The Best Destiny Players Explain How To Master PvP

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PVP and Destiny can be both incredibly fun and Incredibly frustrating and if you're trying to get a bit better sometimes it can feel like you're smashing your head into a brick wall but knowing what to focus on can help you improve your game much faster than just trying to brute force it I've talked to tons of the top PVP players and content creators in the destiny Community trying to improve my own game and I've compiled their best tips and tricks into this video whether you're wanting to improve your aim and sniping get better at game sense and map awareness learn how to predict the future in a match or just choose your best loadouts for Success this video will have you playing at your best if you apply what you learn I get the question pretty often is it better to use something that you're really comfortable with or something that is like the meta best option and I'm curious about your thoughts on that like if someone's a newer player and maybe they're they feel comfortable with a weapon that is considered by most people to be like a bad weapon you know obviously a good player can make essentially anything work to some level but I'm curious what your take is on that especially for newer players who may be getting comfortable PVP and haven't put a whole lot of time in yet do you think it's better to invest the time to get good at the weapons that are considered the meta or to like just use whatever you feel is the most comfortable um I think where I would start is if you're comfortable with a weapon that's considered not good is one how like not good is it is it like absolutely terrible to where you're just kind of holding on to whatever makes you comfortable about it almost to your detriment um and if that's the case I would want to understand or like ask yourself what about this weapon makes it feel so comfortable for you and understand like is it a stat is it the handling is it something with like the aim assist on this weapon and trying to find a weapon that is maybe a little bit better that has a similar feel uh to that weapon uh so you can kind of find that happy medium because as much as is fun to use weapons that feel comfortable uh at the end of the day if you're dead a lot of the time and you're just losing these weapons that are just so much better uh than the weapon you're comfortable with it's not going to be really worth it and you're going to be more frustrating than not going into PVP so I would try to understand what makes you comfortable about the weapon you're using and what you enjoy about it and then what uh what are those traits and where can you find them in a weapon that maybe is a little bit higher uh in terms of you know the usability than the weapon you're currently using so that would be kind of my opinion on it because I know like people that like I love Ace of Spades and one of my buddies he used Ace of space for a while he's like I just I just feel so weird I don't really like it I was like hey man give it a chance give it a chance and I think and then once he gave it a chance he now loves it and I think that's the other thing piece too is being patient allowing yourself time to like build that new muscle memory with a new weapon um so that way you can actually see if you really do like it or really don't I think that's a really good way to approach it and I'd say generally my advice would be very similar and I think you know getting better can mean a lot of different things so I think you can use a weapon that you're that you're more comfortable with and maybe isn't as strong in The Meta but then understanding as you're trying to get you know quote unquote better what specifically are you trying to get better at and is focusing on using a weapon that makes you less comfortable or that is more comfortable but not as good keeping you from getting better because you just can't stay alive because you're losing fights purely because of that weapon then to me that's hey you know what like this is something as comfortable as it makes me um I'm going to need to get uncomfortable cuz that's ultimately what's going to help me get better being uncomfortable and using a weapon that I know will get me better results I like that well said um okay so changing topics a little bit one of the questions that shadow asked us which I thought was actually a really interesting question was about staying alive in close quarters so I think this you're particularly good at this so I'm very curious to hear your opinion on this um but a lot of times when people try to play aggressively in you know Close Quarter situations they'll just end up dying a lot to you know getting outplayed by shotguns or whatever I think Close Quarters play is a combination of a couple of things uh it's one knowing knowing your way out or your Escape Routes knowing where you are and position to your cover I think it's probably the number one thing so where am I where's my cover what do I have to work with like is there any cover I can slide between as I'm trying to you know close the gap on someone um I would say the bigger thing though is learning how to uh correctly assess your radar and assess how close someone actually is to you um and really just trying to make sure in midf fight and this is not easy is constantly glassing glancing at your radar midf fight uh I think that's something that is just a like built overtime like practice thing there's not really I don't think any secret trick it's you just have to get used to like always glancing at your R radar I remember in D1 when I was trying to get you know get better and you're watching all these streamers you're like oh my God I'm G to play like that person you know I'm G to play like Patty kicks um and so I noticed they were always watching their radar and so that's something when I would play you know I would go into you know I'm going play for three hours those whole three hours I would focus on constantly checking my radar and being like that's the thing I'm going to focus on for this play session so being very intentional about what you're trying to improve right we kind of talked about this like when we talked about weapon weapon Comfort like what are you trying to get better at um and I think weapon radar awareness is a huge factor in my ability to be successful in Clos range fights because half the time someone's so close to you and with how melees work in this game and the boomeranging and how Hunters can jump and just all those factors it can be very difficult to track someone uh depending how the fight's going close range and what cover you're around so if I were to boil it down simply focusing on your radar and trying to understand that especially in close range fights is going to be the number one thing to help you be more successful because then when you come out of cover to engage someone close you have as much information as possible of where they're most likely to be which is going to minimize how long it takes you to line up that shot um and get the kill yeah and I think all those things like close- rrange fights to in my opinion are all about anticipation you're trying to guess where someone's going to be before they're there and so using things like your radar like sound cues but even like game sense right like if you hear a hunter jump like you mentioned hearing the double jump like if you play Destiny long enough you kind of know like how long that takes for them to fall and you can that again allows you to better anticipate in combination with the sound q and the radar so when you do engage or you slide out to take that close rage engagement you know pretty definitively where they're most likely going to be without seeing them at all and so that's I think the key is combining all those things together to really learn how to anticipate where your enem is going to be because sometimes a jump Hunter jumps over your head like midf fight and you're like really like you're on top of them and you have to like turn around cuz you know based on all the things we just talked about they're going to land at a certain time behind you and where their head's going to be all that stuff just takes a ton of practice um so another thing that's kind of tangentially related to this is rift placement and barricade placement for Titans and warlocks um so this is something that I think a lot of people who are newer to PVP they have these class abilities and Hunter Dodge is actually pretty straightforward for the most part like you know you dodge you know to get um get back to cover or to like you just be evasive and hard to kill but I think a lot of people don't really know how to get a lot of use out of their riffs and their barricades so you play both Titan and warlock is there any tips that you have for people to get the most out of the placement of them those cuz I think it's something that a lot of especially newer players could improve upon and instantly make themselves a lot more difficult to deal with yeah I would say the number one thing with that is facing I mean we're talking I'll start with Rifts when with your Rift you always want to place it near cover always want to place it near cover and getting a learning how like what's the radius of your Rift so that way when you place it it's not like the whole thing is behind cover you want like half behind cover half like kind of sticking out so that way you can play your cover in your Rift and use it to like Peak shot out of the cover and do damage uh I think that's like the number one thing a lot of people when they Place Rifts they place them like way too far behind cover to where okay now you're just kind of stuck staring at a wall or they place it way too far out and they're basically a Sitting Duck and no amount of health regen is going to keep you alive when you don't have any cover and like two people are shooting you at some point after you've grinded through all of the new Final shape content beaten the new raid and collected all the gear that you want you might be ready for a new ch Challenge and if you're into military games War Thunder might be right up your alley I wanted to thank them for sponsoring this video and also for helping me afford my awesome team that works with me to create my destiny videos vehicle combat games can be incredibly fun and immersive and War Thunder is maybe the best one on the market you have access to over 2500 unique vehicles we're talking about tanks planes helicopters and ships from the 1920s all the way up to today's technology without a doubt these are some of the coolest military vehicles in history but beautiful Graphics great sound effects and immersive environments are not the only thing that this game has to offer by a long shot the vehicle on vehicle combat