Can we Ever BEAT this One HUGE Demand in Cities Skylines???

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so with the realistic population two mods can we ever reach the huge demand that we have for residential look at that not enough workers in those shops over there not enough workers and those shops up there not enough workers in all of these businesses over here can we do it we have a huge demand but as we know with the realistic population 2 mod it can make things very difficult so that is what we're going to dive in today welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in blighty on the world and before we dive into that little test we've got a few little suggestions from you lovely people to make what we built in the last episode and the rest of our city even better so let's take a look at those first so here we are in the transit hub that we built in the last episode that doesn't have a name yet we've had a couple of name suggestions that came in and the one that caught my eye was from payday to player and he listed quite a few different names and we are going to take a couple of his suggestions and go with upper t hampton i'm going to put hub at the end i might put a different word in there but upper t hampton for sure i really like that one there we go we'll just turn that off excellent because it's on a hill t hampton an upper yeah all goes really well i like that thank you and then a suggestion was made for people to cross over here so at the moment uh they're having to walk down to this junction yeah not quite sure where they're going to cross over after that whether they walk all the way around or what they do but anyway we could do with a crossing over here so the buses go in there they come out there maybe right in the middle here would be good so let's just see if we have any nodes along here we have this node so i'm going to grab that hold alt that's with the movement mod i'm going to just move that a little bit closer to the central section here then we'll take our node controller mod select that and change it to crossing there we go so we will get the crossing through there i am going to add a traffic light so we're then going to go into traffic manager mods uh this button here toggle traffic lights and pop a traffic light on there excellent look at that and it's added in let's just zoom in a little bit more added in some sort of walk-in things protection i can't even think what they would be called we've got the lights we've got the works everything we need there to get this set up and work in let's just wait and see when some people cross over and see how this works with the minute the lights are still green oh there we go somebody's used it yeah that's fine not many people want to cross here apparently everybody's quite happy to walk around but yeah there we go so that is in use also we have this stop down here which has got a load of different stops on it and to be honest just looking at it i'm thinking it's holding up the traffic they're trying to stick to the bus lanes and it's just getting into a bit of a mess why have we even got these here because they're stopped right over there on the other side of the road so it just seems completely pointless to have those i'm just gonna do a very quick test to make sure we have got a stop yeah literally a stop right there for the purple one so we don't need that for the yellow one yeah stop right there we don't need that for the lime green one yep stop right there we don't need that and for the orange one stop right there we don't need that so now i bet we're gonna get a ton of people crossing over the road that want to go and use the bus station and there they go excellent so i think now more people are going to definitely use this crossing because they're going to come from the train station you can see at the back there and cross over so i just want to give this a little test to make sure it's not going to cause a big issue i think we're going to be okay yeah all working fine excellent so the other suggestion was to do with this train line that we've got down here obviously this is a great big slope that comes up and it was nice to see a lot of comments saying yes you know what that is quite realistic in my area of the uk we've got slopes you know that's how they used to be all set up when trains were pulled by horses and all that sort of thing that's nice because quite often i do something and i'll get 47 000 people that live in somewhere that's not the uk say that's not very british you can't do that i don't know why they sound like they're possibly from yorkshire but anyway uh what the comment was to do was to slightly change how i've got this set up because it comes down to here then it sort of dips down and goes back up again was instead to use this tool that we like to use so often um in here and this one here so this is the set slope mode and to take a slope all the way from here all the way up to here it's probably going to make me want to select um oh it won't go that far really do i have to do one there and then can i carry on i can then i'll have to select the one in the junction and then all the way to there and just do one great big height adjustment i'm going to press enter and it will do it immediately there we go which means that is super super high but that is now level with this over here there we go it's sort of come down a little bit there and go back up again we'll worry about this actually i can do my right click to deselect hold on hold on i'm going to go from there to there and that will lift up as well it's all the same height and then to turn it into a viaduct i think is the correct term for this wikipedia to the rescue a viaduct is a specific type of bridge that consists of a series of arches piers or columns supporting a long elevated railway or road excellent so that is what i want to do so what have