BEST Quest 3 Accessories YOU NEED (and ones you don't)

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today we'll be reviewing lots and lots of accessories for Quest 3 specifically we will look at different head straps we will look at the charging docks we will also look at external battery I'm going to be telling you my honest opinion on what I think about all of these accessories and whether some of them are worth buying for you to make your their experience better now because I'm just one person and I cannot possibly use all of these products by myself I'm going to be giving away many of these items on my Discord after this video goes live so if you are based in the United States please join my Discord and you can enter this giveaways and maybe you will get some of these nice products we'll start with Bobo VR M3 Pro battery strap right here and this is one of very few Halo type designs instead of the headset being pressed to your face this actually sits on top of your face and that makes it really cool and I personally like this design but I know that some people complain about it because they kind of feel like it keeps slipping off their head I believe that this is still very individual for some some people this may work for some it may not but because this is a battery strap it's not a light head strap so Quest 3 is a pretty light headset but with the battery it is definitely getting a much heavier headset than it was before it's a hot swapable battery so when you are connected to it you know with this cable yeah so all you need to do is simply put this battery pack which comes in the box and you connect it right here and then with the cable You're simply connecting it to the USBC port and click on this button making sure that your battery is charged and this is pretty much um powering your headset and I think that getting a battery strap is extremely important for Quest 3 because all of the games that you want to play on Quest 3 are extremely power demanding and with the boboy VR you can actually buy more of these external batteries and so if you have two then you're charging one of them and you're putting the other one here and while the other one is charging you're using this one and then you can hot swap it on the go so that you have pretty much unlimited power and it is only $50 really so this is a good choice for both extending your battery life and uh if you want a better Comfort something to knowe there's also some people who kind of think that hail style is not ideal for active gaming because it it might be just coming coming off your head very easily because it's very hard to kind of tighten it really tighten your head but if you're more into chill EXP expences then this is probably the perfect version for you because it is not leaving the mark on your face so you will not have a VR face after you take off this headset and that's why I personally like this one because it just maintains my face wrinkle-free for the price $50 I think this is a really good option but let's move on and look at the other straps next one is the elite strap from zyber and this one is more of a traditional uh sort of design that presses the headset to your face kind of like the official El chop from meta but with one interesting difference yeah it kind of flips like this which makes it very interesting design choice now this is not a battery strap so you do not get any extended battery life like with the Bobo VR one that I reviewed however understandably so this one comes at a reduced price compared to bov VR you can buy this head strap for only $30 us and I think that is a really good upgrade from the uh just a soft strap that you reques will come with and the top strap is a really really big and thick one it's super thick and comfortable but I kind of think that such a thick strap is a little bit of an Overkill but who knows after I put it on I definitely see the difference between this type of the strap and the Halo from Boba VR because this really presses the headset close to your eyes really close which means that your fov or field of view seems bigger because the lances are positioned closer to your eye eyes you see more of VR in front of you now granted this might leave a little bit of a mark on your face because it really pushes it depending on how tightly you tighten the knob I definitely like this in terms of comfort it is very secure in my face and this thing is surprisingly comfortable too I don't mind that it is bulky at all but then again one issue for those of you with longer hair is you will not be able to put your hair in a ponytail which is something I always do when I play VR because playing VR is a sweaty experience you are always going to be sweating and hot because this headset gets hot and you are active all the time so just having your hair down like this is going to be very uncomfortable I think this is a really good strap it's very comfortable and most importantly it's cheap however uh this thing confused me a little bit because at first I thought that this is the flip design of the headset that will allow you to kind of just flip it up like a visor but it doesn't really work that way once the headset is on your head you can't really flip it up because the joint is located here and because it's already tight you can't really flip it you know what I mean maybe this is made to help you adjust the position on your face so you can see that there is a little bit of a curve I'm not entirely sure but it is not made to be a flip design next one is the official meta strap a Le strap from meta and this one is sort of similar a little bit to zyber in a way that it also it pressing the head to your face but it is definitely a much more compact looking head strap all the lines are very sleek and kind of skinny looking it's probably the lightest one of all the head straps that I