The Only Characters You Actually Need In Genshin Impact (Updated)

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in any game there are traps hi there traveler you know the things that seem good at first but don't age well and make you feel stupid for using them in the first place well genshin is no different and there are a lot of trap characters and that is really bad when you have to save for months or spend hundreds of dollars just to get a single limited 5 Star character and that is precisely why in this video I'm going to share with you the top characters that you need to get that will always make your account better these characters will make the hardest content much easier even trivializing it in some cases as newer people are coming into the game and as we get more and more reruns I want to make sure people know who the strongest picks for them are now some of you OG shark friends May realize that I posted a video on this topic over a year ago and it's still the most viewed video on my channel to date that video is still really good and relevant to this day the points I made were valid and it has held up Over time however something has changed and that is that there is more balance and Variety in the game today which means that fewer characters are must poles but wait isn't this video about the best characters I have to pull well kind of this video is about the best characters and the best character roles for you what I'm gonna do differently on this video compared to the original one is offer you options that will make your account way way stronger no matter if you pull one option or another so if there's an extremely strong character on this list but you don't like them you'll have another option and look for a special bonus at the end of the video that will bring this all together even more but before we get into what specific characters will be best for you let's talk about my criteria for what makes an outstanding character it all comes down to how much value they give you for your Primo gems that means they require the least amount of Primo gems and are the most effective at what they do so no constellation 6 characters with refinement live weapons here in fact if a character really wants their signature 5 star weapon they probably didn't even make this list so what makes a character amazing for you and worth pulling here are my five criteria number one they must be good at constellation zero mihoyo is at a history of making characters extremely good at constellation 6 but recently they've also been trying to make them really good at constellation 2 or constellation 3 but for a character to make this list they must be very good at constellation zero which means that any character I talk about here is going to be one that only requires enough wishing to get a single copy of them not to seven copies like in the videos where you see people doing enormous damage with their whale characters next after being good right as soon as you get them these characters must be good at fulfilling one or multiple roles really really well there's a lot of characters with very specific or Niche roles like nilu and while she's very good in a bloom team you pretty much have to use her in a bloom team to get the the full value out of her not only that but most of the time you want to run her with kokomi and nahida and that's already three limited 5 Stars just to make one team and one character work so even though a nilu bloom team can be extremely strong I can't recommend it to people knowing that there's a bunch of limited five stars that you have to get to really make it work and there's just so many Hoops to jump through similarly there are a ton of four star characters that are very specific and very Niche and they typically only work with a specific five star or were at least designed to so you can bet those characters aren't going to be on this list either sorry Goro no matter how much you try to tempt us with Miss Hina you ain't getting in nope so the second criteria is that the character must be very good in one or often multiple roles and they also must be able to fit in multiple different team compositions now we touched on this before but in order to be the best value for your Primo gems the third criteria is that these characters must not need specific other characters on their team I've already talked about how new lose play style forces you into a bloom team if you want to maximize her potential and that's just not fun or worthwhile for me and when you pull a specific character that needs other specific characters to make them work that's just mihoyo selling you a problem to then later sell you a solution like how Apple removed the headphone jack on the iPhone so now you can't plug in your headphones unless you buy the lightning to headphone jack adapter so yeah no iPhone dongle characters will make this list the fourth criteria for what makes a character worth pulling is that they will not need any five-star weapons 5 star weapons generally make any character better but they're very expensive and hard to come by and certain characters like Zhao really really want a 5 star weapon because his four-star weapon options are pretty limited this criteria is on the list because there's characters that do extremely well with just four star weapons or even three star weapons in some cases and it only makes sense that the fewer Primo gems you have to spend to make a character good the better