Fixing the Two Biggest Problems with the Meta Quest 3

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so we've been testing the quest 3 extensively since we received it and we've really come up with the two big issues with this headset the first one's the obvious one it's the stock headstrap that comes with the quest 3 and this thing just isn't really worthy of all the technology and really the overall quality of the quest 3 in general the other big problem we're seeing this thing eats power like crazy you'll burn through batteries in no time especially especially if you're in mixed reality well we may have found a product that takes care of both those problems and does it really well it's the binbo VR Elite headstrap with battery stick around if you want to know [Music] more welcome everyone to another edition of get your game on the channel dedicated to immersive gaming experiences now before we get into today's content I have a little favor to ask some of you out there for those of you that really enjoy the channel you probably know that aside from our Channel sponsors Hans VR and Studio form creative VR we pay for everything we review out of our own Pockets that means all the headsets that you're seeing the motion platform all those kinds of things and if you have the means we could use a little help if you can we'd really appreciate if you could head over to our patreon Channel I'll have the link down in the description below and sign up for a membership even as little as a dollar a month would really help the channel out a lot and who knows maybe I can even afford to get a haircut so that'll take care of the commercial for today let's get on with today's show so it didn't take long after using the quest 3 to figure out I was going to need some supplemental power if I wanted to use the headset for any length of time in general using the headset I got about 2 hours out of it before the internal battery died and that's if I wasn't using mixed reality if you start using mixed reality it drains even faster than that so I started doing my research and everybody basically was touting the Bobo M2 or M3 depending on you know it's the same headset just for the different Quest two and Quest 3s and so I went and took a look at it and I instantly fell in love with the hot swappable battery that was magnetized so it it pops on and off really quickly but the thing I didn't like is I'm not a big fan of the Halo strap design I just don't feel like it's as secure as having the clamshell design so even though I really liked what I was seeing out of the Bobo headstrap I just knew I wouldn't like the fit of it for me personally so I kept looking and kept looking and we think we found a solution it's the bin boach headstrap and not only does that give it more power it also solves the problem with that really cheap head strap let's take a look at what we get okay let's see what we got here as you can see the Box took a little bit of a beating in shipment uh it did come in an overbox so it wasn't just shipped like this but uh I was surprised cuz it was still pretty dented up even when I took it out of the outer box um don't need a box cutter for once it's just a little flap here so uh here's the front the back and let's see what's inside all right let's see how well it stayed protected okay so we got some foam that's good and there you go so what do we got in here well this was the thing I was most excited about so you have this charging dock and you have not one but two hot swappable batteries and these are supposed to just yep oh wow it's even got some charge in it look at that got a a little light coming on so this is the big the big reason that I was interested in this making noise here um okay so there's not a lot more to it obviously uh the essential startup manual which we don't need um looks like a I'm going to guess definitely a USBC but is it an A or a open open open don't have trouble with the box today I have trouble with the bag there we go see what we got here and this so it's a USB C to C okay so there must be a I'm assuming that there's going to be a puck in there also then and the back head strap and the main strap okay and a top strap so maybe there's not maybe no that looks like that's it so there isn't is not a charging puck that I see so they must expect you to either already have one or you'll plug it into your computer so this is kind of what we got we have you know a top strap and looks nice and padded so I like that feels good material we got our USBC cable and this is just going to clip into this I assume all right well it's definitely for the quest 3 so you can see we've got our cutouts there for the 3.5 mm and the USBC so that's good I was worried that it was going to end up being a quest too and so this is what you get in the kit so I guess I should put this back CU that is also what you get in the kit but that's basically the head strap so let's see how it goes together here so um I'm going to just see if I can so I'm assuming I'm going I'm going to try this without the instructions I'm assuming you want that strap to the top cuz that's going to be the head strap so it's just I'm assuming snaps in and keep in mind this is my first ever Quest headstrap I am a newbie when it comes to anything meta and Quest oh yeah yeah it just slides in just got to give it a little Force again I want to break it so so yeah snaps in can hear that pop in really nicely it's it's a little bit of a rubbery material so it's not bad it's it's definitely not uh foamy but uh it seems soft enough all