How to FIX Quest 3 Battery BUZZING Issue

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the quest 3 has a battery problem well actually that's that's that's wrong it's just not true the quest 3's battery works great the quest 3's charging works great and when you need more time than the internal battery gives you per charge the quest three runs just fine while plugged into a Mains powered USB power adapter and it runs great from external batteries too but that last one in particular is catching a few people out and a few Brands as it has because they work fine if if it's the right kind and use it in the right way there's countless reports of buzzing noise from batteries used with the quest 3 or batteries that can't even keep the quest 3 charged properly or they don't last nearly as long as they should or a horrendous buzzing noise did I already say that one already count it twice anyway because it's freaking awful but the problem the quest 3 actually has with its battery with external batteries and with charging over link cables and all that sort of stuff is people not the products but people a lot of people just don't understand how this stuff works or think they do but have picked up some misinformation along the way and are spreading it far and wide across the lines of the internet to my endless frustration but perhaps the worst crime than that simple ignorance uh is the people at meta they've just done a trash job at explaining all this to their customers hopefully I can clear that up a bit for you and give you some useful guides to getting gear like battery packs that will work with your quest 3 and the best way to use them so you get the best out of them hello again I am blany and let's just assume that you will be finding this video useful and give my little thumb button a a bit of a tickle would you it's right down there little little tickle right down there a minute while you're down there I'd also be really interested if you'd pop a comment and tell me about what battery accessories or battery Banks and packs or whatever that you've been using with your wireless VR stuff Quest 2 Quest 3 whatever and how it's been working out out for you have you hit any problems how have you solved them I'm curious now as a framing device for this chat about power uh here is the bin Boog vrt3 plus head strap for The Meta 3 this is a review sample Bing box sent me they wanted to send me one of their new controllers or something but I asked for this instead because it's far more interesting and as you can no doubt see it's very similar in many basic ways to the other headstrap I reviewed a couple of weeks ago and have been using ever since with my quester quite happily in fact it's quite similar to a lot of headstraps out there except the bin Bok vrt3 plus here has an extra trick it has a battery pack a magnetically detachable hot swappable battery pack that promises to extend runtime of something like 2 hours of the quester is that noise aggravating I probably shouldn't do that on mic oh didn't do it that time fantastic perfect it feels pretty decent the fit and finish are good the extended part of the headband feels strong and robust the ratcheting is smooth and relatively finely adjustable not quite as good as the other one I was reviewing but pretty good the overhead strap is deeply cushioned with memory foam there's plenty of uh cable from the battery Mount to mean you get a little slack even at full extension so you're not unnecessarily straining anything if you have a gigantic head uh and there's a cable tidy clip with room for other cables to run through there if you need like headphones or whatever and the battery mounting system seems pretty foolproof except with one exception because while it snaps into place pretty securely as you just saw and you can do it blind you know behind your head really just click um if you got long hair I don't know if that might get caught in this it's been a very long time since I've had to deal with long hair used to be halfway down my back believe it or not um but the problem is you can actually snap it upside down where it doesn't work so there's a little care needed there I mean if it doesn't make the noise you know you've got done upside down that's fine but it's weird that they wouldn't design it with a oneway clip system I would have but in general the whole Contraption snaps into place so my quests were very easily securely so you know after a good start I haven't had this battery fly off of me or anything like that yet so seems fine but let's take a closer look at that battery pack see it charges at 5vt 3 amps and that's pretty normal for this type of thing and I measured the charge time from dead flat to 100% at just about spot on 3 and 1 half hours the power output well that's also 5vt at 3 amps and that might be a problem but we're going to come back to that and its capacity 8,000 Mah a little smaller than I would have expected from a battery pack of this physical size but it should indeed be able to deliver on its promise of a couple of extra hours in VR so let's test that shall we oh dear God no you heard that right I haven't filmed that bit of the video yet but the microphone would have picked up on that buzzing that horrible skull piercing bone shattering buzzing and let me tell you as an autistic person with sensory input issues that unpleasant it seems a lot of similar products uh around right now for the quest three are suffering from exactly this kind of problem and what's funny is binbo refused to send me the twin battery version of this product where you can continuous to swap out One battery for another you know have one on have one on charge this one goes dead pull the other one off Charger go like that put this one on charger and Away you go all day long well probably not all day long because these burn down a little bit faster than