The BEST Salvation's Edge Raid Loadouts (Weapons, Armor, Builds, And More...)

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if you intend to throw your hat in the ring for the upcoming salvations Edge raid these are all of the weapons armor mods builds and loadouts you'll want to bring with you to guarantee success with this video I'm going to show you what I am bringing as an experienced day one Raider to take the guesswork out of your preparation and if you intend to hang tight and watch some streams before you head into the raid yourself I'll be going for world's first over on mine at mctic where you can also earn three exclusive in-game emblems on screen screen right now just by watching and subscribing so be sure to stop by before we talk loadouts I do want to mention the four things that are going to be disabled for the 48 hour contest period of the raid that being the lucky pants Hunter exotic Boots the Prismatic facet of command and the Cascade point and magnificent how weapon perks to be prepared for every possible situation you are going to need a lot of weapons and thus a lot of infusion fuel to make sure they're all 1965 thankfully though if you get your power level to about 1975 which I have not yet but I'm getting there then you can come to either 801 in the tower to buy 1965 power level armor or go to Banshee in the tower to get 1965 power level weapons which you can then of course Infuse into anything you're bringing in to make sure it is at maximum effective power for every single raid encounter the first weapon that I want to recommend is the Exotic wither horde grenade launcher which generally speaking is just really good for clearing out tanky enemies or dropping choke points where enemies are going to spawn in to instantly eliminate pools of red bar enemies or get some decent damage on orange bar enemies speaking of orange bar enemies sometimes in raid encounters we have enemies where they're like extremely tanky you got to kill them for a mechanic something of that nature and they're typically mini boss tier enemies and the key with it being a mini boss tier enemy is that means you can hit it with crowd control effects such as freeze um something that got popularized during Pantheon is in the planets encounter a lot of people would run conditional finality to kill the Colossus that was on their plate because the first shot just instantly freezes it second shot ignites it and that basically is going to take care of any large tanky mini boss Target in the game any non-boss Target that is and the nice thing with conditional finality or any special weapons in general is that you can actually swap a Special ammo weapon to a different Special ammo weapon in that same slot and you will not lose any of your special ammunition you won't lose any of your Reserves which makes it perfect to swap in and out with something like the is anagi burden which is always absolutely s tier and is a mus have to bring in day one rates a key thing I want to show you with the isagi burden though to make sure that your DPS rotations are really good because you're typically going to be swapping this with like an autoloading or reconstruction rocket in the background is I feel like a lot of people don't know this but with the isagi burden obviously you hold the reload button to charge up your honed Edge shot and that's going to be like your super bullet that's you're going to go maximum DPS but I think a lot of people struggle with dis anagi burden a lot because they typically do the shot and then they reload the weapon and it's the four bullets and then they have to reload it again to get the times one nice trick with isagi is if you hold reload at the same time that you click the button to fire the weapon you get the honed Edge X4 fully loaded shot in just one reload which will up your DPS significantly and yes that works on controller as well as far as Legendary Weapons go um I'm also recommending a legendary sniper just generally speaking have a having a legendary um long range Special ammo weapon is good Supremacy can also be pretty decent for DPS in certain situations as well if you're using an exotic heavy weapon um if you run something like fourth times the charm or kinetic Tremors along with rewind rounds said that perfectly on the first try let's go you can of course craft this exact roll here's the perks I have a stability Masterwork on mine if you want to go with that just to make it easier to guarantee that you land those precis shots next up and in my opinion this is a must have like 100% please do not walk in to a contest M raid without this a disorienting grenade launcher bonus points if you have autoloading on it as well disorienting grenades in my opinion are one of the strongest things in the entire game any non-ch Champion mini boss Target if you shoot a disorienting grenade launcher at them then they are basically just like they're not allowed to play the game for you know however long 10 seconds 8 seconds something like that um and I discovered that a lot of people actually don't know how these work um breach loaded grenade launchers specifically a lot of people think that you have to like shoot the grenade launcher and hit the target directly but what's interesting uh with the breach loaded grenade launchers is if you hold down the trigger when you fire the weapon after about 1 second if you release the trigger it'll just instantly detonate so like for example if I wanted to detonate it now what I did was I shot I'm holding the trigger as I'm shooting so holding holding holding release and when you release that's when it explodes you can't do it too early like if I hold trigger and release like right there I guess that was probably right there