World's First Salvation's Edge

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nope just contest mode just waiting on green button to go no not swap that's good yeah okay here we go Focus up play as a team good coms or everything guys clear your chat yep clear chat up what is it CC SL clear we're looking for a rally point or an obvious barge mechanic here we're looking for a rally point or an obvious first encounter that is before a flag sir it's a lot of vertical movement so far should we have swords on or no for vertical movement on the keep cut scene all right there's going to be some back enemies as you go up brid is on the bottom we can ignore them you should not kill [ __ ] until you get just run through follow Shadow here I don't if feel heard but quick to open up the door what K ads behind us where is the it's one of those windows it's one of the windows oh it's on I think I see do we know which door it is do we know which is all right on P Shadow for Flagger bar kill ABS again let's assume we need to open door this is the room you got to kill yeah door right in front of us point blank kill everything door not open yet keep looking that door open there no anything coaches there's a staircas they spawn slowly he said they spawn slowly let me get some players up top and some players on bottom yes sir keep looking at the doors wait I think I found something on me on me all right down here boys I believe this is the right way good find Tyre good find follow him up yep just follow tyrex of the universe that doesn't feel Desy you kill these snipers so you don't wipe or use your heal nades you don't know where to go follow behind it's to the left of to the left heard that oh my God my fre so hard what's your timer Jake just regular just keep going we do not keep see the snipers up there you need to go up there where that hob goblins up there yeah around by Astro there's a way to climb up once you get to a flager for behind try to start it and pull when we get there we should be wiping anyway to see the scoreboards just keep going far left I think mhm uh we it's going to be it's going to be a pole angle from you guys it's a left side left side it looks like you keep progressing I think I think it's yeah you can keep progressing there it seems to go I just don't have sword so it makes this [ __ ] extra it's like all going to need to be at a door though leave angle guys there definely a leave angle yeah y need to be at the door if you're not there leave now door should be opening soon when I get out of there leave I did join it's rejin let them wipe let them wipe and then join on right there start it and wipe please looking to start I resonance okay everyone join up again what was WIP screen looking like we locked in a room together okay we haven't been able to Wi these in the darkness Z Hey listen up this mechanic has to do with the pyramidal resonance at least it could be the spherical or hexa whatever the [ __ ] as well so that is what we are doing currently that is the first mechanic I've noticed or I literally have picked it up so SP with you guys if it's not a WIP to start it yeah you deposit the resence and we have hands they're immune oh there's a I see so this is we can pick up the ones in Middle later in let's go it don't try to grab the thing unless you're ready to dunk it right away honestly just need [ __ ] on everybody go top right everybody should be on like lmgs and like sunshot or something like anything that just like mops adds and then like a sniper primary sniper for Supremacy or something no swords or anything like that we need de we need next door it's on Astro mhm we have our overload we have an overload as well we just let them kill it okay middle everybody Middle's going to get locked in you want to run this backd midle if I run out the boss just kills me we going well we're stuck in here I just couldn't leave the room underneath guys underneath you have to Circle back to where we killed our first overload and spawn another okay I'm going to see where it goes goes left Shadow we need a we need a Hydra yeah we it's open that room and I'll be sending you guys soon tell me when you're ready for re hyra should respawning on you sent as sent hey there's a Hydra on you guys man on his Hydra spawn right got get him up the I need help with torment sent it back again D there's lot of ads on me I don't know if you can like spare some time look at me I'm collect all the [ __ ] in the middle Bravo send it sent it it's uh it's in the opposite room don't pick up three send it when you're ready yeah I've got two I've got my third waiting sending sh next one okay I sent a j sending to you now subjugator okay we're good go to Middle colle collect in Middle everyone else you send a back check yeah let's uh let's go help them ham go help them ham yep I sent it have some people ready to inst kill on [Music] middle we need to go then we need to go we have to go actually Ty pick up a new one Ty pick one okay then we have to go you guys have to close it you have to close it now send again our last we got all the res we got all the res you need to send no no we're good we're good oh wait oh you get the this guy go Bank tyrax get the bank right away let tyrax bank first let him Bank First everyone else step away hey everyone else stunk move away once you've deposited remember split look for the split groups bottom left on Astros other pathway yeah I'm with you I'm J Cam and Astro I'll lag behind for the big guy okay should be this way yeah our H is dead m giving you a Hydra Hydra on you guys all right overload needs to die everyone El to Middle we're going to the middle they're getting whoever just killed that you guys need to loot back around and clear that area again and then get there for the plates and start clicking right right away so that group of three go back there all right we got to go on Astro on Astro I went the wrong way this is the activating plate monolith for team one first team there's a monolith back in the room you guys just left it's dead it's done our pl's on our plates on can you guys go in the Next Room ready no okay I'm sending it ham I'm sending