The ULTIMATE Quest 3 Accessories REVIEW.. MORE!!

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Quest delete battery strap this kind of a moo point for me to talk about this but enough of you said you wanted to see it you wanted to hear my thoughts so I went and bought one on the last day that you could before they completely tried to stop all sale we told you about that already but basically they issued an internal recall to where they wouldn't let people at Target or Best Buy and probably by now other retailers buy these anymore and they've said that they're going to have to go on a case-by casee basis of replacing ones that people bought for anyone to have stopped working well I spent a whopping $130 of actual money to get my hands on one before that happened and now I'm in the same boat with all of you having to hope that we get a good Solution that's actually going to solve it so for those of you who did want to know what I thought about it I will say it feels a lot more solid than even the last generation of elite straps I like how hard and strong it snaps on like it feels like it's really on there hangs on super well there's no worry about it feeling like it's going to come off the gear on it feels nicer than last generation too it feels like they just just put a bit more quality into the whole thing surprisingly it didn't come with any little clasp to hold this cable a little closer it's not too long so it's not a big problem when it comes to actual Comfort it does feel pretty good for an elite strap it's not padded on the top strap which would be nice but it holds on it's stable for moving around it feels good and so far because I've only managed to use it for a matter of days since I bought it right at the end this one still works the problem that the lot of people are having after about 3 days it stops working stops telling them what's going on they did a weird thing with the battery this gen so instead of plugging it in and it shows you two separate batteries showing your headset battery and your Elite battery it shows it as just one so the weird part was I would plug this in when my headset had say 80% battery and if this thing was only halfway full it would look like it dropped from 80 to 40 but the time had gone up that it was totally going to work so it makes it look like it's one battery instead but for those of you out there who thought you wanted one or already have one they have stop sale on them until they figured out what exactly the problem is they say it's in the firmware and that the straps probably are going to have have to be replaced so if there's links yet to where you can reach them about that issue I'll leave them in the description in the comments so that you can make sure you get yours replace with one that's not going to break on you so it's unfortunate if you're still within the return window I would say return it I could do that but I'm not going to cuz I'm going to stick around and find out the solution alongside all of you I would say I don't recommend buying it but hopefully you can't anyways so we'll see what happens when they replace it the fluid mixed reality adapter is a unique accessory made specifically for the fluid app this is an app that's allowing you to use your computer on your quest have multiple monitors in front of you not having to use Virtual desktop or one of the other ones so they came out with their own mixed reality adapter you can pretty clearly see here this is very 3D printed something that you can print yourself or order online and what this is meant to do is it basically turns your quest 3 into a quest Pro and that it floats out in front of your face got all of this field of view back underneath here if I'm typing away I can see my hands underneath it if I'm looking up at monitors here where the adapter really shines is if you actually have some sort of elite strap you like cuz with the stock strap and all of its flexibility you end up with this thing sometimes wanting to push down on your nose but with a rigid sided Elite strap you can really have this oh gosh we'll talk about that problem with this strap later oh gosh boy it's trying to force us to talk about it now but basically with an elite strap it really stays off your nose down here it's really putting that pressure just on your forehead like the quest Pro did and then of course on the back of your head with a little bit on top too so this is meant to replace the Quest Pro forehead pad gave you something with a little more surface area and then what they've done is they basically 3D printed the same Mount that the quest Pro Used keep in mind it's 3D printing so making a connector like this can be pretty rough and even as I saw between the three of these some of them didn't want to fit it as well as the black one did white one went on yeah the blue one unfortunately I'm going to say it just won't do it and I think it's because this right here just bowed out a little bit with heat or something the other ones fit fine so the idea behind this is you're using the fluid app you really want to have that ability to get in and out of the headset fast it does all of its claims of giving you back that Quest Pro feeling giving you the freedom of being able to see around it and the one nice thing that it does over something like the Bobo that I'm used to where I was telling you you could basically not even Rock a facial interface on it and just have the headset here the problem was light came in from