The BEST Of Series 29! | Part Two | The Graham Norton Show

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obviously you're back in the suit yeah suit's the same this time right or there is it being changed or yes it's the same yes okay as the last one there's no changes again i asked for a zip and i didn't get one do you have a zip uh yeah sort of sort of it's not a conventional zip no otherwise you'd see it but yeah we're talking about the same zip right there i've said this publicly before because i really think there should we should do something about this i actually think this should like all of us we need to band together we need to tell somebody because he he can like you know listen it's one piece so there's a helmet and there's all these things that go underneath it and i always have this fear that if he's like working really hard or something's happening that if he had to like throw up per se what's how how is he going to get it out this is a genuine concern yes right so it i honestly sometimes when i look at him i'm like i get a little scared cause i'm like what if you like i don't know i don't know i don't know it just stresses me out but haven't you you've got better at the suit though can't you you found a way can you eat with the suit on some things some things there's essentially they put so the eyes pop out and there used to be these fans i remember them bragging about they added in these fans that you could click and it would supposedly cool me down they worked once i have these hot batteries but there's a there's a hole underneath the eye socket where we used to be able to feed a tube down oh no and i could drink without taking the suit off because it you know it takes a lot of time and you've got a picture of this if children have stayed up late to see spiderman maybe they shouldn't see spider-man drinking it's it's it's quite unpleasant [Music] in ghostbusters there are lots of very impressive special effects and visual effects but you yourself using a camera phone you can create a visual effect i can yes where it appears that people are seeing something they're not that's right okay can you demonstrate it sure good [Applause] um can i just say you are all going to be trying this yeah this is uh okay i can i'll try it on i knew that okay okay okay what do i need to do just sit there okay this should be fine all right i think we can do you know what he's doing yes i do you will in a miracle it should be synced to uh yeah i think it's sync now so here's the picture that you just took so [Applause] it does look like a bum i know he much really confused what what happened oh yes do miriam there we go are you doing it with your fingers [Laughter] [Applause] what is that it does look like a bottom yes yes i happen to have really sausage looking fingers that make a really nice tush and you can frame you you can frame it frame the camera so it looks like you're just basically just i just got to know how you discovered this unique there's an even more sophisticated version yeah okay there's there's you can do i mean well let's see if i can i don't know if it's sophisticated is the right word but [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] you've never lost your accent i mean because you've been in america for a while now yeah i've been there for a while yeah for sure no i don't know it's never no and is it true is it true that angelo like picks you up on the way you think he does but andrew sounds just like me by the way like yeah so obviously the whole time i've been there he's been there and um he goes to school with american kids and sounds like me um so but yeah i kind of correct him a lot as well obviously but that's how you say it but yeah he does on like you know the word like free is it like the number three oh yeah he's like it's not free it's like three like you know he's got a little bit more well spoken to me probably because of his dad's but um yeah we've both still got our accents and you live there and obviously enjoy living there but there must be things you miss oh my gosh yeah i mean we weren't supposed to live there this long or like you know before covid we used to spend over half our time here oh right okay then obviously you know i got locked out the country with um well if i came back here i wouldn't have been able to get back there basically so i was stuck there for most of kobe but um yeah i mean i miss like british i miss british humor i mean [Laughter] yeah i miss the humor i miss my family i miss you know a lot of them like my condiments and you know i love it i love a sauce like i love a sauce marmite well i might not quite be very but you know like salad cream and branson's pickle and stuff like that you know and um but i found a store there that does it all oh hopefully i did she said she said i mean did it remind you uh jamie off yeah your youth in belfast because didn't you have a you would try to go to the cinema yeah a big part of my youth going to cinema but there's one so this is bad like there's one time i went to see um me and about four my mates and i i i was coming from a different direction so arranged to meet the course and cinema and the oral road and um we're going to see this robert altman film called preda porter because we heard there was nude women in it this is the word word got out there we go this is 1994 so we're all well i was certainly pre-pubescent i don't know about the other lads but i was 12 and looked about six um anyway so i turned up late and the lads have already gone in and this woman were working at the cinema and i said uh oh hi i'm here here is he pretty porter excuse um and how old are you and i went uh 12 and she was it's a 15 and i said i'm i'm 15. you just told me you're 12. and i said look my mates are already in there she goes what age are they now they're 12. she's they she made me go and get all my mates oh you ruined it forever so we went to see the river wild right with meryl streep by the way great film um but not what the lads wanted