is incredibly fun and addictive probably my favorite feature is the way that they do the damage modeling in a fight instead of just using generic vehicle hit markers like most 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but what kind of things like if you're if if you're taking a new Young Guardian under your wing and trying to help them out what are your like top like let's say five things that you want them to focus on to become a better player uh I think the first thing I would recommend to them is I still really love uh Nomads uh was it the two second rule MH send a nomad's two second rule that I think is like a huge huge problem for a lot of new players they get so tunnel visioned on one thing and they don't realize that they've been standing in the same place for like 15 seconds which doesn't sound like a long time but in Destiny it like really is um and that everyone's kind of just shifting around you so that probably my first one I would tell them is make sure you know once you engage to be constantly moving uh and never staying in one place for too long because you're kind of any advant you did have in that engagement is probably slowly going away and you don't even realize it um as for like a second tip I would say probably playing near cover I think for me like that's part of the reason I find myself being so successful in PvP is cuz I'm always near cover playing one shot from cover like we've talked about in the past I think is a huge huge thing a lot of people they they slide out and they basically give themself up to the enemy team because they have no cover nowhere to go when like we talked about they miss a shot inevitably like we all do and so what you're trying to do by playing your cover is just prepare yourself for the fact that what if you do miss a shot what if this person does take a weird angle what if they're lagging all the different factors that could come into play playing near cover is going to allow you to uh compensate and have kind of like a get out of jail free card in those scenarios so I think playing for cover would be uh another huge one I would attest to that I you're like one of the most annoying players to play against in a one V one because you will never give up like you will never give up up your advantage you'll always play right next to cover until you've you're winning the gunfight and then you'll push or you know try to close it out but it's it's makes it really tough to play you and it's you know the Hallmark of a good player right is I there's a famous Halo quote about that but basically you know just like why take a fight that you don't need to until you have an advantage exactly and I think you know that just ties into overall survivability because a lot of people get so focused on I want to get a lot of kills and I want to be aggressive and you know what ever the case may be and focusing on your survivability I think is why that's so important I think my next tip after that would go back to what we talked about earlier radar understanding Destiny's radar Destiny's radar is a little bit different than other games um I think people come from Halo and they think it'll be like the same but it's like very generous and very far it goes very very far um it also can like change Hue based on someone's elevation uh and so like understanding those different things and un learning that game sense of like when your radar can might be deceiving you a little bit cuz you still see a lot of people they slide out and the person's like 5T away from them or 5 m or whatever and we of their range and so that's that's a sign that a player doesn't understand their radar yet so I think that would be was that my fourth tip that's four I'm okay which is kind of funny because your question about like how to get better maybe I'll start with that one um you know it's kind of like the cold hard truth that like people always ask how do I get better how do I get better and the sad and cold hard truth is the fact that they probably need to stop playing PVE and start playing PVP they probably don't play it anywhere near the amount that they should you know like when you look at someone like sir Demetrius and in his videos he talks about how he does he has no idea where this one exotic came from or he he doesn't have this exotic or I have no clue what this is never heard of this and it's been in the game for two years and you know he'll laugh about it there's a reason for that all of those top PVP uh players don't know that much because they don't play much of the game and I don't blame them they're like they live and breathe in The Crucible and that's why they're that good so for people to you know suddenly just expect to be able to become 10 times better or just even improve at all without putting in way more time it's it's kind of like unreasonable so that's sort of like lesson number one cut back on the PVE yeah I mean what like what is it Jack of all trades master of none there you go if you split your time across too many things just not going to be the best at any of them you know what's funny actually each season I I feel that way um I I like to split my time across both PV and PVP like I really do enjoy the PVE side of the game and so what happens is like I'll spend like a month or two like leveling and trying to get all the new guns and like doing all this PVE stuff and then I feel so Rusty in PvP and it's like it takes me like a couple days to like shake off the rust and feel like I can actually play well again whereas like you know that towards the end or middle of a season when like I've done all the PVE stuff and all I'm spending all my time time doing you know scrims and trials and like just playing a lot of quick play like my game's so much sharper just because I spend so much more time in The Crucible you know you hear people say play Confident it's kind of the same thing like play removing your fear inherently just adds confidence um to your to your game playay and adding confidence means faster decision- making and then faster decision making leads to you know the snowball effect of getting better and then getting better or having better results leads to more confidence and then you know I think it all started with just not being afraid anymore of ding in a video game so one of the things we were talking about before we started recording was actually how that ties into stuff like trials so a lot of like newer players a big name that you're coming up against and all of a sudden like you you might play a little different cuz like you you recognize that you know big streamer YouTuber whatever something I I think I've gotten better about over time like not really worrying about who I'm playing as much but especially like when I was kind of getting started with PVP you maybe maybe more into Destiny 2 like uh Destiny 2 PVP when I kind of knew you know who the bigger guys were like you you see yourself match up against them and like you know you might play a little differently cuz you're either scared or you know trying to prove something or whatever and that can kind of throw you off a little bit so um try to like pretend you have no idea who's on the other team and just play the same every game yeah stop checking trials report for god sakes like who cares about uh who cares like just go in and do your best and do your best to adapt to the way they're playing round after round knowing when you're dead so if I if I decide to engage on it doesn't even matter if it's one person or I think it's one and it turns out to be two or it's a 1 V3 or a 2v3 whatever it is that I'm doing if I am engaging in a fight it is so important to know when you've lost the fight or when you have a chance like before it actually happens so if I engage in a fight and I know there is a0 % chance that I'm going to get out of that fight like no matter what I'm committing balls to the wall like I I am 100% committing till I die which is Mo most fights right most people engage in a fight and then yeah they just are obviously fighting until they die but there's actually a ridiculously large amount of those engagements that I bet you they could have got out alive and like not lost the fight like they got into the engagement and then there was a point in time there's a line that they crossed where it's it's game over you've lost this fight or or maybe you get lucky and win but it's there is no turning back um but up until you cross that line that you know that imaginary line you still have the option to continue fighting or to disengage and I think that the most common mistake when I look at other people playing like my brother for example um it's it's that it's not if they just have so much trouble understanding where that line is um and when they're about to lose a fight that they think they can win one of them is 2/3 health and the other one is maybe one3 health or whatever right like cuz like chances are you'll hit one of them twice or one each of them once or you'll get lucky and you'll hit one two times and the other one once kind of thing so you know you either commit and have with the full intent that you've died uh but with the intent that your teammates are going to go in and wipe them up and you know get that trade for you kind of thing or maybe even come out on top and get both of them or like just backpedal immediately and leave um if you've gone into that engagement like you got to make those decisions like right away um so yeah that's that's a huge huge mistake that I see people especially when I do review someone's gameplay um they just they never seem to disengage when they could have they they lost before they even knew it well in 3v3 modes especially that really comes into play because um you know every person on your team's life really becomes important in those situations and so if you die let's say you're playing uh competitive for example and you die and you get picked off all of a sudden then your team is in a 2v3 situation where you know a good team is going to take that advantage and you know capitalize on it by snowballing and uh collapsing on your teammates and then all of sudden it's a team wipe and if they're really a good team they'll start using that to be able to control the map and force you to spawn split where you yeah you're split from your your team and uh that can snowball into a loss very very quickly so you know I think especially in the more competitive modes it is important to be able to play know how to play your life yeah so I mean this stuff would be kind of more like chip damage so to speak like doing a bit of damage in order to then do something but yeah peppering is another thing that you're right good point people don't do enough of um like if they get someone weak if I if I have plenty of shotgun ammo and I get someone weak and they're running away 