we got that we could use in here that's going to make this look really cool well we've got two choices in our content creator packs we have the european rail bridge but then we've got the high speed rail viaduct which might be quite good but let's just take a look at the european rail bridge first of all we'll put that on bridge section and then we'll start maybe upgrading oh is that one way it looks like it is one way oh what about this one okay this is two-way so if we do that one yeah then we get in our sort of not really arches but we're getting it as a raised level so let's just do that all the way along here i'm just wondering whether on the workshop there is something that will actually give me more arches along here which i think would look cool but actually i mean this isn't oh it's pretty high isn't it but it's just looking okay it's certainly looking interesting let's just get all the way to the end if i've done the middle bit yeah and then that would go back to flat ground here so if i can change this one nope not that one this one yeah so it just goes back to normal there i think that's okay like that so we sort of left one two three sections back there so one two okay we'll change this one three sections back there so how does that look i mean that looks pretty sleek and modern doesn't it cutting through the countryside here and then of course we can have roads going underneath why not i think that looks pretty spiffing i might check out the workshop if there's something with arches but i'm not going to do it in this episode because that means reloading the whole game again and if you know of anything like what i'm talking about let me know in the comments below don't worry when you put a link in it is automatically hidden but i will see it and i will allow it if it's uh something from the steam workshop so yeah thank you for your suggestions i'm quite liking the look of this i have to say and it saves having that land going right up in the air and we can sort of keep the fields going and we've got like another embankment along here and a slight slope just to get back up onto the main piece of land okay there we go so that was the work on the upper t hampton hub which is going really well um so we're going to move over to our village over here and there was a lot of comments um about getting a cricket ground in here which is fantastic that is a great idea i need to go and check the names that were suggested for this village we do have a qriket pitch we could put in here it was about the only one i found that was any good to be honest it's pretty big and i'm wondering whether we could sort of squeeze it into our park here what actually is this is it a park it is a park it counts as a park excellent let's just turn that off and we can have another look at this there we go oh we can't see it let me just place it down over there there we go so this was about the best one i could find about the right scale and that looks about like something you'd find in a little village so if we could add that to egg buckland park um so what we're going to do is we're going to move our uk fire station here oh that is right by the train station isn't it yeah we don't want that there we want that to have a little bit more space let's pop it there for now [Music] [Music] there we go i think that's okay in there need to do a little bit of work on the land here so let's maybe see if we can do that i'm going to use this one here to add another node in right there then we're going to get the movement mod control h make that the same height as that and then we're going to do i probably don't need to use this tool for this but we're going to do anyway we're going to slope that from there to there and then we're going to slope that from there to there just to sort of lift that up a bit yep and then we'll just do a little bit of work on here there we go that's looking fine that's looking fine let's take a look at that oh that is perfect do you know that actually looks really good doesn't it i like that and then we've got the parking along here is there any parking i can just about see the parking and the fact that it is a park that means they will come and look like they're playing qriket so we've got here the parks pavilion which is good um [Music] trying to think because normally you'd sort of have this maybe you know where they can sit and watch what's going on i'm just thinking if we move that sort of over here you know people could then sit out here couldn't they and watch what's happening with the cricket let's just maneuver this road a little bit there we go that's better that fits in there and then we'll just maneuver this a little bit again there we go excellent yeah that looks good and then we can actually add some more houses into here so this is part of the plan for taking care of our residential demand as well is off camera a little bit i've added some more of these houses in just sort of round this curve here and i'm loving how this little area looks with all the little parts let's just whoa um yeah loving the way the paths all look the parts through here and these parts through here look good as well so i'm gonna grab one two three oh look at that yeah that'll be perfect and pop these in here and then these normally just take the reason i did them off camera is they sort of take a little bit of finagling then to line them up with the road there we go so that's going to add more for taking care of our residential demand which is excellent how many people do these houses hold let's take a look and they will total floor households one yeah that makes sense because they are of course a single dwelling which is good yeah excellent and they're getting up to a nice high level because we've got all the parks let's just have a look at the land value over here the land value is super high they are loving it so what i'm thinking