it I send it to your plate I send it to your plate H we got to get overow where's the next over oh it was in here okay okay now we can go Bravo now we can do things I'm send sending it yeah it's down there towards you I did not make it where's the pl hey dude I'm getting [ __ ] annihilated I'm I'm way does it you good bravo bravo are you at theer no [Music] I'm sending it back to him you want to just go kill I'll I'll I'll b h this sent waiting sending again sent colleting sending it back yep okay it's all it's all here yeah I have full anymore Shadow get one Shadow get one be ready to lock shoot the pillar and then stand on the plate with resonance s back to Jake since you have it can you do this so I can get some we at a minute 20 we're at a minute 20 Shadow sent to you you're locked yes we're done we're done okay I need to get residence in middle I need residence in Middle there's not going to be any it'll you have to Pi well then I didn't get you have to pick up between like something heard that heard that H the box I'm not going to have a dunk for you guys Che one zero 3 minutes we got a speed run guys be faster is this the last one or is there one after this last one should be the last we just commit we just commit we have to go we have to go go go okay I'm going take himam use everything you can we don't need yes just make sure you kill the big guys I'll kill [Music] behind I'll also kill behind you guys up hyro I'm going to die down up here overload overload dead get to Middle I'm going to die to that no I'm stuck in the door it's all good wait for us to get out if can it kill Now kill now we just need to lock the first time by the way as soon as we can on AST is towards the other place yes I'm with you Jake I have backx or yeah Bravo I got I got it's in here I'm going turn down on look out for more blockers monolith it's sending left sending left it's sending up here hey we need hydras we need hydras hey you guys should have a Hydra to kill for us right now we got it kill this I don't have any ammo to kill I'll be I'll be sending here I'll be sending me know when you're ready Bravo are you ready Bravo you can send it you can send it sending now sending I'll pick up the res when Jake look at me Jake look at me it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back you look at me Jake keep me alive as it's coming back right now heard that I'm waiting got it I'll finish it I'll finish it I got it I got it I got it okay Jake to shoot it Jak the I'm going to the other one middle to the other one just kill middle kill middle we're I think this is it right no I didn't lock mine ever did you lock yours okay you're not locking [ __ ] I locked already you lock it already Okay that that that lock your wait wait I can lock yours 50 seconds down yep Jake you ready to lock it in this is Jake locking where's the one to shoot Shadow right there send it send it again send it again good work to the middle ice middle ice midle quick bacon bacon dead yeah I have actually was there more than there was more in that room that y'all were just at the room that y'all were just at where y locked the last one res is gone it doesn't work no there's more I thought there was only three phases all right all right Str you you want grapples you want grapples oh that's the hunter all right so I'm going to off what I have for encounter two this is just what I've gotten so far so it may be subject to change all right so it's the the room is formatted left right and middle um you're going to shoot a blight to start the encounter in the middle the boss is a captain it's literally tanx and he moves and teleports like a captain um there's still conduits to charge but now there's going to be spher uh spherical and pyramidal and in the conduits it's going to you're not going to only be able to dunk uh pyramidal so um look in the conduit and it'll have either a spere or a pyramid and right yep you're going to have to dunk those uh once you complete those there's going to be witness hands around the arena that spawn bees like from caretaker so watch out for those um are we sniping those or what uh I don't believe they're damageable DPS just making sure yes this is it's honestly looking like a sword yeah the it's going to be like teleporting around as a sword VI he um there like there is going to be Knights going around you got to Target those to be able to spawn flight you'll get a buff called call of Reckoning the the three people that get Call of Reckoning you go into the arena with tanx and there'll be a blight shoot the blight and then you can shoot his head after you do that a few times okay so what is the entire Loadout you're recommending swords and what else sniper sniper uh swords sniper something um if you want blinding grenades will blind all the enemies and stuff uh the left side has a wizard middle has a PHX right hasn't I'm shooting and wiping us you have to kill those to um to but you you got to Target all the ads over there and then you charge the Conduit on the left right and middle and then from there you can go to the far mid in the back side of the Arena the hand spawn over there you do a deposit once you do the deposits then you can go ahead and do into uh DPS face now you guys need to like step by step walk us through this that was that was an information dump I'm not yeah that was a bunch uh chillx you want to [ __ ] break it down two you're going to go three teams of two left right mid um hold on are we tethering here by the way guys I'm yes you should te okay you should that there's a bunch of AD density here and there but it'll probably be helpful there's going to be there's going to be Majors they have a lot of Health a lot of Health for okay I'm going to the middle lights down on my side big guys coming middle oh respawn in Middle respawn in Middle check flights again check flights again head down we're good to go why is this guy just in Middle he got away from yeah we're good yeah I'm just trying to help the Gage one you get your symbol in sending yep Ready Shadow s Shadow sent sending Tyra s okay sent Shadow [Music] s s finished yeah you can finish here be safe tires are far