they recharge but whatever and they refused to send me the twin battery version because in their testing they hit this buzzing issue that's been plaguing a lot of similar products so they sent me the single battery version with apologies uh while they tried to fix the problem with the twin battery version the problem is it's the same product they just there's just an extra battery in the box so despite them sending me the single battery version of it because it didn't apparently in their testing trigger the buzzing certainly does on mine and hey bin boach listen up listen real close because I can tell you what's happening here at least I'm pretty sure I can it's concerning me that your engineers hadn't figured this out because I don't have any qualifications in electrical engine ing I'm just a nerd and I figured it out now breaking all of this this battery technology and USBC power delivery stuff just just wide open is way outside the scope of this video so I'm just going to simplify it down to some Basics some useful Basics to keep in mind when you're looking at products like this and trying to make a decision about what's going to work for you the charger the little wall wart thingy that comes with the quest 3 in its box supports two different modes of power delivery 9vt at 2 amps which is 18 watts of power or 5 volt at 3 amps which is 15 wats of power but the quest 3 itself supports another power mode it can slurp up 9 volts at 3 amps which is 27 watts of power so as you might imagine with both the 9volt modes having more total wattage than the 5vt mode does ideally you want to input something that can give the quest 3 a 9vt output voltage this goes to both running it from a plug-in power source and also from battery packs which is why I think I'm having issues uh like the buzzing with the bin Bo battery why other people are having issues with their batteries as well because while wall warts take AC juice and squeeze it down to low voltage DC and good quality USBC charges are made to do so across a few of the standards the three I've mentioned are not all of the standards by the way they're just the three that are relevant to the quest and that's all pretty easy for them to do but the battery packs have an extra problem the voltage from the battery itself the cells inside here already squirts out at a set DC voltage and while it's not all that complicated these days to step up or step down that DC voltage to a different DC voltage the nature of those circuits that do that often produce a little bit of noise and whine or indeed buzzing particularly if you're trying to hit a price point for a product on the market uh you might go with one of the cheaper uh circuitry systems that can do that result in that noise there are fancy ways to do it that don't result in that but they're more expensive and often that's an unnecessary expense because the the noise they make is very quiet and it's over there in in the wall socket or it you know somewhere else not not not here because in the case of the quest 3 batteries of course they're mounted on your head where well that's where your ears hang out uh and it's often going to be pretty easy to hear that noise but worry not I have two fixes one is a solution to avoid it and one is a workaround so you don't experience it solution first and this one is the brands responsibility just design your accessories to actually give the quest 3 What It Wants design your quest 3 accessories for the quest 3 see the commonality between each and every report I've seen of buzzing and whatnot on Quest 3 battery packs is that they're all based on existing products made for the Quest 2 they haven't been designed from the ground up for the quest 3 binar and a lot of other brands in order to get something on the market as as quickly as possible for the quest 3 launch which is a perfectly sensible business decision they just simply sort of redesigned the straps from the existing Quest 2 products so all you have to do is change this bit basically that's the only bit that needs to change for these straps um to fit on the quest three physically and then they just assumed that their existing battery solutions would be fine I mean USB power is USB power right what could possibly go wrong but they didn't do enough testing on the batteries and rather more vitally the supporting Electronics themselves before for selling this stuff to people so while the Quest 2 seems to have been absolutely fine being fed a 5vt USB power standard there's something about the quest 3 and its power systems that seems to have it prefer higher wattage 9vt standards of USBC power delivery and that is I think where the problem is somewhere along the chain of natural voltage output from the from the battery from the cells through the DC to DC conversion circuitry uh is is causing this buzzing there's an electrical engineer way to describe what's happening here but it's enough for the lay person just to understand this much conversion makes noise the conversion isn't perfectly efficient and some of that inefficiency is noise and heat but noise is the one we notice so the solution is to re-engineer the battery packs to properly provide the 9volt output standard by changing how the battery cells themselves are wired up or by using a better designed DC todc converter because again like I said before not all of the mag noise or at least not as much for example I have this Hulk of a battery pack that I'm currently testing for an upcoming review subb Etc to keep in the loop on that one cuz it's it's it's cool but this is a very smart device and it supports a bunch of different USBC power standards and it doesn't buzz on any of them at all ever not even with the quest three so that's the fix but it's out of the hands of me and it's out of the hands of you and it's up to them so what about the workaround if you've already