Robin Williams Iconic Improv | Greatest Comedians | The Graham Norton Show

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but it's interesting because America is really so youth obsessed I mean how and and and in the film you show you know kind of that it is hard for a woman of your age to get the jobs it's beyond difficult the only jobs really left now for women unless they get friendly with people to do films but the only jobs left are really commercials I just thank God my I made my early nut this year on a a product called girly which is for dry vagina and it's a is it here yet well anyone knows the Heartbreak of dve Vina I I was perfect for it CS follow me [Applause] home three Jewish men are trying to rent my uterus instead of going to Miami [Laughter] and this but thank God for these commercials there's one called an uh Zestra is that come here yet it's like women's uh Viagra has that happened to you yet it's women's Viagra and they have this big discussion with me should they make it in pill form this is honest to God truth was in the newspapers pill form or cream because they didn't know which would do better and they finally decide these idiots will do it in cream because if it's in pill form in a bar a man can drop it in a woman's drink and she won't know it but if you're in a bar and a guy goes so where you [Applause] from so I'm I'm up I'm up for that commercial too how old are you when you did become you really you really were a blue coat weren't you I was a blue coat yeah at the place you showed which was next door to heam nuclear power station thing is I got Senter because I was I worked at a really good one in in Yarmouth Great Yarmouth got sacked which is another story and then uh was sacked and then and was sent to we'll move on to that in a minute but it sent to this one sent to that one as a sort of punishment it was like you you're going to moram to do six months because you have just you've just done something what had you done well something that was considered cheeky in 70s but now is illegal oh what it wasn't it was actually an incident where it was my first attempt at stand up comedy and uh what happened was I I'd always wanted to do stand-up comedy I didn't have the guts to do it I got very drunk I had a go at doing it as a blue coat my mate said to me just copy all the other comedians at ponon and steal their jokes and basically talk to the front row so you're supposed to say where you from they say Scotland you say who paid for your holiday where you from Wales you make a noise like a sheep rubbish jokes right but I said that's terrible he said don't worry you're just padding what you're doing is you're looking for comedy gold which is where you from they say Kent and you say what did you call me right now at ponpon this used to take the roof off right so I tried it but I was very drunk so I go on stage and I say where are you from this Flo says Scotland I can't remember the joke I say hello then I said to the where are you from the guy says Wales I black out and I go hi I panic and then I say anyone in from Kent and this blo shouts out [Laughter] me and I said well you're a [Applause] [Applause] [Music] to [ __ ] I know people always end these things with I swear to God that's true story but that is the ba of how it works before we do another thing H we loved you as the genie in Aladdin oh that was fun so we thought we might have our very own genie on the show tonight so H is there anyone in the audience who fantasies a go at being a genie oh look at them they too okay try try you uh what What's Your Name Yan sorry what y y his name is uran y nice to have you here thank you no no worries going hear you he quite frightening I know don't piss off Yan okay so y think of a magic word right something you know it's just you magic word and that camera three is going to do kind of Zoom crash on you so so when I say go you and you'll just do your magic word okay so you go hi Graham wow how gram I feel like we're in the middle of a ton right now you has learned to say hi gram thanks to your dollars please help you'll learn another phrase by the end of the show yes should we should we try another boy who oh there oh actually you're wearing blue already let's try you you yeah okay so into that camera your magic world what's your name g Nick gck okay friend of you okay number three and go Alakazam wow it was almost it was almost two good it was a bit like you're you're very good at that yeah Al Kazam to dance now I'm going to dance with you and and on Alazan jazz hands jazz hands Jazz paw way to go [Applause] g go okay go go go follow follow there there so I'm just going to get my genie to help me okay hang on oh yes cuz I forgot all about poor creature man come on Nick good Nick good oh there he is yay Nick okay Nick ready I need I need a lovely funky DJ console please Alam look at that ladies and gentlemen good work good work Nick okay I tell you what Nick you you can come back into the studio come back to the studio you can help us in this thing okay there you go well done [Applause] that was so great yeah right I wasn't floating anymore thank you okay we go over here to the DJ boo right here we go here we go it's it's the Robin and gra Road Show hello sir gloves okay you go over there now well done so there's a mic there now Nick I've got some music Nick put a shout out right now Nick be out for the blue people Nick going to keep it real get ready for an Alakazam Alakazam