The BEST Quest 3 Strap? | BOBOVR M3 Review

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this is the Bobo VR M3 the Bobo VR M3 is a headstrap replacement for the quest 3 that either comes with or without a battery pack many people were happy with their M2 for the Quest 2 and the M3 was tough to get for a while after the quest 3 launched due to its demand seeing the hype around the M3 I decided to pick one up for myself because I wasn't happy with the quest 3's comfort with the default strap this all leads us here to this video where I talk about my experience with the Bobo VR M3 so far ah he's ugly I'm kidding uh well I don't know maybe I'm kidding maybe I'm not um this is the Bobo vrm3 and I've been using it for the past uh few weeks now and it's fantastic I honestly really enjoy it and we're going to talk about it a little bit uh first things first I want to say this isn't a sponsored video or anything I purchased this myself so uh this isn't one of those videos uh if you know what I mean and uh yeah we're just going to get right into to it if you like the video like it but maybe wait till the end to actually see if you like it uh there's going to be time stamps in the description and again if you like it maybe consider subscribing I put a lot of VR content out so um if you like it then check out some of my other stuff in the meantime we're going to get right into the installation of this uh little review and uh watch the installation there is a little tip for you at the end so we're just going to get started with that all right so I kind of have everything disassembled here uh we're going to put this aside the battery I took off obviously to make it a little bit lighter easier to work with and this is basically what you're going to start with okay so it's really easy to set up now I did say I had a tip for you in this little section so I'm going to show you that first okay now what you have to do with this it's hard to get off I don't okay before you put on this you just basically pull it off before you put on this your Cable's going to be looking something like that it's just going to be out there what I recommend is doing a single Loop like this making a single Loop and then tucking it right where the loop uh I don't know if I could get this in Focus where the loop is right where that uh that that thing goes in here let me get the right side here this would be the left side so you grab the left side so that I could put this piece in here like so okay and now your cable is going to be the appropriate length so that when it's plugged in you'll see at the end it's nice and tucked instead of the cable being just way out and extended because this cable is this much longer than it needs to be so doing that little Loop there we'll nicely tuck it and it it won't have any risk of coming out of here so it just tidy tidies it up okay so once that's on everything else uh can be done and worked with try and get the cable out of the way a little bit and we're going to just slide uh these on it's as easy as that to get these off you just snap them off it's really easy you'll figure it out you literally just snap them off it's not a difficult task and we're just going to line these up and slide on so we'll get one slid on a little bit on the other side we'll do that I'd recommend pushing it to the front and backing away if you need to whoops just to make sure it's nicely snug and on there now this is where the cable will plug in right so you could do that now if you wanted boom and TDA that cable looks nice and tidy it's not overly long it has plenty of room to breathe still you know if you're moving it around and stuff so I recommend that now the hardest part about this I'm just going to unplug this just in case it snags or something as I'm moving it around the hardest part about this is getting this little velcro strap on to here there's a little bar here and you need to put this velcro piece through and then it has to curve around so what I would recommend with this is let's see if we could get that in Focus there I'm just holding the headset by this uh so if you if you kind of take it pinch it and bend it forward a little bit like that roll it forward so it kind of makes a little curve and that'll that'll allow it an easier time to go in there and then loop around so you kind of jam it in there there's not enough room so I'm going to have to tilt It Forward like this and continue jamming it in there and uh eventually it'll Loop itself around and come through right but this has to be the most complicated and tedious task so another tip here actually bonus tip remove the face gasket to install this part I think you'll need to because you need to come here and reach around to get in there and I don't think you're going to see how I'm ah we got it okay so you're going to need to reach around to get in there I recommend backing away a bit to give a little space here before tapping that velcro on there if you velcro it too high up then you're going to limit yourself on how much play you have with this right because that's the limiting factor here how much velcro is there so if you want to loosen up this area give yourself a little bit more play there you could do what you can to loosen that velcro strap a little bit right but this is about fine for me and then yeah we'll we'll plug this back in just you know make sure everything's fine there and and TDA it's done and then adjustments and stuff can be made as as needed you you could obviously adjust these here and everything else these don't adjust here this doesn't pivot but this can slide back and forth if you need that remember that and this just does its own thing in the back it automatically adjusts but and then you have whoops that's really loud isn't it you have the dial we're not going to crank that again uh I'm probably going to have to edit that uh so yeah we'll get back to the main review all right so we're going to get right into the comfort uh right off the bat I'm going to say this is so much more comfortable than the default strap obviously you guys know my opinion there if you watch the quest 3 uh review video that I put out it hurs the padding here is removable um there's this one in the back it's all Velcro so you could just basically peel it right off and either clean it better or replace it if it starts falling apart in the future uh but so so far I've had no issues and I don't see any issues in the near future so we'll see how it holds up though uh again in the front you could remove and on the top there's two little paddings that are removable it is finicky to adjust when you first get it it's a little weird uh it's kind of hard to explain but uh how I have it