Is Beidou Still Good? - What Happened To Beidou? | Genshin Impact

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when I made the video covering the power five characters I received a number of comments asking me who would be the strongest fourar that wasn't the power five and I would have to give it to B as discussed numerous times in the past the early four stars of ginin were among the most volatile when it came to strength and performance with some completely shattering any preconceptions on unit Rarity and gachas like Shino and Bennett and others being disappointingly subar like Amber and ningan so it was difficult for everyone to establish a clear Benchmark on how to gauge the value of a four star which you can ascertain by looking at any tier list back in early version one grievously underrating some of the best four stars in the game one character that has more or less maintained a solid reputation from day one though was B whose interesting Moet allowed players to both find her enjoyable to use despite their lack of understanding of the game and realize the inate potential within her Moet once they did understand more of the game curiously however there doesn't appear to be consensus on where be stands right now which in all honesty has been a thing she's been dealing with ever since the game came out some say she's extremely broken While others believe she fell off ages ago this will be the first time in a very long while I'll be covering bring a foury character for this series as the last one was on shinobu so for the next episode of what happened to we'll be seeing how well the captain of the Crux battled against the tides of Time in a similar fashion to Mona be's position was always a rather nebulous one up until recently or rather she's both a solved character while retaining a lot of latent potential to get better and better accentuating this are the unique set of abilities offered by her that is surprisingly unusual for an electro character but those abilities are what allowed her to remain a very respectable unit even as the roster became more and more populated cont in from the other units in this series who really only had one job and stuck to it all throughout Betto was used for an altogether different purpose back in the day I mean I guess you can say that purpose is still used now but that's not why she's valuable I'll touch on that again later in the video for the better part of version one back when no one had any idea what the hell they were doing beo immediately stood out as a semi-popular alternative to Razer who is the top dog damage dealer for most players who couldn't get their hands on D the main distinction between the two was that Razer was more of a sweeper or the typical Berserker class while Vedo was more of a Bruiser or a warrior SL Knight whose damage output wasn't quite as high but was compensated by increased resilience that was b in a nutshell she wasn't nearly as offense oriented as racer but made up for her through greater survivability which sort of mattered in the early days of the game as the community sought her out as an onfield attacker to reiterate this is in version one before there was any semblance of team building All Things Considered BTO was another carry unit like everyone else but a decent if not rather strong option tide Coller granted her a shield wine during a stance where by upon releasing the skill she would brandish her sword to damage all nearby enemies for Electro that would increase based on how many times she took damage in that stance when combined with the first Ascension passive she can instantly Max the bonus if she attacked right as she got struck leading to Exquisite damage practically immediately if memory serves it's among the highest damaging single attack skills in the game capping out at 800% at Rank 10 which is quite insane for any character let alone a fourstar and with a short cool down of 7 and 1/2 seconds Mastery over BTO skill enabled players to achiev significant damage numbers at that time especially in tandem with the fourth Ascension passive granting a 15% boost to both the damage and attack speed of her normal and charge attacks along with allowing her to transition to charge attacks much faster her Elemental burst continued that Trend with the mixture of offensive and defensive pressure granting a stag of resistance and reducing damage taken while causing normal and charged attacks to create chain lighting between enemies every second this allowed her to clear groups of enemies measurably faster than most other characters and with how the early days of GHIN were focused on clearing groups of enemies in equal parts the Overworld and domains this made her all in all a very self-reliant fighter further down the line she would take more of a back seat role as early records of team building came into play something I haven't really talked about much in these history videos is that for most of genin's first year a huge emphasis was placed on finding budget friendly teams with that most only one five star unit if any were to be allowed at all two proof of Concepts that spurred from this the first national team entailing Bennett Shing shining and Suk songun and the first taser team with sukrus Shing ficial and B B's ability to give the status effects of her Elemental burst to the active character gave her fantastic inate Synergy with many units serving as almost like the electro version of shin albe it with the weirder way of applying follow-up damage and though this was more of a low-key instance another team composition she could tag into was child fireworks making use of her rather impressive base damage to clear any dungeon with two or more enemies that was a shining virtue for a B for a fourstar unit she had surprisingly high damage numbers on a skill and burst perfect execution of TI caller could deal around 800% of Rank 10 and with stormbreakers she could do over 500% in total with every chain lightning attack that was increased to 8 60% on Constellation 2 adding two extra chain bounces with an interval