yeah very good now I don't have any Jingles though so it's the Robin and Graham Road Show can can you do a jingle a live jingle for us welcome to the Robin and gra on radio show ni very good let's back a big shout out from Nick okay let's let's start the show so good evening Robin good evening grah welcome back once again we got some shout outs I got one going out right now to Steven Buck he wants a shout out to Jess who's a best friend and he says stop texting him he's not interested yay you're listening to the Robin and Grand Road Show Al no you tit the jingle welcome to the Robin and gram radio show yay where's where's Michelle Smith where's Michelle Smith Michelle Smith wants a shout out to Esther best friend that bloke you pulled don't worry about trying to remember his name you can do so much better y w where's Marlon Marlon oh there he is that's Marlon ready W going to say we'd like to shout out to his friend gregar don't worry girls love that you have got a third nipple wo three nipples ABC way to go show it show it show it go on go show the nipple it come on little mutant boy wow you don't have to go go the wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah yeah hang on yes first of all I'm not a circus freak secondly I will get my third nipple out on the condition that Robin Williams comes and touches it okay here we go here we go [Applause] this better be a real nipple all right ready here we go ready ready let's see hopefully please let it be a nipple I have a third ball too ready ready here we go okay oh oh touch it I did oh well done wow beautiful wow well done chicks really did that I like that I like it fact that some girl is going you've got another one play with my third nipple girl you've never had fun till you go third once you touch the third nipple things get crazy I get two nipples going but when the third goes M the third nipple goes and then my fourth penis jumps out ladies and Gentlemen please thank my guest tonight The Fantastic Mr Robin Williams s everybody thank you K obviously you're like not just a standup you're like a standup Superstar you sell out Arenas all over the world the best of our time but what's nice to know is it wasn't always like that like what was it what did you perform at you performed at a seafood Festival I mean which what [ __ ] show you want to know about it was it was I think they wanted was it cown I had I had a crab fest that a crab fest what is that in the beginning of the standup comedy you're not you're not performing in in luxury you know venues wherever they feel that they can build the stage and make money is where you going so there was a crab fest was like we going to book some Talent some comedian Talent I was like all right well you know I'm available I don't know if you guys have ever tried to tell a joke why people crack and crab it's not the best environment at all I mean literally the frustration that comes from not being able to open a crab serious and if you're not funny at the same time the stuff that you hear I remember hearing a woman older lady who was like she was cracking crab cuz this is how you crack crack she looking at me and she was like cracking the crab I tell a joke and the joke doesn't work and I remember this lady just going oh no I I don't think I would much rather be booed the disappointment that came from her voice and then oh no she said baby it was like oh no baby as if I made a mistake with my choice of life I'm not doing it wrong I I mean you know look the the the the hardship that I went through has helped helped build me into the person I am today to where I I can take so much but I I've been through it all I was I was hit in the face with a buffalo wing uh I performed at don't perform around food me go to my shows now there's no food alive uh it was it was a it was actually a male strip club that they shut down for comedy for the first half so it was like it was a bunch of it was ladies in there and you know it was just supposed to be us performing for these women that were red up first thing I got on stage when they introduced me and this lady was like pull it out I said hey hey hey hey that's not me I'm not here for that I'm here to entertain he's a joke I know who's got kids I start I start trying to merge into kid material this one dude from the back I just remember this dude from the back he was like that's enough and he just he just threw a buffalo wing at me they landed hit me hit me in the cheek a little bit of sauce got like right here buffalo sauce is hot so I start I assumed that it was a woman with a deep voice so I was like who threw it who threw it cuz at the end of the day I'm a man I'm a man first don't disrespect me he stood up he was like I did it and I I contemplated just taking my clothes off I was like the only way to get out I collect yeah well I I collect um stuff from movies uh that some of the stuff movies I've done but really mainly Star Trek memorabilia cuz I love Star Trek oh such a nerd have you never been have you never been in a star Tre I've never been in a Star Trek but I love the Original Series so I have like I have the Gorn head from the original series from the episode Arena where like know I know I'm just nothing oh the gold head head okay I have it's a g that's like youbody what the gor is the gor from Star Trek we could to give you the gold head no oh wow okay do you have any The Boulders do you have any The Boulders I don't have any the the light Boulders out of