right so there's that can't really get this too wrong now they do recommend to get the top strap on um you remove the facial interface which always makes me nervous I see people just pop those out but that still makes me nervous doing that just hearing plastic crackle and creep makes me a little nervous so um I've never taken these off but let's try it so I hear you just basically I believe it's just kind of yeah okay just pop off give it a little twist and kind of pull it away okay that's pretty easy and then obviously pull the top strap out now we just connect this part so obviously you know pay attention you got your plug in for the USBC that needs to be on this side so as long as you're somewhat paying attention and I I guess this just snaps on okay gosh I again kind of nerve-wracking okay okay that's not too bad all right let's see about this side well that snapped on a lot easier in fact almost too easy yeah FS on there okay one interesting thing I'm noticing that's kind of cool versus the uh the standard strap here you can see the the the front of that is just rounded this actually has a little lip so that will make it a lot easier to take that off if I need to for some reason um for example where this one didn't feel like it's strapped on yeah you just grab that and pull it so okay well I guess if it falls off my face we'll know why I mean it's on there it just it didn't click nearly as convincingly as that one but okay we're going to go with that um put the top strap on so the top strap you're going to see here there's a short and a long part the shorter strap goes to the front and there's no Velcro on the front which is nice it supposed to make it a little easier to feed this in here so we'll see we'll see how that goes um um forgive me for a second all the lighting is facing me so I don't have any light in here let's see here feels like it's coming through I can just see it come on buddy there it goes and I'm going to assume you're going to want that I mean now I know somewhere in there let's once that's through it will be adjustable so now that we got that in I'm going to put the facial interface back in because I have to fight that top strap so again this just goes in be careful not to hit the lenses I will say it's getting easier to take in and out which I don't know if that's a good thing but okay so you got that this top strap just comes back here and obviously you'll want to adjust this as you uh wear it but uh for now we'll put that there and then the final part is to take this and uh pop it in there so that pretty much is the installation of the bin Bonk Elite strap I guess is what we call it there you go what I love about this thing is is it's basically got the same hot swappable magnetized battery for the back of it that the bobos do these batteries are actually a little bit better from what we're seeing so far and um it also had a lot of other features I wanted for example I really wanted to have a hinge because the way I like to put my headset on is I put it on here and then I drop the back over the back of my head and so like the stock uh battery strap from meta number one it's really overpriced um and number two it doesn't have a hinge and number three it doesn't have a hot swappable battery so those were the things I was really looking for and I was just thrilled to stumble across this option here um I saw a few reviews on YouTube but not many and that's why I decided I wanted to do one for you guys out there because uh I think J brat had one of the most popular ones and I can tell you um this thing doesn't have a lot of the problems that he had with the Quest 2 version so he was talking about the battery kind of wobbling and and making noise when you're playing I've been using it for a week and I have not had had this battery come off unless I pull it off so that hasn't been an opt or a problem at all and then he also didn't like this uh the dial and it's fine it doesn't really Creek it's pretty solid it still does do what he talked about where it doesn't take any pressure if I just push down so it it definitely will collapse on itself but I almost wonder if that's a feature like you know for cranking this out and then you put it on the back of your head and then you can cinch it up really close before you start ratcheting it so anyhow that was kind of uh what I found and and so I've been testing this and I've been thrilled with the results of the battery so we'll give you a little demonstration as you can see it's got um the three indicator or the four indicator lights on the front and that basically tells you how charged it is and then it's also got a button on the back and what this button does is it basically turns on and off the battery from charging the headset if for some reason say you wanted to stop charging the meta headset with this battery you push this twice and it basically tells the quest to stop uh charging from this source and then you push it once and it will start charging again so I'm not sure why why you'd ever want to use that but it's a thing um it also has a charging port on the bottom so what I really like is for example if I ran out of these I could potentially do a auxiliary uh battery pack plug it directly into this it'll be sitting off the back of my head so that I can get that extra battery pack that'll have to sit on my belt loop or something it won't be up on the front running down off the side of the headset it'll be in the back now I can't foresee ever needing to do that because as you saw this kit comes with two of the batteries and