will look at today and also the top strap is just a velcro strap it doesn't have that super soft cushion that you will find in zyber and also the big big difference is the price because this one goes for $70 us and this is not even even the battery strap I haven't received a lead battery strap from meta yet so this is just a regular one it is comfortable just like you would expect it's much more comfortable than the soft strap but I really don't see why you would want to spend more than double the cost of zyber to get something like this strangely enough I actually find zyber more comfortable than the elite strap and I don't know if that's the placebo effect like I want zyber to be more comfortable because it's cheaper or maybe it's actually the top strap somehow that one created a really soft feeling right here and this one just has a regular strap without any cushion generally speaking they do have very similar design so there's not really that much of a difference for me but I definitely would not go for a $70 strap if I have a much more affordable option with the same Comfort this one is definitely a good quality it's just that you will be buying a brand name right this is the meta one and uh you will get something that's a lot more Compact and even a little bit flexible because these things are soft they are quite soft and with the previous version they actually tend it to break so let's hope that this one is not going to snap as easily as the one for Quest 2 and one more head strip is from Oba this headstrap at first glance may look very similar to this zyber one it also has this uh rotating arms and it has a really fake top strap I do enjoy the Comfort on this one we are back with the soft top strap and I do like it I think that it does improve Comfort compared to the regular velcro strap from Mata one other thing that separates this one from zyber design is that this joints here are moving continuously they do not have like a snapping Point like you saw in zyber to accommodate your head to make it as comfortable for you as it can be for example here right now depending on how you want your head strap to be positioned you can change it without moving the visor the headset part of it and that basically adds more uh options for you to adjust this head strap to make it as comfortable for you as you want it does have one big difference and that is the battery strap it has a battery built-in in there so it can prolong your gameplay with Quest 3 what I like about is that it has an LED indicator at the back that shows you how much charge you have here but it is not a hot swapable battery like Bobo VR so with Bobo VR you could remove the battery without removing the head strap here you cannot do it because the battery is built in here but the official one cost $130 and the one from Oba goes for $70 us and that is pretty much the price of a regular elad strap from meta but then if you do want a battery strap then your choic is between this one and the Bob of VR one and the Bob ofr is $20 cheaper however I think that you need to keep in mind that Des design choice that will be right for you some people absolutely prefer this traditional kind of classic design of this head strap with a headset being pressed to your face and they will not even consider a Halo type strap well then if this is you then Oba Elite battery strap is definitely one that you should get but if you don't really mind that design and you would like a battery that can be removable and you can also buy an additional battery to place at the back and you don't mind the Halo style design then please Bobo VR is definitely the one that you should get but it is great thing that you have an option now to get something that will prolong your better life in quest 3 it's very important once again this video is not sponsored by neither of the manufacturers of the products that were sent to me but you can get this products using the links below with some of which are affiliate and I definitely appreciate you using them because it helps this channel so much next I will talk about external batteries and today I have two one of them is from zyber and that is the weirdest external battery I have ever seen it's actually put on your neck like this and it's first of all it is bigger than I thought it would be and essentially uh instead of locating this on top of your headset they decided hey why not put it on your body so that you just carry it around like a mule it doesn't feel heavy once it's on you but my concern with this is that whenever you're playing active games it inevitably will be shaking from side to side it is just it's not going to stay uh securely positioned in one place and it might be annoying for some but still let's look exactly how this works then it has a USBC Port right here that you use with the cable provided to you you can charge this and there's another USB C Port right here and this one is used to actually connect it to your headset and there's a cable provided to you as well so this one just connects and then the other side goes in your headset and I have put my zyber head strap just to maintain this organic combination so just like this it is connected right here with your battery necklace and you can see how much battery you have because there is this LED indicator right here one interesting thing about this external battery is that the actual battery is removable it is not built in so if you want you can get it out by pulling this little level here and it just falls off like this and uh that would be cool if they sold more of these so that you can hot swap them like this Bobo VR ones and this one has its own USBC Port here as well so you can charge it separately that's pretty cool the way they decided just putting it on your neck really works for stationary games for something that you play you know while sitting