The BEST Character Of Each Element | Genshin Impact

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hey guys welcome back to another character slash element discussion video after making the elemental reactions video last month someone in my Discord messaged me suggesting a topic on the best character for every element and I thought that was a pretty cool idea there's like a sort of microcosm when it comes to how players categorize every unit and it's sort of indicative of the reasons behind players opting to play that element that is to say the best character of each element represents why the element is good or as good as it can be as always like all gang Shin rankings edge cases and what-if scenarios can throw our mention to everything such as a case for any video game with a wide selection of characters so this video is not intended to be the be all end-all it comes down to what you have and who you pair them with that being said these characters have proven time and time again they're one of if not the best character for their element as we know it that can obviously change in the future as more and more units come out with that taken care of let's not waste any more time and get started calling pyro the most neglected element that isn't physical is an understatement prior to deer's monumentally disastrous release we haven't had a new pyro character since Tomah back in 2021 and those standing among the seven has fallen considerably there's one person who hasn't which is strange while with him being known to suffer from unusually bad luck Bennett Bennett has been a premier staple from day one and it's no surprise why not only is what he offers incredibly useful for a wide majority of characters teams and strategies but his accessibility is the main selling point Bennett is one of the few units in the game who's ready on arrival requiring minimal investment in terms of weapons and artifacts to get the job done his enormous attack buff is never not a benefit and when you factor in a serviceable Health Region for the active character this guides the definition of a one button support what's interesting about Bennett is that his virtues are ironically unrelated to pyro you can make a case for the initial cast of Fantastic Voyage being quite powerful if you vaporize with it but the reasons everyone uses him in so many parties has less to do with the reactions that pyro offers and more to do with the raw combat stats he provides when you're buffing your entire team with upwards of a thousand bonus attack you're essentially giving that 1.5 times multiplier from reverse vaporized permanently so there's no real need to drive reactions in fact most people actively refrain from unlocking his final constellation for this very purpose the honorable mention goes to shangling for her equally overpowered Elemental burst the pyronado is a fantastic ultimate for its ability to maintain the effects of any stat boosts well after they have expired and the consistent pyro application enables her to drive reactions for many parties I initially had channeling as the best pyro character but then decided against it seeing as most of the times where he would feel shaggling you would also feel better to snapshot his first so she's somewhat dependent on being fielded alongside him whereas then it doesn't depend on channeling for hydro I'm actually going to put two characters together as opposed to a main and honorable mention the title goes to Bo Shinto and yelai let me explain over the past year since her release players have been incessantly debating on who is the better of the two Shinto is regarded as the all-purpose Hydro sub DPS with his rain swords offering a healthy mixture of offense and defense compared to yelan who's almost entirely offense in the past I've tied his Shinto as the better of the two but nowadays I'm not quite certain on one hand you can make the argument that in almost every team where you would feel can check off every box that she does but with more protective utility like stagger resistance and damage reduction at the cost of damage however when constellations are brought into play the Gap in DPS enough time is measurable yellen's Elemental skill far eclipses her four-star counterpart in my opinion dealing significantly more damage having greater area coverage doubling as a faster Sprint without draining stamina and has a far lower cooldown additionally with constellation 1 yellow and does not require a sacrificial boat to use lingering Lifeline two consecutive times and if you manage to get constellation 2 the DPS from Death player and dice overshadows rain cutter by a mile all the same 5 star constellations are unobtainable for many whereas getting C6 on simto is a lot more feasible if we're talking C6 on both characters then Yellen obviously winds up but I'd see one year line that's where the line gets a bit muddled ultimately I decided that it's a toss-up both of them accomplish what is expected of them very effectively it comes down to whether you want to kill things faster or be more consistent yellow is riskier but more rewarding in DPS while Shinto is more user-friendly pick your poison for cryo I'm gonna choose ayaka bit of a generic answer but cryo's in a weird position in the meta following the release of dendro a lot of attention has been shifted away from pyro and cryo and into Hydro dendro and Electro with animal being as universal as it always is recent additions to the roster Leila and Mika have been tailored for situational utility and so there hasn't been any real attempt at pushing the needle on the element lately but if you ever need anything cry related ayaka is the way to go similarly to Bennett ayaka's power is intrinsic she doesn't derive that much from other characters for her own sake and that's why many players enjoy using her the base damage offered by her Auto attacks skill and burst allowed to sufficiently cut