The Best Things About Being Ugly - AskReddit

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keeping my head shaved his incredibly low maintenance what is the best thing about being unattractive people assume your successes are based on your skills last year I had a change of eye doctors my previous one had been pretty handsome with good social skills and a soothing voice I was kind of skeptical of the new guy because he was somewhat abrasive and plain looking but I had no idea that my previous doctor had not been doing a very good job until I put in the contact prescription from the new guy I could finally read street signs and see individual leaves on the trees and stuff and the lenses fit my eyes like a dream I would forget I have them and if I weren't so blind it was amazing ever since then I've been making an effort to not get distracted by people's appearance or demeanor and judge them based on their actual skills I wouldn't say I'm hideous but I'm on the lower side of average I have bad hair and very little interest in makeup or fashion so I also don't regularly go out of my way to pretty myself up I used to have nice boobs but after breastfeeding a child they kind of deflated I know because he told me that my husband loves me because I'm smart very funny capable strong-willed and gorky though I haven't let myself go I'm pretty certain he isn't going to leave me if I put on a few pounds and since I rarely dressed up in the first place me bumming around in pajama bottoms all the time isn't out of the ordinary I have never been catcalled no one has ever been surprised that I can drive a stick shift or a motorcycle random people don't tell me to smile whilst I'm walking I'm not afraid to walk alone at night I have never been harassed by strangers I have such a prominent RBF even people waving signs on the street shy away from getting in my face I have never been asked out in my life I have pursued every boyfriend I've ever had which is admittedly not many I have been turned down plenty though I have never been hit on by either sober or drunk people when I tried online dating I got a thousand replies to my profile once I sent a few my picture I never heard from them again no one ever offers to help me with anything even if I'm visibly struggling I must ask and am often ignored before I was married guys would make young faces when asked what they thought about me overall being unattractive has been a bonus for me I've never had anyone pander to me I know all my friends like me for me and I'm not held to the same standards a lot of women are by society I was a late bloomer so not being asked out in high school was nice and when I did get interested I was mature enough to not let rejection shatter me I ended up married to a nice guy with fantastic hair who was nice enough to pass that hair on to our beautiful daughter I live a comfortable life and no one assumes I sold myself to get here all in all it's pretty great never have to wonder does she like me I really like this girl I wonder if she feels the same way oh wait of course she doesn't that moment when they ask advice on your friend hey can I talk to you privately about something gets nervously excited sure anything it's about your friend Brian internally shouting goddammit go on girl replied most annoying thing is liking someone who is too busy self-deprecating to notice your interest there is a girl at my college known for sleeping around a lot there are a bunch of rumors surrounding her but I know for a fact that she has taken two random guys up to a room on the same night I worked as a doorman at the time she wasn't the best student by any means she was choosing to party over studying or anything like that about a year ago I was drunk at a bar and saw her there she saw me and we talked for a bit and she asked to dance I'm not the most attractive person by any means so this had never happened to me I took her offer why not could be fun after about four songs worth of grinding or so she turns around and gives me this wide-eyed look she quickly says I have to go and rushes out the door as quick as she could I assumed she had a moment of clarity and left I met back up with friends told them what happened and we all left a bit later the next day there is a huge party and apparently she didn't go people were saying she wanted to study instead in fact she didn't go to the bar or any party for the rest of the semester she made needs list that semester and is on track to make Dean's List this semester too when I talk about it to my friends they say she probably hooked up with someone else that night or she went out night but I saw her look of shock I saw her directly leave the bar I know she didn't go to that party that she would normally go to the very next night she hit rock bottom by simply dancing with me and it was enough to truly change her life there's never a question of my ability nobody's keeping me around for my good looks I'm a musician and I get steady work in spite of how difficult it is for people to look at me woman replied in all honesty your skills will make you significantly more attractive to women I'm slightly above average in looks and I've dated a lot of musicians looking back most were quite unattractive but their music drew me to them I am a normal-looking to slightly unattractive guy working as a teacher when the woman expresses interest in me I can basically be 100 percent short is actually based on Who I am and not just looks or money because I certainly don't have any of that whenever people seem really interested in you and there seems to be no obvious reason they want something you might not know what they want right away but you know they want something there's nothing to lose can't dance F it get out there and dance like you want to you aren't gonna spoil any chances of getting laid karaoke night Eminem more journey is calling your name who cares if you suck you're getting turned down 20 times tonight anyways but you only need one girl to think that guy really owns his unattractive awkwardness with a self-aware confidence I actually find hot and then you're in being invisible in public I am completely ignoring this is great for people watching and generally not being bothered I don't feel much pressure to put a lot of effort into my appearance so I can wear comfortable clothes and become visual background noise keeping my head shaved is not only low-maintenance it makes me look slightly intimidating combined with my beard and stocky frame it can be lonely but as an introvert it is an advantage to not be obligated to social interactions I don't initiate most people will be more genuine around you attractive people tend to intimidate others and cause them to act