is if we can do a little bit more detail in the park and then get some more houses maybe along here as well would be good so i could probably do that reasonably quickly [Music] [Music] very good very good i'm liking it i'm liking it so i was just going to add some decorations some trees along here and i just wanted to show you what i've done with the forest brush i did a quick google for trees you know most likely to find in the uk and i've set up a new uk trees brush um i don't think there's a way of only showing the ones that we've got selected but we've got orders let me just scroll through here and you can see we've got different sizes of order we've got ash tree uh beech tree i've got a few bushes in there just as a bit of filler around the base of the trees we have some hazel trees and bushes also horse chestnuts plenty of those around here some oak as a hornbeam and i've got all of these set on 100 at the moment so i'll probably do a little bit of adjustment on that as we go along a rowan uh some white willow i took out the weeping willow they looked a bit too big and then i think we've got that's about it there's you as well but i don't like that tree particularly and i've tried to avoid using the ones that come with the vanilla game and go more for the ones that um are from the workshop so i'm just going to come along here and remove all of these trees that are sort of around the village here and we're going to see what we can put together i might just leave those ones down there with this pack and see the difference it makes with this brush i should say so actually if i leave these ones this side we'll get more of an idea won't we have how it's gonna look [Music] there we go so this would have been the old brush the sort of vanilla trees that come with the game this is the new brush just sort of what just sort of thrown down to see what they look like i'm liking them actually i prefer the colors to these and i think they fit in really well with the theme of the village don't they excellent excellent excellent would you like to live around here watching the old qriket match going ahead i think that would just be great and there we go i've adjusted that path down so there's no longer any clipping there excellent right so we need a big boost in our population these little houses here haven't given us that much of a boost i mean they've got one household each i'm assuming people are starting to move in single adults most of them there we go got a couple in that one we've got a load of people turning up from the train station to come over here fantastic so let's head back over into the main part of the city uh after i've just moved this over so hopefully you can get a bit of access to some electricity there we go so back over into the main part of the city we really need to get some population in and i'm thinking we could do with some blocks of flats in another area just to really give us a bit of a boost i'm looking over here somewhere yes taking an overlook of blighty on the world as it is at the moment i'm thinking we could probably just sort of spread out a couple of blocks of flats in a couple of places rather than going for a big build like that and there's this little spot here so you know this area is already all built up we've got like the shops here the way we've got a little complex here for police fire uh cemetery and all of that and got these little two spots here and i think along a sort of high street like this that wouldn't be unreasonable to have something like that what have we got there just a little neighborhood shop okay that's fine so in here we've got these which are the uk tower blocks which are different from these great big ones that we had over here i'm not quite sure how many people would fit in these but i reckon if we just sort of plopped in like four like that that would be quite reasonable for an area like this and the these look these look very familiar as uk blocks are flat i have seen these sort of things all over the place so let's just come out of that view and take a look so what is that 84 households do you know what that is pretty good because these i believe were 64 68 so 84 households suddenly we've added whatever 84 times 4 is 320 whatever so yeah that's fantastic so any minute now we're gonna have a huge traffic problem as all these people move in uh what i would like to do if i grab that path there is just one a path through here and i'm gonna do the same over here i feel like these need to maybe move a little bit closer just to sort of make use of that area is that halfway down that road probably isn't is it um do you know what i'll leave that there because we've got the we've got the crossing there so that's fine excellent and then we could just pop a couple of little trees in here just to decorate this uh nicely nothing too complicated [Music] there we go i think that'll be okay so that'll give us a very big boost and i'm interested to see what it looks like when the traffic comes in and then also what i'm thinking is is if we come over here so obviously this is a modded city build and i would like to expand this and i would like to expand this section here as well and i'd like to see how far we can get using the move it mod um to select an area like this and repeat it round here so what we need to first do is just get rid of some of these little props that we've left down here this is when we were checking things out before we did our there we go our build area excellent and you too be gone very good so croydon gardens is going to expand i've got this little area marked here for show homes which i will do but that's not going to be today but i'm going to just sort of put that along here like this and then it's going to connect up to that road so this is gonna be a little show home area we're gonna just there we go croydon gardens your time has come you are gonna