2 seconds go by let's say and they're on 10 recovery you know and I I don't know the numbers off by heart but let's just say it's like 4 seconds for them to start recovering but 2 seconds go by do like I did 19 damage there so I can shoot from even way further and still do one damage if I just do one damage 2 seconds after you know you decided to disengage from our fight while you're trying to run away I've effectively reset your your health regen like I I've reset it completely at that 2 second Mark so now maybe instead of a 4sec timer for you to start getting your health back you've now let 2 seconds go by plus another 4 seconds has to go by so now it's 6 seconds so all of a sudden just by doing that which you know poking peppering I've made you go from a 10 recovery you know stat build to like a zero recovery stat build um just from just from doing that uh so yeah that's that's true that's something I wouldn't even call that like a mistake that's just something I do not see people doing at lower uh levels of play absolutely right I think the skill Gap with movement in Destiny is less about the the technical aspect you know the actual challenge of executing the movement and more about you're you're exactly right when to do it when's the most appropriate time and how can you be effective with that movement at that particular time I I think that's a really good distinction uh to make absolutely we're on the same page with that I wanted to also mention because I think a lot of people don't know this uh I actually didn't for like a while when I first started playing Destiny years ago um and I actually I I know this for Hunter I'm actually not 100% sure if this is true for Warlock and Titan but the the amount of time you actually hold your jump for your baby jump impacts how high you go so if I just tap it real fast like I I have it bound to my mouse wheel down like this which is like minimum input that actually goes less than if I hold it so that's actually impactful sometimes because like if I just did like the the smallest jump I kind of did a double jump there but if you just see like the the little baby jump like here you might not um hit it without clambering but if you do like depending on your mobility and everything if you hold it you might cleanly get up here so just a little tip a lot of people don't realize that on Hunter if you want to jump higher you actually hold the space bar or whatever your jump is um both for that first jump and then I think also for the extended J second jump yeah M speaking of movement there's one other semi Advanced technique I would say that um you'll see a lot of good players do with their double jump which is banging your head against ceilings like this to increase yourf you watch any good especially good Stompy Hunters who are wearing the boots that you're wearing right now you can really pick up a lot of speed by jumping and bouncing your head off of ceilings like that um and it's of course depending on the map geometry like some maps like burnout are really good for just you can zoom around so fast cuz of the low ceiling like this map kind of has higher ceilings so it's not so helpful in this rocket room here but um it can be so it can be and and folks always have to kind of keep in mind that uh take advantage of of any opportunity to do something like that to do Hunter surfing right um or ceiling surfing it's just like you can do it I do it on door frames like all the time you know so even though the ceiling's pretty high on this map and there's bars in the ceiling too that actually end up impeding your surf um you can still do it on door frames and these there these thick door frames on Javelin at Diamond um that still allow you to get that momentum and it's even more I argue that it's even more important to do this now because Hunters are actually slower than a stasis Titan they're slower than a top Dawn y you know a a top tree Dawn yeah that's sort of how you make up for that movement G exactly exactly you know and that's that's another thing I really love about uh Hunter as well is because you know you said it right it's kind of a semi Advanced movement there's a skill Gap to it there's a skill Gap to that knowledge of how to get your Hunter up to speed whereas you know with a Titan it's fairly obvious right you just either use the melee on stasis or you use the slide on top Dawn you just Double Dash and use the extra momentum you know it's fairly straightforward um so that's that's that's what I love about the movement in this game in general but that's what I love about Hunter is because I I feel like Hunter is just a lot of the hunter movement is very nuanced uh right you've got and you can tell a great hunter when you play against them I can tell for sure they double jump me you know with stompies all the time time and I don't even see them flip to the shotgun I'm just I'm just dead you know yeah sliding does two things off the top of my head keep in mind that when you crouch you don't show up on the radar as frequently as when you're standing up right when you crouch the radar is a ping think of it as a ping more than anything else and when you crouch you ping the radar less than when you're standing which is when you're standing it's almost just like a solid red for the most part it does lag behind your movement a little bit and so that's how know even when it's a solid red like that it's still a ping but nonetheless when you crouch it pings the radar less and so it makes it much more difficult for the the enemy to know exactly where you are the crazy thing about sliding is sliding does the exact same thing as long as you're in that slide it literally the radar literally acts like you're you're crouched that's the beautiful thing about sliding especially with shotgunning um and that sort of thing uh because Destiny is also the type of game where uh you have kind of like a peer's Advantage right the first person to Peak that corner is especially if you end up sliding it or coming at a high velocity will likely get the first shot as long as that first shot is true so that maybe leads me into the second thing which is often times the best players are going to slide a corner because it gives you the first shot it's less predictable based on someone purely reading the radar so both peer's advantage and also that radar advantage that sliding gives you allows someone to come around a corner and nine times out of 10 if two people are around a corner and one person slides it with a shotgun nine times out of 10 that shotgun that is sliding is going to kill the one that is not and uh and that's just purely just the Destiny's mechanics or whatnot but uh but it also it also is because anybody that is Reliant over reliant on knowing how somebody's going to come how and when somebody's going to come around a corner the pacing by which somebody's going to come around a corner in order to get the target acquisition with the shotgun it's not going to be as easy if somebody slides basically for both of those reasons sliding into that shot is just sliding into a sniper shot and actually hitting that shot it feels amazing one of my favorite things to do in the whole game is to slide into a sniper lane hit a head shot and then Dodge out as a hunter it's like yes that is so disrespectful it's so disrespectful when you do that you're so hard to hit like if you do something like this where you like slide and then Dodge like you're only a like you're you're basically never stationary then uh but but you still have full accuracy and you're you know you're moving so quick it's really hard to hit you well that's kind of one of the things we were talking about at the beginning is that I think a lot of what highle Destiny comes down to is situational advantages and using things like that to kind of control you know distance for example between you and your enemy is one big way that you can give yourself that like micro Advantage for just a second and that's what you know I think that's where a lot of the skill Gap in Destiny really comes down to at higher levels yes I completely agree I completely agree and and we'll just expand it to just not just controlling you know the distance right and and distance is obviously the engagement distance is obviously large part of that but just in controlling the engagement period you're exactly where you want to be exactly at the range you want to be exactly with at the engage I'm sorry the verticality that you want to be at if that's a if that's in play and you have the weapon out that you want and you have they have the weapon out that you want them to have out at that time if you can do all of that you know then then that is the engagement and you control if you can control that and push them in the direction to the point where that is the likely outcome of that engagement then you know you got the dub you got the dub absolutely and you can combine that with um not only in a 1 V one situation but also all of those factors coming into play in a team situation right where you have yes you know it's like each of those things are still present but then maybe it's like a 2V1 instead of a 1 V one or it's a 3v2 and one guy's flanking but it's like those little Windows of timing are what ultimately might determine um you know if you win or lose an engagement even if of if you have maybe you do have the temporary Advantage from some of those things we talked about but it's like your team's outgun for a second cuz there's more of the enemy than there are of you because of positioning on a map but that's exactly right uh even in a 1v3 situation the the same principles apply obviously there are substantially more constraints when you see that Split Second opportunity in order to get an advantage um on and a 1 V one you take it you drop that first one you control that orb and then you try to reproduce that two more times yep absolutely that's uh I'm really glad you're bringing that up that's actually one of one of the things that I think are a lot of players who play more tactical Shooters like Counter-Strike valerant stuff like that they tend to learn that because it's such a huge part of those games and I think that that's a it's a mentality that doesn't really get taught in like quick play and things like that you kind of in Destiny you have to get either into like more scrim gameplay or like trials against like you know good teams and stuff like that to really understand how that works but you're totally right like the basically the number one rule of winning an odd man situation like a 1 V2 V3 Etc is to turn it into a series of 1 V one fights so that you're only fighting one person at a time cuz then you you know you always have a chance to win each 1 V1 but if if it's a 1 V3 and three people swing on you at the same time they each only have to hit