the top up here and was very distracting noticeable where with this now essentially in the way at the top it does block that light and gives you a bit more that Quest Pro feeling so it does its job in that respect it is 3D printed and because of that some of the ways it fits is weird like this doesn't go in here and snap in like an actual facial interface would or you can see the facial interface has the plastic knobs that snap in this is more just a thicker size that just fits in there and stays there because it's thicker which is kind of betting the plastic in a weird way it kind of freaks me out but it fits and holds as far as this goes this is a pretty Niche product for a niche audience who really wants to turn theirs into a quest Pro I'll leave a link to where you can find a place to print the files and stuff if you're interested in this you can learn a little bit more about it but know that you're getting all the roughness of 3D printing in here it's really only for that case use if you want it and when it comes to like gaming and fast movement you're going to get a bit more of the headset bouncing around on you again with this many of you have been asking for other facial interfaces and in our search that has brought us to this amvr facial interface an interesting take on it we've seen some drop ship facial interfaces come out pieces of junk like the one I currently have here that completely negate the whole lenses moving out from your eyes to accommodate glasses and stuff this one ultimately the nose hole was too small for most people so I didn't recommend it but it had vents on it at least got you closer to a little better field of view the amvr one takes a different approach they tried to copy meta's design of being able to move in and out while also adding vents switching over to pleather and doing pretty much everything we were hoping for in that respect but not really executing it in the way that I hoped you can see this technology it's hard to capture cuz the whole thing is black and tricky to see but that right there is the notched design of how this thing moves in and out when this is on the headset that is completely hidden so so really the only way to adjust this that I found is if you have the headset off you push down here and move it in and out and it kind of locks back into place with that so now that I've done that one I would have to do the same four spots here the bottom ones are a little trickier and I found a lot of times I accidentally disconnected the whole thing while trying to do it I tried so many times to figure out way to do this while it's on the headset and maybe there's a special way that I'm missing but it was impossible so that right there is full extension now Max accommodation for glasses and such and you can see how it slides in like the Oculus one this is the part that always made me uncomfortable cuz it felt like something never quite attached right the nose piece is always coming undone and when you go to like pull this thing around and try to push it in it it's still kind of doing that number so there we go we have it fully attached in maximum glasses mode right now there really just doesn't seem to be a way you can adjust the bottom while it's still on the headset but the top it just seems like there's no way to do this and I've messed around with this a bunch and tried you can at least change the bottom one it does feel much more comfortable I'll say that much for it then the stock facial interface is not scratchy it's got pleather it's got vents it doesn't seem to give you even when it's all the way in it doesn't give you much extra field of view like the other facial interface I have and it has a lot of light bleed especially with this maxed out setting I can see light coming in here I can see some light up here at the top and it's not a full Halo ring of light around the screen but it's very present there now with the strap on if I want to actually get this thing back adjusted in take it off pop all these into their farthest in settings make sure I don't knock off the facial interface light blocker thing try to slip the whole thing in without messing up the nose part or anything else is it in and now you're starting to witness the problem that I've been having all along when it comes to having them in it seems like it's even harder to attach them like right now I keep thinking okay I've got the top part in and I don't it feels like it's in there but it hasn't snapped into place oh maybe if I unsnap the bottom and this is all harder it's compounded by having this type of strap that's reaching around cuz it's putting pressure on here if you're still with the stock strap or the elite strap be a little easier if you haven't figured it out at this point I am not in love with this facial interface attached but now with it fully in and on we don't have the problems with the light bleed even though there's vents I got a tiny little bit right there but I do have very bright lights facing in my face it feels really comfortable it's got a bigger nose hole but ultimately every time I've tried to mess with it take it on and off adjust the sides I ultimately just feel I'm going to break those clasps they're little plastic clasps I don't have any confidence in them I'm not going to recommend this if you you had tried one and you liked it the only thing I could see doing is you could keep this one at the closest in setting and you could keep your stock one at the farthest out