I released it right away and if you release it right away it's not going to blow up right when you release it's just going to fly until it hits something or until it reaches its maximum range but it can be really nice cuz like if if that's an enemy I'm trying to Blind for example I can just go like this release doesn't really matter if I hit it it's going to um explode within its radius so good to go there just a quick tip for people who didn't know how how those operate or how to maximize efficiency on those make sure you hit that subscribe button if you didn't know that next up I'm bringing a slug Special ammo shotgun um this is a bit of a cope weapon um I think that in most situations it'll be better to bring like a rocket sidearm in either slot um but you never know um sometimes you have enemies that you know you want some tanky special Precision damage on legendary version so I've got this Heritage I like this Ro a lot reconstruction recombination with the mag um it's just a good feeling shotgun um probably not going to get a lot of use but like I said just com prepared for any situation next up we have Darkness Fusion rifles the scatter signal from season of the wish this is the crafted roll you can copy this over exactly I do not know exactly what Masterwork is on this I apologize um but you can copy over all of these perks this thing is an absolute Beast for handling anything this is probably what I'll always use over the Heritage shotgun um like I said this is kind of a cat pick scatter signal is probably going to be better than that in most situations this thing is an absolute animal especially if we end up having surges um I hope we don't have surges but Bungie's been putting surges on every single raid they put them on Pantheon they put them on dungeons so it's not unfathomable to think that we might have surges in the day one raid um but if we do have a strand surge this thing is going to melt um similarly if we have a stasis surge Rip Tide can be really really nice as well if you have one with chill clip does decent damage just from all these shatters from chill clip so I'd recommend bringing one of these if you have it not super necessary though um another thing that's going to be really good that again decent pick but you don't have to have it is if you have a Tusk of the boore with chain reaction this thing is pretty insane um I unfortunately don't have a good role of it because I just don't play Iron Banner that much because I hate PVP um hit that like button if you agree I know there's a lot of you out there with me um but if you do have one with like Chain Reaction slideshot um or like envious assassin Chain Reaction something like that could be a good thing to bring uh next up is an ad clear weapon a kinetic ad clear clear weapon uh I've got the midnight coup you probably also want a strand or stasis ad clear primary ammo weapon option on Deck as well just in case like I said if we do have surges those will be better in this uh context better than the kinetic option um this role isn't particularly good I'm just showing it off for demonstrative purposes but like a hand Cannon or an SMG in here is going to feel pretty nice um next up we have the Mountaintop um which obviously came back with into the lights uh this is pretty crazy especially if you have something like autoloading recombination um Can absolutely chunk red bars reload itself or sorry not red bars um orange bars a chunk mini bosses reload itself in the background just a pretty nice feeling weapon finally in the connetic slot the newest the call sidearm these rocket sidearms are pretty insane um don't pay too much attention to the rooll um like I said I'm just showing off the weapon for demonstrative purposes um but these new rocket sidearms are pretty nuts so I would recommend bringing one of those especially as well like I said this is going to have lot of synergies with some of the new Prismatic facet uh fragments and also if we have surges having that if there is a strand surge is going to be pretty insane now moving down to the energy slot you do not need every single person on your team to have this in fact I would just recommend that your warlock players bring this but at least one person 100% without a shadow of it out needs Divinity um I know it did receive a Nerf recently the Nerf is not that impactful honestly especially if we end up in a with a boss where you're going to want to use primarily Precision damage and it's likely that we're going to want to use a lot of precision damage on bosses because of the other weapon I want you to bring which is the still hunt sniper rifle especially if you're a hunter this thing is broken this thing is actually one of the most powerful things we've ever seen in the game especially if you're running Hunter where you can synergize it with Celestial Nighthawk you literally have a golden gun marksman Nighthawk that you can pop and then you can follow off with the still hunt which will do a Nighthawk bullet when you get it ramped up the uh non super bullets also deal decent damage as well this thing is ridiculous if if you are not bringing this into the day one raid uh you are throwing obviously I'm saying this before we know what the encounters are but if there is any boss where we deal Precision damage this is 99% going to be the move for every single Hunter on the fire team um even non- Hunters as well probably going to be able to make good use of it another interesting pick is the ergo sum sword now I don't have the specific role that you're going to want but you want the version of the sword that has the sword equivalent of Wolfpack rounds so it's basically wolf pack rounds are what Galah horn provides to Legendary rocket launchers this