in a chair or if this is a game that is just not Super Active more of like a chill or a puzzle but if it is a workout sort of a situation when you're shooting zombies and you need to really react fast to what's happening to you in VR then I just don't know if you would like this just again this is not the cheapest solution actually this one cost $70 and that is not cheap for a power bank especially considering that an alternative would be to buy a regular power bank and you can just put it in your pocket and uh that way you don't have to worry about this just jiggling on your neck I appreciate the power that they put into this however maybe they should have considered making a smaller one and instead just buying external you know batteries here that you can hot Swap and it also would be less expensive and that would make this device a lot more attractive for consumers and for the next battery pack I specifically changed the head strap to this stock soft strap this battery pack works with any hat strap virtually any hat strap including the original soft strap so if you find this one pretty comfortable then you actually can get something as little as this is this little dock that has velcro straps on the back that you can attach to any strap that you like and it actually works really well with this official one so this is Boba VR we already talked about Boba vr's head strap and this is just the battery but it is very cleverly attached to this little dock and magnetic attachment here make sure that it doesn't uh fall off but this cable will be connected to your headset so all you need to do is securely attach this to the back of any head strap that will allow you to attach it using these velcros and and this cost I believe only like $30 on Amazon and with that if you buy an extra batteries then you have unlimited power cuz you can just swap them very quickly and uh yeah you never run out of battery all I did was Secure this to the back of my stock strap and then this cable goes to the side of the head strap and then I put put it on and pretty much this is all you need to have extra battery this is so easy this is actually a really really great idea to secure this to any head strip that will allow you to do so and this gives you more flexibility I definitely like this better than the over the neck kind of situation because uh this you can use on the headset to counterbalance the weight of the headset and use it with the strap that really doesn't add any weight to it at all so it's still a very lightweight and a very compact solution and I think that this is is great because it's also inexpensive check the link below to see if maybe it's available by the time that you're watching this video however I did find that they create a battery dock upgrade kit and I also will leave the link to this in the description it is a slightly different but I think that if you just glue a velcro strap to the back of it you totally can use it the same way as this one it's really not that difficult and this one cost $34 and I still think that this is a really good solution if you don't want to spend extra Buck on the entire battery hat strip and now it's time to talk about the charging docks and I really like this topic because we've got some really interesting stuff today so this is the official charging station from Mata pretty much it looks like this it's a very Sleek design with clean lines I absolutely love the way it looks and it feels definitely premium however the downside of it is that it is quite pricey before you even consider it you should know that costs $130 that might not be something you would like to spend right away for just to charge your headset but let's see just how easy it is and that might change your mind essentially all you need to do is put your headset on top and it will start charging automatically and wirelessly and that is because Quest 3 has these three dots and that's what it's using to connect and to start charging and that is really cool that you don't have to manually plug in the cable in order to charge your has that this is definitely a great great plus and the controllers are actually charging too so you don't have to change your batteries anymore and you actually get some chargeable batteries uh these two inserts are the batteries that you can recharge using this charging dog so the way it works is you would simply remove this battery and you would insert this one and then once you've done it you simply place the controllers on top of this charging station and it looks so pretty and your headset is all always ready to go in my experience having a charging dock is definitely a way to go because I always just forget to plug in my headset and it's always dead whenever I need it so when there's a dedicated spot for your headset you would be surprised how much more often your headset will be completely charged and I personally enjoy it a lot and I definitely use it a lot but there is one other charging dog that I was sent by Oba and this one oh boy it is quite different for starters if you want to compare the size of the little charging dock from meta and the one from Oba here it is this is the difference that's how much bigger this charging dock is and it is called Oba cyber core this Oba cyber core is definitely the coolest looking charging dock I have ever seen and the thing is it can actually work for any VR headset be it quest Quest 2 Quest Pro or Quest 3 because it's a universal charger and here's what's interesting about it it actually uses this power cable that's not just a USBC cable it's a very powerful kind of one so it's going to give a lot of power to this charging dock and it means that your devices are going to be charging very quickly it's like a cool cyberpunk mannequin style and I definitely would use it to display my headset but let's look at the functionality