expand at least out to here because the idea was to build around this park wasn't it um and at the moment if i just remember correctly we've got all the squares we can get so we need to make use of the space we have [Music] let's just pause the game actually we don't need to do that and i want to do this but i want to grab all of that all of this like so but without grabbing like any of these like that node i don't need that node i don't need this road whoops and those nodes i don't need i don't mind all the trees uh what i don't want is like that that that or that i don't want the car parks and i don't want the fences okay we'll take this road here even though it hasn't been upgraded on this one that's fine because we can change it i'll take those don't want these do you know what actually that wasn't as bad as i thought it could be so we've got like these you know there's going to be some things we need to change but let's copy that cue game freezing oh no it did it fine so i mean we could literally mirror that here i'm going to put on snapping so when we get to the road it snaps or we could just try and sort of be a little bit clever and we're going to get like high issues and all sorts aren't we done it is there a way if i do this to then get this to automatically go to the correct height i've asked this question before and we've never sort of got there got the answer to that but so if we sort of did something like this there we go all right not too bad it's it's actually looks like it's put it down flat on the ground ah nice excellent yeah you're gonna complain about water worry about that in a moment so then we just need a little bit of a change along here okay so that's hooked up uh then i'm thinking we want this road to sort of connect background into here as well which means losing yeah we're gonna change this a bit i'm going to actually delete this here we're going to grab this one we'll put our guidelines back on again there we go and we're going to curve this one so i want that one coming in a little bit further down here instead like that so then we can remove that house so at first glance it looks very similar to that but i think once we sort of fill in the difference we've got going on here we'll be okay i'm just wondering whether oh just notice these houses don't line up there do they oh let me just sort that out there we go so they go along the front here which means we've got this extra little spot here um which we could add an additional road in so what i'm doing now is actually a lot quicker so if we bring that up to there this is a heck of a lot quicker than what would have been the case if we go say to there there we go i've actually let's turn that off i've actually put in this all in manually oops there we go and the time we finished with these couple of little changes uh popping through any key oh i know what it's doing that we've got that on so haven't we done it okay that's fine let's grab that there we go excellent so every time we've done these couple of little changes it will actually make this whole thing look reasonably different from this area over here and then what i'm going to hope to do is once i've completed this is copy all of this and do it again and i want to fill this so let me just finish this one here and i'll be back okay there we go let's just speed the game up get all the water flowing so now it's actually been slightly adjusted filled in added some trees it doesn't look like it's an exact copy of this does it i mean it's got a similar idea to it but you know who cares i think that looks good we just need to and it's time saving because i mean individually placing all of these houses um i'm going to leave the there we go we've got dedicated lanes there go on then they'll be jealous if they haven't got dedicated lanes into this one that goes around there people upgrading houses here already which is good let's just close that so we should get what have we got all the demand is going down what's our traffic all 78 exciting are we seeing a ton of people coming into the city again not too bad they could of course use this one over here to get down here and once this is all filled up then yeah we're gonna have to make sure we check out we've got any yeah we've got people moving in people moving in people moving in very quickly excellent start checking out our schools and stuff like that to make sure that we're doing okay all right so now i'm gonna try and grab all of this and we're gonna put it over here this is going to start getting tricky i'm sure so we'll do this one we'll right click make sure we haven't grabbed anything else and i am going to have to sort of go like this and get as much as i can without overlapping and then we'll have to sort of add these other ones in and of course if you don't know if you want to then add some more things you can then hold shift which is what i'm doing now um to pick up oh darn it don't actually click on the thing that you've got selected has it all gone back it has yeah so hold shift and go like that oh and control z also un undoes undo undid you know what i mean right we've got all of that uh let's copy it there we go excellent and i want that it's going to be a bit of work again but i'm what i'm doing is looking at the house where it butts up over here getting that one as close as possible if i hold alt yeah that will make it snap which is what i want that is probably as good as it's gonna get let's left click let them all think about it press escape to come out of that oh and now yeah you see it's put it in at the same height as that which is fine but the further we get the more into the hill we are so i think we are gonna have to push this hill back but the next one is gonna be up here so i'm not entirely sure how i'm gonna do that but let me concentrate on sorting this one out the same as i did that one [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're nearly done i've just added in one more little road here as soon as you sort of bring these houses forward because it was these ones and they were further back i've then added in this extra little road here so i'm just lining up these last few okay that'll do and then we can sort of fill in any gaps with our new sort of tree brush that we've got and i think that is looking let's unpause the game that is looking good now we've got some complaints about land value as we said that was pretty much expected if we have a look at our land value so down here is pretty good and it's going to get worse as we go along because we have no schools we have no services we have no nothing along here that's the traffic i'm desperate for a huge conga line of people to come in now something i did want to ask you is when we get to the university which style of university do you think would be good for a british style city of course we've got the trade school style buildings that we have you can see on the picture there we will unlock the liberal arts and of course the normal university campus so let me know in the comments below and where should that go i'm sort of thinking maybe along the back here with these houses all around it would possibly be quite a good spot we shall see we shall see so let's see if we can increase the land value down here we just plop a park in like this um to sort of help so that's a large playground and i think there's no reason at all why we can't at the end of each of these roads add another large playground like that and then what we could do is we'll zoom in here and grab that is we could connect these up there we go where's this one gonna go do i want to connect up to the back of there no so we leave it like that then this sort of front area can all be park like stuff along there yeah why not i think that'll be good let's have a quick look yeah tiny increase in land value and then definitely the schools around here are gonna need improving so let's just have a look so the nearest elementary schools all the way over here what have we got 287 out of 410 that's actually not too shabby uh what about the nearest high school we've got two 473 out of five yes we've got a bit of space and as you said we don't have a university or public library um but i do think we could do with some schools over here so i'm thinking this little piece of land it's a nice distance from over here but just maybe some of the little preschool type things um let's grab this road so i'm looking at these toronto elementary schools that we've got and i want one that's not too big what's the capacity on that one 148 i think that'll probably be okay and that would nicely sort of come off the side street there that's going to please people a little bit excellent and then if we drop in here a nice high school as well again we've got these toronto style high schools one isn't two isn't too big oh wow some of these are that one looks quite interesting doesn't it maybe we'll just go for that somewhere else a bit later i like this one here so we're going to go for that one and i want to get this as close as possible to the school so what i'm going to do is bring that road over there and then we're going to plop it right on there happiness increases now i think when we copied all these houses over that they actually bought over there they're level did they or do they not i'll tell there's an easy way to test that this one here so we'll get the move it mod that one there copy it i'm using control c like you would on a windows computer pop that down and come out and move it mod yes it does so whereas these ones have upgraded over time these have just instantly taken their level from uh yeah the ones that we had before i would just like to level all this out so let's just grab all of that to that yeah there we go and then we'll do a bit of you know what with the old smoothie smoothie tool that is not what i want to do i don't know what's going normally smoothing like this does not lag that much i don't know quite what's going on there i'm looking at my memory and cpu usage and it's all perfectly fine so i don't know i don't know i do want to put some parking in here i think we'll just take some sort of pre-built something like this with the tree would look quite good we can fit a couple of those in there then can i squeeze one in there that's gonna overlap isn't it actually that looks like it fits in there well so i'm gonna leave that one it's like parking all the way around the front and then i'm thinking some sort of school related paraphernalia over here would not go and miss [Music] well of course we've got all of our health care and things like that which we don't have in this area um so let's just double check where the nearest health care center all the way over there all the way up there near his death care long way away name is child care and nearest elder care oh they are just all over the place aren't they so maybe we could squeeze a couple of these little things in as well sports horn gymnasium yeah that's going to come over here i think [Music] [Music] okay that'll do the little complex there we will add to that as time goes on but i'm just going to pause this before a load of things disappear we definitely want to add in some health services and things like that so a uk medical practice um just sort of on the outskirts here would be good now when people come in and build houses in the states like this it's my understanding they generally would have to leave some space for these sort of services um so could we sort of fit that in the middle there which will be good that's going to make everybody very happy and then we've got some death care as well so we've got the crematorium the body collection how big are these so we could just pop this sort of behind by the park here that'll be fine and then we've