they'll be and the Fifth and final criteria for this list is that these characters must be future proof and they should be able to bring a ton of value to your account whether you pull them tomorrow or six months from now unfortunately a lot of characters in genshin are very good at the start of the game but fall off super hard later characters like Chichi and deluke were in the S Plus tier when the game first launched and they're really strong when you first start an account But as time goes on their problems become more and more apparent it's to the point where people pull characters like these it doesn't feel like it's anything special it just feels like they've wasted a bunch of wishes and that is precisely the reason why I made this Criterion you can rest assured that any of the characters on this list will be good for literally years and if you build them they will pay dividends in fact I'm going to say that the characters I'm going to talk about in just a bit are going to be good forever literally to the point until the genjin servers get shut down and we're all playing zenless gentian Star rail impact zero third in the year 2196 now unlike my previous video I'm gonna give you more options for characters I'll start with two characters that you should absolutely get and then I'll give you specific roles with the best characters within those roles that way you can pick and choose whichever ones you like the most the first character you definitely need to go for that is absolutely worth it is Bennett and to anyone who's played Genji in Impact for even a little while it's no surprise that Bennett is on this list damage attack buffing energy generation basically isn't anything Bennett can't do and not only is he versatile and able to do it all but he can do it all really really well Ben was so good that at a point people were saying that they would give up some of their five stars just to have a second copy of Bennett so that they could run one version of Bennett on one side of the abyss and the other version on the other side if you get a Bennett early on know that he will be forever useful in Genji impact now the good news is we have a lot of other teams that don't need Bennett on their team but they almost all benefit from having him that's just because he consolidates so many really important roles in Genji impact he generates a massive amount of pyro energy he has a very short cooldown on his Elemental skill and he also consolidates healing cleansing and a ginormous attack buff and a good thing to note about Bennett is that he appears every May and November in the Genji impact star glitter shop so even if he doesn't appear on a banner for a long time you might be able to just straight up buy a copy of him with star glitter so I definitely recommend going for Bennett because he is literally game changing the next four star character on this list is jincho our wet book nerd friend might not look like much at first but anyone with Virgil's swords it is bound to be good jinxo is very good on his own but he really makes other characters shine and pretty much every single situation where you can use a hydro character jincho is like the number one choice pretty much every pyro character wants him he does great in electrocharge and freeze as well but he's also incredible in dendro teams in fact you get shun Ling for free and she is an absolutely top-tier pyro DPS and you pair her with shincho and they work amazingly well together so what makes jingcho really good well it's his Elemental burst and the Damage he deals from his rain swords right well yeah but there's actually a lot more to it than that being able to use his Elemental burst and then switch off field to different characters makes him so useful and it's also the main reason why a character like Jing Cho is often preferred over a character like ayato because even though ayato is very good on his own he has to be on field where jincho can be off-field this enables xinji way more versatile than Carrie's like tartaglia or ayato who are very good on their own but have to be on field to work and not only does he work off field but he applies a lot of hydro often being enough to be the solo Hydro character in an entire team to provide all the hydro for all your Elemental reaction needs if other characters in the game had the same Elemental application in jingzhou you could basically pair any character with any other character and they would be extremely broken reactions would be going on Non-Stop and all you'd see on screen would be a bunch of pretty colored numbers but since a lot of characters have very weak Elemental application especially off-field that make xinjiao really stand out even more and what's even better is in addition to the major amounts of offensive utility he provides he also has some defensive utility he reduces the damage you take he increases your resistance to interruption or getting knocked around and he has some modest healing and he could do all of this even when you have a different character on the field and that's why jinxho is going to be one of the best characters in the entire game forever even 5 Star characters like Elon who are very similar to him don't offer the defensive utility that he does he's just got so many good things going for him and to top it off you can even pick him up from the Star glitter shop in March and September or from the annual Lantern ride event which happens around Lunar New