What Not To Buy At Costco I 5 Easy Swaps You Can Make To Lose Weight

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hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm  Myra from low carb love and today we are   here at Costco and I'm going to show you what to  avoid and what the healthy swap is so let's go [Music] all right guys so we're starting off with the  oils because oils are a staple in our kitchen   right now growing up I used to see vegetable oil  I saw canola oil corn oil that's what my mom used   to cook with and of course over the years as I've  done research and I've just you know learned how   damaging they are to our gut like these oils guys  I'm telling you they cause literal inflammation   in your joints in your gut in your body I'm going  to show you what I have switched to and these are   just much healthier options and alternatives to  these oils here okay so one of the first switches   that I made was avocado oil now avocado is great  obviously the health they're healthy fats they   come straight from an Avocado but this is great  for frying so chips fries anything that you would   typically use any of those inflammatory oils you  could do it with avocado the smoking point on this   is between 450 to 500 so it's great and perfect  for frying okay now avocado does tend to be a   little pricier but olive oil especially this guy  here this is the one that I buy so these are three   liters for 38 dollars these last you forever  these are great for sauteing and they're also   flavorless you can do some frying but I would  for sure say avocado oil is better for frying   but this one here olive oil is also a great great  option healthy fats and non-inflammatory which is   really really important and then we have this huge  tub of coconut oil now the coconut oil I actually   really like for baking I feel like it really just  complements a lot of baked goods it's also super   super healthy fats not only that though but yes  you can use this for cooking and baking but you   can also use it for hair treatments you can use  it for your body as a moisturizer it has so many   uses and I just absolutely love it 84 ounces for  15 bucks guys I'm telling you this is a steal so   this is all in the same aisle so I figured I  might as well show you the dressings because   we all love a good salad you guys know I am a  huge salad fan a lot of us don't know that there   are inflammatory oils in our dressings so whether  they use canola or they use soybean or sunflower   whatever the case is most of those oils are really  inflammatory and they really just wreak havoc on   your gut so a good option here is Primal I love  all the all the things that Primal makes Primal   is very very clean it's not so much for weight  loss because you can still lose weight having   those oils it's more about long-term health so if  you're having issues with hormones like your hair   is falling out you're having like migraines all  of those oils can be the cause I'm not saying they   are but they can be the cause of it so that's when  you really just want to start taking care of your   gut and in order to really be on a gut health  Journey you need to eliminate those oils and   really just start making the substitutes that  I'm showing you today so love it don't get me   wrong love Olive Garden go there you know once in  a while no big deal but I'm talking about these   are daily things that you that you have in your  refrigerator in your pantry that's where it starts   making a difference because it's what you're  consuming daily we have this one here Italian   made with soybean and then you have this guy here  which is an avocado lime made with avocado oil   so that honestly just the fact that they use  such high quality ingredients kudos to primal   all right guys so before we move on to our next  item I want to take a minute to give element a   special thank you for sponsoring this part of the  video now I actually have them with me right now   I'm just going to make it I have my water in here  guys this is a really great way to stay hydrated   and really just kind of hit your water intake  especially during the summer months I really   really struggle to do that myself so this really  just helped me especially because they have super   delicious flavors my favorite is the chili mango  and the lemon habanero which I have here with me   right now Guys these are gluten free they're grain  free super super clean ingredients if you suffer   kind of from like headaches or you get fatigued  a lot of times that's just your body telling you   that you're in need of more electrolytes so this  is a great high quality electrolyte supplement   another thing is that the salt that they use  in these is not tables it's not like regular   table salt this is actually high quality salt that  actually has minerals and vitamins and is actually   good for your body now another thing that I love  is that this supplement doesn't have any carbs   calories or sugar but it has all the flavor guys  I'm telling you these remind me of like the chili   mango paletas from back in the day I'm telling you  I love them just to stay hydrated but let me tell   you if you'd want to spike your drink these are  definitely