before we get super excited about it it it features four different USBC charging ports there are two on the front there's one on the back right here and can you guess where the fourth one is well this head actually opens up just like that and there's all the extra storage that you can use for uh charging something different for example in this case they designed this as a storage to charge your controllers and they even included the split cable that you can connect your controllers with the thing is if you want to charge these controllers with a cable then you would need to remove the able a batteries from inside these controllers place them with the rechargeable battery that also has a USBC Port but what Oba did at least with Quest 2 controllers is they designed their own grip uh for the Quest 2 controllers that have their own built-in batteries so essentially you remove the battery you place the controller inside this grip and it has a USB C Port right here and so that's how your controllers become rechargeable you can just plug them in and charge them so right now they don't have grips like these for Quest three so I couldn't test those but I could test these controls for Quest two and they are much bigger than the controllers for Quest 3 so as you can see if Quest two controllers fit inside this charging dock then obviously Quest 3 controlers will also fit provided that they have these rechargeable grips and we can recharge them inside Inside the Box Oba also provided this magnetic tip that you can add to your connectors to make it really easy to connect your controllers to power inside this box and that is really cool I also like it that when you close this head it's actually magnetic and it snaps into place yeah so it makes it really easy to find the right position for it and there's a little hole in the back that makes it very easy to remove it and place it back that is really cool something I don't like about cyber core is that it does uh leave marks from your fingers like if you have oily fingers or just the natural oil yeah this is something that will be visible and you will need to wipe it out if you want it to look nice but other than that I'm a big big fan of this design they also made it in a way that you can charge both your headset and your battery strap and basically it comes with this connector if you put magnetic tips on one side of the connector and the other one on the side of your headset then you don't need to plug it in it simply will magnetically snap and also make it very easy to charge this just makes it a universal station for anything you need VR related and you can even store and charge something else here if you don't want to charge your controllers you want to keep the batteries you can even charge your phone there it's going to work perfectly I know I've said a lot of nice things about this but you might change your mind about it when you hear the price because this will go for 2 and it makes the Oba cyber core the only thirdparty accessory that is more more expensive than the official meta accessory is it better though well $200 is half almost half the cost of quest 3 and really this is just a charging station so this is already a luxury product and something you don't necessarily need because all of us can charge our devices easily with just cable even though it's very fast charging faster than the one from meta it would be really hard for me to make the decision to get something like this knowing that all it does is just charges your headset I still feel like the official one from meta has a lot more clean look right it has polished lines and it's very minimalistic however this one goes for $130 and it only charges your headset really it only c three for that matter and this one can charge any headset that need charging it can take any battery it can charge a battery strap and it can charge any additional accessories so this is definitely a lot more multi-functional tool that you would get this one is not cheap I mean you know it's cheaper than Oba one but it's still considered an expensive device and you get a very limited use of it so if you were to spend that much money on a charging station perhaps some of you might enjoy the fact that you're getting more ultimately it's up to you I think that it looks really really cool but the price would definitely determine now what do you think about it do you think that this is something that you would like to get for your gaming room to Showcase your quest 3 or any other headset like pico many of the items that I have reviewed today will be giving away on my Discord Channel because I simply don't have the need for all of them and I would much rather share them with you than have them pile up on my closet and collect dust so uh definitely join my Discord if you are us-based you will be able to enter those giveaways because unfortunately I can only ship to the US the link to my Discord as well as all the links to the products that you have seen into today's video are in the description below and after you have set up your quest I highly recommend that you watch my next video about all the settings the best menu options that you can select for your quest through to get the most out of this headset and get the best possible gaming experience thanks so much for watching and see you next time
Channel: DiscoVR
Views: 44,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, virtual reality, disco vr, vr games, quest 3, quest 3 accessories, meta quest 3, meta quest 3 review, quest 3 review, quest 3 vs quest 2, quest 3 accessories review, best quest 3 accessories, oculus quest 3 accessories, best meta quest 3 accessories, quest 3 charging dock, quest 3 accessories you need, quest 3 best accessories
Id: 8I0kzk6OMsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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