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I realize it’s not as pretty, however, you should get the chile and the cheese together. It’s just better for everyone.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EspressoMachete 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thank you for all you and your family do

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Skull-Leader 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
while Max and I can't exactly agree on a title we're making a cheese steak ish fry thing that'll be fantastic we're back at the house in the backyard where we are most comfortable we're maintaining our six-foot separation here to here here to here we're actually not going into the house not going in staying out here doing our thing aren't we yeah isolation is so important isolation is important I don't know when you're watching this but if it's a Oh 20:38 18 years ago there was a time when we had a pandemic you couldn't stand within six feet of each other if so that's a word we're maintaining that six foot distance now to be safe leave no other family and we think they're safe and they think I'm safe nobody knew back in 2020 who was safe so this is what we do we separate let's talk about war ranking we've got a stake here we're gonna cook we've got some peppers good fries that are in the oven everything will go together with a cheese sauce to make one hell of a delicious thing to eat in isolation which by the way again if you're 20 38 you know what that means we couldn't really leave our homes for much more than groceries or doctor's appointments and even then you didn't want to go to the doctor because you could get even sicker get our steak happening shall we and here is what we're using a nice big rivai overkill for what we're making Oh perhaps a little bit but you know what I'd like you to know how to cook a big steak and while we've done it before I don't think it can ever hurts to have a little refresher so here's how a refresher is gonna go you've got this extra fat here this stuff probably don't really need this this we can take off like this just a little bit here just guy can come off a little bit here mostly fat don't need that and this guy he's actually looking okay I'm okay with the rest of the stuff that's on there so we give it just a couple things one is a little neutral oil you know I'm a fan of avocado oil both sides and then kosher salt and pepper and it's a thick piece we can we can season aggressively and we're gonna go with a little garlic powder get the sides same thing on the back garlic powder here let's get ready you can throw them on the grill and on we go now look we've done this many times the goal is to cook this evenly not so that there's a pink Center but it's pink the color you want the temperature you want medium medium rare whatever it is all the way through and the way I like to get it there is by turning it a lot and a lot for me is every couple of minutes until we use an instant-read thermometer and it's perfect but for now we'll just let it sit we can start cutting some vegetables and for vegetables peppers I mean we're using a poblano for delicious flavor some red jalapenos for little heat and color and a habanero one small habanero that could wreak havoc on everything but we're gonna be very careful with it so we're just gonna start to dice these guys up and we'll get them in a pan starts the people wanna I just like to take the sides off like this I find it much easier this is probably as much as we'll need cut into little thin strips you see this move a thousand times well gang them together and we'll cut small no the jalapeno same move here sides off ah you know look the seeds and this middle part of the camera it's called the heat comes from the seeds and this middle section so the less of that we use the less hot our combo will be and don't forget we've got this kit this guy's gonna bring all the heat we need same drill here cut we'll take a quick stop and check our steak beautiful so we'll go 3/4 turn and continue just finish our jalapeno and now they have an arrow I'm gonna use two sides of this only I should have gloves on they're that hot these make jalapenos look like a joke I'm just don't have gloves I'm gonna have to wash really well I'll try and make them tiny little pieces so nobody gets it like a giant bite because that would be too hot these guys together throw in a pan and there we go so these guys really only need to start to soften get a little color to make them great we're gonna add some diced yellow onion just to round it out of it and that will be going on top of everything near the end all right back to our steak these guys ready to turn select the goal is not to try and get it blackened right off the bat the goal is to cook it slowly gently deliciously in the meantime we can start our cheese sauce we start with a couple tablespoons in our pot let it melt don't want to get too hot we're making a roux so next we'll add a couple tablespoons of flour so two tablespoons of flour should look like this measuring at the back of the spoon we mixed up will make this paste we cook it so you don't end up with flour