exotic sword has a intrinsic wolf pack round trait on I think there's eight different roles that you can get on it so you want to farm this thing through I believe you can Farm it if you go to destinations you can Perma Farm it if you go to the matchmade overthrow node as you can see Rewards or goome or you can also get it through the Pathfinder you can get two per week I believe if you complete the path all the way um you can redeem one to get a sword as well so you definitely want at least one person on your fire team to bring one of these to make sure that you are able if if we have any boss that we do sword DPS for having one of these in the fire team is going to be crucial next up is our exotic ad clear weapon options the reason we're bringing sunshot and graviton Lance is one if we end up having surges if we have a solar surge obviously go with sunshot or if we have a avoid surge obviously we're going to go with graviton Lance but also um you're probably going to want to go with graviton Lance if you're going to have a lot of weakening on your team because uh we'll get to that when we talk about our artifact perks but um there's a lot of really strong synergies there so I like having both these weapons on Deck we also want legendary ad clearing weapons in my opinion SMGs are still on top I think you could justify hand cannons as well like a zi Bane if you wanted to for solar um but SMGs generally speaking are still feeling the best I'm bringing one of each element I've got my funnel web which I do like over recluse actually strictly because of the viist Stinger trait I like it better than the indomitable trait especially when dealing with tankier targets down here I have got the calluses mini tool this is the crafted roll so you can just go ahead and copy exactly what I have this thing is an absolute animal and then I've got the subjunctive for AR damage this is only going to come out if we have an arc surge like I said we we don't know whether or not we're going to have surges but this is only going to come out if we have Arc surge if you have an eolos SMG as well with like threat detector demolitionist or threat detector vshot that could also be super strong on that uh gun as well finally we've got the indebted kindness sidearm Warlords were in Dungeon another rocket sidearm these things have proven to be particularly strong especially if you can get this one with full shot it's basically the energy slot option of the call if we end up needing a rocket sidearm and you know maybe have your primary weapon up here then you can have your Special ammo rocket sidearm down here finally in the heavy slot we're of course starting with Galah horn wolf pack rounds to Rockets if we have a boss where Rockets are the DPS option it is an obvious no-brainer to make sure that at least one person on your fire team has Galah hornn to give wack rounds to the other four players or five well four players if you have one on tractor five players if you do not who will be using legendary Rockets Buffs up the entire fire team's damage um this is no secret probably already have that equipped or on Deck rather um we also want at least one person on the fire team to be ready with a tractor Cannon debuffs bosses by 30% if I'm remembering correctly off the top of my head um any boss where you're able to get close to obviously there's some situations where you might not be able to utilize tractor if you've got like an orex situation or something like that um then maybe you won't use tractor or if you have a situation where you have a Precision damage boss you're using Divinity then you won't need tractor so much but any situation where you're not using Divinity if you're using like rockets for damage or you're using grenade launchers for damage then you're definitely going to want at least one tractor on the team and it is likely that we are going to use grenade launchers for damage Edge Transit is the strongest heavy DPS weapon in the game right now in my opinion now like I said before Cascade point is disabled so the best possible role you can have on this is something like envious assassin bait and switch or maybe like autoloading bait and switch this thing is absolutely going to chunk especially considering its void um you'll understand that Synergy when we get to the artifact mods in just a moment first things first I want to get through the rest of the weapons um we are going to want to make sure we have a good legendary DPS rocket this is the crafted apex predator I absolutely love this thing this is for a situation where if we're doing rocket damage obviously someone on the team is going to have Galah horn you're going to have everyone else rockets on the rest of the sad uh the other thing that we are going to want to bring is a sword that you can either bring one sword that has both of these things or you can bring two different swords the first type of sword that you want is an eager edge sword um you want eager Edge because there's some encounters where eager Edge and movement tools are extremely important for example if you think of like the first encounter of R of nightmares or even the second counter of rid of nightmares where one player is just EX excl focused on running around back and forth as fast they can if we have a like movement based mechanic and a non-boss encounter that doesn't requ you to have a DPS heavy weapon on then having eager Edge is going to be really nice for whatever player has to do that movement based mechanic um you're also going to want to bring a DPS sword something like Relentless strikes and Whirlwind blade or something like surrounded and frenzy um on the falling Guillotine specifically because it is a void sword like I said we're going to talk about