The Best Quick & Easy Dinner - One Pan Steak & Roasted Veggies | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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on the heels of the much-loved one skillet breakfast we bring you the one pan dinner one pan vegetables the same pan steak everything cooked at once everything [ __ ] delicious I say that though we're using a pizza oven that I don't have any absolutely exact temperature on so we're gonna have to play with this a little bit and because it looks like I'm in a different location I am I'm on the roof of my building we'll show you what I'm looking at that's great but let's get this thing going because we've lagged a bit now the Sun is about to creep over that wall and F up everything we hate shooting and bright sunlight it's terrible so check out what I've got right here first we've started with these multicolored carrots we've just cut in half and the purple ones are especially badass because they they do this you'd recognize this as cauliflower this is pasilla peppers aka poblanos have a nice built peppery bite to them these little baby bell peppers that I've always been a fan of some chunked up red onion multicolored potatoes and I've got some Chinese eggplant or maybe it's Japanese eggplant that I just need to cut in pieces like this I guess I can't do too much because it won't fit on my baking sheet but now I need to season a bit so using our chosen foods avocado oil because it is the best way to go here I'll drizzle all the way across smokes at a higher temperature delivers good fat even flavor if you're not using this you're not paying enough attention to us now a couple things give it a little kosher salt a little pepper and a little sumac so sumac is a traditional Middle Eastern spice that's now being used here everywhere and the fact that I was just in Jordan and fell in love with it almost every day because it's used for almost everything it's a real like lemony kind of taste we're gonna give this a bunch of sumac it's really incredible on vegetables if you didn't have this you could use lemon pepper that would be fine but I think you should try and find some okay once we've got this we're just gonna mix cuz we want these things to get a little cover everywhere I have to go crazy with it I'm gonna break up the onions that's fine but the goal is to just get the seasoning and a little bit of oil on everybody and now let's put this on a baking sheet shall we the colors the flavors the variety this is everything you want it to be now here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna kind of orient these guys down towards one end so while everybody lives down here comfortably we're gonna add a couple of big fat rib eyes beautiful take these guys off they get the following a little avocado oil and it's fine that they're picking up what's underneath here that's great give it a nice coating of kosher salt to both of them cuz they're pretty thick we'll do that both sides and some pepper fresh ground of course a little garlic powder on each and just a little bit of red pepper flake because a little heat is always a good thing we'll do the same to this side oil so pepper garlic powder and the recovery flick perfect rub whatever's left on this board special down the edges then onto our pan one sweet of it now into the oven or in this case the pizza oven and up we go we opened that's hot it's really hot and we're in stay shot stay shot there you go okay so this is kind of fun I mean that the nicest way possible we started late the Sun is now creeping and making everything miserable I'm having a hard time regulating the pizza oven if this was in my own place the oven would be at 275 the steaks would cook perfectly the vegetables would be fine so it all may happen faster I just have to watch it but I'm not going it completely alone because I'm using a good instant-read thermometer we can put a link to it this is the key look if the steak is ready before the vegetables I just put foil on it and and leave it and it will be perfect the point of the whole thing is that it's one pan did you see me standing all on a weird angle it's because if I go like this I get Sun on me no Sun Sun no Sun we don't like the Sun we live in a sunny place this is San Diego oh by the way this video at the end of this video will tell you what the millionth subscriber contest is we'll give you those details I think it's gonna be fine so you want to stay tuned that's the way we suck you into watching the whole thing max maybe show them where we are right now this is beautiful so max will give you a little pan from left to right and right now you're staring due south and that's downtown San Diego literally 20 minutes from where you're looking right now is the country of Mexico with some of the best food ever of course right across the borders Tijuana and it's a fabulous place with fabulous people the harbour will come into play in a second look how beautiful it is that big building sticking up is the county administration building and then you see all the way across is an area called Point Loma it's a beautiful neighborhood over there used to be filled with Italians and Portuguese fishermen and women San Diego has a rich fishing history fact used to be the tuna capital of the country and then you know things change but we this is Little Italy you can see the Little Italy sign down there tons of Italian restaurants and the airport right from here you see plane landing that's the Southwest 935 from Albuquerque or something by the way san diego's little italy is the largest little italy in the United States so if you're here you should come visit us so because it's a pizza oven and the heat is at the back I'm gonna turn this but look at how nicely things are starting to progress yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the steaks are 32 look beautiful of course in a regular oven you don't have a concern about having to turn but while we're here let's check the temp of the steak shall we max so if I goes straight in I'm at a 102 degrees so I want to pull this when it's about 133 maybe 135 but I think this is coming out perfect and so look we're there the veggies still a bit crisp tender amazing can't wait the steaks about a hundred and thirty-four thirty-five each now it's time to take them out and have a bite and we're down check it out check it check it check it carrots and the purple guys love them the little peppers the right amount of color on them a little Japanese or Chinese eggplant whatever it is the poblanos the red onions the cauliflower ah everything makes me happy crisp tender that's perfect eggplant mmm hmm okay mistake mistake so stick them stick off look it's it's just it's perfect it's freakin perfect who wouldn't like this are you crazy this is like the best now look you use the vegetables like