down most of the game's difficult content further enhanced by cryos accessible yet circumstantially broken reaction freaks as The Stance cryo is a very insular element barring a hydro character it draws strength from other members of its roster like shinho making the element and by extension ayaka appear less all-purpose than Bennett or singtel but that's also what makes her so good her cryo application is so consistent and Powerful that you can reach full effect efficiency with only her and a hydro character chain freezing everything in your way for an easy clear she not only has the highest damage ceiling out of any cryo unit but the most consistent application as surpass the Sprint gives her virtually Limitless subtype making it almost impossible to mess up a chain freeze ganyu is a close second though while her damage output isn't quite as impressive as aikas nor is she is consistent with cry application she brings different benefits to the table her Elemental skill allows for some semblance of crowd control and Celestial showers massive area coverage contrasts with ayaka's more concentrated blizzard basically you can think of ganyu as the Shinto to Aya kazielan one is more damage oriented the other is more user friendly of course there's no rules saying you can't use the two of them together many people do myself included it just comes down to if you want an easy clear or a fast one hydro and cryo were mostly a toss-up based on preference but for Animo there's only one who deserves the top spot kazuha Kazu has garnered a humorous reputation for being the quote-unquote real animal arkhan over venti mostly because he highlights all the strengths of animal better than the archon himself to stop dark kasaha possesses damage amplification for his team comparable to Bennett courtesy of his talents in constellation the former granting an unconditional Elemental damage boost to his team equal to a portion of his Elemental Mastery which already increases the damage he deals from the swirl making it a win-win his Elemental burst features a gigantic window that periodically deals animal damage to everyone caught within allowing him to consistently Drive reactions in a wide area and if you're looking to draw scattered enemies together his Elemental skill can do that as well while also conveniently propelling him vertically something you can use to take advantage of outside of combat when he lacks in raw power he makes up for with sheer utility utility that's conducive to increasing A team's overall DPS the elemental damage bonus is practically always active with its activation condition simply being to trigger a swell reaction something he does as often as he breathes and when combined with the four piece bonus from greatest inventor this guy is your One-Stop shop for damage crowd control mod clearing traversing and bossing all in one the only thing he doesn't provide is any form of sustenance or protection honorable of course goes to the de facto or conventy fenty's kit is a lot more straightforward but for the circumstances that necessitate it he's definitively the best character in the game and it's not even close like Bennett venti is a one-button character his Elemental burst is to this day an instant win button for any dungeon or spiral of this chamber that requires you to take out a large number of small enemies a title that no one will ever likely take away from him however outside of that such as against larger enemies or bosses venti's usefulness diminishes greatly hence why I believe kasaha is more suited to be the best animal character in Genji for now Electro is going to be a divisive choice for sure but I'm gonna live dangerously and say the best character is not right in Shogun it's official wait wait Shogun stands please retractable swords give me a moment to explain there is no question that shogun's power is second to none especially in her own Department the raw force behind her Elemental versus carried me and I'm sure many of us do countless floors of spiral Abyss or the writing national team and the elemental burst damage buff on her skill is surprisingly broken not to mention the self-sufficient battery power of any team composition with her involved that being said the landscape of Electro is changing in last week's video I brought up the potential downsides of the elements Newfound popularity and how it's closely dependent on dendro with that in mind the character who benefited the most from Quicken and Bloom is official thanks to her off-field presence being noticeably better than Shoguns due to having to use the latter as an on-field DPS if you want the full extent of her power the most popular hyperbloom variants does feature Shogun but you can replace tsumushinobu and vice versa for that Team official still finds more usage in teamcomm's involving Electro making her a far more flexible character as far as tasty teams go she's never lost her crown aggravate is also not even a contest no one else on the planet can apply Electro as frequently as she can and with quicken's inherent Splash ability with hyperboom Fishel can still find use in that team she's arguably the only Electro character in the entire game to find gainful employment in every possible Electro team whereas ride and Shogun May perform better in certain teams or worse at others flexibility is The Benchmark parameter for Electro characters that moment which is why I believe official is better but only by a narrow margin hence why riding Shogun is the honorable mention where this video made before version 3 Shogun would be the best selector unit but the adventure reactions benefit official just a bit more in its current state the value of an electro unit is predicated on how fast and frequent their application is above all else outside of the elemental burst damage buff Shogun and Fishel are directly competing in this department that burst damage buff is not substantial