The Best Repotting Method, Hands-Down!

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hi guys how are you I hope you're well and today we're gonna talk about transplanting a smaller plant into a larger pot so we're gonna take this riff it áfourá tetris Burma and these cuttings that I took from a larger plant and make a larger pot because I'll just start with what's going on here this is just one cutting this is just one cutting that's in this four inch pot and if I put one cutting into a six inch pot nothing it's not gonna get wire just gonna get longer because plants like we're fit áfourá and plants like pothos you know you need a lot of cuttings in it to get a full plant so I just want to do that while I'm up potting it's called up honey so when do you transplant that's the first question the time you want a transplant is when you want your plant to get a little bit bigger and also when the roots are starting to grow like out to the bottom of the pot do you guys see that so when these roots are busting out at the bottom of the pot or over the top of the pot is time and this time so and also look that's pretty root down look lots of plants can handle being root bound to leg both those like philodendron like Hoyas but if you really want them to get bigger you want to put them in a bigger pot I'm not gonna report this one right now I just want to show you an example of tight roots root bound it's a little bit root bound okay so that's that I'm gonna put you on the side so let's start with this this is the roof it of for tetris Burma and it's probably not so root bound but I don't know I haven't looked let's look look look at this bad boy okay gently removing the pot and get my train I hope it rains okay when you get plants at this size you're gonna want to look at the roots you're gonna want to look under the hood because sometimes it's not ready to repot and I think this one is you can see it's not excessively rootbound but they're quite a few roots and what I'm gonna do before I put it in this 6 inch diameter pot I'm gonna soak it you dump it in the water you let it let it really soak up that moisture especially if it's really hot because we want these guys to have a really good chance of success and the other thing I'm gonna tell you about once this is completely soaked and this might be like five minutes depends on the size of the root ball but it's just wicking up the water it's using that capillary action to suck the water into the center of that root ball and it's gonna be nice and wet by the time you put it in the new pot the other thing that you don't necessarily have to do and I see a lot of people doing it and I've done it sometimes I do it sometimes I don't but you don't have to you don't have to bust up the roots they're gonna find their way into the new soil I guarantee it and some plants have tender tender roots and if you start ripping them and messing with them they might not like it and your plant might die so unless it is winding around and choking the stems and the stalks and the trunks of your plants you don't have to you don't have to cut the roots only when it's really really really bad and if and if you do it's okay some people do it gently I just I don't and I never have a problem okay so now we've got this guy I think is adequately oh it's nice and heavy it's nice and heavy it's it's good so I'm gonna just put this water over here put this back in the pot okay like that and I'm going to get this ready when I get this ready so I'm gonna put a little bit of soil on the bottom it's really dark in here it definitely hold on a second my light moves okay it's not that dark for you but it's dark in here for me I'm in a garage I'm gonna cry so I'm gonna put a little bit of soil on inside of this 6 inch diameter pot in this soil mixture this is store-bought I don't really have a lot of materials here so I had to buy some and it's peat moss I prefer cocoa coiour its bark it's some perlite in here and there's no moisture crystals and I keep repeating that I don't like to use them so when you're going from a four inch pot to a six inch pot that's what you should do because if it's too small what's the point hey I'm guilty doing that too and if it's too big the soil stays moist for too long so that's not a really good idea so you want to put it in here so it's just sitting about an inch or so below the lip of the pot so it's about an inch below the lip of the pot and I have about an inch and a half about an inch and a half between the side of the root ball and the inside of the pot so that gives this plant plenty of room to grow but I'm also gonna do something else that's interesting well what I'm going to do which I'm pretty excited about and this is the right time to do it if you are planning on making a plant fuller you're better off doing it with cuttings when you're transplanting because if you're trying to make a plant fuller that has a lot of roots in the soil it's hard to get the new cuttings in so this is the perfect time to do that so I have these rooted or four cuttings that have been really only in the water for a few weeks and they have enough roots not a ton but enough roots that they will adapt to this soil especially if I don't let the soil dry out too much for the first couple of weeks so I'm gonna put these in after I back though so I'm gonna put a little bit of soil come out a little bit I'm gonna put soil all around so and I know I'm making a mess and this is a planting table so don't worry about it not an actual dining room table and if it gets dirty that's fine I'm gonna clean it I'm gonna clean this table so I'm loosely putting soil all around here and make sure the skies in the center because what I'm going to do is I'm going to flank the cuttings around around the main plant look at this guy this guy has a lot of roots see those roots it's time and now it's time to put it it's like took my finger and make a holes I don't want to rip or break the roots and I gently layer it in around the side of the plant and let's see what I got here I don't have a lot of cuttings there's more roots on this guy you're going in you're going in and guess what this is gonna be a really full plant by the time these cuttings are rooted out and start growing guess what they're going oh here's a good one I got a cut this is it roots are starting up there and I got to get rid of that bottom node so I'm gonna pop off this bottom nodes like that and pop you in here you're getting popped in I forgot what I was saying oh I remember I was saying so these side cuttings are gonna take a little bit longer to grow because they need to develop their roots first the center plant already hazards so it's gonna continue to grow but these guys have to catch up there's no roots on this but I'm still maybe a little tiny root for me I'm gonna still stick it in here and pay attention to it put it in like that that's really kind of it so I've kind of pre watered the center plant and I will definitely water around the edges of the plants too I just did like a two for one here I need oh yeah there's this out of the way and then I will end up putting this in a cover pot like that that's not a good one it's not really the right size but you get the idea put it in a cover pot oh that's okay that works and then I have a new plant and I'm gonna use the water that I was soaking the plant in to water the sides here I just don't have I'm gonna do I like that just a little bit just a little bit faster Oh a little bit okay actually a lot is it a lot and then I'm gonna lift this out let it drip out I don't leave in there that's the picture actually this soil is absorbing the moisture and that's all that's all you really have to do so I have to clean this up a little bit and keep my eye on it and keep it watered because uh you know I put those cuttings in and they need that moisture in the beginning for the first two weeks that's it whew it's hot it gets hot in this garage hey guys I hope you have a great weekend I hope you have a great weekend that's Friday very exciting and I hope you get to play with some plants and take some cuttings and do all that kind of fun stuff because that's kind of what I think is fun and also get out and guard just be outside if you can it's just as healthy let's get out there okay see you guys soon take care bye
Views: 621,742
Rating: 4.9335389 out of 5
Keywords: Houseplants, indoor plants, indoor plant care, houseplant care, low maintenance houseplants, rhaphidophora, Pothos, plants, interior plants, foliage plants, plants for indoors, tropical plants, plant styling, low light houseplants, easy care houseplants, best plants, best houseplants, best indoor plants
Id: 3jkE9pNhsrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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