now there's no face facial gasket so if you're going to wear it in this format it's a little different because the face gasket isn't there to support your uh kind of face structure and the way that it sits on your face so when it's in this profile anyway and I'll pop on I have the face gasket right here we'll pop on that right after uh it it it rests mainly on the top of your forehead right because there's no face gasket to support you there and then it rests obviously on the top here these can become annoying depending on how you have it Seated on your head so yeah these these might be able to be bent out a little bit if you want to maybe I don't know get a hot gun on that on it and kind of slowly bend it out because it's a plastic I'm sure it could Bend out slowly if you are careful and take your time but uh they started to annoy me anyway these little guys up here depending on how you use it but like this it's just fine and I I I really enjoy it so there's there's really no pressure points outside of these little top guys the the front feels really good on the top of the forehead it it goes pretty high and the back you could kind of adjust however you like there it could sit a little bit higher a little bit lower to cup your head better uh I think lower is a little bit better either in the middle or lower uh to really cup your head well and give it a little bit more support so as I'm wearing it like like this I just want to while I'm wearing the headset it's funny cuz I could see you guys obviously I'm using the quest 3 so I have full pass through which is really neat so it does wiggle around a little bit uh the headset I don't know if you noticed that if I like if I just move my head around right you could probably see it moving a little bit uh so this is obviously bad for heavy movement games we're going to take it off now so we'll see if I have a little mark on my head and what's going on but um that's how it is anyway on the face kind of quest Pro style it works it's a little bit um finicky so I'm going to really quickly uh off camera here snap on the gasket I haven't used the gasket in so long I forgot how to even put it on here we go I don't know how many snaps there were I think there were four that's one two three who cares okay so now when you have the gasket on first of all it looks a lot better right I think this is the way most people are going to be using it if you want more AR you're going to pop it off use a quest Pro style but I think this way is a little bit more comfy so before I put it on we'll see if we could get a shot of that in there so if you could see the padding here aligns pretty much spoton with the face gasket that again I don't know if it's in Focus I'm sorry we're trying we're trying we're trying so the face gasket and that top band basically a line and when you wear it it feels like it's just one solid kind of piece uh on your face and with the gasket of course it does remove that side peripheral from your I don't know from from your room right you can't see a room anym anymore with the uh the gasket on I haven't used the gasket in so long it's kind of weird to me uh so so with the gasket it still Wiggles around you still get that wiggling uh but it is a little bit more snug on the face and if you have one if you get one you'll know what I'm talking about uh so yeah if you want to be isolated you could wear it with the gasket as well of course all right so let's move on really quick so the weight feels balanced when the battery pack is attached of course you have a bit of a counterweight here it's not perfect uh I think maybe if the battery to be honest if this area in the back was a little bit heavier uh that you hear it turning on now it turns on automatically when you take off and remove the battery uh which charges it if it's plugged in as well obviously so we'll talk about that in a bit so a little bit more weight in the back would have made it a little bit more uh balanced I think so it is still a little bit front heavy just a bit but yeah it does definitely help with that battery attached in the back speaking of the battery we're going to move on the battery we we'll talk really quickly and briefly about this the battery seems to double the uh usability the the battery life it seems to double it from what I've noticed um I'm getting you know roughly 4 hours out of it uh about so um happy with that because I don't I don't know unless you're passing it around the VR headset and you're sharing it an environment I don't see yourself like a single user me I'm not going to use it more than 4 hours at a time uh and if I do I'm going to have a break in between in that break in between I could charge my headset you know for half an hour and then I'll have more use out of it so uh I for me this is great it's perfect now uh the battery of course beeps when uh you pop it on the charge so we'll do that again uh the battery stays on if uh if it's connected boom so it stays on when it's connected and it'll charge it automatically uh so if you want to turn it off let's say your headset is charged and you don't want the battery to be turned on and you're like hanging your headset for the day uh you're done with it you double tap the button in the back so you double tap it it'll turn off you saw the lights turn off and then it'll make a noise so we'll wait here in a moment you'll hear noise kind of beep uh there it is uh kind of indicating that it turned off so that's kind of how you would store the battery and and hang it up for the night now the cool thing is let's say you do use it and we're going to say this here now too you probably already know but the battery pack that it comes with it is not good enough to charge the headset while it's being used now what I mean by this is if you have the headset and you're using it it's not going to fully charge your quest Quest 3 let's say the battery percentage is at 50% okay on your quest 3 and you have a full battery pack it's fully charged you put the battery on Boom now if the headset is off it'll start charging the headset from 50% you know up to 100% uh as long as the battery pack is full and can charge it uh so so so that's fine but if you're using the headset and the headset is at 50% and you put that battery pack on that's at 100% And it it starts charging it's not going to go to 51 52 53% it's not going to go up uh it'll either maintain 50% or slowly start going down depending on how heavy usage you are uh depending on how heavy uh the CPU or GPU is is being used um what applications you're using if you're playing a game that battery percentage is going to start slowly trickling down so and I think it it starts trickling down regardless uh of what you're