paper machine no but I have Spock ears from they actually not they are they yeah know what they are they're worth yeah very good uh but on bridesmaids you did do a lot of kind of proper bonding on Brides mates didn't didn't you like Party nights and stuff we we did a pre um my the my co-writer Annie and I had the idea to get all the girls together plus the script supervisor wardrobe just all like the women on the film to b 40 there were a lot of people 40 women it was it was pitched to me as research because initially there was a scene where we went to a gentleman's entertainment yeah parlor strip strip club a GU strip club so we we got in a we got a party bus with a lot of we had like a a lot of Boos weird poles which I was like is that to hang on they have the Disco lights in the bus oh fabulous yeah and then we went to we went to a strip club um and we watched the show they did vignettes they did vignettes there was like Backdraft like it would all come out and like fireman stuff and then it was like like everything had the same theme and everything invol it seemed like every number had a duster everything had a long trench coat to the floor a lot of equipment but they did do do you remember the do you remember the uh The Matrix Matrix one there was somebody was playing Neo wonderfully a lot of long trenches and guys in suits and everybody had these very cheap glasses on but I couldn't figure out the one guy had a huge huge thick rope around his waist and I was like I have not seen The Matrix in a while I couldn't figure out do you remember couldn't we were all like what's the Rope about I don't remember a rope in The Matrix and they're like do these synchronized dancing it's like all this clothes is coming off we're like put it on and it went on and on I'm so like I don't get what the Rope is about and then the big move comes where you know the bullets come and he does like the back bend clearly this professional dancer could not do a back bend so the big move was like all of a sudden it's like and somebody off stage is clearly holding the rope and a huge not like th a h this guy up as he was like no that was great that was that was like a stand up moment a lot of things and now Saturday Night Live also was a big bonding thing now CU Christ do you know Leslie and we met I think we met when I hosted oh no and we did a movie together um then we worked together after that after that okay yeah okay but now you guys are still in sa live which most people I'm sure know but it's a it's a big comedy sketch show in in America but how long we work together for how many years now it's been two after one right it's been three maybe three I it's been three um after the first year Leslie and my name is Kate McKinnon and she uh I know that but uh she she came up to me and she said um after a a year of knowing me um how you all right Kate Middleton [Laughter] and were you joking uh no I was not and and I was like mck I was like well who's meddleton then she was like a princess [ __ ] I like that name I like Kate medicon I think she's awesome her hair is awesome and Kate you did some you did some great on Saturday Night Live your Justin Bieber your Justin Bieber is spooky accurate that that isible thank you so much did you you've done it in front of him haven't you I have not you haven't I have not breached oh wall yet um I met him before cuz he hosted SNL once and then uh that was before I started doing impression of him but I was so struck by how this was before he got really beefy for those Calvin kleinet and now he looks like you know a big beef okay but um he was really he was very delicate and a very tender beautiful just such a beautiful face and such a big big hat such big clothes and just the most beautiful and I I am a huge fan of his and I love it now you have a special way of you have a special way of preparing the face haven't you yes um yes you you want to look as though you've done something wrong but like it's that is very good my friends with with uh the Obamas you were at the famous last kind of white house party I was there it was scary it was sad it was Da I remember I um I just remember like hanging out and like first of all every black person was there like Jay-Z Beyonce Oprah it's like I died and went to Black Heaven I remember at one point of the night I was like with Michelle Obama and she was like kind of sad and she's like I don't know what we're going to do I don't know what's going to happen and I was like you'll be all right you'll all you'll be you know Housewives of Atlanta you know something you you'll get on something and you will be fine and she looks at me and she goes I was talking about the country I've never felt so stupid in my life when you go with all your jokes you hope that there's obviously there's different references that they won't get and some things are very British Centric and I didn't know that if they knew I have a joke about um well it involves the words Hanky Panky what is it I can't do the whole joke wi because it's on my new TV show I'm doing one of our songs from our album oh okay I like the fact you checked me whether Hanky Panky was all right nice yeah you just you just yeah you looked at me and said Han it's because the Hanky Panky so I might be offended but what if the joke isn't funny on the the joke do you want me to do the joke it's just a silly joke it's a joke about words that come with another word so there's like chitchat or chap so what's the