got a battery solution for the quest 3 that you're having the buzzing issue with as indeed we've heard this one can do interesting fact the quest 3 when charging from a low battery state say something below 75% it'll use much more power to charge quickly so your downtime is minimized but near its full capacity it'll slow things down to much gentler charge sometimes called a trickle charge uh this is done to help protect the battery and give it a longer uh total lifespan again there is a nerdy electrical engineering answer to all of this but suffice to say it's like what's a metaphor like blowing up a balloon when it's nearly full you blow more gently so it doesn't pop unexpectedly right and this kind of thing is extremely common in today's Electronics my iPhone does it too for example in fact my iPhone even tells me when it's switched over to trickle charge and it tells me why it's done it which is also part of Wes becoming anecdotal advice from users of various kinds of battery packs as have been testing and experimenting trying to figure out why this buzzing happenings and all that sort of stuff that their best results are coming from letting the quest 3 drain on its own down to below 75% and then plugging in the battery pack doing this means the quest three will pull at full charge rate not the slow charge configuration and this seems to be the Difference Maker between the battery pack working as you would expect solving another issue that people have complained about by the way I've seen a lot of reports claiming that the quest 3 is draining their external battery and its own internal battery at the same time that's not how this should work by the way but people have reported that plugging in an external battery after the quest 3's own battery uh is at least down to 75% makes the external battery drain first and at least maintains the quest 3's remaining internal charge or simultaneously running the quest and charging the internal battery at the same time that's how these things are intended to work however with the bin boach product here I didn't actually have that issue in fact in my tests I got just shy of 3 hours from a Snap-On battery uh and the quest 3's internal battery remained at full charge the entire time and the handoff was seamless when the bin block battery died there was a little and it just kept running didn't even lose a frame my test scenario by the way if you're curious was running the quest 3 native version of VR chat I sat in a private world with a media screen and watched a whole bunch of streaming media through it that seemed to me to be the most consistent and repeatable test that I could think of for sucking down the battery at a steady and again repeatable right so I could test and test and test again however the whole entire time every last one of those 175 minutes of power from the bin moach battery I had that buzzing and it was maddening frankly especially as I was using the quest 3's built-in speakers not headphones which might have helped block the noise somewhat but again I just I wanted a standard configuration for the testing let me tell you those tests were miserable like even with the noise of the anime Turned Up full blast and everything that that buzzing was just drilling into my skull I hated it but here's the thing here's the trick the workaround so that doesn't happen after the binbo battery died I kept using the quest as I drained it down to about 30% 35% I think uh of its battery remaining and once the binbo battery was recharged I plugged it back into the quest like that and what do you know silence perfect silence the quest 3's charging mode while at low power on its battery is as I explained before designed to charge faster and asking the binbox power circuitry for this fast charge power mode did two things it entirely eliminated that piercing buzzing and it reduced the time it gave me in VR before itself went flat again this time I got an extra 1 hour and 35 minutes a 47% drop in runtime why well at least in part it's because running in this higher power mode made the battery pack noticeably hotter right here in fact in the middle uh so there was a lot more energy being wasted expelled as heat and heat in almost all common battery chemistries leads to less efficient performance and lower battery performance and secondly it's because the the battery was being used not just to run the active Quest 3 but also it was charging recharging the quest 3's internal battery at the same time yeah the binbo here is absolutely capable of running the quest actively and recharging the quest simultaneously it recharged my quest 3's battery from 35% back up to 56% so in other words about an hour and a half to 2 hours of extra runtime depending and about a 20% ch charge to the internal battery not too shabby especially as the mid moach is one of if not the cheapest options for a product like this on shelves right now but the fit and feel that's my biggest problem with this product it's just not as comfortable as my other strap with or without the battery which also acts as a bit of counterweight so the balance changes which some people really really like it helps a balance on their face they don't feel it you know pulling down the the front of their face as much although the quest 3's design the center of gravity is much closer to your face than the Quest 2 was so that's less of a problem from the get-go with this particular device but with or without the battery There's Something About This strap and this back of the head brace and and this top strap I could never get it quite as comfortable as my other very very similar head strap I can't quite figure out why that difference is I think it's mostly about this back brace thing because on another head strap this Wiggles around it can alter its angle depending on how I want it to fit wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle [Laughter] stop yeah it flexes but it doesn't swivel that's the issue but beyond that while indeed having the battery on the back does counterbalance the headset uh fairly nicely it does drastically increase the overall weight so I have a lot more weight pressing down on this top strap I feel that a lot more um I have to have it slightly tighter on my head to uh stop it moving around because all of this weight back here also changes this changes the center of gravity and changes the inertia so when I turn my head this thing keeps moving a little bit longer with the other strap without the you know extra battery weight uh this is really really good with inertia the quest 3 is really good I can whip my head around it doesn't feel like the headset's going whoop whoop you know sliding a bit on your face with the battery so much extra inosa that happens again which just doesn't feel good the whole experience wasn't unpleasant um like I said I sat for many many many many hours throughout my testing of this thing with and without the battery and all that sort of stuff and you know it it never resulted in like like you know the the VR rings on my face or anything I never had to do it up that tight but it was noticeably a little bit less comfortable than my other strap was so I'm not entirely convinced that I'm going to keep this on my quest 3 Perman I'm going to continue using it for a while and see how I feel about it but I'm going to switch back and forth to my other strap and see how I feel after a while but yeah on first blush I don't like it as much your mileage may vary everyone's Comfort levels are different with that kind of stuff uh the other thing I didn't mention is has a charge through feature as well there's a USB port on the bottom of the battery I've got upside down a moment there we go the USB port down there so when this thing goes flat there are two things you can do you can plug in a USB port uh power back there there and you can have it just charge the battery while you're using the battery you the internal battery or you can press the little button on the back there once and it will charge this battery and feed power to the quest 3 at the same time which is going to slow down how how quickly this thing charges naturally because you know splitting power two ways but that might be very very convenient depending on the state of charge you've got on your quester at the time and how much more time you want in VR but yeah I would really love it if they redesigned the battery um cuz I don't think there's any power control circuitry in the band itself it's all sitting in here as far as I can tell so if they redesign the battery to feed out you know the 9vt system to get rid of that buzzing we could have the best of both WS because again if the quest is already charged it only takes a little trickle charge to maintain the battery and the rest comes from this battery which means the total running time from this battery before it goes flat is massively increased but I say before on the math about about 45 47% more run time if it's not also try to recharge this thing from a low power State at the same time that's what I want that's why I want the redesign not just to get rid of the buzzing but yes to get rid of the buzzing but also so can use this thing while it has a full charge to get a very long runtime uh total out of it and also um yeah the the two Battery Solution that they've got where they've got a little desktop charger you can just plop the batteries down onto so you can plop One battery down you don't even have to plug it in just plop it down on the charger thing and swap them out on the Fly I really like that idea too and there are a few different um straps out there that do something like that the one of the more popular ones is the M3 from the brand has just slipped off top of my head that one very very popular choice but that also has been widely reported as having this buzzing issue as well and I would bet fairly heavily it's exactly the same cause that I think is going on with this again I'm not an electrical engineer I don't have the you know desktop lab equipment to test this properly but from my understanding of how all of this works I'm pretty sure that's what's going on here if you are an electrical engineer and you do have the equipment on your little desktop down at the basement there is somewhere you know your hobby as electrical engineer or something and you've done the test please let me know down below what I got wrong I'm always eager to learn but I'm pretty sure I'm pretty damn close to the Mark here anyway very long video considering the conceit is a review over a headst strap but I wanted to talk about all this other stuff too because there's been a lot of discussion about it in the quester communities and a lot lot of misinformation misunderstanding and confusion about exactly what's going on here so hopefully this has been informative interesting helpful more entertaining I am blunting we'll catch you next time thank you as always to patrons at scrolling up above there and I will catch you next time wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle stop wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle stop wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle stop wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle stop wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle stop wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle stop
Channel: Blunty
Views: 28,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Binbok, VR T3 Plus, Battery Headstrap, Quest 3, BoboVR M3 Pro, battery Pack, Buzzing, Quest 3 battery buzzing, issue, problem, fix, hwo to fix, fix buzzing battery, Review, VR, quest 2
Id: IopdJ5faZJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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