Year now Bennett and shincho are characters you absolutely should pick up but the next characters we're going to talk about are going to be in specific roles and I'll give you options to pick from this way you can pick and choose some of your favorite characters but also know that you're getting some of the best ones in the entire game the first role we're going to talk about is Animo utility supports Animo has been the best element in genshin Impact since the beginning and it's only gotten stronger but the key to unlocking the truly broken power of the animal element lies in the viridescent set and the characters that can best utilize that artifact set and the three best character to do that are venti kazua and sucrose now you only need one of these characters but I would suggest getting two out of the three now if you really love the Absurd power of the swirl reaction and the huge damage buff you can get from the viridescent artifact set then go for two of them and if you're unsure of which two to go for I'll give you a quick rundown of each at the beginning of the game venti was clearly the strongest character in the entire game he was so brokenly op and he is still very very strong the only difference now is that there aren't as many enemies that he can completely suck up into his black hole of Destruction however if you're fighting humanoid enemies like treasure hoarders or aeromites or any other enemy that's relatively small and light like hilly turtles or slimes he's basically an auto win button his Elemental burst offers the strongest crowd control capabilities in the entire game on top of that it does crazy amounts of damage it can Infuse an element dealing additional Elemental and swirl damage and to top it off he has a passive that refunds energy to the element infused within his burst so if you just want to absolutely decimate smaller enemies venti is your Bard just note that these crowd control capabilities don't work on heavier or larger enemies like a geovish apps or Rune guards unless they're frozen and his crowd control capabilities doesn't work at all against bosses but the damage the elemental resistance Shred the Swirls and his energy refund still works the next option is kazua of the three animal characters kozwa feels the most fun to play and I think he gets really high marks with the entire Genji Community because he just is so fun but in addition to being a very fun character to play he is also incredibly strong kazua provides good crowd control with his Elemental skill that has a pretty short cooldown but kazua's real power comes from his level 60 Ascension passive whenever Causeway triggers a swirl he gains .04 percent Elemental damage boost for your entire team base on the elements he swirled and that can stack with other Elemental damage boosting effects point zero four percent doesn't seem like a lot but most people build causwell fully M and they're able to achieve an up to 40 percent Elemental damage Boost from this passive and if you couple that with kazua's already good damage multipliers on his skill and burst and general fun factor of playing where he gets to jump pull enemies and then slam back down into the ground and hit them really hard it's easy to see why this is a fan favorite so kazua is a really great jack of all trades Animo damage amplifier option because he doesn't provide as much crowd control as venti and isn't quite the auto win button but his damage boosting capability is very helpful on bosses where crowd control is not something you're ever concerned about and the final recommendation for the Animo crowd control damage amplification support is sucrose now when kazua came out people made fun of him they were like lol Kazu is just a five-star sucrose and the thing is they weren't wrong kazua is like a five-star sucrose but he's also one of the best characters in the entire game so really the best way to think of sucrose is that she is a four-star kazua she has good grouping capabilities she could apply Animo on every single hit she can buff your team in multiple ways and she's an amazing driver for Elemental teams but sucrose is also a character that doesn't really come alive until later in the game you need a four star of iridescent veneer set on sucrose and you need as much Elemental Mastery on her as possible and it's very unlikely you're gonna get that until AR 45 Plus at a minimum but when you do the amount of damage and buffing sucrose provides is so massive that it's not even worth leveling her talents this sometimes goes unnoticed because swirls can't crit and so the numbers that they generate don't pop up in the large text on screen but what does pop up are tons and tons of numbers especially with sucrose's AOE potential at grouping capabilities and while venti and koswa can be better than sucrose in certain situations sucrose can also be better than them so if you get a copy of sucrose just know that she is a four-star kazua and she is definitely worth leveling up and remember you ideally want to go for two of the three characters venti kazua or sucrose but if you can only go for one then use the character you have the most fun with or use sucrose if you get her before the 5 Star characters the next characters on the list are the only ones that are the quote unquote main DPS or on-field DPS sorry hutao Zhang Ling is incredibly good and we get her for free and further apologies to Zhao you and your teams are just too expensive to be