like one shot whereas you have to hit you know nine shots it's like good luck yep yep exactly exactly is there any particular tips you have for people if they're trying to kind of pick up that aggression without just sort of being a shotgun ape and running into their own death uh so first off you want to be running a really good build because if you're somebody that uses let's say low recovery you're going to be kind of screwed if you try to run in if you get shot at and you got to wait to heal like five six seconds whatever may be so first thing is to have a good build I would say if you're especially on Hunter you want to be running 100 Mobility so you can have your Dodge up uh very very often and also 100 recovery like I said if you get shot at you can recover a lot quicker and get in the gunfight quicker as well the reason for the hund mobility and the Dodge not only can you dodge and you know avoid people you also get your melee ability back if you're running gamblers Dodge so let's say if you're playing something like Golden Gun you stra straight step next to somebody you can throw a throwing knife whatever it may be or even if you're playing something like nightstalker you get your Wombo Combo a lot faster your smoke bomb and your grenade so do you recommend uh like I know you've been playing like some Dawn blade lately I don't know how much Titan you played but do you also try to go for higher Mobility on that you feel like you don't really cuz I know some players like to stay lower cuz they kind of feel like that keeps them closer to the ground so they can move faster do you have any thoughts on that for warlock okay I'm I'm like kind of different cuz a lot of people tend to run really low uh Mobility on warlock I still think you should run a 100 recovery on warlock specifically because you get your uh Rift up a lot faster and obviously a rift on warlock is really good but for Mobility I typically stay around 50 to 70 I don't think you need any less than that but any any less than 50 kind of feels really sluggish to me uh because sometimes I'm not always uh warlock skating with the ious dash sometimes I'm just jumping around normally and you jump a lot slower with low Mobility on warlock but some people like it because the skating is more consistent it's just preference you got to run around and test it out the other thing is you your ads or so your strafing speed is a little faster on higher Mobility so like that's another reason I don't personally like to go super low Mobility even if it makes your skating better just cuz like when when you're in a du with someone if you're moving slower it's just like you're easier to hit you know so I always feel like that's kind of not really a trade-off that I personally like to make uh what about Titan any thoughts on that one Titan again for all three sub classes so for Hunter you get your Dodge up with 100 Mobility for warlock you get your uh Rift up with 100 recovery and for Titan I don't know if I'd run 100 resilience even though you get your Shield up very often I think around 80 resilience is good for Titan maybe 70 uh and then other than that Mobility doesn't really matter too much to me on Titan I think 40 is what I usually run on my account and uh other than that just focus recovery and uh and intellect I'd say but just as long as you have your recovery up uh that's all that really matters for Tian but i' I'd say at least maybe around 80 resilience for your Shield so that way if you get caught in the open or something you put your Shield up and you you just always have it just to work with yep makes sense um so as far as like maybe more movement things and like mentality when you're trying to play a little bit of that more aggressive style let me try to kind of think about what I see when I watch especially newer players like it seems like often they fall into one of two categories like players as they kind of get used to the game they become very passive where they are afraid of everything and so their their reaction is to basically sit back either like you know Scout pulse rifle whatever just trying to kind of Lane and try not to die and they do that by creating distance between them and the threat or they go the the polar opposite way and they become the typical shotgun ape where they hold W with their shotgun out the entire game and the only way for you it's like it's they're pretty easy to stop as a more advanced player because you can literally see him coming a mile away but um that type of player tends to like have they get a decent amount of kills just by running into people but it's like as soon as they play a better player that strategy falls apart really quickly so um any thoughts on that so for let's say for the people that just tend to run in and not really care about anything uh typically those guys for some reason I see a lot of them just they don't use their uh jump very often they're very just onedimensional just Sprint straight at you don't even slide or anything they just straight up just just running so uh if you're Hunter let's say perhaps so you could use the ceilings a lot so what I do is I use the ceilings to bounce to get there quicker and obviously if you're jumping around and stuff it's a little harder to hit you so for those who Rush In And don't really think as well like I said with the jumping and the movement and stuff you should definitely Master what you're what you're trying what what class you're using so let's say if you're on Titan you should try to learn how to Titan skate if you're playing on PC if you're on controller I can't really help you with that one and same goes for warlock if you tend to play really really fast I would suggest playing on Dawn blade and learning how to skate on Dawn blade because the speed you can get and the distance you can close is really really good just try try to try to get used to how to move around really really well instead of just running straight at people CU you will get a lot more kills so let's transition to talking a little bit about like higher level play particularly I want to chat about things like You're you've been in a lot of tournaments you have a lot of experience there and I think that even if players have no interest in playing in a destiny tournament uh you can learn a lot by how people prepare for those and how you think about the games how you manage like you know tilt levels if things aren't going well even if you're just playing you know trial of Osirus you're trying to get like your first Flawless done or maybe you're like in the competitive survival playlist you're trying to get to like you know Max rank or something um so what I want to talk about specifically first of all is any like sort of practice or warm-up routines that you go through like how do you prepare if you have like a big game or something that you maybe money's on the line and you you really want to play your best do you go about that so uh back F go back to when I was in Destiny 1 I used to always just tell myself I would play better if I didn't warm up but for some reason when I transitioned to PC was like the complete opposite just because uh I'm just I don't play really good when I just get on so what I do is I actually play uh I don't know if you've heard of it but I play OSU a little bit of OSU uh I played a lot of it a few years ago and I don't really play as much anymore but every time there's a tournament up I always load up U I'll play probably for like 15 20 minutes uh I have a bad habit of waking up really late and also not sleeping enough which is really bad and obviously you should sleep decent amount before ATT torney but uh if I really really am not feeling I'll boot up OSU for like 30 minutes whatever it may be and usually I'm good after that for some reason it just helps me a lot so it gets me gets my gets my wrist and stuff going I guess my mouse movement just kind of used to it yeah that's cool I I'm in the same I don't do uh that game so much but I really enjoy kovax like I do that or kov a trer U isn't really an name trainer it's it's it's a weird game I don't know it keeps your it gets your wrist warm up I feel like to me there's always like two components of aim training there's like the actual mechanical like aim training itself which is like I find very beneficial some you know some people don't think so so much but I personally find it really helpful but um there's also like just the warming up of your hands before you play you know just just literally like getting blood moving through your hands so you're not cold in your first game and I find that if I just even spend 10 or 15 minutes in KAC just doing a couple drills that are like just fast movement you're just moving your hands a lot that can be super super helpful exactly it's interesting to hear you say that um any other warm-up type things that you like to do like do you like to um you know do scrim type stuff or you know play rumble or like what gets you in the zone honestly I think that's about it U and then I'll I'll load up maybe a rumble with my teammates we'll we'll do a rumble probably for like 10 minutes beforehand but uh just just something something that either even if I just loaded up to like quick play or something it' be enough but yeah tips for people who are first newer players like people who are just kind of getting started with PVP and then we want to also kind of dig into more of like the people who are aspiring to get to a higher level whether that's getting Flawless in Trials of Osiris or trying to get Max Rank and comp or maybe even people who are W to dip their toes into like scrims and and you know kind of like the community focused uh events they kind of the like the real deep um PVP end game I think one thing that can be very helpful like for someone that's newer is learning the game and I think the best way to do that is you can watch videos um but not really many people make videos about like you know the interactions of abilities and how abilities work in the game and what counters what that's kind of something you learn from situational awareness and having good situational awareness and good game know is like extremely helpful in this game like that's one of the biggest learning curves and skill gaps is like knowing how the game works so I would definitely just recommend playing the game I know it's like kind of an obvious one but that's one thing that people I feel like Overlook they want to look for like some like magical way to get better at the game or like something like that but honestly the best thing you can do is just play the game often times I think finding a content creator that's good at the game is also going to help um in watching them and when you're watching them like what what specifically would you want people to like be looking for because I think