why we're going with all void stuff in just a moment um it wouldn't hurt to have some backup element options like I said if we do end up having surges on this raid I hope we don't but uh we could end up having it but make sure you at least have a void one reason being we'll get to in a minute uh finally I this is this is an extremely cope pick but I'm bringing microcosm just cuz um 99 it fills up your Prismatic meter like super quickly I just we haven't had enough time to test it there's there's a world where it could be good um but there's also a world where it could suck so I'm I'm having it on Deck just just in case right the 1% situation where it's good I if you don't have this I wouldn't worry too much about going out of your way to get it but if you do have it um I I would say have it infused but you're probably going to get it to drop at high enough power level to not need to infuse it anyway as long as it's 16 1965 or higher that's all that matters finally for heavy weapons we have what I would call my like circumstantial heavy ammo weapon picks uh Whisper of the worm is going to be one of these we saw perform exceptionally well for orex and the pantheon um if we have a boss that has a DPS phase similar to that then Whisper of the worm can be extremely good another thing we saw perform very well in Pantheon was the parasite grenade launcher again another circumstantial heavy pick in a situation where your boss DPS window is like very very tiny parasite is absolutely awesome for situations like these obviously the only boss that we've really had like this in the history of rating is atrax uh but you never know we could have something like that again so just have that on Deck ready to go another weapon that can be exceptionally good is the lament I know it recently received a very very slight Nerf but if we end up in a situation where we have a boss where like we want to do melee damage but it hits us back something like croa um which we just experienced in the previous raid lament can be really really nice at making sure that you don't die um pretty reliable damage I don't think it's going to be as good as everyone on the team using legendary swords along with someone using an ergo sum with the wolf packr trait or the sword equivalent of a wolf pack round trait bringing this know like I said circumstantial heavy weapon option the final circumstantial heavy ammo weapon option is going to be Leviathan breath I don't think that we're going to use this uh like I said it's another 1% type thing it proved to be very very good against the wizard or the witch in croen the third encounter um whatever her name is um it was really solid into a Divinity bubble for that especially if you had a I think it was one void loader mod like maxed out the reload speed um assuming you have the Catalyst with it increased the quiver size and draw time decreases after each Precision hit this could see use especially considering it's a void weapon but again circumstantial pick moving on to the armor mods category of things I'm not going to go specifically over every single armor mod that you're supposed to run for every single build um but generally speaking in every single build in a day one raid um every build pretty much has the same patterns when it comes to mods your helmet is pretty much always going to want a siphon mod matching the element type of your primary ammo weapon along with a heavy ammo finder in a heavy ammo Scout mod to make sure you have constant heavy for the entire fire team the only time this changes is if you have a cenot warlock with a trace rifle that is making guaranteed heavy or if you maybe have someone with aons that is making guaranteed heavy on finishers you can alternatively swap these out for something like handson or Dynamo bonus super energy you could also go Special ammo uh finder and Scout um but for the most part you're definitely going to want everyone on the team running these or maybe three players running heavy ammo and heavy Scout and three other players running um special finder and special Scout down on the gloves you're pretty much always going to want to have a orb generation mod for whatever ability you're most frequently getting kills with so if you're frequently getting kills with heavy-handed and something like a combination blow build you want uh that'll obviously be really nice if you're getting primarily grenade kills you can go with the Firepower and then you also want mods that are going to restore ability energy generally speaking whenever you deal damage with other abilities so like impact induction puling detonation momentum transfer and focusing strike on the chest piece you never really want to run triple surges um just because of the way that you get diminishing returns when you stack mods pretty much what you always want to do is you want to either have a concussive dampener mod is usually the best one because almost all damage in Destiny is area of effect damage and then you'll also have um maybe a melee damage resistance mod if you're taking a lot of melee damage or you could go with a sniper damage resistance mod although I do want you guys to pay really close attention to the wording on this mod CU a lot of people typically think that sniper damage resistance reduces damage from all sniper enemies but if you actually read the mod it says reduces incoming damage from combatants that are at long range so if you're dealing with a sniper enemy but you're close to them then this mod will not do anything to reduce their damage so typically it's always better to just go with an elemental resistance mod matching the element of damage that the sniper enemy does like if it's a vandal or a shank you'll go Arc resistance um if it's