of 1 second that meant B could do upwards of 12,000 over the duration of her burst assuming once again that there were at least two enemies at a time all that's to say B may not be as strong as the power 5 but she certainly came close in totality B's first year wasn't half bad extraneous circumstances did make it difficult for her to really shine as she had to deal with the likes of official Razer and cing who each beat her out in some way shape or form whether practical strength early attention or character popularity unless you forget Electra had yet to be appreciated as cryo and Pyro were the reigning Kings over version one fortunately for her though things were only going to get better all throughout version one not a single new Electro character was released leaving us to just fishal Bal Razer and coing not the worst roster by any means especially nowadays but it also meant our understanding of Electro was still very premature conversion two Electro units gradually improved in value and priority new and old yiko Shogun Sada and shinobu expanded on the electro roster but fishal and B maintained their value although Fishel definitely had a bigger piece of that it's at this point where depending on how you look at it the following of defense could be interpreted as a downward spy for B's Equity or Testament to how she managed to hold on in spite of it the Advent of Yim Miko brought in a third viable option for taser and off field Electro damage which meant whether or not one is better than the other more options meant more of a reason for each character to have to provide a worthwhile incentive to be used the easiest way to describe this Dynamic was that fishal was a single Target DPS expert V was the captain of AOE DPS and ya Miko was somewhere in the middle she was mostly single Target oriented but had the potential to take on other enemies thanks to each of raka BS being able to Target separate enemies if applicable this will be more impactful later on when we talk about version 3 right now though what made B still avable and saw after unit was that unlike FAL Miko and essentially every Electro unit before Shob B had defensive utility which was starting to become increasingly more necessary with the ramping damage of spiral Abyss domain and Overworld enemies and bosses in any situation necessitating wave clear Endor survivability you couldn't find a better character than her however when fighting only a single enemy such as a boss fish and yiko would make for more efficient choices the good news is that version 2 would be the year when team compositions became common place and one of the dominant archetypes was taser dealing tons of damage in large areas for relatively cheap investment and though taser didn't receive new variants of this new characters B would always be a solid choice to throw in whether you were doing ay kasaha kokami kasaha or shinros the other half would almost always have fishal and V giving her a firm Niche to call home during this time bear in mind that dentro had yet to come out so despite Ren Shogun bringing new found attention to Electro it was still somewhat of an under venture element most of its relevance came from the personal strengths of its characters in the case of V she was known for having great damage against crowds of enemies and remarkable survivability there was however a noticeable pain point that she had to deal with as Electro units are known for operating in pis in almost any team there AP part of B would often have to swim with a buddy tagging along mostly with official and seldom if ever used by herself meaning she never had a chance to really shine on her own and that was because she kind of couldn't B is official with shling is to benon not saying she's a hopeless case without her but part of why B's reputation was so hard to get a hold of was due in parts to always playing second fiddle to another electrial character or sharing the sper with them there was one scenario where she could have broken away from Fishel but for some inexplicable reason Miho was firmly against it though she still Electro one character that b could have paired very nicely with was ryen Shogun whose Elemental burst damage Boost from her skill and incredible energy supplementation were absolutely beautiful for B storm caller they would have complimented each other extremely well so why didn't they because once again for some inex explicable reason shogun's burst and powerered auto attacks would not activate storm callers follow-up chain lightning disqualifying the two from being paired up with each other but even so despite not really being appreciated individually and even though single enemy domains and floors are going in Number the fact that beo could join up with any other electral character and accomplish anything demanded of an electro character underscore just how versatile and useful she was also to be fair there are plenty of instances where you're fighting groups of enemies so her only condition that there had to be two or more enemies to boun lightning off of was pretty Universal version three was sort of a mixed bag of good and bad for her on one hand it was a huge buff to her for three reasons first the unique interaction with their burst since B's chain lighting is proc based Electro damage it's unable to strike Bloom course which meant you could build full damage on her and field her alongside a second Electro unit typically she Noble or ride and shun then go full Elemental Mastery on them and ensure that they would trigger hyper Bloom with their more reaction focused build while Betto could deal tons of damage on her own and the two could battery one another quite nicely technically the focus was more on the electro unit doing the reactions and not so much B but but in meant she was the least intrusive among the list of possible companions to bring along which is a big deal second obviously Electro as a whole dentro finally pushed Electro above cryo and Pyro in value and betto's usefulness in both dendo reactions instead of just one or the other gave