it's like one thing to just watch like your favorite streamer like you you and Jake play or whoever that people enjoy watching but I feel like there's something like to be maybe like actively paying attention to certain things for their habits the way they move around the map the way they call out how they start at rounds you know pretty much everything but those Mo mostly their habits I think is a good thing to pay attention to because I think all good players to some degree have particular habits and like a certain way that they'll play the game and like paying attention to that is very important um so talking about you yourself getting better what if we look more like specifically like what do you think for example um has improved your ability to like aim better over time or do you think there's particular things like if you're you take some new player under your wing and you're trying to teach them how to get better at each part of the game what do you think is the best way to focus on like just getting better at actually hitting your shots I feel like for me a lot of my aim is predictive like I'm I'm typically trying to before something happens know what's going to happen and like try to counterplay it before it happens and that's like the way that I aim like I'm trying to always be thinking about what's happening and I use my mind a lot more than like like I don't reactionary aim that much and I try not to try not to be reactionary aiming obviously I can but I'm typically trying to like be predicting everything going on and I think one thing that's improved my aim is just like peripherals like making sure I have the best gear like I I had a Logitech g502 and like some big XXL like mouse pad that's H and then I got a glorious Modelo minus which is a really light Mouse whereas the Logitech g502 is like 100 Gams more I have one of those I use for editing still yeah and then and now I have a lambu Atlantis mini and like you know the art Artis in mouse pad so it's like that's all of those things like the peripherals that you're using and equipment that you're using uh can definitely contribute for aim for sure because a lot of people that are very good at aiming typically have the best stuff like of course they're talented but they typically are using very very you know high quality gear so it makes a big difference and I would even extend that to controller players too like if you're not if you're trying to play on controller and you don't have one with like back paddles and stuff that help you you know aim while you're still jumping around the air like that I really think that all that pereral stuff makes a huge difference I've been uh this is like a small tangent I've been track my reaction speed over time and as I get older of course you expect it to go down but what's funny is when I look at those things like the human benchmark test mine over the last 5 years has actually gotten faster and I'm pretty sure it's not like me actually getting faster it's just that the peripherals have gotten so much better that now with like I play with a 240 HZ monitor a mouse that's like 4K pulling rate and you know a much faster PC and it's like all these things like that you just the image appears on your screen faster and then also you're able to click it faster and it's like I mean I think that yes of course like the most important thing is to get better as a player but like if we're being honest like any hobby that people get into gear does help you know whether that's a sport or like you know music or gaming like whatever you're into like having better tools does help like to me then again this comes from playing years of Counter-Strike where that that is like a habit is just deeply instilled into your brain the the best way to aim better is to already have your Crosshair where it needs to be before someone's on your screen if you're doing it afterwards like you have to react and it's um you know it's just going to be a lot harder like great majority of my sniper kills in the last 10 years are because my Crosshair was already in a decent spot and I just had to click or make a very small adjustment and then click versus having to do some like wild flick across your screen while you're getting flinched and like you know you're getting pressured and grenaded and it's like if you just have your crossair in the right place because of your game sense like that is like 90% of the battle yeah it is 100% And that's that's why I aim that way typically I'm like trying to predict instead of being reactionary because yeah I mean if the other guy's predicting it's so much hard to outplay there yeah absolutely I for my personal take on AIM training after I mean I've been really into it for like 5 years and part of it I just just enjoy doing it cuz it's like a skill that I keep getting better and better at over time but to me it's like I agree it's definitely not a replacement for playing the game I think that's like not the way to think about it to me it's more like just like an athlete goes into the gym to practice you know build their strength if they're like a basketball player they want to jump higher like you know there's certain things they can do in the gym to build up those muscles and and you know uh other sports they'll do like specific training to work on you know things that you only come across like a couple times in a game you could play an entire baseball game for 5 hours but it's like you might only get to you know react to certain pitches like a few times or whatever or same you know with golf it's like how many times you hit like a you know a big Chip Shot over a bunker like well maybe twice in an entire 18 hole round but like you could practice that for an hour and get good at that particular skill and I look at aim training the same way where it's like you're just training like your ability to control your mouse in different situations at like rapid speed because you're getting so many iterations of that particular thing and then the idea is to take that skill that you develop and then take that into the game and hopefully apply it to your in-game situations like if your only aim training and your goal is to get good at playing any game it's definitely not the best way to do it you need to be spending at least as much time playing the game if not like substantially more time playing the game versus aim training let's talk a little bit about getting better at trous of Osiris which is one of the modes that you have um a plethora of experience with since you stream it pretty much every weekend helping people get to the lighthouse what do you want to talk about when you play against people in Trials what are the most common mistakes that you see people making that you're think oh like that you know that was like a a window of opportunity they opened up for me that like they didn't need to do that like um for example you know people throwing their lives away one at a time versus you like what kind of mistakes do you see people making that uh if they would eliminate making those mistakes from their game they would be a lot harder to beat I think playing with their team is is definitely one I think um I think indecisiveness is also very killer like indecisiveness can be I mean that's something that comes with situational awareness as well like let's say you kill one guy and you get weak someone's on the res and you just like sit there and let them get the res instead of pushing it you have the opportunity there to push it and maybe catch that guy off guard and kill him stop him from getting the RS temporarily and maybe teammates time that's that's one of the biggest things I I see people do I've watched I mean countless times I've seen people like be indecisive and like lose as a result of it yeah that's one of the things I've noticed myself too like especially when I used to do a lot more trials than I do lately but it's funny um it's almost like people have to develop like the algorithm in their brain of like how to make decisions on certain things because it's it's so common to see people like kind of just be like stun locked with decision making like they so there there's like okay there's like a res on like on the other team like you've you know your team's killed one of them so like one objective is to keep that person down on the other hand there's uh someone on your team who's dead Elsewhere on the map so then it's like you have to decide as a player do I go try to defend the kill we already have or revive my teammate that you know is down and maybe put it a good situation and then maybe there's like heavy spawning on a different part of the map that you have to think about and then there's also like a capture Zone you know on a different part of the map so it's like there's just this decision- making like Matrix that somehow has to be created in your head and I mean I guess I think the best way to learn how to do a better job of making those decisions is number one just playing a lot of iteration so you just start to see what patterns work but also like you said at the beginning like watching what good players do in those situations cuz I think that you can really learn a lot from studying what what people who are really great at the game like how they decide what to do in those situation yeah I mean for example to put that what I was talking about and what you're saying right now the reason the problem with what that guy did when he backed up is like he just couldn't back up he had to fight that and he either has to lose it there or he loses indefinitely because the guy get gets reses so it's like there there's situations like that where like you don't have an opportunity to be indecisive you just have to stick it out and that's something you learn from like situational awareness and like repetition that and or watching good players like you can watch good player in that situation and they'll know if I get weak I just have to continue to challenge because if I back down then he's going to have both those reses and if he gets both those reses then I'm definitely going to lose so I can't back down here um so I think that the first place to start would maybe be covering just some basic um mistakes that we see a lot of players making when they try to snipe I have a couple in mind and we can kind of go off of that based on what comes to your mind so uh the first mistake that I see people doing wrong all the time when I watch uh you know videos of people trying to snipe and they send me their Clips to like try to improve is always their Crosshair placement uh some people call that centering as well um if you're more of like a controller console background but for mouse and keyboard players it's kind of more known as Crosshair placement and the whole idea of that basically is that when you're going to uh go for