a Tak Vandal you go solar etc etc so you typically always want to go concussive dampener along with two resistance mods that match the elements of whatever damage type the enemies are dealing to you in the current encounter um that's usually the best course of action especially in Day One Rate like you pretty much always want to go resistances never really anything else the only other thing is to have a separate chest piece where you have triple reserves mods on for whatever your heavy weapon is and then you can swap that chest piece on when you rally to the lag so you get increased ammo and then you can go back to your actual chest piece that has the resistances before you start the encounter and you'll maintain that extra bit of reserves so just more heavy ammo for like your first DPS phase for example down on the boots you're pretty much always going to want to go with some weapon surge mods matching your heavy weapon and hopefully your energy weapon as well if you have them as the same element and then a scavenger mod matching the element of your heavy weapon to make sure you're always topped off on heavy ammo and then finally on the class item you pretty much always want to go Reaper along with either powerful attraction or time dilation depending if you um powerful attraction will typically be for hunters and then time dilation is typically what uh Titans and warlocks are going to take because the class abilities are on longer cool downs and then you'll almost always want a bomber mod if you want Grenade energy whenever you use your class ability or an Outreach mod if you prefer melee energy that's pretty much the mod spread on every single build obviously there are some you know situations in which you'll use different mods like for example if you're running combination blow Hunter then you probably want triple heavy-handed because you're just going to be killing so much stuff you'll maximize your orb gen that way but for the most part that is what your mod spread is going to be on every single day one raid build the next thing I want to talk about is your artifact and specifically these three mods right here because they are all active while you're running a prismatic subclass and Prismatic subass is pretty much what everyone is going to be on um as far as I can tell if if we want to be going maximum efficiency so void hemony when you're on Prismatic or void but I'm going to be recomending Prismatic um defeating weaken targets provides a small void overshield this isn't like super impactful I think it's like a 15 HP void overshield but you you know why not it can help um these two are significantly better though radiant orbs picking up an orb of power makes you radiant so free 25% weapon damage buff anytime you pick up an orb if you're on Prismatic or solar which is pretty massive and then we have galvanic armor where if you're Amplified you get 30% bonus damage resistance just across the board uh this one is absolutely massive if you have any build that is Amplified the Titan build video that I released that will link in the description um has you Amplified permanently through knockout the hunter build video that I released that I'll have Linked In the description has you permanently Amplified from combination blow multi-kills um this thing is going to be insane on both of those builds um finally in the final column generally speaking I think the two you're always going to want to go with here are going to be shield crush where while you have woven male Frost armor or void overshield your melee recharges faster and Deals increased damage and you get the same thing for grenades if Amplified radiant this is a 20% cool down recharge increase and a 25% damage buff so this thing is pretty insane the other thing you really want and this is why I was alluding to all the void weapons earlier why you really want falling Guillotine Edge Transit graviton Lance stuff like that is expanding Abyss where void sources deal increased damage to weakened targets and that is targets from sources of any weaken so if you throw like a weakening grenade at them if you hit him with tractor Cannon if you hit him with a tether anything like that your all of your Void stuff I think I want to say it's anywhere from a 10 to 5% damage increase which doesn't sound crazy but like 10% bonus damage on an edge Transit is pretty major um and typically 5 to 10% can be the difference in a day one raid when it comes to like getting through final stand on a boss or something like that now that's not to say that mods like Prismatic transfer where you get bonus weapon damage when you cast your your fire team gets bonus weapon damage when you cast a super if they have a different super element type or transference where you get increased grenade and melee damage while Transcendent these can be decent the issue with these is I don't know exactly what the percent increases are um and they're also a little bit circumstantial like this one only works while you're Transcendent and this one only works right after you cast your super um I think these could be good for DPS phases but for like General combat these two are going to be way better I think expanding Abyss is going to be a must have you could maybe justify swapping shield crush for prismatic transfer for a boss encounter during like a DPS phase um but yeah the only other one is Argent blade where you 100,000% want to run Argent blade if you're in a situation where you end up using swords for damage so those situations that I said where if you happen to use liment or if you have someone on Ergo suum while the other five of you um are on falling Guillotine the void sword you have you know surrounded or frzy or something like that 100% run Argent blade