Top 10 Frozen Foods Costco I Weight Loss Friendly and Healthy!

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hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm Mayra  from low carb love now for those of you that   don't know I've lost over 100 pounds I've  been maintaining my weight for 15 years so   today we're going to go to Costco and I'm  going to show you the top 10 frozen food   items that are weight loss friendly okay so  let's go in there let's browse and check our out okay so starting off I have to show you these  Wings because they are my little di hard goto if   you love chicken wings these right here come out  so crispy in the air fryer these are definitely   like a treat versus something that you want to  have every day once in a while no big deal for   me personally but these are so bomb and then I  either like the Buffalo I you can use their sauce   but I like to use a clean sauce because I'm kind  of like look life's about balance you know so the   wings might not be super super clean so we're  going to use a super clean a super clean sauce   but anyway um alog together they are low carb they  are so good if you love crispy Wings these are so   good now these right here I would have never told  you that these were bomb because I had never tried   them until today they were actually just sampling  them the juiciest beef patties ever I'm telling   you right now I'm talking about like juice juice  coming out of the out of the Patty these are Angus   Choice they're obviously zero sugar glutenfree  20 g of protein but if you love yourself kind of   like a bomb lettuce wrap Burger these right here  but let me just in case you're like but Myra I   want like grass-fed look at these right here these  are their 100% grassfed so these are also Frozen   I feel like I love getting Frozen things just  because you don't have to worry about eating them   all up you know like I don't want to buy 5 lbs of  patties if I have to eat them up all within like   you know a week or whatever okay now one of the  reasons why I love the S like kind of like their   whole fish selection here is because it's already  Frozen obviously it's also prepackaged like   pre-portioned so this is sockey if you want like  wild caught sockey salmon it's boneless skin on   but they are you see how they're like individually  wrapped so I feel it makes it just so convenient   you know you know how um in the back section they  have like the fresh big old slab of salmon but   I never obviously eat the whole thing unless  I'm hosting a party so then I have to go and   cut it and then I end up freezing it anyway so in  this case it already comes prepackaged it already   comes Frozen so like I don't really have to worry  about that but the they have the sock guide which   is 3 lb and then they have the Atlantic this one  is farm raised so the one that's really calling   my name right now and I don't know if you've ever  tried it but they have wild caught Chile and sea   bass but this right here is such a treat it is  like butter in your mouth I almost want to get   it it's $46 for a pound and a half if you guys  have tried if any of you have tried the Chilean   sea bath here at Costco let me know if it's worth  it because I promise you I will come back and get   this baby for sure all right guys so before we  move on to the next item I am going to hyd because   I am so bad at literally drinking my water and if  I put my little packet in there it actually helps   me drink it throughout the day I'm just putting  a little element packet it literally has 1,000   Mig of sodium 200 Mig of pottassium and 60 Mig  of magnesium so it's literally like the perfect   electrolyte balance for our body I literally just  toss it in and I don't know if you guys know this   but electrolytes are great for hormonal regulation  and fluid balance I absolutely love these because   they are super clean high quality ingredients and  they're sugar sugar-free sometimes like if I know   I really need to drink a lot of water I put it in  like a half gallon and then put one packet so it   kind of like dilutes it and then I know that I'm  getting all my water and all my like electrolytes   that I need for the day you know actually right  now element is offering a free trial pack so you   can like try all of their flavors that they make  with any purchase so I'll leave the link in the   description below for you okay now another little  Holy Grail here in the frozen food section is this   pizza it's a cauliflower pizza crust it is also  glutenfree which is the reason why I would get   it is because the gluten is just literally I've  already been pretty sensitive to gluten for a   while but I am telling you within like the last  year it has gotten crazy like it just literally   bloats me and stuff like that so I look for  like the best of the best gluten-free products   ooh actually let me know if you guys want to know  like my whole my holy Grails of glutenfree because   it has taken me like a lot to find like the bread  the crackers the all of that so anyway this one's   by Milton's they also have one here that's the  Kirkland brand like the the Costco brand and   they are both really really good the crust is  like crispy so it is like kind some bread some   crispy edges and that's what I love cuz the edges  are like my favorite so anyway Pizza glutenfree   Frozen so good so so good I love it and these  here I had actually totally forgot about them   I used to buy them all the time these are like  little egg white um little egg white bites they   are spinach and I think they have like a little  bit of Parmesan in them these are 70 calories they   have 5 gr of protein and these are just convenient  because they do come individually wrapped so you   can literally toss them into your freezer and when  you want to warm them up you throw them in the air   fryer or even in the microwave and The Taste is is  actually good so these here is another