difference between chat and chitchat why people say do you don't have a chat or we just had a chat we had a bit of chitchat but it's pretty much the same thing the difference of course is chit but people never have a chit they never go would you like a chit no I don't have time for a chat could we have a little chit or I could probably have a chit chat so I was gathered all these words up like um like willy-nilly nitty-gritty you get to the nitty you do sometimes get to the gritty not the nitty hurly Bly dilly d wishy-washy aiy Daddy and hodg podge but my favorite is Hanky Panky because well everybody hopes I can only speak as a man but men tend to hope for Hanky Panky on a daily basis but often we must make do with [Laughter] [Applause] hanky sometimes uh we get to the end of the day and uh it looks like Panky on the cards I didn't think Panky was was happening today and we're like I'm not sure I can do Panky cuz I went hanky early doors but if you can refrain from hanky there's a good chance of rampy pumpy I didn't know whether they had the phrase Hanky Panky in Australia so I said to my tour manager who is the sweetest smallest multi man he's a tiny sweet maltier maler with a bald head so like you've eaten the top of and I said uh he name grats you I said grats can you go and find out if if they know the phrase Hanky Panky here because I don't want to do this joke and everyone just STS at me so he went over to the largest Australian Security man I've ever seen he's just standing like that and he just went excuse me are you familiar with the phrase Hanky Panky and he was just like you better get away from me sir oh I like I think that yeah that's a great joke were they familiar with it yes it went very well tell me about the fact okay it's not it's not it's not funny but I'm I'm interested in what your opinion is because you can be underwhelmed you can be overwhelmed right but you're never justed are you about this two days not you me I talk about this two days ago well you're right like you can be disheveled but never shoveled well ruthless but not you never say go he's got a lot of Ruth right this is a good point good point wow I feel like other words they always go with like like torrential will always go with rain people T not to say my favorite is a Kimbo you can only have legsim can you have arms a kimim just legs Ando I think Have You Seen Her Dance I'm you're right the welmed this is a good thought if I ever went solo that would be my name welmed no legs are Kim you have a lovely way of using social media as a tribute to your partner Jane yeah I I just yeah I like you're in the bath faces that you do I do in the bath faces but then I also get pictures where if we're out or something I I I sort of like lag behind and get janed by a out with no AR and I take a picture of her and I tweet Jane with all her friends yeah so like imagine so so I don't know how funny Jane finds these but they are funny so here here's one you treated of Jane Jane thought she'd made a new friend but it was just a shadow is the next one this this is exactly what you describing Jane thinking about making new friends oh Jane look at those crows but does she not know you're doing it does she not think where is he where is he she sees the tweet this this one is uh Jane is looking so happy because her new friend hasn't walked away yet then and then like does she ever when you're when she's posing for one of these pictures does she go is this one of those pictures where you're going to make me look like I have no no no I'm I'm I'm so convinced but also there had to be there had been a few words at home after you posted this one just found this photo of Jane when she was [Laughter] little there had to be a gift you must have given her a gift after that yeah well there you go that's what being in a relationship for 30 years does is it true and this seems unlikely that you own a single piece of every bit of memorabilia that they produced for Lord of the Rings oh well that's half true so I've got a few things from the actual film so I have the ring I have sting I have a map from um Bilbo's study or the living room in Bag End and I just recently because I I went back and did the final bit on the Hobbit um and they gave me the book that Bilbo writes in he writes The Hobbit there in Mack again a hobbit's tale and then I finish it as Lord of the Rings they gave me that red volume which is yeah W my last day in hobbiton it was pretty magical I know it amazing this is this is all a real so listen it's a re it's a real place they've actually no it's not that his dream don't you screw up his dreams his feet are big too let him dream we've actually built it um they we built it for for Lord of the Rings we took all of the the facades away and then it's since been a tourist attraction and now it's been rebuilt for The Hobbit but with sustainable materials with real woods so it'll always be there wow so from now on you'll actually get to see hobbiton and visit it as a real place and well can you would you be able to stay there but they are turning the green dragon Pub into visitor that be wonderful people coming in where's my bedroom this way sir here's the jacuzzi yes there we go let's get it going [Applause] bbby that would be wonderful sure people go yes we're going to hobbiton for Christmas I turned I turned 19 when we first went to hobbiton and I'm I was talking to Pete when we were there on my last day I said you realize that I had my 19th