a snipe if your Crosshair is out in the middle of nowhere maybe you're looking at the ground you're looking at the ceiling kind of just out uh without I don't know kind of out in the middle of nowhere without paying a lot of attention to where it's at it it makes your job as a sniper much harder because you have to actually make a huge adjustment to flick over to where the person actually enters your screen whereas if you have really clean crossair placement all you have to do is hold it exactly at the area um where someone will either slide out run out walk out jump out onto your screen and then you just click the button or maybe make a very slight adjustment and then click the button and you get a kill um you want to talk about that a little bit yeah absolutely I think I totally agree I feel like Crosshair placement is like the number one thing that like I always see people doing um like doing wrong you know like if they're aiming at the ground or aiming at this guy um but I mean it also I mean that matters both when you're aiming down sights and when you're also just running around the map like when you're sprinting in Destiny there's this like little like carrot shaped thing in the middle of your screen um and like that that's where your Crosshair is going to be when you ads um so like when I'm running around the map I always like make sure that like that is like somewhere near um where a player's head level would be if they were to peek out from the corner um and another thing to consider with uh Crosshair placement is that you have to like figure out like who you're playing against like it doesn't apply as much in 6v6 but if you're playing like trials or 3 v3s um and you know that there's this player who always slides around the corner it's really easy to just like place your Crosshair a little bit lower so if they slide out it's like really easy to you know just snap to their head but you know if there you're playing a player who always jumps and like flies around the corner um you might want to aim a little bit higher so that you can just get that Split Second reaction time uh under their head if he's going to come out like exactly at the corner so that you have like no time to react to actually hit a shot which I think like makes sense cuz people think oh you hear advice like that like oh hold hold the angle where someone's going to come from or whatever so like the natural instinct is like to you know just to hold like the perfect angle but what people don't realize um is that you humans have roughly like let's say a 200 millisecond reaction speed depending on how quick you are some people are faster but either way there's going to be a little bit of a delay from when you see that person that you actually click so uh if you hold your Crosshair like a little further out like can you run back and forth a little bit just to demo this so in if I could like hold it right here there's basically no chance that I'm going to hit this shot uh right when you run by because I have to like you know be ready to to hit that whereas if I hold like a little further out my chances of actually hitting that shot are like so much higher especially if someone's sliding or they're moving much faster like if I hold a little bit further out from the angle like that my chance of hitting that shot are tremendously higher as opposed to just holding it like very very close to a particular angle the thing is like I still play it what's considered I'd say A medium to low sensitivity overall and when the I forget exactly what the starting sense is when you launch Destiny for the first time but it's like something like 15 or 30 or I'm not really sure it's very high in comparison um and I think one of the biggest tips that I tend to give players when they're asking me for tips on how to snipe better on mouse and keyboard is to like first of all look at your sensitivity because um if you're a brand new player it's very likely that your equivalent cm per 360 is like I don't know like 5 cm to turn a full 360 or like 10 or like you know many multiples faster than like myself or like many good players tend to play at and the reality is that when you're playing at such a fast sensitivity there are certain players who can control that um but it's much more difficult and you have to develop like incredibly good Mouse and finger control in order to do that so it's one of the tips I usually give people is to find a somewhat reasonable sensitivity range that's kind of like similar to what other good players use and then kind of work from there to find your person preference but um you know if your sensitivity is 10 times faster than like pretty much any like quote unquote good player it's probably going to be a lot more difficult for you to make those very small um adjustments accurately in hit your shots yeah I totally agree um and if I could I'd just like to elaborate a little bit more on controller sensitivity um it also depends on like what type of controller you're using because I have a I have a controller that has like pretty low stick tension uh and a lot of people see that as like a bad thing but I mean I'm honestly fine with it but it's just like another thing that you need to take into consideration um and then also when it comes to like having a really high or a really low sensitivity they come with different advantages and disadvantages um like for example if you're on like a really high sensitivity um and you're trying to shoot someone who's really far away like I I take an example in like Midtown there's this like really long lane from like the heavy ammo all the way back to the spawn um and like if you're trying to snipe someone who's in the spawn and you're on a high sensitivity you're gonna like it's going to be difficult to like do a drag scope because you'll probably overshoot them if you try moving your Crosshair at all yeah um so if you're on a lower sensitivity then it's easier to like actually like still move your Crosshair without overshooting them um and then the flip side of that is like if there's a dawn blade and I'm trying to shoot them and they're moving like super fast and like fairly near to me like the only chance I have of sniping a dawn blade is if I have like pretty good Crosshair placement like whenever I hear a dawn blade Pop I just start aiming like in the sky and like I just hope that they fly in you know and obviously I'm near cover so I can get away if if you know they aren't where I predict and they throw a sword you know I can just dodge to cover um but like if if you're on you know a different sensitivity it might be easier to correct for that rapid movement of a dawn blade yeah um one other thing I guess would be interesting to chat about briefly is uh like helpful things like mods for example that you can add to your armor to improve automatically at sniping like do you use um like targeting mods and stuff much or are you you don't crouch on those um I'm a big fan of targeting mods I am too I used to I used to run one like a few weeks ago this is like this is all after the sniper anesis changes um but recently I've been putting on two sniper targeting mods on my head my head piece and I found that that's actually like I mean I know there are di diminishing returns but I found it's actually pretty helpful I'm the same actually I uh if I can fit to in like my build I will do it because I really do notice a difference from 0 to 1 to two especially with things like I remember when I first was trying to hit shots with Cloud strike I just I just had like just handing targeting on and I was like I felt like and I'm like not hitting anything right now and then I put on one and it started working and then I put on two and I was like hitting every shot and I was like wellow okay this is actually you know pretty noticeable um but it's just interesting because uh I feel like there's this I don't know thought that like targeting mods especially for mouse and keyboard players don't matter for some reason but I in personal experience I feel like they certainly help quite a bit um I feel like I noticed that that extra little aim assist quite a bit cuz the thing is like even if you're an insanely good player with really good aim like if if if it's more generous that means that you can just take a little bit less time to be super precise with your aim and you know that means you can react react effectively a little bit quicker and uh you just you know have more margin for error and like the thing is Destiny is a game with really fast erratic movement so any you know advantage that you can give yourself is uh I think worth taking like if we're just one be oneing here Patty MH if you're just one be oneing I'm I'm having to think about your positioning I'm having to think about the fact that you're a hunter I'm going to have to think about your guns or think about your your your movement like trying to try and get a read on your play style are you aggressive are you passive are you waiting for teammates I have to look at my radar I have to look at this that and the other this so much to keep track of for the average player that it's overwhelming and that's why trials are so hard for the vast majority of players is it's a lot of information processing so um okay there's all these new players who are coming in to PVP maybe they were new light players from the shadowkeep era or since then and um I I feel like one of the things that I see all the time is basically this thought of oh I don't want to use the um most common or let me rephrase it it's actually not that I don't want to use a lot of people I've seen comment wise say that they see people using the equivalent of like you know the spare rations of of today whatever it happens to be let's say the the 120 hand cannons right now are pretty much the most common thing whatever that the meta happens to be and they complain like oh you know I can't have success with that I don't understand like why I'm not good with it and um I I have like sort of two thoughts that usually go along with that number one is that I don't think that you absolutely have to use the meta to be effective there's definitely ways to be effective without using the absolute most meta combinations like that you people prove this all the time uh but I do think that understanding why the meta is the meta is very important because it's basically speaks to your ability to understand the game at a deeper level and understand why certain things work like for example 120 hand Cannon is now having all this crazy range it's like completely opened up the way that engagements happen um whereas you know before if you were you know a hand Cannon user you were forced to be within you know 30 MERS or so and now you're like 15 meters further able to still deal full damage and you know potentially even further