setting so then if you had someone come over with glasses on or something you just swap the whole interface but I don't like how hard this one is to get on and off even to do that I hate to say it but amvr made a lot of great things for Quest 2 that I liked a lot of things I recommended so far everything for Quest 3 has been kind of a Miss I'm hopeful that as we get more facial interfaces people start to learn a little bit better how to make them feel less rickety but I do feel like this piece of crap one that's drop ship that I talked about the one nice thing that I keep coming back to about this one is it's all one solid piece of plastic so putting it on taking it off always feels solid even more so than the stock one and more so than this amvr one so sadly for now amvr one I'm not going to recommend go VR Halo strap you know me I like Halo straps personally the Bobo VR M3 Pro is still what I'm rocking but it doesn't mean there aren't other ones coming out that I wanted to test go rvr their old school design basically brought back forward from The Quest 2 very cheap feeling head strap say that right off the bat basically a copy of the whole Bobo design comes on from the sides gives you kind of this helmet look this big fat pad in the back wide pad on top wide pad on your forehead the funny thing is when I was just playing around with this and stuck it on my head before testing I was like wow this feels really good and then you get the weight of the headset on and it still feels pretty good but all of a sudden it doesn't feel like it's hanging on as well as it was and you have to tighten down a lot further but it gives you multiple points of contact all around your head and it really kind of feels like you're wearing a helmet because it's touching so much of your head which holds in heat the gear feels cheap and scares me you get in there and you can see and this is a pretty common design among Halo straps but you can kind of see how the internals work if you look at the back here which is a pretty thin bit of plastic on the sides kind of freaks me out it is flexible plastic which is nice the side slide on they actually can get pretty far forward which is nice and different than most of the other Halo straps you can really pull them in but at that point the pressure has gone back to my cheekbones and my eyebrows instead of my forehead which is kind of the whole point of a Halo so you want want to push that out to where your forehead is really taking the brunt of the force there are better Halo straps out there I will say this one is just fine if you got this one because it was on some flash sale on Amazon for $15 you got free shipping it works the padding all around is okay the rear pad is the only one that I kind of find annoying cuz it's like way too big you can try it I tried it a couple different ways you can have it like this to where it cups the lower end you can have it cut the higher end ultimately I liked it kind of right in the middle with these two weird Parts sticking under the back of on my head it's fine it's not something I'm going to say go byy I'm not going to leave a link to it but if for some reason you ended up with it for cheap or free someone sent it to you it's fine I just don't think it's going to last it feels too cheap every Edge on it feels like it's just cheap plastic it's going to break but it does its job for now so I can't really knock it but it's not something at this point with the other straps are out there the better ones that I would tell you go get the guns obviously first thing you what is the point of those you could say immersion you could say waight really it's to try make it look cool I think when you're playing a gun game this particular model absolutely terrible I don't know if it's cuz they brought it forward from The Quest 2 or what but there's some issue here where when it's actually locked in at the top there's a bunch of slack in the bottom or if you try to get it to land in the bottom like it nicely should it's kind of a odd fit you can tell something's off but the minute you put the top on it does this thing again like I said where it pulls it up and just leaves this slack you can see it in there when I'm trying to squeeze this so it makes the handle feel very sketchy on top of that the way it's shaped it makes the grip button hard to reach cuz your middle finger is having a hard time reaching under here it's no longer that your middle finger is nestled right here where it should be and it's easy to just grip there's now this separation of all this plastic here that makes your middle finger feel like it wants to land down here not up here where the grip is you add to that the fact that this is now sticking out away from here catching your finger this Edge is really sharp everything about these is just awful the one thing I like actually they put these little orange bits are silicone making it kind of softer so when they hit together they hit with the silicone they don't clang as weirdly But ultimately these are awful um don't buy don't recommend and I think I've been sent three sets of these same model cuz they're like drop ship pieces of crap so now I figure out what to do with three sets of these so that's great thanks the Apex in know rear head strap silicone bit that fits on the stock strap here we've looked at some of these before of different shapes this one is basically the one that looks a little less Wild on the back of your head hooks into multiple points on