got the elder care and the child care so actually that could go there the elder care is quite big that could go where's the last one so that covers up to here so somewhere here would cover the whole thing which is where this one is so let's move the child health care center so that one there covers most of that so we need this one sort of up over here i'm gonna have it opposite that road there and then we're gonna have the elder care right in here and it just means you probably need to maneuver some of these park paths around a bit but i think that's going to help [Music] there we go while i'm just adding all these trees along here i thought why not just make this whole front section a park and then as that um increases in level that is only going to help the whole area anyway [Music] [Music] okay i think this park is looking rather nifty all the way along here and it's nicely sort of fitting in with all the other items that we've added in along here that we need for this area i'm liking that out of the few trees as well it's got a few little gazebos and things dotted around and we can maybe increase that depending on what we build over here let's take a look at the land value and see what is going on if we come out of that view and go into here excellent look at that the land value for this half has increased sort of up to around about here which is perfectly fine it's just these guys and girls at the back here that need a little push but we're probably going to end up with some sort of i'm just thinking some sort of complex in the middle here um let's just take that park area and just pop that down here maybe just even just do a little something something like that hardwick country park okay and then i'm gonna yep get rid of you and if i just put in that's too big isn't it if i just put in one of these like that see that already has cheered people up um how far did that go that went all the way over here so let's have another entrance in here i want this one all the way down to there and this will need to be the side gate um park side gates nope what's going on i'm in the park zone oh this one created its own zone doesn't it darn you okay we'll do that again delete delete delete come on now what's the what's the hidden place i keep getting it and then come on it's like right here there it is i got it we'll have one there and then i reckon we could sort of continue that on and have it coming over here as well oh it hasn't got a main oh man needs a main gate first there we go then we can pop in the side gate one there and then one over there excellent [Music] there we go a couple of gazebos a gazebo i could take correctly a play park and we're going to ignore that land over there we are going to work on that what's going on here time is running backwards that's why it's getting so dark let's look at the land value already better look look i reckon if we just give that a few minutes what are we up to oh nearly up to fourteen thousand let's just run the game a little bit quicker and oh also say quicksilver t there we go so all of these signs should disappear reasonably quickly which would be very handy what is the traffic at 83 i'm surprised that this isn't going up quicker and let's have a look household one yes they're all going to be set to what they should be look people are upgrading already they're levels which is great do i have all the districts set up i want this one here nope not quite let me just do that yeah and eventually that is going to take in all of this part at this park at the this part at the back here with the park in the middle is what i'm trying to say this is croydon gardens do we already have a croydon gardens we don't do we want to have a new name for that i quite like the croydon gardens we're gonna we're gonna keep that we're gonna take the croydon from there and we're gonna come over here and this is going to be uh the croydon sports hall and gymnasium don't forget to press enter this is going to be croydon high school don't need the 13 thank you very much and this is going to be croydon hills elementary elementary there we go excellent so they'll be happy with that i'm not going to rename all of these down here okay i was going to let this to run for a bit and i want to see what we're going to get let's have a quick look over here yeah you know i think people have been coming in in small numbers and it's a testament to our road setup as well i haven't accidentally got road despawning on other no i haven't that's good so it's a testament to our setup as well that people can move in look at that these are getting filled and we still have needs we still have needs all right i'll be back with you look they're already going look there's oh no you've got to zoom in a bit there's more i'll leave this one in let's see what happens oh you know what i haven't even considered of course is our transit around here and we've got this one orange bus line that takes in all of this area and takes people to where they want to go and then comes all the way over here to the upper t hampton hub i think we need to add in a new one to take in our new area what i'm going to do is just change up the color on that so it doesn't get confusing let's just change up the color on that one as well yeah that's fine so we're going to create a new line from here do i want it just to come down here take these people backwards and forwards to the hub upper t hampton hub or do i want them to be able to get to the wave retail park and this area down here which would make more sense to me i mean the school is going to end up getting taken in by the bus anyway and then we've got the school over here i'm just thinking the retail park is really where they're going to want to get to for their shopping i've got so many buses in here um oh it's the blue line isn't it that darn it i changed the yellow ones thinking yellow is default