The Best Frozen Items To Buy at Costco! | Healthy and Low Carb Foods For Weight Loss

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hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm Meyer from low carb love now most of you know I've lost over 100 pounds So today we're going to Costco I'm going to walk you through the frozen food aisle and show you some of the top frozen foods that have helped me throughout my weight loss Journey so before we go I'm going to make a quick coffee I usually stop at sarby's but guys I am so tired of spending almost seven dollars on a cup of coffee so I found these um coffee capsules online they're from cometeer so bomb you can make lattes mochas iced coffee I mean literally the possibilities are endless it's also super convenient because it's delivered straight to your door so I make mine super simple I just add my eyes a little unsweetened almond milk the coffee capsule and then of course a little sweetener The Taste is literally so much better than Starbucks like the actual taste like you can taste the quality of it and on top of that you save so much money I'm telling you if you're a coffee lover just like me busy mom just always on the go if you want the convenience and to save money I'm telling you right now you are going to be obsessed with this coffee I'll leave it linked in the description below for you you can use my discount code which is low carb it'll get you 20 off on your first two months plus free shipping I'm telling you it's just like a whole experience in a cup so if you want it go get it you're gonna love it let's head out to Costco and go walk that frozen food aisle [Music] all right guys so we're in the frozen food section the first thing we're starting off with is one of my favorites ever guys These Wings right here let me tell you they are on another level on the in the air fryer they come out super crispy I feel like they're a really good price in comparison to like Buffalo Wild Wings that you guys know if you follow me on IG then you know that I go there quite a bit um at 1869 for a four pound bag that is a steal because at Buffalo Wild Wings you get like 10 wings for like 16 or something like that but um this tastes really good it is low in carbs it has four carbs for about three ounces of edible meat so you know I think that that's really good four carbs for like per serving and it also comes with a buffalo sauce I don't use the sauce I use my sauce from like Primal or whatever that's clean because these Wings do contain like melted dextrin but guys I'm telling you if you're okay with having malteduction once in a while these are definitely worth it all right guys now I'm a big chicken person like I I love chicken breasts chicken thighs and chicken tenders like The Tenderloins so they have a great selection here in the frozen food section these are about 18 for six pounds I feel like it is super convenient because you just keep these in your freezer you don't have to worry about them going bad they're flash frozen so you can literally go from the fruit from a bag from it being completely Frozen right onto the stove and cook it like you don't have to let it defrost I feel like it's super convenient and it's a great price so we have the tenders there's also chicken breast which is great for so many dishes the thing about chicken breasts is that it's super lean so it's lower in calories lower in fats so if you want something a little more fatty then you definitely want to go with the thighs but overall it's just a great selection of chicken that they have in the frozen food aisle now I've never actually tried their burgers here at Costco let me know if you have because I see that they have like Angus beef they have like a like just a whole selection of like even grass-fed Burgers I haven't tried them but what I have tried that I really really like are these little guys here these are their salmon burgers guys they are so good they're nice and juicy you can throw them into like a kind of like a lettuce wrap Burger you can top a salad with them you can literally make so many different things even just cook it and then cut it with like a little dipping sauce on the side I'm telling you they are so good and at 170 calories with 20 grams of protein they are for me personally it's a good amount of protein to the calorie ratio so now this is a great option for breakfast like on those days when you're looking for something super quick you want to get your protein in you want to stay low carb then these here are really delicious I originally tried the little samples when they were sampling them out and I was like I picked up a box that day um they are the spinach egg white frittatas four net carbs 70 calories they are gluten free you know I'm always looking for the gluten free they have four carbs and five grams of protein so I feel like they don't have a like a lot of protein but if you're having two you'd at least have the 10 grams but you know they do have four carbs and only 70 calories so I feel like it's a great little breakfast option but on top of it all they are just delicious so let me know if you guys have tried these if not I think that if you're looking for just like an on the go like I'm Gonna Leave just something super quick these are good and they're low carb all right guys so we're obviously here in the frozen food section and this is not necessarily keto or super low carb but it is a cauliflower crust and it is gluten free guys when I tell you this is so delicious it is the best gluten-free pizza crust I've ever tried I think if you're just looking for a gluten-free pizza just know that this one here is not super low in carbs but it is so delicious I just wanted to show you because we are in the frozen food section and this is one of my favorite things here at Costco all right now these cooked meatballs Guys these are beef meatballs they are so yummy I feel like they're so underrated a lot of people don't talk about them they're not super super clean but it's just such an easy option to make like a quick pasta dish to make like an Italian sub even if it's low carb I'm telling you super flavorful if you have not tried these These are so good and I think they're yeah they're 19 so 20 dollars for six pounds I feel like it's a good option it's just a lot so I think like you'd have to have like a big family in order to actually like pick up a bag this big of Meatballs but they are good all right guys so moving on to the veggies if you know Costco you know that the desserts are right next to the