the strap and it's really meant to just help distribute that pressure on the back of your head better than the stock strap does now for me I've mentioned before like why buy this when you can just go buy a strap that is going to replace the whole thing and be much better but some people do like these for traveling or for laying back when you lay back it doesn't feel like a big plastic knob on the back of your head also usually you don't have this humongous battery pack on top so it is a bit more comfortable these things are fine they do their job they do distribute that pressure nicer they do stay on there fine there's a lot of different models of them I'll leave a link in the description to a couple different ones in case it's something you're in the market for ultimately I'd put the money towards a better headstrap but if because you want to take the same traveling you need it to break down a lot smaller I mean that's not going to get in your way of breaking down it does allow you the ability to lay back and still feel pretty comfy I don't think it's necessary if you're in that situation you could just rock the stock strap it does its job on all fronts so I'll leave a couple links in the description to the different ones we've tried so far in case you do want to get yourself one of these kiwi Universal 10,000 Milah battery pack obviously this is made marketed for the quest 3 but this is really just a 10 ,000 mAh battery pack so it can go towards anything you want it to it has Velcro on the inside here so it actually can hook to straps that have Velcro on them and even then it'll stay on but of course you should wrap this strap around and secure it better on there I have drained this thing dead but what's tricky is you can kind of see the light on it is inside under the plastic so without a shadow there it's kind of hard to see but it will have four dots if it's completely full it's got a couple different port options it comes with your usba a to USB C here and then it also has a for USBC in or out so if you want to charge it you're using the USBC to charge this thing up 10,000 milliamp hours meant about an 8 Hour VR experience so that's pretty good it comes with this side clasp depending on which strap you have that opens up and has a spot for additional cable too just to help you keep the cable out of the way some interesting notes about how the battery works so it's rated for different Watts based on which Port you're using so it says if you're using the type- C in 5V 3 amps or 9V 2 amps or 12vt 1.5 amps and it's all different something interesting about this in testing though it did hold up on the quest 3 but I found no matter whether I was using the usba the USBC if I Char tried to charge like my Google pixel phone it never rapidly charged it it was always just charging it would take 3 hours from this but it does its job this part's removable if you don't want that on there the funny thing for me at $48 for a 10,000 milliamp battery pack it's not a bad price but what I have found in owning this is I have multiple times used this to charge my phone or some other random thing and I almost never use it for the quest so if you were in the market for one that you could hook on your quest as a backup you do have to remember to keep it charged and ready I would say it's worth it at that price it's not something if you want to just have a great battery experience a battery headstrap is still going to be the way to go I'd recommend for your quest but if you're someone who finds your phone's always dead when you go somewhere your earbuds are dead you need to keep a battery pack with you all the time anyways this would be a good one just to have for that option and then also have as a backup battery for your quest or like me if you're running multiple quests when you have mult player friend sessions over this is a good one to have in the Shelf all charged up and ready to go so for that reason I will leave a link to this one and that's pretty much what I'm going to use it for it's going to be ready and charge and if I go on a trip and I need to grab it I can take it to charge stuff on the go or if I'm playing Deo with four friends and one of the headsets start to die I have this for that too so that's what I'm using it for and that's why I'm leaving a link to it two different RGB charging straps from two different companies same piece of crap drop ship head strap now if for some reason you really wanted RGB on your quest this is probably of the only ways to get it although I think I drained both of them in testing and then decided never to touch them again so I think they're both dead at the moment oh oh we still have some life on this one see that beautiful RGB goodness and this goodness here of this thing that never stays in no matter how many times I click it into place the idea of these is they have a light ring in the center I must have actually charged this one back up good for me the light ring serves as the battery meter although they light up green when you first turn them on just to show off what they're at oh there we go so the lights up green to show you the level but then it switches to RGB mode when you're playing with it gosh I don't even want to go through the trouble of reinstalling this thing to show you what a piece of crap it is but we are thorough if nothing else now if you've been watching the whole video you may have seen early I was having some struggles when I was trying to demonstrate this thing