enough to contest specials machine gun levels of application Geo is how do I put this there are two perspectives for geo one is from outside of the element and the other is from within depending on which perspective you subscribe to you can have wildly different takes on the best character it's common knowledge that the best Geo team right now is mono Geo but with no intermingling between Geo and other elements it really comes down to whether you like the geoplay style or not with the notion that manojio has always been a niche and Rogue strategy I'm gonna approach this from the perspective of outside of the element and declare the best studio character zhongli sadly none of the reasons why pertain to Geo itself in this regard like Bennett jongli is a character whose virtues are mutually exclusive from the element He represents despite being the gor cut two things defense and crowd control now when they say defense I don't mean the actual defense that in the realm of shielding he is the best character in the game he's garnered a reputation for turning the game into Minecraft peaceful mode trading a party slot in exchange for literally negating the difficulty of the game if you have constellation 2 then you effectively take zero damage that's sort of the thing with him for players who like to auto he is God's gift to men but for everyone else it's debatable as to whether or not he's worth Fielding over someone who supplies actual damage regarding the Geo element as a whole he's still the most useful representative because everyone else is only good within the confines of Geo besides maybe yoonji but that ties back to the question of is the best character supposed to be in a general sense or for situations pertaining to that element seeing as that's the mindset I went with for the other elements I'll apply that for this one which only is the best character who carries a Geo label but if we go by the character who does geothings the best it would be gaura the Geo element wouldn't be remotely viable if it weren't for him he's basically the crutch that allows monogeotines to come even close to visible last but not least we have dendro the element is still in its infancy having only six characters to choose from but in my personal opinion I seriously doubt the top spot will be overtaken anytime soon nahida is the best dental character in the game unlike the other archons she's not only the strongest ever element but she achieves this by capitalizing on why her element is as powerful as it is she's the best Center you need to have for hyperbloom Virgin aggravate and spread teams all reactions that involve dendro her consistent application is almost unparalleled and with the chain lighting effect she has via her Elemental skill you essentially only have to Target one person to get that same effect onto everyone not only that nahida shares the same Elemental Mastery hyperscaling as kazal where she can share her Elemental Mastery with the rest of her party to boost their damage while stacking yum makes her denture reactions are that much more both their Elemental skill and bursts have permanent uptime while she's on or off field and she even supplements members of her own class very well as I'll hate them in tandem with her might very well be the strongest duo in genshin right now even if hypothetically a new dendro character were to be released that's insanely broken for nahida to be displaced that character would have to do everything she can and better I'll hate them does a ridiculous amount of damage probably more than nahida on an individual basis but he's not better than her detail consistent and accessible she is so the only way she gets replaced is by copy pasting her and increasing her numbers that's about it her main drawback is that she doesn't bring any healing or shielding to the table so you have to Outsource what would dendro's pension for self-inflicted damage fortunately the sheer amount of damage you can deal through her reactions offsets whatever DPS cut you'll take from bringing a Healer if there even is a DPS cut to begin with for hydro you can bring kokomi or to a lesser extent Barbara or Shinto and for a lecture you have shinobu either of which you were planning to bring anyway since you need their elements honestly when I was first brainstorming who to pick for each element I was worried that Geo Electro and denture would just be the archons I mean thematically it's understandable they are the other Statesmen of their respective elements it would be strange for the god of lightning earth wind or nature to be outperformed by a human with a fraction of their power but surprisingly the only archon of the playable Fort that definitively took the top spot was nahida venti has always been overshadowed by kazuha zhongli's placement is tenuous at best and I genuinely think Fishel is better than Shogun even if only slightly but what are your thoughts on this do you agree with my choices or do you think someone else deserves a top spot feel free to share in the comments down below aside from that if you enjoyed the video it would be awesome if you could leave a like And subscribe consider following me on Twitter at varsavarum joining my Discord server and while you're here check out my element mini series if you haven't yet but for now thanks so much for watching and I'll see you again soon in the next one take care [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 148,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact game, genshin element, genshin top five, genshin best characters, genshin best element, genshin tier list, genshin impact top characters, genshin impact best units, best teams genshin, best characters genshin, genshin 3.6, genshin impact 3.6, genshin 4.0, genshin fontaine, genshin impact version 4
Id: eUjTlQUm6lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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