away are we dunking ready wait when they okay son of flame last sniper then IND uh Heavies [ __ ] on yeah we just need to C that fast Qui careful T your side this [ __ ] wiard you're middle Wizards night spawning I mean I am not coming out somebody else all KN are dead all night are de someone get in there shoot his head just once he staring at you ready to shoot his head again Sho his head now fa he just head still why am I the only one in here we're done I don't have a lot time triangle send it CH I'm starting let me I'm sending it I know you're triangle triangle triangle got it doing y [Music] sent sent triangle sent it back I have one finish this next one coming finish this next I'm going to send it back one more time Shadow sent sent it back I'm I'm locking here y tyrex that's you watch boss tyrex he's looking at us locked [Music] no make sure your buff goes away I didn't get the dunk yeah still have it you might still have it we have plent of time plenty of time all good we're three phasing anyway like just relax stop [ __ ] yeah you don't need to grief for damage here do not kill yourself with jails or anything down all right that's basically it just go down just get out all right reset time make sure we get the BLS and [ __ ] a bit quick so we don't waste time there remember guys we do not need to get a lot here we just need to get the damage yes we're just getting the damage careful tyrex zom I'm kind of in trouble here I'm coming to you [ __ ] rat it's me with B I need more ammo really we'll go later in just kill our [ __ ] here yes sirish hey just fin that guy if possible need middle Knights don't have a for you we got to go quick we're waiting on night Spawn from somebody we're chilling here this night are dead okay I'm going to start the blights start the blights I'm going to stay out just for blights Middle blight's dead inside the room blight it is head now head now done get out all right your top only after we threw this it together yeah we get all I need triangles as soon as I can I'm sending it make sure you know it and tell me if can I'm triangle okay can you lock here or I can lock I can lock Shadow don't lock we're good take your time boun it just sending to you yeah uh sending back we can lock next did it bounce back it's coming I'm closing it okay I'm locking it yep lock here I'm locked save supers for final y it's locked Play Safe Play Safe run around the edge do not get killed by boss I had a use S of flame already I popped my song dep I am in song right now that's all save super for final just sniper for now heavy if you're out of ammo then swap off to uh noral [ __ ] I'm out of aim for head aim for head up K the wit K the witch kill the witch you just don't have that much time just kill theed oh yeah give him 10 seconds we're fine just just f remember they were saying there are tormentors in the transition that you have to kill stay on Precision weapons please pick up some ammo if you can before you leave where do we go next sh soon is the only one here soon we need a comms on where to go split up look I'm going right side we check justum down left probably right left all right um keep climbing up blue keep climbing up blue boxes go up all the way oh you guys are going to go up to boxes blue boxes what are you talking about shadow shadow swap the Precision there's tormentors yes I all the way up climb all the way up oh you're going to keep going until you hit uh you see like these beams at that beams you have to stop kill the ads there's going to be a tor burn it down one beam will be removed and then you can go ahead and continue all right so third encounter guys this is where y are going to catch up for sure all right there's no actually like where do we go from here where do we go where the fu go on my here Jake this way I think look at this opening wait where am I going I'm going to gamble this over here you have to asend you have to go [ __ ] Doodles is this the right spot soon over here or is it up that tree thing is it up that where they were climbing wait this is where we came from isn't it no it's not it's not you came through a door I'm coming through making it over there what the [ __ ] I'm eager no bro positive y came through a door I used SW to make it I don't this seems like very unintuitive I'm this seems different there's a li yeah I'll let you know if the lift goes up or down that's that's for sure it that's for sure it figure how to get over there without dying I think it is not this it is not this it is not this way oh yeah this is where we came from this is where we came from look at the other side what the [ __ ] all all I remember from when I seen is that they were they were ascending they were climbing up higher it's a spawn it's spawn it's the no no no no no no uh uh Bravo look right behind you straight behind you right now uh that big platform with all the statues on it you're going up there yes how do we get to the [ __ ] I saw I saw it on Tight Stream damn we can't even get back there there there's supposed to be platforms randomly just started what the [ __ ] it's the way Shadow the right way yeah you have to go back to spawn it's on it's on then they sp there any way that we make it back so anyways climb up all the way going until you see like these three death beams and stuff you cannot cross them you have to kill the ads and then kill the Tormentor there make sure you're out um you're going to progress through kind of like long Pathways and stuff there's bats you can just run past all of them there's no ad clearing situation just getting through the door top yeah so it's a maze I'm in a maze right now not not entirely a maze it's literally just more of a straightforward path next encounter a puzzle or boss does next encounter is puzzle I'll expl surv encounter puzzle I can pull I have all the information on it it's a very long transition no teams are stuck on Fourth rejin if you're stuck okay all right leave him leave him this is a really long transition guys so just be ready yeah make sure you kill the Tor I have yeah you need to kill the Tormentor you don't don't leave until you basically like after there's like a