on this list this is my burden to carry so who did make this list the two very strong cryo ladies gonyu and ayaka both of these characters are very strong on their own and they don't really need the super in-demand supports like Bennett and shincho and that's because both of them can run very strong freeze teams with the blizzard Strayer artifact sets the freeze reaction is already incredibly good because enemies that are frozen stay still and they don't hit you this means that fighting even the most difficult enemies is super manageable because you can freeze them in place make sure they don't move and then group them together and deal tons and tons of damage to them the other part that's really fun is as long as you're applying tons of cryo which these characters do you can apply a bunch of hydro as well and keep them permanently Frozen to top it off the blizzard Strayer artifact set is super strong and basically allows you to build fulcrit damage and attack because you get so much crit rate from the four piece sets as far as which character to choose over I or ganyu it kind of depends on what you want more Aika deals a massive amount of damage with her Elemental burst but there are a few conditions her burst lingers on field for several seconds but there's no inherent crowd control ability which means that enemies can actually walk out of her Elemental burst and if they do that you're losing out on about 50 percent of your total damage but if they're frozen they can't move and that means that the enemies get the full force of her Elemental burst plus the blizzard Strayer artifacts that amplifying your Curt rate so much that you can basically crit every one of her 18 hits leading to literally hundreds of thousands of damage in just a couple seconds and her special Sprint and charge attack passive Also let her apply tons of cryo to enemies so a freeze team with ayaka is incredibly strong especially if you're concerned with fighting large single Target enemies like bosses but if you're more concerned with AOE then ganyu is a clear choice for you gun use charge shot is incredibly strong and basically has no condition editions to be met other than you have to aim it but it doesn't require any Elemental energy any special skill to enable it you just have access to it all the time but top that off with a really good Elemental burst and the ability to run a blizzard straighter set and ganyu just becomes an incredible AOE monster and when you pair ganyu's burst with venti's burst you'll get some of the most absurd damage you'll see in the entire game you'll clear entire rooms in seconds that being said ganyu does not do as well as her counterpart ayaka for Boss clearing but when you're fighting multiple enemies she becomes exponentially more valuable for every enemy you have to fight so choose one of these incredibly strong cryo DPS characters whichever one you like the most ayaka will do better against one or two enemies whereas ganyu does very good against three or more enemies the next character role on the list is one that just came out and honestly we don't have a lot of options here but this character role is so powerful it is going to be very very useful for anyone and that is the dendro off-field damage or Elemental enabler now we have a few denjo characters in the game right now but the only character that really fits this role well is nahida the reason is nahida applies so much dendro and she can do it all off field tendro is an extremely good element and it does very well with a plethora of its very special reactions whether it's Bloom hyper Bloom spread aggravate or even virgin you can even run freeze and Bloom teams with dendro combined because cryo and dendro don't interact with each other so the freeze and the bloom reactions end up being separated which results in enemies being frozen and then exploded by dendro cores dealing lots of damage and being very satisfying now nahida is clearly the best dendro off-field damage dealer and support and she probably will stay this way for a very long time but that's not to say that other characters can't fulfill this role as well for example hoyovers will probably make Al Haytham an on-field DPS but if they made him like jincho and gave him really good off-field dendro damage and dendro application he could easily take the spot too the dendro element just opens up so many different possibilities that we never had before so if you can get a very good off-field dendro damage dealer it will open up so many opportunities for you and considering we have a plethora of new artifact sets that are really good for dendro characters and dendro teams overall an off-field dendro DPS an elemental enabler will be something that you will cherish for a long long time now there's one more role that you should definitely keep your eye out to go for this role was already really good and was considered s tier at the beginning of the game and has only gotten better over time that is the strong off-field Electro damage dealer and energy support and that might seem like a lot but it's basically Ryden and Fishel let's talk about official first because she was considered s tier at the beginning of the game and she has only gotten better with dendro reactions being introduced in patch 3.0 but it's not really official that's the strong one it's us her Elemental skill and you can trigger Oz with both your Elemental skill and Elemental burst and this is a super powerful and