land together and then they rented that land out to everybody around it why do all the teachers credit unions take all the money from all the teachers around America and then they start investing in real estate that produces cash flow so they can distribute back to their members I'm always going to come back to this one story look real assets that produce real cash flow every month when it pays you every month and you're getting reminded every month I got a check I got a little hundred dollar check I got a two hundred dollar check this month I got a thirteen thousand dollar check today from one of my properties every month I get a check for thirteen grand from that property it's one hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year it didn't start like that it used to be like 1,300 bucks 1300 then it was 26 then it was 5,000 next thing you know it's 13 grand that's one property pays me every month property just sits there okay just sits there it might not even change in value just sits there and produces cash flow anything that produced this cash flow will be worth more money tomorrow that's why Netflix is valuable why because people pay a lot of cash into Netflix and even if Netflix loses money today some company will find Netflix desirable for one reason cash flow is king okay particularly if the technology can't be disrupted so the cash flow at AT&T is less desirable than the cash flow at Netflix because you have so much disruption going on with telecommunications as opposed to I want to watch TV at night okay let's talk to our callers why you don't have more money dealing why don't you think you have more money number one reason you don't have more money for me I believe it would be that you don't surround yourself with people that make enough money or make money at all you're surrounding yourself with the incorrect people yeah that's cool but it could also hold true for your Benjamin what if your Benjamin's hang out by themselves yeah that's true what do you mean by that well what I mean is you got to get your Benjamin's to work any money that you have left over like I know I know everybody thinks it's the networking thing and by the way networking is really important for new ideas new influences new connections new customers but I got to get my money to work right like if I save a thousand dollars then I have a thousand dollars then I put the thousand dollars in the bank and I don't know what the bank does with it and the banks like yeah we're going to pay you point zero zero zero one percent absolutely so see John John here he's on the camera today John puts his money in the mattress where do you keep it John yeah yeah he's got it he's got it triple closeted by itself okay he his money is homophobic he's in three closets but it's all alone dude if you stay alone you cannot multiply and this is the biggest mistake people make they don't get their money to work all right what's your question that I mean look Mike I don't really have a question for you today man I just was so happy to talk to you I really just got to say that you have changed my life single-handedly after reading the 10x real dude I've never talked the same I've never operated the same I'm 22 years old and that was the first book I have ever read cover to cover and I have not stopped since and I really do cannot thank you enough for everything you do dude I appreciate you man that's why we do what we do here okay we're trying to change people's lives I've done this my man my man I've done this with sales I've done it in social social media I've talked about how to change things how to disrupt now I'm talking about that money what your mom and dad taught you will not get you to the next level okay the reason you don't have more money let's talk to our next caller the reason you don't have more money is the money you do have you don't have a place for it to go to work Cody what's up man Cody I'm doing good now that I'm talking to you hey so my question is I'm new at starting out I just got into cells like six months ago I don't have a lot of money like maybe $2,000 how does someone starting out so small 10x their money well how much money you have right now like $2,000 good so your next targets 20 grand you just multiply times 10 mm I got to go from 2,000 to $20,000 right and so right now but you're like how fast can I do that so I'm gonna be like I want I need I need to make like $30,000 to keep 20 or I need to make 40 to keep 20 because that's really your goal now I'm gonna go 10x and then I'm gonna do a double cuz for me to keep 20 grand I need to make more than 20 because the government and food and the cost of living is gonna take some of it so now your new targets 40 grand I'm gonna make 40 I'm gonna keep 20 I'm gonna go from having two grand to $20,000 number one number two how fast can I do it the speed at which you can do this will determine how much money you have left over the longer it takes you to get there the less money you're going to end up with the shorter the period of time the more you can compress time so dude if you if you were committed enough you could do that between now and the end of the year the fact that you've never accumulated that much money in your life does not mean with a target and a real desire to do it I could go get 40 grand this afternoon yeah I mean I'm 100% committed to this yeah I started watching your videos you know I'm looking into the Grant Cardone University get that you should get card on University by the way you should get that because it's gonna show you how to talk to people because if you can't talk to people you can't get money cuz who's got all the money people people like I want more money go talk to people like what do you think the money is it's not in the air it's not an idea the money's not sitting up in your head I got to think about something no you don't do you got to go talk to people because people have everything you want let's talk to our next caller thanks for calling in Cardone zone every Friday 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we shake it up so we can wake you up it's the rumble in the jumbo you got to start talking move your face what's up sup man Chris Chris come on man welcome to the car down zone thank you Chris are you coming to the 10x growth conference I am NOT not this year why not well I'm sitting at work right