differently to what they normally would more genuine behavior as an I really don't care about talking to you or seeing you ever again in high school my personality matured and grew ten times faster than the popular kids while most people were busy trying to climb the popular friends ladder the people who didn't bother soon realize that each other were the best friends they could have it also prepares you for the diversity of college and how to treat people all that I am grateful for my boyfriend doesn't get jealous when I go out with my male friends because he knows I'm too unattractive for them to hit on me I'm not in an abusive relationship we're just both aware I'm not very good looking I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing personally I'm pretty sure that I fall right in the middle of the bell curve for attractiveness I'm not hot I'm an average sorta dude with not great skin uneven facial hair I'm short and I have a pretty juvenile sense of humor that revolves largely around poop jokes but growing up my lack of conventionally attractive traits including muscles gorgeous smooth dandruff free hair height chiseled jawline confidence etc helped me sharpen my skills in other areas I can't draw in girls with my smoldering sexy eyes so I practice my rhythm telling jokes until I could make them laugh I can't impress girls with my cash flow so I learned to impress them with my knowledge and how to make weird nerdy facts actually seem cool I can't draw girls like a moth to a flame from my height since I lack any so I hit the gym to actually put on a layer of muscle hit the road to keep myself trim and hit the mountain trails on vacation so I could brag about climbing mountains skills my face might not look like it belongs on the cover of a Glamour magazine but I'm an amazing cook a decent Baker I can fix just about any mechanical device and I can even pull out a bit of wine-tasting mumbo-jumbo if I can get a girl over for a home-cooked meal she's coming back for another date finally I fail I know that I fail a lot and I've gotten used to it this led to me hardening my soul against that fear of failing learning to just use it as more motivation to throw myself out there into the breach once again and you know what it works I'm in an amazing relationship with a beautiful woman who's totally out of my league looks wise but you know what since I'm short she gets to wear comfortable flats since I'm pretty blah she's always the attractive one when we go out without needing to futz over makeup for hours she comes exercising with me which means that despite her curvy very top-heavy figure she's got a butt to kill for relationship slump she's looking better than ever we balance each other out she's pretty I'm smart people start off wondering how the hell the two of us fit together but then I charmed them with conversation and she charms them with looks and kindness and we clean up on the dinner party circuit and at home since I'm a farting smelly little gremlin she gets to cut loose and relax my woman's got a fart like a trombone but she doesn't feel ashamed to be her true uninhibited self around me being unattractive or in the middle blahs own might be a bit like playing the game of life and hard mode but remember while hard mode can be challenging the right strategy can see you through and the rewards are potentially much greater I feel like hot girls get a complex that I simply don't have all of my friends that others consider to be hot girls are so concerned about how they look all the time it is utterly debilitating for them they obsess over their weight their hair their makeup etc I on the other hand do not do this very often I know that I don't need to live up to the societal pressure because I can't I feel like I have the ability to enjoy my life in a way they aren't capable of because they are hot and I am NOT I'm a super short dude 5 feet 2 inches and way below average in the looks department my eyes are so Brown that they are almost black and the one positive thing about my face is my big beard that covers most of it up all of that being said I've dodged having to date a lot of superficial witches I've been told by countless girls who turned me down that they turned me down because they didn't want to date a short guy that kind of stung a little but you get used to the rejection after a bit that's another cool thing I'm super comfortable with rejection now before I got married it happened to me so much that I just became numb to it finally when I met my wife I knew for a fact that she loved me for me and not what she wished I could be she loved that I made her laugh and complimented her all the time and just generally made her feel happy not because I was tall or handsome or a good lover because I'm not any of those things that there is no pressure in social situations with the opposite sex I really can just be myself with attractive women or indeed all women this is because there is never a need for that internal dialogue of what if she likes me what will make me seem more attractive what should I say to to seem smart funny cool or whatever I know going in that the woman I'm meeting will have zero interest in me so I can just relax and enjoy the conversation if she thinks I'm an idiot then so be it I haven't lost out on anything I had a chance on anyway I feel like there are a lot of moderately attractive people who talk about finding themselves ugly but when you talk to them about dating they discuss the kind of person who they deserve to be with in this list of features they won't ate and we'll discuss whether certain people might like them if they were truly ugly they wouldn't have those issues kind of like a poor man discussing what champagnes he prefers to buy if he's truly poor it's kind of irrelevant see I am more self-aware than most people I know because I never get sweet talk to people are more honest I can focus on things that matter like money intelligence humour character charisma and philosophy looks will fade away even when you work out a lot when you make them realize look our relative and he'll that make more lasting choices I feels really good they often listen to me because I look intelligent and that I know what I am talking about thanks for listening to radio 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Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 150,171
Rating: 4.9188643 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts ugly, radio tts unattractive, advantage unattractive, unattractive, Ugly, advantage ugly, askreddit ugly, i'm ugly, unattractive signs, signs you are ugly
Id: cZF7ALc0xgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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