easy to use Electro turret that shoots tons and tons of Electro bullets applying tons of Electro elements while also generating a ton of Electro energy off field and unlike the 5 Star character kokomi's jellyfish you can actually reposition oz so that he can stay in the fight longer and shoot more Electro birdseed at enemies and then he shoots even more Electro with an AOE with fishel's final Ascension passive what's even better is that between official skill and burst Oz pretty much has a hundred percent uptime on the field and while official was already an S tier character without spread and aggravate when you combine those reactions together she becomes even stronger the next character in our strong Electro off-field damage dealer and energy generator is Ryden Ryden is an interesting character because she is very strong in her own rights but you can also build her full em and only use her off field that's because her skill lasts for 25 seconds but it only has a 10 second cooldown so it can be up all the time and it deals a coordinated attack as Electro damage about once every second and generates a good amount of energy particles as well and in Co-op your teammates get this buff as well even though the coordinated attack that they do is only 20 of the damage that yours is this makes Ryden extremely good in dendro teams like hyperbloom and aggravates because her damage is very good her energy regeneration for the team is very good and unlike Fishel who has to rely on some random occurrences from her Ascension 4 passive to proc hyperbloom ride and skill does her Electro damage in a small AOE allowing it to hit the dendro cores and proc hyperbloom very easily and even though Ryden is very very powerful in this role this was not how she was intended to be played she was intended as an on-field damage dealer and for seven seconds for you to unload a ton of damage and you can very easily play her that way too this playstyle uses an emblem of the severed fate four piece artifact set and really maximizes on the amount of damage the Ryden Shogun can do and when an artifact set like the emblem of the severed fate set is considered one of the best artifact sets for a ton of characters and it was specifically made for Ryden you know that character is going to be good Ryden has a very high cost Elemental burst being a 90 energy cost burst which is the highest in the game to date but she also deals more damage the more energy recharge he has and if you couple that with the emblem of the severed fate set that makes her Elemental burst damage deal even more damage that mixed in with the fact that everything she does in her Elemental burst state is considered Elemental burst damage and not normal and charge attack damage and everything just synergizes really really well and that that's why Ryden made this list she is incredibly strong on her own but she also enables a ton of new teams she's been a staple in one of the strongest and easiest to play teams in the game the right and National but she's also incredibly strong with a character like nahida and as we get more and better dendro characters ryden's just gonna rise in value so for your very strong off-field Electro damage dealer and energy support pick either Ryden or official you can pick both but really you only need one of them official is more of your budget option but she is far from budget damage not only is she super powerful but you can actually guarantee yourself a copy official Through The pymon's Bargain shop like Bennett and shincho you can purchase Fishel for 34 star glitter and she is in the pylons Bargain shop in the months of January and July and if you want someone who is a really good carry and enables hyperbloom teams a little bit easier you can go with Ryden and that's it for the characters you should get and gentian impact that will be the best no matter what but wait there's one character that so many people mentioned on the last video that didn't make it into this list and I read the comments and I cannot tell you how many people said that this character is someone you absolutely need so if you want to leave a nice comment for the inundation of comments I'm getting that's saying I should have included this character well I would really appreciate that and the character I'm talking about is the one that I use the most and that is Zhang Li Zhang Li is very very good and his shield is incredibly powerful but he's really not a character you need in fact he is in his own separate tier that I'm going to call the Comfort tier this is a tier of characters that is not necessary for you to beat the game but it just makes things feel better having a super strong Shield not taking damage not worrying about enemies hitting you feels really good I mean I was running level 20 characters with a level 90 Jean Lee for a couple months because his shield was so strong and none of the enemy could hurt me and I did that to farm character friendship but Zhang Lee will not make you beat the hardest content in the game he is a win harder character and what I mean by that is if you're already beating the game he's just gonna make you win harder but if you're struggling with content and you're struggling to beat an enemy he's not going to help you beat an enemy faster now if kenshin's combat Focus was survival then John Lee would be an easy number one top tier character that would be must pull for everyone but the combat system does not reward you for