like great   little frozen food staple that they have here at  Costco if you're a rice lover and you're living   a low carb lifestyle this right here is your  friend it is the the best deal is definitely   like at a Costco or at a Sam's or something like  that because you get four one PB bags so 4B bag   for $7.99 I pay for like a little 6 o bag or 6  or 8 oz bag at like my local grocery store I pay   four about four something for it so this is like  an amazing deal and you can make fluffy rice you   can make fried rice there's so many things that  this could be used for and it's really important   if you're living a low carp lifestyle because  you're not going to feel deprived so definitely   the collie rice here at costy is like a little  Holy Grail staple for sure but moving on over   here to the veggies so of course if you're  trying to lose weight if you're living a low   carb lifestyle veggies are more than likely going  to be a part of your diet right what I love about   the veggies is that these are like blend so this  guy here and I'll show you some of the other ones   but this one here is like a stir fry blend so if  you add teriyaki sauce like a low carb Teryaki   sauce some chicken you have like a whole stir fry  so then you have this little guy and this is you   know this is more of like your little basic like  this is you're trying to be super healthy girl   you're doing like a little chicken breast your  little so there's broccoli cauliflower orange   and yellow carrots I literally did not even know  there were yellow carrots at all this is like just   their great options look at they have like the  cauliflower so it's all organic broccoli fuet   so it's literally just like the little tree part  of the broccoli um you know and then just like a   mixture they have a bunch of things this one here  is a good um snack if you love edame like when you   go to a sushi spot you know look it a whole huge  six lb bag of Ed Mame these are so good I just put   them in the microwave and then season them with a  little bit of um some truffle oil and salt so good   they are so good if you don't like truffle though  you can just do like olive oil a little salt maybe   some seasoning some chili flakes or whatever  it's just like a great little snack so their   vegetable section I'll just say that their whole  vegetable section is definitely like a little   Holy Grail here at at costy now we can't forget  about the fruit so one thing that they have here   are the blueberries so they have like this huge  B of blueberries 3 lbs of blueberries for eight   bucks I feel like that's good and plus they're  organic and then we have the strawberries so for   me when I see frozen fruit I'm always thinking  of like smoothies you know what I mean organic   strawberries strawberries if you didn't know are  part of the dirty dozen so it's always great if   you can if you can um get organic it's always best  frozen blueberries frozen strawberries again I'm   always thinking kind of smoothie or into my yogurt  but oh they also have the the three berry blend so   they have like a a Triple Berry so it has has uh  blackberries raspberries and blueberries Allin one   love that you know what the only thing about this  one is that I feel like they have a lot of seeds   every time I make a smoothie with that one it has  like SE I feel like it's like seeds in my teeth   but this one here is really good so remember I'm  thinking blueberry I mean I'm thinking smoothies   this is great because it has six packets inside  pre-portion packets that are 8 ounces each and   it has only 11 gam of carbs so fruit is usually  very even though it's natural okay I don't want   to scare you even though it's natural it still  has sugar so the fact that this one has a lot   less sugar which is 9 G I feel like it's really  really great because you would be surprised at   how much sugar is added into smoothies or into  just like different desserts and here you could   literally measure out what you're having and it's  also I don't know I feel like it's pre-portioned   it's low in carbs low in calories and you get it  for a great deal so I feel like the fruit section   here is also great they have like the little assai  packs they have like dragon fruit they just have   like a lot of little things that you could kind of  pick and choose especially if you have kiddos that   aren't trying to be low carb then you have like  a a much wider selection you know what I mean but   um yeah that is pretty much the my kind of like  my top favorites here at Costco that are in the   frozen food section I feel like these are more  of like the little holy Grails the things that   you should or um that are actually worth getting  if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle if   you're trying to be weight you know if you're  trying to lose a little bit of weight and just   be kind of health conscious so I hope you guys  really enjoyed this video if you did make sure   you hit that like button and don't forget to share  my channel share it with friends and family that   are living a low carb lifestyle or really just  trying to make healthier choices in their life   but thank thank you so much for being here I  love you and I will see you on my next video
Channel: Low Carb Love
Views: 138,114
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Keywords: keto, low carb recipes, low carb love, low carb foods, keto recipes, keto cooking videos, how to eat keto, low carb cooking, low carb love recipes, low carb recipe ideas, low carb recipes for weight loss, costco shopping, costco clearance, costco deals, costco haul, low carb foods for weight loss, low carb recipes for diabetics, keto costco 2024, costco keto shopping list, costco keto bread, costco keto meal prep, keto diet costco, how to lose weight, how to lose belly fat
Id: n9DcQ4akUak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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