bunch of jumping Pathways and stuff like that explain third after y kill Tormentor okay I'm in waren I just approached the new Lo Zone War hopefully that'll pull us to where you are I the main part of the transition what is this your reson in while walking so that's the death wall right behind you is going to be the the Tormentor AST where you right where you're standing oh that's not me watching some else oh where's the [ __ ] torment maybe up here it's because they're joining that's why yeah they're joining and add block there you go there's the and torment going to spawn he we're back at the encounter Where Do We Go From Here spawn spawn and climb up the blue blocks to your left as from there to your left up there see all the all the no straight behind right turn 90° left right there go that way all beam should go down just progress keep going keep going ads don't matter it's just keep going wa there boxes back here yes yeah you said down no up up you're scaling up well no it wasn't that they said go down so it was D did you also rejoin no yeah I rejoined I spawn next to him what might leave rejoin again no didn't even make that like to your left Bravo from there right heard where you cannot stand on that I go to Left there's an opening in the like wall then to the right you're going to like these are flat areas the next part are going to be like ascending like you're going to go forward go up go back the way you came on that level go up go back the way you came from on a level you know like a three layer system all right can I explain third yeah all right so yep there's not really anything like strikingly new uh there's going to be a brand new buff it's going to be Cube this time and it's going to be a lot of precision damage there's going to be subjugators and tormentors everywhere um fine good anyway you're going to have more residence um per floor there's three rooms you get to each new room uh by dunking in the boxes to your left Bravo Y and um so the first the first room is going to have only one resident second will have two third will have three um you it's very important that you kill tormentors as fast as possible um the load out of choice would be lmgs it's cabal so put on Arc resist um are there I don't there isal turrets but other than that they're all the normal cabal dudes with [ __ ] Arc shotguns okay so it's just pure ad clear why do you not have a sword on is it pure ad clear I know if I needed pure clear plus uh conduits so pure ad clear Precision damage machine there is unstopped from here on y can definitely make up some time should just run the people were using uh Goldie sniper and Whisper double snipe whis some people were doing a sniper rocket F where do I go from here tell you as yeah you should just leave honestly you're here boys oh never mind it's just a chest yeah that's just a chest right there go up Hans yeah [ __ ] do you get out of here follow Hans let me know when to rejoin yeah don't if you're this far back don't even bother rejoining until they gets to the doorway I'll wait till we see flag watch my Yep this is you just keep going don't even worry about the ads if you can [ __ ] inis yeah look beond this dying Garden or rot in these guys don't matter you just want to get half CU you can that big Roots over there with the white light is an elevator going on honestly I was going to say shatter skap never mind and once you get the elevator going up that's the door that's the door to the next encounter no there is no transition from 3 to four so you don't have to worry about any of that is four a boss encounter or no four is not U no four is not a boss encounter and everybody like there's only two teams on it right now yeah and they're very stuck so Canin make it make get it okay I can now that I'm not trying to run I can I can understand what you're saying now TR can you run me through one more time on third encounter third encounter all right so first there's three floors to the room you progress each room by dunking in the Box um so first room there's going to be a new buff called cube is like hex res s yeah and so the first one's going to have one type of resonance second W two third w three um there's going to be a lot of precision damage cuz subjugators the door part all good all good on the it's there's really not anything new astro it's really just execution this next one yes that's the behind it Shadow's host he promoted me he's going okay you can join uh are we splitting the teams here or we no it's all together all together 9435 yeah each each floor we better oh really so all death falling lmgs three conduit you got to activate after receiving and then you rotate to where you need to be don't rotate early send it back in extra time so the guy who needs to get there has time to get there that's taking over your plate cuz we do not want to corrupt the plates and send them back everyone understand what I just said okay go I don't even think it matters who kills the the tormentors we just need one guy to read once so like mhm for you just kill tormenters save to ra all final we reading is not the issue I need help on left side right is one shot is getting it doesn't matter just kill it we read once and we know where they are doesn't matter who kills anymore we just need one guy to read once T right is circle middle is square Tri I'm ready on left ready I'm ready send Shadow sending bra send middle sending back shadowx you hear me y you ready good where's square at square is not right sending back Middle s back to I'm failing here Shad I'm failing here subat send back to you I'm picking up Spears okay this one's getting triang okay I have all Spears where is spear right side right side right middle sub middle nice job left is ready to be dunked Jake I am ready sending right I am sending right somebody send middle I'm sending metal mine's locked turret for tret turrets are up it ads make sure you're deposited and then go yes deposit move up you still have residence Bravo here yeah it's you have to watch St stun that unsto good work you need to watch your buff do not trust the prom for final time yes do not trust it all good all good just