now on the line waiting on the start back you give me one good reason not to come I'm gonna give you one million reasons to come work money okay give me keep going worth money can't take time off yeah okay I'm gonna taste them you don't have time and you don't have money because you don't invest time and you don't invest money that's great that's why you don't have time and money okay so what you're going to do is you're going to when we hang up I'm getting ready to hang up on your lass you're gonna go to your boss and say I'm not gonna be there February 1st 2nd 3rd that's a Friday Saturday and Sunday if you guys can't do without me didn't you need to pay me more because that's how valuable I am they're not going to miss you dude February 1st 2nd 3rd ok I'm gonna buy your damn tickets so you go handle your boss I'm gonna handle the money I'm gonna give you a damn seat you get you ass on the plane get down to Miami ok I'm never going to talk to you again you're in the cardones out folks hook him up I was bored I was lazy not doing anything sleeping and not to I have to do Griffin don't see my life I want to showcase your success it grows conference free I promise you to thank Allah when I met him my entire life got better he makes people better he's a magnifier [Music] was so empowering and so my husband and I will walk away from this the growth time changed forever I would say to you from all over the world come to the next 10x conference [Music] [Applause] [Music] male tagged more sales in less time know exactly when your emails are open know when your links are clicked on within your emails track performance metrics giving you unlimited real-time email tracking we give you precise email scheduling make sure your emails arrive at the right time every time increase your open rates and perfect your multi time zone sending we automate your follow-up process save time and energy through automation improve reply rates see how it can work for you try it completely free for two weeks no credit card required mail so you got $10,000 that you earn from hard work you walked away you make 20 grand you paid your taxes you paid some sneakers for the kids you did this for a while you end there with 10,000 little babies over here 10,000 little baby binney's then you're like man what am I gonna do with this money your goal should be to earn five to six percent on your money in ten years that money will be 50% you will have earned 50% number one you want to earn cash flow number two you need to be in something that has the potential to go up and appreciate and zero potential to go down listen to what I'm telling you this is all you have to do this is what I've done for 30 years I make money work my ass off make some money pay my bills live frugally I have some leftover money all decisions now are to get that money to work this is why people don't get rich they never get their money to work they go buy a house they go on a vacation they buy a car I'm like dude I didn't want to do all that I wanted to get rich I want this money to earn more money than I earn and you just have to do this over time it takes time to do this the goal should be I earn more money because of my money than I earn because of my time time is money study this it's not money it's time it's time is money never nobody ever says money is time you can't buy time time is money right so what do I do I earn the money now I got 10 grand everybody's got 10 grand everybody fine ten grand now I got to decide to get rid of the ten grand if you hold the ten you will not multiply the money the money will go down in value money sitting around always goes down to value so number one I need cash flow cash flow is king the more the lower the cash flow by the way the lower the cash flow and the more stable the cash flow the better the appreciation is going to be in the future I did not know this when I started investing I wanted higher cash flow you want to actually a lower cash flow better better assets pay lower cash flows better assets appreciate faster right so you need two parts of the equation one get rid of money get rid of the cash if you don't do the first thing you will never ever have more money okay earn five to six percent of your money and be in an asset a real asset not a piece of paper that's a piece of paper stocks are not real assets okay in a real asset that has the potential this is the definition it has the potential to be worth more and zero potential at being worth less it cannot go down about you if you do those two things and do it over and over and over again I flew into Lake Charles Louisiana where I grew up a guy says hey man I got to know I grew up with this kid he was the next-door neighbor his daddy was a doctor this guy wasn't it--and been entitled his whole life he's like my god man I mean he grew up with money he's been going to Aspen since he was six years old right in a ski boat every summer his ski boat he's never not had money like if this guy should be lightyears ahead of me but he's not he's like my god you got the world by the tail dude he's like what's the secret dude I found out what works and I do it over and over and over and over again while you were going on trips to Aspen and you were buying a house showing off I wasn't buying a house and I wasn't going to Aspen what I was doing was buying stuff that would pay me that works harder for me than my kids will I don't know my kids would work but I'm gonna get Ben Franklin to work I got money in my pocket right now I'm a little worried about it because it's not working it needs to do something go hustle man okay all right let's our callers today Paul in Las Vegas why don't you have more money I don't know I'm at work right now I'm talking to you yeah but dude but dude let's talk about it might be the issue why don't how much money you have at the bank right now ninety-five grand ninety five thousand what what did it earn for you this year two percent allied bank oh you're killing it oh yeah this guy is killing it $95,000 imagine four hundred years away imagine if he had ninety five thousand employees okay that money earned can you do the math up for me what is that yeah two percents like 19 no no no it's like 1,800 bucks $1,900 killing it man you're killing a dog okay no no no I want to talk about how you even make sense of this I don't want to hear your ideas