and it's the blue one there we go you can be that color and we've got the train station here of course i think we are going to come via the wave and we are gonna let's just see stop it if it comes in there and then it can come straight down the main road and we can stop it where we've got a couple of others is that a bus there no we've got this one up here so there's a load of commercial shops here then it can come straight down the main road here and this is where it can um do i want to go in and out and in and out i think i do you know i'm gonna go there oh there oh that's weird look it won't let me add a stop up there oh what is going on something's going on with my nodes here look they're all stopping here these are all the people moving in and they're not connecting that is really weird um so we've got nodes i'm just checking we've got no odd node those two nodes are quite close so that might be it i'm going to remove that node there and that node there and this one's got two nodes really close as well and oh wish the game would stop jumping it's driving me insane let's just see whether those cars get moving and work it out they're going really slow but they've got it yeah okay so hopefully then i can if i drag that back to where it was can i get that one is that gonna let me add another bus route now no okay something's going wrong here i need to redraw this road yeah there we go it's all fixed just doing a test i had to replace all of this road up here as well because i couldn't get up there but now i can so i mean this this main road was placed ages ago i'm just doing some tests to make sure we can get up here i think we're okay that side of the road i think that's yeah cool because i'm on the wrong side of the road yeah so it looks okay let me just set up this bus route and i'll show you what i've done that'll be easier so i've never seen this before i can have my bus line come down this road but when i try and come from this stop and go up the road it's not letting me which is really really weird so i can't bring that anywhere up over here that is very strange i think i need to run like a broken no detector or something like that very strange okay not entirely sure what happened i actually restarted the game and ran the broken nose detector and all the roads were fine so i am not gonna complain about that so this is croydon to oh you can see it's the blue line so it comes out of upper t hampton it stops here in the wave it then stops over here as well we've got a few other stops that come in so if they want to then walk over the football stage and they can then it goes in and out of croydon gardens and then just goes back again so that is croydon to upper t hampton oh so we can now uh so if we go upper t hampton we're going to do it like that to don i think it is uh yeah actually i don't want to copy that bit i want to copy this bit and now i'm going to leave all the others there we go yeah i'm not going to change all of them it's fine that's fine we'll go down here and then what we're gonna have eight vehicles that's fine we're gonna make these double decker buses as well could i just love the double decker buses we're gonna have these all over the place and then they are probably already heading out on our line uh i'll tell you what let's find one on our line this one here there's one vehicle on the line people already queuing up there we go he's coming out of the bus station that is exactly what i thought was going to be happening let's follow this chap through our city and enjoy the view [Music] where is he go where where is he going he's like left he's now coming back to go to the bus station i'll have to look into that to find out why but i'm guessing there's already some people waiting here there is which is great oh look at all these double decker buses okay let's he's now gonna go down here to turn around by the taxi rank which is fine we set that up to be able to do that so that's no problem [Music] [Music] well while these buses are taking their trips around here picking up all the peeps i just want to have a quick look and see how things are going over here still a few complaints over the back so some of these are at level five yeah so that was probably if we look at where we copied these bits from these were probably i'll tell you what i've done along there is i've copied it from here one of these is level five because they're really happy and then i've used the move it mod and just copy paste it copy pasted all the way along there so they're complaining we're up to fourteen thousand five hundred man alive we need a lot more don't we let's just look at the final land value of this area not too shabby let's just take a look at how the buses are going on that new line this one here yeah lots of people queueing there is there is there is excellent that is what we want to see so wow still more room for expansion that is what we expect isn't it in blighty on the wall thank you very much for watching don't forget to get your suggestions in the comments for the names and different things for our new area and subscribe if you're new we're on the road to one million now not long to go only just about four hundred thousand thank you for your support i will see you all soon take care bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 190,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines mods, Cities Skylines, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines british theme, cities skylines uk theme, cities skylines realistic population, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines how to, cities skylines british motorway, cities skylines uk road project, cities skylines british city, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines how to fix traffic, transit hub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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