just watch it remember middle is left left is Middle I'm not going to worry about this room CU it's easy Focus left side tormentors remember it doesn't matter who kills tormentors just fry the piss out of them yeah chillax if you can remember left middle right for us just in case like you the the call or where the where circle is and stuff where circle is and stuff yes I will I will I I can read after just fry them fry them left is square left is square middle is triangle that means right is circle left Square middle triangle right Circle okay I'm ready to send all three if you want after the Tor do not turret first I'm just all right turrets are up okay all right I am ready to send right send left sending middle right remember middle is triangle right is circle left is square sending back to you tyrax y sending left back sending him send back send I'll be sending one more and then we will fail sending back tyrex sending left back we are failing after this all right I'm sending him you complete this and then we F yes sir all right middle is triangle right is circle I'm getting I'm getting sare I'm getting Square left call when you are ready after subjugators guys make sure we clear subjugators subjugator up I one of one dead I need help subjugator middle sending right right is left is ready to be sent middle still I'm sending right is done right is done left is all right is anybody ready for Middle is middle I am ready for Middle sending middle hey you're going to have to send left again send left again okay send M got lock left [ __ ] damn it I need help subat left subjugator left help as I'll the flight subjugator left help Astro di them if possible make sure if you say you're ready you will B okay I'm sending left okay I'm ready now Jake ready send left sending left okay the bank will be on Bravo if you are not doing anything you need to be there double check your residence on you B turrets turrets turrets turrets turrets and then Bank double check it make sure you get rid of the buff make sure it dep watch the buff do not watch the [ __ ] prom We are going up middle the top I'm just getting ammo let's go door's open hey remember we are not uh we're not breaking the chat if you do not remember we are not breaking the flow left to Mid right to left mid to right we're only swapping uh once the swappers are aware of each other so like tell each other keep bouncing them back all you have a tether for the torment are going to be at the very far back with the three Tormentor spawn in the same spot oh yeah we we've been in the room before we just [ __ ] up let's kill middle Left Right FOC remember turrets after tormenters good just burn them every one of them I'm saving Goldie for right side get get ready for turrets reading start reading left is circle middle is triangle right is hey go to your starter plates I will remember go to the one where you send to originally so I will be sending from middle tyrex you should middle is ready middle is ready okay I am sending left are you ready I'm ready sending right Bravo needs help Bravo needs help I need help I have no ammo I'm coming to you Bravo I can't I can't I can't get left I'm not I have nothing I have no ammo back to Middle be careful middle be ready for Middle sending right again I am dying on right we need to hit right we need to touch right subat now subjugator middle dead subjugator middle dead another another subjugator I got the subjugator I just get ready to do your sending my dunking sphere uh middle middle sending back left sending back middle bra are you you have a pyramid Bravo I have a pyramid I can B left left left left left left left middle middle plate on Astro I can hey right side's ready to dunk right side's ready to dunk left is square right is right square is right I have square go right I need someone sending me I need someone sending me I'm going lock we have a minute Focus the [ __ ] up I need a subjugator can we send Astro plate right side I need subat middle okay need to send on middle your right side okay yes I'm sending it send on middle please sending middle now sending middle tyrex send middle right side is locked triangle middle is locked kills kill kill kill kill kill is there a box here turrets turrets turrets I will res okay look for a box in the middle of the room I also got too watch to kill something we might need to kill something be ready get ready Watch Burn hey good 2 minutes you ready to kill let's lay out might be another room ready tether if you have it tether if you have it kill this guy that's it new objective all right uh I'll be honest soon and I don't really have any leads for fourth encounter everybody's still on it um okay I'll talk with him right now but but it's a it's a very very short transition all right go go for it guys thank you not the right way I down I heard that guys I want to bring this up I felt like our I feel like our damage was like over complicated on first boss like I feel like we could have just been like jailing or rocketing just as good as damage like we need just like we need to go back to our Basics I feel like this is just AIDS like we' probably hit the same damage with rocket or like I feel like that's why other teams are being consistent to use what you're comfortable with then just use gl's probably guys unless unless we can't I know I know this isn't a boss I just wanted to bring it up for the next but yeah yeah okay soon soon are you here be able to tell the difference between each other that is what it is nobody is confused in the encounter Bravo has the [ __ ] jellyfish Cape they are no long person we are good has swordx has always had the fur on it's always been very clear okay it is square triangle Circle need okay square triangle Circle okay we need to we need to swap triang CES I just give you have double squares we all have doubles just send each other one of the square on left side just send one to each person triangle middle please if we have it okay I'm sure that's you I don't have a triangle no I'm talking about outside I'm on the outside I'm doing it don't worry I a triangle to both of you okay left is done I have on [Music] my light we