to be watching um but actually it ended up being a bit of a win because riverwild finished and when we were walking back out we saw a porter was still on and the final scene is just topless girls walking down the catwalk so we got in for that bit you hosted the golden globes is it five times yours five times over ten years yeah okay yeah because i don't know if you guys know you probably don't know that the golden globes have just sort of vanished they didn't they didn't happen this year for for loads because of you because yeah i'm getting i'm getting the blame for it i know i am yeah it was i really it changed as well because the first time i did it like 10 years ago the sort of press particularly the industry press in america was like how dare how was he saying these awful things to the most beautiful people you know and then by the fifth time right they were going good give it to him we're sick of celebrities so it was quite zeitgeister it sort of hit a mark last time and that but i'm really glad i did it but i think that's enough okay you must were you in the audience for any of ricky's school of globes several times it was a little bit i think it cuts to you in one of them i think when you talk about jeffrey epstein i don't know why yeah to me yeah but it's but it's a little bit like the experience of being in the room with you at the golden globes is a little bit like the tail end of a family christmas yes where you know it's drunk uncle yeah yeah do we show him where the bathroom is do we just let him know i can feel that and i can see the tension and then when i do a joke about them they think oh that was all right like leo gabriel was sort of laughing thinking you could have said a lot worse you know i feel like at the end of a couple of bond films we thought maybe it was going to be your last one but this we know is definitely the end bye-bye and i was i was sort of going at the end of spectre i was a bit down on everything as um and i i thought that was it and i thought i was just and i'm really really happy that i was given the opportunity to come back and do this because i think we sort of wrapped up a lot of the stories and and and you know just a chance to come and do one more was just wonderful and does it feel like you know is it sad or is it kind of a celebrity is it kind of like wow i did an amazing thing and i'm happy and are you kind of thinking oh shame it's um it's a it's everything i think and and i it's been close to 16 years of my life and and it's felt it's been incredible to do these films and not least of all to work with people like this to bond movies don't get made very often you know this it's rare air and to have the opportunity to make these films has been um one of the it's the biggest thing in my professional career clearly but one of the biggest things in my life um and it's very emotional it's it's um i i i'm glad i'm sort of ending it on my own terms which is really i'm grateful to the producers for allowing me to do that um but i shall miss it i mean i won't i mean i'll probably be incredibly bitter when the new person takes over i'm happy for you but i'm sad for us because genuinely you have been a fantastic bond i mean so that's the nominee ellen no one was more surprised than me that she said yes can i tell you something can i tell you what was happening in that obviously that's the edited scene but i'll tell you we had a we had someone laurie the first a.d was operating a fart machine just off to the right and that isn't a real bathroom that was a bedroom in the house because the the bathroom wasn't small enough wasn't big enough sorry so we took a bedroom and we converted it so it's a prop toilet prop sink etcetera and um so we had laurie uh operating a fart machine just off to my right here so that we could have the occasional subtle little break of wind from heleno while she's holding me hostage in the toilet and i was doing the scene and then he was getting so trigger-happy it was ridiculous i was trying to do lines and it was it was bloody ridiculous so in the end i had to stop acting i looked over at him and he wasn't pressing the button and i went and i looked behind me it was princess margaret going off genuinely farting and i only i'd only just got over the shock that helena bonham cartridge said yes to my thing and then she was farting within feet of me and she found it so funny she found her own farting which was magnificent i might say she found her own farting so funny she then worked herself and had to leave the set and while she was leaving the set she was shouting at the top of her voice it's natural [Applause] talking of the voice how long before you developed the voice or did you find it pretty quickly uh i started in the voice six months before we started filming and then i stayed in it while we were filming of course which was really super fun for adam [Music] yeah i made him deal with that every day uh but you know i i'm still doing it no but it actually for me i don't know for what it's worth ridley shoots fast and he's got four cameras going once at any given time if not more so i thought it was harder to go in and out of character i thought it was actually easier to stay in character on set so i i wish not to sensationalize this thing but i do wish to uh express gratitude to my fellow actor that i was on stage with every day no okay [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 624,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best TV host, Best TV moments, Best interviews, British television treasure, Chat show, Engaging conversations, Entertainment news, Funniest TV show, Funny TV moments, Funny celebrity stories, Graham Norton famous guests, Graham Norton viral clips, Late-night comedy, Must-see TV, Pop culture, Red couch interviews, Star-studded show, TV show funny moments, Talk show buzz, Talk show highlights, The Graham Norton Show
Id: DwGNTk8m-m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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