working can really have this oh gosh we'll talk about that problem with this strap later oh gosh it kept trying to come undone on me and that has been a problem with both of these this crappy gear design doesn't always like to lock in place so you should be able to get it on your head lock it down and it shouldn't do that but this one has gotten pretty consistent with it at least the white one seems to still have some stability oh no no just kidding no sometimes the white one hasn't broken fully yet so there's something encouraging if you haven't been able to tell by now no no no no don't trust RGB when it comes to VR accessories as we've seen in the past the quest 2 ones we tried they tend to think that being RGB is going to save them and uh they don't have to do anything else good also a weird thing it's got the like pop-up joint like the kiwi have is supposed to be nice to pop it out of your face but it's unusually hard to click it so like if you try to do it you're going to turn your head set first you're going to start to bend this and then it finally goes that would probably wear in with time just like apparently the gear on the back does but nope garbage double garbage they're heavy that's kind of scary we already reviewed the OPA battery strap we liked it we talked about it's probably a great battery strap if you were someone who doesn't want a Halo strap you want an elite strap something you're going to be able to rock more for Fitness jumping around maybe even grill a tag they make a non- battery Edition same gear that I like in there same design a lot thinner profile this would be maybe if you're someone who's doing pcvr mostly you want an elite style strap you don't need to charge it or anything you don't need the battery I like this one for the price it's a very low price actually actually for a strap works really well with it same way the battery does so there will be a link to the non-battery and the battery obas if you're looking for either of those you want an elite strap in particular they gave me uh some discount codes before if they're still good I'll put them in there too ultimately I'm Still rocking the Bobo VR myself cuz I like that Halo design but if you know you're someone who likes Elites so far both of the obas have been solid options for elite straps the handle broke before we even got to testing brok in instantly so this X Auto VR handle accessory for Quest 3 would not have passed for durability the problem is with these as I've said in other videos these don't pass to matter what because now the quest 3 tracking relies on seeing your hand around the controller and using the controller lights so when you have anything like this that separates the controller up from your hand tracking just goes terrible every set we've tried of these even ones whether they have the hole here for the light that little infrared light these don't work even to the point where somebody I think it was syntech just emailed me and was like hey do you want to try our handles and I told them in the email no I don't I can tell you now they're not going to work because of the design of the tracking you should stop selling them immediately and don't send them to me they said they would turn it over to their R&D department and double check and see that they don't work and hopefully if they do that they stop selling them because they see that none of these work so so far Maul mode on Quest 3 just isn't really a thing unless you switch to Pro controllers cuz anything like this not going to work and especially this one because it's a non- durable piece of crap isn't going to work anyways Apex Ino USB C extended Link cable if you want to look like youve got an orange extension cord from a construction site running into the side of your head this is the one to go for unlike other ones this has like a full plastic coating on the outside which makes it pretty stiff that kind of can get obnoxious depending on what your setup is like and how you want it I mean it's stiff enough that it can do that It suffers from the same problem other link cables do if you're running this directly from your PC on your quest 3 your quest 3 is going to drain its battery pretty fast and this isn't really going to change that so does it it work as a Link cable like pretty much every other one at this point yes will it help you keep your battery up and not run out really fast no so I'm not really recommending any link cables for Quest 3 that don't have some sort of additional power running that will keep it up it's fine it does its job but it's just not something I'm going to recommend cuz of that so if you for some reason want a really weirdly orange long phone charging cable it'll do that for you but uh yeah it's not something I'm going to go to to use as my Link cable we're getting flooded with the silicone protect cover sets all different ones that pretty much show up looking near identical but with very minor differences in them like this one has this facial interface with this weird front tongue that sticks out that I've never seen anything quite like uh on it where the other one comes with a different style of nose pad design to help try to block that light out a little differently most of these sets that come with all this silicone I'm just not recommending big reasons are a lot of them come with these front covers which I don't recommend as we've seen in heat testing it's not necessarily reaching dangerous levels but these are holding in