need triangle and circle swap on right and middle I I have a triangle what am I doing with a triangle I have here that's Jake right hey I havex I have Shadow okay where tyrex tyrex is Middle tyrex is Middle Jake is Right Jake is right I am L I have a triangle what am I doing with it middle middle and we need a square on already wait I think we might be good so cool we're good we're good check to run through check your run throughs we're good we're good we're good outside is done inside is all you guys make your Imperfects make your Imperfects two minutes I have mine I have koid Tre is open I'm running through I'm through through get ready we're all going to die group up together group together group together should play the back of the room running running in the back of the room up back here oh stand here yeah but afterwards we need to get our ghost separated yeah we need to get our ghost separated yes just stand just stand a little bit apart from each other okay break apart break apart break apart he Shad okay tyrex where is tyrex I cannot see him Jake is third from the left I believe third from the left right there is is second to the left Jake as far left as far left that one right there far left tyrex and bra Bravo I'm just the last one I'm just there there's two more we need another where's the Ghost Shell at we got it we got it that's another phe get ready for another phase look in the middle middle can you take the portal down oh I'm in another phase it's another phase we're going again run it back run it back okay okay we have circle triangle square circle triangle square uh okay remember do not send yours first there's a triangle dead in the middle for outside do not send your squ dead in the right just keep keep sending Square to so I should send triangle to the the person who doesn't have it right J yes you don't you can't send yourself and you have to send it to the one who doesn't have okay I sent triangle to ham yeah I have sent I sent Bravo triangle and now I'm sending my square right cuz that's the one I'm holding yes you send the other one after I've sent both of mine I've sent both of mine okay wait I have triangle again y both need circles I assume you need triangle bro you it this is why we do we do it this way so it ends up like he already you don't I don't know I'm I'm let Shadow on this I I need a square Jake needs squares I will send you a square in a second what good and I gave you both circles okay Jake I'm sending you a square right now all right Square good we're okay we're getting locked we're going to need reses we're going to need res you should make yours rob you should have both of yours now you should have triangle and circle I don't have them yet no but they're yeah yeah I'll make it after I get Astro has ham Bravo is on the right is Middle ham is Middle Jak is far left here far left Jake ogres ogres make your you should have your [ __ ] Bravo yeah I need to kill my [ __ ] yeah just kill it outside OG outside OG I'm going out of the room you just have to have all three out by the timer end that's it yes I am leaving Chad are we done outside uh yes Bravo we're waiting onop unstops okay we likely to do this one more time yeah spread out a bit spread out a bit hey spread now they come spread [ __ ] up make sure you're not on a statue we only have 50 seconds we got to be clean Bravo walk forward you're on a statue bro okay Bravo okay I'm grabbing ham where is ham Jake is second to the left ham is on the right far right far right yes yes Jake second to left Jake second to left just listen to what they ask for do not say where we areas can get but they will not remember this one where's Astro Astro is second to second to last right this the the one right here where is shadow where is Shadow Shadow's far left where is tyrex on the right is side right middle ready to up grab ammo grab ammo one more grab ammo grab ammo grab ammo there is going to be a should be three phes I don't care phases lock in okay we're in again New Order New Order circle square triangle circle square triangle send not yours send not yours Shadow go uh go right with that okay so I'm holding Square I picked up Circle where do I send Circle non circley s it to the other person I send it right okay go now wait wait hold on I sent Circle right and then I send the other one to the we can't dissect we can't dissect I have sent my shapes I've sent all mine as well I have one more shape to S oh it's I see why yeah yeah so now swap it I have double circle okay we're waiting on as going to be a bit slow it's going to be a bit slow we're going to have to be a bit quick here I got triangle but I am I supposed to be sting triangle here uh I need triangle Tri pick up square wait do you also I guess middle Astro Circle for Astro triangle for Jake I gave Jake triangle I need a square ham needs a square we need something on we need a circle on left we need a circle swap on left wait I just I've already I think you probably have another one because I only have one we need do reses clear Hey Jake when I get resed I need to send Square where Ham is Middle right is Astro rightmost is Astro where middle is Middle Jake what do you need for me Middle's done we need to SW who needs a circle Square put the square one on Square on right Circle I need a square I think we're done I think we're done I just got nuk we're not done we're not done I need outside is done outside is done I'm giving you a square soon ham yes wait why gave you a square ham I gave you a square oh it's breaking I can leave now I'm out I need to pick up my [ __ ] off the ground right yes we need to Pi combine both of your and the wall behind you behind the tree the tree pit will break got hurry up come on it's fine he has a minute to get out the timer stops after all everybody is out I'm out no we are waiting for Astro all got I'm out out up group up group up group up group up oh unstop left yes group up is gone now time it always is for the sh don't stand on a stat don't stand on a statue yes do not stand on a statue oh no no no no it's tyrax I think listen to what they ask for you got to grab a ghost bro just grab a ghost where is