these are 8,000 milliamp hour batteries each and from our testing they basically lasted I I tortured it I basically tried this I wanted to see what the most extreme situation was so I went through mixed reality experiences I did a lot of that close uh encounters uh or first encounters uh mixed reality demo and I got this thing to run for three hours exclusively running in mixed reality and after that 3 hours this battery was dead and the headset still had about a third of its battery left so that's pretty much a worst case scenario is 3 hours if you're not doing mixed reality and you're doing a little bit more casual you're certainly going to get even more time out of that and the good thing like I said if this runs dead you pop it Loose go get the other one yeah put it on now I did also test how long it takes when of these to charge from totally drained zero to 100 and it takes a while it took it about 4 and 1 half hours to charge these batteries from completely dead to all the way full so this is definitely something you'll want to do overnight you won't want to just want to pop it on and hopefully charge it really quickly but with both of them full I can't see running out of power uh in any reasonable amount of time I mean and even if you did if you put the Dead one on the charger right away you'll probably get it back up to half so I I bet you could easily go for 8 to uh maybe even 10 hours depending on what you're doing so um the other notes I wanted to make CU we have been testing a lot on the power situation with this um I did plug it in with a Link cable and just to to see what that did as far as charging for some of you that might be in a Sim situation and you don't necessarily think you need a battery and what that did is it basically cut the battery draining in half uh the headset after 2 hours which it normally was dead under normal use uh it was at about 50% internal battery when I had the uh Link cable connected and it was connected to a port USB C type because you get more power out of that type so I'd imagine you get the same experience if you use the wall um brick and also plug it in here instead of going to your computer you'll probably get roughly I would say 3 to four hours out of it doing that so um again we did it for 2 hours it was at half and so I moved on because we had a lot more detail test um the other interesting thing that's just come to light here recently we were talking about the Bobo 3 and again uh Jay Brad out there does a great job of reviewing this Quest stuff but what he's finding is his old Bobo straps are giving him some issues with the battery and uh he's for example having the headset die before uh the battery's completely dead uh he's had some weird discharging where he'll put the fresh battery on and it'll discharge real quick so I'll link um his channel down below if you want to follow up on that but he's had a lot of issues and what I'm wondering this thing I haven't had any of those issues with so I'm wondering if because this is almost a 30 wat battery supply I think the old Bobo straps are somewhere around 15 14 watts I'm not an expert on that so um I'm wondering if that might be an issue but all those battery problems that he's having with the Bobo VR I'm not having any of them with this in in fact just to test it out because he was talking about how it doesn't really charge the headset I ran the headset down itself to 3% and then before I popped one of these on and guess what it started charging it so I am really thrilled with this uh solution again it's the bin Bonk I'm calling it The Elite battery strap um and again like you saw in the unboxing it comes with a charging station it comes with two of the batteries and it comes with the head strap and of course the head strap is far more comfortable than the stock the stock strap that comes with the quest 3 so you're solving a comfort issue with the padding and the fit um I love the clamshell design so that was a plus for me and you're getting a battery solution that should pretty much make this headset run I would say as long as you want it to so um overall it's a it's a great design and I'm happy to share it with you guys I'll have an affiliate link down below if you want to look at picking one of these up and uh what I can say is on the reviews I did see some people making comments that they were getting a buzzing noise using this headstrap uh in the audio I've used it I've had other people use it we hear no buzzing noise out of the audio so I don't know if that's something that some of these are doing or um you know it's just a weird configuration but definitely check that make sure you don't get any buzz in the audio but I can tell you this one has been perfect it's been working great so that's pretty much all I have for you today I just wanted to share with you what I found uh we will be doing a full review of The Quest 3 but uh I want to let everybody know if you're really looking for a solution to the longevity of this headset you're looking for a solution to make it more comfortable and you want an option that gives you a hot swappable battery the bin Bach here is uh top of my list so it must agree so until next time we appreciate you guys watching and remember to get your game [Music] on
Channel: Get Your Game On
Views: 24,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, Facebook, Meta, Facebook Meta, Quest 3, Meta Quest 3, BinBok, BoboVR, Battery Head Straps
Id: HpAKP28qZXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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