heat they are not very secure especially this one weirdly it literally just slaps on like it doesn't really have anything besides a little bit of a lip to hold on with I do like that this one at least sticks out a little bit further to try and protect your cameras if you actually dropped it but like that's it's that's it where this one at least has a little arm that goes around but I found even these ones with the arms often times are less secure somehow they're just pieces of junk when it comes to staying on the front and staying in place and as we showed you too with the heat before the risk is if this thing's slipping it could be completely covering that slot like in theory you should be able to see that whole slot there to let air pass through and even right now it's wanting to slide up to where it's kind of blocking your air flow so that thing about these is no good one of the sets actually came with grips that I kind of liked for silicone cuz it came with like a nice hand pad here and it did a fine job it's silicone I mean you can't really you can mess it up as we've seen but what was weird is the placement of the holes looked different than any of the other ones I've seen this one was just cut out to where it would show all the holes and then this one replaced your battery door but it didn't have the padded hand bit that I was liking they come with random freaking butt gaskets for your face so that you can protect others from your headset and your germs and their germs it's kind of like they just throw this random smattering of stuff in this was something I'd never seen though I this I had to talk about this this is a lens cover and we've seen those but it's got suction cups that hook onto your actual to help hold it in there just random random smatterings of crap in these I'm not leaving any links to any of them at this point some are better than others but for the most part you end up with at least two of the five accessories that might be slightly useful and the rest is junk anyways if you really want get a good set of grips get a good set of grips don't get one of these huge packs of a bunch of random crap that you're going to end up mostly not using and throwing in the garbage anyways don't need it we got a couple cases here to round out the day with we got the most fashionable little Quest 3 side what what is it called Satchel not a man purse this one is very obviously meant for someone who's rocking this thing small you're talking stock strap only basically even this aftermarket facial interface I have on here it's not loving controllers fall into place obviously you'd have a head strap on there too got spots for extra batteries feel like this I should know what this is for is that just a spot to shove your K oh it's your cuz it's round now your power brick you can shove your extra actual charging cable up in here whole thing closes the only thing I really like about this one is the fact it's got the little Nubs to make it look like the quest 3 itself I do think that's kind of adorable there on the front ultimately I wouldn't say ever get any case that's this small cuz you're probably going to end up finding a strap you like down the road that you're going to want some room to grow for so something more like this Apex inoc case which is solid this has a lot of room to grow but maybe if you're traveling and you're someone who wants to be able to have it in something protective but take it it doesn't job it's fine it's good enough so I guess I will leave a link to this one with the caveat that this is only for like traveling or maybe making some very weird fashion show accessory but one like this is more like what you want you want the space in here it's got lots of seat belts too and this thing feels a lot more sturdy a lot more solid it is Big it's got a carrying handle it doesn't have the over the shoulder straps but there's this one there's the ABA one there's the Bobo rc2 even from the Quest 2 that works well with it I'll leave links to several different cases including this one that I like in case you do need in case you haven't gotten one yet there are cases that only fit Elites there are cases that only fit stock straps and there's cases like this that can fit almost anything this is the way I go so you have room to grow and with that we've gone through tons of accessories there will be links in the description in the top comment to the ones from all the videos that I've liked so far the setups that I'm rocking and what I'm enjoying if there's more accessories out there you haven't seen us check out this is like video four already in the series of compilations of tons so there's going to be links here here and here to a bunch of different ones to check out too thank you again for being here with me and I will see you in another reality
Channel: JayBratt
Views: 102,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest 3, quest 3 accessories, quest 3 accessories review, quest 3 accessories you need, quest 3 release date, quest 3 specs, quest 3 price, quest 3 vs quest 2, quest 3 pcvr, quest 3 hands on, quest 3 first impressions, quest 3 testing, quest 3 review, quest 3 release, meta quest 3, quest 2, quest 3 games, quest 3 reaction, vr, meta quest 3 review, free quest 3 games, free quest 3, quest 2 update, oculus quest 2, meta quest 2, quest 3 news, quest 2 games, oculus quest 3
Id: mnUeyPXkQB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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