Astro Astro is third from left no not that one the one on the right right that one yes okay both of you grab where's bravo bravo is the third one third one on the left yes confirm confirm where is him where is him him where is Jake Jake is far left far left far left Jake ham is second ham is second from the left Shadow is far right Shadow is Far Right Far Right Far right that's last that's last good F not over not over the beam in the beam in the beam coms now coms now Bravo you need to restart your stream and private your VOD I don't care what you think you need to do it now it's already over if they already have the link it willon matter anyone anyone anyone else clear no no no go does anyone even go like past the wall I don't know kill everything we probably have to kill [ __ ] so we have to transition somewhere just kill centurions just be chill going left going gu guaranteed left confirming even if Bravo deletes or privates of va it doesn't matter if they saw it they saw not if they have the Leng they will still have access to it if we have a torment do we have Precision I have Goldie I've got a I got sniper and go we climb up the tree we climb we got to climb up the [ __ ] tree the wrong way bro ham follow the branches and take platform switch to strand please no need to just just play the game like just just run what do you mean I I I hear you but everyone's going to have no cool Downs slow and steady bro slow and steady we don't need to [ __ ] save minutes by stranding we just need to get to the [ __ ] boss saves you all good though no it's not it's not anything against you just like let's let's just play stop taking [ __ ] personally dude we all understand I'm not taking [ __ ] personally at all I'm just saying it will save your life all right let's move on let's move on it's not directed at you all right all good they're running follow them every know to person I'm not don't worry let's go this is what we train this is it guys this is this is our win over yet let's [ __ ] lock it in last eight months for this moment please make count somebody just left 17 yes we all just ran Jake we all just ran I know I am just not respawning bro y'all can [ __ ] pull me if there's a door leave big boss in Middle big boss in Middle subjugator I'm going to te him May nuke it oh [ __ ] fell over he's dead he fell over I got stomped instantly going up oh he just Ked me when I was in oh I'm going to die Bravo just live keep Bravo alive keep Bravo alive take it slow wait we just have free respawns oh my goodness it took my jump unlucky yeah you see that [ __ ] yeah okay guys by the way we need to keep in mind what we just did going into this next one and everything we've done before everybody should understand what we just did does everybody understand what we just did and does everybody remember conduits yes I remember conduits what we just did everybody conduit you send back and forth you only stand on when the circle appears on the plate and then people with save whatever stolen favor could see what you dunk on remember then we have last encounter everybody should have that [ __ ] in green uh I'm at the door yeah everyone me and him leave we are not pulling everyone leave every do not care if you're not host be careful you're not host do not be host I'm host I am host and I'm at uh I tried to leave but it's like I'm changing characters just wait okay and make sure the Omens aren't up CU they will suspend you and [ __ ] you up you guys have shoot on always be one up yes I did I did I shot I did get ammo before final we're looking to get Special ammo over anything else we cannot help the final subjugator being alive because it spawns when we shoot the left left is sphere wall is spere wall is spere I just got put in the blender holy [ __ ] up arm is triangle I'm going for wall sphere down AR is also sphere down AR I will get down arms I got up armed Oh's dead I got down subjugator too late that down arm is so far away up arm is square up arm is square all right I'll work on it I don't know what down arm is uh I have Wall yeah I have that I have I have watch out if you're going left there's a lot of [ __ ] up I have Wall okay I need an third one I need a anything else you ready for witness calls it's circle circle circle circle good to go jump jump uh I need something I've got 40 seconds hey we just need one glyph Kake I got [ __ ] yed By A Thing play I have 30 seconds I need something I just refresh I can refresh my oh [ __ ] it left down AR on left is spear yeah I will try to get it okay okay I have spear I'm going for it out is that down arm down arm on left yes okay I will get I have clear ads clear ads clear ads hey we're good on ads swap to damage play your life guys play your life I'm starting thing behind watch those things play back always back and the front back and the front move forward move forward an eyes eyes stay back always back back if we don't know front and then we move forward front right back left left back left it's going to be enim my eyes too back right front left ready anime eyes anime eyes jump forward get out out yeah watch out right far back and swap far back and swap dude I'm getting just griefed help me help me right side with he we need clear ads clear ads guys yeah yeah we have subjugator on right guys okay start reading hands start reading hands I'm reading wall never mind I'm reading triangle down arm is square I will get it up arm is triangle up AR triang wall is spere wall is spear I'll get spear I'll get spear okay I'm trying to work for a triangle I need a [ __ ] triang I'm going for sphere on wall okay got wall oh my God it changed right at the end okay up arm is trying got it okay I need a pyramid if we have one I I've got up arm or right side circle circle circle circle triangle is uh wall triangle wall circle is test circle is test circle is test Circle for Bravo Circle for Bravo Bravo has it it's good to go gotch keeper get ready jump jump jump holy [ __ ] I need a I need a pyramid if we can find one wait I have never mind I'm good I'm good we need we need three more three up square up arm Square two subjugators guys two subjugators focus them