doing so as long as it's on so that's unfortunate right is it an issue though that's the thing we need to consider h no it's not an issue because what ends up happening is this battery ends up dying before your quest dies so you get the full use of this battery before the quest dies and depletes now the only issue that uh that would exist with this with the battery not charging the headset while it's plugged in you could plug it into your computer through a Link cable and the the headset won't charge either it's going to slowly deplete the battery uh but it prolongs the battery from draining we know this but anyway it's a non-issue uh as said so um we're just going to leave it at that okay otherwise I'll talk about this too long so um I think we talked about everything here the battery does take take up the usb3 slot here to charge the headset uh so if you wanted to charge the headset itself without the battery let's say the batter is depleted and the headset's at 50% what are you going to do so there's a USBC on the back of the battery here so that's how you'll Char charge the battery you just plug that in and then how are you going to charge the headset if you want it to be 100% you would obviously have to remove this here because there is not any there's not any connector in the back for USB uh USBC kind of as a pass through right so as far as I see uh obviously I'll correct it if I'm wrong but there's no there's nothing in the back so you have to Boom unplug this and then plug it into charge obviously but what I'm doing is I'm just honestly to charge my quest I'm just charging the battery getting that nicely charged and then just popping it on and letting it charge up while it's not in use boom I just hang it on the wall it charges like wirelessly charging in a way right because you're not plugged in so this battery is charging whoops this battery is charging the the headset anyway so anyway so that's the battery the battery is fine okay um now the there is one issue with the battery it could either be a Game Changer and a deal breaker or or it's or it's maybe not a problem it depends uh my battery has a whining sound to it when you're in VR playing a game or doing anything when the battery is on you don't hear anything now it's when the headset is on the headset's off currently that's why it's it's not making a kind of hissing sound the battery itself or or I think it's actually this connector I think it's the connector here people were saying uh anyway it makes a kind of hissing sound now this is noticeable when it's quiet uh if you don't have headphones if you don't have IMS in you know in your monitors or you're not wearing like noise illation headphones uh and if the if there's not a lot of volume being pushed through these speakers uh you could hear that hissing sound from the battery so I got used to it I have fans on in my room all the time have a uh an air purifier on all the time here so I'm used to kind of just an a white noise sound uh this will obviously bother a lot of people okay that's something to note about the battery and I'll I'll I'll demonstrate it here too so I'll put a little clip here so you could listen to it if we move on to the build quality I think we talked about most things here so build quality will be the last little area we touch on uh the Plastics feel very uh fine there's nothing to complain about I don't see them Brit like any pieces snapping off I've been kind of picking up the headset sometimes by this one piece of plastic here uh in the front quite often and it like I I don't know maybe it'll snap eventually but it's probably not going to be a a big deal to me because I don't really like these top things anyway um I think maybe it supports enough with this but I could wrong maybe I'll I'll be sad if it ever breaks but I'll keep you updated if it ever breaks so Plastics feel fine I was an adopter of the uh or sorry I wasn't an adopter of the M2 so I can't compare to the old uh kind of you know the Quest 2 version but this one for the quest 3 it's fine and I'm probably positive it's the same kind of materials for the M2 uh so yeah that's pretty much it the uh the last thing we'll note on this side we have the uh the 3.5 mm headphone jack it's kind of awkward awkwardly exposed now they could have better designed that to fully cover the side maybe uh you know something to snap on on the side here instead of sliding on like it does but uh it's it's fine you know it just it it makes it look a little janky now because this little 3.5 mm um it's popping out here but it's kind of like a weird design of the quest 3 in itself anyway so in conclusion this is the Bobo VR M3 now I bought it for myself I think I spent good money okay this is my own money uh the battery noise is kind of an issue but it like it depends on uh the application I'm just going to turn off the battery here so we'll hear that little beep again but um the battery noise can be an issue okay that's the main thing otherwise if you're looking at Comfort fantastic 10 out of 10 uh if you're looking at uh usability hygienics uh 10 out of 10 it's not like a cloth material like the default gasket that they give you with the quest three it's it's a nice kind of pleather uh material which can be easily wiped down and cleaned so over time it'll it'll last and and they could be replaced and whatnot uh otherwise yeah I don't have much else to say it's it's been great for me so far Comfort Wise It's I would probably give it like a n out of 10 I think it's really good for what it is the the the the loss of point would probably be it just wobbling around so it's not very secure um but that's kind of the design choice that would that they made and to be honest I'm not going to use it with the face gasket I'm going to use it it like this so for this setup the Bobo VR M3 I think is perfect uh and it really gets the job done well so anyway thanks for hanging out this is almost 20 minutes now uh if if you like this video go ahead and leave a like it really does help me and the algorithm obviously and if you if you really liked it consider subscribing I do uh videos for VR so yeah thanks all right guys well this was an awkward goodbye um let me know if you like the Bobo VR M3 in the [Music] comments [Music] he
Channel: ThisKory
Views: 49,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bobovr m3, bobovr, quest 3 head strap, quest 3 strap, quest 3 bobovr, bobo vr, meta quest 3, quest 3 headstrap, ThisKory, quest 3 headstrap review, quest 3 headstrap with battery, quest 3 headstrap adapter, best Meta quest 3 battery head strap
Id: zzMme6Boe3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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