a great mixer right now element has a   promo where with any purchase you get a full  sample pack so that you can try every single   flavor they offer and then you can choose which is  your favorite flavor no discount necessary I'll go   ahead and leave the link in the description below  now let's go ahead and move on to our next item   all right guys so cane sugar is definitely  something that we are trying to avoid especially   if you are living a low-carb lifestyle now if  you have it once in a while again like I go   out to eat things like that no big deal right but  what really matters is what you have at home what   you're eating the majority of the time so let's  travel over here this is Truvia so Truvia is an   erythritol and Stevia blend I use this just for  like coffee or smoothies if I'm baking you guys   already know I love using alilos it's like a  great sugar substitute I feel like you can't   really tell the difference you can't taste the  difference but any sweetener that you use just   make sure you read that it doesn't have any like  melted dextrin it doesn't have dextrose it doesn't   have like ingredients that you can't pronounce for  the most part like you just wanted to say Stevia   erythritol a monk fruit Ely loss that is  kind of like what you're looking for if   it's a little blend of it great but at the end of  the day you just want to try to avoid cane sugar   brown sugar like anything that is going to spike  glucose Spike insulin and it's really just not   good for your body in general guys and I almost  walked out of the aisle and just noticed that they   also have ghee so I don't know if you guys know  what ghee is but ghee is clarified butter so it's   actually butter that has been cooked and it Cooks  all the milk solids out so basically it doesn't   contain the lactose ghee is delicious it gives  your your food a lot of flavor and it is also   very very clean and like healthy so it has very  very healthy fats that's a good option and then   guys they were holding out this was over here on  the side absolutely love avocado oil spray I love   this to make my eggs because sometimes when you  pour out of the you know just straight out of the   container like a lot of oil comes out so a spray  is always great so what I love about this brand   here is that the ingredients just says avocado oil  and it doesn't have like a propellant because like   obviously we don't want to be putting that into  our body so not only is it avocado oil that is   very healthy fat fats but it also doesn't have any  additional ingredients which is really good for   our bodies and just makes you feel good overall  alright guys so all purpose flour now this is   obviously used for baking and for like everything  you can possibly think of right we've used it I   mean I used to use it growing up that's what  I cooked with that's what I made my cakes with   so the thing about all-purpose flour is that of  course it's full of carbs and it also has gluten   so if you're living a gluten-free lifestyle low  carb lifestyle then you're going to want to stay   away from that and let me show you we're going to  head right over here so here they have the almond   flour absolutely love it it's a great price  too at 10.99 for three pounds but it is also   gluten free you could use this for baking I use  it to make my desserts to everything from chicken   tenders chicken nuggets use it to make literally  everything that I would make with all-purpose   flour another flour that they don't carry anymore  is coconut so they used to have a coconut flour   here those are all just great options that are  gluten free with almond flour and coconut flour   you can go either Savory or sweet so here on low  carb love a lot of the desserts whether it's cakes   or brownies or any desserts on the channel they're  usually made with either almond flour or coconut   flour sometimes here and there I will use like a  tapioca flour or even like an arrowroot starch but   if I want to keep it really really low carb  then I'm definitely opting for almond flour   all right guys I hope you really enjoyed this  video if you are just starting to make healthier   choices in your diet these are definitely the  five swaps that I would start with now if you   want to see more videos where I walk around  the store and just show you healthier swaps or   options whether they're low carb or not comment  down below let me know and if you guys really   enjoyed this video then make sure you hit that  like button and don't forget subscribe to the   channel and turn your post notifications on so  that you don't miss any of my future videos just   like this guys thanks so much for being here  I love you and I will see you on my next video
Channel: Low Carb Love
Views: 26,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low carb love, what to buy to lose weight, weight loss, what to buy keto, keto grocery, grocery haul, best keto swaps, what to eat on keto, what to eat to lose weight, what do i buy to lose weight, weight loss shopping, weight loss store, low carb shopping, costco, costco keto, costco low carb
Id: DI9kssDt2-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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