right now all I know is your ideas are bad okay how can you even make sensitive dude inflation's 3% the rent on my property went up three percent this year they're not even paying you what you freaking with what rental price values went up yeah I'm storing that up for the next deal do you own a home let me ask you this do you own a home in Vegas yeah good good good for you okay okay you got any 401k money no I well I got a hundred grand in that but I took it out to you long I've got three rental properties there you go that's in a business and I've done all this since August okay listen he just didn't meet it so do get rid of this 95 all right yep well if I get another five grand I can call Ryan Seco okay I'll get you the five grand right now you will yeah we'll figure it out I have the next third they want to get paid so let's get you stuck we'll get you going today I don't want to wait and you can give me the five grand next week okay okay we'll do that but yeah okay you have a great idea though let me hear your great idea so I signed up for card on you in medical sales for the last 12 years I love the program well what I was thinking that way to help you you always have businesses that need people you know good employees and employ our people out there in the workforce that want to find good businesses to work with yeah my idea for it is set up a like a job board or a forum for the two of those you've got to independent people bring them together you know Cardone trained you know people that can work in cart owned businesses that make sense does anybody here know what he's talking about nobody here knows what you're talking about no oh so I mean I'm thinking is a good idea somewhere in there but it's like a horse you know it's like we're looking for the horse only because we see the they got to be a horse somewhere here where's that pony where's that pony there's a pony word let me have second call you let's start with it let's start with what we know is gonna work hook him up okay I like that dude okay look at the guys guy the guy at least confronts the situation he's like I got 95 in the bank pulled my money out of my retirement account he's buying rental properties here's my prediction stock market is going to roll over ETFs and mutual fund will lead the way possibly in the beginning of new year there's just too much money in it okay home equity if you have equity in your home and you want to capitalize and maximise on the amount your home is worth today now is the time to sell it sell your house into spring of next year try to get out of your house as fast as you can these values and homes will go down okay if you if the stock market gets hit six seven eight thousand points and it could it could easily get hit that hard home values in America will go down properties the cash flow will not go down they will provide cash flow don't you hate my message he loves it we got we got visitors today okay so all your wives I know your wives hate my guts they're like where you leaving the house well I love my house I know where the kitchen is you guys out there they can't get your wife off the house thing man show your why show your wife what a five million dollar house would rent for okay go go go if you're living in a million dollar house show her what living in a five million dollar rental house that you guys could move in and out of every 15 months if you wanted to I got a buddy just moved to my building thirty thirty three thousand dollars a month you base to live in my building okay he sold his home and he's telling his home in Orange County he's getting out he's getting his equity he's gonna come over here and pay 400 500 grand a year to live dry but he can leave in a year then he goes live in Costa Rica if he wants he can live wherever he wants but who knows what's gonna happen you go live in Panama you go back to California lived there for a year he can go to Arizona go to you guys need to be able to move around man the adventure there's no adventure in a house what's the adventure of the kids security the kids the kids the kids the kids are going to leave as soon as they can at 9:00 they're ready to I went out of here okay let's talk to our last caller the reason you don't have more money John is because you guys don't make money a priority you guys make work a priority we can - a priority having funds a priority okay saving money is a priority I don't want to save money dude I want money to multiply I wanted to have babies hey grant I want my money to take over the world I'm working on that now I'm actually looking into Cardone capital my thing is you know I have about I did the math lesson I got 143 liquid between my house the 401 K yeah I know I made a lot of decisions before my question I don't know if this is the right time but with Cardone capital yeah you know I know you're having a discussion on Saturday if I put in let's say 20 25 grand into that what would the cash flow do you think could be on monthly first of all if you put yeah if you put in a hundred thousand let's just deal with a hundred thousand because you got 143 thousand you shouldn't do 25 grand should do all your money like I keep telling you guys like I know you think I'm a fanatic the reason I'm rich is because I do it all I put it all in the formula I don't put any money in Apple stock nothing in Facebook I'm not buying anything I don't have any ETF's no mutual funds too many people went there study history we're everywhere where everyone goes things go bad I know this this will earn $5,000 a year okay every hundred grand earns about five to six thousand dollars a year so I got an email this morning here's the deal that we bought we thought it was going to distribute 6% a year we have great news the Reserve at points port st. Lucie operations performed ahead of expectations during 2018 I'm reading it to you I just got this at at 10:30 6:00 this morning currently you will receive a distribution in the amount of $14,000 or 7% this earns five that's what we paid at this property and at the end of the year we had a bigger distribution the property perform better and we distributed another 7% so when I tell you guys I'm aiming for five it doesn't mean I can't get to 12 if I can I will why would I want to do that I own the damn thing like is that like I don't want to pay the investors I am the investor I am the