plenty of reasons for her to be used finally third something a bit less pronounced but just as if not more important roll compression when machino was so powerful in version 3 was that she's the only Electro healer in genin right now what do you mean I'm forgetting someone you must be mistaken shobo is the only Electro healer in the game so she could do both the job of healing and Electro application at the same time roll compression and multitasking is getting increasingly more necessary beo could do just that damage Electro application and defense on the other hand version BL is detrimental to her in some ways too the year of suo oversaw the highest number of isolated enemies in spiral Abyss we've seen to date I'm aware that spiral Abyss isn't everything but it's the only source of end game content genin has so it does matter in any case b being rendered almost nonfunctional there's only one target makes the so's inherently subpar and Abyss Flor floors where even one chamber has only one enemy so she was reserved only for floors that had large clusters of mobs which in her defense there's at least one and two per cycle secondly kind of like denu by this point there are a ton of options for teams so beo naturally lost marus share she can only really work in taser or dentro where someone like Shino could work in a lot more in no way did that undermine her usability it's just the game naturally got more saturated over time all the same B was still a very solid character as she could work well with many of the new characters that came out during version 3 I'll hate them ya ya Soo sh who technically came out of version 2 but is for all intents of purposes of version 3 oriented character nahita and so on plus she was still the best electric companion unit she could be paired harmoniously with any electric combo b fishal b Shogun specifically for hyper Bloom b shobu b cing and so on however it meant that she was never really the star of the show she was auxiliary which meant that she could ultimately be interchangeable with other electral peers official meatal ficial Shogun fish shinobu and so on hence why some people think she's not that great While others think that's what makes her so great her adaptability almost like an electro unit with the same fluidity as a hydro character speaking of hydro BTO could also theoretically be a decent pair with net thanks to his hydrop pump activating and chain lightning every second while satisfying the electrocharge requirement for Net's passive to the downside is that Fielding to Electro characters for nalet especially at czo can be tough and beo still needs at least one other electral character with her the potential is there though aside from that version 4 hasn't really affected her personally the unorthodox play styles of fontaine's characters he's ushering in a new meta that veers away from the hyper reaction focused comad in versions 2 and three but B is fairing better than most others by virtue of her dendo energy also the only Electro unit we're expecting in the future is clar and with Electro units very much enjoying each other's company like Hydro units do unless she's blatantly a five star B I don't think the ladder is going anywhere anytime soon so to wrap things up beo was and is a very strong Al be a very situational character she can be equated to ventti in a lot of ways ridiculously overpowered against clusters of enemies but painfully suboptimal against one target thankfully her party agnostic flexibility respectable damage output especially while off field and defensive utility gives her enough equity to remain a viable and worthwhile character to use for Electro teams what keeps her from breaking past the notion of being good but not the best is mostly official I try not to compare the two as Apples to Apples because one is for single Target the other is for AOE but generally B has always been overshadowed by fishal from the very beginning of the game to now even amidst all the different changes Electro has gone through I like to use the analogy that Fishel and B are reminiscent of Goku and Vegeta Fishel is just so good of an electro character which in comparison makes beo look worse but I mean objectively Vegeta still cooks and so does be more importantly be is a good example of how mihoyo should design a fourstar not necessarily the best but merits enough justification to be used based on her Niche just like kobo's Niche is for dendro but in that Niche almost no one can match her she's the closest unit to match the power five and strength before ya ya and shubu came out like I said in the beginning of the video If I had to choose who would take sixth place it would have to be her and honestly even wish you know bu ya Yao it would still be H V's the very definition of a character who is good enough Which is far better than what can be said for most of the other four stars in genin that's going to be it for what happened to B I think it's a crime she's not a five-star character given how much of a badass she is in lore I mean for crying out loud she took down a legendary sea monster before she even got her vision what do you guys think about her career so far do you think she's a lot better than people give her credit for or conversely do you think people overrate her let me know in the comments down below for now though if you enjoy the video I encourage en you to leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter atsf join my Discord server and check out my other what happened to episodes if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] care [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 84,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin beidou, genshin beidou ningguang, genshin impact beidou, beidou, genshin impact beidou teams, genshin impact beidou neuvillette, beidou genshin, beidou guide, is beidou still good, is beidou good, genshin impact beidou 2024, why no one plays beidou, why everyone plays beidou
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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