veggies guys I am blown away that they have one of my ultimate favorite desserts here it has to be new because I've never seen it I cannot wait to show you but moving on to the veggies for now because these are super super crucial like vegetables for me I'm like a huge veggie fan not only because they're healthy and all of that but because I genuinely love what they do to my plate like with cauli rice I know a lot of people are kind of against it it's kind of like the little black sheep of the veggies but no guys I'm telling you if you want to do salmon bowls if you want if you love teriyaki bowls like the color the cauliflower will lend as your rice and if you do it right it will be nice and fluffy and it's just so versatile you can also make fried rice with it so if you are I'm telling you if you are looking out for your carbs and you're also just trying to make healthier choices cauliflower rice is your friend okay the stir-fry vegetable blend is so underrated I swear I never see anybody get this this is amazing for Asian inspired meals throw in some teriyaki sauce throw it like a Paleo one of course throw in like all your Asian seasonings a little fish sauce a little Sriracha oh my gosh guys the possibilities are endless but I'm telling you this one here has broccoli snap peas peppers I mean it's like a little bit of everything throw in some shrimp throw in some chicken even some steak a little sauce and you have a super easy stir-fry in minutes I'm telling you veggies can totally diversify your menu and keep it interesting full of flavor nutritious and low in calories and carbs guys I'm telling you it's a win and these little guys right here this is the Normandy vegetables I feel like nobody really likes these These are vegetables that I pick up as soon as I run out I pick up another bag because they can make dinner so much easier you throw these into a little pot a little pot steam them make a make either salmon on the sides a chicken breast on this side a little steak on the side and you have a super easy dinner everything that I'm showing you are things that I have in my freezer that have literally helped me over the years not only because they're nice and filling and obviously nutritious but they're actually delicious guys and of course they have the green beans they have the broccoli florets but the one thing that I'm for sure grabbing when I come is this bag of edamame now I know you're probably like uh for what guys they're such a great snack they're low in carbs low in calories like the bag is probably like the individual bag is like this big it has 140 calories and literally like seven carbs for the whole thing so like you know when you go to like a sushi restaurant and you're having like edamame that's basically the that's exactly what it is just toss it in the microwave I like to drizzle a little um truffle oil and salt bomb I'm telling you it is so good 12.99 and it comes with how many bags 12 bags guys honey perfect snack all right guys before I show you my dessert we're gonna do fruit really quickly you already know that blueberries are low carb we already know that strawberries are low carb but this one here was actually very surprising to me this is kind of like a little smoothie mixture that has um what is it cherries raspberries strawberries the whole shebango oh they're back here pomegranates red raspberries blueberries cherries and strawberries I was very surprised to see that it has nine grams of carbs 9 grams of carbs for three-fourths of a cup so I think that's amazing because think about it if you're having a fruit smoothie all you're going to add in is almond milk the almond milk is low in carbs it's unsweetened and let's say you add in a scoop of protein powder that of course doesn't have carbs or sugar you're literally going to have like a berry smoothie for nine carbs guys I think that is a huge one I compared it to all the other fruits they're like 27 grams of carbs 32 grams of carbs so this one to have nine grams of carbs I'm like yes and what is it 9.89 for three pounds of the berries I was like yes let's do this guys we have come to my love so actually Timothy introduced me to these thank you Timmy back there he introduced me to these guys right here they are the kind Frozen treat bars guys a treat bar is definitely an understatement these are the best ice cream bars I've ever tried dairy free or not low carb or not they are phenomenal like what and I wasn't even going to show them but I was like let me just take a look at the at the nutritional you know the label just to see if they happen to be guys they are nine carbs for these nine carbs I know that sounds like a lot but let me tell you like it is worth every carb like it is it is not keto but it's definitely low in carbs it has 180 calories which for me personally I think it's a little high but I'm telling you they're worth it the 180 the nine carbs if you haven't tried these oh my gosh and at Ralph's you guys know I'm always at Ralph's six bars cost eight dollars here there's 12 12 bars for ten dollars the only thing that scares me is that little guy right there doesn't that mean that they're going to be discontinued why like why but anyway this one here if you have not tried it it is low in carbs delicious don't try them if you don't want to get addicted that's all I'm saying Guys these are so amazing all right guys so that is it for the frozen food section these are my low carb favorite items I hope you really enjoyed this video comment down below and let me know which are your favorite low carb items here at Costco if you guys like this video make sure you hit that like button don't forget to subscribe to the channel turn your post notification Bell on because it is so important for you to get notified every time I post a video guys thanks so much for being here I love you and I will see you on my next video
Channel: Low Carb Love
Views: 132,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto, low carb recipes, low carb love, low carb foods, keto recipes, keto cooking videos, how to eat keto, low carb cooking, low carb love recipes, low carb recipe ideas, Costco Haul, Frozen Food, Weight Loss Journey, Healthy Eating, Weight Loss Tips, Grocery Haul, Healthy Shopping, Healthy Lifestyle, Fitness Motivation, Healthy Choices, Weight Loss Community, Low Calorie, Healthy Living, Healthy Food Choices, Healthy Eating Habits, Frozen Foods, Healthy Frozen Food
Id: nW1gawVPpGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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