These 7 TIPS Make Salvation's Edge EASY! (Destiny 2)

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The salvations Edge raid has been in the game for about a week now and tons of Guardians are hopping in for their first clears so I wanted to compile a list of optimized strategies that will likely differ from most of the guides you've seen already these tips will help speed up encounters while simultaneously simplifying mechanics making them far more lfg friendly from how to easily understand the raids fourth encounter to controlling enemy ad spawns this guide will help smooth out your runs whether you've run this raid 50 times or getting ready to dive in for your first clear I'm above and if you enjoyed today's video a like and subscription would be greatly appreciated now let's get into it starting things off with the first encounter the key factor here is always speed and tip number one is about predicting where you need to go since the wipe timer can be unforgiving with inexperienced groups knowing the most efficient ways to Traverse this encounter is the key to success here start by splitting your teams into two groups of three one will always go into the more Central set of rooms while the other heads into the side rooms each time start by clearing ads as quickly as possible while double-checking for hydras each time you clear a room if you move ahead too quickly and happen to leave a Hydra behind you it actually prevents the other team's doors from opening which can cause delays and leave you short on time in terms of understanding pathing you'll always Traverse away from your other team so in this example team one heads into the middle while my team heads top right right and as you'll notice once we've cleared the first room the door will open on our right hand side which leads away from our other team using this knowledge you can always predict where the next door will open which allows you to clear ads and kill the overloads and tormentors as quickly as possible it's also worth noting that the room in which the overload spawns will always contain the glowing plate and will connect directly to the room with the glowing conductor that is used to spawn the resonance for tip number two we're moving on to the raid second and en counter and this one's going to blow your mind a little bit if you've done the raid already from what I've seen most teams start by killing ads eliminate their mini boss then send the player with called to Reckoning to the Boss Arena to gain stolen favor but what if I told you that one simple change in the order of operations makes this encounter so much easier you know those pesky ads that spawn while you're trying to collect resonance and they either slow you or seem to One-Shot you because of the Absurd amounts of damage that they do well I have a way that prevents this from ever happening because we can control if they respawn or not to do this you actually want to clear the initial wave of ads and gain the called to Reckoning buff as usual but instead of heading to center right away we're going to start pulsing the plate back and forth to spawn all resonance on the field before heading to Center once all resonance has been distributed Let The Chain fizzle but do not pick up the resonance just yet we're going to let our teammate kill the mini boss while we head to to the center of the Arena to gain stolen favor and when we come back we can read the symbol pick up our resonance and close the conductor without a single enemy spawning during this entire phase for whatever reason this method prevents the infinite ad spawns that normally happen while trying to spawn your resonance which makes this encounter so much easier the third encounter is definitely a step up from the first two in terms of difficulty as it requires increasingly precise levels of communic ation when wires begin to cross in each room but with the Strat I've prepared for you today we essentially remove 90% of the communication needed to have success with your fire team tip number three is all about giving each member of your team a fixed location throughout this encounter so if you start front left in room one you'll also be responsible for front left in rooms 2 and three this helps avoid the inevitable confusion that comes with memorizing where each set of wires goes in each room especially for lfg so you're probably wondering how do the starting plates know when to start the wires well it's actually quite simple just wait for all three front players to confirm they're ready to go then have all the back players step on at the same time and begin generating resonance as usual so in the example playing in the background I'm responsible for the top left plate each time in the first room our call is triangle square and circle written as TSC in chat since I've already picked up my three squares on on left I'm going to let my plate fizzle and proceed to kill my subjugator I then rotate to the middle plate where the square needs to be dunked and save front middle ready I then wait for the other two front plates to confirm they're ready to go at which point the back plates will step on at the same time and send all three of us energy to close our respective conductors now in room two you'll notice that I'm still top left but this time I have Circle resonance spawning around my plate instead of square but the buff that spawns around your plate doesn't matter as long as it's getting picked up and dunked in the proper location so I pick up my three circles let my plate fizzle then kill my subjugator once again at this point I can rotate to the middle plate confirm I'm ready to go and wait for the energy to be sent to activate my conductor and as you can see I had a different buff and starting partner from room one but the order of operations is so simple that it doesn't even matter you eliminate the need to know where any wires go allowing you to focus solely on the task at hand the only caveat is that the final room Buffs do tend to overlap a little bit so make sure you call out which buff you intend to pick up to avoid any confusion with your teammates now it's time for Verity the encounter that stumped Destiny's best Raiders for 10 plus hours on day one and is widely regarded as Vault 2.0 and the lfg killer within the destiny Community already with that said once you understand how this encounter works it's actually pretty easy so for tip tip number four we're going to go more in depth than our other tips to help break this encounter down into two parts the pre and post Guardian death phase phase one begins with three Guardians getting teleported into solo rooms and we want to start by calling out the shapes that the three statues are holding from