taste and then we're gonna add about a cup and a quarter of milk start with a cup move it in slowly quick turn of the steak again and back to our sauce must whisk must whisk must there we go you want this nice and smooth so that the sauce isn't lumpy at the end now's a great time to add a little garlic powder about a half a teaspoon and as it starts to warm we can add a couple cheeses start with about a half a cup of shredded cheddar then my favorite about 1/2 a cup of Monterey Jack and now back to the spoon and let this start to do its thing gorgeously and as more melts it will start to get thicker keep your eye on it you can add more so we're gonna add a little bit more of the cheddar max wants it orange in color I'm not a fan of orange cheese because there is no such thing as orange cheese because the last time I checked cow's did not give orange milk they have to add to it that's fine there we go keep this going season with a little salt and pepper Wow I'm telling you this is gonna be amazed okay cheese is ready I can see Max's face he wants more cheddar so we'll give him that we'll add a splash more milk look just play with it get it where you need it to be let's check our steak again there you go just keep going back and forth back and forth back and forth you are gonna be so fine now it's simply a matter of maintaining your perfect cheese sauce look oh you can smell the garlic right here well gorgeous is that that's the best-looking cheese sauce we've ever made you know it's crazy and look I made it more orange for you oh the orange has something to do with it no for you it does for me it's just orange but look at these imagine what a spoonful of this is gonna be like on top of the cheese sauce which is on top of the steak which is on top of the fries come on that's insane and when your steak has gorgeous and ready off she comes and if everyone's mouths are as excited as mine is let's cut this steak here's what we're gonna do just get a nice piece right in here this guy oh I'm so happy and here's how we go see that's what I mean it's even across across top to bottom that kind of thing so let's just cut thin pieces here gorgeous I'm so happy I'm so happy I'm so happy okay once you've got it like this now put that little piece of fat off now I want to do this gorgeous get you ready to build Maxie oh yeah all right let's do it max I'm using slate we're going full presentation coming when you're ready for fries ready for steak are you seeing this are you seeing this that's just mental max ready for cheese ready oh my god what is happening here a little more Maxie yeah and now last but not least what I think is gonna be like my favorite part of this way do you see how gorgeous this is peppers jeez Louise habaneros the poblanos the jalapeno so at a moment like this the thing to do is just stand back and look and appreciate should there be a fork involved with this max ridges fingers do you think fingers are good my fingers are good too so let's do this we'll come in on the outside we'll grab a couple of fries like this maybe a third one for fun know how to eat that one and then you get the cheese and you make sure you get peppers and some steak not enough steak thank you another bite or two of steak and that you've curated yourself a little bite ladies and gentlemen that's got all of everything in here they're just waiting to be eaten listen if you listen very carefully you can hear it's saying Sam eat me Sam take a bite of me right now so Who am I to argue you know the other thing you can hear is Jilly over there quietly eating fries one by one by one [Music] mmm the peppers you must do the peppers I don't care what you do with fries and cheese sauce holy s you must do the peppers the cheese sauce has that garlic hit it's creamy its unctuous it's delicious haven't used dunk just for a while but this I think it probably needs a fork who's gonna start to get real messy and what you want well just let me show you what you want you want this because here's the problem without a fork you can't well this is what you want you want this now look this is like it's just a monstrous way to eat all guard oh my god mm-hmm who's got a shovel new stainless shovel small one like you diggin little holes let's bring it over right now almost had a religious experience right here do the peppers it's got a little bit of that habanero mmm and cook them so they've got good color on them too because that's when the flavors really come out and by flavors I don't mean the heat I mean the flavors they taste like what they are well that's kind of it for me I'm gonna stand here I'm gonna eat more with my fingers enjoy myself and thank you for hanging out with us make them
Views: 1,158,108
Rating: 4.9206657 out of 5
Keywords: cheesesteak, cheesesteak fries, fries, best fries, best cheesesteak, best cheesesteak fries, spicy cheesesteak fries, spicy cheesesteak, spicy fries, cooking fries, cooking cheesesteak, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy fries, perfect steak, best spicy fries, cooking best cheesesteak
Id: aNRB-nwGJH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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