uh this thing is going to feel awesome for sword DPS phases moving on to subass specific stuff like I said I'm not going to give you the blueprints for like very specific builds to run I'm just going to tell you generally what's good I will have some build guide links in the description I've one out for Hunter and Titan right now and I should have one out for warlock like within 12 hours of releasing this video hopefully so you can check those out if you want like a specific build to copy over you don't really want to think of it they'll probably be pretty good in the raid the thing about day one raids especially when we don't know exactly what we're going to be fighting is you need to be able to adapt so for the most part when it comes to facets uh the main ones I would recommend that are generally good in most situations are the facet of Courage the facet of purpose the facet of protection the facet of generosity the facet of sacrifice the facet of dawn the facet of ruin the facet of dominance this one's really nice cuz if you're run the void grenade you can weaken targets that'll play really well into that expanding Abyss mod and then you have also got if I can find them real quick the facet of Bravery which is really good if you're going to be running Strand and void weapons and then finally you have got the facet of Grace which can be pretty good if you're running kinetic weapons so for the most part all of your builds are going to have those some combination of those fragments those are just generally speaking the best ones some of the builds might have ran fcet of command but like I said this is disabled for the 48 hour period so this one's completely off the table the rest are generally like not they're too Niche or they're not strong enough or they're just not very good in ra situations as far as Haunter specific exotic armor pieces and Prismatic abilities go the obvious thing that I'm going to turn your attention to is the celestial nigh hog helmet this thing is absolutely absurd since it's been buffed a little bit recently um you have Marksman golden gun on Prismatic so it's got Synergy there and like I said it has Synergy with the still hunt exotic sniper rifle this is going to be ludicrous for DPS phases because you can basically proc it twice every single DPS phase if you're using still hunt once with the super and once with the still hunt sniper and yeah so enough bring Celestial Nighthawk you probably already knew that for more ad clear encounters Liar's handshake is pretty insane with the build that I have Linked In the description um with Prismatic you don't really need assassin's Cal anymore because stylish executioner basically does what Assassin's K does a better version of it um and the fact that you can pair with combination blow is pretty ridiculous so any encounter where you're not dealing boss damage um cuz you'd probably be using Celestial Nighthawk in that situation Liars is going to be absolutely insane another thing that's going to be pretty good I think is if you're in a more defensive situation like you prioritize defense over offense um you instead of running Liar's handshake probably want to go renewal grasps the new Frost armor buff is pretty awesome you can get give it team wide and these things just generally with dust field grenades which are available on Prismatic are really really good the final exotic I want to throw out for hunters probably not going to use this one but please do have an omni Oculus on Deck there could be certain situations where we do want invisibility if we think of like the Gorgon maze from Vault of Glass um if we think of May doing the boss stuns on caretaker there are certain situations where like being able to go invisible can be warranted um so just having this on Deck is going to be really nice generally speaking we're probably going to want to stick with the renewals liars and Celestial Nighthawk because damage and quick ad clear strong ad clear and like more active combat is what you want to go with as opposed to an exotic that PR uh that prioritizes defense and going invisible and letting your allies soak up all the aggro um but you never know like n situation we might want to use this wrapping up on Hunter stat prioritizations are basically always going to be tier 10 resilience first before you do anything else do not mess around in the contest mode raid without tier 10 resilience uh the other stats you're going to want to go with I would prioritize discipline second and then third and fourth uh you would either go Mobility unless you're using something like the combination blow Hunter build where you're constantly refunding your Dodge with your melee kills and you don't really need Mobility um or you're going to go with intellect to make sure you have maximum super up time other key abilities on Prismatic Hunter are going to be of course golden gun marksman for DPS if you're using Celestial Nighthawk or silence and swall can be really good if you have like Liar's handshake on and you don't really want to go Marksman Golden Gun L's handshake is or sorry silence and Squall is going to be very nice especially with its synergies with the fcet of purpose where if you pick up an orb of power you'll get Frost armor that synergizes with a lot of the artifact mods that we already spoke on before um generally speaking these are the two supers you're going to want to go with maybe deadall tether but in most situations it's going to be better to have someone on track Cannon where you can instead be on Golden Gun instead of deadall tether and you can use your Nighthawk of course other key abilities here of course could be comination blow I don't really see a world where you're going to be taking this off aside