birthday Inon yeah not wild wild put things into perspective not many people can say that I had my birthday party in h i was circumcised at Disneyland what happened no one could have known that it was going to take off and be become a real place yeah stop it like a real place it's a whole tourist industry based on that good luck getting into the New Zealand [ __ ] should they show this oh look it's him it's grae Norton come on grae good luck on you he's The Hobbit denier he doesn't believe in Hobbit bastard this is based on your life I mean this is things yeah I mean Loosely gram no but things like isn't the washing machine that happened to you what the the washing you were very hung over oh yeah come tell Jody Foster that story all that stories are really cool though gra when I was teaching which is what this show is based on I I went home one weekend and I was in my 30s I was probably 33 years of age I went home to see my U mother and then I went back and while I was at home my mother did my washing for me cuz I was only 33 then I went back and on the on the Sunday night I got really drunk uh and then I I went for a curry and then the next day I went into school I'm going to I went into school and it was a school in slow and it was quite a rough school but they had a really brilliant hearing impaired department so they were hearing impaired kids who uh you know struggle they were they were really looked after in the school anyway I was really hung over I went there and about break time I felt really uncomfortable I thought something's not right you know so I went to the toilet and I pulled my trousers down and and some of my mother's knickers had got had got mixed up in the wash she done and I was wearing my mother's under and I went oh god oh no oh I remember going oh you loser this is such a low point you [ __ ] loser and then and then the curry and the booze the curry and the booze kicked in from the night before so I I I did like a feal Jackson poock and I started I started going oh God not this not this as well oh Jesus so I clean myself up and I pulled my mother's pants back up and I went back into the um classroom and I saw one of the hearing impaired kids just looking at me like this and that's when I remembered that my I had a microphone directly I think a lot of parents would you know encourage their their children to kind of high aspirations but like you told your mom when I was a kid before I wanted to be a comedian myam dream was to be the president of the United States it's the only real job I ever wanted okay only time I wanted an office I wanted to be the president of the United States I told my mother and she's like you better not you'll get shot and uh from then on I never tried to be good in school at all I can't be president what what's the point evidently Obama's mother did not say that she had a different message and as a comic obviously like George Bush is like a gift to TW worldwide so what's it like now look at he's the gift that keeps giving and you know he's got something to do with this oil spill right I know he's not the president but he's watch when we really get under all of this we're going to find JB initials on a cuff link down there he was the one working the rig the night all the red lights are going out I don't understand man can you do jokes about Obama it's weird cuz he's just so damn cool it's not it's not people go you can't tell jokes cuz he's black no no no no he's just too cool it's like doing jokes about Brad Pit what can you say about Brad Pit ah yeah ha your wife is hot weird things about aging that I didn't realize it's very hard if you were attractive you know what I'm say you guys don't have to worry but you you are going to have to worry I have I have friends I'm not going to name names Goldy Han I have not they can't take getting older you know and she'll say would you believe I have a grownup daughter and you're going to go yes no question it's very hard for a woman to get older yeah and older men cuz I always faked orgasm and now these old guys you know if you're moan and groan in the wrong ear they don't hear it it's such a [Applause] waste so it's hard Melissa my daughter are you single yeah we'll talk my she just broke up with the porn king of America I he owns Vivid oh no we went we went to the porn WS the red they have a red carpet I'm not lying to you on the porn Awards a it's shaved but it's a a sofa full of hosts cuz uh Mr Crystal was it nine times you've hosted the Oscars I've been accused of that i' I've read where as you travel the world kind of that's what you recognize even more than the movies you've been in a lot of times yeah they'll call me Oscar they actually will call mear to stand like this cuz you you've done it once once yeah but can you enjoy it or is the whole evening just spending oh my God you know the worst thing about I don't know if you found this when I went for my first production meeting uh they said great H were very excited and they they gave me a one sheet page to talk about the show it had Sigma one Hugh Jackman opening 7/8 minutes question mark commercial break one segment two I'm like okay can we just stop there for a second what do I do and that's 7 eight minutes don't worry it's up to you and I was like okay I'm not you know I'm not Billy Crystal right that's what and uh when I sort of sorted out the first seven eight minutes then I kind of enjoyed it and it's it's it's daunting when you walk out and you see