a little serving spoon a little bit of fat the beautiful little medium-rare steak mm mm all right so people say love your food Tim but sometimes we need a little healthier are you kidding me think about what this is it's vegetables that have been seasoned and a protein there's no carbs there's no cream there's no chip a that worked no carbs no cream no no bread no cheese no pasta no nothing it's the perfect Netflix and chill night food let me set it up for you you don't say I saw this thing on Sam The Cooking guy and I'm gonna try it I hope it works out that kind of thing you go like this you get all the vegetables and you get the steaks and you go we're just gonna try something you throw the oven on you go I think we can probably just cook this all at once make it easy for us oh it's an 800-number should we listen let's see who it is hello the Chinese what department I don't have Bank of America I think it was all bs we go back you set it up like this I think I'm just gonna try something don't give me credit for it you take the credit I'm gonna try something I think I could cook all these things at the same time and he or she will be like oh are you sure do you think it'll work out it's gonna be fine and with your trusty instant-read thermometer you're gonna know when the steak is ready and if the steak is ready before the vegetables take it out cover it up with foil it'll all work out look it what did this color down here max I feel like Vanna White ready for the Vanna White hand doesn't sit here and eat all day long okay so what have we accomplished we've accomplished maybe the perfect Netflix and chill meal perfect glass of wine little hmm I like scotch or whiskey with my steak so maybe a little bit of that any vegetables you want they all work out you don't we need to do million subscribers we need to tell them how they can be part of the million subscriber giveaway that is so good and now for the 1 million subscriber giveaway you're supposed to go you you I can't do it my voice doesn't go up that high here's the deal we're bringing someone and there's someone we don't care who it is from anywhere in the world to San Diego California to be with us for a few days to be part of some shoots to come to not knock tacos to hang out and be in a shoot yourself wait we want them in a shoot yes you can be in a shoot yourself now what do they have to do max you you have to engage you don't have to be engaged we want you to engage once you tell us why you should be that person now look we don't want you kissing our ass maybe max does a little bit but don't have to do that how did you find us has watching changed the way you cook or to help you cook more than you did before just tell us the story who else have you turned on to the channel can you prove you've turned other people on to the channel now what is that noise it's like somebody doing that balloon squeaky thing you will do this through comments on the site you can go to my Instagram if you're not following that already and I'm saying it wouldn't hurt to follow that the cooking guy on Instagram you can say stuff there you can say things on the Facebook but I don't really look at the Facebook all that much we don't like the feast we're not fans of the Facebook and Twitter yeah yeah go to Twitter we've got Twitter but we're gonna find somebody that that that epitomizes what a regular everyday Sam the cooking guy YouTube channel viewer is and acts like that is that okay yeah I never get to show him a damn good time and you can have a damn good time in San Diego do we care where they come from we don't care can they come from Seattle they can come from Pakistan you come from Pakistan what about Latvia Latvia works this Greece work Greece works anywhere works we don't care I don't hate Greece why don't say that that's not true now people are gonna think that side not true I do not hate Greeks so that's it's pretty simple you want to message us and send us a picture of you and the person you go ahead do that you want to send a short video they can do how can they do that if you really want to send something bad info at the cooking Oh death is gonna hate me for that here's the point we want you we want you that if you really want to be here we really want you to be here and we're gonna have a lot of fun not not tacos be it a shoot hangout will maybe make something that you want us to make that you've always wanted us to make because this is all about you guys we didn't get to a million plus without you and we appreciate that and then shortly down the road there'll be another component of this but we'll tell you about that one later but for now that's what you have to do so we got your flights we got your flights hotel - kidding flights hotel food guests of Sam the cooking guys stay at the I don't know one of these hotels flash that one of these hotels over there you'll be this far away and eating delicious things like this look we'll probably do an official video but you know what you need to do we will be announcing the winner of this contest on October 21st Monday they might get presents - might they you might get some presents - oh yeah it's the very least you get to hang out with Max and find out that he is in fact married and not gay and not that there's anything wrong with that anything anything but people keep going oh I thought he was gay thousands of people did every day multiple comments people keep saying it alright so that's it you know what you have to do you know what to do Sterne fans will recognize this reference you know what to do that's it show us the real you in a text in a comment in a post in an email it's all good and don't be a [ __ ] bummer we do not want to bring somebody here forget the money if they're a drag oh hi my name is Pete we're real excited to be here we don't want that dude do not make me start doing coke again to find a little excitement when you're hanging with us I do not back in the day everybody did it all right thanks for hanging out liking subscribing commenting being part of this this is gonna be fun can you you and your friend right here or back there max sucking your kitty kid all right thanks get going go go go [Music]
Views: 422,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: netflix & chill, sam the cooking guy, easy dinner, easy one pan, one pan dinner, easy one pan dinner, easy pan dinner, one pan, easy steak dinner, steak, steak dinner, one pan steak dinner, sam the cooking guy steak, sam the cooking guy dinner, steak recipe, dinner recipe, sam the cooking guy recipe, one pan dinner recipe, easy dinner ideas, easy dinner recipes, quick recipes, quick and easy dinner, quick dinner ideas, quick dinner, roasted vegetables, roasted veggies
Id: ShvvK7dD8gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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