than that getting three Taps U so it's just it's completely changed like the way that a lot of engage 15 meters is you know a tremendous improvement over like 30 m that's like you know what a 50% Improvement in in the range it's like huge it's really put the cannon back into hand Cannon eh yeah absolutely so it's just you know it's fundamentally changed and so it's like I don't think that you need to use 120s to be effective I think that uh you know pulse rifles can be very effective uh 140 hand canons can be strong auto rifles are still pretty strong uh you've shown you know with the trustee you've had a lot success so I mean I there's certainly ways to work around that but I think that it's valuable to understand why certain things tend to be gravitated towards before I used to tell my student students when I was like shping them and coaching them is I would just say use whatever you're comfortable with it's like I'd have I'd have people who' been playing this game for 2 weeks who are really really happy with the I think it's the Ross Lis like 450 RPM blue um Auto rifle and say yeah just use that it's it's squidgy it's it's kind of forgiving it it works use that and they would have a lot of success the minute you stop trying to play weapons that that you think you could do well with versus ones that you know you could do well with you become more effective player overall and if you fight your weapons in The Crucible like like if you fight if you're not effective with your weapons you're fighting being effective with your weapons so you're fighting two battles you're fighting a battle with yourself in trying to land shots and trying to judge the Cadence of The Recoil pattern or or or just to to make sure that you're always in in the right position of the right range for your gun if you're fighting all of that and you have to think about all of that and you're not comfortable with that then that's another layer layer of difficulty that you're adding to already a very Dynamic and difficult environment which is The Crucible so always like I will always say to anybody who's new to The Crucible find guns that you like and now in this balanced sandbox that's never been more true because even even like like the probably the most forgiving archetype of weapon right now is the 390 RPM pulse rifle and they they are fairly competitive 0.93 time to kill whereas um the 600 RPM Ultra rifles are 0.8 time to kill then you have uh 180 R oh sorry 140 RPM hand cannons they're are 087 time to kill 087 versus 93 nobody can tell the difference between it's it's really just now use what you feel comfortable with because once you're comfortable with certain weapons and you start putting damage in the best way to get better at The Crucible is find different ways to put damage in and if you're fighting your weapons you're not putting damage in simple as that the average player isn't able to interpret space and isn't able to always have their aim consistent right like you've talked a lot about KAC routines and all that and there are I'm sure equivalent routines that you can do on controller for cons um and if your if your aim is not in doubt and your interpretation of space with respect to map and engagement spaces is not in doubt then yes these conversations start become start becoming very very sensible they start saying okay you can yeah it's like one crit two body with a 120 they're too easy but for a lot of people they struggle with Just Landing that shot and with a 120 you better hit your shot otherwise it's it's it's game over if like otherwise you'll be hitting um four bodies if you hit four bodies with a 120 you're you're dead because it takes forever um so when having these conversations trying to find the most viable gun to use take into account who's saying them is it would be my advice it's like is is is someone like panda saying it like Panda doesn't have to think about aiming with crits he just does it uh so of course he'll probably have a perspective on 12s that would say something like they're too easy they're too strong they're a little bit overpowered um is somebody who plays a lot of faet saying you know 120 is are two overpowered what is their motivation for saying that they're usually coming at it from a perspective of well if you have three 120s on a team that's an instant deletion so so they're probably coming at it from a perspective where they're saying yeah the from from a team team shot perspective it's too strong also if you're playing face it chances are you're a damn good aimer yourself um whereas if you've got someone like like myself saying it I definitely Advocate more on the mental side of things I advocated from uh from from more so of the average player than than the high level player if I'm saying 120s are fine they're not strong they're not Bal they're not too difficult why am I saying that um the reason I say 120s are fine is because there is a curve to using them just like any other gun and I think that curve is a lot steeper for people who are used to 140s or even 150s because there's a Cadence they have to get used to there's a engagements that they there's whole lots of Sidelines they used to have to get into sorry they have to get used to um 150 RPM hand Canon players are not necessarily the most well-versed in pulse rifle or Scout rifle or sniper rifle Sidelines so they have to learn that but again like we're a month have we beond it's been out for what near two months now sorry two months a half sorry so people have adjusted to all this so yeah it's my my whole shtick here is just say you know definitely listen to what people are saying but understand where they're coming from and why they're saying what they're saying I think that's actually something that a lot of newer players haven't really thought about a whole lot is the different intrinsic benefits to like the types of weapons so for example yes as much as they ever Nerf hand cannons they will always be popular among highle players because of the ability to Peak shot it just the way that they synergize of Destiny it it they deal a sign well they deal all of their damage in these enormous chunks so you can do things like you can sit behind cover and Peak shot and do all of your damage um you can you deal all of your damage basically instantaneously you can unpak be safe and then rep peek it's just it's such a powerful thing in comparison like to you know a high fire Rate Auto rifle where you have to sit there and uh basically anytime that you're not not peeking you're losing out on potential DPS because it's a continuous stream of damage instead of a you know a bursty style and pulse rifs have that a little bit you can burst with them but they're not quite as efficient because you do have to be out there for the full duration of the the burst so you can't be as efficient with it and also I think there's a I think there's actually a skill Gap that people don't talk about much with pulse rifles which is that um okay so a hand can is like a pure clicking uh mechanic where basically as long as your Crosshair is on the target exactly when you fire you're dealing full damage whereas with a pulse rifle it's actually two skill sets it's um it's it's like the clicking of like getting you tracking the Target and then clicking at the right time but it's also tracing the target while it's moving in you in coordination with the Cadence of the burst which is actually like a pretty complicated skill set if you um talk about something like Kovac that's like combining you know basically like a like a Target switching plus tracking drill at the same time which is is mechanically actually kind of difficult to do versus like a hand Canon is purely like a you know a moving Target clicking scenario yeah I would I would say though that that pulse rifles cones aists whatever you want to call it it is quite generous so it's not too difficult to get that that burst off once you understand you know how your gun fires the The Recoil pattern or just generally you know making sure your your Red Dot is on is on the target which then leads to another aspect of the skill Gap that I don't think people talk about as much it's timing mhm if you're guaranteed like for me it's 33 per head with a with a 36 340 RPM pulse rifle so I tap you once that's 99 damage and I know at any point in this engagement between you and me I can hit you for 99 so do I do it quickly well maybe can I wait a little bit and then hit you for 99 absolutely it depends on what what's your status are you low are you high what's going on if you're full health obviously I want to put damage in but if you're low and you're floating around like a madman or running around like a madman and you don't know what you need to be doing and it's very clear that you're confused by whatever passage you're play then I can just take my time line the shot up and make sure I definitely get the 99 or choose not to take that engagement maybe come around here because I've known I've seen you're you're up against the wall and just put even more pressure on you here it's it's totally it's it's it's totally up to the person like having high reliable damage output allows you to do more things with that damage output whereas with a 720 Auto I by necessity I have to be in your face I have to be aggressive I have to come close to you I have to you know put put shots on you in order for me to get anything out of it because if I do the whole cover thing how much time how much am I doing really not as much as one burst absolutely it's kind of funny uh cuz you're sort of reminding me of you know a technique and counter- strike that a lot of players will do like in AK-47 for example they'll like you know do that same type of peak job behind but the difference is in that game one bullet head shot kill so it's like it's a you know it's a completely different mechanic even though it's the same like type of weapon so to speak it's it's pretty interesting um you know how the different time to kills impact like you know how different weapons have to be used in a a different game there's using the meta and then there's understanding The Meta so there's a reason that people gravitate to let's say it as it is right now 120 hand cannons shies and snipers hand cannons will always be the best pick in Destiny because of their damage output for just peeking for an instant Peak get a shot off back in the cover that's 90 damage so that's what I mean by understanding the metas like why do they choose this really think hard about that and that's where you're going to start to see some sort of Gap or weakness in the play style in that meta pick and one of the biggest gaps in people's builds is their resilience level let's say five resilience makes the 120 RPM hand Cannon The Meta pick take an extra Precision shot and that's huge so it makes