from uh I mean yeah there's no world where you're going to be taking this off smoke bombs PR useless withing blade not so good it's pretty much combination below always um grenades a grapple grenade is going to be decent for those Mobility encounters where you're going to maybe want to have an eag ed sword other than that pretty much always have dusk field Grenade on in my opinion as far as aspects the only two you're ever going to really want to have equipped are stylish executioner and winter shroud stylish executioner in my opinion is probably like one of the most overpowered aspects in the Prismatic tool kit um it's assassin's cow but instead of going invisible on melee final blows you go invisible on any final blow on any debuff Target which is with with the way subclass 3.0 is pretty much every Target is always debuffed um either a Scorch uh sever unravel free slow anything like that you have things that you can debuff targets with right here like you know dust field grenade stuff like that your Transcendence grenade um this thing is this thing is absurdly strong uh especially considering that when you pair it with combination blow if you melee something while you're invisible from Salish executioner gets 150% melee damage bonus which is pretty ridiculous winter shroud also really nice Dodge slows nearby Target so another way to debuff enemies for your stal execution or Loop and it gives free three fragment slots um Ascension is Conor garbage gunpowder gamble is fine but not as good as Winters and then threaded Spectre is so so so I pretty much always only ever go with these two when it comes to warlock I have three main Exotics that you 100% want to bring to the raid the first is probably a surprise to no one and that is cenot um obviously you can bring like a Special ammo Trace rifle or a legendary Trace rifle rather if you want you can probably use this with microcosm if you want to or what's most likely is you're probably going to be using this with divinity um especially if you have a Precision base boss being able to generate heavy bricks on demand for your entire fire team and give yourself special to make the loop recursive extremely strong um obviously being able to autoload the Divinity um to make it so you have no downtime on the debubble during a DPS phase pretty crazy make sure you bring Cena um what's actually an interesting sleeper pick is the mantle of battle Harmony which I think is going to be particularly good I'm working on a build video for this right now where final blows with weapons matching your equipped super damage type Grant you super energy when your super energy is full you instead gain a temporary bonus to weapon damage of that type I think this thing is going to be pretty insane with the new song of flame super because song of flame is going to be awesome during DPS phases so if you're running this with um something like solar heavy ammo weapons if you're doing like an apex predator um in a rocket situation or maybe you got like Whisper of the worm or something like that this is going to be pretty nuts also generally speaking um getting bonus super energy for song of flame that super is absolutely absurd so maximum up time on that thing is pretty wild so I highly recommend having this as like your general neutral game exotic the final exotic that I want to recommend is lunafaction Boots um obviously we're not going to be having a lot of people um using well of Radiance so um if you run these you can run it with a healing Rift that way you don't have to sacrifice song of flame or get off Prismatic and your healing Rift is going to gain the additional ability to increase weapon reload speeds um this is just potentially good in a DPS situation I don't think you're going to use use this over mantle battle Harmony or cenot very often but just have it in the back pocket just in case as far as subass goes your sta prioritization like I said tier 10 resilience no matter what don't like under no circumstance go less than tier 10 resilience other than that you're probably going to want to prioritize discipline second and then third you can either go with recovery for more class ability energy if you like your class ability that you're running or you can go intellect for more supers as far as the key abilities here go song of flame in my opin this is the only super you should be running no other super comes anywhere near it for when it comes like team wide Buffs um the fact that you can you know do a bunch of scorching on targets ignite everything I mean the Super's insanely good it's very very good it's basically the new well of Radiance in my opinion in terms of usage rates um this is the only one you should really be running in my opinion as far as aspects go feed the void as a must defeat a target with any ability to activate devour um not only for the health regeneration on every single kill to make sure that you basically it's basically impossible to die but also for the Grenade energy refund to fuel whatever Gren you have which you're probably want going to want to go with healing grenade no matter what having devour to fuel infinite healing grenades so if you're in a situation where like even though you have devour maybe you can't get a kill on an enemy you can chck your healing grenade at yourself or maybe even at a teammate is super super strong you can also pair this help with something like Bleak Watcher so your devour will refund all of your grenades you can then charge up your grenade to throw a stasis turret which is pretty absurd um I've also heard good things about helon or helon um my CLI call it Doug um they call the the the solar buddy Doug I've heard this thing can be decent I don't really know I haven't tested it too