left to right this gives the outside team the necessary information to begin dissecting while we do our job on the inside after the call outs have been made which in this case is circle triangle and square shift your focus to the shape your guardian is holding in their hand the goal of phase one is to reach what I call equilibrium which is seeing two of your shape on the back wall to do this we want to transfer the shape we don't need which in this case is a circle to the statue that has a circle on it and if all three players do this correctly you should all see two of your own shape on the back wall to end the first phase this then takes us to the guardian death sequence which ends phase one now there is a chance that all three rooms actually start at equilibrium in Phase 1 in which case you'll need to start Phase 2 before Guardian death to help progress the encounter but keep in mind that this is a pretty rare scenario after we come back from the fake Guardian death Phase 2 begins now that we have both copies of our shape the next objective is to get rid of our shape by Distributing one of each to our teammates and to keep track of what I've distributed I like to start dunking on the leftmost Statue first and work my my way to the right so in this example since my guardian is holding a square my end goal for Phase 2 is to distribute my two squares to my teammates and end up with a circle and triangle on my back wall these two symbols will match the 3D Shape my teammates are constructing on my statue outside which ultimately allows me to break through the glass and rejoin my fire team to successfully exit the room simply kill your Knights and pick up the two shapes that should be different from the one that your statue is holding and make your way through the glass to regroup with your teammates this takes us to tip number five which is dissecting dissection to dissect means to break down cut up or in the context of this encounter specifically remove something from a shape now at first glance this roll is extremely confusing but I have a couple quick tips that make it much easier our job here is to make 3D shapes on each statue that do not contain the shape originally called out in each room so in this example we have square triangle and circle and because the left inside call out is square the outside 3D shape cannot contain a square meaning it must contain a triangle and a circle which forms a cone we can then do the same for the other two call outs and write down the ideal 3D shapes that we need to end up with in the text chat as we did in the footage playing in the background and for those curious you can screenshot this key and use it for quick call outs during runs with your teams so where do I start well it's actually super simple I start by dissecting the leftmost statue and then swap around shapes from there so in this case because the inside call out is square I'll start by dissecting a square from the leftmost statue and then see if I can immediately fix one of the other two Statues by swapping one of its shape with the square we dissected from left and as you can see here I take a triangle and dissect it from middle as swapping a square with the triangle in this case will make a cylinder which is the correct final shape for the middle statue and from there I can simply swap two more shapes and fix the left and right statues and just like that we're done with dissecting outside for tip number six we're heading to the witness and this one's all about controlling subjugator spawns I've seen both two and three Runner strategies but in my opinion three runners is not only faster it also spawns fewer subjugators and works perfectly with the Strat I'll be recommending today which is leaving a subjugator alive before DPS once the encounter starts have three people in charge of dealing with the witness's hands one on triangle that spawns from the sky one on Circle that spawns from the floor and one on Square that spawns from the walls these three players will obtain the glyph breaker Buffs during phase one as usual and break the first three glyphs on the witness's chest at the same time this will spawn two subjugators one on each side and we're going to spawn kill these as quickly as possible we're then going to rinse and repeat this process for Phase 2 but instead of breaking all three glyphs at the same time we're actually going to break two of them to spawn the subjugators first and hold one of them for the start of DPS your team will then kill the left subjugator and leave the right subjugator alive at 1 HP this gives you time to clear ads gather ammo and once ready group up in the center of the arena for DPS break the final glyph and kill the subjugator after the DPS phase has started to prevent it from respawning after the damage phase this makes phase to far less stressful because you no longer have to kill subjugators with little to no ammo allowing you to roam around the room grab ammo and reload for the second damage phase the seventh and final tip is a quick one but is incredibly useful if you're not 100% comfortable dodging the witness during DPS all of the boss's attacks are solar and if you equip two solar resist mods and pair it with a concussive dampener you can easily tank one of the diagonal attacks which gives you some leeway even if you mess up your movement during damage and as for the jump attack make sure you rotate to safety before jumping as the most common deaths that I see are people jumping and Landing too early so make sure you take your time to rotate before jumping wait for the bosses attack and then leap into the air for safety to make sure you live throughout a damage phase and hopefully with these seven tips your salvation's Edge clears become a whole lot easier if you guys found this guide useful a like and subscription would be great greatly appreciated and you can catch me live over at where I'll be doing salvations Edge raid helps all weekend long anyways that's it from me thank you all so much for watching and I'll catch you next time peace [Music]
Channel: Above
Views: 49,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, d2 above, Above Destiny, d2, above, final shape, the witness, verity guide, salvation's edge raid guide, salvation's edge, new destiny raid, raid guide, These 7 TIPS Make Salvation's Edge EASY, 7 tips salvation's edge, witness guide salvation's edge, witness fight raid guide, 4th encounter raid guide, 4th encounter salvation's edge, above raid guide, above salvation's edge guide, salvation's edge for dummies, final shape raid, new raid guide, best builds, raid
Id: 16USaLsJ3WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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