surviving as long as you can it rewards you when you can complete the content as quickly as you can but if the Genji mechanics were different and you lost your resin if you failed a domain or boss zhangli would be even more sought after than he is now but that's not how the game works you can retry as many times as you want until you feel you can't do something and there's no penalty for doing that so for this reason while Zhang Li is very very good he's not a character that you absolutely absolutely need and this is why I've made his own tear the Comfort tier it's very nice to have Zhang Lee he does make everything very comfortable but is not an absolute necessity however if you just want to play to enjoy the game and aren't worried about doing very high level very difficult content then zhangi is a very good pickup and there's another character in The Comfort tier that you may want to consider if Jean Lee isn't your style and you don't want to listen to an old man ramble about osmanthus wine every four seconds osmanthus wine tastes the same as shut up you might want to consider kokomi again kokomi is far from a necessity but she is very good and she makes the game super comfortable because she just heals so much she can do it off field she's hydro and can enable freeze there's a lot of advantages for kokomi now if I had to start the game all over I would put the Comfort picks at a lower priority than some of the other characters on this list that's because I want a 36 star of the Abyss every single time it comes out so I can get those extra Primo gems to wish for even more care characters which is another advantage to all of the characters on this list yes all of them are very good at c0 all of them are very versatile and can be in a bunch of different teams on a really flexible characters none of these characters need specific other characters to work well and to realize their potential none of them need 5 star weapons and they're all gonna be very good for a very long time to come but you can also make multiple teams with all of these characters you might never want to do the abyss you might find the challenge boring or just not want to get into the combat side of Kenshin that hard but if you ever decide you want to try it you already have some really good characters that you can build really good teams around and it will make the abyss so much easier for example Bennett and kazua are an extremely powerful pairing and you can put Jean Ling in that team who you get for free and now you have one of the best pyro teams in the entire game you can use and sucrose and have a very strong freeze team sucrose can group your enemies and Shred the cryo resistance so ayaka hits even harder shinchill applies hydro and has some Interruption resistance and passive healing and then ayaka is free to unload her massive amount of cryo damage on the Frozen enemies that can't move and then we have a team with Nikita or another Future character that's like her and Fishel or Ryden and this team is already incredibly powerful you can put almost any character on this team and it will be very very strong you could literally put Barbara on this team who has been a long time Meme and gungeon impact and the team would feel incredibly powerful still so this gives you three really good team cores to build around but you only need two teams for the abyss why three well one reason is that if you can make three really good teams you can obviously make two really good teams but the other reason is because you can counter anything the abyss or the game throws at you sometimes you'll have to fight enemies like the cryo hypostasis or the Thunder manifestation these bosses are immune to cryo and Electro respectively so if you have a team that is focused on doing that type of damage you're not going to get anywhere but with a third team in place you can switch things around substitute different characters and that way you can tackle any of the hardest difficulties the game would throw at you for example one of the recent iterations of the Abyss was harder than any of the previous ones and I ended up doing a ganyu kazua Bennett songling reverse melt team and a Ryden nahida jincho Toma ration Hita hyper virgin team it sounds like a complete mess but it worked really well and it got me 36 stars in the abyss and all those Primo gems so that's what I care about that's why I made this video I want you to have the most flexibility to do whatever you want ingen impact if you don't think you can do the abyss let me tell you that you're wrong you definitely can do it and if you ever need help feel free to ask on Twitch or in Discord which are linked in the description or ask in the comments below I want to help you the best I can because genjin is very good at making you think you need to spend a lot of money on the game to be good and that is just not true I love you stage awesome and if you need more help check out the upcoming video that's been recommended to you make sure you're subbed with that Bell on and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: SharkH3art
Views: 906,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin raiden shogun, genshin best teams, genshin best teams for abyss, Genshin Zhongli, Genshin Xiao, Genshin Ayato, Genshin Bennett, Genshin Best Characters, Genshin Strongest Characters
Id: Ro0mlIsG91I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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