much but maybe be on the lookout for that I don't think lightning Surge and Weaver call are going to see a whole lot of use inside this rate as far as melee go you're probably going to want to always go with incinerator snap and then for class abilities like we said healing Rift uh just for you know General gameplay um or for if you're going to go with Lunas or Phoenix dive is a really good like Snap the finger quick way to give a quick burst of healing to everyone nearby you finally we have Titan where my exotic recommendations are going to start with synthes primarily because of the build I linked down in the description the consecration frenzy blade build is pretty absurd with these um this will also buff uh Twilight Arsenal if you end up going with that super which I think probably all Prismatic Titans should go with uh these are extremely extremely solid another exotic which I do not yet have unlocked but I think could see some viability is hazardous propulsion I think this thing could be decent if you have rockets for a DPS phase I'm not 100% sure um but like have it in the back pocket just in case uh it like gets discovered that it's working pretty well in an encounter where Rockets are the primary DPS for that encounter an interesting thing that I think a lot of Titans should bring the one situation where I think you might want to have people come off of Prismatic is to have a void Titan on the banner wall super with Ursa furiosa I think this could be good in a situation where if we have a DPS phase where we're our best case scenario is to stand still and DPS the boss but the boss is throwing a ridiculous amount of damage back at us and The nerfed Well of Radiance is not potent enough to Keep Us Alive anymore the banner Shield will 100% Keep Us Alive and I believe Buffs all of the fire team weapon damage by like 30 to 40% to make up for the fact that whoever is going to be holding the shield won't be able to shoot their weapon so this is this is a maybe situation just depends how the DPS phases go for the bosses but I could see this being a particularly decent pick as far as like General gameplay goes add clear encounters I could see precious scars being pretty decent just for you know a lot of healing a lot of survivability this helmet was pretty decent in season of The Wish um I think it's a maybe pick I I think kind of depends if you really need help with extra survivability you can go with precious scars if you're generally pretty good at surviving though i' probably go with synth theps just for the better offensive capabilities as far as key abilities go for the Titan Twilight Arsenal is surprisingly like really good the damage seems really substantial and the axes will do a weakening explosion which will play into that expanding Abyss mod so that all of your Void damage do bonus damage against the weaken targets and this makes it so you don't really have to run a deadall tether in any situation for a DPS phase and all of your Hunters can stick with Marksman Golden Gun and Celestial Nighthawk there might be a situation where you can maybe do Thunder crash and C to the falling star if we have like an arc surge um again in that unlikely situation where we do have surges on the raid but Twilight Arsenal surprisingly extremely strong throw the triple axes and then if you're able to somehow pick them up the heavy attack on the axis just throws it again and also does pretty substantial damage the weak element of this also very good um really really strong super surprisingly I was not expecting this to be good it's actually pretty good as far as the other abilities go um we 100% want frenzy blade for the Triple melee charge 100% want concentration um because sacked with frenzy blade three charge of this is absurd and knockout HP regen gives you Amplified for a lot of synergies with fragments and the Synergy with the artifact mod where you get 30% bonus damage resistance um bonus melee damage um it's pretty absurd you could see a situation where you maybe want to use dranger slash um if you have like suspending a ton of targets could prove useful but I think these are going to be the main two for the most part unbreakable is not very inspiring and Diamond Lance is to put it lightly horrible and that's every single thing I plan on having ready to go for the day one salvations Edge raid if you think I missed anything or you have any like sleeper picks that you think are going to be potentially really good leave them in the comments down below I apologize that this video was quite lengthy and really not edited at all but I this is how I've always done my RAID day one guide videos I feel like people just want the information rather than a bunch of flashy VFX so hopefully this did the trick and helped you get prepared I hope to see you in the Stream tomorrow to get those three exclusive emblems and to cheer for worlds first before you potentially go on into the raid and I hope that you have good luck in the salvations edge raid and get your contest mode clear thank you so much for watching and as always have a great day
Channel: Mactics
Views: 133,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, Mactics, Mactics Destiny 2, Destiny 2 PvE, max power destiny 2, destiny 2 power guide, max power fast destiny 2, destiny 2 guides, PvE, raid guide, destiny raid, omnioculus, destiny hunter guide, hunter guide, destiny build, nightfall guide, lightfall raid, lightfall builds, lightfall mods, lightfall hunter build, lightfall titan build, lightfall warlock build, strand, hunter strand, titan strand, warlock strand, destiny 2 lightfall, lightfall exotics
Id: WgC4dlszvAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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