this is a great audience but imagine that it's all gigantic movie stars with big heads right course they all have big heads they Merl Street gigantic head Jack Nicholson all head they they were all everyone's got huge hands they do but I have to say you are on the couch with kind of nerd Central um what well now no I'm not no Tina you've talked about but you you do a lot of material about growing up a nerd but you really were a nerd yeah no I really was we've got photographic evidence there you go this will prove it w how I say that haircut was done by folding my face in half worst Che out of all time the guy from spinal tap who did it my mom used to take me to a hair cutting school cuz you could get like a literally a $2 haircut and yeah that you're the guinea pig and the sign outside the school said London Paris Upper Darby and and you've talked you've talked about your late blossoming your sort of sexual Awakening thank you for bringing that up I was wanting to make sure everyone knew I mean yeah I was a late starter uh and yeah for sure I I don't I probably didn't see a penis until I was at least 20 and that was probably a medical journal so to see like a I got a healthy penis well well into my late point no it's not modeled fine oh oh oh oh oh it's still horrible looking but then but you you this is so weird to be talking to some of you did but you did you did Dev you did develop physically quite early again thank you yeah no I I think cuz you must have read this in boss I did I was you know wearing bless my heart that haircut and like a bra I remember my mom taking me to JC and and trying a bra on over my clothes in the middle of J peny and just being like no no mommy no notice like there's no there's no turning back yeaha like 10 at this literally at the same time like 1980 the same time that Kurt was scaring men in the streets of St Louis I was like now smash cut too a JC Penny in Philadelphia no mommy no talking about um Aladdin and and the genie and you must be like animators must just love even in that film what did you do 56 voices as Aladdin the genie was fun to do voices that you'd never hear in a cartoon like Jack Nicholson the idea of him being in a cartoon is like maybe a little wrong for the kitties you it was fun because the first day we did it they just I said you mind if I try something and they went oh fine and then by the end they had 23 hours of material to choose from but and even the the great thing about it was to even make fun of Disney's own marketing stuff like the idea of them selling everything and that was the first time they even made fun of themselves which was kind of great and did you feel like Disney were interfering or they just let you go oh I think they let me go because after a while they realized this certainly works well maybe and it was and then after that it was like this kind of tradition of hiring comedians to be in in cartoons which is great because they come and they riff like crazy and the great thing is when I see you give them a voice and then they draw it and then the animators go from what you gave them and go even further which is wonderful and can you look at a cartoon and come up with a voice well like with Happy Feet I I got to be like I played two different characters initially three but then there were that the one voice sounded too familiar but when I got to play an Argentinian penguin is to play The Little machismo Penguin you know the the guys the Argentinian guys are going what do you do you know you want it what are you looking at do you know you want it look at it don't be afraid of the flippers I love you I brought you some Pebbles there some bling baby you want some bling you know you do yes you hot and you know I got a beak that'll make you feel so good and then you had like all the crazier ones you know now I talking to Penguins we like penguins Everyone likes Penguins H there was a story this week did you see it about a penguin in a wildlife center in toque right this a little penguin right it was rejected by its mother right which is very sad I well done oh look at you oh don't cry so J about mother so what you do with a lonely little baby penguin you buy it a friend now I can't but help feel they could have spent longer in the shop yeah then you the Penguins going thanks a lot that's my friend he doesn't do anything he's been dead for two years no but the amazing thing is it did work it it worked the little baby penguin was doing really really well till it choked to death in a big Google eye um cuz they're quite do you remember the part when they actually the Norwegian I think the Norwegian U ornithologist found out that about gay penguins and they had two gay Penguins who lived in the New York zoo and they were cohabitating for years and they just by the fact that they just kept bringing each other bling like I made this for you really really gay Penguins yeah they gave know that really gay penguin not this gay penguin I'm swimming who's got fish I got fish oh God h [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 47,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, british talk show, funny celebrity moments, celebrity interviews, best celeb moments, robin williams, joan rivers, chris rock, kevin hart, lee mack, ricky gervais, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon, tina fey, greg davies
Id: FuwxIzQgnXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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