number one investor so I'm born money from the bank at four and a half percent now the banks the richest institutions in the world think that this is a lot of money otherwise they wouldn't lend me the money everybody agreed with that and they put it into this hundreds of millions of dollars billions of dollars or lended against these properties to one person they're not going to do that with a house you go to go to them with a house say I have a 1 billion dollar house to buy ok the bank is not going to lend you no matter how much money you put down they're like no no we're not going to give you a loan for one house but we will give you 700 million dollars where the loans are billion dollars where the loans against these properties you buy why cashflow man cashflow those homes that you're being sold right now it's to fund banks banks want to give everybody little loans okay because they make money like that they don't care if the big goes back most of them won't go back only 10% will or 8% none of this is going to go back these properties don't go back these properties that I'm on they don't trade hands people keep them for eight and ten years so this is what I would do dude I would have have this protect you get your 5% plus you've got a shot at the appreciation okay just so you know my goal on that that project is to return you two to three times your money my goal is not to return you 5% I'm not trying to make 5% of my money I'm trying to make 5% of my money get my money to go work for me earn 5% passive cross my fingers hope that I picked the right property and I wait for the right moment somebody comes along and says I want to buy that property maybe we improve the Ritz maybe it could happen then I improve the Ritz and the 5% goes up just like it my property here maybe the rents go up if the rents go up what happens more cash flow for us and the more the cash flow goes up the more the property appreciates if we bought the right thing my goal my goal for every hundred grand I put in I want to send out two to three hundred thousand dollars I said take five years six years seven years I don't really care I'm looking for a double and a triple while I wait for my double and a triple I want a little drip okay a bunt a bunt a bunt a bunt I get on first base and get on first base and you know I keep getting on first base dude I'm gonna freak and make it all the way around most people never get to first base that's why they never score and so the the the asset class the asset class has to be this it has to be real assets it cannot be stocks it cannot be bonds bonds cannot go up okay like they're just not you're it's risky it's a piece of paper I mean I guess it could go up but it's too risky you have to time it right Apple stock could go up could go down I don't know what's gonna happen what if somebody comes out with a new phone is there chance in your lifetime that some technology could possibly replace this right it's not like I love Apple I just got it I just have it but you show me a better way you show me a way to make phone calls without a phone if I'd have told you 50 years ago I'd be making phone calls for this you'd be like no way how about this how about we make phone calls one day and we don't have a device okay so I don't want to be invested in that because that can go away where I live is not going away Amazon will not disrupt it Apple computer will not disrupt it Microsoft will not disrupt it I have to live someplace I don't see how they go artificial on that I need heat and need a place to live I'd love to have a big freakin fancy ass swimming pool you've got a million-dollar house dude my properties have two and three million-dollar swimming pools so I'm gonna tell you the last thing I'm gonna tell you guys is this the wave the wave in the next over the next ten to fifteen or twenty years is gonna be to the entire all of America is going to be living at these complexes that I'm talking about these complexes I'm buying today I believe with a hundred percent of who I am all of America not part of America everybody is going to start moving to these facilities where there's two and three hundred families at beautiful complexes very secure cameras theaters swimming pools great gyms you won't have to go you don't have to go to a 24-hour fitness some of my gyms are better than the 24 hours of fitness and people are going to move to that and that's being backed by investments like Blackstone and Goldman Sachs and the Wells Fargo's and a Bank of America they're investing their money in these kind of products the reason you don't have my money is because you're not committed to getting your money to grow up and multiply itself any civilization that refuses to multiply will cease to exist the fridge will lose Paris the English will lose London why because they don't multiply their tribe okay the Italians will lose all of Italy the Japanese will who's Japan those that refuse to multiply will cease to exist and that certainly applies to your money bye bye [Music] [Applause] I want you to have an experience that you will never ever forget my name is Grant Cardone just the cardones shown every day every day I'm gonna show you how to get money a lot cheaper than me okay get yourself in a position to sit in that chair right there are you the solution or you the box yeah we're gonna what does it take they don't know you and they're not thinking about you do know you and they're not thinking okay forgot you my name is Grant Cardone you are in the car down zone where I wake you up I shake you up punch you in the face but mostly I'm that good [Music] oh yeah it was any man you got a deal we got a question [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 65,540
Rating: 4.8459015 out of 5
Keywords: why you dont have money, grant cardone, entrepreneur, don't have money, entrepreneurship, how to grow your business, business, what to do about it, dont have money, what to do when you have no money, income, home equity, dead money, success, cardone zone, cardonezone, crdone, no job no money what to do, no money problem, why, grantcardone, american problems, money, real estate, economy, the economy, what to do when you have no money and no job, cash flow, 10x, sell or be sold, debt
Id: fnQwTVMl_2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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