up arm left is square up arm left is square okay I will get up arm I will get square I got another we need two more I have one I have one we need one more just one more plenty of time calm down plenty of time everybody left left down arm left is square down arm left is square am are you able to get final down arm left is square okay sub a team subjugators is a team watch this [ __ ] guys it's [ __ ] everywhere am do not uh do not dunk right away do not Greed for it we have time do not Greed for it we have time it is not giving it to me need to kill subjugator left need to kill subjugator left all um uh Circle right arm Circle for wall arm Circle right side wall arm I got it got it okay ham has it ham has it clear just clear just clear right side Omen right side Omen kill thaten on right side K the the get ammo get ammo wa just pick up a b if you need to he's at time three we're fine we're fine we're fine okay if we want to play if we're going for two phase you should have you on your slot we should go we're going for three go to Middle now go to Middle now to damage go to Middle to damage go to middle you need to keep T alive you need to get rid of it triang shoot him you're good watch out back in the plate always guys back in the pl always to start back left we're going front we're going front FR right back left and we're going to have to jump here probably not yet an coming soon anime coming go back right go back right jump back back right back right back right do we push or not we should not we have a ton of reses we should not push here no we do not push as the back straight back go straight back when you get off enemy eyes forward jump forward holy [ __ ] how did that kill me it's okay we should cut damage here we should not risk any more deaths straight back straight backwards straight backwards straight backwards Bravo we can res them off though SW load outs SW load outs wait there's a subjugator on Ham's res Focus the [ __ ] we need to get the res who can get this res I can't watch the right I'm getting res I got res I'm going to start reading we need to start reading we have to the hand yes you need to you need to go fast on these wall is sphere wall is spear we need right wall is spear up hand on left is square I have triangle but that's not going to help me I'll get square right now I'm getting square right now on your right by the stairs I'm getting up arm I'm going I'm grabbing the the I'm getting [ __ ] somebody him loock guys can die here it's square square square heard that else Focus ads guys we need to help tyrex on right Square's ready watch the square watch the triangle watch the triangle you ready for wipe you ready to jump jump no jump now jump watch those crystals get away from those get away from those guys we need five glyphs though we need five gphs asro has a GPH okay we need four we got we got to go quick we need to go faster start reading think don't die to that Circle uh all bom run left all bomb run left Off The Square okay I will go for up dude there's l no Buffs I got glitch breaker I we need we need to start reading [ __ ] you got to really try not to get hit by that let's up arm on left I'm getting it I of time plenty of time I know I know I was going to get it I have triangle anywhere for triangle or no no look we know looking I got it I got one I got one uh square square up arm left subjugator on left needs to die Shadow and bra need help we need two more glyphs total I have one I have one we need one more we need one more slow it down we have time slow it down we have time slow it down slow it down healing can I get a healing grenade middle I don't have one we need one more glyph one glyph we need subjugator left I got it I got it clear ads clear ads has it kill everything subor to right get ammo so you don't need shoot to loot let finish I can finish it for you I have special get ammo now so you don't need shoot to loot guys everybody ammo now everybody ammo swap load out swap there's there's a guy on right side we want to kill him can we burn this guy together we have time kill him we have does anyone have left resence does anyone have left over residence what's your timer we're good we're good let's go middle swap offg swap LGS on them swap to something else like GL or whatever I don't care L ready we're starting we're starting no Celestial no super first back of the plate first back of the plate front front right right back to the left back to the left jump jump jump front right front right front right front right res if we can I cannot res final it's final it's final damage it's one of his chest is glowing it's up I'll you I'll you it's up up up still Dodge guys of the plate back of the plate front front left front left back right back right back right back right Fu wait wait wait focus focus look for mechanics F FOC make turn something make sure nothing else I don't focus focus focus focus behind is that off shut up stop stop bro shut the [ __ ] up for Mission thing we got we got bonus level from wait that's first weest we need to get chest we need to loot chest we need to loot chest we're good we're good all right loot chest loot chest get loot chest they call leave leave that's first go leave get out can we start Mission I'm starting Mission I that what was that guys an it's over it's over it's over we're done they call me guys they call me they call me they call me [ __ ] Kaplan just leave just leave leave I'm taking to orbit I'm taking to orbit I'm taking us to orbit I'm taking us to orbit wow we just [ __ ] clutched fuckzy shut up everyone just shut up shut up are we sure yes
Channel: Tyraxe
Views: 166,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny2, destiny2 worlds first, worlds first, worlds first salvations edge, salvations edge worlds first, wf salvations edge, salvations edge wf, destiny 2 salvations edge worlds first, destiny 2 worlds first salvations edge, d2 worlds first salvations edge, d2 salvations edge worlds first, tyraxe
Id: kHPQiiAl7Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 55sec (4615 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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