me as a player uh not necessarily play my strengths but f focus more on my enemy's weaknesses and adapting to that by understanding The Meta so that's in a nutshell how it all combines uh I'm going to just keep hammering in on this topic cuz I think we're going great places with it so you can also use things that are established as The Meta but in different ways and I think a class that has an extremely high skill ceiling and honestly a High um a very good entry point to is top tree Dawn blade which is what I have on right now it has the icus dash which a lot of people use as just a movement tool to get from point A to B faster and that to me is the strongest aspect but understanding the class is one part of the equation and then understanding the map is the other top tree Dawn blade is essentially UNCA for a top player because you can consume a grenade to have access to angles with accuracy that's 100% that other people just don't have so even on this map on EX is blue I played top tree Dawn blade I would say that's a meta pick but I just kept expanding my knowledge of the angles and found a lot of opening picks uh one I do want to show you on screen so what happened a lot of the time is teams would rotate and rotate and rotate around the map looking to find a straggler and someone would be holding a snipe on this angle where I'm standing right now and so when my team recognized that if you can stand right here well my team recognized that I found this angle where I consume a grenade float above the trains and if you look above the trains that is a snipe angle can you believe that yeah this map is one of the craziest I think for these insane angles that you can get so many objects like that that you can hide behind and Float above and it's it's really crazy for uh different off angles so understanding The Meta top tree Dawn's good and now adapting it choosing the off meta thing my exotic choice is Starfire protocol because I find it valuable to have the best part of the Dawn blade up at all times the angle potential the inair accuracy I use Starfire over the typical transversive step or even carstein because it makes more plays for me and it hard counters teams nothing is more scary than the possibility of an aerial attack in Destiny it makes people completely change the way they have to pre- aim for example you might be aiming at at head level for majority of engagements but if you know that a top tree Dawn blade exists you might be aiming not exactly up but also not exactly a head level you might be above head level to anticipate and try to reduce that distance that you have to correct and that can make your teammates have a better time fighting someone because now they're not pre- aimed at them all for having the possibility of an aerial attack so I I think the exotic armor plays into anti meta 2 even if you use it on an established meta class not everybody is made for every role and I built my skills and I don't think any player will fully Master every skill set every possibility I'm just talking hypothetical here and building a perfect Destiny player for me I have to accept what's realistic and and for me in-game leader is the realistic one taking that stress off someone else makes me win more and I also take full responsibility if my call is bad I know I'm not the best player in this game but I know that I can have a very high win rate if I build the proper team around me and you can say I'm carried or whatever but the only people that that matters to me whether they feel they're carrying or not is the two people I'm bringing with me everyone else's opinion does not matter to me in that regard so as long as my teammates know that I cannot be replaced and they cannot be replaced from my POV we're probably going to be the best team ever in Destiny though with the landscape of changing metas all the time it's really hard to stay motivated and competitively motivated which there's a big difference between your pickup trials team in the weekend and an organized Counterstrike team with how much they practice and study Destiny players are not even scratching the surface of being competitive in these games so I just want to make sure that distinction is put there 100% And I mean this something I kind of talked about a few other videos too where it's like one of the things about Destiny is that you're generally speaking always playing different people right like in the matchmaking like it's you know sometimes you might match the same team back toback in Trials but generally speaking you're playing people you've never come across before whereas like when you're talking about like let's let's you know go back to competitive Counter-Strike and at the pro level where like team astralis plays Team Liquid you know for like the hundredth time in the last few years you know they there's an entire mental game that goes around like them they've seen what the Tendencies of each other a million times and they know every little detail and so it's like U you know a lot of it is just like psychological counterplay of like thinking that someone's going to do this because you've seen them do this a million times and that just doesn't really exist in Destiny except for like tournaments and scrim playay and stuff where people have played each other enough times to start developing that type of relationship um so okay I have an interesting question here this is one um that I think you might have an interesting take on so should you practice only one load out or try to get good at as many load us as possible where do you fall in that Spectrum it depends on your amount of time you can invest if you're pressed for time in Destiny choose one all-encompassing consistent Loadout and stick to that if you have all the time in the world pick the greatest hits of the destiny sandbox and then maybe two or three two or three things that stick out to you that you personally like and I think you'll have a pretty well-rounded kit people ask me um how to get better at sniping like literally every day and that's one of the things I tell people people is that uh it's a lot easier I feel like to get better at sniping when you just pick one sniper to try to get really good at that has at least one type one Zoom distance so that you're not like relearning how to yeah you don't have to go that extra like I do where you match the handling stat the the snapshot the sniper frame and then all the armor perks together so it is one to one remember how we talked about what makes the skilled Destiny player and then I talked about the dream skilled Destiny player the perfect player mhm one of those things I mentioned was your autopilot part of having the snipe St the same is leveling up your autopilot to where you can hit some nasty shots without even thinking about it you don't have to be deliberate with your aim it's just an extension of your hand it's it's going to hit what you what you think about aiming at without thinking you can hear the little floof of a warlock jump or a hunter jump starting and you're going to extinc ofely put the Crosshair where you know it needs to be with any other zoom level perk Etc you have to second guess yourself in that situation wait that extra second to make sure it lands if you stick to the same Zoom you don't have to think anymore that's the beauty of it we talked about in-game leader also maybe taking the brunt off other players the most incredible Loadout for me to do that job well is snipe lion for two reasons number one it's a gun that I'm practic with the snipe I don't have to think about aiming it and number two my teammates can physically see the projectile of fighting lion so it acts almost as is a laser designator which means I don't have to talk as much sometimes if they see that flying in a certain place they're already primed to wait for the damage number of whatever the lion hits and so they're already getting the angle ready to clean it up well it gives so much information right where it's like you say like oh hit for 100 damage and like so that that tells you so much it tells you first of all you know roughly where someone is but you also like how close they were to that they are to death yeah I mean like how like how close their their health is to dying so they know like how much damage you need to still put in maybe that's one handing shot two hand shots one one I'll say absolute or Di and they know that like that's the time to dive because they've been hit for at least 160 damage yeah well also like if if you see the projectile going you you know it's like if you shoot into a hallway and I see you shoot it and I hear you say 100 if I know the gun reasonably well I know probably where that player is like pretty close right versus like yeah if someone's like in B on this map like yeah I know what you're getting at exactly you could be anywhere but but if if I see the projectile go in and I know like how you shot it and you say 100 damage I going to have a pretty good idea like like without you what you need to do to follow it up exactly like where where I can expect that player to be like that's a lot of subconscious information that you don't even have to actually articulate that gets transferred to me just by you making that one play and so now all these things we talked about culminate and my autopilots as strong as it can be from sniping on the same Zoom I I'm taking mental tax away from my teammates by using a gun that is literally a laser designator and it also counter meta picks majority of the sandbox do you know how annoying it is to get hit by a fighting lion around a corner so to answer that original question of should you stick to one load out or explore explore to you understand the meta and then stick to one thing that gets you a lot of bang for your bck thanks again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video you can try it out for free on PC Playstation or Xbox and use my link in the pin comment or video description to register those of you who are new or haven't played for 6 months will also receive a massive Bonus Pack across all platforms including multiple premium Vehicles in-game currency and more thanks for watching and up next check out a video I made with my friend time who has one of the craziest warlock builds you've ever seen it's linked on screen and in the description
Channel: Pattycakes Gaming
Views: 59,231
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Keywords: destiny pvp, destiny crucible, destiny pvp tips, best destiny player, best pvp player, best crucible player, crucible tips, get better at destiny pvp, pattycakes destiny, paddycakes destiny, time warlock build
Id: cH_x7M6Rlp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 15sec (4815 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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